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S12.E22: Reunion, Part 1

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I hate that I now have “Beat It” stuck in my head…

12 hours ago, Jel said:

Kyle!  She actually said, to a woman who was concerned about a scary death threat to her 14 year old son, that yeah, Diana is just saying Jax should have penciled out Diana's name. This is the thing that Kyle goes to bat for. The knee on neck comment, she doesn't mention, but the leaving in Diana's name is what bugged her. She was all looking around at the other ladies, like whaaat? why is Garcelle reacting this way? Of all the things she could have taken up for, she chooses that one.  It speaks volumes about who she is, and what she values. Kyle and Mauricio must really want Diana and all her connections.

This, THIS is what bugs me so much about Kyle, and what reminds me of the person I know. Claims to be your friend, but always defends and takes up for people who have more status and connections, even when they’re clearly in the wrong. OK, this, and the interruptions to “one up” your stories with her worse tale of woe. 

UGH, my stress level is rising… Remind me why I watch this? 🤣

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8 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

This, THIS is what bugs me so much about Kyle, and what reminds me of the person I know. Claims to be your friend, but always defends and takes up for people who have more status and connections, even when they’re clearly in the wrong. OK, this, and the interruptions to “one up” your stories with her worse tale of woe. 

Someone on Reddit called this Kylesplaining, and that's the perfect way of describing the way Kyle intervenes in conflicts that don't concern her just so that she can patronizingly pile on the person she thinks is weaker. This is one of the (many) reasons why Garcelle's yelling at Kyle was so satisfying.

I wish Crystal would take notes from Garcelle. Crystal has her faults (the "dark" Sutton thing was stupid), but Kyle seems to truly hate her. Mrs. Lion King doesn't seem used to Kyle's brand of latent hostility, so she gets flustered when confronted by The Coven, who in turn pounce on every hesitation, blunder, and misstep she makes. I'm not fantastic at confrontation myself but a well-placed "Kyle, I don't need to answer to you" could give Crystal some breathing room the next time Kyle breaks out the torches and pitchforks because Crystal has feelings about something.

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12 hours ago, kassa said:

I see both sides of this. I think the initial Crystal-Sutton conflict was that Crystal was auditioning to take Sutton's place (or told that). They often have "friends of" which are basically auditions that fail. If they're great, they're a new housewife. Nobody necessarily knows until the season is edited. Remember we couldn't figure out why Faye was ALL OVER that season she was a "friend," poking into conversations a "friend" typically wouldn't be involved in? Because at the time they were filming, she thought she WAS in the cast. That explained a lot.

Garcelle suggests that no matter what, Crystal would have found a reason to trot out that "you're the kind that doesn't see race" card.  I suspect she's right.  

On the other hand, things don't have to be ugly to be racist. Trotting out "Minorities I have known and admired" stories to ingratiate yourself when you meet someone outside your race is a microaggression - might be meant in the complete opposite way, but they are justified to not want to pat you on the back because you just loooooove all the little children of the world and feel the need to point that out to them so they can reassure you that you're one of the good ones.  A friend of mine is an Orthodox Jew and says the moment (some) people find out, the energy changes as they try to relate to her by talking about their understanding of Judaism instead of whatever everybody else is talking about.  None of this is necessarily conscious, but it's tiring to be on the receiving end. 

The funny thing is, I think Sutton actually DID learn that and their relationship grew because they were able to speak candidly about it.

I also assume there were crew there. At least one person to activate equipment if something went down. Don't believe for a second the house wasn't mic-ed and cameras placed in case they had a late night drunken party at the house. If they came back from dinner in a roaring fight there wouldn't be somebody at the house ready to get every single second?  You can't just snap all the equipment on instantaneously. 

Andy Cohen said on Twitter the cameras were down for the night before the women went to the Aspen club.

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26 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Viewers on WWHL ask Kyle if she feels any differently about the way Rinna treated Kim, Denise, Yolanda, Camille and LVP, now that Rinna’s antics have affected Kyle. Kyle straight up says that she hasn’t really thought about it!

