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S12.E02: Episode 2

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UK Air Date: January 8, 2023
US Air Date: March 26, 2023


It is May 1968, and the Nonnatus team are faced with challenging cases, one of which is much closer to home as Lucille struggles with her own health. At a coffee morning for expectant mothers, Sister Julienne meets heavily pregnant Lilian Reynolds, who is expecting her first child. However, after Lilian experiences some breast discomfort, she receives a devastating diagnosis.


On 1/18/2023 at 12:04 AM, purist said:

These days, for me Phyllis is the heart and soul of this show. When she was saying goodbye to Lucille I cried - so kind and understanding. We all need a friend/mentor/boss like Phyllis.

So when Phyllis had her plot this week I was all nope, no, we are not saying goodbye to nurse Crane hat will not be happening thank you very much.  I don't know when she became the heart of the show to me but somewhere along the line that happened.  Love her.  

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On 1/18/2023 at 1:04 AM, purist said:

These days, for me Phyllis is the heart and soul of this show. When she was saying goodbye to Lucille I cried - so kind and understanding. We all need a friend/mentor/boss like Phyllis.

Yes, she's absolutely wonderful.  No nonsense, but very compassionate and empathetic. 

I also almost died when Ms. Reynolds was lashing out at Sister Julienne, and Sister Julienne's voice breaks for a moment in responding to her.  You can see how deeply she was hurt, but her main concern was still Ms. Reynolds and she manages to compose herself.  Wonderful acting. 

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Did they not do operations for cancer then, just radiation? A coworker of mine who didn't have advanced cancer said they gave her a radical mastectomy and I know although hers was later, they did it in the 50's. The overkill was not needed but all they knew. Maybe something more on it was cut out.

I felt Sister Julienne's pain too and we did have the episode where she meets her old beau again. No one rarely has no regrets even for a few minutes for life decisions but I'm glad she apologized to her later.

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1 hour ago, debraran said:

Did they not do operations for cancer then, just radiation? A coworker of mine who didn't have advanced cancer said they gave her a radical mastectomy and I know although hers was later, they did it in the 50's. The overkill was not needed but all they knew. Maybe something more on it was cut out.

I felt Sister Julienne's pain too and we did have the episode where she meets her old beau again. No one rarely has no regrets even for a few minutes for life decisions but I'm glad she apologized to her later.

Dr. Turner said the kind of breast cancer she had would not have responded to surgery.

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Lillian's story hit hard for me, personally, for reasons I won't go over because I'll start crying again.  Let's just say I love her daughter's name.

Lots of good callbacks - Sister Julienne's choice to become a nun, Lucille's newly done hair and yellow outfit while in the sidecar, even the dreaded marmalade Sister Veronica has "gifted" the House.

And I'm glad they give Sister Monica Joan something to do!  I'm not surprised she can put together a perfectly done Maypole dance.

I'll miss Lucille.  Her point of view was always a nice counterpoint.  She was a bit on the conservative side at times, but never in a way that was hateful - it's just the way she was brought up.  I hope Cyril is given something to do...

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On 1/18/2023 at 12:04 AM, purist said:

These days, for me Phyllis is the heart and soul of this show. When she was saying goodbye to Lucille I cried - so kind and understanding. We all need a friend/mentor/boss like Phyllis.

I've felt the same for a while now. She's no nonsense yet one of the most compassionate people I've ever seen. Especially with what we'd call "non-traditional families" these days, due to her own experience growing up as an illegitimate child.

It's nice to see a "spinster" character who has a fulfilling life. I also enjoy her friendship with Miss Higgins due to their spinsterhood, which is something you don't see much of on tv.

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Phyllis has really grown into Sister Evangelina's boots. She was one tough cookie too, but when the sh*t hit the fan she'd go the distance. I cried so hard when she died. Now we have Phyllis. I think her character realIy changed with the circus episode. (I can't remember when that was, I think it was a Christmas episode??) I feel bad for her because she lost "our Barbara" and now she has pretty much lost Lucille too.

How hard is it to do the Maypole dance, I mean really.

