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S18.E17: One on One: Part 3


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1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

I've always detested all iterations of team building BS, every few years a new version came out.  Just leave me alone and let me work

I like Myers-Briggs and would usually give a very abbreviated version to my staff when I started a new supervisory job. Not for team building per se, but to help me know the best ways to share info with people. In one job, my department did their and were so interested in results that the other department insisted that I give them the same thing.  I've done it for team building, too, but you're right, most of that stuff is just annoying.

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4 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

From TikTok: I love how there is video proof of Robyn's lie about not taking the personality test.

If you want to watch the episode where they take the test it is season 6 episode 10. If you start about 3.5 minutes in, you can see them all taking the test.

There is a reason why Janelle and Christine don't trust Robyn and think she lies.

It is because Robyn is untrustworthy and a liar.


 In the S6 E10 show the family therapist administers a personality test in Sedona (yes, I did just waste 40 minutes watching this, and yes, that is pathetic, and yes, I would appreciate your prayers).  I don't know if this is the personality test to which Christine referred, but if so, Robyn definitely was present so presumably she took it herself - Christine did not take it on her behalf.  No doubt that would be a no-go with the therapist. The only results discussed during the show were Meri's, who scored an 8.  There was a brief description, with which Meri agreed, and said that these personality traits make it difficult for her to meld easily with the family dynamic. A few other tidbits from the show:  Robyn uses the word "safe," so apparently that word has been a trusty chestnut of the family since at least 2013, Kody expresses his lack of interest in or motivation to be empathetic and responsive to the varying needs and traits of his wives, Janelle indicates that she's committed to being in the family, but has no desire to invest anything more in the relationships than she already has, and (this was during the time they're trying to write a family mission statement) Janelle finds this endeavor to be eyeroll-worthy and describes it as "drama," and Christine comes across (to me, anyway) as sad and desperate to feel that she's an important member of the family and to Kody.  And on a superficial note, Christine and Janelle have grown more beautiful with age.  Enough said on that particular subject. 😉

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6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

As for Kody...he regales us with his twisted idea about taking a "lover" and then telling said lover that he simply cannot continue, because the real love of his life is currently at home drawing on her eyebrows.  I took a quick poll of all the women on planet Earth and not one of us wants to be involved with Kody Brown in any way so for the love, put that particular twisted fantasy to bed, sir.  


On behalf of the Sisterhood of Planet Earth, I applaud your efforts.  However, when Kody spoke of taking on a lover, did he specify female?  Perhaps an additional survey is called for?  

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3 minutes ago, Julyolo said:

I also think Kody and Robyn mistakenly put all their hopes in Meri being able (as it was for many years) to continue to be the big negotiator with production and TLC.


What does this refer to? I don't think I have ever heard anything like this, but I also don't really understand what you mean.



Three out of his four wives are done with you both, and most SMS posters resoundingly find you both repulsive.


What are SMS posters?

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Oh my god, Robyn is such a liar and bad actress.  She looks just horrible while Christine and Janelle look fantastic.  Meri is just Meri.  I do love the TH, pretty recent, where Meri is wearing the gray striped turtleneck and her hair is sticking out everywhere.  She literally looks like someone just sat her up out of a deep sleep. 

Not that I pay much attention to Robyn’s annoying voice, but WTH was she referring to when she said because the OG3 left him, Kody wants to line all women up and shoot them simultaneously.  I must have missed her point.

I’m all in for more seasons, without Kody and Robyn, but with Christine, Janelle and the older kids.  I’d love to see them accumulate some money for everything they went through.

Christine and Janelle are looking younger and glowing, while Robyn and Kody look like literal crap.  


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I was really hoping they would all watch the clip when Robyn told Meri that it would not be "safe" to have Janelle's kids over for Christmas. That would have caught Robyn in another batch of her lies about Christmas. 

So many lies unraveling  -from the personality test, the Christmas text thread and the catfish!! it was obvious that Robyn was having trouble keeping stories straight. 

I liked Suki this episode! I think she is finally figuring out the dynamics of the family.

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I’ve been fascinated by the glimpses of the true Sobyn this season. The viper we all knew was there was on full display in this episode. I’ll take another season just to watch more of that. It’s perversely satisfying after gut-knowing but having no proof she’s a manipulative lying beyotch. Two seasons if Kendra turns up and throws everyone under the bus with her side of the “Sam” story. Sobyn’s in that up to her crybrows. 

