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S17.E10: A Doppelgänger Disaster

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42 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:


Heather has been very careful on camera to not trash talk Shannon's relationship to the others.  They have all tried to pull her in, and she remains careful. 


You gotta respect how Heather isn’t losing her cool, at least not to the usual Housewives level despite the pile on.   Tamra never really came after Heather before like she has with the others…has she?


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13 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

She's imitating Gina's misspelling from a few days ago. Shannon gloated about it, so I wasn't surprised to see it applied here.

Oooh, okay! That makes more sense.  Thanks @Salacious Kitty.

I did not see Gina’s social media.  The only RH social media I ever see is stuff posted here.  ☺️

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1 minute ago, Cosmocrush said:

Oooh, okay! That makes more sense.  Thanks @Salacious Kitty.

I did not see Gina’s social media.  The only RH social media I ever see is stuff posted here.  ☺️

And it's current, but Shannon brought it to the imitation post, so I felt the need to explain the context. 😃

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17 hours ago, ZettaK said:

.Why is Shannon on a reality show if she refuses to discuss anything, and pretends her relationship is good, or why is in a relationship like this?

Why would production think this is an interesting storyline? Shannon will give nothing except walking away. She is scared to death John is going to leave her so she's on pins and needles when ever his name is mentioned. 

Jenn's storyline of her cheating boyfriend that wants to fuck everything in sight has been dropped, only to be replaced with the new storyline of the Shannon and John drama and all the hens talking about it. 

Don't like Emily. She is trying hard to keep her place on the show. When she starts yelling and her voice raises 10 octaves the hairs on arms stand on end. Ugh!! That  shrill voice! I guess the same could be said about Tamra and Shannon. 

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12 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Which is kind of ironic, seeing how “health conscious” she is. 

During COVID, wasn’t there some issue between John and Shannon because his kids weren’t following mask protocols, or something? (That season was pretty much a waste for me, so I really didn’t pay close attention.)


I think John and his son had moved into Shannon's house during Covid. When Shannon found out that the son was not following her rules regarding Covid exposure she pretty much threw him out. Then John moved out with him. Later on Shannon moved in with John and stayed there until she tested positive for Covid. So I don't get that they never spent a night in each other's house if that is what she is saying.

Edited by 65mickey
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Shannon has a really low bar for herself, and I do feel for her, although I do hope she sees her part in accepting this.

In one episode, it was revealed that:

  • John never stays with her, nor can she stay with him due to his son living with him (Covid weeks aside)
  • She pays for "everything"
  • They fight all the time
  • And the worst, I'm sorry, the worst.....he tells her she's fat.

Even if these are exaggerations, they are awful.  Yet she still is proclaiming love for him, that it's an amazing relationship, that she wants it to be forever.

He just looks checked out.

Edited by Starlight925
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This episode sealed for me that Jenn is as much of a dick as her dick pic taking boyfriend. We already know that she has a gaggle of children, and she has bragged about all her pets. But now she apparently has let her female cat have kittens? She apparently doesn't believe in responsible pet ownership, and in have her pets spayed/neutered?

To add to her dickness, she has taken kittens only days old (they did not yet have their eyes open) away from the mother and plopped them on the kitchen counter, to be entertainment for her children. WTF? There is no reason to touch those kittens until at least their eyes are open, and they should not be taken out of the eyesight of their mother. Maybe spend a little less time taking lame pics with your boyfriend, Jenn, and do some research on responsible pet ownership. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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1 hour ago, Mar said:

OMG, Emily has given me a bad headache with all her screaming and refusal to back off from Shannon. Shut the F up!

I know!  And I kind of like Emily too but she was way overreacting.

22 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

Shannon has a really low bar for herself, and I do feel for her, although I do hope she sees her part in accepting this.

In one episode, it was revealed that:

  • John never stays with her, nor can she stay with him due to his son living with him (Covid weeks aside)
  • She pays for "everything"
  • They fight all the time
  • And the worst, I'm sorry, the worst.....he tells her she's fat.

Even if these are exaggerations, they are awful.  Yet she still is proclaiming love for him, that it's an amazing relationship, that she wants it to be forever.

He just looks checked out.

Don’t forget when he parked next to a high curb and made her climb over the seat and get out the driver’s side.  Dick.