I guess sister MJ learned "what goes around, comes around>"

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Scenes they cut out:

Right after the scene where Phyllis is talking to Lucille, we see the Turner family.  Patrick says "hands up everyone who remembered their PE kit" and the girls raise their hands and shout "Me." He then says "Hands up everyone taking tadpoles for the nature table," and Teddy, who is carrying a tupperware container,shouts "Me!"

Patrick then says "Hands up everyone carrying a delivery bag and wearing a nurse's uniform." Shelagh, who has been rummaging around in the cupboards, apologizes for not paying attention but says she was looking for something to donate to the raffle and that she thinks she has found it; she has a liquor bottle. Patrick observes that it was a gift from a grateful patient and shouldn't they donate the Liebfraumilch which they haven't drunk since New Year. Shelagh says they'll find a use for it and besides,they never drink whiskey.  Patrick asks what that paper is she's holding.  Shelagh says it's the measurements for the girls' Maypole costumes which she has to take to Miss Nadine.  She then admonishes Teddy not to take the top off his Tupperware box, prompting giggles from Angela and May.

They cut a scene right before we see Lilian speaking to Patrick. Basically, it shows the clinic being very busy.  Shelagh asks what happened nine months ago,and Nancy answers that maybe there was a power cut. We see Lilian playing peek a boo with some babies and Shelagh calls for her.

They cut out a scene right before we see Lucille and Tommy outside. It's Shelagh and Cyril. Cyril is keeping an eye on the shop for Fred, who is driving Violet to the railway station so she can go to a Lady Haberdasherers' Forum in Jersey.  She then says that since she's had no choice but to take over the Whitsuntide event from Miss Nadine, she wants to make sure everyone knows what they're supposed to do.  She hands Cyril a paper and asks him to make sure Fred gets it.  She then tells Cyril she is putting him in charge of the Maypole: retrieval, refurbishment and safe installation.  Cyril says, "Of course," and Shelagh says she wishes there were more like him.  Then she says, "Next, the raffle." 

They cut out a scene after we see Phyllis and Lucille talking about Tommy.  It begins with Nancy and Colette lying on top of her bed while Trixie looks at a bridal magazine. Nancy tells Colette that instead of costumes, everyone will be wearing Sunday best with white hair ribbons.  Colette says Auntie Shelagh says she can borrow one of Angela's party dresses.  Nancy says there's no need and grabs a box from the floor. It's a dress that she tells Colette to  try on. Trixie, who has been looking on, smiles as Colette leaves to try on the dress.  She tells Nancy that the dress is from an expensive boutique and that Matthew had bought a sailor suit for Jonty there and that he said his wallet needed gas and air.  Nancy says once in a while won't hurt and that she wants Colette to know she is as good as everyone else. The Monkees's "I'm a Believer" plays throughout.

The scene then shifts to Cyril and Lucille's flat. She is still in bed, and Cyril takes her hand. She tells him that's not how you take someone's pulse. Cyril says maybe he just likes touching her and seeing that the girl he loves is still in there and that her heart is still beating like it always did.  She says she isn't dead.  Cyril asks her to get up and that he will pour her some coffee so she can face the day. She tells him there's a stain on her dress she's been meaning to deal with.  Cyril takes the dress and tells her he'll get her a damp cloth.  During this whole scene, Lucille is lying on her side in bed and doesn't make any indication of getting up.

The scene then switches to Nancy, Phyllis and Sr. Monica Joan at Nonnatus House. Phyllis says she was hoping for a punctual start to the morning to which Nancy asks is there any other kind.  Phyllis says apparently not if one is a health visitor but perhaps Sr. Veronica's concerns are less pressing.  Sr. Veronica's phone has been ringing throughout and Nancy asks if she should answer it. Phyllis says no,she is not a telephonist.  Sr. Monica Joan picks up the phone and says that it is Nonnatus House but there is no one to attend to their needs.

