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Current Plots Discussion II: Discussing Today's Episode and Current Storylines

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9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Seriously! I also don't really think it's a Ron thing to quickly put a widower in another relationship. It happens all the time on soaps.

Oh yeah? You know who it didn't happen with? Cass Freaking Winthrop, that's who! That man mourned his murdered wife Frankie for at least a good two years or so before getting involved with Lila, his next wife, on Another World. Because some men (and some shows!) care when their wives die! So THERE!

5 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I think as adults Phillip/Belle are better suited for each other. The actors have chem and he's shady enough to keep Belle's interest plus it would be something different for Belle beyond she cheats on Shawn every few years.

I think it could have been a good way to go a few years ago...but now that ship has sailed. I'd just find Belle pathetic and cruel to hurt Shawn again at this point in their lives. She's had repeated opportunities to end it for good, and hasn't, and cried and swore he was the one and proposed, etc, etc. It just becomes ridiculous at a certain point.

I feel the same way about Brady. He needs a relationship with someone he hasn't already dated, married, drunkenly threatened, semi-assaulted, lied to, blackmailed and promised to be better with. If ANY of his exes commit to him for good at this point in the game, they're idiots for going back.


Today's episode was....I mean....offfft. Oh lordy. That scene with Steve and Kayla? With her saying "Yes sweetie, I'm back, I'm here, I'm fully dead but also right in front of you, it's no dream, don't worry, even though I'm not bathed in holy light, just go with it, because I was in a locked room, in heaven maybe, and I signed away my soul, maybe, I'm not sure, and that's why I'm visiting, and yes, you can touch me, but we can't go all the way, because I'm not in the mood, maybe just second base, but not for long, because I need your help, and I have to feed the meter, and yes, I did get fresh clothes in the afterlife, how nice of you to notice, they're from the Kirstie Alley Collection, but...Steve why are you almost laughing and unsure of how to play this scene? It makes so much sense, it should just be automatic! Come on sweetie. People need to believe us when we say this drunken crap and not think we've lost a bet or something and are being forced to humiliate ourselves on what used to be national television until no one, even the hardcore fans, can be bothered to care anymore. Please, just look into my eyes Steve, look deep into them with intensity and conviction and remember all the awards this show still manages to win, in spite of all logic and reason, and tell me, honestly, do you have the room key for the suite in heaven where Nick, who is disguised as Adrienne, maybe did or did not lock me in with the help of Satan, maybe-kinda?"


Yeah. No.

I walked out of the room and felt shame. Sorry Ericole, I just couldn't after seeing that.

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20 minutes ago, Elio Kukui said:

Exactly!  Chad could've waited a whole year!  Even two!  Or even a year-and-a-half!  Seven months is five months too short!

But were those really seven months IRL, or seven months in-show?  We know how one Salem day can stretch over 2-3 episodes…so, in-show, it might be less than seven months.

oh well, so much for Chad and Abigail’s EPIC love! 

Edited by norcalgal
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2 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

Oh yeah? You know who it didn't happen with? Cass Freaking Winthrop, that's who! That man mourned his murdered wife Frankie for at least a good two years or so before getting involved with Lila, his next wife, on Another World. Because some men (and some shows!) care when their wives die! So THERE!

2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

To be fair, I think Frankie's brutal dehumanizing murder that pissed off the viewers took the writers by surprise and in response chose to not go forward with their plans on pairing Cass with another woman that they felt was more exciting than Frankie who was beloved by the audience. Jill Pharren Phelps disgusting hands was all over that  awful decision.  That woman was a hack and a show killer. 

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The deceased can visit (pretty common) and I do have visits with my soul connection dude. Kayla did give Steve quite a bit of info, including the weird paperwork, although there isn’t much he can do for her right now. Where would Nick Fallon’s name come from?  It did come across as silly.

I too started noticing the hanger marks on Li’s sweater. Stefan got the wine splash he deserved and Gabi at least gets dinner.

Johnny and Wendy? Cute right now. The fancy dinner sounds better than popcorn.

The fancy Bistro ran out of the rib-eye on Valentine’s Day? EJ could not let Nicole sit on the other side of the table so she would not have to look at Eric? And then all go home with their angry selves to get the one they sorta want out of their system.


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The actor who plays Li Shin makes me giggle.  Today as he was sitting and drinking his wine by himself, it just made me chuckle, and the actor has that sly smile that lets us know 'his wheels are spinning on how he can play the situation"...I like Li with Gabi, they are both intense, passionate and somewhat "kooky" :)

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3 hours ago, Elio Kukui said:

Exactly!  Chad could've waited a whole year!  Even two!  Or even a year-and-a-half!  Seven months is five months too short!