Of course she hasn’t. She’d have to reflect on how things impacted people beyond her nuclear family.

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12 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

You’re right.  Get rid of the worst two. Plus Erika is bound to have some kind of comeuppance.

She was refreshing with her natural look while the wives looked ridiculous for the most part. Plus, I always enjoy the original Halloween this time of year. 

I like Crystal. While I’m not a huge fan of her wokeness, she seems like a genuine person. I would like to know what happened with the 14 friends?  Were they jealous cause she got the show?

Yes, Crystal implied the friends were jealous, especially two who were interviewed/tried as future HWs.

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I've only started watching this episode, I always watch it a day or two later than you guys because I need the subtitles!

3 minutes in and Rinna has already mentioned a bird in connection to Lois. I hope that porcelain bird comes with a hole that shoots poop in Rinna's mouth. I'm sorry to be harsh but this is how I feel.

Okay I was laughing at Dorit and her 'chic', but Jamie Lee Curtis only complimented Dorit on it and didn't make Dorit feel stupid about it. Jamie Lee Curtis is very cool.

Andy is all of us, yawning while listening to Dorit. Twice! (Although, I would be very hurt if it was me talking about my own trauma! However, I'm still not convinced it was a real robbery.)

Okay that's all I've got. I'll now read your comments 😘

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10 hours ago, chlban said:

No, he was actually tried in a criminal trial. The prosecution did a really bad job so I could see why, based on legal standards, they acquitted him. But, I always believed he was guilty and so did a lot of people. Then he died, and suddenly everyone forgot about the accusations. 

Michael Jackson was tried, and acquitted, but he also paid $35 million to more than a dozen boys he allegedly molested during 15 years.


Edited by ZettaK
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7 hours ago, endure said:

Camile, on an earlier season, told the ladies she used to be a dental assistant and she'd dread working on LVP's teeth because of the smell. They were all shocked but laughing with Camille and her jokes about it.  So that's twice someone has mentioned Lisa's breath issues-- if anyone cares! It just popped into my head. 

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7 hours ago, njbchlover said:

It seems, from the comments she made about MJ, and how she goes in so hard on "the courts will decide, blah, blah, blah", that Erika thinks that just because someone is acquitted or found "not guilty" that the verdict must be true - there are no victims, there is no fall-out, there are no damages to anyone.

Does she have any idea of how many pedophiles, rapists and murderers walk away, mostly because the prosecution did NOT do their job?  Or, the victims' lawyers didn't have enough smarts to get a settlement in civil court? 

Does she think OJ Simpson didn't murder Nicole?  Does she think that Bill Cosby didn't drug and rape all those women?  Does she really think that Michael Jackson didn't sexually abuse children, all because they were either acquited (or in Cosby's case, the ruling was overturned) or found not guilty?  

Erika is playing a game here because she has to stick to the script that she and her attorneys/PR people have created for her about "letting the courts do their job", and it's disgusting that she would even make that statement.  

While I think that Crystal is being a little far-fetched in her stating that all millenials are no longer listening to or are disgusted by Michael Jackson's music (the Broadway show is selling out and received several Tony awards), she is right that it probably isn't high on a DJ's playlist.  

Michael Jackson, although he was acquitted, he paid $35 million (which is a lot more in today's money) to more than a dozen boys he allegedly molested during 15 years. Erika tries to blindsight us by saying individuals who are acquitted in court are actually not guilty because she is involved in several court cases herself.

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I do wonder if the pile-on on Crystal had nothing to do with her being a millennial, them not approving how she expresses her feelings about race/Sutton, etc, but retribution for her expressing her opinions on Ericka and her situation. 

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4 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Some Reddit posters believe that Diana was reading off cue cards her PR prepared. 

That explains why none of it made much sense. You, yourself, have to understand what you’re saying — just parroting stuff off cue cards when your mastery of the language is shaky at best doesn’t cut it.

