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S08.E10: Walking on Eggshells

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Losers:  Shep.  Craig. Kathryn (just because).  Craig is such a little bitch!  Shep is a big bitch.  Cameron is laughing.

50/50: Whit.  Pregnant lady and hubs.  Austen.  Naomi.  Olivia.

Winners: L and V for leaving? Caterers. I would love to eat your food.  Taylor (?)(can't decide if she is a loser--she isn't but not sure about tonight's category).

Edited by albarino
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First off, I need to know the temperature range for this trip. Naomi was in a tank top, pregnant lady in shorts, while Taylor had on a jacket/hat and Olivia was in a hoodie. I was so confused.

Shep is a narcissistic abusive asshole, Run Taylor, run.  Loved that Olivia immediately nailed him with the egg and didn't back down.

Either some of Craig's behavior was off-camera or Whitney & Austen were determined to proceed with their assigned roles regardless because their comments about him acting crazy didn't match what we were shown.  I feel gaslit :)

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Two genuine laughs:  When Austin was trying to wink at Whitney and Whitney mocked his facial contortions with one of his own, and a few minutes later when Craig asked Whitney if he was going for the Russian Mafia look.  Mild chuckle at all the serious morning-after convos between people with egg all over their shirts.

Aside from the obvious (how he treated Taylor), I was disgusted at Shep throwing cucumbers out of his salad behind his back onto the lawn.  Other people are walking there, and not just your mostly deserve-to-slip-on-cukes messed up frenemies, but the staff!  

What I wouldn't give to stay at a place like Auldbrass, and here's Craig mauling the decor (sword).  


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What Shep said to Taylor when trying to apologize revealed a self centered and egocentric mind.  First he wants to keep Taylor in his life because she makes HIM a better person.  It’s all about what HE gets —-no mention of giving.  He wants to keep the relationship because he knows how hard it is to find someone.  He is not on the hunt at the moment and doesn’t want to make the effort.  He reduced her to a friend with benefits and is trying to appeal to her ego that she has some powerful presence in his life but she seems smart enough to know that’s not a relationship. If she stayed he would eventually cheat on her and lose interest and seems to know this.  He will always have the power in the relationship with money and connections. 

The fact that Shep made an egg toss game, which is supposed to be based on trust, so overly competitive  shows he has is at the emotional level of a child.  He became enraged because he could not win and there was still a chance.  A normal, better adjusted person, would have laughed it off and said hey why did you do that we could have still won?  His rage over a small friendly game and his other displays of competitive behavior reveal a man baby.  Taylor wants a real baby not this.  Run Taylor, run.  No matter what he says, he just not that into you and never will be.

The fact that he actually says: find an accountant that worships the ground you walk on reveals he will never love her the way a normal person will love her and this is the best advice Shep ever gave anyone.  He really doesn’t care if she leaves he will find someone else in a jiffy and he is not about to put any more effort into loving her just like he won’t put any effort into anything else in his life.  He is happy just the way it is. 

2 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

Two genuine laughs:  When Austin was trying to wink at Whitney and Whitney mocked his facial contortions with one of his own, and a few minutes later when Craig asked Whitney if he was going for the Russian Mafia look.  Mild chuckle at all the serious morning-after convos between people with egg all over their shirts.

Aside from the obvious (how he treated Taylor), I was disgusted at Shep throwing cucumbers out of his salad behind his back onto the lawn.  Other people are walking there, and not just your mostly deserve-to-slip-on-cukes messed up frenemies, but the staff!  

What I wouldn't give to stay at a place like Auldbrass, and here's Craig mauling the decor (sword).  


Shep is always rude with food.  Toddlers do this and it’s ok for them, they are learning about gravity.  He tossed oyster shells at the clambake and dives into food like a hungry dog.  He also stood in the pool at the clambake and seasons back dived into Patricia’s pool in a skimpy suit at her elegant party.  He is a clown.