After she hangs up the phone, she points out that no one has mentioned the uncharacteristic tardiness of Nurse Robinson; it is four minutes past the hour.  Phyllis says she's the one who deals with latecomers.  That's when Sr. Julienne comes in and Nancy greets her.

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On 1/18/2023 at 1:04 AM, purist said:

These days, for me Phyllis is the heart and soul of this show.

Since the younger nurse/midwives all move on after a few seasons (except Trixie, who is clearly staying because it's a great role and she has a family to support...) Phyllis is one of the longest-running cast members. She remembers everyone who came through, and has a well-deeloped sense of empathy and loyalty that really do make her an essential cast member.

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I'm always so impressed with the midwives when one of their patients turn on them in a hateful manner, like the breast cancer woman did with Sister Julienne, and their only concern is that the patient is upset. I particularly hate the, "What would you know about it, you've never had children," routine.  Thank God no one ever said that to Lucille -- although she did have a racist patient one time. 

I'll miss Lucille and her little church group.  There's been  no one else like her. The actress played depression so well I felt like I was catching it.

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Seems like what they cut this week wasn't so much heavy plot (although did explain where Violet was) but it was nice little family moments which are nice to see too. I don't know if it was the cuts or just their weird editing but there was the scene with Phyllis at the end of the day and the next seen was the next morning with Phyllis in the same room. It is hard to realize it is the next day at first because Phyllis is dressed in her uniform.

I was so scared that they would have Lucille actually attempt or succeed at suicide......  But then I remembered they would probably save that for a Christmas episode 😜

Edited by Blackie
grammer and spacing
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1 hour ago, Blackie said:

I don't know if it was the cuts or just their weird editing but there was the scene with Phyllis at the end of the day and the next seen was the next morning with Phyllis in the same room. It is hard to realize it is the next day at first because Phyllis is dressed in her uniform.

That was shockingly abrupt and happened so early in the episode. Seems like they’re just hacking away at these now, sometimes resulting in non-appearances for main characters. It’s as if they aren’t even trying for continuity or flow of the story lines within an episode. As if it’s a collage of vignettes that we’re left to piece together.

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I generally don't miss the cuts; seldom do I think they would have clarified anything. I do wish we could see the show in its entirety, though.

I hope Lucille goes home, recovers, and is able to return, but since the actor wants to leave the show, not likely that will happen. So, I hope there is a line later in the season that addresses how things are for her. 

I was glad nature circumvented Lillian having to go to hospital for the birth of her baby. I was born in 1951, and I cannot imagine preferring a home birth to a hospital birth, but it was much more a thing in that place and time.

Can someone explain the preserves? I don't remember a stash of them, or where they came from. I know Sr. Monica Joan is well known for her sweet tooth.

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6 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

Can someone explain the preserves? I don't remember a stash of them, or where they came from. I know Sr. Monica Joan is well known for her sweet tooth.

All I could think is that they were awful. 

6 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:


I hope Lucille goes home, recovers, and is able to return, but since the actor wants to leave the show, not likely that will happen. So, I hope there is a line later in the season that addresses how things are for her. 



I wonder how they will address that because Cyril is still on the show. Will she pass away? Stay in Jamaica? I can't imagine as an actor you have a good, steady role and your co-star leaves.... so then you are out the door too? What if you don't want to go? 

Edited by libgirl2
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I was surprised wen the husband was there for the delivery, have we seen that before on the show?

Yes but rarely.


I wonder how they will address that because Cyril is still on the show.

I have a feeling he will probably disappear eventually without explanation, like Barbara's husband did. Or did they ever explain where he went?

This was a good episode for Jenny Agutter.

Has anyone ever explained why we get edited versions of this show in the states? It's not like PBS has to make room for commercials.

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1 minute ago, iMonrey said:

Yes but rarely.

I have a feeling he will probably disappear eventually without explanation, like Barbara's husband did. Or did they ever explain where he went?

This was a good episode for Jenny Agutter.

Has anyone ever explained why we get edited versions of this show in the states? It's not like PBS has to make room for commercials.

I seem to remember that Reverend Tom left. 

They probably cut the show to fit in the one hour time slot. 

