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S16.E29: Live Eviction #11 / HoH Comp #12

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I did have to chuckle though because Victoria has all the gracefulness of a newborn fawn on a slippery surface.

Victoria is probably wondering why she has to do stuff like this while waiting for a rose.   Honestly, I think it would be hilarious if she won the whole game; a game she never bothered to play. 


Me too.  It's strange how he views himself as such an outsider (and by implication, not well-liked) when so many people (Pao Pao, Melanie, Jocasta, Nicole) have told Julie, without much prodding, how much they liked him. When the game is over, I hope he realizes how much folks watching the game liked him as well. AND, I hope he gets his job back!


That's a good point.  He said he was an outsider because of his age, which is true but also mentioned that every evicted hg before him love him - which was mostly true too.    I think he was just emotional with the whole thing.  Nice guy but nice guys almost never win this show and being the kind "old" hg that went to bed hours before everyone else didn't do anything to improve his social game. 


My favorite part tonight was Chenbot not only adding the "overwhelming" to the news that "America" voted down Frankie's dumbass skit but when she told Donny she thought he would "be just fine" after he said he had resigned his job to come here.  If Mrs. Moonves tells you she thinks you will be "just fine" then odds are you will.   The appearance on the soap was a nice gesture.  Also, looked like Julie dropped at least half of the five pounds of hair she usually wears. 


I was a little disappointed that Frankie seemed to blow off the fail on TA's latest mission - I was looking for something a little more soul crushing (this show makes me mean.)    But it's not like he really put much energy into it.  I'd guess he spent more time on his makeup then he did working on the skit.  As much as it pains me, I don't think he cared.  I think the "overwhelming" was for us, the audience.  Heh. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 10

I wish I could change my member name to "Overwhelming No".


ETA:  Looks like I got my wish.   Now to change my avatar...


I love you so much right now. 


What a glorious BB moment, hearing Julie say those words, watching Frankie pretend not to care. This combined with the cheers for Donny will tear him up. I can't wait until he finds out Donny got that walkon for B&B, and my fingers are crossed that Donny gets America's Favorite Player as well and that the camera catches Frankie's mug when it happens. His misery will feed my soul.

  • Love 1

"Battle of endurance" my clavicle, Julie!   You, Ms. Chen, are a Lying Liar Who Lies!  That is freaking "Teacups", a competition that is ALWAYS won by a long-striding male (just fewer steps to take, makes it so much easier):



S11-Kevin (only male competing; Jeff was outgoing HoH)



S15-Jeremy (in tandem with Aaryn)


Nicole should just grab the $5K and be happy.  Caleb is clearly going to lap the field (Derrick appears to be throwing it) and probably won in less than a half-hour's time.  "Endurance", please.


Oh, and next Thursday is another eternally boring "fast-forward" episode.  At least it gets us closer to this season being over with, but there's nothing to shake up a boring season like a "week" that's all competitions and no chance for strategizing, right?  I'm sure everybody will be all planned out ("Thursday we vote out Nicole, and if it's a double we go for Christine or Frankie, whichever one doesn't win Veto") and the second evictee will be as flustered and as helpless as Hayden was earlier this season.  This "fast-forward" crap worked once, in All-Stars when nobody knew it was coming (not even the producers; it was a late-game decision to shave a week off of the season, due to poor ratings) and nobody had planned for it.  Ever since then, it's the most useless and boring part of the season…even without my posting this same rant every time it's announced.  (Sorry.  I just figure that since they "listened to me" and cast no smokers this season, maybe they'll do it again, wrt the stupid FF.  Silly, I know.)


Derrick's game play continues circling the bowl.  Not that I'm rooting for him in any way, but it's surprising, given that he played much better earlier in the year, and is still the probable favorite to win.  Why on earth do you let Frankie/Caleb know that you're keeping Nicole?  Why not tell them that you're with them on the "keep Donny" train, let them hang themselves with dissenting votes, and then use that as an excuse to target them next week?  Oh, okay, it's because you can't trust Christine to keep her mouth shut and hang her closest allies out to dry that way, even though she hates Donny, I get it.  But then, why tell Donny in the goodbye video "sorry I couldn't get the votes to keep you, I tried"?  I mean, that's a sure way to get Donny's jury vote…until either Frankie or Caleb gets to the Jury House and rats you out, that is.  No way to take both of Frankie/Caleb to F2, I'm thinking.  (Especially as Derrick already has F2 deals with Cody and Victoria.)  Indeed, if Donny actually witnessed Frankie and Caleb trying to flip the house before the live show, then he already knows Derrick is lying.  So very badly played.