How convenient that she came down with COVID right at the time of taping. 

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5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Geez! The way Dorit reacted to Crystal telling them she didn’t appreciate Dorit gossiping about how she purges every day!!! 

I thought it was fair.  First, they are on a TV show.  They are being filmed all the time (except in clubs in Aspen) and they talk to each other with mics and cameras and all the things, then go, "I can't believe you told somebody that."  In those instances I always want to stare openmouthed and go "WHAT?! You potentially just told the world (if it airs) then act like I spilled your deepest secret."  I'm assuming that was Dorit's initial response.  But then, if I am remembering correctly, I think Dorit then said she was sorry, and without really equivocating either.

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7 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

a well-placed "Kyle, I don't need to answer to you" could give Crystal some breathing room

I am waiting for one of the targets to pause after receiving an insult, then laugh hilariously, followed by a hand-wave and a "you are so stupid, go away."

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I have seen the photo of Rinna that was supposedly in the Room 23 book somewhere online... maybe even here in this forum, in the past. I don’t know why it isn’t included in the line up of photos the link to the books photos has. Maybe she paid or asked Diana to remove her picture from this site because of the “rumors” it is a call girl advertisement for selection of wares. It was her sitting on the floor against the wall in a sepia monochromatic color scheme. If so, then it only adds credence to the story it is a call girl advertisement list, because we all know Rinna just LOVES to show off her sultry naked or near naked pictures with the world to show just how desirable she is. Why would she want her photo not shown in connection with this books web page? 

Afraid to be thought of/known as just another hooker? 

Also Dianas mouth area is so different from her earlier days. It looks a lot better and she had some major work done in order to clean it up. Her mouth had what I refer to as a “dirty girls” mouth, ...that is the only way I can describe the look which is kind of sucked in at the puppet line area. Maybe a chin reduction? and filler all around the mouth area? I don’t know how they would achieve that difference but she certainly did get her moneys worth because even with the blown up lips she looks a million times better. Also, maybe that is why she rolls her tongue around inside and outside her lips constantly. All the filler in that area. 

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5 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Yes, Crystal implied the friends were jealous, especially two who were interviewed/tried as future HWs.

And Kyle cleared that up by saying that two of the women in Crystals old friend group had been asked to be on the show. So it's not that Crystal won a spot over them. Most likely Crystal was able to snag a spot on the show BECAUSE these women left the spot available. So the bitter/jealous ex-friends angle doesn't hold up. 

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4 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Michael Jackson, although he was acquitted, he paid $35 million (which is a lot more in today's money) to more than a dozen boys he allegedly molested during 15 years. Erika tries to blindsight us by saying individuals who are acquitted in court are actually not guilty because she is involved in several court cases herself.

She’d be caught red handed if she produced the money to pay anyone off. She is allegedly broke and struggling to keep afloat. Of course your money doesn’t go as far or last as long in Beverly Hills, and she deserves a glam squad 🙄 Keep those Cayman accounts hidden Erika. Your days of landing a rich sugar daddy are coming to a close. 

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5 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Michael Jackson was tried, and acquitted, but he also paid $35 million to more than a dozen boys he allegedly molested during 15 years.


And how long ago was that? Who knew we weren’t allowed to request his music anymore besides Crystal and those in her bubble? Seems like a stretch to me from someone just looking to be offended by anyone, because that’s just how things are these days. I’m actually surprised Garcelle didn’t agree with her because she’s right up there just waiting to jump on the offensive train too. 

FTR I totally believe MJ was guilty. But I’ll still dance my ass off to Billy Jean at the next wedding I attend. 

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16 hours ago, Blondie said:

The trouble with Garcelle is that she's smart, witty, talented, gorgeous, stable, put together, exudes self-confidence, oh and very wealthy.     Wait a second.   Does this make me a racist?  I don't want to "trigger" Crystal.

If she was all of those things she certainly wouldn’t need to be on this show. 