Who says you have to wait a whole year after the loss of a spouse/partner to move on? Like others have pointed out, this is not a soap first and it doesn't work that way in real life either. To use a real life example, I remember the unnecessary (and ridiculously galling) way people went after the comedian Patton Oswalt for moving on from his late wife "quickly." Grief has no time table and most times you can't control who you fall in love with and when. 

I think, especially in the more modern era where audience tend to be more impatient, it's never going to take too long for someone to move on from a loved one, especially if the character is young-ish/a frontburner character. 

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3 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Who says you have to wait a whole year after the loss of a spouse/partner to move on? Like others have pointed out, this is not a soap first and it doesn't work that way in real life either.

Exactly! As if a whole 3 months (to make a whole year of mourning) would actually make a difference. 

And DB...we really have to move on from 30 years ago and a different show to boot. So THERE 😜

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11 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

Exactly! As if a whole 3 months (to make a whole year of mourning) would actually make a difference. 

It seems like ages to me since Abigail died so IMO it's fine for him to move on.  I only hope Show finds something for the character to do besides be all schmoopy with whatshername.

My folks were married for 60 years, happily, and about 8 months after my mom died, my Dad got together with her best friend whose husband had died several months before my mom.  All of his kids and grandkids were happy for him, and thanks to her, his remaining years were very happy.  I don't believe in arbitrary time limits, life is too short and it's nobody's business but their own.

Edited by boes
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16 hours ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Who says you have to wait a whole year after the loss of a spouse/partner to move on? Like others have pointed out, this is not a soap first and it doesn't work that way in real life either. To use a real life example, I remember the unnecessary (and ridiculously galling) way people went after the comedian Patton Oswalt for moving on from his late wife "quickly." Grief has no time table and most times you can't control who you fall in love with and when. 

I think, especially in the more modern era where audience tend to be more impatient, it's never going to take too long for someone to move on from a loved one, especially if the character is young-ish/a frontburner character. 

It has been the case for a long time that following your spouse’s death, you should not be making significant life changes for the first year. The Italian lady down the street was supposed to wear black for the rest of her life. Her kids told her no. There are all sorts of shady people who prey on widows or widowers, especially those who don’t see their adult kids much. Some don’t want to rush into things because they have young kids. Some don’t want to be alone for a little while. Some folks also get stuck in grief and are in no position to move forward in anything. Depends on the person, though.

Chad may want to check Abigail’s grave to make sure she is still dead.

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So Kayla was born in 1964?

No funeral services? All the time spent writing the eulogies for nothing.

Lucas was clever to pour the liquor in the trash and fake his being intoxicated.

So Allie wants to tag along with Will and Sonny? Guess the two of them are going on a tourist visit with Will having an actual work visa. Maybe if they have an online business or Sonny gets paid in the US. Can’t imagine Will being genuinely happy to have company.

Poor John that Doc didn’t visit him like Kayla visited Steve.

Did not expect the Devil to be Doug. Thought they would have someone fake Stefano’s voice - why would Satan want Marlena to be at his side? Bill Hayes still brings it.

I guess now it is time for Plan Orpheus.


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On 2/15/2023 at 7:30 PM, DisneyBoy said:

Today's episode was....I mean....offfft. Oh lordy. That scene with Steve and Kayla? With her saying "Yes sweetie, I'm back, I'm here, I'm fully dead but also right in front of you, it's no dream, don't worry, even though I'm not bathed in holy light, just go with it, because I was in a locked room, in heaven maybe, and I signed away my soul, maybe, I'm not sure, and that's why I'm visiting, and yes, you can touch me, but we can't go all the way, because I'm not in the mood, maybe just second base, but not for long, because I need your help, and I have to feed the meter, and yes, I did get fresh clothes in the afterlife, how nice of you to notice, they're from the Kirstie Alley Collection, but...Steve why are you almost laughing and unsure of how to play this scene? It makes so much sense, it should just be automatic! Come on sweetie. People need to believe us when we say this drunken crap and not think we've lost a bet or something and are being forced to humiliate ourselves on what used to be national television until no one, even the hardcore fans, can be bothered to care anymore. Please, just look into my eyes Steve, look deep into them with intensity and conviction and remember all the awards this show still manages to win, in spite of all logic and reason, and tell me, honestly, do you have the room key for the suite in heaven where Nick, who is disguised as Adrienne, maybe did or did not lock me in with the help of Satan, maybe-kinda?"

Happy Bbc GIF by The QI Elves

On 2/15/2023 at 7:39 PM, WendyCR72 said:

Still say this incarnation of Days should be run on Saturday mornings as some live-action cartoon!

If I tuned in tomorrow and the Bengay gang was dressed as Sylvester trying to kill Orpheus as Tweetie in his cage while Doc, Kayla, and Kate ran around in Coyote suits burning through their multiple lives trying oh so badly to outsmart the devil going 'beep beep' it wouldn't be any less silly and pathetic than it already is.