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14 minutes ago, tranquilidade said:

The fact that he actually says: find an accountant that worships the ground you walk on

He actually believes that he is superior to anyone who works a normal job.  The delusion is strong.  Any moron can inherit money.  And what does he do with all his free time — write, paint, play music?  Nope.  Drink to excess, sleep in late, and chase young women who should know better.

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31 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

He actually believes that he is superior to anyone who works a normal job.  The delusion is strong.  Any moron can inherit money.  And what does he do with all his free time — write, paint, play music?  Nope.  Drink to excess, sleep in late, and chase young women who should know better.

He thinks he’s a special snowflake because he’s born into money. There are a lot more guys like him who look better, dresses better, acts better, looks naked better, is better in bed and treats women better.

All he can brag about aside from his money is he knows high-faluting words. Other than that, like you said he’s a talentless hack.

There’s no unicorn for Shep. And I would hate to waste a world-class woman on this sorry excuse for a human being.

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25 minutes ago, Babyfoot said:

Party of one here, but I actually like Whitney and Naomie as a couple, more so than Austen and Olivia, or Austen and Madison, or Austen and Chelsea, or Austen and Lyndsey, or Austen and Ciara, or Austen and his ménage a trois. 

I like Olivia - it’s obvious she’s not from Charleston with her sensibilities. But I can’t help but be cynical that she’s on this showmance because she couldn’t make it in LA with a million others that look like her, and she found this small town in Charleston that has a reality show, and found out that it’s way easier to be on TV via this show rather than go through a hundred auditions a day in LA.

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1 hour ago, Babyfoot said:

Party of one here, but I actually like Whitney and Naomie as a couple, more so than Austen and Olivia, or Austen and Madison, or Austen and Chelsea, or Austen and Lyndsey, or Austen and Ciara, or Austen and his ménage a trois. 

And Austen and the optometrist.  And Austen with his best friend/more than best friend.

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Shep=Classic narcissist. Wow, what a pig. When he said his whole family talks to each other this way and he's not going to change for anybody makes me think Mama and Papa Shep really dropped the ball with this egomaniac. Joking around with  your family at the dinner table is one thing, complete disdain, jealousy and lack of respect for people is another.  The other siblings seem to have turned out normal so what happened with this aging playboy?

I think Naomi and Whitney is a fake storyline. He's 25 years older than her and it's gross.  I want to see them kissing, hugging and one on one conversations then I may believe it. So far, no chemistry whatsofuckingever! Charleston is a small town, it must be hard to find a decent significant other. 

Whitney: Look at her, she has a nice "gait". 

The others (including Naomi): WTF is a "gait"?

These are all college educated people (I know hard to believe). They don't know what a "gait" is? Whit belongs in the 1950's. He reminds me of the type that spent too much time with adults when he was a kid because he was too much of a nerd to have friends his own age. 

Where is Kathryn? Why not on this group trip? Is she refusing to film with them? 

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8 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

These are all college educated people (I know hard to believe). They don't know what a "gait" is?

If they were well-rounded liberal arts majors (or read books not websites in their free time) sure but I can see people with business degrees who spend all day on social media not knowing this.  

Edited by MrBuhBye
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24 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

If they were well-rounded liberal arts majors (or read books not websites in their free time) sure but I can see people with business degrees who spend all day on social media not knowing this.  

Naomi was just horseback riding! Surely if there were any context for which one was going to hear the word "gait" used, it would be then. Don't you spend the entire time horseback riding focusing on controlling the horse's gait? Well, then again, I think I've only ever heard "gait " used when describing how a horse walks, so I think I would have had the same reaction as Naomi did, thinking they're basically saying she clomps like a Clydesdale. I think this is just more evidence that Whitney fell to planet earth from a far-off galaxy the way he talks like you put something into Google Translate 5 times over, and in trying to describe someone as "graceful" you end up with "elegant gait." 

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I have to be honest - when Whitney commented on how nice Naomie's gait was, I totally thought he was alluding to how she was walking after spending the night with him.  I don't know why my mind went there.  I'm sorry.

