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S05.E09: A Weekend at Morrigan Manor / S05.E10: Exit Interview

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Morrigan Manor:

The Guide is here to remind everyone she's still in the cast. It must burn to be lower on the pecking order than Guillermo. I knew that this was all a set up by her to force the gang to bond with her. And once again, she blabs a secret, sells out Guillermo, and ruins everything.

I love that Colin Robinson can just grow ugly facial hair really quickly. He had the Poirot look going on just for the "and then there were three" scene, I just know it. And apparently knows when clips are being played. "Are we Golden Girls?" has to be line of the episode.

Was NOT expecting the camera crew saving the day, showing raw footage of the gang talking about how much they love The Guide.

Exit Interview:

Yeah, loved Nadja Detective Policeman in her trenchcoat going "Sup, bitch?" And she's right, Derek's the one who turned Guillermo, Gizmo has to keep that little goofball alive.

Loved that Nandor staked out the once place he knew Guillermo would return to: Panera Bread. I was wondering "hey, is that Patton Oswalt?" and it was! Loved that Nandor asked him if he knew John Slattery. Aaaand he's dead. Because Nandor pushed him off a building. I was hoping Nandor wouldn't do anything to Guillermo's mom and oh right I forgot she also has Van Helsing blood and was about to stake him.

Everyone visiting Guillermo at the hotel was really sweet. Even the creepy abominations showed up to say goodbye. And quote Goethe, no less!

I knew that Guillermo wouldn't go through with actually killing someone. He did finally come clean that he knew that he killed vampires, and brought humans to be killed by the other vamps. I KNEW Nandor was gonna use the genie to turn Guillermo back to normal because of that! Aaaaaaand he used up the other wishes offscreen. Bastard writers thought of everything.

And Nandor setting up an elaborate ceremony to kill Derek so Guillermo turns back to normal has to be the sweetest thing he's done. Even Crispy Baron and The Sire were there! And Laszlo and Guillermo taking his corpse to the necromancer to resurrect him into a zombie was also sweet. And Topher's back, too! They got everyone back for this.

"One sip of blood and he's like Cornholio over here."

"Garfield will pick them up later."

Colin was just dropping great one liners left and right.

This was a really great pair of episodes. See you all next season...whenever that'll be. But if this was the end, I'd feel satisfied. Where could the show go from here? Gizmo was made a vampire, and the vamps technically run Staten Island.

Edited by Galileo908
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#10: Best episode of the season.  One of the best of the whole series.

When Nandor grabbed the stake and held it to his throat and said, If you think I’m lying, kill me — it all went from comic to terrifyingly & deeply serious.  I was transfixed.

Colin gets Best Line in ep 9 for: “So this is basically a clip show now?”  Later I was weirdly grateful that the vamps hadn’t pussied out and turned nice, & that Laszlo had the doc crew cut the video before the guide found out the truth of the matter: the vamps think she’s only good for marrying off to Colin.

Damn show!! I will miss you.  Props to Natasia for absolutely killing it this season [see what I did there].

Edited by voiceover
corrected after the rewatch
  • Like 8

That was so sweet!

I love the way this show takes a chance on committing to a big change and then follows it to a really satisfying conclusion, even if it's comfortably back to normal. Of course Guillermo would ultimately want to be human--and he actually looked great with his beard!

Despite this ending being somewhat of a reset and a happy ending (even for lonely Derek who only bought some vampire clothes at Hot Topic), it still advanced things a lot relationship-wise, which is more important. Nandor at Guillermo's mother's house was genuinely threatening, and I'm glad she got her moment to come after him. I missed how Guillermo stopped her--did he use a vampire thing or say something that just stopped her?

Also liked how the show just acknowledged the stuff the audience had worked out a long time ago, like how Guillermo's Van Helsing blood was stopping him from going full vamp, but also added a new obvious idea, that he hadn't drunk human blood.

Topher has always been a favorite of mine so I was really glad to see him. A friend and I love to randomly zombie High Five each other as Topher, so I was thrilled we got a real one from him. (With Colin's "Are we The Golden Girls?" coming in a close second.)

