jenrising March 31, 2023 Share March 31, 2023 Available April 6 on Netflix Link to comment
Enero April 8, 2023 Share April 8, 2023 (edited) I finished this. It was entertaining, but overall okay. Crazy how something as simple as a horn being honked led to their lives and everyone around them lives being ruined with a couple of people ending up dead. But it resonates so much with our world today, especially here in the U.S. People are assaulted or killed over the most minuscule thing and it’s due in part to the rage people carry, which is why Amy and Danny ended up where they did. Though I thought the show was just okay, I did think it did a great job at subtly using their Asian culture to provide reasoning behind some of the characters’ actions. Eastern cultures, specifically Koreans and Chinese, are very much about taking care of their parents and not disappointing their parents. This was the reason why Danny was trying to get loans and scamming the church etc because he was obligated as the oldest son to bring his parents back from Korea and take care of them. Also, Amy feeling like saying what she truly feels was considered complaining, which can be common in Asian culture. Many times it’s expected that one quietly work through a difficult situation rather than voicing concerns about it. And of course Isaac the denigrate who’d been essentially disowned by his parents due to him being an utter disappointment. He mentioned this a few times throughout the series. This too is common in Asian cultures. You become a disappointment and “shame” the family you are disowned. Jordan was…whew. Very offensive everytime she opened her mouth. She had no respect for Amy or her husband. Never said his name right. The only right thing that came out of her mouth is that everything fades. Again, okay show. Very unpredictable. Is it worth a watch? I say it depends on the person. I think most either will love it or hate it. I think there will be few who land in the middle. I don’t think it needs another season. If there is one I’d likely not watch. Edited April 8, 2023 by Enero 1 Link to comment
dubbel zout April 9, 2023 Share April 9, 2023 I thought this was a remarkable episode, especially when Amy and Danny became each other. I loved that device for showing how their surfaces might be different, but under that they're so similar. 17 Link to comment
overtherainbow April 9, 2023 Share April 9, 2023 What a finale! I loved how it intertwined Amy and Danny and everything came full circle. I enjoyed every minute of this show and its wacky personalities. I hope the discussion picks up. 14 Link to comment
calliope1975 April 9, 2023 Share April 9, 2023 I loved the whole series. From the crows to Danny's arm moving to embrace Amy while in the hospital bed, this was an amazing episode and a great finale. 12 5 Link to comment
Black Knight April 10, 2023 Share April 10, 2023 I binged the whole series yesterday. The middle act had some middle-act problems, but then they wisely jumped forward in time. The first and third acts were awesome and the series as a whole was great. I was so impressed by Yeun and Wong, and there wasn't a weak link in the cast. It was great in the finale to finally see Amy and Danny really talk with each other, and ultimately bond. 8 2 Link to comment
Roccos Brother April 10, 2023 Share April 10, 2023 "When nowhere feels like home, you retreat into yourself." - You guys, I felt that SO hard. 😭😭😭 6 3 3 1 Link to comment
MissScarlett April 10, 2023 Share April 10, 2023 Man, what a good series! I'm hooked. At first, I thought Amy and Daniel were dead and had to sort their shit out before being let into the gates of the heaven. The crows definitely leaned into some spiritual connections between the two. Overall, if this is a one and done series, then well done! However, I hold out the hope for a Season 2. 9 Link to comment
pasdetrois April 11, 2023 Share April 11, 2023 One of the best series I've watched since coming out of the COVID-forced TV doldrums. 9 1 Link to comment
Lady Calypso April 11, 2023 Share April 11, 2023 I very much enjoyed it. I think it was the perfect length and it had some really unexpected moments that worked. I was surprised at how well this finale worked. It wouldn't typically be an ending I love, but I think they built up to it rather well. So many relatable moments throughout, but I really like how Amy and Danny worked their feud out. Nothing says bonding like accidentally eating poisonous fruit and hallucinating together. Very, very impressed with the series overall. I think it's a perfect mini series, but should they renew for a second season, I think they'd need to make it an anthology because these characters' stories don't NEED to be seen further. They really did well with what they had. Yeun and Wong were simply amazing and the supporting cast did a phenomenal job as well. 12 4 Link to comment
dubbel zout April 11, 2023 Share April 11, 2023 Steven Yeung is on Monday's WTF with Marc Maron, and he said that they didn't plan for a second season when they wrote this one. They wanted to wrap things up in one season. That doesn't mean they wouldn't make a second season, but the first ended the way they wanted it to. 5 1 1 Link to comment