Sooo…Christine is attracted to hirsute, physical men (hence all the Cody-touching), but she married her beanpole, gaydar-pinging, "lifelong pal"?  Yeah, that'll end well.   I give the marriage maybe a year after the show.  Then they'll both go chase hairy guys, together.


And "America" batted only 50% for the show, I'm thinking.  Yes, "Overwhelming no" was awesome (big ups to the producers for twisting the knife that extra degree, and to Overwhelming No for snagging the username), but choosing "5000 Dollas/5000 Hollas" was utterly stupid…the "hollas" would annoy all the HGs, it wouldn't be a punishment specific to the player who took the money.  Whereas the "5 tees" would have been visual, and could have been customized to the hamster that won it. 


Some suggestions:


Nicole:  "Chunky thighs, clunky brains"

Victoria: "Who?"

Caleb: "Least Mode Cowboy" or "Amber has a restraining order against this shirt, too"

Christine:  "Tim's getting this t-shirt in the divorce"

Frankie:  "Ariana has one less Problem without…me", "Now banned from YouTube", and, simply, "Overwhelming No".

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 6

Victoria seems to have an unreasonable fear of hurting herself and it's ruining her competitions. This is why girls should play sports! Of course, she should have gone straight for the $5000, but her brain is afraid of hurting itself, too, and I don't know what might have helped with that. I've developed a soft spot for her, she's just that pathetic.

Donny's best skills are wasted cleaning kid's toilets. With his slow talking, sincerity he could sell sun-lamps in the Sahara. I hope his parents will watch him on, "Bold and Beautiful," even though it's not, "Gunsmoke." At least they sounded like Jeff had talked them into watching a few episodes of, "Big Brother."

It looked like Derrick's wife has lost her baby weight while he's been gone. Cute! The baby girl, too!

I have to hand it the Detonators for pretty much keeping their alliance together this far. Now it will be fun to watch them blow themselves up.

  • Love 5

B&B is one of the most popular TV shows in the world, its cast has regularly gone on location shoots to countries other soaps (and even some primetime shows) could only dream about. Donny will be seen by more people than Frankie will ever hope to have see him, and the cold, dead cockles of my heart are toasty warm.

  • Love 7

Bye, Donny! I will miss you! You were probably one of my favorite BB players ever. I hope you win fan favorite!


At this point I'm hoping anyone but Frankie wins, but I'd prefer Nicole or Derrick.  I think they've played the best games so far. 


It was cool to see the videos from home. Derrick's totally made me tear up, you could tell how much he missed his baby girl. Frankie's made me cringe. He was kicking his legs and getting all hysterical as if he hasn't known Ariana Grande his entire life. 


They showed A LOT more of the Cody-Christine flirtationship tonight, and frankly I was surprised her husband wasn't more upset. I don't care if they haven't actually kissed or had sex or anything yet, she is really crossing the line. I would be absolutely heartbroken if I saw my spouse behaving like that. No way in hell that's just for game. Tim seems like a very meek and mild guy. I doubt if she were married to a guy like Cody or Caleb she'd be acting that way. It makes me pretty sick. Her mom seemed pissed, though. I hope she gives her a stern talking to when she gets home. 

Did anyone find it odd that Christine's husband told her, "don't forget about me?" I wonder if she has a history of... overly friendly behavior toward other guys. What he said strikes me as really insecure and just really strange from husband to wife. Maybe in their (small?) town, she's a hot commodity? She did say that she was sure to wear her wedding ring so guys wouldn't constantly hit on her, and apparently that didn't work. And I remember the feed watchers talking about how she said she's gotten out of many speeding tickets due to her good looks. And now this Cody attention is just feeding that In her mind. And I'm sure Tim thinks she's just the most beautiful thing ever. I'd bet anything she tells him plenty about all these guys that are chasing her down and has the poor guy afraid someone is going to snatch her up from under him.

ETA: I, personally, think she likely misinterprets kindness/platonic attention from opposite sex as meaning more than it does, then turns around and gives Tim her skewed version. And he probably believes it.

