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Kris is not sending money to Kris because she is so busy working?

Jeymi says she has to move from the apartment because she can no longer afford it, what about the lease, isn't there a fee for breaking the lease or something, even if it is just a long term rental like an Airbnb there will be a penalty, how will she pay that if she cannot pay the rent? I am guessing Kris will not be sending money.

At this point we do not need Oh-samma on our screen, Dibby is done with him. 

Gabe, please be quiet about others relationship but thank you for the anatomy class.

Jenn, none of think you and Rishi will get married, who do you think you are fooling?

Johan, please continue to swat the flies the meat from your imaginary butcher shop, nobody thinks you own that place.

Danielle, you are horrible. Get your job back, sell your car, pay your fines, etc...stop looking for a way to be on our screens.

Nicole, you need therapy, your constant crying is ridiculous, Mackmewd is not a hill to die on, go put on a tube top and hit the bars, I am sure you can find another guy that won't make you talk about sleeve length.

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Y’all can blast me for being shallow if necessary, but is Kris the most physically unattractive woman to ever appear on this show? That one fell out of the ugly tree and bounced off every damn branch on the way down.  

This made me laugh so hard, you'd think that Richard Gere closed a jewelry box on my fingers. 

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37 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Kris is not sending money to Kris because she is so busy working?

Jeymi says she has to move from the apartment because she can no longer afford it, what about the lease, isn't there a fee for breaking the lease or something, even if it is just a long term rental like an Airbnb there will be a penalty, how will she pay that if she cannot pay the rent? I am guessing Kris will not be sending money.

At this point we do not need Oh-samma on our screen, Dibby is done with him. 

Gabe, please be quiet about others relationship but thank you for the anatomy class.

Jenn, none of think you and Rishi will get married, who do you think you are fooling?

Johan, please continue to swat the flies the meat from your imaginary butcher shop, nobody thinks you own that place.

Danielle, you are horrible. Get your job back, sell your car, pay your fines, etc...stop looking for a way to be on our screens.

Nicole, you need therapy, your constant crying is ridiculous, Mackmewd is not a hill to die on, go put on a tube top and hit the bars, I am sure you can find another guy that won't make you talk about sleeve length.

Ok, while not on the same topic, this is what Nicole reminded me of in her swimsuit.  




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1 hour ago, Shrek said:

Poor Johan, imagine the horror of being known as the guy with the huge dick all over the internet !!!! I feel bad for him. 😀

Or worse yet, the "biggest ding dong" as declared by another big ding dong. I'm older than Debbie but don't use World War II era expressions. 

Never fear, Yohan has taken his ding dong over to Only Fans and will do very well. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Kris is not sending money to Kris because she is so busy working?

It takes less than a min to zelle. I think Kris loves to play the woe is me, I am this simple country gal who was taken advantage of by this younger skanky latina vixen. When pressed about Jeymi's allegation that she only sent one payment, she had some wild story about how well, shucks, yes from my one account I did send one time only because I had to close my bank account due to someone stealing my identity. And then her mother sent other installments? Uh, her mom didn't seem too on board with the relationship and I think she would have mentioned sending Jeymi money in the one episode where Kris is venting to her about being used. It's all bullshit. 

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One of my first questions to Rishi's mom would have been "are you still shopping for a wife for your boy?" I wanted a discussion on what happens when a wife is found for him. That's got to put a curdle in the milk.

Mr. Lu wandered by while I was watching and he asked "if you removed the gold necklace from that blonde chick (Nicole) would you see a line, like in that ribbon story?" 😄

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This show has a real knack for casting people with rage problems. And not just rage problems, but difficulty communicating the reason for their rage. So they communicate the rage only and come off looking crazy like Kris and Mahmoud. Like, nobody ever told some of these people that you can express anger without demonstrating it. You can communicate it verbally without physically demonstrating it. All of these people seem to have such short fuses, whether it's Nicole for crying or Kris turning on a dime and being cold & cruel.

