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S01.E12: Rix Road


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2 hours ago, Bill1978 said:

There is a scene at the end of the credits

Thanks for this; I probably would have missed it.  Now we see what the prisoners were making.

I want MORE!

I was worried that we were going to lose Luthen - I should have known better.  Someone has to bring Cassian into the Rebellion.

I loved:

Maarva getting the last word, aided by B2EMO.

No one in the Empire thought that Cassian would save Bix.  This left her essentially unguarded; starting the funeral before they were supposed to, causing the Empire to bring all of the troops to the square, was key, too.

The guy banging the drum  anvil pushing the trooper off the tower.  I laughed. 

Mon Mothma setting up her need for money by accusing her husband of gambling.  Worked very neatly to not arouse further suspicion about her finances.  That introduction scene, though; Genevieve O'Reilly is killing it with her subtle expressions.

Other stuff:

Karn saving Dedra amused me.  He is a real wild card. 

Was Cinta just there to lurk mysteriously and kill that one Empire guy?  I suppose she was waiting to kill Cassian if she had the chance.   I think Vel thinks there is more to their relationship but for Cinta, the Rebellion will always be first.  IIRC, someone told Cassian back on Aldhani that Cinta was the one to watch out for.

Glad that Bix, B2EMO, the big guy and the bomb making kid all got out.

I hope we see Kino in S2.

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14 minutes ago, absnow54 said:

Brasso has the most extravagant plot armor I've ever seen. He was beating up stormtroopers with a brick, right at the front of the line, and somehow he got out of there unscathed. I love Brasso, and I'm glad he survived the season, but that dude should have been dead!

Even Pre Rogue One stormtroopers failed target practice... constantly

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40 minutes ago, Msample said:

I loved seeing Mon Mothma basically selling her sleezy husband down the river by setting him up via the gambling problem . 

Wasn't that great! Go, Mon! I guess she also is moving ahead with marrying her daughter off to Davo's son. And Leida seems excited about it. ::shudder::

Wilmon broke my heart. I was terrified he would be killed after he lobbed that bomb. 

Bix hearing Maarva's funeral and humming along to the music was so beautiful. I am SO glad Cassian rescued her! I did not want to see her suffering anymore. 

I figured Karn would rescue Dedra, but it was still great. Loved when she told him, "I should say thank you." 😆

I was ready to throw hands when that one ISB guy kicked over B2EMO. I literally yelled out "How dare you!" Very happy that he escaped along with Brasso and the others.

Loved hearing excerpts from Nemik's manifesto. Between that and Maarva's funeral speech, Cassian radicalization is almost complete. And we saw elements of the Empire's desperation in the way they attacked the people of Ferrix. That Tigo had been itching to do something, even when Meero told him not to. And look how that's turned out.  I can only imagine the crackdown that's coming for Ferrix after these events. 

Once again, Cinta coming through in the clutch and taking down Corv. She stays ready. I need more of her in season 2.

I really loved Cassian pausing at Clem's brick to remember him. Diego Luna really has crushed it this season. 

Shout out to Nicholas Brittell for his brilliant score this season. Gonna have to go listen to it now.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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I don't know if I can explain how personally inspirational I have found this season, both because I can't find the words and because it's a subject best not talked about this forum.

I'd like it if they showed that Mon Mothma truly loves both her daughter and her husband and has a good relationship with them, but is willing to sacrifice them for the good of the Rebellion.

I need to get the soundtrack if they have that funeral music on it.

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3 hours ago, raven said:

No one in the Empire thought that Cassian would save Bix.  This left her essentially unguarded; starting the funeral before they were supposed to, causing the Empire to bring all of the troops to the square, was key, too.

What's funny is that the Empire delayed the ceremony by two hours as a flex, because they felt they were giving the Daughter's of Ferrix too many concessions in their negotiations. Starting the ceremony wasn't a rouse to help Bix escape, it was simply the town rebelling by having their ceremony when they damn well pleased.

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I'm just... I don't know. I feel drained but energized. This season has been everything, and the finale brought everything together beautifully.

