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S18.E19: Out for Blood/S18.E20: You Are the Blood

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I knew poor Todd wouldn't last past the end of the season. 

Gee, Schmidt, maybe don't tell the patients what a crappy doctor you are.

"I have done [this presumably rare procedure*] before.." "Of course you have." What hasn't Mer done?
[*Because if it was super common why mention it? Plus they seem to be implying that the transplant surgeon has not done it.]

Having employees donate blood while they are on shift is stupid. If I donated a whole pint of blood I would not be standing up for a while, let alone running around a hospital taking care of patients. (I have gotten dizzy just having a handful of vials drawn for testing.)

"It's a thank you for the sex bear" presented in a public area at your girlfriend's workplace...I take back my "poor" Todd. That's just creepy.

Wow, Helm approves. I guess Mer and what's-his-name can ride off into the sunset now that Helm has given her blessing. 🙄

Can there be one episode where Bailey doesn't completely freak out over something? Just one?

Why do all these people think that the hospital can't function without Meredith?

Sure, Owen&Teddy, turning around as soon as you see a cop doesn't look suspicious at all. Will they be back next year somehow? Where are they going, anyway? Are they gonna live on the run with their young children forever? Are they leaving the country?

I can't help but wonder what Doctor Mike (from YouTube) would think of Mer's chest compressions.

That baby looked so fake when they laid him on Simon's chest. Those dolls work fine if the baby's supposed to be unconscious or something, or wrapped in a blanket right away, but I have a hard time believing a newborn being held like that wouldn't be flailing their limbs at least a little.

So does that mean all the interns won't be back next season if they don't have a program?

The flashback montage at the end felt more like a series finale thing...

Edited by ams1001
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1 minute ago, SoMuchTV said:

Are we sure that wasn’t the series finale?

They have been renewed…. Ellen was asked if there could be a Grey’s without her.  I figure there could be.  Jackson steps into Bailey’s shoes.  April rejoins the staff.   They still have Maggie, Link, Jo and Amelia, unless she also moves to .Minnesota for love.

They restart the training program and there are a whole new batch of students…Grey’s Anatomy 2.0.  Mer can even keep doing the voice overs. 

There could even be and Owen and Teddy spin off, Doctors on the Run.  

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Meredith Grey disobeys her superior and performs an unnecessary surgery during a blood shortage, which ultimately leads to the residency programme being shut down… And the way to rebuild is to give her more money and make her chief?!

Derek really was right all those years back, when he told her she’s never faced a consequence for her actions.

  • Love 19

That was a doozy of an episode. I enjoyed the flashbacks. What was the purpose of Japril being there since they only had a handful of scenes. That “eulogy” scene startled me for a bit. I thought we were getting a time jump where Catherine died. 

There’s a part of me that loves that Bailey up and quit without notice. I was expecting her to have another heart attack. 

I was also half expecting the pregnant woman to die and Maggie and Winston end up with the baby (who completely looked like a plastic doll). 

Anyone else think that Owen and Teddy are headed to Switzerland to work with Christina?

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"Richard Webber doesn't respect your authority over him, and Dr. Grey doesn't respect his authority over her." Bailey and the residency program getting called out by the accreditation committee was the best part of the episode, and it's gross how everyone wants to guilt Meredith into keeping her job, but it's good that she was called out for doing that surgery on that day of all days. 

Bailey deciding to delay calling the police to let Owen and Teddy go on the run makes no sense. Once the police find Owen, which won't be long because he/Teddy weren't good at all at being inconspicuous, it's not going to take long for them to determine that the drugs came from Grey-Sloan, and are the police going to believe that Owen took the drugs from Grey-Sloan without Bailey knowing? Owen said he'd call Amelia when they were settled; that's not 'going on the run.' Where are Owen and Teddy going and how do they expect to get jobs or be on the run indefinitely with two children? And I didn't believe that the dude that blackmailed Owen even had a wife that was military. He might have had a wife but he just as easily could have wanted an above-board way to kill her without arising suspicion.

Jackson and April having gotten back together was the second-best part of the episode for me.

  • Love 11

I guess Jackson didn’t know what the accreditation lady said about Meredith when he begged her to take the job.   And I thought the accreditation lady changed her mind and decided it was a good thing Meredith was leaving.  

