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He signed to allow the children to film in exchange for being released from child support.


Not that unusual. That's how my mother got my biological father to sign legal adoption papers. He signed away his parental rights in exchange for his child support arrearage being forgiven. Which REALLY made me feel special. "So, money was more important than ever seeing me again? Alrighty." Perhaps, Cara and Mady are a little salty about THAT (among other things) as well. 


Kate may be a shrew, but she does love those kids and make sure that they have everything that they need. Jon is just a Ed Hardy t-shirt wearing douche that is trying to relive his lost 20's. I'm sure that he loves his children, but his actions are more about himself than anything. 

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Wow, those are some of the best numbers in years.  If that keeps up we'll see more episodes.


I'm good with this. I'm good with whoever threatens Jim Bob and Michelle's perch at the top of the TLC heap. Once the Gosselins disappeared, the Duggars took over the network, and Jim Bob has used that status to make statements, such as the Duggars not being threatened by any controversy regarding their anti-gay agenda, because they are TLC's top rated show. Being TLC's top dog has emboldened the Duggars.


If the Gosselins can knock Jim Bob and Michelle down a peg, I'm all for it. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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I'm good with this. I'm good with whoever threatens Jim Bob and Michelle's perch at the top of the TLC heap. Once the Gosselins disappeared, the Duggars took over the network, and Jim Bob has used it to make statements such as the Duggars not being threatened by any controversy about their anti-gay agenda, because they are TLC's top rated show. It has emboldened the Duggars.


If the Gosselins can knock Jim Bob and Michelle down a peg, I'm all for it.

I think it's past time for ALL reality shows to end. When the people involved treat the shows like a gravy train and try to extend their 15 minutes of fame, it just becomes nauseating.

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I've read that Kate wanted the kids to look like Jon. The reason supposedly is because Jon's mother tried to dissuade Kate from marrying Jon by warning Kate that any kids they have would have Asian features. Wanting to spite Jon's mother, Kate said she would be okay with Asian-looking children. I'm assuming Kate is German? No way I hell were her kids going to look like her anyway.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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For someone who touts herself as Miss Organization, she comes across as a disorganized mess.  The cake baking? She didn't realize the layers would be so  flat? She was using 10/12 inch cake rounds and  probably a recipe that was for 8/9 in rounds. And the mess she was making? Why do I think she staged that whole debacle and had a cake on order as a back up? No way did she call and have a custom cake made that quickly.


I still don't get why she is so tired all the time. Her kids are in school all day. Yeah,she  has laundry, but I'm betting she has two or three washers and dryers. It looks like the kids do ALOT of the  cook prep and I wonder if they still eat off paper plates for every meal?  My mom had 8 kids and to be honest, we weren't that much help around the house. But she had the laundry washed and folded and ready to be put away at the end of every school day, and we had home cooked  meals every night. And there was much less noise around our house. No schrieking and yelling or running around and jumping all over the furniture.

If her kids are getting mouthy and snarky, especially the older ones, it might be because Kate has developed the habit of talking in a snarky, smart ass manner to them. The eye rolling and the other dramatics from the twins are exactly the way Kate acts in her talking heads and in her interaction with them.  

I just don't see her really enjoying her children. Even the supposed fun things she does with them, she comes across as just going thru the motions, and playing to the camera, her new mantra of "single mom of  8" is repeated over and over. I don't care if she is a single mom of 8. Too bad, Jon wasn't a bad parent. He was very hands on with the kids and didn't make everything into a crisis like she did. But nothing was ever good enough for her. She got used to the money and the freebies and began thinking she DESERVED it because she had sextuplets. She alienated everyone around her. If she's a single mother of 8 and has to do it all alone... maybe she should have been nicer to those who tried to help out but weren't perfect enough for her and maybe gave her kids a piece of gum or let them get dirty!!