Wile E Coyote What GIF by Looney Tunes

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13 hours ago, Elio Kukui said:

And they're not the only ones leaving!  So is Allie!  Character-wise, it makes sense now that she and Chanel are done.  She's got nothing left but the bakery, and even that's not an option since it'd be too awkward with them working together post-breakup.  But story-wise, it seems a bit quick.  She goes from insecure, paranoid, and jealous about Johnny and Chanel in late January to sleeping with Alex in early February to breaking up with Chanel just on Monday to deciding to leave today?  They really must want to rush Lindsay Arnold off if she's actually leaving.

Yes, everything about that just seemed so off.  I get they want a way to get her character gone but couldn't they have come up with something better than tagging along with her brother?  While the writers gave a token explanation about how Sonny can work remotely and he has at least made (sort of) plans, apparently Allie can break her lease, put all her stuff in storage and move her and a toddler in about a day and a half.  She must have amazing powers.  And I'm guessing that even though she routinely trashes Sami it is Sami who will have to pay for this little adventure.  Pretty convenient I'd say.

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16 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

So Kayla was born in 1964?

It works well. Luckily only her second child got massively SORASed so that doesn't wreck with her age as opposed to Belle and Shawn D having a child at 14. Lol Stephanie has been pretty consistently depicted as someone who was born in the late 80's/early 90's.

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1 hour ago, methodwriter85 said:

It works well. Luckily only her second child got massively SORASed so that doesn't wreck with her age as opposed to Belle and Shawn D having a child at 14. Lol Stephanie has been pretty consistently depicted as someone who was born in the late 80's/early 90's.

Well done Kayla-- she actually got slightly younger from her earlier runs on the show (when her birth date popped up as both 1959 and 1961, matching the two actresses who played her). That made sense with Bo popping up in 1983 aged 19 to Hope's 17... if he was born in late 1963, making Kayla two to four years older made sense.

It probably helps that not only was Stephanie never SORASed, but didn't have kids of her own as a young adult.


Edited by Panopticon
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5 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

How did I miss this lol?! When was it?

Today in the prison medical room with John and Orpheus. Orpheus made a snide comment as usual and Steve lunged at him and said it. 

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I just rewatched and he said 'filthy.' That was what the captions said. 

I've been on the look out for some cussing because I wanna know when we hit the stuff aired after the Peacock move lol. Paul Telfer said he was the first person to get to say a cuss word but with how they film I'm not sure if that even means he's who we'll actually hear say one first.

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21 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I just rewatched and he said 'filthy.' That was what the captions said. 

I've been on the look out for some cussing because I wanna know when we hit the stuff aired after the Peacock move lol. Paul Telfer said he was the first person to get to say a cuss word but with how they film I'm not sure if that even means he's who we'll actually hear say one first.

Now I will go back to watch again.

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3 hours ago, rcc said:

Heard Steve say to Orpheus "Shut your fucking mouth." No more network show taped, streaming it is now.

Would Peacock actually have cussing to the extent of f bombs?  It’s not HBO. I watched the now cancelled show on Peacock The Vampire Academy, and the strongest cuss word I recall is shit.  (Although my memory isn’t the best)

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

I hear filthy. This is the new laurel/yanny lol.

I had to look that up. Lol Maybe so.

28 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

Would Peacock actually have cussing to the extent of f bombs?  It’s not HBO. I watched the now cancelled show on Peacock The Vampire Academy, and the strongest cuss word I recall is shit.  (Although my memory isn’t the best)

The Peacock original show Poker Face has plenty of F bombs. It's a good show too.

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12 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

Would Peacock actually have cussing to the extent of f bombs?  It’s not HBO. I watched the now cancelled show on Peacock The Vampire Academy, and the strongest cuss word I recall is shit.  (Although my memory isn’t the best)

If they wanted to, yes.  The only thing preventing the use of F bombs on NBC is a long held FCC rule which I believe was determined to be unconstitutional.  And that only applied during certain hours yet networks still didn't drop the F bomb after 10 p.m.

And those rules didn't apply to cable channels either but most (except for premium channels) still curtailed their language to a "shit" but rarely dropped a "fuck."  They have their own internal rules usually related to the audience for their shows and what their advertisers are comfortable with.

That's the case with streaming.  They don't live under the shadows of some long-held FCC rules which, even though they've been ruled unenforceable, networks still more or less operate as if they were intact. 

But there are advertisers they still might want to appease by promising a certain type of content based on the show.  Since DOOL has long not had language, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to limit how much cursing their is.