Debbie seems well-intentioned, but grossly misguided. Both re: Jeymi and also just in general re: her own relationship with Oussama. As abrasive as I find him, I kind of understand Julian's overprotectiveness of her. I don't think she's playing the game with all the pieces, if you know what I mean.

Very strange that I didn't notice Danielle's prominent beaver teeth during either of her previous seasons, but during this tell all they seemed to dominate my screen. Maybe I was just trying so hard not to look at her sun-damaged decolletage that I ended up staring at her mouth. I don't know but it looks like she gets hers next week and I am there for it.

Maaaaaan, Rishi got brutalized from every angle! In some ways entirely fairly, but in other ways why isn't Jen equally culpable for the relationship continuing, despite Rishi's parents rejecting her? And her rejecting what they want, as well? Why didn't anyone take her to task for continuing to see him and engage romantically with him? She's a grown woman and she should at some point be held accountable for her own actions and choices instead of putting that all on him. And what's with the ultimatum in the preview for next week where she threatens Rishi to end the relationship if his parents ever say that she's too old again? How can he control what they say? How is that a reasonable ultimatum? I really question how much of this is entirely Jen's own fault.

I appreciate Gabe trying to clarify why he came at Mahmoud so sideways about being Muslim, but he still came off like an asshole and really didn't need to be making all of the faces. I think Gabe just needs to grow up a little bit. Mahmoud could also use some growing up. It's hilarious to me that even somebody all the way in Egypt knows to follow the trope of ripping off your microphone and angrily walking away. It's such a cliche. Like screaming "I'm going to my trailer!" and storming off the set.

Edited by FrancescaFiore
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3 hours ago, magemaud said:

If, and that's a BIG if, Rishi and Jen were ever to actually get married, Jen would have a worse relationship with her mother-in-law than Jenny does with Sumit's parents. At least Jenny didn't give Mother Sumit a big F-U. Jen was a real bitch at the Tell All, encouraged by her friends. 

I’m not sure what’s so hurtful about bringing up the age difference.  Maybe Rishi’s mother wants grandkids from him.  Maybe in Jaipur there is a troll culture like where Sumit lives where neighbors, friends, and family members would mock the relationship with an “oldie” nonstop.  So for Jen to lay down the ultimatum that if Rishi’s mom mentions it again she will never speak to her again seems over the top.  People always want to know the basis of the objection to a relationship, but then if it’s something they can’t or won’t change they want to pretend it’s a nonfactor.  There is also a sexist double standard where even in other countries people would criticize a woman marrying a man 15 years younger.  So it’s not all Indian culture.  I think many American parents would disapprove and depending on how important their approval is that could stop a marriage.  The funny thing is that while generally more openminded on social issues people now are voicing disapproval of an older man with a younger woman as predatory etc. when it used to be widely accepted.  So we get less judgmental on some topics and more on others depending on the zeitgeist.

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2 hours ago, Shrek said:

Poor Johan, imagine the horror of being known as the guy with the huge dick all over the internet !!!! I feel bad for him. 😀

Yeah although I have friends who are well endowed  and it can cause problems where some women will say you are absolutely not putting that thing in me or they try but cause injury or can only partially penetrate.  So while in theory it seems every man’s dream there are practical issues.

2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Jeymi says she has to move from the apartment because she can no longer afford it,

They were probably going to evict her.  It sounds like the first month Kris paid the rent and the next four months the landlord was stiffed.  So at least if Jeymi moves out the landlord can re-rent and that would mitigate the damages rather than another seven months of no rent.

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Gabe, please be quiet about others relationship but thank you for the anatomy class.

I’m not an expert on female ejaculation (squirting) but I wonder what percentage of women can do it.  I know some people claim it’s a myth.  Also I would assume it wouldn’t really resemble semen other than being a liquid?

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2 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I’m not an expert on female ejaculation (squirting) but I wonder what percentage of women can do it.  I know some people claim it’s a myth.  Also I would assume it wouldn’t really resemble semen other than being a liquid?


