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S09.E19: Reunion Part 1

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I really hope Shannon and David do not come back next season.  I learned from George on Seinfeld it's best to go out on a high note.  They need to exit stage left, continue working on their relationship, and feel good about themselves they left (relatively) unscathed.   Oh yeah, and that they took the Dubrows DOWN.  

I'm with you. They seem like nice people to me, and this is no place for nice people.  


The reality is, she is under contract (I am assuming since everyone else is) and she will have little choice in the matter. If Bravo wants her back - and based on her performance, I would assume they most certainly do - she will be back. 


From what I understand from other newbies, they sign a 3 year contract in the beginning. Bravo can let them out of the contract of course, like they did Lydia, but I only think they do that when they don't particularly care about the gal or like what she brought to the season. The interesting thing to see is whether or not Heather comes back. She did her 3 years, so she could be one gal who might decide to not come back. I don't believe she will move on, as it is rare that a gal actually decides not to come back once the lure of famewhoredom (probably not a word, but it should be) kicks in. Bravo generally makes that decision for them.

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I may be alone here but I thought Tamra's description of her son Ryan's romance and on going relationship with Sara was quite depressing.  She seemed to make all sorts of excuses for why these two found each other and pursued a relationship.

The jaded part of me thinks that because Sara has some money and is able to support Ryan, give him a job, etc., makes Tamra able to overlook and excuse all the red flags and sirens going off with that relationship mainly the fact that Sara is so much older than Ryan, has 3 kids and they had only been dating 2-3 months before moving in together & getting engaged. I just find it so hard to believe that self proclaimed trucker with tits Tamra hasn't gone off and even mentioned any of this.


At the end of the day (tm Apollo) Ryan has a new mommy now.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 10


I really hope Shannon and David do not come back next season.  I learned from George on Seinfeld it's best to go out on a high note.  They need to exit stage left, continue working on their relationship, and feel good about themselves they left (relatively) unscathed.   Oh yeah, and that they took the Dubrows DOWN.

Ya know, you are probably right to hope for this.  How many marriages have we seen end on these shows?  I would hate to see theirs end and with them already having issues in the first season, I don't see a second season helping them.

  • Love 8

On paper Vickie is everything I hate, but damn I just can't quit her. I glad that during Brianna's brief appearance she said she missed her mom. The last two reunions she threw Vickie under the bus so I'm glad that she at least threw her that bone. I'm sure having Vickie as a mom is no picnic but I hate how she publicly humiliated Vickie. I used to love Brianna but that just didn't sit right with me.

I agree, Vicki is the kind of person I would try to avoid in IRL. On the show she cracks me up. Do I roll my eyes at her? Of course and I think she is an idiot. But I enjoy the mess she is on this show.

I can totally believe she made meatballs and soup for Brianna's family freezer. Something I can't see any other HW doing.

Terry and Heather are revolting. They can try to convince us they were not putting both David and construction workers down. But its not working. They are the most full of themselves snobs. I kind of liked Heather her first season. She lost me with the way she treated Alexis. I was feeling for her at the beginning of this season. Tamra and Vicki were being rude and mean to her. Then once again she shows me she is a cold bitch with her treatment of Shannon.

Shannon did a great job last night. Tamra repeating again that Shannon drinks a lot is such a clearly calculated plan. I'm glad Shannon called her on it. I did feel for Shannon when the flirting came up.

islandgal, I also remember getting a weird vibe at the ribbon cutting ceremony (wtf indeed) when he was talking to the hot blond, not Vicki the other one haahaa. I felt there might have been other issues because Shannon was pissed and in Mexico, there were clearly things they were not saying. It seemed very serious and real. Infidelity was my first thought.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 7

I loved it when Heather was describing chair-gate and backtracked on what Shannon supposedly did at Javier's, and apologized, sort of.  She still had to add in that Shannon had a "Shannon  moment" and punctuated that comment with a squirrely eye.  And when she did that, Shannon raised her arms and waived them around and said, "Is that this?"  LOL!


So Heather doesn't apologize to Shannon at any time during the season, and then apologizes at the reunion, but ruins the sincerity of the apology by trying to justify her actions by saying, "In my mind, was it a bigger event than it was?  Yes."  Yeah Heather, you certainly PERCEIVED the situation quite wrongly.  But it was worse than just bad perception Heather; you repeated and over exaggertated both the situations at Javier's and at Shannon's Christmas party over and over and over again.  ALL. SEASON. LONG.  You need to quit with the silly rationalizations and just admit you were wrong, add that you should not have taken so long to apologize, and then leave it at that.