29 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:


Can someone explain the preserves? I don't remember a stash of them, or where they came from. I know Sr. Monica Joan is well known for her sweet tooth.

From what I could determine, lying nun (and apparently Dr Julienne isn't going to do anything about it the scooter etc) makes it. And makes a ton of it. And apparently it's either not good, or they're just sick of it. Laughed at Sr. MJ winning it back when she's the one who gave it to the raffle. 

That sucks that Lucille is apparently gone for good. I really liked her character. People really come and go on this show. And for the poster who asked where Reggie is, was he living in Poplar full time now? Or was he still living most of the time at the facility they found for him? I miss him too. Hope we see him soon. 

Thanks to the poster who fills in the blanks and what's cut out. It's ridiculous that they cut stuff. Bad enough on PBS, but then they do it on Netflix too. 

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55 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Has anyone ever explained why we get edited versions of this show in the states? It's not like PBS has to make room for commercials.


46 minutes ago, caitmcg said:

But it’s still a few minutes less than an hour, with time for the same “behind the scenes” repeated each week, so that doesn’t really track.

My personal belief is that there’s a bigger market here for the DVDs. They’re ridiculously overpriced, but no cuts, ads, and they’re probably loaded with extras. I’m just trying to imagine the goofs and out takes.

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And for the poster who asked where Reggie is, was he living in Poplar full time now? Or was he still living most of the time at the facility they found for him? I miss him too. Hope we see him soon. 

He went to live at that facility several seasons ago but whenever we see him at the shop they never mention it.

Where is Timothy?


Thanks to the poster who fills in the blanks and what's cut out. It's ridiculous that they cut stuff. Bad enough on PBS, but then they do it on Netflix too. 

Which makes even less sense. I can only guess that maybe the licensing deal specifies that Americans get a chopped up version so the full versions remain exclusive to whatever channel it airs on in the UK.

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8 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I'm always so impressed with the midwives when one of their patients turn on them in a hateful manner, like the breast cancer woman did with Sister Julienne, and their only concern is that the patient is upset. I particularly hate the, "What would you know about it, you've never had children," routine. 

Sister Julienne has the patience and experience to recognize the patient's words, however cruel, are not really about her.  She's just scared and lashing out.  

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17 hours ago, JustDucky said:

Lillian's story hit hard for me, personally, for reasons I won't go over because I'll start crying again.  Let's just say I love her daughter's name.

Lots of good callbacks - Sister Julienne's choice to become a nun, Lucille's newly done hair and yellow outfit while in the sidecar, even the dreaded marmalade Sister Veronica has "gifted" the House.

And I'm glad they give Sister Monica Joan something to do!  I'm not surprised she can put together a perfectly done Maypole dance.

I'll miss Lucille.  Her point of view was always a nice counterpoint.  She was a bit on the conservative side at times, but never in a way that was hateful - it's just the way she was brought up.  I hope Cyril is given something to do...

And Miss Nadine was the stripper who sold her fur coat to buy Val's aunt's dancing school.  I think Trixie delivered her daughter.  

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1 hour ago, LtKelley said:
3 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I was glad nature circumvented Lillian having to go to hospital for the birth of her baby. I was born in 1951, and I cannot imagine preferring a home birth to a hospital birth, but it was much more a thing in that place and time.

I honestly find it odd that no one ever refers to home births as being old fashioned. I know there's differences between the US and the UK but honestly having a nurse tell your kids to throw down some newspapers for the birthing isn't how most women want a birth to go. 


In Ontario we have coverage for midwifery with the option for home or hospital birth. 25 years ago I basically had to call the midwife right after peeing on the stick to make sure I got on the list. There are more midwives now, but I think you still have to get on their roster early. I'm not sure what percentage of their clients opt for home birth but I am sure it is higher then you would think. Home births are handled extremely professionally.

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On 3/21/2023 at 5:53 PM, debraran said:

Did they not do operations for cancer then, just radiation? A coworker of mine who didn't have advanced cancer said they gave her a radical mastectomy and I know although hers was later, they did it in the 50's. The overkill was not needed but all they knew. Maybe something more on it was cut out.