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Whelp, I guess Ratatouille 2 and more appearances as Koenig in the MCU are now off the table.  RIP, Patton Oswalt!  You were too pure for this world!!

The first of the two episodes was entertaining enough, but I figured early on that The Guide was behind everything and it was all a callback to how she had been under-appreciated and mistreated by the gang.  Didn't predict that she was the one behind Nadja's "hex" though.  And the resolution was good: Laszlo having the film crew (always like it when they break the 4th wall) show a video of them actually praising her and she changes her mind about keeping them locked up forever.  And then, naturally, the post credit scene reveals that the conversation was all just the vamps trying to get Colin to hook up with her so that he can leave.  Bwah!

But, of course, the big revelation was that it led to Guillermo finally confessing that he was a vamp now (kind of) and Nandor... did not take it well.  As hilarious as he is, Kayvan Novak is equally impressive at making Nandor actually be kind of menacing when the time calls for it and believable as a former ruthless warlord turned even more ruthless vampire.  I did like how the rest actually protected Guillermo though.  They really do care more about them than they want to admit out loud.

Thankfully though, after the loss (sniff!) of his new friend Patton Oswalt (we will ignore the whole "he pushed him off the roof himself" thing.  No one is perfect!), Nandor ends up being able to forgive Guillermo and even helps him fully turn.  Love that Nandor was the one who once looped it actually figured out the obvious obstacles like how it was the Van Hesling blood that was affecting Guillermo's turn and that he hadn't drunken any human blood of any kind of yet.  Despite his goofiness, Nandor really can be savy in ways others aren't.

But, alas, Guillermo struggles with actually killing humans themselves and admits that when the chips are down, he prefers being human over vampire.  I wonder if Nandor always suspected this and that's why he dragged his feet for so long?  But they found a cure at least!  Just needed to kill poor Derek and it ended up turning Guillermo back to where he was before he was bitten.  Kind of missed why that happened instead of him actually dying since his maker died, so I might need to rewatch that part.

Fear not though because Derek is back!  In zombie form.  Totally didn't not predict they would bring back Benedict Wong's necromancer to resolve that particular bit.  Loved it!  Benedict Wong is the best.  And we see Topher again as well!  He can speak again!  Looks like the zombie life might not be too bad after-all!

The Baron and The Sire really seem to have turned their little gang of misfits into a stable household!

Can't believe this season is already over.  It really flew by, in my opinion.  Not sure what season will end up being my favorite when it is all said and done, but I thought this one was pretty top notch and the show in generally has really been consistent with its quality and ability to get laughs from me.  The cast continues to be one of the best ensembles as well.  Hope the wait won't be too long when it comes to see our merry band of eccentric Staten Islanders again!

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15 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

Just needed to kill poor Derek and it ended up turning Guillermo back to where he was before he was bitten.  Kind of missed why that happened instead of him actually dying since his maker died, so I might need to rewatch that part.

I wonder if the idea is that the reason vamps die if their Sire dies is because they'll turn back to their human selves...who are now hundreds of years old and so would crumble to dust?

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The Guide said that the 4 vampires were going to remain in the basement cages forever.  What about when the mistress of the mansion returned home?

I was surprised that Nandor wasn't also furious that everyone else had kept Guillermo's secret from him; they were more loyal to Guillermo than they were to him (although I suppose they could explain it by saying that they knew Nandor would kill himself after killing Guillermo and they didn't want to see that happen.)

I wish that Guillermo had told Nandor that he hadn't known the rule about a familiar only being turned by his master/mistress.

Why didn't anyone remove the stake from Derek?  Did it have to stay that way? (Have we ever seen a staked vampire turn to dust or otherwise disintegrate in other episodes?  Do the bodies always remain intact?)

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
  • Like 1
9 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

I wonder if the idea is that the reason vamps die if their Sire dies is because they'll turn back to their human selves...who are now hundreds of years old and so would crumble to dust?