100% agree. My mom had 6 kids, in 8 years, which meant diapers etc for several children for about 10 years running - and we were the same.  We all had chores but nothing like the Gosselins or Duggars do.  And we had homemade scratch-cooked meals 3 times a day. And I can count on one hand the times I went to a restaurant before I was 18.  And not one of us would have dared to talk or act like these kids.  Our parents were our parents, not our best friends or certainly not our Rulers like these so-called reality families.

Edited by Wellfleet
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IMO the reason she has a bodyguard every time she goes out in public is because half of America wants to slap the shit out of the bitch. I think that deep down she knows exactly how hated she is and is afraid that somebody will try to start some shit with her if given the chance. At one time she really was the most hated woman in America...and then the Kardashians came along.


I have honestly never watched the Kardashian program but obviously have heard of them - just by watching talk shows and even the news on some occasions.  Can someone tell me what is the deal with them? Aside from being incredibly entitled and spoiled, and "look-at-us" - what do so many people object to with them?  Thanks.

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100% agree. My mom had 6 kids, in 8 years, which meant diapers etc for several children for about 10 years running - and we were the same.  We all had chores but nothing like the Gosselins or Duggars do.  And we had homemade scratch-cooked meals 3 times a day. And I can count on one hand the times I went to a restaurant before I was 18.  And not one of us would have dared to talk or act like these kids.  Our parents were our parents, not our best friends or certainly not our Rulers like these so-called reality families.

I remember coming home from school and mom was sitting on the front stoop with fresh made cookies and as we all gathered around her she'd call us her "little chickadees" and after dinner she would be polishing all our shoes for the next day. Yeah we were a lot of work, but I never heard her complain about it. of course there were arguments and typical teen dramatics, but when she died, so many people who worked with her or knew her told us kids that she always said the thing she was proudest of were her kids and how we turned out. . I don't see Kate being proud of her children, just of herself in producing them.

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They have seen the "penny's". The house they live in, their education, their clothes, and so much more. What astounds me, and I know this from personal experience, is how much people are capable of hating someone simply because of what that someone "has". I don't know her, I think if I did she would "work my nerves" but the sheer volume of the hatred makes me think it is all routed in jealousy! But, ironically, their rage and hate stokes the controversy and raises the ratings. She's earned the money and the kids are reaping the rewards, like it or not, because of those who write tell all books, inside stories, etc. If everyone who hates her so much stopped talking, no show, no apprentice, no nothing. She is laughing all the way to the bank!

I'm still laughing at the thought of anybody being jealous of her.

First of all, Kate is reaping the rewards of her kids working, not the other way around. The kids got that show, not her.

Second, I'm in no way jealous of anything she has because what she has was made because she sold her kids privacy and childhood.

They don't need that huge house and all of that land, she didn't need plastic surgery, expensive hair extensions and expensive shoes etc etc. etc.

I'd rather live in a shack and have a great relationship with my kids and my family and be a nice person than sell my kids to have what she has.

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It probably was not so much giving up the obligation to pay child support, as it was a necessity to keep from going to jail. He probably couldn't pay, and as screwed up as his life is now, things could get worse. All sorts of penalties apply when you can't pay, and they begin to snowball - even if he had a salary to attach, without a lot of money he couldn't pay rent, car expenses, etc.

I feel so bad for him that everything came down this way. He wasn't a bad guy, but she bullied him and humiliated him, and he must have lost all his self-esteem. I don't know why he couldn't get and keep a real job, but I hope somehow he pulls it together, before he loses contact with all his children.

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I feel so bad for him that everything came down this way. He wasn't a bad guy, but she bullied him and humiliated him, and he must have lost all his self-esteem.


When he was on Couples Therapy with Kate version 2.0, it seemed pretty clear that Jon's game is to get in relationships with women who are controlling, and then play the sad victim and refuse all responsibility. On Couples Therapy, Jon also got to look like the "good guy" while sitting next to a horrible bully. Underneath that "good guy" persona is a lazy loser who would rather sign his kids over than make any real effort to support them.


When Jon divorced Kate, he seemed to make no effort to get custody of his kids. Then he went off with his girlfiend and Michael Lohan. Now he's apparently going to be a DJ? I think Jon took the easy way out. I think he looked like a good person all those years only because Kate came off so badly.

