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S25.E17: Nominations #6

Message added by Dustbunny,


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The sad part is that Cirie and co have the numbers to not be too worried about ruffling feathers of anyone outside their clique, hence the gaslighting and the smugness. Hopefully 1 of them is taken down this week and he doesn’t flip back to nominating Jag, America or Blue after veto. I just wish these 3 along with Cory and Matt would flip to align with Cameron to take down a couple of people in Cirie’s coven to balance the house. I’d love for Jared to be taken down but I know I’m dreaming. 

Eta: I was really impressed by Cameron acting so shocked when Cirie and co were telling him Red was working against him, I really thought he was buying it all. 

Edited by dizzyd
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 That pie thing might have been the best nomination since that damn Bluetooth Box showed up.   Izzy taking off her glasses off was priceless.  At least Felicia put her dental fixture back in when she saw which way the wind was blowing.    The best part was Cirie and Izzy all teary-eyed bitching and moaning about how awful and unfair Cameron's nominations were.   I love it when the smug ones get a taste of their own medicine.   In the words of a former HG I'm not nearly enamored with as BB is:  You got got.

 Also, isn't this Cirie whining like one of her children is on the block (seriously, the only think worse would be Jared or Grey, not necessarily in that order) the same one monologuing a few weeks ago that while she likes Izzy she knew she'd eventually have to cut her because she was a clingy, messy game player?   If Cirie were as great and cutthroat as her (not nearly as deserved as the CBS press machine would have us believe) reputation, she would take this opportunity to get Izzy out and eliminate a threat to her secret.  

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Best episode of BB in a long time.  If you’re getting your ass kicked in an unfair fight, at least take one down with you. Bust some teeth, Cam.

And it sounds like Cirie is his ideal target, but he must be a Wire fan and knows if you come for the king you best not miss.

These two on the block should be messy as fuck and I’m here for it. 

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Great episode!  I was so worried Cameron was going to wimp out and pull the whole "It's too early to rock the boat" excuse.  Instead, he played everyone like a boss!  I'm happy with either Izzy or Felicia going this week. 

I still think that Cirie is untouchable at this point.  These contestants are so far up her butt it set off the Stink-o-Meter at "10"!

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Not entirely enamored with the pies in the face, but if this is what it takes to get the wheel o’ keys back, I’ll take it.

Yes, Cirie, Cameron did enjoy toying with everyone and putting on a production of it.  I did too!

There should be a gif of Izzy smirking while putting her glasses in her hoodie pocket, then sadly, slowly, putting them back on.

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I really enjoyed this episode-especially how Cameron played everyone while Cirie and company sat in their smug circle smirking at how easily they were playing him.  I really don't like the secret mother-son team aspect of the season as it gies them too much of an advantage, but if Cameron's HOH blows up all of their plans I am so here for it.  This season was pretty boring up to this point and now it could really take a turn.

 I have watched every episode of every season of Survivor since episode 1.  Cirie has been entertaining but I was never as enamored of her as others have been.  So, I have felt that production pushing her to victory (or Jared) has been too much so I am now interesting in the potential of what may happen.

I really enjoyed watching the facial reactions to how Cameron played the nomination ceremony-I could rewatch that many, many times...

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While the pies in the face was an eye-rolling "humiliverse" concoction, I have to say - in Cam's hands, it was pretty darn entertaining.   I loved him slowly walking around the table, pie in hand, trying to create maximum drama.  He could've just gone up to each person and with no warning slammed a pie in their faces, but he basically was like, "are you ready?" and kind of pushed it into their faces.  I guess if you have to get a pie in the face, that's the best way?  Plus all of these people are have-nots and were probably thrilled to be able to eat some pie.

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8 minutes ago, Nashville said:

That’s the most I’ve enjoyed a nomination ceremony since Production got rid of the Key Cheese Wheel of Death.

Fuck yeah.  It's so easy it is to forget that while we as viewers know that Cirie is running all this shit and Izzy/Felicia/Jared are her minions, Cameron can't know that for sure.  

It's some balls to put her two cronies on the block to shake things up and hopefully win some allies in the process by making the first big move against them and recruiting all their 'bottom of the totem pole'-dancers to his side.  

I really don't think anyone else was going to do it.  


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11 hours ago, Drogo said:

Best episode of BB in a long time.  If you’re getting your ass kicked in an unfair fight, at least take one down with you. Bust some teeth, Cam.