Re Bailey and Owen…I thing reporting him just slipped her mind.   I don’t think he can leave the country.  Even if he and Teddy have passports, I’d be surprised if the kids do too.   

  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, StaceyNotStacie said:

I was also half expecting the pregnant woman to die and Maggie and Winston end up with the baby (who completely looked like a plastic doll). 

I was totally expecting that, yes.

It definitely felt like the series finale with all the flashbacks, but I enjoyed them overall.

I assume I am not lucky enough that Owen and Teddy are leaving the show? But can someone clarify what specifically Owen did and why Teddy could go to jail too? Owen gave pills to dying people, which maybe was breaking regulation but does not seem like murder. Teddy didn't do anything. She knew about it after the fact, but isn't it a thing that a person can't be forced to testify against their spouse? I would think a good lawyer could keep them both out of jail.

The Amelia/Kai reunion at the end was played as super romantic, but I am not invested in them at all.

Winston was right to tell Maggie that her fake sisters is not the same thing as having grown up with a sibling. Even Amelia told her that, but she didn't seem to want to accept it.

  • Love 9
58 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Are we sure that wasn’t the series finale?

At the end of the episode, they said Grey's would be back next season with new episodes.

Am I the only one who, when they said that Catherine was going to live forever, said: "like Fame!"

I also think they were years late to the party about gay men being banned from giving blood.  It's been an issue for decades, so it is surprising everyone there was acting like they suddenly just heard about the problem.

I can't say the evaluation woman was wrong in her criticisms.  No one really respects authority at that hospital.  Everyone does whatever they want, and it feels like the ends almost always are used to justify the means. 

My main curiosity now is who is really gone and who will be back.  I'd be pretty much fine if Teddy and Owen are permanently gone and they take Schmidt with them.

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I assume I am not lucky enough that Owen and Teddy are leaving the show? But can someone clarify what specifically Owen did and why Teddy could go to jail too? Owen gave pills to dying people, which maybe was breaking regulation but does not seem like murder. Teddy didn't do anything. She knew about it after the fact, but isn't it a thing that a person can't be forced to testify against their spouse? I would think a good lawyer could keep them both out of jail.

Owen stole the drugs from the hospital. Also while Physician assisted suicide may be legal in Washington, it's might not be in the states where  the drugs eventually ended up. 

  • Love 7

Good to see April and Jackson again, and I like that "Japril" are officially back together. I wasn't much a fan of theirs one way or the other during Grey's heyday, but in comparison to the past few seasons, I welcome any and all nostalgia from the good ol' days. 

I celebrate the closing of the residency program. This crop of residents are absolute garbage and have no business being doctors. I know this won't stick, but I'd be perfectly content with never seeing any of them again. 

I can't decide if season 18 was a bad as season 13. 

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I was convinced that the guy asking Owen for drugs was a DEA agent acting on a tip, trying to entrap Owen.  I'd of preferred that to Owen and Teddy running away.

13 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

Owen stole the drugs from the hospital. Also while Physician assisted suicide may be legal in Washington, it's might not be in the states where  the drugs eventually ended up. 

Plus Owen didn't follow State of Washington protocols for doctor assisted suicide, but did as he always does, rogue cowboy.

  • Love 11

When Jackson said that Richard took a sabbatical so he and Catherine could travel or whatever, was that supposed to mean he left that day like Bailey did? Because in the scene with Nick and Meredith in the office there was someone in the background of the scene walking down the hallway/past the window that looked like Webber.

Everyone is wringing their hands for the program now that Meredith is leaving and Webber quit but now that Bailey quit, does anyone know not only that Owen and Teddy quit but they are on the run from the law? I don't think Amelia knows they quit, just that they left unexpectedly and suspiciously, lol.

Edited by LexieLily
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"We had so many plans and we don't get to have them."  It's supposed to tug at my heartstrings but a few days after 10 kids and 2 teachers, not to mention to people in Buffalo will never get to have their plans with their relatives. Sometimes real life overwhelms the fiction.

Simon wants to meet his child; John's wife wants to die in her bed.  Yeah, you can't always get what you want. But you people have a lot more than others.

Meredith is head of general surgery, she doesn't need Richard's permission to do the surgery.