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There's a book by Al Walentis about the year that everything fell apart for the Gosselins, and it's much more balanced than Hoffman's.  He writes about Jon only interacting with the kids for the camera, but as soon as a scene was over, he was busy on his phone with whatever girl.  At the time, Jon would come stay at the house when it was his turn for visitation, and Kate would stay elsewhere.  Walentis writes that one of the twins called Kate because Jon was groping the young nanny in front of them, and they were disgusted by it.  Kate showed up, the police came, big scene.


At any rate, I don't see Jon as a victim, but as more of a perpetual frat boy, one who still thinks he has a "brand" to build fame on.  Besides his appearance on Couples Therapy, he gives interviews all the time.  I'm sure he showed up at Kate's garage sale just because cameras were there.  If you're going to call Kate a famewhore, Jon's right up there with her.

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How old were the sextuplets in the RV/Grand Canyon episode? Kate made a few references to being stuck with "the preschoolers." Those children appeared to have their permanent upper front incisors in place already, which isn't often the case with preschoolers, and they looked awfully big to be preschoolers.


For some reason I thought the twins were ten years old in that episode - there might have been a reference to Cara's age either when she had the inexplicable meltdown over having to share a table, or when the nanny quit. So the sextuplets should have been school age, right?

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So Maddie is the Kate and Cara is the Jon...


Yes - this was very clear - as far back as on the old shows, when the tups were really small.  IMO, TLC should - by now - be picking up on the fact that family reality shows are only really enjoyable and watchable when they have really small kids. Once the kids get past 6 or 7, they're just not that cute anymore. 

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There's a book by Al Walentis about the year that everything fell apart for the Gosselins, and it's much more balanced than Hoffman's.  He writes about Jon only interacting with the kids for the camera, but as soon as a scene was over, he was busy on his phone with whatever girl.  At the time, Jon would come stay at the house when it was his turn for visitation, and Kate would stay elsewhere.  Walentis writes that one of the twins called Kate because Jon was groping the young nanny in front of them, and they were disgusted by it.  Kate showed up, the police came, big scene.


At any rate, I don't see Jon as a victim, but as more of a perpetual frat boy, one who still thinks he has a "brand" to build fame on.  Besides his appearance on Couples Therapy, he gives interviews all the time.  I'm sure he showed up at Kate's garage sale just because cameras were there.  If you're going to call Kate a famewhore, Jon's right up there with her.

Define "more balanced" for me. Sways a bit more Khate's way, perhaps?

I actually took the time to look this Al- the- Author up. First thing I see is a blog post about Jon's finances and living arrangements. Something I have never been able to understand is where that information comes from. Like who is telling this  "blog-tastic" nobody about Jon Gosselin's lease or real estate purchase contract? 

Always an "insider". Who are these insiders?? Whoever it was in this case, they knew more about his finances and mortgage contract than I likely do about my own.

I find that fascinating. Personally, I think usually battling spouses share this info with the press/media to keep their names relevant or to "humiliate" or "chastise" each other. Maybe even so they can mess with their young teens' minds and emotions. Who knows?

Now which one of those darn Gosselins like to make people feel like crap??


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Define "more balanced" for me. Sways a bit more Khate's way, perhaps?

I actually took the time to look this Al- the- Author up. First thing I see is a blog post about Jon's finances and living arrangements. Something I have never been able to understand is where that information comes from. Like who is telling this  "blog-tastic" nobody about Jon Gosselin's lease or real estate purchase contract? 

Nah, Walentis pretty much bashed them both.


If Jon gives an interview where he talks about his finances and such, then it's public knowledge, provided Jon is telling the truth, of course.  He seems to give a lot of interviews, the latest being about his new career as a DJ.

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Define "more balanced" for me. Sways a bit more Khate's way, perhaps?

Wasn't this the newspaper reporter that waged a long running campaign about Kate asking for more help with her kids?  I can guarantee if that the guy he's no big fan of Kate's either.