I think that has to be it. It would make sense for older vampires to be worried about it, but a way to save those just turned. It's unusual to see an original bit of lore that makes sense, kudos to the writers for that.

  • Like 13

I laughed at Lazslo's grin when he talked about how Perdita killed dozens of people in a settlement and it was blamed on winter weather.  That's so messed up!

Poor Guillermo, having to pack all the crap on the car and remove it after a long drive.  The Guide's paintings were surprisingly good.  I liked that one of Nadja.  LOL at Nandor treating Guillermo like a bloodhound and at the fact that the "human horde" was all naked.

I liked the mystery aspect of the episode and Colin Robinson's advanced hair growth to set himself up as a master detective. 

Nandor did have some menacing scenes in the finale.  It almost scared me a bit when he got up close to Patton Oswalt in the Panera Bread and grabbed his wrists.

Poor Derek!  It's cool that Nandor arranged all of that just to reverse his turning.

I wasn't expecting for the return of the Necromancer and Topher!  I love the barbs that Lazslo trades with him.

Due to Disney and cable provider shenanigans, I wasn't able to watch the episodes last night.  I'm glad I was able to watch on Hulu before my trial ran out! 

If this is the last season, I wouldn't be too upset.  They had a good run.

  • Like 6
13 hours ago, Starchild said:

Funniest part for me: "Aaannnddd...she joined them."

Yes, and I was glad she did because when she raced out of the room to presumedly stop the couple next door from, I guess, being so loud, I thought that seemed out of character for her.

13 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

But, alas, Guillermo struggles with actually killing humans themselves and admits that when the chips are down, he prefers being human over vampire.  I wonder if Nandor always suspected this and that's why he dragged his feet for so long?

I think so. He says, "Just as I feared. Guillermo is not cut out to be a vampire." 

In the first ep, I loved when the Guide is talking about her art show, and Laszlo says, "Tell me more this sour cream sale, Colin Robinson."

I like that the whole season led up to the Guide being fed up with everyone (except Guillermo) treating her like shit.

As for the finale, I love the resolution. Guillermo finally became a vampire, thanks to Nandor's knowledge. Also great that Laszlo wasn't as smart as he thought. And then Nandor comes around to realize he doesn't want to kill sweet Guillermo. These guys. *sniff*

Loved Nadja dressing like Carmen Sandiego.

The pronunciations they all do always crack me up. My favorite one that Nandor did is pronouncing the T in Home Depot. Home De-pote.

Of course after he pushes Patton Oswalt off the building he says, "He does make a good point though."

I hate to say this, but I didn't get the Garfield reference.

  • Like 8
4 hours ago, peridot said:

I laughed at Lazslo's grin when he talked about how Perdita killed dozens of people in a settlement and it was blamed on winter weather.  That's so messed up!

Not just any settlement.  I've always remembered (particularly after visiting there) that after getting off the Mayflower, half the population of Plymouth perished that first winter.  A very interesting twist on the story!

Edited by sagittarius sue
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I really like the idea that Nandor has been putting off making Guillermo a vampire because he thinks that he wouldn't really want to be one, at least partially. I kind of guessed that actually killing and eating a human would be hard for Guillermo so while its the return to the status quo I expected, it made a lot of sense in the way that good stories can. Its predictable, but only because its been set up and makes the most sense. 

This season really flew by (almost like a BAT) it feels like it just started. We had a big more drama and lore building this season which I think really worked out, its about that time in the shows run. This was a great couple of episodes to end on, I think that this has been one of the best season yet, which is saying a lot as I think every season has been great.

I knew right away that the invitation was actually the Guide trying to force everyone to spend time with her, I even guessed that she was behind Nadja's "hex" as a way to hang out with her, but I didn't guess that they would use the camera crews footage to show that they actually do like her after all. I love when they acknowledge the camera crew directly, it always cracks me up. I have been rather meh on the Guide as a main character, but I do like that they used her being a sort of random new element to the cast to its advantage, with her getting sick of being below even Guillermo in the pecking order. 

