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S01.E01: Part I

Message added by formerlyfreedom,

This is the episode topic for the first episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you want to deep dive on the Star Wars universe, please head to this topic. Posts that are completely off topic from the episode may be removed. Thank you!

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Looked before I went to bed, after watching RotS, and there it was.  Both episodes were up and streaming. So I watched the first one. I’ll have to sleep on it, but overall, I liked it. For some reason, it never occurred to me that Ben would have a job. And I loved the flashes of his old sense oh humor with the Jawa.  And the pain on his face when he turned away the Jedi was heartbreaking.

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Jimmy Smits. Good to see you, sir. And Breha and Leia. Nice to hit in the unexpected feels.

Obi-Wan’s 40+ years of kind of disregarding or just forgetting about Leia until he is made to remember her continues. I wonder if they’ve now just made it a specific plot point or running gag.

Bail got ignored over the phone so he shows up in person. That’s… actually typical of how he’s been portrayed across various media.

Obi-Wan running off on Luke to rescue Leia is completely unexpected yet not surprising at all.

I’ll have to watch again, because I did not see Beru except in the Episode III footage. Unless the actress was credited for the ROTS footage, I completely missed her.

I did the spoilers just to be extra safe and considerate.

I liked it. I’m saving part 2 until later.

Edited by katie9918
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Stayed up late watching both episodes and really liked them. Will have more to say after able to sleep and watch again. But here are a few thoughts 

They really lucked into the casting of Owen all those years ago in AOTC because now he sounds both like his father but also the Owen from ANH.

Loved the interaction with the Jawa. 

Not spoiling anything but just speculation but Liam Neeson has to be appearing or at least we will be hearing him. The fact that Obi-Wan is trying and failing to communicate with him while he so lost at the beginning means that by the end of the season/series he will be able to commune with him. so that just seems logical that we would get a Qui-Gon appearance.

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1 minute ago, ybrik said:

Stayed up late watching both episodes and really liked them. Will have more to say after able to sleep and watch again. But here are a few thoughts 

They really lucked into the casting of Owen all those years ago in AOTC because now he sounds both like his father but also the Owen from ANH.

Loved the interaction with the Jawa. 

Not spoiling anything but just speculation but Liam Neeson has to be appearing or at least we will be hearing him. The fact that Obi-Wan is trying and failing to communicate with him while he so lost at the beginning means that by the end of the season/series he will be able to commune with him. so that just seems logical that we would get a Qui-Gon appearance.

Regarding Owen, I’ve been thinking that same thing since we saw the first footage of him for this series. It’s not at all a stretch to see Edgerton and just see that he’s portraying the same character that appeared in ANH.

Before what appears to be the actual plot, or at least the line in to part 2, kicked in, I assumed we’d at least hear Liam Neeson’s voice in this episode. I still think we will get Liam Neeson in some form at some point.

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When Leia was kidnapped I initially wondered if the kidnappers somehow knew who she really was. But it turned out that the inquisitor just thought that Obi Wan would help his friend Bail Organa so she had his daughter kidnapped to lure out Obi Wan.

Nice to see that the episodes are available early. I hadn't decided yet what I was going watch first today: this or the new season of Stranger Things. Thanks to the early release I can watch Obi Wan first and Stranger Things will be available when I finish watching episode 2.

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6 minutes ago, tkc said:

Hello, there. You are the Star Wars show I was looking for.

I didn’t realize how much I was looking forward to this series until I watched both episodes tonight! Seeing Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan again was very much like renewing acquaintances with an old friend.

Vivien Lyra Blair is a spark plug as Leia — what a nice surprise to see the “other Skywalker”!


For all the possibilities I was pondering for an Obi-Wan adventure between the PT and the OT, a rescue caper for Leia never entered my mind, even after Rogue One.

Looking forward to Part 2!