And it sounds like Cirie is his ideal target, but he must be a Wire fan and knows if you come for the king you best not miss.

These two on the block should be messy as fuck and I’m here for it. 

Cam was like Romper Stomper in the port-a-potty brawl. Loved it! Best episode this season. Hoping something stupid doesn't mess it all up and we are stuck with the 3 bossy hens for longer. 

Loved how Izzy and Felicia took stuff off thinking they'd get pied (glasses and teeth) and then the slow realization came across thier arrogant faces....and they put their stuff back on. Ha ha. 

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3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Any liking I had for Cirie, Felicia, and Izzy went away when I saw how they were treating Bowie when she was so upset. All they had to do was show some kindness and compassion, and ahe would have been their's. Fortunately Bowie saw through their gaslighting.

Yeah, it was clear Felicia and Cirie had no plan whatsoever how to explain the Red vote to Bowie or Cameron. If you want someone to stay true to your "alliance" it's probably not a great idea to tell her "put on your big girl pants and play the game." All she wanted to know was why she was kept in the dark and they tried to turn it around on her.

To her credit, Izzy had the better idea of trying to convince her that they wanted Cameron to trust her so she could spy for them. Problem is, if that were true, they could have just told her the plan in advance and asked her to throw a vote on Jag. There's really no reason to keep her in the dark if she's truly with them, and she knows it.

More laughable still, trying to convince Cameron they voted out Red to protect him. OMG. Maybe they don't think he's the brightest bulb, and maybe he isn't, but even he's not that dumb. That was just downright insulting. 

I think the whole situation should disabuse anybody of the notion that Cirie is playing a great game. If that's the best she can do at explaining her moves, she's just not thinking ahead.

I know it's a pipe dream that anyone else will wake up and stop playing for Cirie so at this point Cameron and Bowie are my last hope that anyone can get this train wreck of a season back on track.

I noticed even before the nominations the episode seemed for foreshadow Felicia's exit, with the "she's messing up" segment. Of course her biggest mistake was proposing a F2 with Jared, simply because she has no idea he's Cirie's son. Fingers crossed, she'll be the one to storm off the set screaming "What bullshit!" when Julie tells her the big secret. So far she's been the most screwed over by it.

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That was GLORIOUS! I still think Cam is super creepy, but I absolutely love how he played everyone this week. 

Felicia popping her dentures out (*shudder*) only to pop them back in the moment she realized what was happening is playing on a forever loop inside my head. No big loss if she goes, say hi to Denzel or whatever.


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Toilet humor. They've reached a new high in lows. There is a scene in Star Trek TOS episode Plato's Stepchildren where Kirk and Spock are forced to be humiliated by the planet's leaders because McCoy refuses to treat them and as the humiliations pour on the leader turns to McCoy and asks something to the effect of "How can you possibly let this go on?"  I'd say the same thing to Julie Chen if I saw her.

But on to the high points and sticking with the sci/fi theme. Bowie refusing to be gas-lit would be right up there with the Jedi mind trick failing and the stormtroopers saying. "Someting to see here. These ARE the droids we are looking for."

Felicia confiding in Jared: Grave consider yourself dug.

Well, it took all season but Cam is right...this is THEY episode...the one that we are waiting for when the status quo bites the dust. If it had been anyone but one of those three in the chairs i would have been a waste of an HOH. Of course there is NO way he survives after this week so he should have but Cirie in the chair as I don't think she can win a veto (at least not without desperate intervention from Grondner.)  Anyway, finally a good episode if you overlook the juvenile stink-o-meter segment.

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Often tv shows will have a segment where someone gets hit in the face with a pie and it's just a plate of whip cream. I appreciated that each pie was a unique variety.

When I saw Izzy taking off her glasses to get ready for the pie, my thought was, leave them on. I'd much rather have to wash my glasses than get pie in my eyes. She was so confident at first. Then it dawned her. I loved the moment she realized she was on the block.

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17 hours ago, SHERMDOG said:

The BBC series is really good as well!!

OT:  Yes it is.  I've seen it as well.  But I think the US version tweaked a few iffy things (UK husband written as too dumb and also the boring poet in UK version too) and added some heart to all the high level wit as well to make it slightly better. 

But yeah both versions are really good.