Edited by Harperlee1
  • Love 4

I'm probably a bad person, but I had no emotion whatsoever at Derrick's family segment tears. If being there for those moments was so important, he shouldn't have come on a show that takes him away for three months. And if he needs to be on a reality show to get some cash, because a steady job with benefits isn't good enough, then go for one like Survivor (shorter time away, greater prize money,) or Amazing Race (shorter time away,) or heck, try Wheel of Fortune for crying out loud. He put himself in that situation, with no guarantee it would even pay off. It also felt gratuitous, like the show is trying to balance out that fact that he's lying directly to us in his DRs, when he has no reason to, and they need to prop up his eventual, inevitable, boring as hell win.


And with that, I'm out. Thirteen seasons, and this is the one that broke me. There's no one left that I care enough for in a positive way to root them on for the win, and no one left that I care enough for in a negative way to root against them. The rest of the season will almost certainly play out in a completely predictable fashion, as everyone just lines up to hand Derrick the win, I'll still check in here, because the boards are better than the show, but at least I get three hours of my life back

  • Love 6

This is the first episode I didn't immediately delete from my DVR in disgust.  I went back and watched all the deliciousness this morning.   It was interesting to see the range of emotion on Christine's face, immediately after the family video segment, (around the :23 mark).   That almost made up for watching Frankie's family video and his always-over-the-top reaction.  



Christine and her husband appear immature to me. Two kids playing adults. Tim seems to enjoy all the attention even if its not all good. In hindsight, he may not think all this BB attention was a good thing, especially when Christine doesn't come home with $500k.

I'm sure Christine's parents are embarrassed for her. I would be if she were my child. They seem like good people but I'm not sure I would have gone on TV to talk about my daughter like that. There would be a conversation with her after the show, though.


HOWEVER...Christine's family, on both sides, is very religious.  I'm pretty sure that, originally, when it was known she would be on the show, their church(es) made a point to pump up this member of their congregation was on the show, live feeds, etc.  I'm sure more than just Christine's family in said congregations said 'Let's watch this show/get the feeds.  We know her!'.  Then...she goes on public display decidedly acting, at least questionable, with a man who is not her husband.  I'm sure that was not something considered tasteful by many others in that congregation - and I'm sure some members have asked her parents/relatives about it repeatedly.  It wouldn't surprise me if the churches those families go to have mentioned Christine's behavior and caused public (at least within the congregations' they go to) embarrassment for her parents and her in-laws.  If her churches are anything like the churches I went to as a kid, there is a LOT of 'chatter' amongst the parishoners about Christine's very questionable behavior.


That being said...BB sure as hell drove that bus over her, backed it up, floored it, and repeated several times.  And it was awesome.


Oh, Frankie - Donny's audience reaction and OVERWHELMING will be bouncing around in your skull for quite some time.  You do not possess the talent required to hide your shock and bewilderment that an older, simpler, less colorfully groomed man can captivate an audience over your pink, sparkly, Grande-related self.  Enjoy your youtubing!


Donny crying was tough to take.  I can't recall a houseguest who seemed unaffected by the 'attention' being a houseguest can bring, and one who is so relatable...and it broke my heart to see him so sad.  I can only hope that today and the jury house brings him the settling realization that being himself is just what people love about him.

  • Love 4

I think Julie Chen was a little taken  aback when  Donny mentioned his "likeability" in their interview. Just struck me as an odd thing to say about yourself when the image he crafted was of a simple, modest man.  I also was glad that she called him out about his social game, which was nonexistent. Christine's family should have refused, or barring that; not cooperated with the program. Her husband was just pitiful, I could barely stand to watch him.The Mother should have said NOTHING. I found Cody's Father to be sort of an asshole.

  • Love 5

I really like Donny but I was a bit surprised by his explanation of going to bed early every night.  You can't just say you have nothing in common with everyone and give up.  Makes me wonder if he would have made it into the dominant alliance or would have been able to form one of his own if he just tried to be a bit more social.

  • Love 6

It's a pity someone with some PR savvy didn't prep Chrisine's family just to say no comment about the Cody stuff, then they wouldn't have shown so much footage of the two of them together. I don't care for her, but that segment was just painful to watch. I kept cringing for her husband (and those earrings do him no favors). I was embarrassed for him. And her parents trashing her on television was awful too. Yes, it was brought on by her choices, but still, ouch.