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Ewan McGregor has long been at the very top of my list of movie star crushes. To say I've been excited for this is an understatement. It's amazing to see EM pick up this character after so long and just hit the ground running with him. These first two episodes exceeded my expectations. 

Little Leia was an absolute delight and completely unexpected. My husband and I were bad and decided to watch the available episodes tonight rather than wait to watch them with our kids and now I can't wait to see their reactions. Of course Leia would be an incredibly almost annoying precocious kid.


Her interactions with Ben were fantastic.

Seeing little Luke also gave me all the feels. 

As someone who is a huge Star Wars fan and has a ton of love for these characters it is sometimes difficult watching these things in reverse knowing all we know about what will happen in the movie and with the actors in real life. It's an emotional ride. 

Edited by saoirse
Spoiler tagged line regarding second episode
  • Love 11

I was excited for this show but really didn’t expect for it to have any surprises. The beginning was basically what I expected with a conflicted Obi-Wan knowing he had to ignore his instincts to help for everyone’s safety. I enjoyed it but it felt safe and predictable so the switch to Leia felt like a breath of fresh air. I loved that they went in that direction. 

Now I hate that I have to wait until after work to watch part 2. 

55 minutes ago, Msample said:

You'd think that meat would be getting kind of dried out and leathery after baking in the Tattoine sun all this time. Instead its like he's carving up a piece of ahi tuna. 

I was also thinking that! How is that meat any good, plus they just leave it out on tables when the shift is over? Why aren’t they inundated with the equivalent of insects and other vermin?

  • Love 7

I'm pegging Young Leia as the Grogu of this show: the adorable yet badass character you have no idea is even in it, yet her presence almost immediately reveals the shape the series is going to take. So psyched that she's the catalyst for Obi-Wan leaving Tatooine!

The princess who runs away from her diplomatic duties to climb trees and watch ships is well-trod territory, but I think the show is going about it in a way that makes her feel specifically like LEIA and not some generic Not Like the Other Girls trope. Her read on her cousin demonstrates that her sharp judge of character combined with her unwitting Force sensitivity, yes? Is anyone keeping track of that? Where's, "when the time comes, the girl must be trained"?

Also, Leia frickin' Organa has been giving captors what for since day ONE. Love it.

The Obi-Wan stuff is predictably heartbreaking. He's so beaten down and broken. I felt for him when he woke in the night and reached out to Qui-Gon (and yeah, we've gotta see Liam Neeson at some point!) Ewan McGregor is so good--you can really see the bridge between his Obi-Wan of the prequels and the Obi-Wan of A New Hope.

The stuff with the Jawa was fun, glad to get a brief respite from the unremitting sorrow in that side of the story.

  • Love 15

I love that Deborah Chow totally gets STAR WARS and that Ewan McGregor owns this role just as much as Alec Guinness does. In fact, I think I already love this series.

The opening-scene sight of the Jedi being extinguished as their lightsabers died, one after the other...

The mournful yet noble main theme (which gave me chills)...

The feistiness of little Leia...

The fact that Third Sister is a very worthy adversary.

So in love with all of it 😍

  • Love 16

Came to see Ewan McGregor return as Obi-Wan and see the Inquisitors in live action form, and while they certainly lived up to the hype, I came away with loving Little Leia being a roastmaster to the over-privilege a-holes trying to talk shit to her.  Only thing missing was a mic drop and a crowd to be all "Ohhhhhhh!"

Pretty solid start.  Was curious to see how this was going to work with Obi-Wan supposedly being in hiding, but I the idea of him having to leave Tatoonie (at least for now) to save a captured Leia and think it's a decent way to get around that.  I did like the insights about what he was doing when watching over Luke and even had an actual job working as a butcher of all things.  I'm guessing Tatoonie isn't about having their employees provide addresses or identification cards, because I don't think Obi-Wan can just list his cave as a way to get his tax forms and other forms of mail!

