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 a tough, sharp-witted, loving but struggling single mom. The manager of a bar, Jackie is feisty, not easily cowed, sometimes hot-headed, the kind of woman who knows her way around a tool box and an acetylene torch

Oh, I so hope this happens.  It's what her career needs to get away from juvenile quirky.  A 40 something who is an adult in a world where things break and need to be fixed (personal and physical.) 

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My money is on the prediction that the sitcom will basically be "Abby owns a bar, hijinks ensue..." since Paulie P. and the Abby character have such a high Q rating with the general TV watching public.  No, the character won't actually be Abby, but I'll bet will have Abby's quirks, general appearance, Mary-Sue like expertise in all subjects.  CBS knows what will draw in viewers, and they will milk it for all it is worth.

I hope I'm wrong.

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4 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

My money is on the prediction that the sitcom will basically be "Abby owns a bar, hijinks ensue..." since Paulie P. and the Abby character have such a high Q rating with the general TV watching public.  No, the character won't actually be Abby, but I'll bet will have Abby's quirks, general appearance, Mary-Sue like expertise in all subjects.  CBS knows what will draw in viewers, and they will milk it for all it is worth.

I hope I'm wrong.

And what's the name of that new show on NBC where the gal opens a bar in her landlord's backyard - Abby's!!!

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I know there are some here who don't watch the L.A. version, but who did watch JAG, so in case you missed it, CAPTAIN HARMON RABB, JR IS RETURNING!!!!! Starting on May 12, and the following season. And not only Harm, but MAC is also coming back! She'll appear in the season finale. 

I've been giphy.gif and giphy.gif and giphy.gif

Since I read about it. And like I said in the JAG thread, Harm and Mac BETTER STILL BE HAPPILY MARRIED!!!!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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can someone tell me which episode when all director of the agencys meet in one place look like a house or something and tony and ziva as ncis on duty

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9 hours ago, rrb said:

can someone tell me which episode when all director of the agencys meet in one place look like a house or something and tony and ziva as ncis on duty

Season 8, episodes 8 and 9: "Enemies Foreign" and "Enemies Domestic."

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On 4/11/2019 at 8:20 PM, rrb said:

can someone tell me which episode when all director of the agencys meet in one place look like a house or something and tony and ziva as ncis on duty

On 4/12/2019 at 5:37 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Season 8, episodes 8 and 9: "Enemies Foreign" and "Enemies Domestic."

I was thinking Semper Fidelis from season 6, when the directors met in a house to play poker and discuss business.  But the agent from ICE was in charge.  She was an interesting character.  Too bad they never brought her back for another ep.

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Courtesy of Presidential historian Michael Beschloss’ Twitter account, looks like Ducky had dinner with...Robert Mueller! Is NCIS on the case? 

Edited by may flowers
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Pauley needs to stop playing innuendo games and either come clean with exactly what, when, and how what she is claiming actually happened or shut up.  She obviously isn't so afraid of this "machine" that she isn't worried about throwing accusations around twitter. She is one of the most popular women on tv.  She could easily go on one of the morning shows or someplace like "The Talk" and tell the complete story.  Or better yet, if she has been physically assaulted, go to the police.  Seems like every time one of her stories come out she is looking to publicize something.  This time it is her new show.  Coincidence?

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Pauley Perrette 'Terrified' of NCIS Star Mark Harmon, Revives 'Assault' Claim

TV Line's article.  I think Pauley is having a bipolar episode or other type of mental health crisis.  This whole "terrified" thing comes across as she believes that Mark's out to harm her, which is paranoia.

Her claims don't make sense., and the way that she talks about the situation is odd.  Her crew member?  That person is also Mark's crew member.  The situation isn't even about her.  It was about this crew member.  It's like she inserted herself into it.  An exaggerated sense of importance can be another symptom of bipolar disorder.  TVLine also mentions that TMZ is reporting that the crew member was roughhousing with the dog, which is an important piece of information.

There may have been an issue with the dog, but this whole situation points more to Pauley's mental health than anything else.  Whatever happened with the dog seems to have been addressed.

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I've seen a comment about PP having bipolar disorder in the comments section of a few articles about her dispute with Mark Harmon. But I haven't found a single reference to her actually having bipolar disorder. 