It's certainly not a myth and you are correct in that it doesn't resemble semen but has the consistency of urine although it is colorless and doesn't come from or out of the same place. Although the last 2 females I have slept with were able to ejaculate (squirt) I don't think it's as common as some make out as well as there being differences in the force of said ejaculation.

I have said way more than I meant to so that's it on the subject from me.

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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

It takes less than a min to zelle. I think Kris loves to play the woe is me, I am this simple country gal who was taken advantage of by this younger skanky latina vixen. When pressed about Jeymi's allegation that she only sent one payment, she had some wild story about how well, shucks, yes from my one account I did send one time only because I had to close my bank account due to someone stealing my identity. And then her mother sent other installments? Uh, her mom didn't seem too on board with the relationship and I think she would have mentioned sending Jeymi money in the one episode where Kris is venting to her about being used. It's all bullshit. 

Oh yes, it is all bullshit, if Kris's mouth is moving, she is lying.

Zelle, Venmo, etc...if she has had a suspicious pattern and had been paying her um, "supplier," chances are her account got flagged and shut down so she would have had to Western Union the money or something, but Kris claiming that she had been working day and night and didn't have time for a phone call let alone send money is all bullshit, Kris was not going to send anymore money.


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Didn’t TLC used to have a therapist on-site for these tell alls?

I too noticed that many of these folks have anger management issues, short fuses, unresolved emotional issues.

During round one of living in Cairo, Nicole should have seen Mahmoud’s immaturity, his inability to consider and think critically about viewpoints other than his own, and his childish behavior. Crying on the tell-all may make for some theatrics, but there is a concern of how fragile and beaten-down Nicole is. Maybe one of the producers referred her to a counselor for possible signs of abuse and some resources to help her. She should not be defending her husband’s crap behavior and trying to soften him up. Mackmoud should also not be flying off the handle and kicking trees because someone challenged his beliefs. I don’t know if he has the life skills to learn to channel anger in a healthy way. She is married to a very exhausting man.

Rishi is a lawyer and should know Indian law regarding his parents and financial support. He should also have told this to Jen when they were getting serious. The Coven needs to let Jen live her own life and make her own mistakes and learn her own lessons. Mama is not going to permit a wedding and Rishi either disowns his family or marries some Indian girl to make his mama happy. For most of these folks, love does not always mean relationship. I can love many people and not want a relationship with them.

Daniele and Yohan? Ding dong and cupcake. Yeah, they are done.

I did not need the sex ed class. Yes, Gabe was educational but it was way too much of him for the show. Tone it down. Why the friend was there? More drama. I do doubt that Gabe pulls a lot of ladies. Waste of time for Trey.

Debbie, tone it down too. The Southern Belle persona works some of the time. Not all people like the clucking mother hen type. No, you can be supportive of Nicole, but she is pretty much forty. 

I have no idea who are what Kris is about. Unlike Debbie, I do not see enough evidence to feel that Jeymi is a predator. I saw her as a hapless woman who got into an online romance that became a bait and switch. Who paid dearly for it.  No idea what the truth is between Kris and Jeymi, but Kris seemed to be lying through her teeth. She demanded Jeymi quit her job, she went to Colombia with all her aches and pains, still married a basic stranger in about a week, fed her a story about a food truck, complained about the apartment being too pricey, took off for two weeks to settle some bank issue, returned five months later, did not help out with the rent or bills, and came up with one disaster story after the next - the bank issue, the motorcycle issue, her son, identity theft, her car flipped over. I was rolling my eyes and had to snap them back. Jeymi seemed well intentioned but came up against a manipulator. Guess Kris saw the writing on the wall when she got there and planned a cruel escape. She got married for the giggles, had no intention of showing up and behaved rather poorly on the tell all. Good bye and good riddance and don’t darken anyone’s tv screen again.