And then it gets followed by a segment where Cody's family says he's playing her.

Between that and Julie 's Apple Pie comment it seems quite obvious that production really dislikes some of these house guests.

  • Love 3

Yes, the slamming of Christine and Frankie was wonderful to behold. Programming the Chenbot for that extra pause between "Overwhelming" and "No" was a genius move. Nicely done.


B&B and Y&R have a history of inviting contestants of Survivor, Amazing Race and Big Brother for guest appearances. Corporate synergy at it's finest!


I felt kind of bad for Donny when he admitted that his social game sucked because he had nothing in common with these kids. I don't watch the live feeds, so I had no idea that he would basically just go to bed at a normal hour while everyone else was up and chattering away because what else was he going to do? That's sad.


And YAY for the double elimination next week. Because this week Nicole and Victoria are going up on the block, and next week the other one will go up with a "pawn" from the Detonators (Likely Christine), so it's not until after those two evictions that we'll finally get to see the alliance turn on itself. It's been such a dull season with mostly unanimous votes because no one wants to go against the house. Except for that brief glimmer of excitement when it looked like they were turning on Frankie, this season has been putting me to sleep.

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I'm so glad Donnie will get the acting gig.  Actually, I think he has a lot of potential for endorsements after this.  Gillette could sponsor his shaving his beard.  He could model overalls....I met a couple who completed the Amazing Race in third place and they said they made a lot of money doing endorsements for companies because of their demographic.


As for Christine's husband, I don't think he is as good looking as he apparently thinks he is.  I don't get the whole huge earring thing.

Tim is on a level of dorkiness you usually only see at sci-fi conventions. I think the earrings were an attempt to do something about that, but he only dug himself deeper with the bright blue plastic. Maybe something in a dull metallic, although he's fighting a losing battle until he trashes that shirt in favor of something more adult-looking (and better-fitting). He might have had some sort of "lost puppy" appeal to attract Christine, but I don't know how much longer he can count on that.

  • Love 3

Well, Tim and Christine made a deal with each other that he'd be a rock star and she'd be a MILF so that might explain some things. She said that while in the BB house. From her blog that was posted in the live feed thread maybe a couple weeks ago, they met at a religious camp, dated, she wasn't very affectionate, though, they broke up and when Tim was dating someone else she heard God tell her to marry Tim. I might be wrong but that's what I got out of her blog.

So, I just had to delete a couple posts because they started to stray into the "getting personal with other posters" category. Please remember that we are here to snark on the HGs (and Julie, obviously), but not on each other. It is totally fair to disagree with one another, but please do so in a way that is respectful. Thanks. 

Never have I been so happy to be wrong.  I was convinced the sheeple of America would think Frankie's play was the shiznit, and all the "no" votes from the feedsters would be for naught, but I was wrong, wrong, wrong, and it is overwhelmingly glorious!


And oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, having that little glimpse into Christine's family life gives me a little understanding of why she is the way she is.  I can just imagine all the confidence draining little snipes here and there from her mother all while she was growing up.  That's why Christine is so bitter and angry and eager for validation and hungry for affection.  This hot guy wants to snuggle with her?  Make her feel good, like she could get a hot guy?  Hells yes she's going to do it.  She just doesn't recognize that for Cody, who grew up in an obviously supportive and affectionate (perhaps overly affectionate, but, ahem, that's a story for another forum) family would snuggle with just about anybody--it is his habit, human contact grounds him and keeps him happy.


I think it is just sad.  Like Tim.

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Victoria is probably wondering why she has to do stuff like this while waiting for a rose.   Honestly, I think it would be hilarious if she won the whole game; a game she never bothered to play. 


Oh, damn, that's funny.


Nicole:  "Chunky thighs, clunky brains"


Nicole has made some mistakes in this game, but chunky thighs? They're not model long and slim, or athletically toned, but there's a big range between that and chunky, and she's somewhere in there. She just looks average to me. 


I really like Donny but I was a bit surprised by his explanation of going to bed early every night.  You can't just say you have nothing in common with everyone and give up.  Makes me wonder if he would have made it into the dominant alliance or would have been able to form one of his own if he just tried to be a bit more social.