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Sadly it is like Shannon believes having a boyfriend is better than not having one.

He hates her friends...and she doesn't care and goes on the show after telling most of them how he mistreats her. Then gets angry they talk about it out of concern for her.

Jenn won't believe things about Ryan.

Gina trying to get her ex to be able to afford child support while spending $$$ on eyelashes.

Heather being Heather. I actually like her.

Tamara stirring the pot. Over, and over, and over. Plus she was disgusting as Heather. And why does Tamara love to spread her legs?


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What a messy episode. Messy party theme, messy conversation,  messy game. Tamra did okay as Heather,  but she had to strip off a few clothes,  to be slutty Heather,  why? I'm so over her. 

I think  Shannon  takes medication  for anxiety,  then she drinks, and her mind is blank. John  never  has seemed  kind to me, I think  he argues  with her over every  little thing, so now, she's  a nervous  wreck. Obviously  when it's good between  them, it's  very good. I think  those times are getting further  and further apart .

They all talk about  one another, Heather  says 'just enough, ' Tamra will go full steam ahead, on anyone. Emily  when she drinks,  becomes  belligerent. We really  don't  need the sex games, aren't  they getting  too old for that.? I don't  find it entertaining. Does Tamra have to mention  cut fitness , every episode. We know, we all know . Leave Eddie alone or get a job outside  the house..sheesh.

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13 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

To add to her dickness, she has taken kittens only days old (they did not yet have their eyes open) away from the mother and plopped them on the kitchen counter, to be entertainment for her children. WTF? There is no reason to touch those kittens until at least their eyes are open, and they should not be taken out of the eyesight of their mother. Maybe spend a little less time taking lame pics with your boyfriend, Jenn, and do some research on responsible pet ownership. 

I screamed (in my head) that too! I hope she spays and neuters those cats when they are old enough, I can only imagine how that house will smell because the liter box situation will be extra! I always say a chaotic household with lot's of kids really need a box of newborn kittens to care for, what could possibly go wrong!?

10 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

slutty Heather

I do not think that was ever a thing but Tams just had to show her crotch on camera.


13 hours ago, Starlight925 said:
  • John never stays with her, nor can she stay with him due to his son living with him (Covid weeks aside)
  • She pays for "everything"
  • They fight all the time
  • And the worst, I'm sorry, the worst.....he tells her she's fat.

I believe he does the least he can possibly do and Shannon will do back flips to be with him, he is checked out because he can be, Shannon doubles down on protecting that relationship because she does not want to be alone...too bad she can't bag a sexy wallet like Taylor got, lol.  I swear sexy is not a word I would use when describing Mr. Taylor.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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11 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Shannon has a really low bar for herself, and I do feel for her, although I do hope she sees her part in accepting this.

In one episode, it was revealed that:

  • John never stays with her, nor can she stay with him due to his son living with him (Covid weeks aside)
  • She pays for "everything"
  • They fight all the time
  • And the worst, I'm sorry, the worst.....he tells her she's fat.

Even if these are exaggerations, they are awful.  Yet she still is proclaiming love for him, that it's an amazing relationship, that she wants it to be forever.

He just looks checked out.


10 hours ago, maggiemae said:

Sadly it is like Shannon believes having a boyfriend is better than not having one.

He hates her friends...and she doesn't care and goes on the show after telling most of them how he mistreats her. Then gets angry they talk about it out of concern for her.


The part that got me was when she said, more than once, that they have what she referred to as normal arguments, like every couple has, that "paralyze" her.

Shannon, while most couples do have arguments, it is not normal, nor should it be acceptable, that those arguments "paralyze" one of the involved parties. That's not a healthy relationship. 


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Per the "paralyze" comment with shannon .. could it be and I am just playing Devil's advocate here that she is so scared of being alone that she gets "paralyzed" cause she thinks if she pushes back to much he will leave her? she is soo afarid of being alone that she makes it easier for him to get out of arguments maybe? I am just trying to make sense out of Shannon speak you know

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Per the "paralyze" comment with shannon .. could it be and I am just playing Devil's advocate here that she is so scared of being alone that she gets "paralyzed" cause she thinks if she pushes back to much he will leave her? she is soo afarid of being alone that she makes it easier for him to get out of arguments maybe? I am just trying to make sense out of Shannon speak you know

I agree with you on these thoughts. I’ve always had a soft spot for Shannon since her first dick of a husband totally humiliated her on camera by ending their marriage that way. And then I think she started menopause right after which totally sent her anxiety into overdrive. Again, all on camera. I applauded her for “being real” and not walking away from the show and just being her “new” normal kooky self. So I can see where she gets a bad wrap from viewers but I guess because I can relate to the “new normal” of being her age and all that comes with it, I give her some passes. 