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I have honestly never watched the Kardashian program but obviously have heard of them - just by watching talk shows and even the news on some occasions.  Can someone tell me what is the deal with them? Aside from being incredibly entitled and spoiled, and "look-at-us" - what do so many people object to with them?  Thanks.

Check out the Kardashian forum on this site. You will find your questions answered there.

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It probably was not so much giving up the obligation to pay child support, as it was a necessity to keep from going to jail. He probably couldn't pay, and as screwed up as his life is now, things could get worse. All sorts of penalties apply when you can't pay, and they begin to snowball - even if he had a salary to attach, without a lot of money he couldn't pay rent, car expenses, etc.

I feel so bad for him that everything came down this way. He wasn't a bad guy, but she bullied him and humiliated him, and he must have lost all his self-esteem. I don't know why he couldn't get and keep a real job, but I hope somehow he pulls it together, before he loses contact with all his children.

You said this so well. It's what I've been thinking, too.

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When the boys are on the couch being interviewed, Collin sometimes sits with his legs crossed (like a girl would) and I don't know why but I have this strange affinity towards him bc of that. I used to teach and there was a boy, around the same age, who was just off the wall bonkers/drove the kids, teachers, staff, etc just crazy. But he would sit with his legs crossed the same way and it would just make me smile. You can call me a weirdo; I'm ok with it :)

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For some reason I thought the twins were ten years old in that episode - there might have been a reference to Cara's age either when she had the inexplicable meltdown over having to share a table, or when the nanny quit. So the sextuplets should have been school age, right?

I think you are right. And it makes sense in the season shown. So the tups would be six. I think I even remember having that thought when that show was first shown. I think they may have been in the summer between kindergarten and first grade. 

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Nah, Walentis pretty much bashed them both.


If Jon gives an interview where he talks about his finances and such, then it's public knowledge, provided Jon is telling the truth, of course.  He seems to give a lot of interviews, the latest being about his new career as a DJ.

I read this book when it was new and still have it on my kindle. The author was an equal basher. 

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Oh, come on. How many times, particularly in your teen years, did your mother say "Some day I hope you have a daughter just like you....."? 

Mine did and then I had 3, LOL. I found a sign that says: By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she's wrong.".

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Yay, another hour of Beleaguered Kate, The Single Mom! Those eye-rolls, those knowing glances, those sighs! With all her troubles, it's a wonder she can get out of bed in the morning. 


Seriously. She does know her kids can see this shit, right? Forget the fact that she asks them be quiet so she can pretend to be alone or threatens to put them "free to a good home" on the side of the road - but what about all the looks she gives behind their backs to the cameras, or complaining she does in her THs? Way to make your kids feel loved and wanted. I know, I know, she's not serious about half of that stuff. What parent hasn't joked a time or two about selling their kids to gypsies when they misbehave? But take it all together - it's constant, this feeling of Kate being the martyr with this difficult life she didn't sign up for. 


I do agree that she's less uptight than in the past. But it's almost like she's giving off this resigned, "Fuck it, you're all pains in my ass, just do whatever you want" vibe. 


And Maddie....that is one little brat right there. I get that she's a teenager, and teens are often snotty and annoying and say really stupid shit. But she goes beyond that. It's one thing to disrespect your mother, but she is disrespectful to other adults as well. The way she was speaking to the paddle board instructor....I just cringed. These girls should not be on TV. I know when I was their age I thought I sounded so smart and cool. Thank God the only thing to remind me how idiotic I truly sounded was some old VHS home videos stashed in the back of my mom's entertainment center. These girls are going to look back on reruns of their show and just be mortified. 


Oh, and what is up with not being able to drive until they're 18? Is the only reason behind that because KATE couldn't? Because that's an insanely stupid reason. With that many teenagers in the house, do you really want the responsibility of having to drive each and every one to all of their activities, jobs, friends' houses, etc? 