Definitely great seeing Ewan as Obi-Wan again, who easily helped carry the prequels and make them somewhat salvageable at times despite their many, many, many flaws.  Also great seeing both Joel Edgerton and Jimmy Smits as Owen and Bail Organa again.  Always happy to see Simone Kessell as well (Leia's mother: name escapes me at the moment.)

As for the Inquisitors, the actress playing the Third Sister was good and seems like will be an effective advisory going forward with her need to capture Obi-Wan in particular.  Rupert Friend made the most of his one big scene as the Grand Inquisitor too.

Wouldn't be a Star Wars show without at least one out of left field casting choice and for this one it was freaking Flea of all people as the bounty hunter/kidnapper!

Those Jawas, man!  They would steal from you one minute and just try to sell the item back to you with a smile on their faces!

Glad to see Deborah Chow get such a prominent role here after how great her Mandalorian episodes were. 

Onto the next episode!

  • Love 13

I have been so excited to see Ewan McGregor as Obi-Wan, of the many Star Wars show we have coming this has been the one I have been the most excited for, and this episode did not disappoint. You can really tell how the people behind this show really get Star Wars and what people love about it. Ewan McGregor has really slipped back into this part like he never left while also playing this older much sadder version of Obi-Wan, you can really see older Obi-Wan here. Seeing him here is amazing, it really is like seeing an old friend after a long time apart. I have read in interviews how excited Ewan was to be playing Obi-Wan again and it really shows. 

I had no clue that kid Leia was going to be this, I love her already. Of course Leia was a cute spunky precocious princess, and while this kind of character, the princess who wants to play in the woods instead of go to state events, is pretty cliché, you can already see how stands out and how she will become the Leia we know and love. She totally had her smug cousins number right away, you can already see what a good judge of character and what a leader she's going to be. I totally expected little Leia to tell the guys who kidnapped her that they were a little short to be mercenaries! Also nice to finally see Alderon in all its glory, what a beautiful place. Its so sad knowing what's going to happen to it and to Leia's sweet family. That's Star Wars for you, its so hard to watch at times knowing what we know about the tragic fates in store for so many characters we know and love.

I have to say, I feel like Luke kind of got a raw deal when it came to where the twins landed. Leia gets to be a princess on a beautiful lush paradise world while Luke gets to live on a dirt farm on a bumfuck nowhere planet.

Those Jawas, always looking for the next hustle. 

I am so excited to see where this goes. Its hard to watch Obi-Wan being so miserable, given up on hope and his life as a Jedi, wallowing in grief and guilt, but now he has a quest, and hopefully this helps him get his groove back, even a little bit. Oh the Organas, every time they call Obi-Wan its a whole thing. 

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 17

I think the Third Sister was the Youngling in the flashback. Calling it now.

I came for Ewan and was not expecting to get Leia as a bonus! 

1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

I have to say, I feel like Luke kind of got a raw deal when it came to where the twins landed. Leia gets to be a princess on a beautiful lush paradise world while Luke gets to live on a dirt farm on a bumfuck nowhere planet.

Yeah, it’s really sad that they couldn’t be raised  together. Leia seems a little lonely with only her droid for real company. I wonder if later episodes will have her muse that she feels like a part of her is missing, meaning the Force in her senses she has a brother out there. 

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Well say what you will about Reva she at least carried on the long tradition of hand cutting in Star Wars. 

What is the life expectancy of Jawas? I now have the sudden fear of Obi-Wan’s Jawa being part of the ones that were massacred in ANH. Star Wars: continually making tragic events even more tragic 

Speaking of making tragic events more tragic, it was interesting to see more of Alderaan. It seems like the most normal planet we have ever been introduced to. It isn’t a planet of ice or sand or woods or a city planet. It seems like a nice hospitable planet. Though for some reason they seem to have their guards have protection for their head but no body armor. Seriously the guards here and the people at the beginning of ANH have big helmets but just regular clothes. 