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Could not help but find the whole 2 hours annoying.  Who was the host of the show Shaun or Gabe?  Gabe got in more questions and camera time than the host.  Led by Gabe they all bullied Rishi and Jen’s sudden disrespect for his mother was disgusting.  Old fish mouth looking thing needs to shut up.  Her friends are two big mouth jerks, not sure why they were allowed to go at Danielle.  Chris and Jamie are both lunatics.  I hope Gabe gets what’s coming next week.  Just cannot stand Gabe.

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2 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

They replaced them with a licensed bad news breaker. 

Oh, I thought they replaced them with Tim and Veronica!! LOL 

What exact purpose do they have on these shows anyway?

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Gabe took over just like Jabri (or however it's spelled) did on the Tell All for his season.   Shawn never interferes with someone verbally or physically attacking other participants. 

Gabe's comments were despicable, and his comments about Mahmoud raising his children in his religion were horrible.  

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I was passing out in the homestretch but stuck this mess out because I thought the end was in sight.

The Universe pulled a really big one on me here. (And, no, it wasn't Yohan.)  


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I've just started the Tell All Part 2. My issue: Nicole doesn't advocate at all for Mahmoud. He was willing to come to the US. SHE was the one that converted to the Muslim Religion WITHOUT knowing one single thing about what being muslim in Egypt with a conservative man would be like. She can feign ignorance, but at a certain point, she needs to also take accountability for her blind choices. Mahmoud NEVER asserted to be anything other than what he was. She however pretended that she could handle change and then determined that she couldn't. I don't blame her for changing her mind, but to assume that he would change when he NEVER made any promises that he would... seems also ridiculous.

Also, I have much less respect for Gabe. I loved his and Isabel's storyline. I was rooting for him all the way. But on this tell all, he just want to attack every other relationship. EVERY one. He is NOT blameless. During the season, he absolutely acted sketchy with his friends around his fiance... telling him to shush when Isabel came to have drinks with them. Rolling his eyes. Complaining about her possessiveness to his sister and then being upset that his sister was looking at Isabel judgmentally. HE created that mess.

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5 hours ago, Endora said:

Could not help but find the whole 2 hours annoying.

For whatever reason, I found this to be one of the saddest Tell Alls ever.  Granted we didn't have the same level of cretins as we sometimes have had, but almost this entire group was entirely uninteresting and/or unlikeable, including the secondary players.  

Isabel's parents were lovely, and Isabel herself mostly came off well, and Rishi's family didn't come off badly.   Other than that, I thought I was going into a coma.  

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I also have come to believe that many of the folks in these relationships are emotionally fragile or troubled and are attempting to fix a plethora of problems with a relationship, which doesn't work.  Everyone has issues, sure, but beyond a certain point you're just not healthy and ready for a relationship with anyone, least of all a foreigner with their own issues and a vastly different culture.  

Something has stunted Nicole's development to the point that she seems barely able to manage her own emotions and have enough of her own identity to stop crying and tell Mackmood to take a hike.  She is much more like a very young adult who hasn't established herself  (and yes, I'm generalizing) than a woman of nearly 40.  Has she ever had a serious relationship before this angry twerp of a man?   She didn't like his culture the first time around, but expected, magically, that everything would be different the second time.  For her own sake, I hope she lets go of this marriage and finds help.

I've been wondering if Jenny and Sumit have been essentially left alone by his family, since there was already a son who married an appropriate partner and produced the grandchildren?  It's probably the best Jenny will every get.  And for her ups and downs, Jenny was far more likeable than Jen part 2.  While Jenny and Sumit seem to genuinely like each other, I think Rishi was merely a lust attack gone wrong.  A "fling" that wasn't going anywhere, and both of these blockheads should have recognized that  from go.  I felt like apologizing through the screen to Rishi's parents, who aren't "bad guys" but are in their culture.  They don't deserve ridicule or confrontation, and if this is how the Tell-Alls are going to be, I might be out next season.  It's ugly.