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I didn't get my license until I was 21. But it wasn't intentional. I went to a magnet school for performing arts and they did not offer driver's ed. When I was 16 my mother separated from my step-dad and their divorce was a horrible time. He totally flaked on his three children he'd had with my mom, and she was working OT to pay for everything, and I was basically at home, helping with the little kids. So she just didn't really have time to teach me. Anyhow, I kind of had the same experience as you - I was a VERY nervous driver for a long time. I wrecked my first car, badly, only 6 weeks after getting my license. I never thought about it being because of my age, but that's interesting that you brought that up. 


I just think if there's no valid reason, why on earth would she hold her kids back like that? Wouldn't it be easier if they could drive, and she didn't have to chauffer them all around? 

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Notice that Hannah wanted to leave her on the island. Then backtracked when she realized how that sounded. LOL. 

I thought that was funny. Especially when Hannah said "maybe if she were a little nicer sometimes... I would pick her up from the island then"  lol


For some reason I thought the twins were ten years old in that episode - there might have been a reference to Cara's age either when she had the inexplicable meltdown over having to share a table, or when the nanny quit. So the sextuplets should have been school age, right?

The last group of episodes they did featured their 10 year old bday parties at that aquarium thing.  So They're probably 11 now? 



Oh, and what is up with not being able to drive until they're 18? Is the only reason behind that because KATE couldn't? Because that's an insanely stupid reason. With that many teenagers in the house, do you really want the responsibility of having to drive each and every one to all of their activities, jobs, friends' houses, etc? 


I doubt Kate will really wait till they're 18, I bet she would love for someone else to drive the kids around.  Then Maddie and Cara will wish they couldn't drive till they were 18 lol

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Oh, and what is up with not being able to drive until they're 18?

That's not just Kate, that's PA and more specifically Bucks County.  There are severe restrictions of when and where and if someone under 18 can drive.  One of my friends found this out to her horror after moving to Buck's with a 17 year old.  Said teenager immediately threatened to run away from home.  She had a car and drove herself to school for a year and then - nothing.  


So if someone lives in Bucks, what is the story?

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I didn't think Maddy was too incredibly bratty with the paddle board.  she didn't want to do it in the first place and at least she tried it, like she said.

And she admitted that she basically through a stomping fit out of the water - so at least she's fairly aware of her attitude lol 

And all she did was say "ok, then I'm going back" and paddled back in without much of a fuss. 


I thought the instructor guy came off a little rough with his "Well I've heard you don't like listening to authority....." or whatever he said.  The ladies on the rowing seemed to be much more softer. 

That's not just Kate, that's PA and more specifically Bucks County.  There are severe restrictions of when and where and if someone under 18 can drive.  One of my friends found this out to her horror after moving to Buck's with a 17 year old.  Said teenager immediately threatened to run away from home.  She had a car and drove herself to school for a year and then - nothing.  


So if someone lives in Bucks, what is the story?

I was going to mention that too - states have much more restrictions on kids getting their licenses now.  Even if they can get it at 16 most areas have what is called a graduated drivers license where there are heavy restrictions until they are 18. 

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I have honestly never watched the Kardashian program but obviously have heard of them - just by watching talk shows and even the news on some occasions.  Can someone tell me what is the deal with them? Aside from being incredibly entitled and spoiled, and "look-at-us" - what do so many people object to with them?  Thanks.

As mentioned there is a thread devoted to them-- but the main thing is that Kim kardashian was a nobody until a sex tape - very very graphic- of her having sex with her rapper boyfriend went viral. They are famous for NOTHING!  The father was OJ Simpson's lawyer. Other than that the girls were friends with other people who are also famous for no reason - Paris Hilton etc. They keep getting richer and more famous and basically they have done NOTHING worthwhile.


I am glad she didn't kill the lobsters. I do feel a little sorry for her. The beach in Maine was lovely though. I'm glad the kids got to try lobster. That was cute. 