I like that, even though Cassian at this point is definitely the kind of stupid/sentimental to show up to Ferrix for the funeral, he didn't ultimately risk everything to try and assuage his own guilt about not being there for Maarva. Instead, when he realized that Bix was being held, he put his own feelings aside and let the funeral serve as cover to get her out. All the citizens of Ferrix were amazing, from Brasso to B2EMO to the anvil-banging guy. I liked everyone working together to help Cassian, and I loved Maarva inspiring everyone from beyond the grave.

Loved the short flashback with Clem. Simple but powerful.

So many incredible lines, with the best ones coming from characters who are no longer with us (Nemik and Maarva):

  • “Remember this: freedom is a pure idea. It occurs spontaneously and without instruction.”

  • “Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear. Remember that.”

  • “Tell him he knows everything he needs to know and feels everything he needs to feel. The day comes when those two pull together, he’ll be an unstoppable force for good.”

  • “Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong.”

  • “This is a wound that won’t heal at the center of the galaxy. There is a darkness reaching like rust into everything around us. We let it grow, and now it’s here. It’s here, and it’s not visiting anymore. It wants to stay.”

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What a great first season! 

Last week I felt like Maarva deserved more than an off screen death. I should have known that wasn’t the last we’d see of her. That funeral was like a Star Wars version of Les Mis/“Do You Hear the People Sing.” And I mean that in a good way.

Diego Luna is so good in this role. We all know how the cliffhanger ends, but he looked ready for whichever way Luthen decided.

Meero’s been so evil and badass all season, and it was jarring to see her scrambling in the dirt and needing to be saved by that loser.

I want a citizens of Ferrix spinoff!

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Well, damn!  Now that how you deliver on a finale!

Glad that Maarva's off screen death wasn't the end for her and she came back big time in a holographic form!  Basically the catalyst for the town-folks to rise up and finally fight back and arguably be the starting point for the true rebellion agains the Empire.  A fitting way to send that character off.  Granted, while I know she was the true reason behind it, I'm totally going to credit that asshole knocking over B2EMO as another reason to make them all go "Oh, hell no!  This will not stand!"  Of course, it was somewhat realistic in that the town-folks did suffer a lot of losses from what I can tell, but at least they took a few troopers out with them and they've clearly shaken the Empire now.  Although nothing is going to top Anvil Guy Spartan kicking a trooper off the bell tower!  There better be a gif of that, stat!

Even Dedra gets put through the wringer here, but is saved in the last minute by.... Karn?!  Yep, that creepy little weirdo might have just gotten a promotion and earned her loyalty after-all.  It will still be wise though not to have him too close to her because he's still giving off major stalker vibes.

Cassian using this to save Bix was great.  She's clearly still out of it and I don't know if she'll ever fully recover, but I'm glad that she has a chance now to move forward.

It was interesting seeing Luthen's reaction to all of this.  I don't think he showed any regret here but I did get a sense that it was really dawning on him what his actions have led to and it shook him a little getting a front row seat to it.  But he was certainly back to form with his smile when Cassian officially asked to throw in now.  Luthen really has become one of most fascinating characters in the Star Wars universe.

I hope Vel and Cintra figure things out, but right now it really seems like Vel is more into Cintra than she is vice versa.  Or Cintra is simply just more invested in the rebellion than Vel is.

Didn't predict that Mothma would set it up to make it look like her husband was the one behind the missing money due to his previous gambling addiction.  Crafty!  But it looks like she actually is going to go through with playing matchmaker between her daughter and that glorified gangster's son.  Even she isn't immune to having to have to make tough choices.

Nemik's manifesto coming back into play was a nice touch.

As much as I loved the Mandalorian series, this really might be my favorite thing to come out of Stars Wars and the best out of the Disney+ shows.  So many fascinating characters, well written and directed, excellent music score, and probably one of the best looks at how truly evil the Empire is and what it really takes to rise up against something like that.  Diego Luna carried the show perfectly and the supporting cast more than matched him, with special shoutouts to the likes of Andy Serkis, Fiona Shaw, Adria Arjona, Denise Gough, Genevieve O'Reilly, and especially Stellan Skarsgard.  Glad that they are already working on the next season, but I hope more people catch up on this one.  Heard the numbers weren't as high as some of the other Star Wars shows and while I understand why its darker and more adult themes might not work for everyone, I hope newcomers at least give it another try.  

Hope the wait won't be too long!