Yeah, I've heard far more about Gabe's personal life than I needed to.  While Monica was portrayed as the "villian" in their story, this Tell-All showed a Jupiter-sized slab of Monica in good guy Gabe.  He can pile on the judgement and inappropriate questioning of someone he doesn't even know mighty thick himself.  All season I've found him disorganized, emotionally troubled, easily cowed by the people in his life, and a drama magnet.  None of those are attractive, and none are conducive to making a marriage work.  I did like Isabel and her children and I hope for their sake things work out.  

Danielle and Yohan's marriage was based on a lie (well, many lies), and both have their repulsive sides.  Be gone from my screen. That's the end of that.

I also don't see enough to call Jeymi a predator.  I find her very trusting and naïve, who came out to herself,  then chose the first opportunity for a relationship with a female (and an American to boot),  went in blindly and didn't ask enough questions.  She saw all the romance of two lovers far apart instead of very carefully examining what Kris brought to the table, which was a very abusive and angry woman.  She should have called it quits at first ghost.  Kris gives me abuser vibes.  My ex-husband used to "apologize" by saying he "blacked out" and didn't remember what he did to me.  He was also an honor student at the "Blame Everyone Else For My Problems" academy.  Boy, Kris sounds familiar.

Kenny and Armando look like the "good old days" compared to this bunch.  Never have I managed to dislike all  the nincompoops by the end.



Edited by AR Traveler
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18 hours ago, Adeejay said:

 Debbie and Gabe mocking Rishi’s accent was definitely a new low.  What I saw last night was the embodiment of ugly Americans. 

Or just two people applying for one of TLC's 90 day spinoffs.


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23 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Same with Kris and Jeymi---it was fun when Kris could string along this sexy younger woman with promises of taking care of her, but when she showed up and realized what life in Colombia meant for her in terms of $$ and access to her meds, street drugs, she ghosted. 

Fixed that for you

It also amazes me that these people don't ask basic questions:  What do you make a year?  What is your debt?  Who lives with you?  May I see your home?  Do you support your parents?  Are you a smoker?  More than a social drinker?

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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I can't believe how much support Kris was getting from other cast members???  WTH?  And add me to the list that no longer finds Debbie nice, kooky, native and sweet.  Hells to the NO.  She thinks Jeymi is the predator.  HAHAHAHAHA!  Happy to see that Veronica and others did not drink the "Kris Koolaid" and buy into Jeymi's a gold digger.  

When did the cast members start running the show by asking questions?  And why oh why did the go into so much detail about how Gab's sex life.  It just went on and on and on................  Please never again.

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3 minutes ago, gaPeach said:

Debbie nice, kooky, native and sweet.  Hells to the NO.  She thinks Jeymi is the predator.  HAHAHAHAHA!

very rich coming from the woman who seemed to truly believe a 20 something man was madly in love with her and they would live happily ever after in his country lol. Shocked Oussamma is even still on screen, there must be a mandate now that if you don't sit for the whole filming you don't get paid. 

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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

very rich coming from the woman who seemed to truly believe a 20 something man was madly in love with her and they would live happily ever after in his country lol. Shocked Oussamma is even still on screen, there must be a mandate now that if you don't sit for the whole filming you don't get paid. 

I think that was a bit of projection on Debbie's part! She couldn't bring herself to say those things about Oussamma so she talked about Jeymi instead. 

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Debbie imitating Rishi's Hindi accent like she's on a Simpson's episode was disgusting. Add to that as she's insulting him at the same time was just really foul. Jenn's friends still look busted. Rishi does have zero game - Jenn's right. ☠️😂 Also, did she go hiking in shorts or something before the show, or was she attacked by a razor? Her legs were all nicked up. 

Nicole was right r.e. it being difficult for Rishi to break with Indian tradition. The Americans are correct that in OUR culture, you cut the umbilical cord. However, Rishi's correct - Jenn is his heart, but his family is truly his soul. While that doesn't jibe with our family structure, a family home and India's family structure is different. The cycle absolutely doesn't empower women and keeps them subjugated, but that's the way that it is. Additionally, if Rishi was named Rich and lived in Canton, Ohio and he was 32 and was dating a 48-year-old woman AND his parents knew that he wanted children, they would absolutely have objections about their marriage - especially if they didn't have disposable income to adopt/do IVF/hire a surrogate.