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Anna makes everything better.  Show had more than a few good moments today, but none of them can top Anna's quizzical examination of Kate's urn at the end of the episode, along with her soliloquy to her.  That, and all of her scenes with Roman were my favorite moments.

A close second would be Kate's version of "Too bad, so sad, see ya around" when Marlena came back and told her and Kayla the deal she made for them to get into heaven while Marlena had to stay behind with Ol' Scratch.   I'm hoping Monday's show opens with Kate, Marlena and Kayla tackling Nick and kicking his quippy ass down the stairs to hell.  I'm over him and his skinny tie.

Marlena, even in Hell, seems only half awake.  Gotta give Orpheus credit, though.  Even facing death, he remains incredibly pompous and boring.

More Anna, please!

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I didn’t hear Steve fully say the f-bomb. Filthy, yes.

Anna was hilarious. Talking to Roman about the comfort of the urn, maybe making a pendant of a vial of ashes, etc. Her soliloquy to Kate.

The three Creamcheese Angels wannabes can’t shove skinny Nick down the stairs? They are going to let Marlena spend her afterlife in a tropical place with no air conditioning? Will she sweat in her suit? Tan a bit? With some faceless dude? Is there no one else in wherever they are? 

John and Steve and Roman can just walk into Statesville when they want? There are no cameras? No footage of Orpheus on the table? Dead Kate somehow gets a message to Roman? Do they are about their souls? Nope.


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On 2/16/2023 at 11:47 PM, Peanut6711 said:

Happy Bbc GIF by The QI Elves

If I tuned in tomorrow and the Bengay gang was dressed as Sylvester trying to kill Orpheus as Tweetie in his cage while Doc, Kayla, and Kate ran around in Coyote suits burning through their multiple lives trying oh so badly to outsmart the devil going 'beep beep' it wouldn't be any less silly and pathetic than it already is.

Wile E Coyote What GIF by Looney Tunes

Thanks and yes, it IS pathetic. I don't know what the hell it is they think they're doing to this almost 60 year old show but I cannot watch. It's too painful. I respect soaps and the people who make and watch them. They clearly don't.

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To my shock I have two nice things to say about the latest episode.

First, I got warm fuzzies from John going all paternal with Lucas while Steve played wise elder statesman.

Second, Anna is a joy and a treasure and of course knows her way around the options when it comes to ashes. 

This concludes my positivity for the year. See you in 2024 maybe.

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10 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

I heard him say "shut your f--, shut your filthy mouth."  It also sounded a little bit like "shut your fluffy mouth" at first too.  I didn't hear him fully say the F word.

This. Stephen definitely was about to say 'fucking' but he stopped himself and said what was actually scripted.

I think once we get to Peacock eps we'll probably hear 'shit' and 'damn' rarely and that's about it.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

This. Stephen definitely was about to say 'fucking' but he stopped himself and said what was actually scripted.

I think once we get to Peacock eps we'll probably hear 'shit' and 'damn' rarely and that's about it.

I curse enough on my own while watching, so I'm not sure I even need anymore from the actual show.....

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13 hours ago, DisneyBoy said:

But in Canada DOOL still airs on Global. Would they really leave that in..?

Days airs on W Network, which is part of the Global umbrella. It also aired The Good Fight and any profanity was not edited or bleeped out. Hard to say until a show with profanity comes on and what time of day.

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23 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

The three Creamcheese Angels wannabes can’t shove skinny Nick down the stairs? They are going to let Marlena spend her afterlife in a tropical place with no air conditioning? Will she sweat in her suit? Tan a bit? With some faceless dude? Is there no one else in wherever they are? 

This is a perfect description of them.  The whole heaven/hell thing is just so incredibly boring.  Does ANYONE really think there is any tension there?  Nope, none.  How much longer will we have to endure this garbage?  It's starting to make Abe's endless chuckle and Paulina's overwrought histrionics look downright entertaining.

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The way Marlena was shrugging off the possibility of going to hell made it seem like she was moving into an unpleasant rental rather than going to everlasting damnation. 

DaphneCat, you're absolutely right.  There's no tension.  It's almost as if actors are signaling their disdain for the storyline through their "acting" choices.  The only one who committed to his character was Bill Hayes.  

Everything is just so silly, including the purgatory and hell sets, which are just embarrassing.  

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18 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This. Stephen definitely was about to say 'fucking' but he stopped himself and said what was actually scripted.

I think once we get to Peacock eps we'll probably hear 'shit' and 'damn' rarely and that's about it.

Dan F mentioned at Day Of Days that coming up in Peacock episodes EJ got to say "shit".  I haven't seen/heard that yet.

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10 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

  The only one who committed to his character was Bill Hayes.  

Bill Hayes is the only one to watch in this ridiculous storyline. I'm glad to see he's enjoying his job, unlike the others who just seem to be showing up for the paycheck. 

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