Edited by Skooma
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3 hours ago, Skooma said:

OT:  Yes it is.  I've seen it as swell.  But I think the US version tweaked a few iffy things (UK husband written as too dumb and also the boring poet in UK version too) and added some heart to all the high level wit as well to make it slightly better. 

But yeah both versions are really good.

I think the UK version is funnier than the US version, but both are so fun to watch.  Not too many fun shows around anymore. 

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

"Cirie is the President, but you can't come for the President right away." WHY can't you come for the President right away, Cam? WHY? 

I actually think it's smart and it's what I was hoping he'd do when he won.

Cirie is calmer under pressure than either Izzy or Felicia, so he's given himself an opportunity for more fireworks by putting their asses to the flames than he would have with Cirie's. 

Cirie hasn't won anything, so he doesn't have to be too concerned about her taking one down with a potential POV, BUT he probably realizes more of the other HGs would use the POV to take off Ursula/Cirie before they'd use it on Flotsam/Felicia or Jetsam/Izzy. 



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But Cirie is who he wants out this week. The best way to do that is to nominate her. If he truly didn't mind which of the three went up, I would be fine with Felicia and Izzy as noms, but he actively WANTS Cirie up and out, but he wants to do it via a backdoor, and that is a bad idea. When your opponent is someone like Hisam, I agree with backdoors, but when your opponent is not particularly good at comps, just nominate them outright.

Edited by Brian Cronin
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1 hour ago, Brian Cronin said:

But Cirie is who he wants out this week. The best way to do that is to nominate her. If he truly didn't mind which of the three went up, I would be fine with Felicia and Izzy as noms, but he actively WANTS Cirie up and out, but he wants to do it via a backdoor, and that is a bad idea. When your opponent is someone like Hisam, I agree with backdoors, but when your opponent is not particularly good at comps, just nominate them outright.

@Brian Cronin - EXACTLY!!!  Have these HGs never seen a ANY of the sci-fi B-movies about killing Hitler? You don’t wait until he has the Third Reich up and running at full strength, and is surrounded by loyal minions – you jump in your trusty Time Machine and go back and kill him WHEN HE’S STILL A BABY!!!

Now granted, none of these chucklenuts has the wherewithal to construct a working Time Machine - hell, they can’t even keep a vacuum cleaner running more than a few days without fucking it up - but the principle still applies: earlier is better.

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18 hours ago, Nashville said:

Why should they? After all, it’s not like Cameron or Bowie are really in the game or anything…  😕

I get that they're so full of themselves they didn't really care what Cameron thought about the vote, but they should have at least considered how they would explain this to Bowie and they had no plan for that. It just goes to show they are way too comfortable in their positions. 

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57 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I get that they're so full of themselves they didn't really care what Cameron thought about the vote, but they should have at least considered how they would explain this to Bowie and they had no plan for that. It just goes to show they are way too comfortable in their positions. 

I both love and hate it when HGs get complacent; I love it because that’s frequently the immediate bellwether to a really tasty blindside, but I hate the outright gameplay laziness which usually accompanies the complacency.

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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

But Cirie is who he wants out this week. The best way to do that is to nominate her. If he truly didn't mind which of the three went up, I would be fine with Felicia and Izzy as noms, but he actively WANTS Cirie up and out, but he wants to do it via a backdoor, and that is a bad idea. When your opponent is someone like Hisam, I agree with backdoors, but when your opponent is not particularly good at comps, just nominate them outright.

I disagree because as dismal as Cirie is at comps, there is the risk she could win a crapshoot like the one Felicia did.


I don’t see how nominating her upfront would have worked seeing as Jared ended up winning veto (a comp that he didn’t even win) and he is still attached to his umbilical cord. Cam doesn’t know this and he was hoping to get the veto winner to use it and maybe it would have worked if Bowie won veto.

Anyway this is all a lost cause to me anyway because no matter what Cam accomplishes this week and even if he comp beasts his way through every HoH he plays and every veto and no matter what fire the United States of America 🇺🇸 tries to ignite, no one seems to be jumping on their bandwagon to annihilate the Fields and their posse. The only thing that may have worked for this particular group of dumbos is if Izzy shouted out loud in front of the whole house on day 1 that Jared is Cirie’s offspring and even that is a big iffy since most of them would pull the starry eyed Izzy or Blue card and just join said posse. 

Edited by dizzyd
Thought this was the live feeds threads, sorry!
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Message added by Dustbunny,


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