I keep saying to myself that I am not violent.   I just need to g'awn ahead and admit that that's untrue, because this right here?  That twitchy eye mocky thing Heather did?  Would've turned into the second P. Williams style heffa drag in Real Housewives history.  Heather needs to turn to her neighbor and say thank God Shannon was raised well. 


Congratulations to the Beadors for once again winning the episode.


Note to Heather and Terry - just because you perceived something a certain way doesn't excuse you from being responsible for your actions.  In other words, you were wrong.  Own up to it.


Heather - stop playing with semantics.  You say you told Shanon to leave.  You told someone (I forget who) at Llizzie's party you kicked Shanon out of your house.  You just make yourself look immature and ridiculous just like your husband, with him claiming to lose two months of sleep over David's comment but what Eddie said was ok because he was a friend.   The difference between the Beadors' and the DuBrows' is that the Beadors' can recognize when they're wrong and take responsibility for it.  The DuBrows' can't.  They have to 'win' and that makes them losers.


Interesting right?  Whether or not Heather "kicked her out" was debated here for a minute.  I'm still firmly on team cut the shit Heather, you used your marginal drama skills to do everything except Ike Turner hustle Shannon towards the door.    But ok, yeah sure, let's keep referring to that as "asking her to leave" - it's super kind of you to grant the omission of the word politely.    Bitch.


Several posters said earlier in the season that they saw some chemistry between Vicki and David, beginning at the rodeo deal. They seemed to be flirting, and of course that was the episode where David was chatting up that pretty blonde and Shannon ripped him a new asshole (in front of Vicki) for not introducing her to the blonde he was flirting with. I thought at that point that they were leading us to this type of story, especially because you then had David's comments about Heather in the same episode. 


David annoys the hell outta me for this.  He knows, because he acknowledged during the reunion, that this is disrespectful to his wife and his marriage, yet, what? can't help himself?  Wasn't he the guy complaining in Puerto Vallarta about just wanting to be happy?  He's supporting my silent suspicion that I don't think Shannon gives a damn about his salsa and chip habit or how he chews or any of the other noisy bullshit she pecks at him about.   She cares about how he treats their marriage and instead of telling him he's being an insensitive asshole right now, we have to listen to her whine about not being introduced to some girl he's flirting with.  Fuck introductions, the hot blonde is besides the point, you want to be happy, quit doing what you already know is disrespectful to me.  


Speaking of insensitive assholes, I kind of hate ya'll a little for providing some unmistakable clarity on the exact context of a dirty sanchez.


Heather's ugly bangs can be remedied by either lightening her haircolor - thus making the whole 'look' less severe, sweeping them to the side, or growing them out.

Less fixable is the hard, ugly set of her mouth and her mind. 


Tamra looked like she was sedated for the first part of the reunion.  Her eyes looked doped up and piggish.  She barely sat up straight until she started shrieking.


Vicki looked good but less cleavage is more.  I thought they looked voluptuous and nice but wrong venue, Vicks!  Maybe the beach or the bedroom.  Lizzie should never, ever wear that dress again.  And btw, who is Tamra to rip on anyone's boobs?  Not too long ago she was sporting a fake set of F's herself.


Tamara and the cheekbone(?) glitter.  I gotta be honest, I haven't met a woman yet who walks up to the mac counter and asks for the goop to highlight her crows feet, but okay girl.   She may not be the one qualified to comment but I cosign on Vicki.  The surgery is settling better, her face looks better.  There are still some moments when she turns profile and gives me ventriloquist dummy cheeks, but I hope in time, that works itself out as well.   Her dress is for someone with Gretchen's body.  That's not booby shame, I'm talking one double D to another or whatever the hell size Vickie's are, there are just some things that, confidence notwithstanding, no woman with that much volume on top should ever consider.   Not because they can't, because it's the opposite of flattering.


Shannon once again proves that SHE.IS.NOT.THE.ONEHeather and Tamra really thought it was gonna be any easy win vs fragile, new age crackpot Shannon. They really did. That is the one thing that is giving me pure joy. Heather and Tamra misread her and wound up playing themselves and losing the season. Bwahhhh! Well played Shannon. Well played.



= Bitch? Werk.   They gone try her one more time, hear? and come away bleeding without even realizing they've been cut.


Shannon wins the night for her well-thought out zinger to the Dubrows about why their house is up for sale:  "It's too big and we want a better view." HA! She was basically telling Heather Dubrow. "been there, done that and it's not all that."  She really twisted the knife with that one and you could see the shock on Heather Dubrow's face. Ouch!  Good one, Shannon!