Edited by thuganomics85
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So Cassian both helped to build the Death Star, and he helped to destroy it. I love that kind of thematic poetry. 

What a finale, I feel exhausted and yet pumped up, like I want to go for a run but also lay down and rest. What a great finale, a perfect way to end such a great season. I love that Maarva got to have the last word and inspired the citizens of Ferrix to rise up against the Empire, she even got to have a direct hand in it, I'm pretty sure that Brasso started the riot by hitting the Imperial guy with her brick! Maarva would definitely approve. I think its really poignant that her words from beyond the grave and Nemik's manifesto were both used to inspire people to fight against the Empire, it fits in very nicely with Rogue One's themes of how your actions and beliefs can live on and inspire others even after your gone.  

So clever of Mon to use her husbands gambling to hide her actions with the rebellion, that was awesome. 

I was about to throw hands when that bastard kicked my poor baby B2EMO, but luckily the good people of Feffix did it for me. That droid has been through enough, I am so glad that he managed to get away, even if he's separated from Cassian again. Also having been through enough is Bix, who looks about half dead now and even after Cassian saved her she is clearly very out of it, understandably so. Hopefully she can recover from this, I am very relived that most of Cassian's friends made it out. 

Luthen's expression while he watched everything unfolding was really interesting. This is exactly what he wanted to happen, but the loss of life is still not something he takes any pleasure in. I knew that Stellan Skarsgård would be great in this show, but I am just going to go ahead and say that this is one of his best performances I have ever seen. He's really made Luthen one of the most complex characters in the Star Wars universe. 

Cassian stopping to look at Clem's brick was a really nice moment. Cassian has become harder, and we know that he will further harden over the years as the fight against the Empire continues, but he never fully loses that sweet caring part of him, he will just need to find it again. Of course the Empire never even thinks that Cassian would go to save Bix, they really never can understand how people who aren't them work. In classic Empire fashion, their constant need to pick the most evil option in any situation comes back to bite them. Cassian was fine being just a minor thorn in their side, even after the Empire killed his father, but then they attacked his home, sent him to prison on false charges, and tortured Bix, which finally got him to join the rebellion, where he will eventually help lead to their downfall.  

So many great moments in the riot. Cinta easily gutting the Imperial guy, Syril of all people saving Dedra (maybe he will finally get that promotion), the kid who's father was murdered throwing a homemade bomb at the Stormtroopers, and of course, the true hero, the anvil guy in the tower kicking that Stormtrooper out of the tower! Awesome! This show does an amazing job at building quiet tension for so long, and then giving us this huge catharsis at the end of every arc. This has been such a great show, it might even be nudging out The Mandalorian as my favorite thing that Star Wars has put out in the Disney era. Diego Luna has been amazing carrying this show as Cassian, the supporting cast has matched him, both the veterans and the actors I am less familiar with, and the entire show has been a great look at how evil the Empire is, what it took to take them down, and what it means to fight for freedom. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Can there be a new Emmy category for Special Achievement in the Field of Inspirational Speeches for an entire cast? There's been so many good ones this season and Fiona Shaw's hologram knocked it out of the damn park this episode! This whole episode was tense, and I nearly threw my laptop across the room in a fit of anger when B2 was knocked over, that little droid has been through enough! Cheers for Brasso beating a stormtrooper with Maarva's brick, I have a feeling she would have wholeheartedly approved. Poor Anto Kreegyr, although maybe he'll get his own Disney+ show at some point..

Edited by sashabear21
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On 11/23/2022 at 11:11 AM, RobertDeSneero said:

I'd like it if they showed that Mon Mothma truly loves both her daughter and her husband and has a good relationship with them, but is willing to sacrifice them for the good of the Rebellion.

Well, I’m fine with Mon selling her no-good husband out, but the stuff with her daughter falls into that category—she might be bratty, but she’s still her daughter and she does love her. You can tell it’s eating her up.

That funeral scene was seriously the most epic Star Wars moment since Luke Astro-projecting himself in TLJ. No other words, except to say I’m so here for season 2!

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Tremendous. Moving. 

The only criticism I have for this episode and this show is that I'm sad we are only getting two seasons instead of the original five.