It sounded as if he came into the house thinking that he would have nothing in common with these people, and because of that shut himself off from them too soon. And maybe he doesn't know what they're talking about all the time, but staying up a couple of hours later and hanging around with them would help him learn a few things. 


The things in his ears looked like giant play doh disks. I will never understand this trend. Totally gross in my opinion


It's certainly not my thing, but I've never seen gauges that weren't stainless steel or something like that. The teal color makes them look as if he borrowed a pair of Mamie Eisenhower's earrings. 


Good points, all, HurricaneVal. 

Edited by Kris117
  • Love 2
The matter should be between Christine and her husband, not her parents.



That ship sailed when they started behaving that way “in public.”  I’m sure people in their church community (which is evidently a HUGE part of both families’ lives) are too well bred to say anything to their faces, so addressing it publicly is basically the only way they have to show that “we love her, but we didn’t raise her this way.”   

  They showed A LOT more of the Cody-Christine flirtationship tonight, and frankly I was surprised her husband wasn't more upset.



I had never seen more than a still photo of Tim before.  While I agree he seems like a nice guy who deserves better, I’m concluding that she married her childhood gay friend to get both their families off their backs and get out into her own place so she could be her "edgy" self.  He probably doesn’t care who she messes around with at Starbucks (assuming she can find any takers), and he doesn’t particularly mind the behavior with Cody, either, except that as her heterosexualhusbandwho lovesherverymuch he SHOULD be offended, so he has to act like he is, meanwhile his frightened eyes seem to be telegraphing “don’t out me to my parents – they think I’m just artistic!”

  • Love 6

I've figured out that what really bugs me about Derrick is that he thinks he can snow America in the DR just as he snows the houseguests. Dan could make crazy moves and explain them in crazy ways to the house, but then he'd come into the DR and share why he did all of that. There's a difference between putting a positive spin on your strategy and tactics in the house and actively lying. I think Derrick is doing the latter instead of the former, especially when it comes to his loyalty to "Team America." Barf. 


I do have to admire him for his unobtrusive control over the house, and that he doesn't excoriate the people who oppose him in the house. He'll sit by and nod or agree when others talk about how much they hate Donny, but he doesn't start that kind of talk from what I can see. 


Also, his little girl is cute. There, I've said two nice things about him. That should hold me through the end of the season. 

  • Love 6

I felt kind of bad for Donny when he admitted that his social game sucked because he had nothing in common with these kids. I don't watch the live feeds, so I had no idea that he would basically just go to bed at a normal hour while everyone else was up and chattering away because what else was he going to do? That's sad.

I got the impression Donny did sit up with everybody else the first week or so - how else would he have known what kind of conversations were going on that time of night? He may have figured - compared to him sitting there like an ever-present lump night after night, not participating in conversations to which he couldn't relate - his absence might have less of a negative impact on his game.

  • Love 2

It was very telling how Derrick's continued to both run things AND keep the spotlight off himself in the clip of them saying who they wanted out. He said DR he never wanted to commit to anything people then refer back to and pin on him. He went with the exasperated look, running his hands through his hear and declaring he was "so torn". Mission accomplished. He always thinks before talking while everyone else just blurts things out.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 2
I got the impression Donny did sit up with everybody else the first week or so - how else would he have known what kind of conversations were going on that time of night? He may have figured - compared to him sitting there like an ever-present lump night after night, not participating in conversations to which he couldn't relate - his absence might have less of a negative impact on his game.



Also, he may have found it hard to bite his tongue at the idiocy.  I suspect that has a lot to do with his distancing himself -- the fear that at some point he'd say "Seriously?  Don't you know your neighbors/boss/MAMA is watching this?"  

  • Love 3

According to CBS.com, next week will be the last time we have the regular Wednesday-Thursday schedule for the Veto & Live Eviction shows. Starting the week of September 7th, Big Brother 16 will shift its nights to Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday to free things up for Thursday Night Football.
The first live eviction show on the new schedule will be Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 8PM ET/PT. The Power of Veto episodes will slide to one day earlier on Tuesdays, also at 8PM ET/PT. This cycle will repeat until the September 24th Big Brother 16 season finale.