"What if he's drug-seeking? Teddy, in my experience people who are drug seeking aren't usually seeking drugs to commit suicide.

I really don't get this idea of each state having their own laws.

Is it wrong that I'm proud that I live in a country where gay men can donate blood?

Bailey, every hospital has people stealing drugs.  "Did you think even for a minute about me?"  I can't stand Bailey's narcissism.

Speaking of narcissism -- Catherine forcing people praise her because she wants to hear all the nice things while she's still alive.

Why is Carina Deluca in surgery if there is not enough  blood in the hospital? Wouldn't non-urgent surgeries be cancelled?

Maggie, Amelia is right. The the relationsh8p that you have with siblings you grew up with is different than the one you have when you meet as adults.

What's the big deal with closing the ER to trauma? My local hospital does it regularly when things get overwhelming.

3 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

 Even if he and Teddy have passports, I’d be surprised if the kids do too.   

In some countries, the kids are on the parent's passport.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I really don't get this idea of each state having their own laws.

in many ways each state in the US is it's own country. The constitution lays out what the federal government is in control of and everything else is left to the states to control. note: I'm a canadian with the barest grasp of US law so I might be wrong.

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28 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

Owen stole the drugs from the hospital. Also while Physician assisted suicide may be legal in Washington, it's might not be in the states where  the drugs eventually ended up. 

I know he stole the drugs, but that's not the same as murder. It doesn't make sense to go on the run for that. People get away with much worse in this country, especially rich, white men.

I am more wondering about Teddy, who didn't do anything but find out her husband is an idiot.

12 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

In some countries, the kids are on the parent's passport.

Not in the U.S.

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It was a fakeout with Catherine's funeral. I had a feeling Jackson was back because Catherine would pass away in this supersized episode. So when he spoke, with flowers behind him and in a suit, I was fooled. I am in love with Debbie Allen, so I am a fan of Catherine being alive.

I'd like to hear my eulogy while I'm still alive, but I hate attention, so they'd have to privately send me videos of them saying nice things.

I do hope the residents are gone for good. Schmidt the most. But it feels like everyone else that "fled" will be back in the fall. Nick for sure. He's endgame in the post-Derek show.

I'd love Addison, Callie, Arizona, Jackson, and April to all be recurring characters. Not regulars, just like 4 episodes each. I bet they'd happily take that paycheck. Add Taye Diggs and Benjamin Bratt (from Private Practice) too, unless Bratt did something stupid again. Whew! I lost the topic there...

Gotta go donate some blood! #ONeg #UniversalDonor 

  • Love 11

Didn't Winston said that his blood is O positive?  Wouldn't he be able to give blood to Simon?

Jackson "You and Richard both leaving, that's a signal to the world that there's nothing worth saving." Frankly Jackson, even with them in there's nothing worth saving.

1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

The Amelia/Kai reunion at the end was played as super romantic, but I am not invested in them at all.

I hate them together, it's a no-chemistry pairing that feels like it was created to score LGBTQA2S points. It was bad enough at the end of last season when they broke up Linc and Amelia, but the idea of Jo/Linc and Amelia/Kai next season is a total turn-off for me/

24 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I am more wondering about Teddy, who didn't do anything but find out her husband is an idiot.

She is not criminally liable for the act although possibly an accomplice because she knew about it and didn't turn him in. But mostly I think it's because, as she said, she didn't want to raise the kids alone.

This season has been such a slog to get through, from breaking up Linc and Amelia so that every single couple on this show I either hate (Amelia/Kai, Owen/Teddy, Schmidt/Nico) to ones I am indifferent to (Maggie/Winston, Meredith/Nick, Richard/Catherine) and the horrible Minnesota plot.

I'm ready to say goodbye to the show now.

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I hated this episode!!  The only thing I liked was knowing that Jackson and April were back together (I suspected that they might be).

Actually, I hated this whole season!  From breaking up Amelia and Linc to pairing up Amelia and Kai to the stupid storyline of going to Minnesota.   I hated it all!  And I don't like the Meredith and what's his name story neither.  And Maggie, Teddy, Owen etc, etc. were annoying too!  (The only one I liked was Jo - this after going back and forth from like to dislike since she got on the show.)  Whoever said that Amelia and Kai are boring were right, it seems just to be storyline to say, "Hey, we support LGBQT community! Look at our story!" I just don't like them together or separately.  They are sooo boring and seem to have just fallen for each other so quickly - but that is what Amelia does - she has said so many, many times before. 