Valny April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 I enjoy the series,after that first ep, it took various turns and didn't go places where I expected it to go that's for sure. Impressed with both lead actors, I don't think I've seen Ali Wong in any serious roles but she was pretty good with this part,which I thought would be mostly comedic, so props to her. I will admit I had to fast forward just a bit because the scene when they are talking on and on kind of deliriously, my ADD kicked in and I just had to move it along a bit. :) Really glad Danny didn't die. I am fine with them ending where they did and no need for another season. Hope the show gets some Emmy love 1 Link to comment
Zima April 16, 2023 Share April 16, 2023 My husband and I just finished binging this. What a great show! We loved every minute. 3 Link to comment
MaggieG April 17, 2023 Share April 17, 2023 I really enjoyed this show as well. I did think it was a bit random that George showed up in the tunnel. How did he find them? 4 Link to comment
Roccos Brother April 17, 2023 Share April 17, 2023 (edited) 3 hours ago, MaggieG said: I really enjoyed this show as well. I did think it was a bit random that George showed up in the tunnel. How did he find them? Perhaps Amy has it so her location is always shared with George and from the brief moment she was able to get reception, he was able to track her down. Just a theory. Edited April 17, 2023 by Roccos Brother 3 4 Link to comment
BlueSkies April 18, 2023 Share April 18, 2023 I had this feeling in the middle of the series both of them would hook up at the end of it. I wasn't totally off. I think the series showed they weren't all that different from each other. Entertaining series. People these days really really do drive like maniacs though. So interesting a series that really analyzes that type of incident. I make go back and watch the 1st episode again 3 Link to comment
xls April 23, 2023 Share April 23, 2023 The whole series was just WOW; something different for a change! I think they left it open for a second season. I really liked Ali Wong in her stand-ups and she's turned out to be a great dramatic actress here. 6 Link to comment
Meedis April 27, 2023 Share April 27, 2023 Add me to the list of those who enjoyed binge watching this series. It showed eloquently how one small incident could lead to so many dire consequences. Excellent cast. I'm okay with this being one and done...not sure what else they could do with the characters. 2 Link to comment
BlueSkies April 30, 2023 Share April 30, 2023 On 4/27/2023 at 12:09 AM, Meedis said: Add me to the list of those who enjoyed binge watching this series. It showed eloquently how one small incident could lead to so many dire consequences. Excellent cast. I'm okay with this being one and done...not sure what else they could do with the characters. Shows like this I'd find too intense/too much going on to binge watch. I typically did 1-2 episodes a day 4 Link to comment
PurpleTentacle April 30, 2023 Share April 30, 2023 Well, this was amazing. I'm glad I watched this through to the end, even though it was a bit bumpy at some points. Maybe it could have done with two episodes less. But the last two episodes and especially this one made up for a lot. Finally these two could open up to somebody else without the fear of being judged. Because they knew they were both just as fucked up as the other... and the drugs helped. - But for anybody else in that situation, maybe don't eat berries if your only expertise in plants is googling them. Those berries did pretty much look like elder berries, but a lot of berries look like that. Without google and comparing the leaves, I wouldn't have eaten them. You can last a few days without water, but not if you puke out your guts, or if you are dead from poison. Without the internet I'd only feel confident to identify Rubus berries. That whole family looks very distinct and every member is edible. I loved the reintegration of the crows. The story that was told earlier in the season wasn't quite true. But what is true is that they can tell humans apart by our faces and hold a grudge. College students who bagged and taged them would get attacked until they were done with their education and moved away. That's why later such studies had to be done with the researchers wearing masks. Those birds are scary smart. 4 2 Link to comment
PurpleTentacle April 30, 2023 Share April 30, 2023 On 4/8/2023 at 3:45 PM, Enero said: Crazy how something as simple as a horn being honked led to their lives and everyone around them lives being ruined with a couple of people ending up dead. But it resonates so much with our world today, especially here in the U.S. People are assaulted or killed over the most minuscule thing and it’s due in part to the rage people carry, which is why Amy and Danny ended up where they did. I don't think their lives are ruined. On the contrary. They were never going to be happy. Now they have a chance to be. Yeah it's going to suck for both for a while. But they can rebuild from here. On 4/13/2023 at 9:19 PM, Valny said: I will admit I had to fast forward just a bit because the scene when they are talking on and on kind of deliriously, my ADD kicked in and I just had to move it along a bit. I fast forewarded through parts of the other episodes, but this episode had my ADHD-face glued to the screen. I just love this kind of stuff. On 4/23/2023 at 8:19 PM, xls said: I think they left it open for a second season. I don't see where this could go after all that has happened. All the crazy stuff is done. 2 Link to comment
Enero April 30, 2023 Share April 30, 2023 30 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said: don't think their lives are ruined. On the contrary. They were never going to be happy. Now they have a chance to be. Yeah it's going to suck for both for a while. But they can rebuild from here. Perhaps Amy can rebuild but I’m not sure about Danny. If he wakes up from that coma he may not be able to just thank his lucky stars and go home. He could potentially be facing serious criminal charges. 1 Link to comment