Gabe sure likes to point the finger at other people, doesn't he? However, good on him for going for Maccchhhmooooud. As other posters and the host pointed out, if he was Christian or atheist or Hindu, it would probably be a non-starter BUT it was the controlling aspect of Islam that Gabe was poking at. The broader picture is that Macccchhmooooud was raised in and lives in a culture where the control is not only permitted and encouraged, it is expected. The same goes with Quiverfull- and Mormon-type christian sects/cults where women are relegated to service-related breeding roles. Nourah was the same way in her episodes, but no one jumped on her like they're jumping on Gabe for voicing his opinion.

Maccchmoooud is still a smarmy little prick. I have ZERO idea what Nicole is doing defending him. So gross.

Props to Gabe for educating FTM assignment surgery. It was awkward that he had to be the spokesperson for all of it, but he was able to answer those burning questions no one is able to really ask a trans person. I have a trans friends but the ones who have had surgery are all MTF so I appreciated getting more knowledge on surgeries and complications that can arise from FTM surgeries.

Kris: "I deal with anger by leaving." 
Also Kris: "When I assault people, I black out." 
Total fucking cheating junkie trash. Did her murder knife cost $8500 to make up for the discrepancy in what Kris claims that she paid Jeymi? Also, Jeymi needs to call it quits if someone dips out on them for a 20 days, not cheat on them.

Who are Tim and Veronica? Why are they invested in anyone's relationship?

Edited by lightninggirl
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1 hour ago, gaPeach said:


I can't believe how much support Kris was getting from other cast members???  WTH?


Also weird that Jen’s friends were blasting several couples but said nothing about Kris.

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On 5/22/2023 at 9:49 AM, Stuckathome said:

I don't think he really does love Jen. How did they initially meet again?

She was staying in a hotel in India that he happened to go into. Their eyes locked across a crowded room. They got to talking and the rest is history. 

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On 5/22/2023 at 8:01 AM, magemaud said:

Jen was a real bitch at the Tell All, encouraged by her friends. 

I think she considers herself a TV STAR now.   Equal to a Bravolebrity...only she's on TLC.

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20 hours ago, Shrek said:


It's certainly not a myth and you are correct in that it doesn't resemble semen but has the consistency of urine although it is colorless and doesn't come from or out of the same place. Although the last 2 females I have slept with were able to ejaculate (squirt) I don't think it's as common as some make out as well as there being differences in the force of said ejaculation.

I have said way more than I meant to so that's it on the subject from me.

I stopped watching this show a few seasons back when an American woman was aggressively grilling a Muslim man in his own country about why he climaxed so quickly the first time they had sex. It was the day after and he was embarassed, it obviously was awkward for him to talk about sex that way, but she wouldn't let it go. I found it really distasteful and quit the show. 

Decided to come back and try it again this season. I am very, very far from being a prude, but I watch this show for the cringey bad relationship stuff, not to hear a lot of talk about people's penis size and women squirting. Maybe this show isn't for me.

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It's apparent that certain body parts cause embarrassment among many people.

Even MORE embarrassment seems to be caused by what my son told me when he was six or seven years old, "But MOM, it's a normal body function."  Normal body functions need to be discussed ad nauseum so they no longer are cause for concern ... or channel-changing. My little boy's "normal body function" was a fart.  I had told him what my mother told me and my sisters, "Go into the bathroom if you HAVE to do that!"  Sadly, my sisters and I were more afraid of our mother than my kids were.

Edited by Back Atcha
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On 5/22/2023 at 1:18 AM, magemaud said:

One difference is that Sumit has a brother while Rishi is the only son so he has no one to share the responsibility 

Rishi has a brother, but he seemed to be a little slow so I'm not sure if he's 100% capable of supporting himself + the parents. He also might be the younger brother, not assertive, or expected to support the mom/uncle/family so that's why it appeared that Rishi was solely responsible for floating everyone.