And while I agree that it was Meredith's call to proceed with the operation (she is chief of general surgery) but how dumb to try a risky operation when there is NO BLOOD to use!!  God, this episode was infuriating!!!  Plus the whole entrapment of Owen (I suspected as much), Owen didn't give him any drugs and the guy still went after Owen.  But at this point - I DON"T CARE!!

I hate this season!!

Sorry, rant over!  

  • Love 11

I had to laugh:
Jalessa: What?! You hid that Dr Grey is Leaving?
Also Jaleesa: Well no one respects anyone. [Bailey: well she's leaving], Well, i'm shutting you down anyway. 

Maggie: don't be dumbo, dumbo. Yes growing up with siblings, is a lot different than choosing your family. everyone knows that and I'm lie one of the only ones who defends you guys saying that all the time. 

Also Maggie: "We got married too soon." YOU THINK?
Also Also: why are you stressing about the money. just call your bank. I refuse to believe you had 10K in cash, or you have an ABM that allows you to take out 10K at once. 

Again - everyone hating the Webber Method, as if he invented something - where we've seen this method before, and it was trumpeted that several hospitals were doing it and Minick was like really great to have around is dumb.  but i don't care. 

Bailey quitting without notice. Whatever. I've stopped caring about you a very long time ago. 

I might be one of the only ones who actually like Owen, but you were done stupid, so I don't care. Though what Teddy should have said was "how do we know that you won't turn us in anyway?" because i honestly thought that's where it was going. 

Catherine having her eulogies - that's basically my mom. she doesn't want a funeral or anything like that, she is very much "tell me now, or don't bother at all." so that rang very true for me. 

all the flashbacks did was show that this show used to be so much better. Stop pulling out "How to save a life," "Story of who I am," "Chasing Cars," to try to make all verklempt. because it doesn't make me verklempt. it makes me mad. This show used to be amazing. Even when it had its bad seasons it was still great. It's not great anymore. I don't even know if it was good.  Meredith legit killed a woman and no one blinks an eye at that? 

I honesty don't know if i can do another season.  the only bright spot for me was Addison.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

Meredith is head of general surgery, she doesn't need Richard's permission to do the surgery.

1 hour ago, pinguina said:

And while I agree that it was Meredith's call to proceed with the operation (she is chief of general surgery) but how dumb to try a risky operation when there is NO BLOOD to use!! 

As chief of general, Meredith wouldn’t have needed Richard’s permission to just get on and do the surgery - it would have just been a stupid decision on her part given the blood shortage. 

However, once she made him aware of the surgery by asking for his help and he said not to do it - well then his position as “chief of chiefs” outranks her, and her going ahead was then disobeying her superior. 

  • Love 6

This episode solidified for me and what I suspected since last season - Amelia did not love Linc. She wasn’t impacted by their split in the same way as he was. I hope now they’ve given them some closure Linc will move on and be in a better place next season as pining over someone who isn’t into you is not a good look.

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7 hours ago, BoogieBurns said:

I'd love Addison, Callie, Arizona, Jackson, and April to all be recurring characters. Not regulars, just like 4 episodes each. I bet they'd happily take that paycheck.

Me too. Seeing Jackson and April again made me realize how much I missed them. When they weren't arguing, they were so hot together. Some kind of off shoot of Greys maybe? I would watch it. It's time to retire Richard and Bailey.  As much as I loved them both in the early seasons, I grew to dislike them, especially Miranda's sanctimonious self.

I'm happy to see Jo and Linc back to friendship. Goodbye to Teddy and Owen, I won't miss you. I think if they do an overhaul, it can survive without the regulars (and please get rid of Schmidt).

Winston made Maggie tolerable. When she was intent on destroying that relationship, Winston was wonderful.

I enjoyed the flashback scenes, you know, when the show was so good.

Edited by nokat
  • Love 11

I'll say this for the show, they still know how to write patients that tug at my heart. Simon looking at his (fake) son and saying "Hello, Forever" really got to me, especially after telling the docs to take his blood to save his wife and child.

