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S01.E04: My Stupid Detective Brain

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This was a dark episode. 
Having 3 main characters who had horribly abusive childhoods is equally dark. 
I’ll probably give it one more episode, but I think I’m out.

ITA about Will’s accent being out of place, @possibilities. Did we miss some early throwaway line that explained it?

Oh, and having had to give myself injections in the fatty abdominal area, Will’s technique looked all wrong to me. IDK. Maybe if you do it a lot you can slip the needle in perfectly perpendicularly and painlessly without pinching a fold of fat on a skinny person?

3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Oh, and having had to give myself injections in the fatty abdominal area, Will’s technique looked all wrong to me. IDK. Maybe if you do it a lot you can slip the needle in perfectly perpendicularly and painlessly without pinching a fold of fat on a skinny person?

I also noted that Will made a comment about Faith doing her injections as "a piece of cake...which you can't have anymore", which is technically wrong. It's what I was worried about with this show when it comes to illnesses and disabilities and them not presenting it properly. 

I still like this show but I'm wary about sticking with it long-term. I really don't like Ormewood (where did this intense jealousy and hatred come from? It felt sudden and strong this time around) and the episodes have felt a bit all over the place. Now, Will and Angie are back on with not much of a word about it? It also felt like Faith's fainting was part of some cliffhanger instead of it happening offscreen. 

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Betty is such a good dog, every show needs a very good dog, especially when things get sad. I am still liking the show a lot, I like all of the characters except for Ormewood, and I like seeing their relationships are changing. I don't really get why Ormewood has this massive hate on for Will, I thought that he was pissy with him for having a bunch of corrupt cops arrested like the rest of the cops, but now it seems like he dislikes him because he steals cases? Or just because Ormewood's a dick like that? I did think it was funny when he fell into that tunnel and immediately started accusing Will of somehow doing it on purpose. 

I had some idea of where the case was going and that the couple with the car was involved, the wife felt like she was really overacting to the point where it feels like a performance, but I still thought it was a pretty good case of the week. You would think that the son would be targeting active abusive fathers if he wanted to get revenge on bad fathers, not people who aren't even around their kids anymore and seemed like they were trying to clean their lives up, but I guess its hard to be apply to much rationality to serial killers. 

I really hope that we get to meet Faiths mom soon.  

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On 1/25/2023 at 4:58 PM, possibilities said:

Ormewood was so nice with his family in the previous episode, and he's so awful at work, it's confusing.

I'm diabetic and I consider that I can't have cake. I mean, I could have it, but it's not recommended. Though if Faith is taking insulin, then maybe she's LADA or type 1, and I'm type 2. I don't know. 

I just found this show and am checking it out. I’ll have to start from the beginning.   I’m Type I diabetic and we do take insulin (some by pump not shots) and can have cake….just cover it with insulin, but it’s a little tricky to get it right. Best not to do it all the time.   And, some Type two’s take insulin too.  

it looks quirky.  I hope that’s a good thing.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I love this show and am hand waving some of the medical inaccuracies (I’m an RN). I do love the content on dyslexia and how much effort people take to overcome it. My husband commented that the lead actors have more heat and connectivity in one hour than Castle had in 7 years. All the actors really work for me in this show. 

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23 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I really don't like Ormewood (where did this intense jealousy and hatred come from? It felt sudden and strong this time around) and the episodes have felt a bit all over the place.

 While Faith was okay because ultimately her mother did turn bad in the Sheriff episode Will still is the Internal Affairs guy who put away cops.  The rest plays like the normal FBI and local cops jealousies, or GBI in this case as opposed to Texas based shows were everybody aspires to be their equivalent, a Texas Ranger

I'm still enjoying this show, because of the characters. It's not the usual trite conversations between them. My only fault with this episode was Ormewood going on his own to the barn and not being more cautious once he found the green truck. He did at least call someone to do some information digging on the farm/factory or whatever it was. I guess that's how they found him in time.

I like all the characters, but Betty is my favorite. LOL. There's been enough complications introduced in just these few episodes to mine a whole lot of story from them.