Not to mention, she was treated horribly by Heather and Tamra for years. I don’t know why now she would wanna be friends with either of them. 

16 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Why would production think this is an interesting storyline? Shannon will give nothing except walking away. She is scared to death John is going to leave her so she's on pins and needles when ever his name is mentioned. 

Jenn's storyline of her cheating boyfriend that wants to fuck everything in sight has been dropped, only to be replaced with the new storyline of the Shannon and John drama and all the hens talking about it. 

Don't like Emily. She is trying hard to keep her place on the show. When she starts yelling and her voice raises 10 octaves the hairs on arms stand on end. Ugh!! That  shrill voice! I guess the same could be said about Tamra and Shannon. 

Emily and Gina both have been totally annoying lately. Gina just needs to go. Her faux outrage over Shannon saying innocently what she did about her and Travis (you know, the same thing Heather said to her face), is ridiculous.

And Emily, who I usually like, is not one who should be throwing stones at anyone’s relationship. Has she met her husband? 

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Don't get me wrong, I love quirky, neurotic Shannon with her 9 lemons and festive party costumes, getting upset at not being able to open a refrigerator without spewing its contents, and it's nice to see her boating confidence,  but she is behaving like a domestic abuse victim when it comes to John, and the other women are, rightly (imo), concerned for her. Maybe not for her physical safety, but for her mental health.


Agreed that she is afraid of being alone

Edited by SweetieDarling
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I, like Shannon, was in a bad relationship and I stayed through all the arguments and mean comments because I was afraid to be alone. I kind of understand her when she says they "paralyze her." Until one day I realized I deserved better and left. I hope Shannon can get there. I get the feeling that John has probably given her some rules when it comes to the show and one of them is that their relationship should never be brought up or made into a storyline. Which is why she is losing it right now. When I got into arguments with my ex, the ones where he would be mean and call me names, he would always ask me later on if I told anyone. He seemed more concerned if I was telling people about them because he didn't want my mom or my friends to think badly about him. John might be doing the same thing. And Shannon is so desperate to hold on to him, she will do anything. 

The sad part is, this is all being brought up in some sort of effort to take down Heather. I am not a Heather stan by any means, but I kind of love that she not taking the bait and she seems to be realizing they're trying to turn her into the villain. I love that she said "what are you whispering over there Tamra?" Shannon has clearly brought up her relationship issues to Gina, Emily and Heather. She is the one talking about it! But it was Emily who brought it up on camera to Tamra. Any time it was brought up to Heather, she never said anything about it, she's never initiated anything. It's Tamra every time. Even when Shannon was melting down inside with Emily, Tamra comes in and starts "Don't you think Heather was being rude?". It's so transparent and I'm not enjoying it. I really hope Heather reads them all for filth with a Heather "if you ever" speech at the reunion. And again, I'm not even a Heather fan, but I hate Tamra more 😆

Jenn as Taylor was hilarious. I also loved Taylor not giving a fuck and not putting in any effort as Tamra. 

Vickie, ugh

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Agree that Shannon accepts whatever John dishes out due to a paralyzing fear of being alone.

Look, she married DavidDickBeador when she was young, had 3 beautiful girls, lived an amazing life, likely planned for retirement/rocking chairs/grandchildren together, and then in one instant, he took that all away.

So she meets John.  Handsome, lives on the water, boat guy, dad, age appropriate, geographically close.  On paper, the perfect guy.  

Except he's been checked out from the get-go, and Shannon is so afraid of being left that she tiptoes around him, walks on eggshells that he lays out for her, because as soon as she mis-steps, it's over.  Yes, this is the hallmark of emotional abuse.

Shows up as this great guy, who then calls her fat and makes her climb over the console.  Takes her boating, has great restaurant dates, then makes her pay for everything and drive herself home for the evening.