If its true that this show is getting the lowest ratings of any SW tv show, that is a sad testimony to the state of audience appreciation and rampant desire for endless repetition of the same themes/characters/plots I can think of. 

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6 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Luthen's expression while he watched everything unfolding was really interesting. This is exactly what he wanted to happen, but the loss of life is still not something he takes any pleasure in.

He was more upset that the plan to find Cassian failed. If everybody else on Ferrix had to die, that would be acceptable collateral damage... 

First and foremost I have to say that funeral procession was amazing. This show has incredible music.

I appreciate how everyone flocked to Ferrix trying to accomplish something and by and large they all mostly failed.

When Karn and Mosk are on their way down to Ferrix they randomly switch hats. The scene doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me although I wonder: is the local security known to be so piss-poor that simply switching hats with someone else is a valid way to fly under the radar? It would fit with what has been established about the Empire being fat and lazy.

Dedra made the exact same mistake Karn did. She came in thinking she was in charge and acting tough only to get her ass handed to her by the locals. As an ISB analyst she's made the unfortunate mistake of confusing comfort with security. Hey Dedra, if you had listened to your people on the ground and deployed the snipers like they asked, this riot would have been over before it started. Instead, the Death Troopers were mixed in with the crowd where they found out first, second and third-hand (and boot and brick and etc) that quantity has a quality all its own. There are shades of Black Hawk Down to this, another connection to present day reality that makes this show so real.

I also want to compare this episode to similarly-themed episodes of Homeland but nah, Homeland never had an episode this good.

Mon Mothma's gaslighting of her husband made me wonder. Certainly she didn't just make it up. She did reference that he was gambling again. He didn't deny it so we know this has been a struggle for him in the past. So was this an indiscretion of his that she was willing to overlook at first until she realized she could use it to save herself? Or is she straight up lying about it but doing so knowing it's plausible enough for the ISB to take it at face value?

I saw some reactions that weren't sure what was going on with Vel and Cinta when they reunited. My read on it was that Vel wanted some alone time with Cinta but this is a Disney show destined for overseas markets where such relationships may not be accepted by the censors so we we're just going to hint at them knocking boots and then cut away. Having said that, if any particular government (not calling any specific one out, I just know they exist) is inclined to censor LGBT relationships they probably aren't going to take kindly to this show in general with its "overthrow the tyrannical regime" theme.

Speaking of which, that speech by Maarva was awesome. I was ready to join the rebellion after that.

The only thing that didn't quite work for me is when we see Cinta stab that Imperial spy using the galaxy's smallest knife. I appreciate the gore discretion here because I don't need to see her stab the guy 70 times or split his neck open but in reality that little blade would probably not cause the dude to fall over dead with a single poke and twist. I'm going to speculate that she coated the knife in some Star Wars poison that is instantly fatal.

Luthen made a rookie mistake parking his ship in the same spot as last time. He's lucky it was Cassian waiting for him instead of the ISB.

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1 hour ago, dwmarch said:

First and foremost I have to say that funeral procession was amazing. This show has incredible music.

When the musicians were warming up/tuning their instruments, I swear it was the Star Wars theme. Very off key but I swear it was.

I loved the little throw away reference to Canto Bight which helps link the prequel stuff to the sequel stuff.

My only complaint about the episode is the lame cliffhanger, it's not like Cassian is going to die and honestly I don't think the fate of Luthien would be considered a cliffhanger.

Edited by Bill1978
7 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Mon Mothma's gaslighting of her husband made me wonder. Certainly she didn't just make it up. She did reference that he was gambling again. He didn't deny it so we know this has been a struggle for him in the past. So was this an indiscretion of his that she was willing to overlook at first until she realized she could use it to save herself? Or is she straight up lying about it but doing so knowing it's plausible enough for the ISB to take it at face value?

My assumption is that Mon's husband had a gambling problem in the past (that ISB might already be aware of) but he was telling the truth when he said that he's not gambling now. Mon knew that her driver was eavesdropping on their conversation because she mentioned in the pilot (or was it the second episode?) that he was working for the empire to keep an eye on her. So Mon only accused her husband because it would give the Empire a plausible explanation for the money that was missing from her bank accounts.

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Now that I have watched the entire first season of "Andor", I might as well state how I feel about the series.  