PurpleTentacle April 30, 2023 Share April 30, 2023 43 minutes ago, Enero said: Perhaps Amy can rebuild but I’m not sure about Danny. If he wakes up from that coma he may not be able to just thank his lucky stars and go home. He could potentially be facing serious criminal charges. He did wake up at the end. Now he could have life long serious disabilities, but I'm chosing to believe that's not the case. I doubt Amy will rat him out at this point. The only thing they could really have him on without Amy's testimony is the kidnapping of June, but there George would have to testify, to make that stick, and he just shot and almost killed Danny without provocation. So it's probably in everybody's best interest to keep their mouths shut. So I doubt he'll do a lot of time, if any. 2 Link to comment
Meedis May 1, 2023 Share May 1, 2023 12 hours ago, BlueSkies said: Shows like this I'd find too intense/too much going on to binge watch. I typically did 1-2 episodes a day Yes at most I did 2-3 episodes a day. 1 Link to comment
30 Helens May 8, 2023 Share May 8, 2023 I watched this in a slow binge. It had its moments, but it seemed like it was stretching too hard to make the 10 episodes. I think it would have been much better as a 2-hour movie. Finale: I thought the talking crows were just dumb. I’m going to pretend that never happened. I liked the extended dialogue between the two leads, because that needed to happen. But I found the mind meld annoying— yes, I get it, they’re exactly the same, can you put the sledgehammer away please. I expected a War of the Roses ending for this series— both antagonists dead because neither knew when to stop. I still think that would have made more narrative sense, but I must say they won me over with the final shot. The way it cut to black just as his hand started to reach for her— nicely done. 1 Link to comment
Kiss my mutt May 9, 2023 Share May 9, 2023 I think it would have been better had it ended with episode 9 with them both going over the cliff and dying. 6 1 Link to comment
Lady of nod May 14, 2023 Share May 14, 2023 Great show. The crows, oh the crows. Link to comment
Cosmocrush May 20, 2023 Share May 20, 2023 On 4/17/2023 at 6:29 AM, MaggieG said: I really enjoyed this show as well. I did think it was a bit random that George showed up in the tunnel. How did he find them? Find my phone. George was tracking Amy's phone and as soon as she got reception he was on it. 1 Link to comment
Raja May 29, 2023 Share May 29, 2023 On 4/30/2023 at 2:58 PM, PurpleTentacle said: He did wake up at the end. Now he could have life long serious disabilities, but I'm chosing to believe that's not the case. I doubt Amy will rat him out at this point. The only thing they could really have him on without Amy's testimony is the kidnapping of June, but there George would have to testify, to make that stick, and he just shot and almost killed Danny without provocation. So it's probably in everybody's best interest to keep their mouths shut. So I doubt he'll do a lot of time, if any. The cops capture a very angry cousin Isaac looking at life for kidnapping and felony murder with one thing to trade Link to comment
Raja May 29, 2023 Share May 29, 2023 On 4/17/2023 at 9:31 AM, Roccos Brother said: Perhaps Amy has it so her location is always shared with George and from the brief moment she was able to get reception, he was able to track her down. Just a theory. But with those Keystone Kops a procedural watcher ask why they didn't have a warrant to track Paul's phone. 1 Link to comment
PurpleTentacle May 31, 2023 Share May 31, 2023 On 5/29/2023 at 5:24 PM, Raja said: The cops capture a very angry cousin Isaac looking at life for kidnapping and felony murder with one thing to trade And why would the testimony of a career criminal be worth anything? Link to comment
Raja May 31, 2023 Share May 31, 2023 49 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said: And why would the testimony of a career criminal be worth anything? Because Danny has few friends and criminals hanging with criminals is to be expected. Keystone Kops or not there is a murder being investigated 1 Link to comment
PurpleTentacle May 31, 2023 Share May 31, 2023 27 minutes ago, Raja said: Because Danny has few friends and criminals hanging with criminals is to be expected. Keystone Kops or not there is a murder being investigated As long as there isn't other very damning evidence, nobody is going to pay much mind what Isaac has to say. The word of a career criminal is not enough to nail anybody for anything. Link to comment
Raja May 31, 2023 Share May 31, 2023 47 minutes ago, PurpleTentacle said: As long as there isn't other very damning evidence, nobody is going to pay much mind what Isaac has to say. The word of a career criminal is not enough to nail anybody for anything. You mean like how Danny was fighting with the father and then his child is kidnapped Link to comment
Soobs June 29, 2023 Share June 29, 2023 I'm a little late to this but I enjoyed it as a binge watch as I was working on a project. It felt like everyone involved was karmically linked and playing out a predestined role. It was also an accurate comment on how buckwild people in America act in public with little regard for their communities. My one complaint is the use of guns to move the plot forward. I'm so tired to of seeing this in every show. They could have written around it in this one. 1 Link to comment