Just seems like a dispute that she hasn't forgiven.

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28 minutes ago, slf said:

I've seen a comment about PP having bipolar disorder in the comments section of a few articles about her dispute with Mark Harmon. But I haven't found a single reference to her actually having bipolar disorder. 

Just seems like a dispute that she hasn't forgiven.

She could be undiagnosed.  That's what I think might be happening.  I have a family member who wasn't clinically diagnosed until her '60s.  For the longest time, we just considered her kind of like Abby and Pauley---a little eccentric---until eccentric became something more serious.  This has the hallmarks of a bipolar episode: inflated sense of self (not the crew, but MY crew), need for attention (making something that involved a crew member about her even though it didn't really involve her.  The dog didn't attack her), and the sense that someone (Mark) is someone to be frightened of with no explanation as to why she feels that way.  I've seen all of these things when my loved one has been in a bipolar episode.

You're right, it's never been confirmed that Pauley has bipolar disorder.  However, I think there's a VERY strong chance that she might.  For her sake, I hope someone close to her is thinking about that possibility.

Edited by Ohmo
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29 minutes ago, slf said:

 I've seen a comment about PP having bipolar disorder in the comments section of a few articles about her dispute with Mark Harmon. But I haven't found a single reference to her actually having bipolar disorder. 

Just seems like a dispute that she hasn't forgiven.

I agree. One feud, whether or not complete strangers who don't know either party think it makes sense or not, does not necessarily mean she has a disorder of any kind.

Edited by Katy M
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2 hours ago, Ohmo said:

She could be undiagnosed.  That's what I think might be happening.  I have a family member who wasn't clinically diagnosed until her '60s.  For the longest time, we just considered her kind of like Abby and Pauley---a little eccentric---until eccentric became something more serious.  This has the hallmarks of a bipolar episode: inflated sense of self (not the crew, but MY crew), need for attention (making something that involved a crew member about her even though it didn't really involve her.  The dog didn't attack her), and the sense that someone (Mark) is someone to be frightened of with no explanation as to why she feels that way.

Well, everyone could be undiagnosed. Referring to the crew members as "my crew" is something I've heard countless actors, singers, writers, etc., say. I don't think that, much less that one thing, points to having an inflated sense of self. Being afraid and angry at someone when their dog attacks someone else doesn't indicate someone has a need for attention; dog attacks often rattle people, especially when that dog is a pitbull/pitbull mix and the attack resulted in over a dozen stitches.

Maybe Perrette's just a drama queen with a grudge. Not everything's a disorder.

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13 hours ago, slf said:

Maybe Perrette's just a drama queen with a grudge. Not everything's a disorder.

That I can get behind. Like someone said above the innuendo game can only go so far. I go back to when she claimed she was assaulted on set but refused to name names because of fear for her work environment. Then after she left she kept up her claims but wouldn’t name names. This is what’s going to kill her career, which is a shame but only so much you can do when you seem to live in drama.

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Well, whatever the cause, be it illness or being a drama queen, I hope she faces some consequences...serious consequences.  In my opinion, you can't publicly accuse someone by name on social media using a situation that happened to someone else without there being consequences against you.  Some posters on other websites are likening this to the situation with Eliza Dushku, which I strongly disagree with.  Eliza made specific claims against Michael about things that happened to her, not a crew member...her.  Pauley refuses to do that, and some on Twitter are still lauding her.

I would not be sad if she lost her show.  I find her behavior disgusting.  As others have said, if she's alleging something that Mark did to her, then make the claim, but what she's doing is publicly harassing him without any specifics.  That should not be allowed to stand.  If Mark Harmon behaved inappropriately, that should count against him, not the mere fact that he's a powerful man.

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Isn't Mark Harmon rather famously supportive of mental illness issues?  Because of his sister?  I would think that if PP were truly mentally ill, MH be more sensitive to it.

Whatever game Pauley Perrette is playing, Mark Harmon seems to not be engaging and just letting her hang herself out there.  Perhaps he's so powerful that he's not doing anything publicly but doing deep manipulations behind the scenes that are continuing to cause her harm.  But that theory requires a rather solidly in place conspiracy theorist's tinfoil hat to made that be credible. 