While very pretty, Garcelle is nothing more than a trouble-maker, with no other story-line than to cause trouble. I think Bravo strategically sought her out to just sit around, get offended as often as she can and put the others on blast, just to keep the show moving. That said, she can dish it out but she sure can’t take it. 

Edited by hottesthw
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8 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

What "can't she take?"  An organized attack on her 14-yr-old child--including racist threats to his safety?  Yeah, what a monster she is to want to protect her child! 

Don't forget not worrying about Diana's family which was on an island in a gated community who may have a random tourist sneak up and throw a pineapple at them!  How dare she not immediately worry about Bosnia!

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10 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

What "can't she take?"  An organized attack on her 14-yr-old child--including racist threats to his safety?  Yeah, what a monster she is to want to protect her child! 

Organized is quite a stretch too IMO. Anyone reading this site and others knows how nuts people behind the keyboard are. And last I checked none of the the HW are paying us to trash the other. Garcelle being so intelligent and worldly should know that. And besides, I’d say she got her revenge since people then started threatening to stab and kill Diana's children. 

I cannot stand Diana but I do not believe she organized any online threat against any child anywhere. 

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49 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

I have seen the photo of Rinna that was supposedly in the Room 23 book somewhere online... maybe even here in this forum, in the past. I don’t know why it isn’t included in the line up of photos the link to the books photos has. Maybe she paid or asked Diana to remove her picture from this site because of the “rumors” it is a call girl advertisement for selection of wares. It was her sitting on the floor against the wall in a sepia monochromatic color scheme. If so, then it only adds credence to the story it is a call girl advertisement list, because we all know Rinna just LOVES to show off her sultry naked or near naked pictures with the world to show just how desirable she is. Why would she want her photo not shown in connection with this books web page? 

Afraid to be thought of/known as just another hooker? 

Also Dianas mouth area is so different from her earlier days. It looks a lot better and she had some major work done in order to clean it up. Her mouth had what I refer to as a “dirty girls” mouth, ...that is the only way I can describe the look which is kind of sucked in at the puppet line area. Maybe a chin reduction? and filler all around the mouth area? I don’t know how they would achieve that difference but she certainly did get her moneys worth because even with the blown up lips she looks a million times better. Also, maybe that is why she rolls her tongue around inside and outside her lips constantly. All the filler in that area. 

Maybe Rinna posed for photos for the book, but at the final edit, her photos didn't make it into the actual book, but Rinna has copies from the photoshoot? 

Kind of like several seasons ago when Dorit was posing with the jewelry for that magazine LVP was involved in - they took a ton of photos of her and didn't use any of them.  

8 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Viewers on WWHL ask Kyle if she feels any differently about the way Rinna treated Kim, Denise, Yolanda, Camille and LVP, now that Rinna’s antics have affected Kyle. Kyle straight up says that she hasn’t really thought about it!

I think that this is Kyle's standard reply when she doesn't want to address something that could possibly put her in a bad spot with someone.  It's a very good deflection - it doesn't get her in trouble because she claims to not have an opinion one way or the other and it also essesntially ends the conversation.

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“Who knew we weren’t allowed to request his music anymore besides Crystal and those in her bubble?”

You’d be surprised how many people out there besides Crystal and those in her bubble have those feelings, right or wrong.

“And last I checked none of the the HW are paying us to trash the other.”

Trashing them on here is one thing. Harassing  and threatening others directly via their social media accounts is another.

I’m not saying Diana was behind it, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she was.

Also, unlike Diana, I think Garcelle has enough empathy to feel bad for Diana and her kids being threatened in return.

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1 hour ago, hottesthw said:

If she was all of those things she certainly wouldn’t need to be on this show. 

While very pretty, Garcelle is nothing more than a trouble-maker, with no other story-line than to cause trouble. I think Bravo strategically sought her out to just sit around, get offended as often as she can and put the others on blast, just to keep the show moving. That said, she can dish it out but she sure can’t take it. 