So she's left unsteady, and facing a likely future as a single woman closer to 70 than she'd like to be.

Surrounded by teeny tiny women, trying to keep up with all the plastic surgery, extensions, and workouts that she hates.

Interestingly, she is great friends with Jeff Lewis, who notoriously has feuds with everyone, including Andy Cohen.  Jeff loves & adores Shannon, so there must be something great that he sees in her, as they never seem to be on the outs.

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3 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Which is why she is losing it right now. When I got into arguments with my ex, the ones where he would be mean and call me names, he would always ask me later on if I told anyone. He seemed more concerned if I was telling people about them because he didn't want my mom or my friends to think badly about him. John might be doing the same thing. And Shannon is so desperate to hold on to him, she will do anything.

And honestly can you blame any of these guys? You just had your family to worry about thinking poorly of him, on these shows the entire world is watching and taking action. Viewers sending nasty emails, threats, contacting employers etc. So not that he gets a pass for being an ass, but I don’t fault Shannon for wanting to protect him from backlash. I also don’t like how rumors/talks about Eddie being gay and Terry cheating or Heather shoving someone into a wall get shut down and “protected” so quickly yet Shannon is left out. Of course when it comes to spreading the info I do think Heather is “trying” to protect Shannon. It’s Tamra and Emily using it for a storyline. Which is fked up IMO. 

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Since I found the howives' interactions with each other totally boring this epi, I found their interactions with their pets much more revealing. Archie, as always, is shown to be a much loved family member.

Is this the first time that Emily has bathed their dogs? She seemed totally unprepared for her dog shaking itself when she lifted it out of the water. That's what wet dogs do, Emily. Sheesh.

And speaking of interactions, I don't know when the last time was that I saw a dog totally uninterested in its human family, as Heather's dog was. She was trying to get it to move from the couch and come over to where she and her two kids were standing in the kitchen, and the dog was not the least bit interested. Most dogs would be tripping over themselves to get to their much loved humans. If they had such a thing. So either the dog spends so much time in its crate that it did not realize that it could actually move that far, or it had no friggin' idea who these people were. Even Heather's kid (can't remember which one) commented that the dog didn't like them.

I assume someone (no doubt one of people Heather hires to do, pretty much, everything) takes the doggies out for walks and bathroom breaks. I guess when the poor puppies then move to the condo where they will no longer have a yard, a dog walker will be hired to look after their bathroom and exercise needs. 

Now I have no problem with people who are not into animals. But if you aren't, don't get them. They should be treated as valued members of the family, and if you are incapable of that, leave them to be adopted by someone who will treat them as such.

Rant over. 

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1 hour ago, Starlight925 said:

Interestingly, she is great friends with Jeff Lewis, who notoriously has feuds with everyone, including Andy Cohen.  Jeff loves & adores Shannon, so there must be something great that he sees in her, as they never seem to be on the outs.

There was a bit of a scuffle when on his podcast Jeff said some derogatory things about Shannon and Jon's relationship. Shannon was pissed for a while but Jeff made it alright by apologizing. He most definitely learned his lesson and he only speaks highly of Jon and Shannon now. He said on WWHL that he likes Jon and they seem to be happy and very much in love. Oh, come on, now.  Shannon must have given ole' Jeff some lines he can't cross and because he likes her so much he is following her rules. Not like Jeff at all to sugar coat anything but he sure is doing it for Shannon. 

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On 8/9/2023 at 8:39 PM, Pi237 said:

The rest didn't really impress me as their counterparts.

I felt like it was stupid to do this party theme on this particular franchise, when they all look so alike already. Taylor, Tamra, and Jen are basically the same person already. 


On 8/9/2023 at 8:50 PM, QQQQ said:

Vicki: "I'm so thirsty!" Truer words have never been spoken.

Right?! If this isn't a meme already, it should be. 


On 8/10/2023 at 5:17 AM, RoseAllDay said:

Shoutout to whoever in production found those absolutely wonderful pics of Brooks and Steve, who were shown in all their jackassery.

This show is rapidly circling the drain, but the editors are really doing the lord's work. 

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On 8/10/2023 at 9:31 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

BUT its Heather's fault that its out on camera?? WHAT the WHAT?