Girl, I went to go get my Cosell toupee (sorry millennials lol ;) and started hollering into my hairbrush:  "...and Down...goes....Frazier!!!   Ali, boom bah yay! Ali, boom bah yay!"     


Does anyone know anyone who speaks to people in real life like Heather Dubrow does? Me thinks she took her thespian-ism way too seriously and forgot to check it at the Syracuse drama department door.

Yes.  She's single and trying not to be.  Her assertion is that most men are intimidated by the fact that she's so intelligent and together  (let it steep for a second).  And she is but the condescension and self congratulatory aspects of her personality are hard to miss.  Oh, she's also never wrong, about anything.  Ever.   Doses.


Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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p.s.  now what ya'll can tell me is what a holla back construction site is?


It has me confused my understanding was it meant a gossip spreading rumours behind somebody back but then what the heck that has to do with David's comment I have no idea. Terry on the other hand I would call the queen of hollaback I have never seen a husband so wanting to be a wife. If it is rumour spreading then all my workplaces have been hollaback and I have never worked construction.


Just watched the behind the scenes at the reunion "Full Throttle" and love Shannon asking Vicki if she wants to crawl into their bed tonight as we all know Vicki loves threesomes and Vicki saying only with two guys.

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So every time Heather has heard the phrase "I kicked them out/they kicked me out", she took that to mean someone literally put their foot to a person's ass and kicked them out the door? Did they just continually kick them until they were pushed out the door? Or did she think it was one big kick that sent the person flying and then landing on their butt in the yard? It's a very common phrase, and I'm just trying to understand what she thought it meant when she has heard it before. Or maybe she should pick up a dictionary and learn what an idiom is.


It's obvious to me that it was a producer who got the Dubrows all riled up about David's comment. But what is interesting is that the Dubrows are still famewhorish enough to not rat out production. They could have let it out on Twitter or in interviews, but they still want to be invited back.


Why didn't someone tell Vicki she had no idea what gaydar meant? How can she be so clueless? Even without an official definition, if you've ever heard the word used before, you can figure out its meaning.

Edited by Tararayne
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It's obvious to me that it was a producer who got the Dubrows all riled up about David's comment. But what is interesting is that the Dubrows are still famewhorish enough to not rat out production. They could have let it out on Twitter or in interviews, but they still want to be invited back.


I think it was Tamra that is why  Eddie's comment get conveniently forgotten. And how the heck could Terry lose 2 months of sleep over a comment that his wife admits they only heard about just before the Bali trip. The Dubrows are not very good at getting their stories straight.


BTW what the heck does Tamra have on the DuBrows, even when told straight to their faces that Tamra probably made up the 'take down the Bedours' comment not a peep and then to defend Eddie's comment about riding Terry. They are terrified of setting off the wrath of Tamra.

  • Love 7

Hey kids! Rev up your snark engines....here is a photo recap Bravo posted on all the Wives' outfits last night.




Two things:

1. Tamra's legs. Oh my. Surprisingly not good.

2. Lizzie packing those braless boulders into another two sizes too small dress like she did all season. Looks very cheap. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 2

It has me confused my understanding was it meant a gossip spreading rumours behind somebody back but then what the heck that has to do with David's comment I have no idea. Terry on the other hand I would call the queen of hollaback I have never seen a husband so wanting to be a wife. If it is rumour spreading then all my workplaces have been hollaback and I have never worked construction.


Just watched the behind the scenes at the reunion "Full Throttle" and love Shannon asking Vicki if she wants to crawl into their bed tonight as we all know Vicki loves threesomes and Vicki saying only with two guys.


Ah.  Okay, then maybe the *holla back-ing* is all of the people who allegedly ran back to Terry with what David said behind the scenes and got it wrong, so therefore it's not the Dubrows fault, because you know, they were just victims of some bad intel?  



Terry on the other hand I would call the queen of hollaback I have never seen a husband so wanting to be a wife.


Hunny Miss Terry is the queen of everything.   Please google the yiddish word yenta. 

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It did seem like Shannon made a rookie mistake and got too drunk early in the season, especially at the party at her hose.  She seemed to be slurring her words.  Later she made comments that she couldn’t keep up with the other housewives.  They are some serious drinkers.  And she seemed to be drinking more along the lines of what she explained last night – have a drink along with a lot of water and sip them both throughout the night.  In the latter part of the season, she was drinking but was not typically looking to do shots (except when the idiot girls insisted).  Of course, Vicki and Tamra have never curbed their drinking.  In their minds, drunk equals fun.  