You must be watching a different show. Yes, she was helluva offended about her 14 year old son being bullied on Social Media. Can't imagine any mother that wouldn't be. 

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1 hour ago, Hiyo said:

“Who knew we weren’t allowed to request his music anymore besides Crystal and those in her bubble?”

You’d be surprised how many people out there besides Crystal and those in her bubble have those feelings, right or wrong.

“And last I checked none of the the HW are paying us to trash the other.”

Trashing them on here is one thing. Harassing  and threatening others directly via their social media accounts is another.

I’m not saying Diana was behind it, but it wouldn’t surprise me if she was.

Also, unlike Diana, I think Garcelle has enough empathy to feel bad for Diana and her kids being threatened in return.

I have long been conflicted about MJ's music.  On one hand, I want to enjoy music as strictly entertainment. One of my favorite songs on my Spotify is a true oldie "Be My Baby" by the Ronettes, but produced by a murderer (Phil Specter). So do I not enjoy the music?  Yeah, it's tough to not want to dance to "Billie Jean", but... I don't think it is surprising that people would have a problem with MJ. But, I am not sure it's as cut and dried as Chrystal makes it sound.

Edited by chlban
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1 hour ago, hottesthw said:

If she was all of those things she certainly wouldn’t need to be on this show. 

I agree, I don't think Garcelle qualifies as wealthy  (Santa Clarita!). She was doing okay financially but I'm pretty sure she's made more from this show and the added exposure than she did during the preceding decade. I hope she continues to think it's worth it because as far as I'm concerned she's worth every penny Bravo is paying her and then some.  Top tier housewife and she's showing it this reunion. 

Crystal is sort of on the opposite end of the spectrum to me. She looks amazing and I want to like her but she's falling flat to me. 

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1 hour ago, hottesthw said:

Organized is quite a stretch too IMO. Anyone reading this site and others knows how nuts people behind the keyboard are. And last I checked none of the the HW are paying us to trash the other. Garcelle being so intelligent and worldly should know that. And besides, I’d say she got her revenge since people then started threatening to stab and kill Diana's children. 

I cannot stand Diana but I do not believe she organized any online threat against any child anywhere. 

Right — and likewise you don’t know who all is reading it, and you don’t know what they’re capable of, either. The times we live in have made it acceptable to take violent, social media rhetoric to the next level under any kind of pretense. Garcelle had every right to be scared and angered at racist, threatening tweets directed against her 14-year-old. 

“Go on, trolls…do your worst.” — Diana Jenkins, summer of 2022, before she blamed the “bots.” By their deeds ye shall know them, and Diana has not done anything this season that gives her the right to any benefit of any doubt.

Edited by RoseAllDay
Corrected the weasel’s quote.
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14 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

See this is the attitude of Crystals that really sours my mood. She's so matter of fact and condescending, not to mention judgmental over things that aren't that simple. That's the "millennial" eyeroll she gets from the others because she didn't live it, wasn't a part of the culture that adored Michael Jackson and doesn't have a connection to that nostalgia. It's frustrating living in an age where younger generations find the audacity to condemn older generations for what they grew up with. We can accept that many, many wrongs and inappropriate cultures existed during our generation, hell WE suffered through it but don't demand that I scurry over in a corner in shame because I choose not to let the wrongs of my era define how I relate, receive and react to things from my childhood/adolescence.  I mean look, Crystal can absolutely find it distasteful to still be a lover of Michael Jacksons music, the same way some people refuse to watch Woody Allen movies but trying to use it as ammunition against someone, I feel is taking this "enlightened" new era to a whole ridiculous level.  Her superior disregard to other points of view is rather jarring and makes it hard to be in her corner even when she's not in the wrong. Ugggghhhh!


Thank you for a well-thought out, respectful and insightful comment!! 

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12 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Everything, but mostly her loss of a ridiculous lifestyle of spend, spend, spend (stolen money from legit victims).

Erika as "Ginger in Casino" is a total FAIL .  She looks like she could be Ginger's Mom.