My take on this is there was probably some sort of unfortunate on-set incident involving Mark Harmon's dog.  Said incident was blown out of proportion by PP.  PP then wasn't satisfied by MH's response, and MH--probably realizing that nothing would satisfy PP--ultimately decided not to engage the crazy.  PP, secure in her very high Q rating and large fan base, dug in.  MH, never one to back down, continued to not engage.  Production (including MH), when confronted by two very highly liked personalities, decided to shape the episodes so that MH and PP never had to share a scene together.  Perhaps not the most mature decision, but when one side of the conflict appears to be prickly, touchy, and hysterical, maybe it was the only way to continue without an even more disastrous public relations issue.

And it worked for a long time!  It took a while in that last season for folks to notice the lack of direct Gibbs/Abbie interaction.  Then it took a while for speculation to start.  It wasn't until it was announced that Pauley Perrette was leaving the show that the real gossip started, and PP started bleating to the media about her reasons.  I think PP is just bringing this all up again now because she's kind of hurt her own brand with this, and her Q score is dropping.  She's trying to stir up her base in anticipation of her new show.

Mark Harmon continues to refuse to engage.

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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

My take on this is there was probably some sort of unfortunate on-set incident involving Mark Harmon's dog.  Said incident was blown out of proportion by PP.  PP then wasn't satisfied by MH's response, and MH--probably realizing that nothing would satisfy PP--ultimately decided not to engage the crazy.  PP, secure in her very high Q rating and large fan base, dug in.  MH, never one to back down, continued to not engage.  Production (including MH), when confronted by two very highly liked personalities, decided to shape the episodes so that MH and PP never had to share a scene together.  Perhaps not the most mature decision, but when one side of the conflict appears to be prickly, touchy, and hysterical, maybe it was the only way to continue without an even more disastrous public relations issue.

From what I've read (and again this is the internet, but I've read it in more than one place), there WAS an incident with the dog and a crew member.  That's not disputed.  It did happen.  TMZ reported that the crew member was roughhousing with the dog, and the dog acted out.  It's reported that Mark paid the guy's medical bills, and asked the crew member if the dog could return to the set.  The crew member said fine.  When the dog did return, it was on a leash when it wasn't in Mark's trailer, and some articles mentioned a muzzle as well.

This was supposedly not good enough for Pauley, and I've read that Mark attempted to resolve things with her.  She refused to engage and insisted that they not work together anymore.  If there was an incident between her and the dog or between her and Mark, she's never been specific about that.  She just keeps bringing up the incident with the crew member.

There's no upside for Mark to engage with this.  She hasn't been specific, so there's nothing for him to refute.  I agree with you that she's damaged her Q rating.  Her behavior during her final season wrecked 15 years of backstory between two major characters.

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8 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

There's no upside for Mark to engage with this.  She hasn't been specific, so there's nothing for him to refute.  I agree with you that she's damaged her Q rating.  Her behavior during her final season wrecked 15 years of backstory between two major characters.

Exactly!  I think she kind of screwed up her future in Hollywood because of this.  I hope she gets a decent livable income off of the residuals from all the repeats on the cable channels.  But eventually that is going to dry up....

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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

I think she kind of screwed up her future in Hollywood because of this.  I hope she gets a decent livable income off of the residuals from all the repeats on the cable channels.  

Look at the actress who played Agent Borin.  Has she done anything since that whole Twitter rampage she went on?

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11 hours ago, secnarf said:

Not as per IMDb.

Diane Neal did have a role in some show on NBC that also had Jennifer Esposito in it, I believe.  I think that Neal played the ME and Esposito played a detective who somehow worked with a taxi driver.  I can't remember the name of the show, but I think it only lasted two or three episodes before it was pulled.

2 hours ago, thebigboot said:

Mark Harmon assaulted me says Pauley Perrette

She really just needs to stop because all this is doing is making her sound unhinged.

The "and I lost my job" part is just not true.  She was on the ENTIRE last season.  Abby didn't suddenly leave in the middle of the season, and NCIS dressed an entire new set to create Abby's apartment.  That isn't done for an actress who has been fired.