It seems like Shannon reassessed her reactions after the “crazy” dinner.  Of course, having Tamrat grab my face would have sent me right over the edge.  Rabid ferrets should be segregated.  David is a master of keeping his cool.  The more he just quietly sits there, the more amped up Terry “Penis” Dubrow and Heather became.  Yet another reason I would not go to Dr. Terry – he does not handle pressure well. 


There is something weird going on with Terry’s face, especially when he smiles (or smirks).  It looks like the end of his nose is growing and really hangs down (possible from puling the face up too high).  His nose more and more looks like a penis.  Now all he needs is  chin implant to give him a large crease and he can sport a genital face to go with his dickish personality. 


When Terry said “hollaback” I think he meant “callback”.  Perhaps we can get him a thesaurus.

  • Love 6

p.s.  now what ya'll can tell me is what a holla back construction site is?


I don't think there is such a thing. I think Terry is out of the loop, uncool stuck in the past and is thinking about that old Gwen Stefani song Hollaback girl, which is probably one of few pop songs he knows the words to along with Just Bust a Move. 

  • Love 8

Hey kids! Rev up your snark engines....here is a photo recap Bravo posted on all the Wives' outfits last night.




Two things:

1. Tamra's legs. Oh my. Surprisingly not good.

2. Lizzie packing those braless boulders into another two sizes too small dress like she did all season. Looks very cheap. 


Heather's dress.   I have thoughts longer than this.   If I wanna look at dimply ass thigh meat I'll just go to the bathroom.   

Lizzie - wtf?  wasn't this girl in pageants? 


In addition to violent I'm becoming super conservative.  When displaying cleavage did we always see the whole boob slit? Like, the whole thing?   Damn that's a lot.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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Somebody hates Heather http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-9/photos/exclusive-photos-from-the-rhoc-reunion?cid=related_gallery#image-204029 surely there was a more flattering photo of her and Terry


And Terry for future reference never stand beside David you look worse than usual http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-9/photos/exclusive-photos-from-the-rhoc-reunion?cid=related_gallery#image-204020 WTF is that goofy face the PP that said his nose is growing to resemble a penis was right

Edited by crazychicken
  • Love 3

Hey kids! Rev up your snark engines....here is a photo recap Bravo posted on all the Wives' outfits last night.




Two things:

1. Tamra's legs. Oh my. Surprisingly not good.

2. Lizzie packing those braless boulders into another two sizes too small dress like she did all season. Looks very cheap. 

Lizzie blog is primarily about her breasts.  She has had two breast reductions with another one on the horizon after she is done having children.  She feels Tamra's comment, "Kentucky Fried Titties", were neither original or funny.  She raises a good point for some reason Tamra does get a pass for making fun of another's physical features.

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I don't know how to feel about Heather's shoes. Just a bit much going on. I think I would like them better without the studs. 


Vicki has a better pair of gams than Tamra. Vicki's dress would have been bordering on perfect for her if it weren't for the deep vee. 


Glad that David has a healthier diet and is exercising but I think he look a bit cuter with a little more weight on his bones.


I like this reunion. It seemed fast paced, fluid with minimal talking over each other. Color me surprised that the boys were featured eppy #1. 

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I love that in her blog Lizzie calls Tamra out on her name calling. She mentions Alexis and Tamara's oh so clever Jesus jugs. She also can't understand why a grown woman is so proud of coming up with names to call other women. I'm right there with her. Tamra was so proud of "Jesus jugs" and now "Kentucky fried titties"

Grow the fuck up Tamra.

I was shocked to read that Lizzie has had 2 breast reductions, wow.

Zoey, Sorry, I didn't see your post when I posted.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

I am so sick and tired of Brianna and Tamra using that taped conversation against Brooks. Ryan was the one who secretly taped Brooks (while he was drunk) and baited him to try to get as much dirt as possible. Should Brooks have said what he said? Of course not. Did he REALLY MEAN that he should beat Vicki and Ryan should beat Brianna? Of course not. And for Tamra, of all people, to act like Brooks' stupid drunken words were the most horrible thing she ever heard and is why she hates Brooks is total bullshit.

Here is the recording, judge for yourself:


I had forgotten about the content of that poor-quality recording, but it sounded serious to me, not just random drunken babbling. Was it just me, or did it sound like Vicki almost let something slip about Brooks hitting or mistreating her? I forgot the specifics but at some point she seemed to say she wanted to be with him even if he did mistreat her that made my ears perk up.


I don't think I was a loyal viewer when Tamballs first came on the show... can someone give me the 411 on her stay in a mental facility? When? What was the cause? I was not aware of this.