I feel like this is an instance where it would be beneficial if they could all just freely talk about the fact that they're on a reality show. It seems pretty clear that Shannon confided in Heather, and that Heather then blabbed to at least some of the other cast members that Shannon and John were not doing great. (Whether she shared specific details that Shannon had told her in confidence or she just generally alluded to the shakiness of their relationship, I don't know. I think probably the latter, mainly because Heather doesn't seem all that close to the other cast members and that she does, out of all of them, seem like someone who would keep it "in the vault.") But!! There is a huge fucking difference between doing that behind the scenes and bringing at this on camera, like Emily and Tamra did. They are the reason Shannon's relationship is being talked about on the show, yet Heather is being nailed to the cross like Jesus was (TM V. Gunvalson). I'm not even a Heather fan but ooooh this makes me mad. 

Will Tamra never get her comeuppance??? 

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I am so confused about who said what to whom about Shannon and John's relationship.  From what I heard on the show Shannon confided in Heather something about her relationship and then Heather spoke to Emily and Tamra about this. Is this what happened?  So why is Heather innocent in this? She wanted to keep her hands clean so she repeats something to the 2 who she knows will blab it on the show and do her dirty work. Heather knew exactly what she was doing.  Shannon can't remember a conversation that she had with Emily about this while they were at a restaurant and they were drinking. And Shannon has not accepted that she has a drinking problem. I can't figure out why she would go on a reality TV show, drink heavily, spill her guts to the other women about her relationships with men and then cry and scream while appearing to being  having a breakdown.  

She is a bottomless pit of need and anxiety. 

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Shannon, either through direct conversations or by dropping woe-is-me hints, is the source of information about her relationship being leaked beyond Shannon and John. I'm sure most of the castmates were eager to discuss it amongst themselves, especially once they realized it wasn't exactly a secret. Shannon isn't a reliable reporter - she's either lying or truly can't remember what she said to whom and when. Instead of being an adult and turning her attention to improving or ending the relationship, she clings even tighter to John out of fear. Is this because she's afraid of him? Afraid of being alone? Afraid of looking weak? Afraid of how it might affect her business enterprises? Unfortunately for Shannon, she seems to forget she's on a reality show. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

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5 hours ago, hottesthw said:

And honestly can you blame any of these guys? You just had your family to worry about thinking poorly of him, on these shows the entire world is watching and taking action. Viewers sending nasty emails, threats, contacting employers etc. So not that he gets a pass for being an ass, but I don’t fault Shannon for wanting to protect him from backlash. I also don’t like how rumors/talks about Eddie being gay and Terry cheating or Heather shoving someone into a wall get shut down and “protected” so quickly yet Shannon is left out. Of course when it comes to spreading the info I do think Heather is “trying” to protect Shannon. It’s Tamra and Emily using it for a storyline. Which is fked up IMO. 

I  can blame these guys.  If they are concerned about people thinking poorly of them then they need to clean up their behavior and start treating women with respect.

And I can fault Shannon for wanting to “protect” him from the backlash.  She needed to end this relationship pronto; defending him says it’s okay to treat her so badly.  What is she teaching her daughters?  They are watching.  

OR she could just not share with coworkers; by all accounts this jackass doesn’t act like this on camera.

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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

I am so confused about who said what to whom about Shannon and John's relationship.  From what I heard on the show Shannon confided in Heather something about her relationship and then Heather spoke to Emily and Tamra about this. Is this what happened?  So why is Heather innocent in this?

It's very confusing, and it's made even more confusing by the fact that it's too boring to muster up the strength to try to figure out.

I don't think Heather is fully innocent in this. She clearly gossiped with the other women about Shannon and John's relationship, to some extent. I just think it's messed up that she's getting the brunt of Shannon's ire when 1) all of the women seemed to have gossiped about Shannon and John (except maybe for Vicki, who was too busy getting her love tank filled from behind); and 2) Heather is innocent of bringing up their relationship on the show, which is the main thing that Shannon cares about! 

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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

I  can blame these guys.  If they are concerned about people thinking poorly of them then they need to clean up their behavior and start treating women with respect.

And I can fault Shannon for wanting to “protect” him from the backlash.  She needed to end this relationship pronto; defending him says it’s okay to treat her so badly.  What is she teaching her daughters?  They are watching.  