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1) Anyone can post anything on the Internet

2) This appears to be a fan blog.

3) I didn't notice a date on this.

Make of this whatever you will. The writer of the blog appears to be rethinking his/her adoration of Pauley and reviews information that is publicly known about her

Heavenly Perrette

Now we have an allegation that Mark "bodychecked" her.  We'll see what happens, but as of mow, I remain suspicious of her and supportive of him.  With this much smoke about her, some of it has to be true, even if some of it is not.  She has seemed to claim abuse frequently, and those claims have often been directed at men.

Edited by Ohmo
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9 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

I just hope they don't bring her back for 4 episodes and then kill her off...again. Wonder if Weatherly will show up?

I think the best thing they can do is distance themselves from Weatherly and Perrette - too much off screen drama from both.

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2 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

I think the best thing they can do is distance themselves from Weatherly and Perrette - too much off screen drama from both.

Probably very true. I see Talia in the preview so I wonder how they will work around Tony's absence unless they bring in Senior.

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8 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

Of course they'll bring in Senior.  Dammit.  

At least his presence would make sense in this case.  Not like when he just popped in to discuss his relationship with his son's former co-workers.

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I hope that Ziva and Bishop do not become BFF.  

still have problems with Bishop going from desk/floor sitting geek to the first in the door gun in hand BadA.

I enjoyed Ziva until she and Tony were a "couple"  it was too much.  When he flirted with Kate and then Ziva it was fun when they put him in his place.  

I hope Jethro gets back to Gibbs.

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1 hour ago, Fireball said:

Ugh Ziva is back. Ugh I was soo happy when she left!

me too.  I'm very torn about even watching the season premiere this time.  I've never purposely missed an episode but all of this Ziva fawning has me disgusted.  To quote Supernatural:  "what's dead should stay dead."

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3 minutes ago, Linderhill said:

me too.  I'm very torn about even watching the season premiere this time.  I've never purposely missed an episode but all of this Ziva fawning has me disgusted.  To quote Supernatural:  "what's dead should stay dead."

Sigh, it seems she wasn't dead in the first place...it was all a trick...not saying I like it a lot...but it is what it is...

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9 hours ago, Linderhill said:

me too.  I'm very torn about even watching the season premiere this time.  I've never purposely missed an episode but all of this Ziva fawning has me disgusted.  To quote Supernatural:  "what's dead should stay dead."

They've hinted at the possibility that she's still alive from the beginning, though. (No body was found, the photo Tony found, that he told Gibbs he needs to believe what he needs to believe or something along those lines).

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3 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

They've hinted at the possibility that she's still alive from the beginning, though. (No body was found, the photo Tony found, that he told Gibbs he needs to believe what he needs to believe or something along those lines).

I never believed Ziva had been killed. That superawesomesauce Mossad agent with mad ninjaskillz??? Plus, as I learned in Soap Opera101, no body, no death. Even when there is a body, there's always an 'splanation!

But this show done broke me. I stopped watching midway last season. Never thought that would happen as I still ADORE Mark Harmon.

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On ‎9‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 8:20 PM, scorpio1031 said:

I think the best thing they can do is distance themselves from Weatherly and Perrette - too much off screen drama from both.

I don't really fallow NCIS off screen, but if Ziva comes back full time to the show IMO it wouldn't make any sense for Tony + kid to not to be around... I wonder if they will go with the kid isn't actually Tony's so he's sooo pissed as the reason he isn't around.

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28 minutes ago, Fireball said:

I don't really fallow NCIS off screen, but if Ziva comes back full time to the show IMO it wouldn't make any sense for Tony + kid to not to be around... I wonder if they will go with the kid isn't actually Tony's so he's sooo pissed as the reason he isn't around.

I kind of doubt Ziva will be back full time. I think more like 3-4 episodes. Senior can fill in for Tony, as much as I dislike the idea.

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23 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

But this show done broke me. I stopped watching midway last season. Never thought that would happen as I still ADORE Mark Harmon.

My feelings exactly (all of it). I couldn't care less about the plot last year and have no interest in Ziva coming back. I watched the trailer for the new season, and nope, not for me any more. I'm a bit sad about it because I really liked this show.

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