It truly boggles my mind that in the first few seasons, Shep actually seemed like a nice, compassionate, easygoing, harmless doofus who could laugh at himself, and now they aren't even the same person.  I can't believe it.  What a shame.

I never had an opinion of Olivia, but I'm really liking her after the way she stood up to Shep.  She has a strong sense of self, which shows the way she calls Austen out on the things he says and does.  Which makes it all the more amazing that she actually wants to be with Austen.

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Shep is becoming worse every episode.  Does he watch this back and see himself?  His family must be so proud.

Craig and Austen might as well go to couples therapy.  That scene where they were apologizing to each other was very strange. 

Whitney was making excuses for Shep when he talked to Naomie and Taylor.  I think people have been excusing Shep's behavior his entire life.

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4 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Naomi was just horseback riding! Surely if there were any context for which one was going to hear the word "gait" used, it would be then. Don't you spend the entire time horseback riding focusing on controlling the horse's gait? Well, then again, I think I've only ever heard "gait " used when describing how a horse walks, so I think I would have had the same reaction as Naomi did, thinking they're basically saying she clomps like a Clydesdale. I think this is just more evidence that Whitney fell to planet earth from a far-off galaxy the way he talks like you put something into Google Translate 5 times over, and in trying to describe someone as "graceful" you end up with "elegant gait." 

Her gait wasn't elegant at all!  She was walking like she just hopped off a horse, which I know she did... but she was walking like a linebacker.

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Screw Shep and his awful behavior and attitude toward Taylor. What he did was horrible. 
Screw Marcie and her husband for laughing it off and the whole “that’s just Shep… he throws temper tantrums.” What kind of effed up excuse is that. The dude is 42 years old and throwing a fit over a stupid game. And screw Marcie for her whole fake “oh Tay… I didn’t know she was that upset” Why wouldn’t she be upset????  Her crappy excuse for a boyfriend just called her a effing idiot in front of everyone and said he should have said worse to her. 
Props to Olivia and Naomie for having Taylor’s back and sticking up for her. 

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11 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Aside from the obvious (how he treated Taylor), I was disgusted at Shep throwing cucumbers out of his salad behind his back onto the lawn.  Other people are walking there, and not just your mostly deserve-to-slip-on-cukes messed up frenemies, but the staff!  

Boy, did I have a quick turn of emotions watching that scene. First, I was SO excited to see Nigel's Good Food featured on the show! Nigel's has great food, great people, reasonable prices and, to my recollection, may be one of, if not the first legacy, Black-owned and operated restaurants featured on the show. My excitement was quickly replaced by disgust at the way Shep disrespected both the food and the staff. He thinks he's better than everyone but he shows himself to be low class. What a POS he is!

7 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Shep=Classic narcissist. Wow, what a pig. When he said his whole family talks to each other this way and he's not going to change for anybody makes me think Mama and Papa Shep really dropped the ball with this egomaniac. Joking around with  your family at the dinner table is one thing, complete disdain, jealousy and lack of respect for people is another.  The other siblings seem to have turned out normal so what happened with this aging playboy?

I have very good friends on Hilton Head Island (permanent residents) whose elders run in the same social circle as the Rose family. Let's just say that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Watching a young woman become awakened in real time to the idea that she's the victim in an abusive relationship should have carried a trigger warning. I know it got to me. It was very difficult to watch her be emotionally abused and then gaslit. I'm so glad I watched the WWHL episode with Taylor and Naomie a few weeks ago,


to know that she's out of the relationship and seemed to be in a much better frame of mind.

Edited by ProudMary
Added spoiler tags about WWHL
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20 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

When he said his whole family talks to each other this way and he's not going to change for anybody makes me think Mama and Papa Shep really dropped the ball with this egomaniac. Joking around with  your family at the dinner table is one thing, complete disdain, jealousy and lack of respect for people is another.  The other siblings seem to have turned out normal so what happened with this aging playboy?