Lots of cameos and character returns in this one! The jinn! The Baron and the Sire! The Necromancer! Topher! And of course, newly zombified Derrick. RIP Patton Oswalt, its too bad he didn't think to mention his small but memorable role in Young Adult. He joins Sal Vulcano in celebrities killed by the roommates, they sure do run into a decent amount of famous people in Staten Island, playground of the Glitterati. 

  • Like 6
53 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I thought it was just another case of them not really knowing Gizmo’s, er, Guillermo’s, name, but if there was more to it I’m sure someone will set us straight!

That was my take.

It's cool that Nandor immediately knew just how to complete Guillermo's transformation (drink human blood) and also how to revert him to human (kill the sire as soon as possible after the turning). But because they hesitated to tell him, they went through all this nonsense all season.

It makes sense though, I think Nandor is significantly older than the others, so he's probably seen this all before.

4 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

This season really flew by (almost like a BAT) it feels like it just started. 

I do believe both the 1st two, as well as the last two, were broadcast on the same night. So just 6 weeks in between, that's why it went by so quick.


4 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

And of course, newly zombified Derrick. 

Interesting that a vampire, already undead, can be resurrected as a zombie after its second death.

  • Like 5
15 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I love that Colin Robinson can just grow ugly facial hair really quickly. He had the Poirot look going on just for the "and then there were three" scene, I just know it.

I loved the Kenneth-Branagh-as-Poirot mustache.  Hilariously random!  And the line "We have a sitter".

The episodes were filled with equally random throwaway lines.  I will re-watch at least a couple of times to catch stuff I missed.

  • Like 6
1 hour ago, SoMuchTV said:

I thought it was just another case of them not really knowing Gizmo’s, er, Guillermo’s, name, but if there was more to it I’m sure someone will set us straight!

Oooohhhhh. I was trying to figure out if he meant Garfield the Cat or Garfield the US President. Neither made much sense to me. I thought it had something to do with Guillermo's facial hair. :D

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, peridot said:


1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

I knew right away that the invitation was actually the Guide trying to force everyone to spend time with her, I even guessed that she was behind Nadja's "hex" as a way to hang out with her, but I didn't guess that they would use the camera crews footage to show that they actually do like her after all.

How did Lazlo instantly recall the date of the conversation? Does he have a photographic (videographic) memory?



17 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

Did it have to stay that way? (Have we ever seen a staked vampire turn to dust or otherwise disintegrate in other episodes?  Do the bodies always remain intact?)

Carol disintegrated when Gizmo staked her.

I think this could have potentially been a series finale. Don't get me wrong, I don't want this show to end, but Guillermo's story has come full circle and I don't really know what they would do with him going forward. it was a really sweet ending too.

Others called it, on The Guide being behind "the Hex" but I didn't see it. Kristen Schall did a good job acting like she was just as surprised as Nadja in that scene. 

I loved how many characters they brought back for the finale. I wasn't sure if that was Haley Joel Osmet playing Topher or not until the closing credits. I was equally surprised to see The Necromancer again after the last time they used him. The continuity on this show is amazing

  • Like 4
7 hours ago, sistermagpie said:
7 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I didn't guess that they would use the camera crews footage to show that they actually do like her after all.

Or at least they sounded like they did with some careful editing

Yeah the coda was Colin calling them out for trying to talk him into marrying The Guide so they’d both move out of the house.  Laszlo knew exactly when to stop the replay.   I repeat: I like that they never fully embrace being the good guys.

Glad to see Nandor getting to be smarter than Laszlo there in ep 10.  He’s the dumb jock of the group, but when he’s right about something, he’s right big-time.

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I was a little on the fence about this season but the last three episodes really excelled.  It was a great resolution to Guillermo's quest, and surprisingly astute of Nandor.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day, as they say.  Kayvan Novak is great as this character.

If this is an end, it's a good one.