Competition between departments is nothing new, and Ormewood seems like he's at least a smart cop, if not the most amenable. Trent didn't listen to him about the green truck, prefering to use his own (slower) method of trying to resolve what he was misunderstanding from the audio of the recording the students made in the forest. So both Trent and Ormewood could have maybe resolved things sooner, had they been willing to work together. 

I'm in for the season. 🥰

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Ormewood did try to call for help when he saw the green truck and the rosary beads, but he was tasered. He was just trying to be the tough guy hobbling around and trying to do all the work on his own, which was extremely stupid. I think he realized that at the end.

I like that they went with Angie and Will so quickly. I was worried about half a season of angst, but it’s refreshing that they are both honest with each other unlike other shows.

I had to FF the almost torture scene- I can never stomach that stuff,

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1 hour ago, twoods said:

Ormewood did try to call for help when he saw the green truck and the rosary beads, but he was tasered. He was just trying to be the tough guy hobbling around and trying to do all the work on his own, which was extremely stupid. I think he realized that at the end.

I like that they went with Angie and Will so quickly. I was worried about half a season of angst, but it’s refreshing that they are both honest with each other unlike other shows.

I had to FF the almost torture scene- I can never stomach that stuff,

He also called before he went in. He got tasered when he should have high-tailed it outta there! 

I also do not enjoy torture scenes. 

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6 hours ago, twoods said:

I like that they went with Angie and Will so quickly. I was worried about half a season of angst, but it’s refreshing that they are both honest with each other unlike other shows.

I really like this, too. The straightforward discussions between Will and Angie (as well as between Will and Faith) are a pleasant surprise. You see that there are underlying issues there, but they're both trying. Of course, part of me is still waiting for the other shoe to drop, thinking that maybe the 'half a season of angst' is still ahead. 

But overall, I'm really enjoying this show. It's different from the book series, but I largely like the changes. I appreciate the character development on the show. 

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The books on which this series is based are very dark and full of violence. If anything the show is milder.  🙂  I plan to stick with it because I like everyone so far and I like cases of the week. I don't mind some "ongoing" issue in the background, but not to the exclusion of having a case of the week or cases that last several episodes. 

Yes, there was something off with the two at the start.  I hope, however, they don't start putting the four of them together too often. 

I guess I am in the minority but the accent doesn't bother me.  I do, however, wonder why they only have him using an accent?  That seems out of place. 

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I will say that I'm not bothered by how the characters seem a little off in terms of how they are acting towards one another and in general since apparently episodes 3, and 4 were switched (for some stupid studio-mandated reason). Imagine this episode taking place right after episode 2 when Will find out about Ormewood and Angie, right after Will solved that big case and got the headlines and was making waves despite what he did and the detectives (i.e., Ormewood) had to deal with him. Imagine that the spouse has dinner with the new partner AFTER she actually became his new partner.

A lot of this stuff makes a lot more stuff character-wise when you put episodes 3 and 4 in their actual order. (Including Nico, the dog-watcher.)

FYI: I'm another one in the minority who's not bothered by the accent, and I live just outside of Atlanta. Some people DO have an accent like that. And some don't. There are all types of varying degrees of Southern accents in Georgia, and in the metro-Atlanta area specifically. (I'm randomly reminded of Kyra Sedgwick's accent in The Closer and how so many would insist it was too over-the-top and just terrible, and here I was in the thick of where her character came from, and I heard that particular accent all the dang time.)

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The show seems a bit disjointed, but the episode switch wasn't the problem for me.  I've not read the books, so my perspective is just based on what's aired to date.  It feels like the show wants to toe-dip into trauma because of the source material but not! too! much! Just enough to keep it quirky. I keep wondering how Angie is still employed, but I am pretty sure I shouldn't be wondering about her addiction.  Or wondering how Will has made it this far in his career without having to write or type up and review reports.    

The way Faith's diabetes was introduced was...abrupt.  But I appreciated that Will was trying to look out for her. 

I'm ambivalent about Ormewood because he's more caricature than character.   

Anyway, it's still early days and time for the show to find its footing. 