Big Brother 16 – September 2014 Schedule:
Sun, Aug 31, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode
Wed, Sept 3, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode
Thu, Sept 4, 9PM ET/PT – Live Double Eviction show – F5 revealed
Sun, Sept 7, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode
Tue, Sept 9, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode
Wed, Sept 10, 8PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F4 revealed
Sun, Sept 14, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode
Tue, Sept 16, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode
Wed, Sept 17, 8PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F3 revealed
Sun, Sept 21, 8PM ET/PT – F3 episode – Final HoH Rounds 1 & 2
Wed, Sept 24, 9:30PM ET/PT – Season finale – 90 mins



  • Love 2
they met at a religious camp, dated, she wasn't very affectionate, though, they broke up and when Tim was dating someone else she heard God tell her to marry Tim.


Did God also tell her to constantly cuddle with Cody whilst married to Tim? Maybe Jocasta can weigh in on this. 


Nicole has made some mistakes in this game, but chunky thighs? They're not model long and slim, or athletically toned, but there's a big range between that and chunky, and she's somewhere in there. She just looks average to me.


I actually think her legs DO look toned. They look kind of thick, but in a muscular way. In fact, just last night I commented out loud that she had nice legs. So funny how different people's perspectives can be. 



I've figured out that what really bugs me about Derrick is that he thinks he can snow America in the DR just as he snows the houseguests. Dan could make crazy moves and explain them in crazy ways to the house, but then he'd come into the DR and share why he did all of that.


Agreed. I actually like Derrick and think he's been playing a pretty darn good game. But it's annoying that he thinks he can try and pull one over us when we see everything he's doing. I don't care if he's dishonest with the houseguests, but be real in your DRs, man!

  • Love 1


I actually think her legs DO look toned. They look kind of thick, but in a muscular way. In fact, just last night I commented out loud that she had nice legs. So funny how different people's perspectives can be.


I agree, I like Nicole's legs and would never think she's chunky. She looks healthy to me :). I can watch her put on lotion for quite some time.

  • Love 4

I would kill for Nicole's legs. 


WTH with Donny's tears.  Him and his Forrest Gump act.  No wonder they all thought he was someone acting, he was.  Just not anyone interesting.  


So he doesn't play the game because he didn't fit in, yet cries and gets his feelings hurt, implying he was bullied?  "I never did nuthin to them..."  Did he think 'doin nuthin' earned him the win or what?  He only made it this far because he's dead weight, like Victoria.  


Christine's husband... oh wow.  90lbs. of tiny-chinned, giant-lobed nerd.  And a jesus freak to boot.  He seemed to be a good sport, though.  


I don't have a ton of respect for parents of small children who go on this show.  Those months are priceless.  At least Derrick will probably win.

Edited by Guest

I found it interesting that Christine's mom said something like,she doesn't want Christine to win so she will be out of the house. Putting aside everything else she had to say, shouldn't she be wishing Cody would be out of the house? That *should* solve the flirting problem. But does her mom think Christine will turn to someone else for comfort? 

According to CBS.com, next week will be the last time we have the regular Wednesday-Thursday schedule for the Veto & Live Eviction shows. Starting the week of September 7th, Big Brother 16 will shift its nights to Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday to free things up for Thursday Night Football.

The first live eviction show on the new schedule will be Wednesday, September 10, 2014 at 8PM ET/PT. The Power of Veto episodes will slide to one day earlier on Tuesdays, also at 8PM ET/PT. This cycle will repeat until the September 24th Big Brother 16 season finale.

Big Brother 16 – September 2014 Schedule:

Sun, Aug 31, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode

Wed, Sept 3, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode

Thu, Sept 4, 9PM ET/PT – Live Double Eviction show – F5 revealed

Sun, Sept 7, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode

Tue, Sept 9, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode

Wed, Sept 10, 8PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F4 revealed

Sun, Sept 14, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode

Tue, Sept 16, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode

Wed, Sept 17, 8PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F3 revealed

Sun, Sept 21, 8PM ET/PT – F3 episode – Final HoH Rounds 1 & 2

Wed, Sept 24, 9:30PM ET/PT – Season finale – 90 mins



Thanks so much for the heads up on the scheduling! Glad it won't be interfering with football on Thursdays and other shows!