See, I'm finding that hard to believe. Shep's dad seemed to be the uptight, executive type, who wouldn't tolerate any of his kids calling him an idiot in front of anyone. And really, Shep bragging about how he calls his mother an idiot thinks he's just being real?! No man, that's called growing up with trash manners. It frankly doesn't reflect well not just on you, but on your entire family, that you were raised that way. It's not something to brag about. He's a clear example of money cannot buy class. 

And throwing a tantrum on an egg toss game?! I expect that from a 2nd grader, not a 42 year old. How lame can you get, Shep.

I'm with Craig on this one. There's some resentment and jealousy on Shep's end, no matter how much he denies it. And Taylor nailed it, that it was because Shep was wrong about his pillow business. It seems Craig's business really took off, while Shep's is still stuck on slapping some flags on a cheap hat, or putting cheesy quotes on his "gear."

Edited by slowpoked
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Preface by saying that I find nothing redeeming in Shep Rose, but, I feel like I recognize an all-too familiar formulaic Bravo character flip happening with Shep.  Just about every Houswives Of franchise seems to have a rotating asshole castmember, depending on the season.  I will admit that Shep is taking it to a new level this season, regardless of whether or not this is genuine.

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2 hours ago, ProudMary said:

Watching a young woman become awakened in real time to the idea that she's the victim in an abusive relationship should have carried a trigger warning. I know it got to me. It was very difficult to watch her be emotionally abused and then gaslit. I'm so glad I watched the WWHL episode with Taylor and Naomie a few weeks ago,

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to know that she's out of the relationship and seemed to be in a much better frame of mind.

That was intense for me too, seeing Taylor realizing how much abuse she had been putting up with, almost unknowingly, because she loves Shep. I wanted to reach through the screen and hug her. 

I am so, so glad she was strong enough to leave him and didn’t stick around and get pregnant. She would have been in for a nightmare life with this textbook Narcissist had that happened. He is atrocious. He even talked down to Naomie when she called him out. Narcissists never apologize. They feel they are superior to everyone and are never wrong. You could see his rage bubbling at being called out.

Olivia is an awesome friend for throwing that egg at him and vehemently standing up for Taylor. 

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9 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Shep=Classic narcissist. Wow, what a pig. When he said his whole family talks to each other this way and he's not going to change for anybody makes me think Mama and Papa Shep really dropped the ball with this egomaniac. Joking around with  your family at the dinner table is one thing, complete disdain, jealousy and lack of respect for people is another.  The other siblings seem to have turned out normal so what happened with this aging playboy?

I think Naomi and Whitney is a fake storyline. He's 25 years older than her and it's gross.  I want to see them kissing, hugging and one on one conversations then I may believe it. So far, no chemistry whatsofuckingever! Charleston is a small town, it must be hard to find a decent significant other. 

Whitney: Look at her, she has a nice "gait". 

The others (including Naomi): WTF is a "gait"?

These are all college educated people (I know hard to believe). They don't know what a "gait" is? Whit belongs in the 1950's. He reminds me of the type that spent too much time with adults when he was a kid because he was too much of a nerd to have friends his own age. 

Where is Kathryn? Why not on this group trip? Is she refusing to film with them? 

100 percent to everything here! 

Naomie & Whitney is not believable. I too see ZERO chemistry. She greets him like a friend, with a loose hug, no kiss. There is no affection, gazing, flirting. It’s BS. It makes me view Naomie differently; she looks desperate as hell doing this storyline. You’re telling me a very pretty, rich, 30 year old woman in Charleston can only date a 55 year old man she has known as a friend for about 6 years? Bulls*%#. Naomie, you look like a fool. This isn’t against Whitney, I like him well enough. But, that’s just not who he would be dating. 

I also recall an episode a few seasons ago where Kathryn giggled and told the girls she had slept with Whitney again. They were all appalled and laughing and making jokes. Pretty positive Naomie was there. But now SHE’S sleeping with the guy they all made fun of? Mmmkay. 

Marcie just laughs at everything. 

Kathryn is being phased out obviously. It’s for the best. Actually, the show should be phased out. 