Regarding the meat situation, I am going to assume this is just a temporary location and they have to travel to different spots when new giant creatures get killed. I will also assume they probably have something that can keep the meat fresh for a few days while they harvest it. What that is though I don’t have a clue. Though maybe they are able to create like a dry age system like they do with steaks so while the outside gets cover with mold the inside is still good so that all you have to do is have there workers cut off the mold to get it packed up once it is harvested. 

  • Love 8

Loved it, loved it, loved it! I never really warmed to the Prequel Trilogies even though I tried, but Ewan's Obi-Wan was one of the consistent bright spots of the PT's so I've been looking forward to this series for 2 years - and it did not disappoint.

Sad, defeated, lonely Obi-Wan is tough to watch and I can't wait to see how he changes from this guilt-ridden man to the mischievous hopeful old man of A New Hope. There were some clunky lines but I'm so happy they've stayed away from the cheesy pun-filled dialogue of the PT's. But Ewan doesn't need much dialogue anyway to convey Obi-Wan's emotions at any given moment. It's all in the face. 

Loved seeing Joel Edgerton as Owen again. He and Obi-Wan play off each other so well and I hope we get more scenes between them. Owen is gruff but I think it's clear he loves Luke and he prioritizes keeping him safe. He met Anakin once - he didn't have to take Luke in but he did. "I'm his uncle", "we're his family" - yeah he loves the boy. I wish we'd seen more of little Luke; hopefully we'll see him again later in the series.

Little Leia is everything I imagined she'd be: mischievous, bossy, sassy, fearless, reckless, and wields a sharp tongue - just like Leia in the OT's. She's so tiny for a 10 year old, but I think it works because Carrie Fisher was a petite adult. I got a kick out of seeing Leia run on her short little legs, so adorable. I was hoping she'd inadvertently use the Force as she was running from her kidnappers but alas that did not happen. 

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I feel like Luke kind of got a raw deal when it came to where the twins landed. Leia gets to be a princess on a beautiful lush paradise world while Luke gets to live on a dirt farm on a bumfuck nowhere planet.

Yeah, Leia definitely got the better end of the deal. But considering the twins' personalities I think they ended in the correct environments. I simply can't imagine Leia growing up isolated on a farm, nor Luke being groomed to be a politician from a young age. 

1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

I wonder if later episodes will have her muse that she feels like a part of her is missing, meaning the Force in her senses she has a brother out there. 

OMG, I would give anything to see this. 

I'm already wishing this series was more than just 6 episodes.

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I have to say, I feel like Luke kind of got a raw deal when it came to where the twins landed. Leia gets to be a princess on a beautiful lush paradise world while Luke gets to live on a dirt farm on a bumfuck nowhere planet.

Yeah, but then Book of Boba Fett showed that Tatooine is pretty exciting after all and Luke's uncle intentionally kept him in the most boring part of a backwater planet. (Reminds me of this Onion article, honestly.)

Everything else, I liked, but at the end of the episode, why did Obi-Wan get in line for the Space Greyhound? (I've never seen eps 2 and 3) Luke kept his own ride when he self-exiled in the sequel trilogy, though I guess he exiled himself to somewhere even more remote than Tatooine. And if an X-Wing can stay good after years underwater, surely Obi-Wan coulda buried a whole ship in the sand. Honestly, I thought that was what was gonna happen (as an homage to that Last Jedi/Empire Strikes Back moment) when he retrieved his lighsaber.

  • Love 5

Loved it!

And it answered a question that I did not know that I have had for 45 years -- how did Leia know Obi-Wan? She sends her droid off with a message, a cry for help, to some old hermit on a desert planet on the Outer Rim, while she is a princess and senator. Her message sounds as if Obi-Wan is an old friend, and now we know how and when they met.

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6 hours ago, j5cochran said:

Loved it!

And it answered a question that I did not know that I have had for 45 years -- how did Leia know Obi-Wan? She sends her droid off with a message, a cry for help, to some old hermit on a desert planet on the Outer Rim, while she is a princess and senator. Her message sounds as if Obi-Wan is an old friend, and now we know how and when they met.