OR she could just not share with coworkers; by all accounts this jackass doesn’t act like this on camera.

Or maybe say to the women that they are involved with no I will not appear on the show and do not discuss our realtionship with any one involved with the show.  But I suspect they are profiting from the show so they are more than willing to have their personal life put out there for all to see. 

Any maybe the women need to find other story lines for the show and not depend on having "boyfriends" as their source of a storyline. 

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6 hours ago, ladle said:

2) Heather is innocent of bringing up their relationship on the show, which is the main thing that Shannon cares about! 

But Heather told what Shannon shared with her in confidence to the two people who are known for bringing up other housewives' personal stuff on camera.  In my mind that makes Heather just as guilty.

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8 hours ago, swankie said:

But Heather told what Shannon shared with her in confidence to the two people who are known for bringing up other housewives' personal stuff on camera.  In my mind that makes Heather just as guilty.

See, this is where it gets confusing to me because it seems like the other women -- or at least Emily -- knew this information independently of Heather. So, there are two scenarios:

1 -- Shannon vented to Heather about her relationship in confidence, and Heather went and shared those details with the other women. 


2 -- Shannon vented to Heather about her relationship in confidence. Then, Heather was talking to the other women and they were all complaining about how frustrating it is that Shannon acts like her relationship is great on the show, which is different from what Shannon tells them in private. Then, Heather piled onto that conversation by mentioning that Shannon tells her that her relationship isn't good. (And maybe Heather shared specific details that Shannon told to her in confidence and maybe not -- but I'm guessing not or else the other women would be saying, "Heather told us [this specific detail]" and not just "Heather talked about your relationship being bad.")

I would be willing to bet money that what went down is closer to scenario #2, for a few reasons. I don't think Heather is stupid enough -- or frankly, close enough with the other women -- to just randomly blab something that Shannon told her in confidence.

I am far from a Heather defender. She has been awful to Shannon across multiple seasons! But, in this specific case, Shannon is misplacing her anger if she's blaming Heather. Heather wouldn't even be part of this narrative at all except that Tamra and Emily have decided it's Gang Up on Heather Season, and they clearly don't give a shit if Shannon is collateral damage. 

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Well, it has finally happened.  I am done with this franchise. This episode:

1)  Gina and Emily are just not interesting. Gina isn't rich enough, Emily isn't either, unless you include her in-laws. They don't have real stories and they add no value--no house or fashion porn. They hope that stirring the pot will be enough.

2) Jen never should have been cast. She doesn't work with this cast. And an adultery story isn't enough. Airing her affair on television just isn't good for her kids.

3) Taylor and Tamara are both past their expiration dates. They represent the past and were best as 'character' players.

4) Heather tries to produce herself, and comes across as out of touch and pretentious. Nobody cares that she eats at Nobu 4 times a week, that the help raised her kids, that she married a plastic surgeon and gave up her career.

5) Shannon is just a hot mess. She isn't enough to carry this cast and really needs to work with her new age support staff to develop self esteem.

@Andy Cohen, please, please reboot this one with a completely new cast. Then, maybe I'll come back.

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On 8/12/2023 at 11:03 AM, ladle said:

See, this is where it gets confusing to me because it seems like the other women -- or at least Emily -- knew this information independently of Heather. So, there are two scenarios:

1 -- Shannon vented to Heather about her relationship in confidence, and Heather went and shared those details with the other women. 


2 -- Shannon vented to Heather about her relationship in confidence. Then, Heather was talking to the other women and they were all complaining about how frustrating it is that Shannon acts like her relationship is great on the show, which is different from what Shannon tells them in private. Then, Heather piled onto that conversation by mentioning that Shannon tells her that her relationship isn't good. (And maybe Heather shared specific details that Shannon told to her in confidence and maybe not -- but I'm guessing not or else the other women would be saying, "Heather told us [this specific detail]" and not just "Heather talked about your relationship being bad.")

I would be willing to bet money that what went down is closer to scenario #2, for a few reasons. I don't think Heather is stupid enough -- or frankly, close enough with the other women -- to just randomly blab something that Shannon told her in confidence.