3 hours ago, catrice2 said:

I do, however, wonder why they only have him using an accent?  That seems out of place. 

I think Rodriguez is a producer, so I wonder if it's a choice he made rather than the showrunners?

It's interesting, I've been thinking that Sonja Sohn sounds...southern-y.  I looked her up, and she grew up in Virginia.  She was also born in Georgia, but on a military base so not sure if her father was a Georgia native.    

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13 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

She was also born in Georgia, but on a military base so not sure if her father was a Georgia native.    

Seems as if it is a good chance that her father was US infantry 

13 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Or wondering how Will has made it this far in his career without having to write or type up and review reports.    

That has been a feature of quirky detectives, I could see the Sherlock consultants but how does this type survive patrol to make it to the best detective ever? But Will is nowhere as bad as Detective Cross of the US version of The Bridge was.

Edited by Raja
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Is it our understanding that nothing was edited in the episodes and they were just switched wholesale? I think the switched order makes more sense for the Will and Angie relationship because in episode 2 she sort of ended things with him, but in this episode (supposedly episode 3), they woke up in bed together. It makes more sense to me that this would happen post-Ormewood dinner when she went to him and confessed. 

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10 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I think Rodriguez is a producer, so I wonder if it's a choice he made rather than the showrunners?

I'm like a broken record with this because I have said it in every single episode thread lol but yes Ramón Rodriguez decided he wanted to do an accent for Will and he chose to mimic Andre 3000 from Outkast's accent.

I am just loving this show. The characters are really interesting to me and I like the dynamics between them. I do wish they'd bring Niko on as a semi-regular.

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A bit too dark for me (the torturing part) but I liked how Will discovered what didn't make sense-the sounds representing the actions were out of order (I didn't get it until he said it [I like to play along as an amateur detective-sometimes I figure things out and sometimes I don't...Columbo has nothing to worry about whether or not I will take his job...]).  I paid attention to his accent this episode after reading various comments about it and found it to be similar to ones I have heard before.  There is not just "one" type of southern accent.  My own nephews have two distinct accents even though they were raised together, went to all of the same schools, etc.  Quite frankly, I wish more of the characters had accents.  If the show is set in a specific region, let that region be represented. 

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14 hours ago, driver18 said:

I will say that I'm not bothered by how the characters seem a little off in terms of how they are acting towards one another and in general since apparently episodes 3, and 4 were switched (for some stupid studio-mandated reason). Imagine this episode taking place right after episode 2 when Will find out about Ormewood and Angie, right after Will solved that big case and got the headlines and was making waves despite what he did and the detectives (i.e., Ormewood) had to deal with him. Imagine that the spouse has dinner with the new partner AFTER she actually became his new partner.

A lot of this stuff makes a lot more stuff character-wise when you put episodes 3 and 4 in their actual order. (Including Nico, the dog-watcher.)

FYI: I'm another one in the minority who's not bothered by the accent, and I live just outside of Atlanta. Some people DO have an accent like that. And some don't. There are all types of varying degrees of Southern accents in Georgia, and in the metro-Atlanta area specifically. (I'm randomly reminded of Kyra Sedgwick's accent in The Closer and how so many would insist it was too over-the-top and just terrible, and here I was in the thick of where her character came from, and I heard that particular accent all the dang time.)

The episode viewing order was 1, 2, 4, 5, the next episode will be episode 3.

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Oh, I love Betty.  I want Betty.

When Will asked about the results of Faith's blood test and she said 'The results came back positive for mind yo' business' I felt as if the words were coming out of the mouths of one of my aunties.  I remember someone asked one of my aunts how old she was and she snapped back "I am grown ass woman years old. Now mind your business." 

And then her line about Ormewood and Angie doing a magic trick when they whipped back the curtain made me LOL as well.

Will, Faith, Angie and Ormewood as a team were great.  They were like the anti-Scoobies.  So prickly, but still did the work.

I admit I immediately suspected the son when he came to pick up his parents at the hospital.  He was too anxious to get them away, not concerned enough that they hit someone with a truck.  Also if he really were a ritualizing serial killer, Ormewood would not meet his pattern.  It would give him stress to torture/kill Ormewood the way he does his regulars.  Mostly he should have just incapacitated and stashed him, not added him to the roster.