If memory serves, last season, either at the reunion or around the time she threw her mother under the metaphorical bus at the wymn's event, she said that after she tried to kill herself they "Baker Act"ed her and put her under pyschological observation.


Am I missing something in the new age of relationships that a couple cancels their wedding because they are expecting?  Tamra seemed to be saying it as if it was no brainer if one gets pregnant and a wedding is planned you cancel the wedding.  Since Tamra's grandchild is due in February-Valentine's Day according to her, I would think that the originally scheduled September wedding would be very doable.  Is it possible Tamra is just angling for another wedding special?  Tamra's disdain for Sara is readily apparent even on her over Botox and filled face.

 Call me old-fashioned, but you should be married before giving birth, but then again, this is Tamra...


Is this what Miss Terry had in mind?


Edited by Ubiquitous
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I wonder if Tamara was reamed out by Bravo/Andy because of her "I play a character on TV, this isn't really me" rants.  She didn't really seem to say much and it seemed like she was seething over there.  


Maybe she was thinking, "okay, Bravo, you know you pay me to stir up trouble and production tells me to mention certain things, then you act like it is all real; so fine, I won't say much of anything-how do you like that?"  


Or maybe I'm just reading too much into her silence.  

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I got a glimpse of Heather's new hair-do last night. Wow, I'd be hard-pressed to choose something worse.


Wow, remind me never to meet you - I love bangs and think that done well they are very flattering. And as a matter of fact, I have bangs and have found all of these negative comments very hard to read.  Geez people, there is so much more on this show to bitch about than bangs.   

It's just amazing to me how much venom so many people have for Heather.  It's a fake scripted reality show - that's all.  Did you all think maybe she was acting?  Maybe all of them are in some way or another.  Ok for the next scene at Heather's house, let's have Shannon barge in with an agenda that only she knows about and let's see how Heather reacts.  Then at Heather's house - ok, Shannon will be here soon to talk to you about something and we need you to react for the cameras...ok, Action!

  • Love 4

I love that in her blog Lizzie calls Tamra out on her name calling. She mentions Alexis and Tamara's oh so clever Jesus jugs. She also can't understand why a grown woman is so proud of coming up with names to call other women. I'm right there with her. Tamra was so proud of "Jesus jugs" and now "Kentucky fried titties"

Grow the fuck up Tamra.

I was shocked to read that Lizzie has had 2 breast reductions, wow.

Zoey, Sorry, I didn't see your post when I posted.

You said far better than I did.  I just feel for Lizzie.  Having a best friend who has had two breast reductions and neither being successful her disappointment about not being able to find cute tops and dresses, I can relate to Lizzie frustration.  I think it would be nice if they brought Alexis and Lydia back so Lizzie would have ladies closer to her age.  Especially if it meant getting rid of Tamra.

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Not having Eddie by Tamra's side made her look extra pathetic when she was talking about David's flirtation. She is such an evil bitch she was trying to make Shannon feel insecure in her marriage that she and David are actually working on. If both Shannon and Tamwreck are back next season, I'm thinking that's where Tamra's going to aim--David and his fidelity. Tread lightly, Shannon. Tamra's a sick puppy, so she'll not hesitate to go for your family.


Co-sign.  Tamra's usual vile behavior has the Beador marriage on her radar.    I almost hope they (the Beadors) don't come back next season.  I want to see those 2 crazy kids work it out. 


I may be gullible, too trusting or just blinded by my David crush, but I didn't see him doing a shot and flirting (LIGHTLY if you ask me) with the married baseball player wife (aka, "hot blond")  as a horrid thing.  Isn't that what people do at parties?  Talk, do shots, etc.   Big fucking deal.   And "flirting" with Vicki?  Please.  No.  As he mentioned, "Vicki and I have a 'banter'"  ... which I completely believe.   YMMV, but if you ask me he adores Shannon and I just don't see the fidelity (or lack thereof) as David's issue.  I dunno, I just don't see anything weird about it.  I didn't understand how Shannon could be so crushed over something that Tamra was ranting over.   WTF?    Maybe I'm just too trusting.  *shrug*   


Call me old-fashioned, but you should be married before giving birth, but then again, this is Tamra...


From my (non-judgemental) observations I've made in my circles; getting pregnant, having the baby, then getting married is more the norm these days.  Seems like the newest social phenomenon. 

  • Love 4

Speaking of clueless, she has no idea what "Gaydar" means.  She seems to think it is something Gay people possess that informs other people of their sexual orientation  Don't worry, that idiot will never change.