I am far from a Heather defender. She has been awful to Shannon across multiple seasons! But, in this specific case, Shannon is misplacing her anger if she's blaming Heather. Heather wouldn't even be part of this narrative at all except that Tamra and Emily have decided it's Gang Up on Heather Season, and they clearly don't give a shit if Shannon is collateral damage. 

This. Sick and tired of this 50+ Mean Girl and her toadies stirring shit and targeting people. This act is old, worn out, and (except for those directly involved) boring. Heather may have betrayed Shannon years ago about the text from David, but she is definitely not to blame now. 

It’s doubly gross because Emily is sucking up to Tamra, thinking it will help her OC “cred,” while they both know full well how easily Shannon goes spiraling into orbit over stuff like this. That is just cruel.

Emily should take note that the longer she is on the show, the more likely it will be her turn to be on the receiving end of Tamra’s vileness. Hope it’s worth it, Em. (I hope, too that Tamballs’s day is coming, sooner rather than later.)

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1 minute ago, RoseAllDay said:

It’s doubly gross because Emily is sucking up to Tamra, thinking it will help her OC “cred,” while they both know full well how easily Shannon goes spiraling into orbit over stuff like this. That is just cruel.

And triply gross because Emily is criticizing Heather for doing exactly what she's doing (sucking up to Tamra)! 

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The 2 faces of John. Publicly a calm, supportive, nice guy. Behind closed doors a cruel asshat that makes you beg for scraps and will dump you if you expose him. A user, loser and abuser right there!

It's a sad party when Icky is the cool, fun one

Even when mimicking an uptight women that wears a dress and heels to a pumpkin patch, Tamrat can't reign in her need to show her T&A for attention. 

Eddie commenting on what his wife eats left a bad taste in my mouth (vomit?). So controlling and demeaning. 

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On 8/14/2023 at 10:21 AM, Ms.Lulu said:

Andy Cohen, please, please reboot this one with a completely new cast. Then, maybe I'll come back.

If the ratings for this season are really bad and the ratings for the new RONY season are good he might just do this. The early ratings for RONY were not good. So we'll see how they end up. 

The problem with shows like OC, and RONY is that the women age out. Vicki is 61 and Shannon is 59. it's not entertaining watching them get drunk, scream, fight and chase boyfriends. An in Vickie's case try to convince us that she is a hot sexpot. Nor is it entertaining to watch them get their private parts waxed. They offer nothing in the least bit interesting or fun any more

I'm embarrassed that I watched this last episode. 

Edited by 65mickey
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On 8/16/2023 at 10:59 AM, 65mickey said:

If the ratings for this season are really bad and the ratings for the new RONY season are good he might just do this. The early ratings for RONY were not good. So we'll see how they end up. 

The problem with shows like OC, and RONY is that the women age out. Vicki is 61 and Shannon is 59. it's not entertaining watching them get drunk, scream, fight and chase boyfriends. An in Vickie's case try to convince us that she is a hot sexpot. Nor is it entertaining to watch them get their private parts waxed. They offer nothing in the least bit interesting or fun any more

I'm embarrassed that I watched this last episode. 

Or otherwise act like complete fools who would put a junior high slumber party to shame. See: the pool party at Emily’s in-laws’ and this stupid doppelganger shit. Tamra in particular is embarrassing, always feeling the need to flash herself and otherwise be trashy. 

There is no shock value anymore, nor entertainment, as you said. It’s grown-ass women acting stupid. Give me the early seasons of OC, where things actually felt “real,” as opposed to this. 

Sometimes things just need to end. No shame in that, Andy — unless, of course, you like seeing women degraded in this way, and they’re more than happy to oblige. Sad, actually. So why do I keep watching? Good question.


On 8/16/2023 at 10:55 AM, J80134 said:

The 2 faces of John. Publicly a calm, supportive, nice guy. Behind closed doors a cruel asshat that makes you beg for scraps and will dump you if you expose him. A user, loser and abuser right there!

It's a sad party when Icky is the cool, fun one

Even when mimicking an uptight women that wears a dress and heels to a pumpkin patch, Tamrat can't reign in her need to show her T&A for attention. 

Eddie commenting on what his wife eats left a bad taste in my mouth (vomit?). So controlling and demeaning. 

Eddie is giving me some pretty dark vibes this season. 


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