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S08.E12: Guys and Dolls

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I know Patricia is rich.  But she apparently has never heard the saying "money talks, wealth whispers" - because it accurately describes her.  She was ill-mannered tonight in mentioning the cost of her sofa and the cost of those spindly chairs.  Not to mention her disdain for paper cocktail napkins ... The Horror!  I would never shame a guest for spilling wine on my furniture; or falling out of an old, creaky chair.  Hey!  Don't seat your guests on antique chairs until you have them repaired.  Everything about her tonight was tacky. 

I do envy her for her house; and sometimes I wish I could swan around in silk caftans and drink martinis.  But for the love of God, woman, buy a better bra!  I am around her age, buy my bras at Target - they hold things up quite nicely.  

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I haven’t been on here for awhile, but it looks like many have left.  I wonder if making Craig look the fool tonight was staged, or was he really that bad.  If any of them are fools, it’s Shep who has no ambition in life except screwing girls, then leaving them.  He’s a child.  Austin is lazy and a drinker, who thinks he’s God’s gift to women.  He’s not.  At least Craig passed the Bar and had a vision of making something useful .. pillows.  Opened up a store too, and they belittle him?  Jealously.  Patricia was not a good hostess tonight .. she was vile.  That’s not how a prominant woman should act.  I wouldn’t eat that dinner if you paid me.  That’s why she goes to McDonalds in secret.  A cheeseburger with fries.  Not escargot and whatever they ate.

Edited by kristen111
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35 minutes ago, kristen111 said:

I haven’t been on here for awhile, but it looks like many have left.  I wonder if making Craig look the fool tonight was staged, or was he really that bad.  If any of them are fools, it’s Shep who has no ambition in life except screwing girls, then leaving them.  He’s a child.  Austin is lazy and a drinker, who thinks he’s God’s gift to women.  He’s not.  At least Craig passed the Bar and had a vision of making something useful .. pillows.  Opened up a store too, and they belittle him?  Jealously. 

The other oafs may indeed be jealous of Craig, but Craig has a sense of self-importance, a haughty derision of everyone and a belief that he is - and I quote - "the golden boy of Bravo". I don't believe Craig would have any kind of business without Bravo - this is the guy who went to law school for three years and wasn't aware he couldn't pull print designs from the internet bc he didn't understand what copyright infringement was. He put off getting together with Paige so he could sleep with Naomie on a non-cheating technicality but somehow Naomie is the one obsessed with him.

I do think the other guys egg Craig on bc they don't like how Craig has profited from the show, but I maintain there is a reason none of these guys had an issue partying with TRav - they're all pretty entitled and kind of gross.

That being said I flove Patricia. I think she was absolutely fine with her guests tonight (if a bit lit), she does these dinners to promote her son's show, and even if she's a snob I love the formal dining. She and Dorinda (before she became unwatchable) strike me as the only women on Bravo who seem to truly have their own sense of style and thoroughly enjoy their purchases despite what others may think. 

Also, I love a coupe. And escargot.

Edited by chick binewski
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Naomie now wears shiny pleather pants exclusively. Don’t even come near her with a breathable fabric because this is her storyline. She needs to be literally dipped in latex at every occasion - cooking dinner, a weekend hang, a date night out. And Shep’s cousin came in to do a few squats. Who is editing this?  It has to be the worst season of any Bravo franchise. 

How did we get this far in without anyone mentioning Taylor’s strong faith? I hate to think they’d ask her to play that up for the show, but I have never heard her allude to her religious beliefs at all, and now it’s this potential issue for Shep. How in the world did she wind up with him? 

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10 hours ago, kristen111 said:

A gracious hostess would never make a guest uncomfortable if they spilled something.  I’ve always liked Patricia, but she thinks she’s royalty.  Btw, Austin is a big gossip for a guy.  Worse than a woman.  

Yes to all of this...and yes! Austen is the biggest yenta around.  This is ONE of the myriad on annoying things about him!

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How is such a wealthy woman able to rattle off exactly what she paid for everything off the top of her head? Granted, it sounds like Miss Pat had recently purchased those chairs. Yet, she knew they were rickety and said as they were sitting to be careful because she didn’t have a chance yet to have them glued. Why not use your existing chairs until you know your recently purchased antiques are safe to use, to protect your guests and your investment. I was going to say that I don’t even know how one can spend $45000 on a couch—even for some custom job. But then I Googled $45000 couch, and let’s just say, there’s no shortage of overpriced furniture for boujee people, such as this $100,000 couch! 