I looked up the Ginger character myself and thought the Erika was teaching to believe she looked anything like this.  The hair pulled off the face is similar but Hinger does not have a ratted mass of hair coming out of the other side of the headband.  If Erika used the hair she sells with that disaster, she must not be selling much.  The color, the texture just reeks fake, synthetic hair.

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

See this is the attitude of Crystals that really sours my mood. She's so matter of fact and condescending, not to mention judgmental over things that aren't that simple. That's the "millennial" eyeroll she gets from the others because she didn't live it, wasn't a part of the culture that adored Michael Jackson and doesn't have a connection to that nostalgia. It's frustrating living in an age where younger generations find the audacity to condemn older generations for what they grew up with. We can accept that many, many wrongs and inappropriate cultures existed during our generation, hell WE suffered through it but don't demand that I scurry over in a corner in shame because I choose not to let the wrongs of my era define how I relate, receive and react to things from my childhood/adolescence.  I mean look, Crystal can absolutely find it distasteful to still be a lover of Michael Jacksons music, the same way some people refuse to watch Woody Allen movies but trying to use it as ammunition against someone, I feel is taking this "enlightened" new era to a whole ridiculous level.  Her superior disregard to other points of view is rather jarring and makes it hard to be in her corner even when she's not in the wrong. Ugggghhhh!

I’m younger than Crystal but get what you mean. I’m curious what entertainment she consumes, because so many people in entertainment are sadly monsters. Didn’t she say Rob has worked with some? MJ was my ultimate favorite, but I don’t advertise that too much so people don’t get the wrong idea. I have an old T-shirt that hasn’t been worn in many years.  
 It did crack me up how the other ladies seemed clueless about why requesting Michael Jackson could possibly be problematic. I wonder if any of them heard about the documentary. It changed the minds of many who thought Michael was innocent. 

With Kyle, her family was close to the Jacksons, so they not want to go there at all. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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3 hours ago, Beachdreamer said:

I thought it was fair.  First, they are on a TV show.  They are being filmed all the time (except in clubs in Aspen) and they talk to each other with mics and cameras and all the things, then go, "I can't believe you told somebody that."  In those instances I always want to stare openmouthed and go "WHAT?! You potentially just told the world (if it airs) then act like I spilled your deepest secret."  I'm assuming that was Dorit's initial response.  But then, if I am remembering correctly, I think Dorit then said she was sorry, and without really equivocating either.

I think these women have a "gentleman's agreement" that certain things they discuss off camera are not to be brought up on camera. 

That is why Dorit attempted the long winded explanation of why she brought it up since she thought that since Crystal had brought up her ED it was now fair game even though she had learned about it in a "private" conversation.

However, I think Dorit was tone deaf as discussing that one has an eating disorder is not necessarily the same as discussing that one pukes every day which is what Crystal was trying to explain. The details of it were not necessary and Dorit brought them up only for shock value. 

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12 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Viewers on WWHL ask Kyle if she feels any differently about the way Rinna treated Kim, Denise, Yolanda, Camille and LVP, now that Rinna’s antics have affected Kyle. Kyle straight up says that she hasn’t really thought about it!

That's because Kyle was involved in some of those take downs.  She won't betray her co-conspirators.  That's why this Kathy gang up is so troubling to her.  She has to support her mean girl alliance, but wants to maintain enough of a relationship with Kathy that she won't boycott Farrah's wedding.

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11 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Did anyone else feel a little uncomfortable when they were scolding the haters on social media?

The thing about that segment which was most uncomfortable to me was the way the show was comparing the horrible bot attack on Jax to calling Rinna a beast. There is no comparison to what was done to Jax to nasty comments to the HWs.  

Also, the snark here is not the same as going to the individual's social media page and directly insulting them or spewing hate or violence there.  Some of these women are so despicable (Rinna, Erika, Diana), they deserve to be scolded, but they are often protected by the other housewives, so I'm glad we have this forum to express our frustration.

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