Edit to add: I think “safe” comes from their religious world. I was watching Peter Santenello visit Short Creek on YouTube and an ex-FLDS woman said something along the lines of it being ok to chat with gentiles cos they’d not speak against your beliefs or try to get you out but apostates could, thus they had to be shunned. That explanation fits with how I understand it. It’s been twisted to cover anyone that might speak negatively about K and/or R. 

Edited by Auntie Freeze
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1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

I have never heard of this.

Meri can barely string together a sentence, especially when she’s put on the spot or challenged. I can’t imagine Kody,who worked in sales and won’t shut up, allowing Meri to negotiate anything. She couldn’t even negotiate French doors and a wet bar, how is she going to negotiate a contract with TLC.

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Another thing that Kody admitted to on this episode was that Robyn is being skewered by the viewers, on social media and forums like this.  Before this, he would blame the other wives for "bullying Robyn."  Now we know he is aware of how disliked Robyn is among the general public.  (Of course, Kody has even less admirers among the viewers.)  He is so enamored of Robyn that he is now willing to let himself be outed as an angry husband who even picks fights with his favorite wife to punish himself, just so viewers will feel sorry for Robyn.  I believe he is a very angry man, but I think they are exaggerating their relationship troubles to draw sympathy to Robyn.  However, we know that Robyn played a major part in Kody showing preference to her and driving all the other wives away, so I can't feel bad for the reaping the consequences of her actions.  

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I have never heard of this.

IMO, TLC and production did not just stumble upon the original Sister Wives. I think Meri and Kody pitched the family as a lifestyle, and a brand. I don't believe either Christine or Janelle were that savvy or ambitious in the beginning, but I do believe Kody and Meri were. Fortunately, it seems Christine and Janelle have wised up, and are placing their futures under their own direction. Just a feeling I have.

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I cheered when Sukanya asked Meri if she was concerned about Kody's emotional state and she said "Not anymore".  I was annoyed that Sukanya seemed to take issue with that, but whatever else Meri may say, that statement made it very clear she is done.  Good for her.  Let the love of his life deal with his man feelings. And did I hear Kody say he wanted to punch is OG wives in the face?  He needs some serious psychiatric help.

I did give Sukanya a big point for FINALLY asking a follow up question to Robyn.  When Robyn claimed that she had heard from someone that all the OG kids hated her and her kids, Sukanya asked who told her that.  Robyn's body language told the whole story there as she fidgeted and refused to make eye contact, then finally muttered "a person".  Either she made the whole thing up and claimed she heard it from somewhere else or she didn't want to throw whoever said it under the bus.  So that means it was either Kody or pot-stirrer Mykelti.  If someone like Garrison had said it, she would have been shouting that from the rooftops.  Whatever happened, she is doing her kids no favors by encouraging them to always see themselves as victims.  They are going to have a hard time forming relationships that way.  And what was that nonsense that her kids were so traumatized that they would never have families of their own?  What is she even talking about?

The whole segment on the personality test was dumb on Robyn's part.  I'm sure Christine made an off the cuff snarky remark when Robyn got her results and Robyn pouted.  It's a stupid personality test that is very popular with the conservative set, why did it require years of grudge-holding on Robyn's part?  Then the Schrodinger's personality test was really something.  No she didn't take it, maybe she did take it, someone else took it for her, whatever.  And the topper was her as dramatically as possible insisting that she is not dramatic.  I'm glad I'm not the only one who laughed for a while at that.

Janelle was right about the kids.  All five parents failed the family in that situation.  They were all so involved in their own agendas that they didn't think about the fact that blending any family is awkward, but one with multiple wives one of whom is bringing in new kids is going to be a mess.  Add into that the sudden move to Vegas and those kids had backpacks full of resentment.  I'm not surprised that all the backpacks got emptied on the text chat, I'm just surprised it took this long for things to collapse.  I hope some of the kids can pull together and do a gift exchange among themselves if they want to.  Also, at this point it is not up to Christine or any other parent to "fix it".  Most of the offspring are adults and get to choose who they will have relationships with.

Like others here, I wonder just how involved Robyn was with the catfish situation.  Kody called it an affair a couple of seasons ago, but I don't see how that makes sense when he melted down the wedding ring she gave him and legally divorced her to marry someone else.