Also, I half expected Donal Logue to show up again after the Guide's foray into art, considering how his collection was previously showcased.  But we had an embarrassment of guest star riches.  The Necromancer / Topher episode is in my top five of the series so I loved seeing them again!  Benedict Wong killed it as this ludicrous character in a show full of ludicrous characters.  And of course the Baron, and the Djinn. (I did think Nandor had a tiny lamp with a couple of wishes left, though.)

  • Like 3
14 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I just realized:

Nandor. The warmonger. The warrior of the group, the one who knows the most about war, battles, and pillaging.

Doesn't know how to play chess.

Wikipedia says chess dates from the 15th century. Isn't Nandor a couple hundred years older than that? He doesn't seem the type to bother learning a new game after two hundred years as a vampire.

  • Like 4
33 minutes ago, Starchild said:

Wikipedia says chess dates from the 15th century. Isn't Nandor a couple hundred years older than that? He doesn't seem the type to bother learning a new game after two hundred years as a vampire.

I seem to recall Vikings showed Ivar the Boneless playing chess with the future Alfred the Great in the 9th C.  Of course historical accuracy wasn't a big thing with Vikings.  

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I really enjoyed seeing the more menacing side of Nandor who was, indeed, a mighty warrior.

I was also glad that they inserted scenes to remind us that these are vampires-and what a bloodbath in the diner!  For as much fun as we have with the vampires-they never really are the 'good guys.'  However, I found it rich that Guillermo had no problems with luring humans to their deaths, but he drew the line at his actual killing them rather than just leading them to the vampires.

  • Like 8
On 9/1/2023 at 3:02 PM, tennisgurl said:

I really like the idea that Nandor has been putting off making Guillermo a vampire because he thinks that he wouldn't really want to be one, at least partially. I kind of guessed that actually killing and eating a human would be hard for Guillermo so while its the return to the status quo I expected, it made a lot of sense in the way that good stories can.

I panicked for a moment when Guillermo first drank blood and then got super into it--it just seemed really out of character. So seeing how he reacted in the moment of having to kill a human made sense.

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Just as the Baron settled into a boring domestic existence, the vampires have succumbed to the banality of modern life, though for Nadja that could include exploring the swingers culture while Nandor doesn’t quite get that Panera Bread is utterly not unique, not realizing that it’s a chain with hundreds of locations and it’s one chain out of hundreds offering similar fast casual fare.

Instead of merciless and unsentimental predators, they develop fondness or have favorites, with a pecking order in their social circle, just like the humans they disdain.  So they can play mean girls to the guide and Colin Robinson, instead of the unapologetic butchers image that vampires are suppose to project.

So now, Nadja likes to hang out with the Antipaxos community, even though they don’t appear to be swingers.

The show could continue to ply the fish out of water theme about these eternal creatures now being relegated to utterly mundane and stultifying Staten Island but the cast may be bored.  These roles have to be their most successful ones and they obviously have fans in Hollywood so they can insert more guest appearances by celebrities if they continue.

As long as they can keep bringing the funny.

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On 9/1/2023 at 12:20 PM, Suzn said:

The episodes were filled with equally random throwaway lines.  I will re-watch at least a couple of times to catch stuff I missed.

The one that cracked me up the most was when Guillermo drank the blood and then smashed the glass and said, "what do we do next?" And Colin Robinson said, "get a broom." I had to pause it for a minute I was laughing so hard.

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On 9/1/2023 at 3:31 PM, peeayebee said:

Oooohhhhh. I was trying to figure out if he meant Garfield the Cat or Garfield the US President. Neither made much sense to me. I thought it had something to do with Guillermo's facial hair. :D

Colin was using Guillermo's real name when he was a sort of vampire. The second that he was turned back into a human, he went back to calling him by the wrong name.

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I felt so bad for Derrick.  All he really wanted was a friend.  Well, I guess now he has one in Topher.  

Oh, and when Colin asked Guillermo how much he was paid as a familiar and Guillermo kept saying 'nothing' I felt like he should have incorporated the money he embezzeled from Nadya's night club.  He 'made' a lot of money until he decided to give it all to Derrick to turn him into a vampire(and as I recall, Derrick never asked for it, Guillermo just gave it to him).