Amen.  WTF.  She is so dumb.  You would think she'd learn what 'gaydar' means before applying the term to a real-life situation.  I wish Andy or one of the other HWs had called her out on her ignorance and stupidity.  I feel that somehow she CHOOSES to be ignorance under the guise of "cuteness".  She may think she's cute, but it's quite the opposite effect.


I enjoyed the twitter zing Andy read aloud though how when the show is over Vicki will be forgotten.

That was AWESOME.  I laughed out loud.  What a c*** she is.

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From what I understand from other newbies, they sign a 3 year contract in the beginning. Bravo can let them out of the contract of course, like they did Lydia, but I only think they do that when they don't particularly care about the gal or like what she brought to the season. The interesting thing to see is whether or not Heather comes back. She did her 3 years, so she could be one gal who might decide to not come back. I don't believe she will move on, as it is rare that a gal actually decides not to come back once the lure of famewhoredom (probably not a word, but it should be) kicks in. Bravo generally makes that decision for them.


You can't be forced to perform services but you can be enjoined from performing the SAME services for a different entity. This is to prevent a cast member (of any type of show) from being able to quit a show because they can get a better gig on another show.


It's a pretty effective tool to prevent cast members from quitting if they want to stay on television. However, someone like Lydia was able to "quit" because she had no desire to be on any kind of television program - she just wanted to get out of the spotlight.


If Shannon wants to not come back for a second season, she can legally do so. She wouldn't be able to be on a different television program until the term of her original option contract with Bravo had expired. Shannon may well decide not to come back like Lydia did because I do get the sense that she has real money and isn't a fame whore so I could see her walking away from it because why the hell does she need it since she is leaving on a high note just as Lydia did in her season.

  • Love 5

Heather's eyes remind me of Katharine Ross in Stepford Wives after Katharine became a robot. Does Heather ever blink? I can't recall seeing that.

Terry lost 2 months of sleep over that stupid comment about Heather? I doubt George Peterson lost any sleep when he heard Terry asking Slade to rate Laurie's bedroom performance on a scale of 1 - 10.

Vicki and Joe Giudice are the most real reality stars, IMO. Good or bad, I believe they are totally the people we think they are.

All the women drink quite a bit, so it's funny to hear anyone accuse the other of being a drunk. If Shannon likes her cocktails, good for her. As long as she isn't abusing anyone or driving drunk, who cares? Tamra sober is worse than a mean drunk, so she should keep her mouth shut.

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So how many think that Heather will switch teams next season now that she and Miss Terry are  realizing nobody likes Tamra and defending her "friend" has won her no points with the viewers or other cast members?


Loved how Vicki was saying David is sexy, even Tamra agreed (before she started throwing the flirt accusations out there) you could see Miss Terry turning green with hatred.  


I'm already looking forward to next season. 

  • Love 4

K..I would imagine that over the years, as good looking as David is, he's become very comfortable with his looks (although he's not conceited in the least), and probably gets his fair share of female attention.  I think that he probably enjoys some kind of playful banter with Vicki, but I think he feels comfortable in this kind of play with Vicki because he's secure in the knowledge that he and Vicki are friends, and I don't think Vicki would "go there." 


I would imagine if David's flirtations came out of the face of someone who looked like Jim Bellino, he would be considered more than creepy. Since David's a handsome guy, this is a going to be turned into a "thing."  I'm imagining that something harmless--or not, happened between David and some other woman.  Maybe a woman took David's flirtation seriously...who knows, but for whatever reason, this really touched a nerve for Shannon.  I hope Shannon is hyperaware of what Tamra will do with that.  I wouldn't put it passed her to do a "naked wasted 2.0" with David rather than Gretchen, and have an inebriated David in a compromising situation.  She's just that evil. 

  • Love 7



From my (non-judgemental) observations I've made in my circles; getting pregnant, having the baby, then getting married is more the norm these days.  Seems like the newest social phenomenon. 


I think celebrities and other factors in our culture have obliterated any kind of social stigma regarding out of wedlock pregnancies. 

Combine that with the current mania regarding the importance of the wedding *party* in terms of the dress and the photos and many brides would see no reason not to schedule the wedding after the child (or children like Jessica Simpson :-) are born.


I don't have issues with it from a morality point of view since I am assuming most adults have sex without being married. I am fascinated by the number of people who engage in sex without any form of contraception - let alone a condom with someone like Ratface. I think, for the most part, having a child so soon after meeting is going to put strains on the relationship and/or force it where it might not have lasted - but then with the kid and the *marriage*, you've created a situation in which the odds are that the parties will divorce - to the detriment of the poor children involved in the divorce. I can't imagine taking a chance on becoming pregnant with someone I've known for a relatively short period of time - and there are forms of contraception that are 99.9% effective.