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The gift exchange text was for a prior Christmas long gone.  I expect it sealed the future for gift exchanges and they will not contact Robyn's crew about anything like that ever again.  I do expect at least Christine's and Janelle's kids will do something on their own in the future that may or may not include Meri's kid depending on who is organizing.  

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14 hours ago, laurakaye said:

As for Kody...he regales us with his twisted idea about taking a "lover" and then telling said lover that he simply cannot continue, because the real love of his life is currently at home drawing on her eyebrows.  

And while I don't believe one word out of Crybrow's mouth, I can believe that living with Kody Brown sucks very much and if she ever were to shed a tear, it would be because she's won the worst prize of all.  Congrats, Drama Dark Queen.

That comment made me literally laugh out loud! And yeah, play stupid games, win stupid prizes has never been more apt.

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Ms, Lulu, thank you for the tic toc link. It would appear that many of this group are unaware of the Myers-Briggs personality test. Used for team building by many businesses, i can totally see where if all 5 adults went to counseling together, they would be given this type of personality test to serve as a jumping off point. You can hear The Douche saying that they will never go for group counseling again. Too bad he and Sobbin can't face their own truths. 

"Loved" his assessment that David was going to have a hard act to follow in him and his merits as a husband...

When Sobbin wouldn't say who told her no one in the family liked her, I thought that person was the Douche, but Mykelti sounds like an even better guess.

No, Douchbag, the viewers and other family members were not turned off of Sobbin because of what the other wives said or felt about her, but by the gaslighting the two of you have done and continue to do. We have watched from the beginning and seen what the editors wanted us to with our own eyes. Get over yourselves, get counseling, and get on with your monogamous relationship. I feel no sympathy for either of you. 

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16 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

I’m pretty sure the test they took was the Enneagram. The types are both numbers and descriptions like “diplomat”. One of them said she thought she was a 3. 

Bingo, that's exactly what I thought!  Plus the Enneagram describes certain types as "dramatic".  I personally see it as nothing more than a parlor game.  It's not based on anything that anyone can put any real stock in, so therefore it's no wonder these nitwits would trust it!

14 hours ago, altopower said:

I like Myers-Briggs and would usually give a very abbreviated version to my staff when I started a new supervisory job. Not for team building per se, but to help me know the best ways to share info with people. In one job, my department did their and were so interested in results that the other department insisted that I give them the same thing.  I've done it for team building, too, but you're right, most of that stuff is just annoying.

I like the Myers-Briggs too, and it's not lumped in the same sketchy category by many real psychologists as most of the other garbage tests out there.  At least  it's mostly based in Jungian personality theory.  I actually learned about it in my grad. school personality theory class.  Most of my classmates and I tested similarly, which made me realize it was onto something and not just for fun and games.  I studied it for years and even ran a mailing list for the INFJ type (which I am).  For a long time when the internet was young personality type chat boards flourished and there were many of them for various personality types.  I got to see first hand how type was really onto something.

That said, I never took much stock in the Enneagram or any of the other so-called personality tests out there, like the OCEAN one.  First of all, most of them are not based on any real personality theory and do not even have the testing reliability that the Myers-Briggs test does.  Of course even at best, none of these tests can be as scientific as they'd like to be because they rely on self-reporting, and that depends on the self-knowledge of the test taker.  And with this bunch, I don't have much confidence that most of them know themselves all that well.  They've been deluding themselves for years so how accurate are they going to be about themselves?

13 hours ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Robyn is sobbin this time because 1) everytime she actually realizes she did indeed cause whatever problem is happening, she breaks down in tears. No sure if it’s because of guilt or because she got caught.

I read it as guilt.  I think she actually has a guilty conscience, not that this would mean there's any hope for her realizing what she's done and taking responsibility for it.  I don't think she even knows what really motivates her.  She has deluded herself for so long about her motivations that she has no clue what she really is doing and why.

9 hours ago, Absolom said:

I vaguely remember the original episode and I think it may have been Enneagrams.  Robyn would have been a 4.


That's my recollection as well.  In this episode Meri mentioned thinking she was a 3.  I forget what the 3 is supposed to be like.

I've actually seen some consistency in the results between results on the MBTI and the Enneagram.  Many people on the chat boards I used to frequent came out 4 on the Enneagram.  Most of them were NF types - Intuitive Feelers.  I don't take crybrows for an intuitive, though.  And I don't see her or anyone I ever knew that came out a 4 on the Enneagram as especially loving drama either.  I think she is the cause of a lot of drama but not someone that revels in it.  Where the Enneagram got that business about drama from nobody knows as it's not even based on anything that anyone can put their finger on as being reliable.  So I take that with a HUGE grain of salt.