I do like that Ormewood kinda saved himself.  As much as he annoys me on principal, I did like how he came through for himself and the other guy in the end.

Another building block in the Will and Faith partnership.  I am liking them quite a bit.

On 1/26/2023 at 5:57 PM, metaphor said:

I really like this, too. The straightforward discussions between Will and Angie (as well as between Will and Faith) are a pleasant surprise. You see that there are underlying issues there, but they're both trying. Of course, part of me is still waiting for the other shoe to drop, thinking that maybe the 'half a season of angst' is still ahead. 

This is where I am at with Will and Angie.  I like her and I like them together.  But Angie also makes me nervous. The show makes a point of bringing up her addiction and yet we never hear her even mention going to a meeting or anything.  She seems to be soldiering but she gives me vibes.  Maybe I am just too used to how narrative fiction usually works.  If they point out a thing, it is at some going to become a thing.  And I almost feel like Angie and Will are doing ok now, but some downfall is imminent.

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9 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

 I liked how Will discovered what didn't make sense-the sounds representing the actions were out of order (I didn't get it until he said it [I like to play along as an amateur detective-sometimes I figure things out and sometimes I don't...Columbo has nothing to worry about whether or not I will take his job...]). 

You are not alone in that. If it's a case of the week procedural that's more or less a play-fair mystery, playing along and trying to solve the case is part of the fun of watching. 

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1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

I do like that Ormewood kinda saved himself.  As much as he annoys me on principal, I did like how he came through for himself and the other guy in the end.

I liked that, too. He's a jerk but he's basically competent and not just dead weight in a crisis.

Angie does talk about going to meetings. We haven't seen it, but she says she's going. I wonder if not showing it is to suggest she's lying about going, or if they're just saving time for the other aspects of the story. She does seem like a ticking time bomb according to usual tv tropes. I'm hoping they won't go the usual route, though. I really like her and I like her with Will.

Betty has more charisma than most human actors, and even than most acting dogs. 

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How Will handles reports, etc. is better explained in the books, but considering the fact that there is Dragon dictation and other software to include spell check, dictionary, etc.

On 1/26/2023 at 10:32 PM, ribboninthesky1 said:

The show seems a bit disjointed, but the episode switch wasn't the problem for me.  I've not read the books, so my perspective is just based on what's aired to date.  It feels like the show wants to toe-dip into trauma because of the source material but not! too! much! Just enough to keep it quirky. I keep wondering how Angie is still employed, but I am pretty sure I shouldn't be wondering about her addiction.  Or wondering how Will has made it this far in his career without having to write or type up and review reports.    

The way Faith's diabetes was introduced was...abrupt.  But I appreciated that Will was trying to look out for her. 

I'm ambivalent about Ormewood because he's more caricature than character.   

Anyway, it's still early days and time for the show to find its footing. 

I think Rodriguez is a producer, so I wonder if it's a choice he made rather than the showrunners?

It's interesting, I've been thinking that Sonja Sohn sounds...southern-y.  I looked her up, and she grew up in Virginia.  She was also born in Georgia, but on a military base so not sure if her father was a Georgia native.    

, that is not too much of a stretch.  You'd also have to imagine that if he has a high clearance rate someone would be more than happy to fix some grammatical errors or overlook them. There are even reading pens, and text to speech software to read reports.  To be fair, having been a literacy volunteer you would be surprised how people cope in their professions, from pretending they have left their reading glasses, etc.  At some point that would be something he could delegate a lot to other agents/officers depending on his rank.    

In a lot of professions if you self disclose and undergo treatment then they can't fire you for having a substance abuse problem. It also depends...if it came about as a consequence of her performing her job, that would get sticky and she could have used it as leverage to stay employed.  As someone who worked for the police in a clerical role an had many police friends, etc. trust that many of them are in treatment for something and are taken back even when it was not self disclosed. 