Okay, this whole season I’ve been thinking the talking heads of skinny Kathryn with long red hair was them reusing old footage from the T-Rav days, but suddenly she shows up skinny with long red hair this episode, when she’s been a little plumper with short blonde hair this whole season?!? I mean, I know this bitch loves her hair extensions, but I don’t know how clipping in some extra hair suddenly makes her look 10 years younger and 20 lbs lighter. I am curious as all hell on the timing of this filming. Was there a hiatus? Was this filmed later (which would be apparent if she suddenly is blonde and not stick skinny again)? Or is crack or whatever she’s on a weight-loss miracle?

ETA: Just want to clarify that I’m not judging Kathryn about her weight—just pointing it out seemingly as a continuity error with her looks changing drastically. How much time passed between Friendsgiving and Girls’ night out for her to look so drastically different?

Edited by JenE4
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12 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I could have done without the pregnant lady squats. 

And that was what's-her-name's only appearance the entire episode.  What was even the point?

Rare duck sounds incredibly unpleasant and unhealthy.  And the accomplished chef didn't even know HE was supposed to call everyone to the table - he thought they'd just migrate there on their own when they got hungry enough and he'd just hang out and wait for it?

And if you're going to spend thousands on brittle old chairs, it's not exactly the best idea to have a dinner party and tell your guests to sit on them.

I do like Katherine's hair - the red just makes her entire face look better.  And it was nice for her and Naomi to not be fighting.

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Leva invites Naomi and Kathryn to girls night knowing they can't stand each other. 

Leva: Hey, ya'll have something in common, you both slept with Whitney!! Then proceeds to embarrass Venita with her accusatory rant about I don't even know or care about. But hey, we're friends so lets party! 

Craig is looking so old and sweaty this season. He also has alot of lines on his face for a guy that's only 33. I can't figure out why because he used to model and used to be very good looking (another reason Shep was always jealous because Shep is not attractive). Was he back on adderall and booze while filming? Get it together, Craig. You have  pillows to make and a cute new girlfriend to keep happy. 

Looks like next week Naomi tries to pile on Craig again. Stop, girl. Go fuck Whitney and leave your ex alone. 

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It was nice to see the women have a night out without a huge fight among them.  I was surprised about Taylor and her faith.  They introduced her mother and Shep talking about Taylor and her family and their faith.  Where did this come from?

Patricia was not acting very classy when she kept bragging about her money.  I did laugh at Whitney when she ordered him around.  But the greeting between Whitney and Naomie was so awkward for a couple that is suppose to be intimate. 

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This was a dumb episode.  Where to start?

First, when hosting a dinner with waitstaff and a chef, it really isn't proper for the chef to call you in to dinner like it was your mom calling you in to the kitchen table.  In general, you have an agreed timeframe for what should happen.  Drinks/hors served for half an hour (or so) then sitting down to dinner.   The front of the house and the back of the house communicate if something is off track.

Second, if the furniture wasn't ready to be used for this group because it hadn't been re-glued, then it shouldn't have been used.  If Patricia no longer had her big dining room table, then a cocktail party with heavy hors d'ouvres may have been the better choice.

Third, with this bunch, why oh why, would you serve red wine so they could ruin a $45,000 sofa?

Fourth, duck breast is meant to be served medium rare.  If you, Patricia, don't like duck medium rare, why would you think your guests would like it medium rare?  Go with quail or game hen.

Not much to say about the ladies and their night out other than I'm not sure I even like any of them.

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2 hours ago, TheCouchPotato said:

Is it just me or does Craig still have feelings for Naomi? He's getting upset over the stupidest of things and calling her psycho when he's the only one looking crazy at the moment. So tired of their storyline. 

Not just you. Craig is fighting through his coke sweat doing conspiracy gymnastics to let everyone know Naomie can think of nothing but him, whilst Naomie looks like the only thing on her mind is maintaining her highlights.

Whether this is real or production-driven, I do think Craig never looked as smitten as when he was with Naomie during their first season together. But by the next year they spoke to each other in a pretty callous manner and Craig would become particularly derisive. And he followed that up by letting everyone know Naomie walked away from a loving relationship for no reason.

tl;dr Whatrver the circumstances, Craig is the problem here. Even if I am also mystified by Naomie's affection for pleather.

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Yea, that was the most awkward and hilarious wooden embrace I’ve ever seen between a supposedly dating couple, wow. Not one person buys them as a couple. Then the awkward Leva scene where she is saying “perhaps your both having boinked Whitney will bring you closer” to Naomie & Kathryn. Who writes this stuff??

Taylor’s mom was so cool, calling Shep out in a gentle but firm way. 

I’d prefer a Pringle storyline to same old Craig/Austen. Yawn. 