But again, I don't put much stock in the Enneagram and among psychologists it's even less accepted than the Myers-Briggs.  These days the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) has fallen out of popularity among hard line "scientific-leaning" psychologists, which to me is laughable because Psychology is hardly a "hard science" in the first place, especially personality theory and I'm not going to just throw that out on the basis of "subjectivity" - Psychology itself has a lot to do with subjectivity so you have to get over that in order to take it seriously.  There are scientists these days so hard line that they don't put much stock in Psychology period, so that's where this is all coming from.  

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10 hours ago, Julyolo said:

IMO, TLC and production did not just stumble upon the original Sister Wives. I think Meri and Kody pitched the family as a lifestyle, and a brand. I don't believe either Christine or Janelle were that savvy or ambitious in the beginning, but I do believe Kody and Meri were. Fortunately, it seems Christine and Janelle have wised up, and are placing their futures under their own direction. Just a feeling I have.

From what I understand, Christine was the one approached about participating in the show.


.As far as who told Robyn no one in the family liked her, I’m thinking it was Mykelti or She-Ra.

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On 12/11/2023 at 8:48 AM, altopower said:

The other bonus was not seeing as much of Kody's scary face and curls. 

That's because Kody, who sticks his nose in everything, stayed out of the Christmas exchange drama completely. I think that its because he knows Robyn was in the wrong and can't defend her but won't say so on camera. 

23 hours ago, procrasstinator said:

Yes, this.  And IMHO if this was all for the sake of the younger children, 9 pm seems like a pretty late hour for young kids to be up and about.  Not that I'm implying that Robyn is not a good mother, I'm just saying....

It was 9pm eastern. And they had to open nearly 20 gifts. That would have been hours. Way too big of an ask of adults with their own families and commitments. Even at a different time, who has two or more hours to sit on a zoom call at the holidays? Of course, Robyn took that reasonable pushback as an attack and rejection of her as an authority figure (because she cares about that way more than she cares about mother) and of her place in the family. So she said "my little ones don't even know who you are anymore" to try to manipulate and guilt them into doing what she wants and Garrison shot back with "One zoom call won't fix that" and the fight was on. I imagine Garrison's comment got many of those thumbs up or ha ha reactions like was described and every one of those was taken as a personal slight. I would love to see the text thread but I feel like we've gotten enough hints to piece most of it together.

And she clearly sent her adult kids to fight for her the same way she put Aurora and Brianna on the couch this season to defend her. She is an awful mother. I'm fine saying it.

12 hours ago, Meow Mix said:

Janelle was right about the kids.  All five parents failed the family in that situation.  They were all so involved in their own agendas that they didn't think about the fact that blending any family is awkward, but one with multiple wives one of whom is bringing in new kids is going to be a mess.  Add into that the sudden move to Vegas and those kids had backpacks full of resentment.  I'm not surprised that all the backpacks got emptied on the text chat, I'm just surprised it took this long for things to collapse.  I hope some of the kids can pull together and do a gift exchange among themselves if they want to.  Also, at this point it is not up to Christine or any other parent to "fix it".  Most of the offspring are adults and get to choose who they will have relationships with.

All the parents failed because they wanted and needed the money that would come from the show. They're never going to say it on the show, but Robyn joining the family was clearly the hook that got TLC to sign a contract with them in the first place. They were not doing well financially before the show money started to come in. Janelle's car was held together with duct tape. Janelle and Christine were shopping in bulk to try to make their budget stretch far enough to feed their kids. Christine was watching the kids all day and working a job at night while pregnant just to survive. They'd been through multiple bankruptcies. And on Robyn's end we know about the debt that was building up.

They didn't consider the kids because they needed the money. They probably believed that any emotional turmoil was still better than the kids starving or losing a home. Plus, for all their bluster about everyone being equal, Kody was the head of the family and he wanted Robyn. Nothing Janelle, Christine or Meri could have said would have stopped him.

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

From what I understand, Christine was the one approached about participating in the show.