I believe "Andor" is a pretty good.  show.  I really enjoyed the performances in this series, along with the corrupt and violent portrayal of the Empire (which was nothing new), the series’ ambiguous portrayal of the Rebel Alliance and certain sequences. I was especially impressed by those scenes that featured Cassian Andor’s escape from Ferrix, the Rebels’ heist at the Imperial garrison at Aldhani, Cassian’s rescue of Bix and the riot on Ferrix in the finale, his stint at the Narkina 5 prison and especially his escape.

However, I had some issues.  I don't see the point of having Mon Mothma as a major character - almost the co-lead - in this production. Her arc had no real connection in this season. In fact, showrunner Tony Gilroy could have placed most of her arc in Season 2.  That is . . . if Cassian will play a major role in her escape from the Empire. But "Star Wars Rebels" had made it clear that Bail Organa, the Rebel Alliance's Y-squadron and the Lothar rebel cell helped her escape. Which leads me to wonder how Gilroy plans to shove Cassian into this situation. Or . . . will Cassian and Mothma connect in another way?  Who knows.  I could have accepted Mothma as a major character in this series if she had some kind of connection to Cassian's character arc in this season. But she didn't.  And using the excuse that this series is supposed to be about the early period of the Rebel Alliance didn't work for me.  The name of this series is “ANDOR”; not “The Rebel Alliance”, “Rebels II”, “Andor and Mothma” or anything like that.  

The Syril Karn character didn't seem to have much to do between the third episode, (1.03) “Reckoning”, and the season finale, (1.12) “Rix Road”; except brood and develop a fixation for ISB agent Dedra Meero.  Aside from revealing his origin, how did the flashbacks showing Cassian's childhood relate to the season or the series' main narrative?

I also had a problem with the series' pacing and believe it could have been whittled down to at least eight or nine episodes.  One of my main problems with “Andor” is that the writing in several of the episodes felt like padding.  As I have stated before, the first two episodes could have merged into one.  And the fourth and fifth episodes could have merged into one.  I also believe that the seventh episode could have merged into the eighth one.  I found the abrupt endings for some of the episodes problematic as well, especially some of the early episodes.  Butdespite my issues with the series, I still managed to enjoy "Andor" and look forward to its second season.  Perhaps it might feature better writing.

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This final episode of Season 1.  Lifted but also grounded.  Everything is set up for Season 2 but it’s also satisfying anyway.  I am so happy Cassian got Bix out of the hands of the Empire.  He’s trying to ensure that people will not have to pay for his actions.  I know that it hurt him to miss his mom’s passing but she had plans and brought from beyond the grave flames to ignite the sparks of rebellion for her people, planet and son.  Mon Mothma is as ruthless as Luthen in so many ways.  Her husband’s gambling problem is both a way for her to get cover for the money missing from her accounts but it also gives cover to her “introduction” of her teen daughter to the son of a gangster.  She can shore up legitimacy for illegitimate actions by putting more obvious explanations in the forefront, like Cassian told Luthen the Empire is lazy and will take the obvious answer because what else can be going on.  

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13 hours ago, tkc said:

Kyle Soller's subtle smile as he rescues Dedra:


Denise Gough's look of terror after having come within millimetres of death:


Amazing acting choices... but I would not call Dedra and Syril's relationship healthy!

I get the sense that he's in the "I did it" and expects to be rewarded mode. For him he probably thinks a commission to serve the Empire. 

And she see's he expects to be rewarded by her, but he was stalking her earlier. And in the end she is not thinking that he wants a job in the middle of a riot where she as his potential patron can be killed before working to get him that Imperial commission but rather the other kind of reward.

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I didn't realize how good of a job the show has done in getting me to care about the minor side characters of Ferrix until this episode. I was so worried all of Cassian's friends were going to be gunned down in the town square, but thankfully most of them (Brasso in particular) made it out alive. RIP, Xanwan. While I'm glad Brasso, Bix, Jez, and B2 escaped, I worry about Pegla and his hounds, the Time Grappler, and everyone else who stayed behind in Ferrix because of how the Empire will punish them. Will Ferrix have a "mining accident" too?

I adore B2EMO and want to see him again, but I prefer he and Bix and Brasso just stay offscreen and live in relative safety. I don't want them involved with the rebellion because that would mean almost certain death. 