I thought of that too. If their lives were spent with the Organas watching over her and Obi-Wan watching over Luke, how would she have decided that Obi-Wan was her only hope? Now we know. Rescuing her from kidnappers would be impactful enough, but given that her kidnapping is a trap set by Third Sister, Leia will most likely see Obi-Wan going full Jedi by the time this is all over--definitely someone you'd want on your side when you're in dire straits..

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7 hours ago, j5cochran said:

Her message sounds as if Obi-Wan is an old friend, and now we know how and when they met.

This is true but in the message she also says "you fought with my father in the Clone Wars" so back then I thought he was someone that her father talked about and told her to where to find him if she needed help.   However, I love the adventure they're on and that this is something that for obvious reasons made an impression on her.

Casting for children's parts can go so wrong but I really think they got it right with Leia.  I'm sure I'm projecting but I can see both Padme and adult Leia in her. 

11 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

Sad, defeated, lonely Obi-Wan is tough to watch and I can't wait to see how he changes from this guilt-ridden man to the mischievous hopeful old man of A New Hope.

He needs a win, badly.  I'm guessing/hoping that we will get one with this series.  He's been in hiding for 10 years; his friends are either dead or also in hiding; he thinks he killed the man who he called his brother (though really, no double-tap, Obi-Wan? Think of all the suffering that could have been averted); he didn't realize said man was turning to the dark side; the only people who know who he really is on Tatooine want nothing to do with him.

I really enjoyed it.  Ewan McGregor is doing a great job.  The visuals are excellent.  So happy we have Deborah Chow.

  • Love 10
13 minutes ago, raven said:

Casting for children's parts can go so wrong but I really think they got it right with Leia.  I'm sure I'm projecting but I can see both Padme and adult Leia in her. 

And the actress who played Shmi too. 

14 minutes ago, raven said:

This is true but in the message she also says "you fought with my father in the Clone Wars" so back then I thought he was someone that her father talked about and told her to where to find him if she needed help.   However, I love the adventure they're on and that this is something that for obvious reasons made an impression on her.

And in Rogue One, it was established that Bail sent Leia on a mission for Obi Wan to recruit him to their cause, so she was on her way to see him before she made the rescue video. 

  • Love 10

Great episode! I've been waiting for a post-ROTS Obi-Wan project for a long time and this one delivered big time.

It's great seeing Ewan McGreggor return to the role. You see a beaten down Obi-Wan here but one that will start to slowly re-emerge as the show goes on. I get his reluctance not to get involved. I always thought that the only thing that could justify Obi-Wan leaving Tatooine was a threat to Leia ans it seems the show writers had the same idea. I'd like to think they ripped off my idea...

Speaking of which, Leia! Was absolutely not expecting her to show up in any capacity, let alone her parents and Alderaan so it was a legitimate surprise to me and a welcome one. The actress playing her is doing a great job and it's nice to really meet Leia's mother Breha and sew more of Alderaan. 

So glad that Jimmy Smits has returned as Bail and we FINALLY get a live-action scene of Leia with her father. It delivered. Bail's relationship with Leia is what I expected, a loving father and mentor who is perpetually amused by how headstrong his daughter is. More Bail and Obi-Wan interaction is also welcome.

We get to see the return of Joel Edgerton, who finally has more to do as Owen. Not surprisingly he delivers and we finally get to see that tension between him and Obi-Wan. He was also a badass standing up to Reva. It is mentioned in the deleted Anchorhead scene in A New Hope by Luke's friend Biggs that Owen could hold off a whole colony of Sand People with just one blaster so I wondered if that inspired that scene. Then again, you have to be pretty tough to survive on a desert planet and try to cultivate it.

  • Love 11
16 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

I think the Third Sister was the Youngling in the flashback. Calling it now.