Chaos Theory July 2, 2023 Share July 2, 2023 I hadn't even heard of this show until a few days ago when it popped up on one of my timelines as something I might enjoy. I don't usually like comedies and this is billed as one but is actually more a 30 minuted dramedy which can be confusing. Plus the title is kinda stupid and not something that would immediately draw my attention. But anywhoo.....I needed something to watch and checked wanted it to be something I could just binge in a couple days so I checked it out. It turns out this was a fun ride. I enjoyed the premise pretty much from the start. I tend to fast forward alot and I didn't do that too much in this. The reason for the initial road rage incident made sense. Both Amy and Danny were just having a bad day. Any other day they might have just let it go...but that day not so much which started a well....ok "beef" between them. Still think its a dumb title. They were in different positions in life but they were basically the same person or had the same personality. Any other time and place they might have actually been friends...or heck....As the ending hinted Danny might have been a better partner for Amy then George. I thought the talking crows were kinda weird but it made sense. It was a metaphor for revenge. Crows can remember human faces associated with stressful situations for up to five years and they’ll also warn their friends. So it makes sense in this scenerio of two people continuing there battle for revenge over a petty beef. (Yeah yeah yeah) I liked the berries thing where they became each other because it showed how alike they both were. They were literally mirror images of each other. As for how George found them...I believe both Danny and Amy managed to get a wifi signal for a second where Danny got a text from his brother basically blocking him. And Amy god a bunch of "did you get the lawyer letter" texts from George and Fumi and then there was "Find a phone" from George looking for Amy's phone. So he was looking for Amy's phone. It was simple as that. He was always a good but boring dude who did what good but boring dudes do and searched out Amy by trying to find her phone...and well...... Not sure if this show needs a second season. Not sure where it would go if there is one. This may be one of those shows that just needs one seasons. Or it could be an anthology show. Different way stupid moments snowball into deadly beefs. (Still a dumb title) We see them all the time. It could be an interesting idea. Glad I watched the show.) Now I need another one. 1 Link to comment
GiveMeSpace July 18, 2023 Share July 18, 2023 One thing that was confusing to me was the episode where Amy and her husband were in therapy and Daniel was going to light their car on fire. Did they leave June in the car while they had therapy? That made no sense to me. 1 Link to comment
Chaos Theory August 2, 2023 Share August 2, 2023 (edited) On 7/18/2023 at 12:06 AM, GiveMeSpace said: One thing that was confusing to me was the episode where Amy and her husband were in therapy and Daniel was going to light their car on fire. Did they leave June in the car while they had therapy? That made no sense to me. Yeah that is in the category of “things real people wouldn’t do but happens on tv” category. Then again I have seen real people do stupid things too. So I let it pass to move the story along. Edited August 2, 2023 by Chaos Theory 1 Link to comment
DrSpaceman73 October 22, 2023 Share October 22, 2023 I was underwhelmed by it all. It was okay nothing great imo And the ending seemed expected and very cliche. The dessert hallucination experience has been done SO MANY times. And very expected they would bond in the end over their troubled lives. Link to comment
Milburn Stone November 8, 2023 Share November 8, 2023 On 5/31/2023 at 4:40 PM, Raja said: You mean like how Danny was fighting with the father and then his child is kidnapped I don't want there to be legal consequences for anyone but Isaac, and therefore there won't be. Link to comment
Anela December 29, 2023 Share December 29, 2023 I started watching this in April, but I had vertigo, and the show was enjoyable, but stressing me out a bit, too, so it made the vertigo worse. a friend reminded me of the show, and I finished it over the last two nights. He said the ending was great, and I did like it, until Danny was shot. I liked their bonding, that they could finally be honest with someone, who knew how they felt. Link to comment
Snapdragon January 6, 2024 Share January 6, 2024 On 7/17/2023 at 11:06 PM, GiveMeSpace said: One thing that was confusing to me was the episode where Amy and her husband were in therapy and Daniel was going to light their car on fire. Did they leave June in the car while they had therapy? That made no sense to me. It's been awhile since I watched this but I'm pretty sure Any was out running errands and left June in the car for a minute while she popped into a store. Danny had followed her and planned on setting the car on fire while she was inside. The switching between that scene and the therapy was just to show the audience what both main characters had been up to since the last episode. 1 Link to comment
libgirl2 January 19, 2024 Share January 19, 2024 Just finished this and I was very satisfied with the ending. They are two sides of the same coin. Link to comment
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