I wrote to the author several times about things that bothered me in her series and without saying too much I am pleased that she is going in a different direction with a lot of it.  Not that I think she got MY messages ha ha, I am just pleased that she either thought of it on her own, or other people had the same concerns. 😄

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I binged to catch up and I love this series.  It has some issues, but overall it works for me.  There are more accents than Trent.  I picked up several, but another one is Amanda.  I think I notice accents a lot, since I’m from the south. 


The actress who plays Amanda is from GA, but not sure how long she lived there.  

I thought this episode was particularly good. My second most favorite yet, though torture is always difficult for me to watch.  

Man, that doctor didn’t even try to save that guy in the ER. No cpr?  Just give him some blood why don’t you?   🙄

Have to hand it to Michael for helping another when he was hurt.  

I like the humor and quirkiness of this show.  It’s dark, but offers lightness that fits nicely, 

The downside for me is that they didn’t get proper info on the Type I diabetes story. Why oh why can’t television do this?  They squander a valuable opportunity.  Oh my….where to begin…..they have the entire fainting thing wrong.  If Faith first got diagnosed as Type 1 at the hospital scene, then the fainting would have been from high blood sugar….which is extremely serious, likely diabetic ketoacidosis (I’ve had it once)  which would be very obvious, with signs of extreme nausea, vomiting, body aches, crazy labs that require hospitalization with IV insulin and fluids. She wouldn’t leave until training on injections and testing. Later on in the episode she has a Trent inject her.   No way you’d just take an injection without testing.  And, she’d likely have pen cartridges that screw on , not syringes.  Faith driving on duty without testing?  Oh my…..unacceptable.  And, the scene where she fainted again out in the woods….did she have low blood sugar?  Did she test?  She wouldn’t be taking more insulin, but drinking juice to get blood sugar up.  I hope they improve on this and get her with the Endo she mentions and on a Continuance Glucose Monitor that’s really standard now with a Type 1.  Why perpetuate myths about a real medical condition? Ok. Vent over.  I doubt they’ll show it, but managing T1 is a full time job.  

I could feel Will’s pain when he talks about his condition.  I hope we’ll get the chance to learn more about it.  What Faith misses is that Trent’s dyslexia won’t kill them on the highway, but her low blood sugar could.  

Betty is probably my favorite part of this series.  Then, Trent and Angie.  And, perhaps the music.  It’s a little like Stumptown. 

Despite the issues, I think it’s the best network drama I’ve seen in a long time.  I’m excited!

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On 1/28/2023 at 12:34 PM, catrice2 said:

How Will handles reports, etc. is better explained in the books, but considering the fact that there is Dragon dictation and other software to include spell check, dictionary, etc.

, that is not too much of a stretch.  You'd also have to imagine that if he has a high clearance rate someone would be more than happy to fix some grammatical errors or overlook them. There are even reading pens, and text to speech software to read reports.  To be fair, having been a literacy volunteer you would be surprised how people cope in their professions, from pretending they have left their reading glasses, etc.  At some point that would be something he could delegate a lot to other agents/officers depending on his rank.    

I was trying to figure how he was able to pass whatever written exams one has to pass between entry level police recruit and detective. It seems that he has been concealing his dyslexia, not taking advantages of any aids, at least not publicly.

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1 hour ago, Rickster said:

I was trying to figure how he was able to pass whatever written exams one has to pass between entry level police recruit and detective. It seems that he has been concealing his dyslexia, not taking advantages of any aids, at least not publicly.

If he has his own office he would not need to use those aides in front of people..so there is that. Reading or writing reports in his office he can do whatever he wants.  A lot of exams are computerized now and untimed.  In the real world, for a lot of people with dyslexia it is not impossible, just harder and takes longer to read and sometimes write.  It is also highly connected to the stress level they are feeling, if they have been taught strategies, etc.    Although I do not think it would apply to this show, in real life people can ask for accommodations of having tests read, or being able to use text to speech on many certification exams. 

If someone like Will is under pressure ...say with the other three looking at him view the driver's license, he could become even more confused.  Same when they are tired, etc.  It will be interesting to see how they approach this. I work with people with disabilities and one thing I hate is when shows focus heavily on stereotypes and/or ignore the fact that everyone deals with it differently and does not always exhibit every single characteristic of that disability.   