I bet all it took was a couple of times of having to sit through one of Frankie's 'Sex Ed' classes for Donny to decide he'd rather just go to bed. Besides, he was staying up until midnight from what I could tell, while the rest stayed up until daylight. I'd have trouble keeping up myself when all there is to do is sit around. I think he made the effort, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was both bored silly with the lack of intelligent conversation, as well as finding some of their conversations kind of disgusting. I mean, one night they were talking about what it would be like to perform oral sex on yourself. So maybe I'm a bit of a prude, but I wouldn't want to sit around listening to that group discuss crap like that either. (These conversations are also why I think he felt he didn't fit in).


On a different note, did anyone else notice Derrick's little girl had his nose? Don't get me wrong, she was beyond adorable and I'm not saying anything is wrong with his nose, but he does have a distinctive one, and I found it humorous and cute to see she had the same one, only little-bity. 

Edited by TexasChic
  • Love 2

Exactly!!! I thought it was also fairly clear that he wasn't acting.

I don't watch the 'extra' stuff but in his talk with Julie and his DRs where he's playing the victim it seemed like an act.  All the victim stuff seemed like an act.  "Everyone likes me (except the ones who bully me), so I should not be sent home."  Yet he's a fan of the show, so he has to know that's not at all how the game works-- nice guys win because they're nice.


To me he was as dead weight as Victoria because he was always alone in the game and never seemed like someone a jury would give the win to.  I felt like when any of the guys' told him they wanted him out because he was so well-liked and a threat, they were blowing smoke up his ass.  No one needs to go to the end with two goats and Victoria is the goatier.  


Though I would go to bed at midnight too, once I knew I had no chance of worming my way into the kids' clique like Derrick did.

Edited by Guest


Derrick is clearly a ringer. LOL

I agree (especially if he does actually win) and it's been a great feint by the showrunners since until recently they've been propping Frankie to look like he's ringer (because of his sister). Once Frankie let the cat out of the bag to mixed results and his sister started taking up with CBS' competition, I think production finally decided not to put up any more potential roadblocks for Derrick. It's now his game to lose assuming Nicole doesn't pull off a miraculous coup.

Did the others alienate Donny or did Donny seclude himself? From the beginning he's made snarky comments about the other HG's which I, admittedly, appreciated as a viewer so I liked him. He didn't bother making an effort and seemed to just feel that because he's a "good person" he deserved to go far in the game, that's when he lost me. I agree that Donny made himself a victim and did not play the game. I feel that if I were participating in the show and I was making an effort to be friendly, make alliances and overall get to know people that if there was someone that seemed to think he was better than me and would leave and not talk as much in group settings then I would want him out too, especially if he would go and talk to the people one on one that I had taken the time to get to know and build relationships with and try to get them to turn on me. Good person? Maybe, time will ultimately tell (I'm not too fond of when people call themselves good people and others bad so that's kind of holding me back). Good player? No, good at competitions but ignored the real important social aspect.

  • Love 4

Donny DID try at the beginning, though. He almost had an alliance with Nicole and Hayden, but Cody and Derrick sort of screwed that up. Christine not trusting him also hurt him.

Everybody talks behind each others' backs in this game, and Donny has done that far less than most.

Edited by Sara2009
  • Love 2

Good player? No, good at competitions but ignored the real important social aspect.

I don't think he ignored it; rather, I think he just found himself with a group of people with whom the age and cultural gulfs were so wide, he could find little or no way with which to connect to them. Donny said it himself: his strategy was to make it through the first week, and be a person who could befriend others, presumably with the goal of establishing a rapport with them. Not a bad strategy - but not one likely to work in a House with a preponderance of Mean Girls.

Donny did establish what could have been an impactful strategic alliance very early in the game. When Devin imploded, however, Donny was (a) left alone, (b) tainted by the association, and (c ) on the outside of other alliances which had formed in the interim. Donny's game never recovered.

  • Love 3

"The things in his ears looked like giant play doh disks. I will never understand this trend. Totally gross in my opinion"

My 10 year old was in the ER last night so I kept him home from school today. I thought I could sneak a little dvd'd BB while he was playing on his ITouch when he looks up and exclaims..."Why does that guy have play doh in his ears ???"

ETA: just figured out how to quote- too late.

Edited by Pixiebomb
  • Love 1

No, it was because [Donny] rocked at competitions. He won one HOH, two BOTBs and three POVs. 


I was impressed by Cody in this episode because he actually remembered that. The rest of his alliance were conveniently ignoring that he had won more competitions than most of them had. They also don't remember that Christine has won several. 

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