  • Like 2

What a great ending!! Like many of you, I like to think that Nandor knew this would happen and that's why he never turned Guillermo. Also loved the fact that everyone but Nandor knew where Guillermo was hiding. And Laszlo keeps being a great pal, helping Guillermo like that. I would say that perhaps his friendship with Seeeaaaannn has taught him to care a bit ( but honestly) for some humans.

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On 9/1/2023 at 1:34 PM, peeayebee said:

I hate to say this, but I didn't get the Garfield reference.

I think at least two other times in recent episodes Colin called Guillermo by the wrong "G" name and not Gizmo or one we've heard before. Need to do some rewatching. Just like Colin to do something low-key annoying like that.

On 9/2/2023 at 11:58 AM, Starchild said:

Wikipedia says chess dates from the 15th century. Isn't Nandor a couple hundred years older than that? He doesn't seem the type to bother learning a new game after two hundred years as a vampire.

Well, we know that at some point Death learned how to play chess, so... Maybe Nandor prefers more active games. We saw that he knows how to play basketball.

On 9/4/2023 at 11:24 AM, seacliffsal said:

I felt so bad for Derrick.  All he really wanted was a friend.  Well, I guess now he has one in Topher.  

Oh, and when Colin asked Guillermo how much he was paid as a familiar and Guillermo kept saying 'nothing' I felt like he should have incorporated the money he embezzeled from Nadya's night club.  He 'made' a lot of money until he decided to give it all to Derrick to turn him into a vampire(and as I recall, Derrick never asked for it, Guillermo just gave it to him).

Guillermo gave some of the embezzled cash to his mother and also bought her new appliances. 

On 9/5/2023 at 5:36 AM, possibilities said:

I hate that they sacrificed Derek.

At first I was bummed until they gave Derek what he most wanted, a group of friends. Considering that he didn't intend to become a vampire and was lonely, being a zombie with pals is better. He was smiling.

Edited by RedHawk
Missing words
  • Like 7

Thanks to the Disney/Spectrum tiff, I didn’t get FX back until Monday. I finally got to watch the last episodes.

Is it weird that this would be a good time to end the series? I mean, where do they go from here? The main ongoing storyline was about Guillermo wanted to be a vampire. Well, he doesn’t have the stomach for it, and he’s probably never going to try again. You could have an arc where Gizmo tries to become more amoral, but you know he’d fail at that. Hell, he probably feels guilt over serving people up to Nandor (and probably the others). Why continue serving him at this point?

Penultimate episode was okay, even if the Guide’s plot was so obvious. I’m more interested in where she got all those fencers. She tries way too hard with those guys. In a way, there’s a parallel to Gizmo hanging with them all these years. Also, she’s a pretty good artist.

Poor dumbass Derek. Anyone else fear he’s destined to being the Rickety Cricket of WWDITS, hitting new bottoms over and over again? All he wanted to do was hunt vampires. Then he became one. Then he sucked at it. And now he’s a zombie.

I completely forgot about Topher and the Necromancer. Djinn was a nice surprise callback. It seems he can’t leave the lamp even after he’s done granting wishes. Of course Nandor’s dumb ass would have lost count, but it was the thought of turning Guillermo into a better vampire that counted, obvious morality questions aside.

Would Patton Oswalt be considered the most high-profile “kill” this series has pulled? I’d rank him over Sofia Coppola, but that’s just me.

Not much else to add. Right now, I’m just going to be furious that Spectrum’s new deal took out FXX and cost me Archer.

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I hadn't thought in terms of this season finale being a good series finale, but it does make a certain amount of sense, for the reasons you and others have given.

These days, I tend to hold off on even watching a series until it's completed, because it's such a pain when you get invested in a show and it gets cancelled prematurely.  But I loved the movie WWDITS and the TV series hooked me pretty much immediately, so I've been on board for as long as they managed to keep it going, and just happy to get whatever we get.  Some of the earlier season finales left me wondering where they'd go next, and how, but this one had a bit of "wrapping up" feel to it.

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