Pat and her paper napkins are boring. Been there, done that. She is a dull old lady with just a very few thoughts in her head: money, snobbery, and getting Whitney to “breed” at age 55.


Edited by Sage47
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Taylor definitely mentioned her faith earlier in the season. In episode 1 or 2, she cited her faith as one reason why she hadn’t moved in with Shep. She talked about her family being religious.

In this episode, I really felt like Taylor was using her faith as an excuse for why she was staying with Shep. Just admit you’re a co-dependent fixer, hon! That’s a you-problem, not a Jesus-problem.

When Naomie said in her talking head that God was looking out for Shep, I mentally finished with…but not looking out for Taylor, apparently.

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Can these guys learn to sip a drink, not get sloshed at every chance?

Craig was slumping down on that couch, like it was his best friend's treehouse.  Sit up and be a nice guest, you red-faced slurring child.

The irony of Shep taking a break from Taylor because she was upset that he kissed another girl, only to create a dating profile, is lost on the oh-so-smart Shep.  The classic "but turns out there were no hot girls in Bermuda" as the reason he didn't partake.  Shep has lost any charm he once had.  His once-cute smirking is simply disturbing.

Taylor needs therapy to figure out what, from her past, is causing her to want love and commitment from this pre-teen in big boy pants.

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10 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Pat and the paper napkins is boring. Been there, done that. Pat is a dull old lady with just a very few thoughts in her head: money, snobbery, and getting Whitney to “breed” at age 55.

I don’t get why she is so uptight about profanity but titters at lame sex jokes like “that’s what she said.”

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On 9/8/2022 at 11:22 PM, APK said:

The dinner party was a flop. Why would any host invite guest to their home with such old and unstable furniture?

And fancy food, and tuxedos.  Didn’t Austin have a tux on?  Laughable.  The only thing I love about her dinner parties is looking at the table setup.  Dinnerware, Crystal, and linen napkins. Lol.  I dont do dinners anymore.  Too much trouble.  We eat on trays in front of the big tv.  

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Just like the Naomi/Whitney coupling, I'm starting to believe that the Naomi/Craig Vegas hookup story is fake. That it was put out there to drum up interest in this season and Craig was ok with it because it supposedly happened before he & Paige official. The timeline just seems wonky. Naomi was with Metul until July 2021. The season started filming in September 2021 when Craig/Paige were already an official couple. I guess there's a small window where it could've happened but I find it awfully convenient that Craig, Naomi & Leva were all supposedly in Vegas at the same time with separate people and there are no social media posts or pics. Plus, Vegas??? Sure Jan. 

When Craig refused to continue to play along with the "will they, won't they" storyline, they moved on to Naomi/Whitney, which is even more bizarre as the two have zero chemistry. No budget to cast a new love interest for Naomi? 

Similarly, Patricia hosting the guys for dinner fell just as flat. This show is done, put a fork in it. 

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So boring. Austen is like watching paint dry. And fussing over his hair? Yawn. Talk about plumbing the depths of banality. Poor Venita just sits there thirstily hoping and praying for relevance. Everyone on here is just too desperate. As Don Draper so eloquently said, They "reek of it like some sweaty salesman knocking on his last door."

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I would have much rather been at the girls' night out than the guys' dinner party. It was refreshing to see the ladies all get along and discuss their differences amicably. Will Kathryn take Naomie's advice not to go to the swingers party? Not a chance.

In the flashback "guy's dinner at Patricia's" with Thomas, Whitney had thinner hair and Shep had a gap in his front teeth. I was shocked at how much better they look now. 

It's unfortunate yet unsurprising that Christian fundamentalist Taylor puts up with abuse, almost like a cult follower...

Austin was exactly right when he called Shep out for wanting Taylor to quit her job by explaining that's her lifeline from his control. Although Austin has an unfortunate tendency to be attracted to the wrong women, he is no abuser.

Edited by wallies
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2 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

So boring. Austen is like watching paint dry. And fussing over his hair? Yawn. Talk about plumbing the depths of banality. Poor Venita just sits there thirstily hoping and praying for relevance. Everyone on here is just too desperate. As Don Draper so eloquently said, They "reek of it like some sweaty salesman knocking on his last door."

Venita came on too strong with people before even knowing them, then fell flat.  I always thought Austin turned into a wash woman.  Always into everyone’s business.  BTW, where’s Madison been?

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I’m gleeful that I don’t have to see Madison’s smug mug lately. I can’t stand her OR thirsty Venita, it makes sense that those two are friends. Venita sucks, showing Madison what Leva said about her on text. I always get a feeling of hostile rage bubbling up from Venita. 