I felt Sister Julienne's pain too and we did have the episode where she meets her old beau again. No one rarely has no regrets even for a few minutes for life decisions but I'm glad she apologized to her later.


Information about this type of breast cancer. In the 60s there was little they could do.  

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6 hours ago, LtKelley said:

Oh agree, and lets be honest, with one exception, getting married on this show is the kiss of death. 

I don't know when she told them, but wouldn't have the "kiss of death" marriage be the segue to go? They could have gotten married and accepted a job in another town or visited ill relative in Jamaica and decide to stay there. Having Cyril stay and no reason the actor has to leave too, that is harder. I feel bad for him. It happens in some shows and they try to find a plausible reason to stay. I think he visits her and something happens there. Having her change so quickly, IDK, depressed but that doesn't kill love. Also I didn't think she was trying for a baby for even a year. It is TV though and they will do their best to make it plausible. Time will tell.

I hope Trixie doesn't have a lot of issues. I don't see her as a "mom" yet, she's still so into other things but will enjoy her character growing in other areas.

Edited by debraran
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40 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

Sadly, his only connection with the midwives was through his wife. So he really has no purpose here anymore. I did like his character and will miss him as well.

His character really grew on me. I was telling a co-worker, you land a good role in a well loved TV series, its steady, you're happy and your TV spouse leaves! That has to stink. 

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Lillian's story hit hard for me, personally, for reasons I won't go over because I'll start crying again.  Let's just say I love her daughter's name.

I do wonder if we will get any update on her. From what I can tell, her prospects are not good. Meaning the husband will quickly wind up a widower taking care of a baby by himself. And then Trixie will want to marry him too! 😉

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2 hours ago, libgirl2 said:
3 hours ago, Cetacean said:

Sadly, his only connection with the midwives was through his wife. So he really has no purpose here anymore. I did like his character and will miss him as well.

His character really grew on me. I was telling a co-worker, you land a good role in a well loved TV series, its steady, you're happy and your TV spouse leaves! That has to stink. 

Yeah, completely. I adore the character of Lucille, but I get that the actress wanted to move on. But maybe they should have killed her off (despite the melodrama of another midwife dying) because if this were real life, these two happily married, religious people would not remain separated. Cyril would end up moving to Jamaica if that was the only choice. But basically as it stands now Cyril either hangs around awkwardly without his wife, or they fire an actor for no fault of his own because his tv wife had other plans for herself. I like Cyril, I want better for him :)  

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24 minutes ago, HappyHanna said:

Yeah, completely. I adore the character of Lucille, but I get that the actress wanted to move on. But maybe they should have killed her off (despite the melodrama of another midwife dying) because if this were real life, these two happily married, religious people would not remain separated. Cyril would end up moving to Jamaica if that was the only choice. But basically as it stands now Cyril either hangs around awkwardly without his wife, or they fire an actor for no fault of his own because his tv wife had other plans for herself. I like Cyril, I want better for him :)  

It is also good to have people of color on this show to represent the range of people living in the area. Yes, we have had some on but not so much a recurring character. 

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I know they said Cyril isn't going anywhere right now. I can't say anything but UK fans have mentioned he does stay in Poplar by all the articles on it out now. I don't want to spoil the in between things until most get to see what they plan. I am able to watch up to episode 5 on PBS Passport but still have 3 more to go but don't know when. I had forgotten we gave a donation and it was like finding a candy bar you left in your purse and forgot....I was like "I can watch more!!" after seeing the first episode. ;)

I don't know if she let them know last year or after they made an arc for the two of them, but of all the characters, their marriage seems like the best, (well Dr Turner aside) very devoted, religious, thoughtful. To have her suddenly depressed, a midwife who knows it sometimes takes time to get pregnant (doc told me 6 months before he'd start looking around) it seemed rushed and flat. She played it well but the move to Jamaica and staying, no. That said, not sure what they could have done. He certainly could move on but how.


Edited by debraran
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