Oddly enough Kody told a different version of the beginnings of the show when he was interviewed on the youtube channel Mormon Discussion. I recall him saying that the adults and some older children did a talk in NY (?) and that got them noticed... I don't think he gave an exact time that this happened. It was a hard interview to get through...because...Kody... Not a lot stuck with me past his bizarre way of answering everything with "I wasn't there...I don't know if it is true" instead of any kind of real opinion. Maybe that is just a fallen Mormon response to the constant testimonies that always end with "...and I know the church is true"

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I don't like to pick on Suki, because I can see the shit she has to work with on this Tell All. But I would like her to ask Kody why he is so angry and betrayed over being left by a woman he admits he never loved and wasn't all that interested in even spending time with. 

I would also like Suki to ask Kody why he is so angry over Christine but doesn't give a shit about Meri, if he supposedly never loved either of them. I know the answer is that Christine took her power back by leaving him, while Meri stayed and groveled and begged. But I would like to hear Kody's explanation on why he has treated these two wives so differently. 

I have never heard of a personality test where the answer is that you are attracted to drama and obsessed with talking about drama. That sounds more like Christine's interpretation of Robyn's test results, likely meant to be a passive aggressive dig at Robyn. Unless the test in question was actually to diagnose mental illness. 

It's possible one of the kids said they hate Robyn's kids. I can see it happening. They seem to have a specific dislike for Breanna for some reason. 

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1. Robyn has /had a friend ??? 2. Kootie saying the hypothetical if he took another lover (🤢). Wouldn’t the same apply to him for leaving “a good woman “ as he calls out Christine ?   3. Robyn couldn’t name things that kootie head is doing.  He picks fights.    Okay  4 Robyn being compliant in their family structure ?? Since when kootie?  She changed or tried to change everything as soon as you kissed her before you were supposed to 

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Breanna has appeared to me based on the show to be closest to Robyn in appearance and personality of Robyn's kids.  She, well and Aurora too, were masters of running and pushing to be at the head of the crowd when anything was happening. They wanted to be first to greet Kody or whoever was coming home for break for instance.  That level of pushiness gets old fast to a lot of people.  

But Gabe and Gwendolyn both said in a previous episode this season that they like and miss Aurora. And I believe Garrison said he misses Dayton. Nobody seemed to miss Breanna. Which is sad when you think about how these people are supposed to be a family. Like many blended families, the kids likely developed resentment and anger about various things. Especially when their father started spending all this time with their step-siblings, after some of the original kids rarely got attention from their dad.





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35 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

But Gabe and Gwendolyn both said in a previous episode this season that they like and miss Aurora. And I believe Garrison said he misses Dayton. Nobody seemed to miss Breanna.

I remember the 5th wheel episode when Robyn, Aurora and Breanna went to CP and saw the conditions Janelle and Savannah were living in. One of the daughters asked Savannah if the dog bed was her bed. Nobody could tell which daughter said it because of the camera angles. Now I am leaning towards Breanna. LOL!


21 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

"Dramatic? Dramatic!!?  I'm not draMAHtic! **sob**"  Wipes eyes while dry-crying.

No, she's not dramatic at all.

I see Robyn as someone who stars in her own play and everyone else are just secondary characters in her drama.  She wants to be in a polygamous family and everyone else is assigned a role, secondary to her.  She is the only real wife and the other wives exist only to give her the satisfaction of living that polygamous life. She doesn't have to compete for time and resources, they do. She gets all the husband's attention, they don't. And they don't get to leave no matter how unhappy they are. They must remain and be props who sit on those imaginary rocking chairs on the porch with her in perpetuity. She wants to be a mommy so her children aren't allowed to grow up and leave. They must stay and remain under her control, be children forever. 


This sounds eerily like the other mother from Coraline.


17 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Another thing that Kody admitted to on this episode was that Robyn is being skewered by the viewers, on social media and forums like this.  Before this, he would blame the other wives for "bullying Robyn."  Now we know he is aware of how disliked Robyn is among the general public.  (Of course, Kody has even less admirers among the viewers.)  He is so enamored of Robyn that he is now willing to let himself be outed as an angry husband who even picks fights with his favorite wife to punish himself, just so viewers will feel sorry for Robyn.  I believe he is a very angry man, but I think they are exaggerating their relationship troubles to draw sympathy to Robyn.  However, we know that Robyn played a major part in Kody showing preference to her and driving all the other wives away, so I can't feel bad for the reaping the consequences of her actions.  

So it is the audience's fault that we have eyes, good sense and have seen what they both were from the word "GO"

Is it bad of me to enjoy knowing that they know how much they are disliked? It is kinda apparent though since they haven't posted on SM in eons.

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