Rewatching now...  There were 5 younglings in the group that ran.  She's called 3rd sister.  Another is referred to as 5th brother.  You may be right.  But why would *those* 5 be hunting Jedi now?   I hope we get a bit of backstory on them.

  • Love 8
On 5/27/2022 at 2:33 AM, tkc said:

Vivien Lyra Blair is a spark plug as Leia — what a nice surprise to see the “other Skywalker”!

On 5/27/2022 at 3:07 AM, nomodrama said:

Little Leia was an absolute delight and completely unexpected.

Seeing little Luke also gave me all the feels. 

As someone who is a huge Star Wars fan and has a ton of love for these characters it is sometimes difficult watching these things in reverse knowing all we know about what will happen in the movie and with the actors in real life. It's an emotional ride. 

On 5/27/2022 at 1:41 PM, angora said:

I'm pegging Young Leia as the Grogu of this show: the adorable yet badass character you have no idea is even in it, yet her presence almost immediately reveals the shape the series is going to take. So psyched that she's the catalyst for Obi-Wan leaving Tatooine!

The princess who runs away from her diplomatic duties to climb trees and watch ships is well-trod territory, but I think the show is going about it in a way that makes her feel specifically like LEIA and not some generic Not Like the Other Girls trope. Her read on her cousin demonstrates that her sharp judge of character combined with her unwitting Force sensitivity, yes? Is anyone keeping track of that? Where's, "when the time comes, the girl must be trained"?

Also, Leia frickin' Organa has been giving captors what for since day ONE. Love it.

19 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I had no clue that kid Leia was going to be this, I love her already. Of course Leia was a cute spunky precocious princess, and while this kind of character, the princess who wants to play in the woods instead of go to state events, is pretty cliché, you can already see how stands out and how she will become the Leia we know and love. She totally had her smug cousins number right away, you can already see what a good judge of character and what a leader she's going to be. I totally expected little Leia to tell the guys who kidnapped her that they were a little short to be mercenaries! 

16 hours ago, bunnyblue said:

Little Leia is everything I imagined she'd be: mischievous, bossy, sassy, fearless, reckless, and wields a sharp tongue - just like Leia in the OT's. She's so tiny for a 10 year old, but I think it works because Carrie Fisher was a petite adult. I got a kick out of seeing Leia run on her short little legs, so adorable. I was hoping she'd inadvertently use the Force as she was running from her kidnappers but alas that did not happen. 

Huge YES! to all of this. I was thinking when I first saw young Luke in a trailer that it would awesome to have a young Leia series, and now we are getting it and it's everything I wanted. Young Leia is exactly how I pictured her. 

4 hours ago, benteen said:

So glad that Jimmy Smits has returned as Bail and we FINALLY get a live-action scene of Leia with her father. It delivered. Bail's relationship with Leia is what I expected, a loving father and mentor who is perpetually amused by how headstrong his daughter is. More Bail and Obi-Wan interaction is also welcome.

Same here. It's exactly the relationship I pictured between them based on what we saw of Bail in the prequel trilogy. I'm getting a very "daddy's little girl" (but in a good way) vibe from it. I'm sure there have been many instances between them of "Okay, but don't tell mom I let you do this." 

On 5/27/2022 at 2:47 AM, tkc said:

Oh yes… I also wanted to mention that as I was watching the end credits, I commented that Obi-Wan’s theme was already memorable. I was so pleased to see in those very credits that it was composed by the maestro himself, John Williams!

“Creditable” job on the rest of the music by Loki composer Natalie Holt, too!

The music in this felt like Star Wars in a way that the Mandalorian didn't until around episode 4. I'm thrilled that even though Williams won't be scoring movies, he'll still be working on Star Wars tv series. 

  • Love 7

I can't stand the prequels; I watched them when they came out and have rewatched at least a couple since, and I think they are just sub-par movies even judged independently of the original trilogy (in terms of dialogue, plot, performance, and visuals). I hate that so much of the Star Wars films and supplementary canon constantly revolves around Tatooine* as if it is one of the only inhabited planets in the entire SW galaxy. I had pretty low expectations of this series from announcement to airing.