For the record, I want Syril and Dedra to meet grizzly ends, however Syril rescuing Dedra and her disgusted/confused/grateful reaction had me both laughing and cringing. I don't think she's going to be able to shake the creepy little stalker now.

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52 minutes ago, Raja said:

but rather the other kind of reward.

I hope they don't go this way for the future relationship of these two. I don't want to see Karn getting rewarded for pulling some incel shit and I think it would be a continued example from Disney as to their twisted and ultimately hurtful depictions of how romantic relationships work. He literally took her hostage. True, it was for the purpose of getting her away from the angry crowd (by making them think he was taking her off to be executed) but the lady with the gun in her back didn't know that. I would much rather see them working together as colleagues and have Dedra make the first romantic move on him (because once she has gotten to know him she actually finds him likeable in some way) with Karn being appropriately floored that she wants to go in that direction because he didn't think it was that kind of relationship at all. My take on Karn is that he just wants his mommy. Dedra represents the maternal affection he is starved of at home. As I have said before, that could get Freudian real quick but they don't have to go there.

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Not sure what it says about me, but out of all the characters at the funeral that turned into a battle, I was most concerned for B2EMO, and I was thrilled that he was safe and sound at the end.

On 11/23/2022 at 11:11 AM, RobertDeSneero said:

I need to get the soundtrack if they have that funeral music on it.

Same here. I would buy a single of the funeral music and the music that played after during the battle.

I loved Maarva's line "Tell him I love him more than anything he could ever do wrong," because it says so much about their relationship. She knows he's a bit of screw-up who's almost always in trouble, but she still loves him unconditionally.

Overall, this was a fantastic end to the season. I can't wait to see what happens next season and what happens between this point in Andor's life and the start of Rouge One.

Edited by Sarah 103
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Best damn Disney+ Star Wars show, no offense to Mandalorian.  This was the show people looked forward to the least, and damn, it's the best.

Love that Maarva's reckoning "speech" to the Imperial troops earlier in the season came true in this episode.  When the funeral music began the Empire couldn't see them, and were panicked, but when it stopped that's really when the Empire should have been afraid.  That was the people of Ferrix basically taking a breath to gather themselves, and come to peace with what might happen.  They were ready to die fighting the Empire, and the pause was them gathering themselves for that moment.

And there was the terror on Dedra's face, it's not just because she was almost lynched, it's because her worst fear was coming true.  She had been sounding the alarm about the Rebellion being united, but in that moment she realized that even she underestimated the Rebellion.  The people of Ferrix did this without blasters, without help from the Rebellion, they did this all with rocks and blunt weapons, with the exception of one bomb.  It entered her mind that the Empire's time may be numbered.  It's not a spark of Rebellion anymore, it's a full on five alarm fire in the entire galaxy, and it's gonna be a raging inferno before long.  She realized the Empire may be woefully outmatched.  And I think Luthen realized that as well.  A lot of people will die, but he realized in Maarva's speech, that the Rebellion is bigger than even he thought.

This show was just proving Leia's quote in A New Hope, "The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers."  The Empire kept tightening their grip, and all they did was create more Rebels.

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On 11/23/2022 at 7:28 PM, Cthulhudrew said:

Tremendous. Moving. 

The only criticism I have for this episode and this show is that I'm sad we are only getting two seasons instead of the original five.

If its true that this show is getting the lowest ratings of any SW tv show, that is a sad testimony to the state of audience appreciation and rampant desire for endless repetition of the same themes/characters/plots I can think of. 

The fact that this show has the lowest ratings is just unbelievable!! This has some of the best writing and acting I’ve seen anywhere in a long time, and a lot of that themes are relevant in the real world. 

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1 hour ago, Eliza422 said:

The fact that this show has the lowest ratings is just unbelievable!! This has some of the best writing and acting I’ve seen anywhere in a long time, and a lot of that themes are relevant in the real world. 

I feel like ratings is hard to judge independently when in a series like this. Are people not watching Andor because they are not interested in it itself, or because they did watch the last two series and got turned off by the lower quality? (I didn't watch Andor at first for the reason, until a friend gushed enough to make me give it a try.)

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