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I try to NOT feel bad for Jon even though it's hard sometimes.... but I agree that he likes to play the victim.  If he put his mind to it he could probably get a great paying job because wasn't he working in the computer field before their tv show started?? It might be hard to pick back up in that area if you take yourself out for many years but being that he was in that line of work previously means that he is a pretty smart guy. Just seems like he lacks A LOT of ambition.  

Edited by gunderda
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I was glad they didn't kill the lobsters as well, as some of the children seemed very freaked out by that idea. However, I was a bit worried when I saw them being THROWN back into the ocean. I guess maybe their shells are hard enough to withstand such treatment? 

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I was glad they didn't kill the lobsters as well, as some of the children seemed very freaked out by that idea. However, I was a bit worried when I saw them being THROWN back into the ocean. I guess maybe their shells are hard enough to withstand such treatment? 

Yes and I was also worried that they would remember to cut the bands first, sometimes Kate seems oblivious to others' needs, especially animals.

Edited by SoSueMe
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Mady has not changed.  Still the most horrid child I have ever known.

I was actually really surprised that she hasn't changed. Not the most horrid child I've seen, but her attitude is something else. One day, she's going to give that attitude to the wrong person.

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I was a little upset at the negative comments about lobster and clams.  They are DELICIOUS! They are messy to eat but if cooked properly...Man, there's nothing better for a summer dinner by the beach. 


I feel bad for Mady & Cara's acne prone skin.  It's hard enough to be on TV AND be Kate's daughter, but to have your teenager pimples broadcast must be really difficult. 


The 3 boys just seem sooo sweet and caring!  How do they thrive in that house full of high-strung females?  The 5 girls all seem so whiny and complain about everything.  Most of the time the girls are pouting or blaming someone for their horrible lives.  The 3 boys are so laid back.  I hope they can maintain their even keeled personalities until they are old enough to escape Planet Kate's gravitational pull.

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As a teenager... going to a dermatologist isn't going to matter if a kid doesn't do what they need to do to help their skin.  Not say that's the case with these girls but when I was growing up I tried all sorts of things and honestly I didn't care enough to keep up with most of anything that I tried until I was a junior or senior in high school. 

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I thought he was in IT, too, which is why it's baffling that he can't get a job doing, you know, something steady as opposed to DJing and Couples Therapy. Wouldn't pay a ton but it would be something steady and reliable, and a good example for the kids. 


I hope it's not true about groping a nanny in front of the kids. :(

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That's not just Kate, that's PA and more specifically Bucks County.  There are severe restrictions of when and where and if someone under 18 can drive.  One of my friends found this out to her horror after moving to Buck's with a 17 year old.  Said teenager immediately threatened to run away from home.  She had a car and drove herself to school for a year and then - nothing.  


So if someone lives in Bucks, what is the story?

She doesn't live in Bucks, I think she lives in Berks . I grew up in Bucks, and got my license at 16. I don't know the deal in Berks.

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I thought he was in IT, too, which is why it's baffling that he can't get a job doing, you know, something steady as opposed to DJing and Couples Therapy. Wouldn't pay a ton but it would be something steady and reliable, and a good example for the kids.


He doesn't have a college degree.  So the job he had was one that he worked his way up to or was a lower level help desk type thing.  These days without a college degree you can't get even entry level in IT.   I feel for him on this point.  His options without that diploma are really limited.  But he can find something and since he doesn't need to pay support surely an online degree or community college is within his reach.

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Do you think they had an affair? I saw an interview with Jon that he thought there was something going on between them. I think there probably was an affair at one point. If I was his wife I wouldn't hesitate to put an end to that rumor long, long ago.

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This woman is so phony---from her hair, nails, eyelashes and pretending to be such a good mom. She is horrible. I cannot stand the faces she makes at the camera. I do not believe for one minute that Kate does all this homemade cooking and other chores she complains about.

Mady is the most horrible child.....turning out just like her mom.

I can't believe any child's parents would allow them to vacation with this nazi.

And the weird thing? As horrid as she is, those kids are out of control and have no manners.

Did you know she's a single mom????? Ugh!!!

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