  • Love 6

Hey kids! Rev up your snark engines....here is a photo recap Bravo posted on all the Wives' outfits last night.




Two things:

1. Tamra's legs. Oh my. Surprisingly not good.

2. Lizzie packing those braless boulders into another two sizes too small dress like she did all season. Looks very cheap. 


I breathed a sigh of relief that Lizzie trimmed her toe-talons.  Those things were scary long during the Bali fish pedicure outing. 

  • Love 4

Terry lost 2 months of sleep over that stupid comment about Heather?

I know! Seriously, Terry? What a (sorry) pussy. A real man would have either shrugged and thought, "what an idiot," OR if he was really offended, called him up and confronted him about it, not wait months and have sleepless nights over it. Also, you mean to tell me that Terry's mother, mother of Quiet Riot's Kevin DuBrow (God rest his soul), could be offended at THAT comment? I'm sure she's heard worse things if her son was part of an 80's metal band. Terry's just finding reasons to justify his irrational dislike of the better looking and equally (or more) wealthy David. Edited by zenme
  • Love 7

Tamra does look really bad. I think her face has stuck in permanent bitch face, just as our mothers warned us might happen when we made faces as kids.

BItchface.  You hit the nail on the head.  There ain't enough botox in the world to fix that mess.  The lighting from above wasn't doing Tamra any favors either.  What bugs/disgusts me the most about her face are the wrinkles on her nose next to her eye and her ugly little mouth that looks like her trashbag mother.  I'm sure Tams will watch the reunion, panic because she looks 65 on camera and then fill & botox her entire face.  She's gross.  Her outside matches her inside for sure.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
  • Love 4

I wonder if Tamara was reamed out by Bravo/Andy because of her "I play a character on TV, this isn't really me" rants.  She didn't really seem to say much and it seemed like she was seething over there.  


Maybe she was thinking, "okay, Bravo, you know you pay me to stir up trouble and production tells me to mention certain things, then you act like it is all real; so fine, I won't say much of anything-how do you like that?"  


Or maybe I'm just reading too much into her silence.  

I got this link from Tamra's Twitter:  http://news.lalate.com/2014/08/25/shannon-beador-divorce-tamra-barney-son-ryan-vieth-lift-rhoc-ratings/  I do no think Ryan's storyline was the reason for the increase in ratings.  I think the increase is solely with Shannon.  It is this kind of delusional reporting that gives Tamra street cred with Bravo.  Her son's situation is something we as viewers must tolerate if we want to watch the show.  Personally, I find Ryan's issues on par with the oh-so exciting Baby Astro storyline. 

  • Love 6

Heather and Terry were ridiculous tonight trying to save face.  And I'm glad Tamballs seems to be getting raked over the coals!

Tamra is not being raked over the coals enough to satisfy me.  Why isn't Vicki making more of an effort to call Tamra out on the 'take down the Bedors thing'???  Vickie mentioned that Tamra said it to her also, but  everyone was talking over one another.  Come on, Andy!  Lay it all out there and flatten Tamra once and for all!  How can Tamra sit there in front of all of the HWs, Andy and the nation and say that she did not make this assertion to Shannon, David and Vickie?  I was screaming at my TV when Part 1 ended and Tamra was not yet called on the carpet.  Next week?  Next season?  I hope so!  She has it coming.


May I add a pet peeve of mine?  Do these women not know the difference between an adverb and an adjective?

OMG.  Bugs the ever-lovin' crap out of me too.

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
  • Love 4

Tamra is not being raked over the coals enough to satisfy me.  Why isn't Vicki making more of an effort to call Tamra out on the 'take down the Bedors thing'???  Vickie mentioned that Tamra said it to her also, but  everyone was talking over one another.  Come on, Andy!  Lay it all out there and flatten Tamra once and for all!  How can Tamra sit there in front of all of the HWs, Andy and the nation and say that she did not make this assertion to Shannon, David and Vickie?  I was screaming at my TV when Part 1 ended and Tamra was not yet called on the carpet.  Next week?  Next season?  I hope so!  She has it coming.

OMG.  Bugs the ever-lovin' crap out of me too.


I think next week we get to see Lizzie call her a bitter old woman.


Damn, I'm breaking out the good wine for that episode.  Woo hoo!!!

  • Love 7


That said, the part about who's to blame for David's text getting around?  I put that squarely on Shannon herself for putting such a personal, delicate piece of information on tv.  And sharing it with Tamara.  Double no-no.