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57 minutes ago, magemaud said:

She was staying in a hotel in India that he happened to go into. Their eyes locked across a crowded room. They got to talking and the rest is history. 

Do we know why he was in that hotel?

1 hour ago, lightninggirl said:

Who are Tim and Veronica? Why are they invested in anyone's relationship?

There are many questions about Tim and Veronica but more about Tim.


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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

Also weird that Jen’s friends were blasting several couples but said nothing about Kris.

That was interesting.  I don't have a problem with friends of cast members are introduced to the mixed, but these two were way too gleeful to spill the beans to Risha's mom and dad about Jen. Who, by the way, both parents were very nice and not rude to Jen or her witchy friends.  

I don't really like this new format during the Tell Alls.  This ganging up on one or two of the couples is turning mean and pointless.  Why don't they have a moderator to keep things moving along..........what?  They did have a moderator.  Huh, never would have guess that..........

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1 minute ago, gaPeach said:

I don't really like this new format during the Tell Alls.  This ganging up on one or two of the couples is turning mean and pointless. 

And the behind the scenes segments in the break room where they form alliances. 

1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:

"Modeling" in a hotel room, sure Jan.

He was in the lobby: The 48-year-old Jen from Alabama, an avid traveler, met 32-year-old Rishi in a hotel lobby where he was for one of his modeling assignments.

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22 hours ago, magemaud said:

Or worse yet, the "biggest ding dong" as declared by another big ding dong. I'm older than Debbie but don't use World War II era expressions. 

Never fear, Yohan has taken his ding dong over to Only Fans and will do very well. 

Lol….showing my age, but does anyone recall a hit song called My Ding- A-Ling?  I’m NOT kidding.  I was a child back then. 😝 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Lol….showing my age, but does anyone recall a hit song called My Ding- A-Ling?  I’m NOT kidding.  I was a child back then. 😝 

Chuck Berry. What an awful song.  Don't forget other hits like Disco Duck and Convoy, blech. I have shown my age and then some!

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Just now, SunnyBeBe said:

Lol….showing my ages but does anyone recall a hit song called My Ding- A-Ling?  I’m NOT kidding.  I was a child back then. 😝 

Yep, it's a Chuck Berry novelty song. The lyrics were designed to be racey, but he was actuallly referring to a bell. 

"My ding-a-ling, my ding-a-ling, I want you to play with my ding-a-ling!"

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Just now, magemaud said:

Yep, it's a Chuck Berry novelty song. The lyrics were designed to be racey, but he was actuallly referring to a bell. 

"My ding-a-ling, my ding-a-ling, I want you to play with my ding-a-ling!"

A bell, sure Jan.

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10 minutes ago, magemaud said:

And the behind the scenes segments in the break room where they form alliances. 

He was in the lobby: The 48-year-old Jen from Alabama, an avid traveler, met 32-year-old Rishi in a hotel lobby where he was for one of his modeling assignments.

I can only see me being polite/cordial to the other folks. It is unlikely that I will see any of them again, and no need to form anything resembling any kind of friendship. I do not know them. Or really want to.

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1 hour ago, magemaud said:

She was staying in a hotel in India that he happened to go into. Their eyes locked across a crowded room. They got to talking and the rest is history. 

He was probably trying to figure out what kind of eyes she has (sanpaku).

35 minutes ago, lightninggirl said:

Rishi has a brother, but he seemed to be a little slow so I'm not sure if he's 100% capable of supporting himself + the parents. He also might be the younger brother, not assertive, or expected to support the mom/uncle/family so that's why it appeared that Rishi was solely responsible for floating everyone.

I have a feeling Rishi could make more money practicing law than personal training so his family is probably disappointed about that as well.  They don’t want to indulge him pursuing his dream career and dream wife despite the practical implications.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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