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I’m kind of gross for this, but as nasty as Shep was (and is…he’s a self-loathing drunken slob), I also hated Naomie’s talk with Taylor. Just because I hate the “don’t you realize he’s abusive toward you?” talks on camera. It’s pretend concern & it throws the poor woman for a loop. I do realize that’s the point of a reality show - to make drama for public consumption - but it is exploitation. And then it looks like orchestrated tears, and it’s just all so icky. 

Shep is super damaged. I think he DOES know that he’s a loser with nothing of value in his life. Which is why he clings to his family money and his social snobbery with his leg shaking a mile a minute and a constant drink in his hand. He’s heading nowhere. 

Craig ALSO seems like a perpetual drunk loser. And good for him on his pillow business, I guess, but I’m team Naomie on this one (I know…sorry, not sorry). When they were together, she was working, and he was sewing squares from fabric he bought at fabric store chains. He failed up, it seems, with help from this show. I don’t like her, but just because he made something of himself doesn’t mean she wasn’t justified at the time for resenting his lazy hobbies IMO. Remember old Craig? Lying about the bar exam and sleeping til the late afternoon. Making half a pillow for Kam’s baby shower?

Edited by RedInk
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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Preface by saying that I find nothing redeeming in Shep Rose, but, I feel like I recognize an all-too familiar formulaic Bravo character flip happening with Shep.  Just about every Houswives Of franchise seems to have a rotating asshole castmember, depending on the season.  I will admit that Shep is taking it to a new level this season, regardless of whether or not this is genuine.

Remember a few seasons ago he was all about taking the high road when it comes to Kathryn when most of the cast wanted nothing to do with her?

Producers made them do scenes with her, pretend they were some tight social circle.

Now he’s this “real” guy.  He said something about the pussification of America when people objected to him verbally abusing Taylor.

They’re being filmed for a TV show and she wouldn’t have reacted to his insult if Olivia and others didn’t react?  Is she an aspiring actress herself?

In the first part of this episode Taylor talked Shep into apologizing to Craig and he had this sour puss that he had to do it.

Then Craig and Austen arguing.  What a bonanza for the producers, all this bickering over dinner.

These women try To get the guys to act like grown but Taylor forgives Shep and Olivia forgives Austen.  So fake showmances go on.

Speaking of fake, in the previews for next episode, Naomi’s mother acts happy about her daughter dating Whitney and Paige and Naomi are going to have their big one on one scene.

Is there no Southern Charm on the show than these phony relationships?

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3 hours ago, aghst said:

Now he’s this “real” guy.  He said something about the pussification of America when people objected to him verbally abusing Taylor.

They’re being filmed for a TV show and she wouldn’t have reacted to his insult if Olivia and others didn’t react?  Is she an aspiring actress herself?

They've been together for ~2.5 years now. If Shep regularly insults and belittles her, then no, she wouldn't have reacted. It's her normal. The episode's title "Walking on Eggshells" can have more than one meaning. Obviously, there were eggshells on the ground at the egg toss, but "walking on eggshells" is what abuse victims do each day. They tread carefully because they never know what might set off their abuser.

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1 hour ago, LakeGal said:

I kept wondering if Naomie was having flashbacks to her relationship with Metul.  He talked down to her all the time.  Now she is giving Taylor advice on how a boyfriend should talk to her.  

Yep. Pot meet Kettle. Metul was controlling and emotionally abusive towards Naomi and I don't doubt that if she had not caught him cheating she would still be putting up with his bullshit. 

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13 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Naomie & Whitney is not believable. I too see ZERO chemistry. She greets him like a friend, with a loose hug, no kiss. There is no affection, gazing, flirting. It’s BS. It makes me view Naomie differently; she looks desperate as hell doing this storyline. You’re telling me a very pretty, rich, 30 year old woman in Charleston can only date a 55 year old man she has known as a friend for about 6 years? Bulls*%#. Naomie, you look like a fool. This isn’t against Whitney, I like him well enough. But, that’s just not who he would be dating. 