Actually Shannon said she told Tamra about the email during a private phone conversation. No cameras. It was a Tamra who told (and exaggerated) Heather ON camera about the email. So Shannon is wrong for trusting Tamra (wtf was she thinking?) but it was Ferret Face that aired it for the world (ok I exaggerate too) to see.



Why didn't someone tell Vicki she had no idea what gaydar meant? How can she be so clueless? Even without an official definition, if you've ever heard the word used before, you can figure out its meaning.

Am I the only one that hears the tune "If I only had a brain" when Vicki speaks?

  • Love 4

Tamra is not being raked over the coals enough to satisfy me.  Why isn't Vicki making more of an effort to call Tamra out on the 'take down the Bedors thing'???  Vickie mentioned that Tamra said it to her also, but  everyone was talking over one another.  Come on, Andy!  Lay it all out there and flatten Tamra once and for all!  How can Tamra sit there in front of all of the HWs, Andy and the nation and say that she did not make this assertion to Shannon, David and Vickie?  I was screaming at my TV when Part 1 ended and Tamra was not yet called on the carpet.  Next week?  Next season?  I hope so!  She has it coming.

OMG.  Bugs the ever-lovin' crap out of me too.


Vicki (finally) backed Shannon up (sort of) by saying yes Tamara, you said that to me also.    To which Tamara kind of na na na na na said then why didn't you bring that up at the party Vicki?  To which Vicki replied because you said it me.  I never heard Terry say that with my own ears.    A beautifully accomplished double play that both supported the Beadors and shut Tams the fuck down.  

  • Love 10

Hey kids! Rev up your snark engines....here is a photo recap Bravo posted on all the Wives' outfits last night.




Two things:

1. Tamra's legs. Oh my. Surprisingly not good.

2. Lizzie packing those braless boulders into another two sizes too small dress like she did all season. Looks very cheap. 

I usually give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to the dresses the Housewives wear at the reunion, my first thought is that the dress looks great while they stand in front of the mirror but sitting down is another story but some of the dresses this time around look awful standing up too.

  • Love 2


p.s.  now what ya'll can tell me is what a holla back construction site is?

In David's case, it's  when construction guys shout vulger comments aka street harrassmet to women as they walk by or at  others sites when they scream 'Spread you legs and ride it"





Edited by sheetmoss
  • Love 2

In David's case, it's  when construction guys shout vulger comments aka street harrassmet to women as they walk by or at  others sites when they scream 'Spread you legs and ride it"




*facepalm*  Thank you.  It's verbal harassment created by opportunity.   I feel like such a Frasier Crane right now.

  • Love 1

Hey kids! Rev up your snark engines....here is a photo recap Bravo posted on all the Wives' outfits last night.




Two things:

1. Tamra's legs. Oh my. Surprisingly not good.

2. Lizzie packing those braless boulders into another two sizes too small dress like she did all season. Looks very cheap. 

I know pantyhose are out of style, but they do make beautiful, expensive pantyhose (like Wolford) that can make your legs look pretty much perfect. I don't think any of the ladies are wearing pantyhose. I think Tamra's legs would have looked much, much better if she had worn some. I'd personally rather put on hose that will cover a multitude of sins than have to worry about self tanner, bronzer, and makeup on my legs.

  • Love 8
Was Lizzie even there?


Ah, well, Lizzie has one more time to prove she should be there, cuz I'm still not seeing any reason for her to stay on.  She should thank Tams for fighting over this stupid game comment, which we never even saw.  Otherwise, poor Lizzie would have absolutely nothing to talk about.  And I totally don't give a crap about this anyway.  Look, she's nice enough.  And I even liked her Bravo blog.  But she still brings nothing.  Bye girl.


Shannon wins the night for her well-thought out zinger to the Dubrows about why their house is up for sale:  "It's too big and we want a better view." HA! She was basically telling Heather Dubrow. "been there, done that and it's not all that."


Yeah, Miss Terry's & Madame's reaction to that was awesome!  They were positively silenced, cuz they clearly didn't know how to respond to this zinger.  It was so dead on.  David was right.  Those fuckin' losers couldn't bring down the Beadors.


I'm a boy and I think Vicki's titties should have their own show.


I'm a gay boy & I thought Vicks' boobies looked pretty good.  Her prejudiced nonsense about gays is another story.  Still don't get why Andy didn't even attempt to counter her moronic stereotyped comments, instead of just making stupid cutesy faces.  Man, I fuckin' hate his guts.

  • Love 6

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