One of the main reasons I stopped watching another show on ABC....

1 hour ago, possibilities said:

He would have an accommodation and take his exams orally. 

I wrote my reply before I read your reply. 😃  Correct. There is a difference, however, between an oral exam and having an exam read to you in practical application. 

Oral exams are when you get an oral reply to the question asked, and having it read means they have the question and the answer choices read to them and they have to still make a choice. 

I have had students that if I give them an oral exam they know WAY more than the other students in the class, but even if I read a multiple choice they get confused.  I once gave a student an oral about the causes of the Civil War and his answers were so thoughtful and complete...but he could not answer those multiple choice questions even when they were read with the answer choices.  Makes me sad because a lot of teachers won't take the time and don't like the idea of oral exams because they feel like it is an advantage. 

On 1/27/2023 at 12:18 PM, AnimeMania said:

The episode viewing order was 1, 2, 4, 5, the next episode will be episode 3.

Is there a resource online that gives the "actual" episode order vs broadcast order?  Or is everything being broadcast in proper order after this?  I tried IMDb but couldn't find anything.

I'm always annoyed when networks do this, and a little moreso this time because we came to this show late (after the first five were out) and thus could have watched them in order if we'd known.

Edited by Orbert
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2 hours ago, Orbert said:

Is there a resource online that gives the "actual" episode order vs broadcast order?  Or is everything being broadcast in proper order after this?  I tried IMDb but couldn't find anything.

I'm always annoyed when networks do this, and a little moreso this time because we came to this show late (after the first five were out) and thus could have watched them in order if we'd known.


It tells you the episode numbers and you will have to look at the dates they air to tell the order.

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On 1/25/2023 at 9:57 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I still like this show but I'm wary about sticking with it long-term. I really don't like Ormewood (where did this intense jealousy and hatred come from? It felt sudden and strong this time around) 

On 1/25/2023 at 12:41 PM, tennisgurl said:

I don't really get why Ormewood has this massive hate on for Will, I thought that he was pissy with him for having a bunch of corrupt cops arrested like the rest of the cops, but now it seems like he dislikes him because he steals cases? Or just because Ormewood's a dick like that?

Maybe I'm being overly simplistic, but doesn't Ormewood hate Will because Angie prefers Will to him?  Specifically, she slept with Ormewood once but no more, yet is continuing to sleep with Will, which is an affront to his masculinity.

On 1/27/2023 at 7:46 PM, DearEvette said:

But Angie also makes me nervous. The show makes a point of bringing up her addiction and yet we never hear her even mention going to a meeting or anything.  

On 1/27/2023 at 9:14 PM, possibilities said:

Angie does talk about going to meetings. We haven't seen it, but she says she's going. I wonder if not showing it is to suggest she's lying about going, or if they're just saving time for the other aspects of the story. 

IIRC, near the beginning of this episode, she mentioned that she was going to an NA meeting that day.

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Trent isn’t a police detective- he’s a Georgia Bureau of Investigation detective.    He was never a police recruit.   In addition - Amanda has taken a personal interest in him and has arranged for accommodation  for his disability.  

Even though the series is supposedly separate from the books, there’s a lot of book backstory that they are assuming the audience knows. Otherwise some of the dialogue  doesn’t make sense - and that may be part of the confusion. 


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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Trent isn’t a police detective- he’s a Georgia Bureau of Investigation detective.    He was never a police recruit.   In addition - Amanda has taken a personal interest in him and has arranged for accommodation  for his disability.  

Even though the series is supposedly separate from the books, there’s a lot of book backstory that they are assuming the audience knows. Otherwise some of the dialogue  doesn’t make sense - and that may be part of the confusion. 


No disrespect is intended for the other states investigative units , as a native Californian I had no ideal that The Mentalist's CBI was a real thing before Googling it. But perhaps the most famous state unit of this type is the Texas Rangers and they serve in the Texas Highway Patrol before being promoted to Ranger. So yes that is part of the confusion of how Trent could have survived random contacts to make it to agent.

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