I’m curious what Cameran thinks of Whitney/Naomie, ha. So stupid. 

If Olivia and Austen are dating, how come they never touch or kiss each other??Mindless, really unintelligent show at this point. 

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10 hours ago, Sage47 said:

I’m gleeful that I don’t have to see Madison’s smug mug lately. I can’t stand her OR thirsty Venita, it makes sense that those two are friends. Venita sucks, showing Madison what Leva said about her on text. I always get a feeling of hostile rage bubbling up from Venita. 

I’m curious what Cameran thinks of Whitney/Naomie, ha. So stupid. 

If Olivia and Austen are dating, how come they never touch or kiss each other??Mindless, really unintelligent show at this point. 

The originals got out and are laughing their asses off right about now.  Smart.  Naomi is making a fool of herself .. you can see it in her face.  They are pushing her around like a ping pong ball.  Katherine has no place to go.  The rest are just waiting ….

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On 9/9/2022 at 10:10 AM, bichonblitz said:

Craig is looking so old and sweaty this season. He also has alot of lines on his face for a guy that's only 33. I can't figure out why because he used to model and used to be very good looking (another reason Shep was always jealous because Shep is not attractive). Was he back on adderall and booze while filming? Get it together, Craig. You have  pillows to make and a cute new girlfriend to keep happy. 

I agree.  An episode or two ago, they showed a flashback to that time Craig was "helping" Shep with the cookout in his backyard.  He looked easily 10 years younger than he does now, but it was only three years ago.

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On 9/9/2022 at 6:36 AM, RedInk said:

Naomie now wears shiny pleather pants exclusively. Don’t even come near her with a breathable fabric because this is her storyline. She needs to be literally dipped in latex at every occasion - cooking dinner, a weekend hang, a date night out. 

You know who else is into shiny pleather pants, premature plastic surgery, and alleged multiple hookups with Whitney? Kathryn!  How those two haven’t teamed up already to become the ‘shameless strumpet’ frienemy duo of our dreams is beyond me. ((I always assumed Naomie had far more class than Kathryn, hence her ongoing refusal to befriend her, but they’re far more painfully similar than I dared ever realize))

I’m normally a huge Patricia fan/apologist and am literally only watching this trash at this point for her ongoing glamorous moments, but she seemed particularly bitchy and bothered this episode. Maybe it’s finally dawning on her that this Titanic is sinking as hard and fast as her formerly respectful reputation.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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Not only has this series jumped the shark, the shark is dead and rotting.

Its as if everyone is fatigued, high or hungover, uninterested, apathetic, etc. in every scene. They can't be bothered, despite earning fat paychecks. Spoiled entitled brats.

Patricia's dinner was like a third-rate farce, with a confused chef, aging drunken frat boys in mismatched clothing, and a crabby Blanche Dubois wafting about in her caftans. All it was missing was an errant escargot sailing across the dining room.

Taylor's babbling about Jesus was bizarre and disingenuous.

Edited by pasdetrois
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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

Not only has this series jumped the shark, the shark is dead and rotting.

Its as if everyone is fatigued, hungover, uninterested, apathetic, etc. in every scene. They can't be bothered, despite earning pretty fat paychecks. Spoiled entitled brats.

Patricia's dinner was like a third-rate farce, with a confused chef, aging drunken frat boys in mismatched clothing, and a crabby Blanche Dubois wafting about in her caftans. All it was missing was an errant escargot sailing across the dining room.

Taylor's babbling about Jesus was bizarre and disingenuous.

What man eats that crap?  Where’s the spaghetti and meatballs, salad and Italian bread to dip in the sauce?  Austin with a tux on and dyed hair.  Laughable.  Where’s the cannoli?

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I don't know if Italian food is popular in South Carolina.

I don't know if French food is either.  But with the affluent clientele in Charleston, there are probably some French restaurants.

The cast usually go to these bar and grill types of places which serve spirits as well as beer and wine and a lot of appetizers and such.  In other words, the type of places you find in every gentrified restaurant district in every US city.

They don't go to ethnic places -- Charleston must have Indian restaurants for instance -- and they don't go to soul food or Southern cuisine types of places.

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1 hour ago, aghst said:

I don't know if French food is either.  But with the affluent clientele in Charleston, there are probably some French restaurants.

There were a lot of French settlers in Charleston in the 1600's that owned a lot of land and people and started churches. The Ravenel's are of French heritage so there's that.  There are a lot of French restaurants in Charleston such as Naomi's parents place Nico in Mt. Pleasant...It is my mission to explore a few when I am next in the city.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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