All of Naomie's storylines this year are so fabricated. That "tension" with Craig and the "hookup with Whitney." I still don't get it. Fine, you moved to NYC to be with your boyfriend who turned out to be a cheater, but why did you have to come crawling back to Charleston? You're in NYC for crying out loud! It's so big and dense you the chances of running into Mehtul are slim, as compared to Charleston where a lot of you have already complained about. And you already have enough clout as a Bravolebrity that being in NYC "alone" shouldn't be hard. You're not starting from scratch, I'm sure you already know a lot of people there.

Naomie used to be a favorite of mine, but for her to accept these stupid storylines just to be back on this show is really not a good look. 

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26 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Apparently, those Bravo $$$ are hard to let go!!  I guess it IS better to be paid an extraordinary amount of money to do THIS stupid show than to actually get a j-o-b.  I just can't figure out why none of them are interested in GROWING UP.  Lort.  Especially Shepherd Rose.  MORONS!

I wouldn't have pegged her for needing that money, but hey, maybe times are tougher than it used to. I thought her clothing business is doing good, and so are her restaurants in Charleston. But I don't know her personal finances, so maybe she does need the Bravo money. And like you said, it may be too big of an amount to let go, even if she's comfortable without it.

That's why I admire Chelsea for walking away from all this BS. She doesn't seem to be swimming in money, so she's someone whom I think would need it more. But I reserve the right to change my opinion of hers if she comes back to this show.

I may have missed it, but two episodes of NO MADISON??? How did she ever agree to that???

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Am I missing the whole point of Auldbrass? It's set up like a summer camp. Is that pool swimmable? Why are the doors slanted? I do appreciate Frank Lloyd Wright's aesthetic, but that place is just...needlessly inconvenient.

I may be in the minority here, but I though Marcy had Taylor's back instead of blindly supporting Shep just because he's family. She even gave us some history of his behavior. I can understand if she wants to remain somewhat removed from the fray, being due in 3 weeks and all.

How could anybody believe Naomi and Whitney are a thing? Whitney will support his abusive friend Shep. Shep hates Naomi for telling Taylor she shouldn't put up with his abuse. How do those two get along when they're clearly on opposite sides?

15 hours ago, RedInk said:

Remember old Craig? Lying about the bar exam and sleeping til the late afternoon. Making half a pillow for Kam’s baby shower?

Yes, everyone seems to forget how much Naomi put up with. She stood by him during his Adderall days. Does anyone honestly think a guy like Craig would have a sewing shop in Charleston if it weren't for Bravo? I bet most foot traffic is from fans saying "where's Craig?"; not buying any stupid pillows.

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I continue to be confused about why Marcie is on this show as she seems totally out of place. 

The remnants of this cast are now three guys who actually hang out together outside the show, one of their cousins, one of their girlfriends, two of their exes, one of their potential girlfriends, a rich weirdo, a mess of a human who seems to only appear via phone calls and a couple of random women. Other than Austen/Shep/Craig, Shep/Whitney and maybe Naomie/Leva, no one on this show would likely speak to one another without filming and that’s a sure sign that this show is over. When Leva and Venita noped out as soon as people started arguing, it was clear that there just aren’t a lot of genuine relationships here so it’s hard to care about any of it. Unless you want to watch Shep belittle his girlfriend or Austen, Shep and Craig fight and kiss and makeup ten more times, there is just not much to see here.

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22 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Yep. Pot meet Kettle. Metul was controlling and emotionally abusive towards Naomi and I don't doubt that if she had not caught him cheating she would still be putting up with his bullshit. 

To me daily emotional and verbal abuse is worse than cheating with an ex but each person has their own dealbreaker I suppose.  Maybe it’s more about which thing friends would disapprove of for her.

20 hours ago, slowpoked said:

I may have missed it, but two episodes of NO MADISON??? How did she ever agree to that???

Well when your fiancé is not a cast member it cuts out a lot of daily activities.

19 hours ago, wallies said:

She even gave us some history of his behavior.

Shep’s defense seems to be that he is not picking on Taylor, he’s an asshole to everyone.  Great defense there bud.

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