I thought this was incredible.

I enjoyed it more than pretty much any of the current SW shows. My favorite recent movie is Rogue One. I enjoy Mandalorian for the most part, although I don't think it breaks any new ground or is amazing work. Animated series The Bad Batch is okay. Boba Fett was terrible; Han Solo was passable. So much SW revolves around the original trilogy and characters in a way that suggests there is nothing else worthwhile to mine in the entirety of the world that Lucas created, which suggests either a lack of vision among creators, or a limit to the universe created (I tend to think the former).

This first episode was just a breath of fresh air to me. The initial sequence had some awkward dialogue, but the rest of the episode was stellar. The visuals were great. They made Tatooine feel like a living, breathing, gritty, realistic world in a way that no prior presentation met (ANH came closest, with Boba Fett feeling the most artificial). Ewan McGregor's performance was the best I've seen from him in years- and I have loved this guy since Trainspotting.

I am really excited about the rest of this series.

*Side note: It is very interesting to me that Tatooine doesn't prompt a spellcheck response here on the forums. Is it just because it is capitalized like a proper noun, or b/c the name has become such a formal part of our etymology that online dictionaries' AIs are configured to recognize it? Our fiction becoming our reality.

On 5/27/2022 at 11:46 AM, paigow said:

The bosses are the same ones that approve catwalks without railings 500 ft above the floor...

Paigow, admit it. Your real name is Upton Sinclair isn't it? 😄

(Sidenote: I just noticed that Deborah Chow's IMDB page notes she directed the Red Hot Chili Peppers' music video for Black Summer; perhaps explaining Flea's appearance here in Obi-Wan?)

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Full disclosure I'm a Star Wars Movie Fan. Have not watched any other live action tv shows, and only seen random episodes of the animated shows. The only knowledge I have about this universe is from the movies. So I have no idea who the inquisitors actually are, except that the Third Sister seems to be that character who is out to kill the main character so the series can have DRAMA!! which we know won't result in anything cause ANH

I loved the recap of the prequels, I even texted my friend saying she could watch the Obi-Wan series cause they do a recap that covers all the important plot points of the prequels (although I wonder putting the appearance of Jar Jar Binks into the recap is a hint he appears in this). While I didn't find the PT as brilliant as the OT, I still enjoyed them and I didn't think it ruined the story told in OT and actually served a purpose as opposed to the ST, which seems to exist only for money. For ages, it felt like the people who owned Star Wars wanted to ignore that the PT exists (I'm pone of those people who inwardly cheered anytime a slight PT reference was made in the ST films) so it's great to have so many of the original PT actors back for this show. Joel Edgerton really has nailed ANH Owen, it's like they are the same actor. I'm looking forward to seeing the Beru actress close up. And I hope we get to see some interaction with little Luke.

Was not expecting little Leia in this at all. So that was a nice surprise, I see she has always been a bit of go getter and I loved the little nod to her mother Padme, who always used decoys in the PT. I may have let out a YES! when C-3PO made an appearance (or cameo) oipefully R2-D2 makes an appearance as well.

The scene between Obi-Wan and the other Jedi in the desert was very heartbreaking for both involved. The Jedi cause his hero has given up and for Obi-Wan cause he has lost hope. I was hoping my gut feeling was incorrect but alas it was not to be and the Jedi got caught and killed. I guess it makes sense because by the time we get to ANH the only Jedis left should be Vader, Kenobi and Palpatine, but still did he have to die so early.

Quick question: Is this occurring at the same time as the Solo movie?

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Message added by formerlyfreedom,

This is the episode topic for the first episode of Obi-Wan Kenobi. If you want to deep dive on the Star Wars universe, please head to this topic. Posts that are completely off topic from the episode may be removed. Thank you!

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