I'm glad that Linc has finally been able to make some peace with his break-up with Amelia. I didn't like the turn the character took even if I understood it. It was nice to hear Chris Carmack sing even just a tiny bit.

Kai and Amelia mean nothing to me. 

The best part of this was seeing that we've gotten rid of Teddy, Owen, and the whole family and that they left alive so we didn't need to deal with them going out in some tragic way. When I saw them packing I thought "Wait, are these assholes finally leaving? Yes!"

Accreditation Lady was right. The whole hospital needs to be rebuilt.

I do feel sorry for the residents though. Wherever else they land, they'll still have the stigma of having been in Grey Sloan's program. Any other program would likely give them the side-eye and expect them to start all over again.

10 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Sure, Owen&Teddy, turning around as soon as you see a cop doesn't look suspicious at all.

Quite a couple of master criminals right there.

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Maybe it's my criminal defense lawyer instincts kicking in, but I don't see how Owen and Teddy could get into criminal trouble IF they just kept their mouths shut. The army spouse goes to the police and says what? "I heard that Owen gives out suicide drugs but when I asked for some, he refused to give me any."  No crime there, except by the informant. Everything else is hearsay. Even if he gives the police the names of the people Owen gave the drugs to, they are not going to rat him out. "No, Officer, my husband had a terminal disease and died of it. Here's his death certificate. Dr. Owen wasn't even around when he died." The police may be suspicious, but there really isn't any evidence to pursue. Would they even want to?  Of course, now that Owen and Teddy have blabbed everything to Bailey, they have handed themselves over on a silver platter. That's why you exercise your right to remain silent, dummies!

Edited by Good Queen Jane
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6 hours ago, Daisy said:

Catherine having her eulogies - that's basically my mom. she doesn't want a funeral or anything like that, she is very much "tell me now, or don't bother at all." so that rang very true for me. 

I just thought it was kind of an odd place to do it...were they even in a private room? Jackson was there for business purposes; why are you doing this now? Why not at home later?

Also seems like not a great idea to do with your young child there. She's old enough to understand some of the words, probably, but not old enough to understand what the point is. "Why are you talking about grandma like she's gone when I'm sitting in her lap?" I can't imagine that wouldn't be confusing for a preschooler (how old is she supposed to be, anyway? I feel like she should be older).

5 hours ago, PrincessTT said:

However, once she made him aware of the surgery by asking for his help and he said not to do it - well then his position as “chief of chiefs” outranks her, and her going ahead was then disobeying her superior. 

Might have helped if I actually remembered what his job was supposed to be...

Also I totally missed that he's leaving to travel with Catherine...or something?

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, DEL901 said:

When Meredith went chasing after Nick at the end, they are implying she chose him over The hospital.   I’m guessing she is going to ask him to stay and be head of surgery or something.  

I was expecting her to say something like “help me fix this”, especially since he offered to help Bailey a few episodes ago. 

With everything going on with Bailey, I wonder if she actually called the cops on Teddy and Owen. 

  • Love 2
50 minutes ago, Good Queen Jane said:

Maybe it's my criminal defense lawyer instincts kicking in, but I don't see how Owen and Teddy could get into criminal trouble IF they just kept their mouths shut. The army spouse goes to the police and says what? "I heard that Owen gives out suicide drugs but when I asked for some, he refused to give me any."

This was me too. Someone getting revenge because he didn't get the suicide drugs? What? They didn't give him the drugs, so they are also handing them out? Disconnect there and no reason to run. I also thought what an asshole.

  • Love 6
36 minutes ago, Avabelle said:

So do we think Owen and Teddy have finally gone for good? 

I do. It was such a quick send-off. I saw no evidence of a next season storyline being planted.

15 minutes ago, nokat said:

I didn't know he had that wonderful voice.

I know him from his role on Nashville. He has a wonderful voice. I've been hoping all season for a "Linc sings in the shower" scene. Oh well, maybe next season.

BTW, where are Megan and Farouk? I'd forgotten they existed until Amelia mentioned Megan when saying goodbye to Owen/Teddy.

Edited by marceline
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I agree with others, this would have been a good series finale with all the flashbacks, etc. Overall I enjoyed the episode.

I don't get why Meredith couldn't just delay MN for 3-6 months & help fix the program - what people asked her for prior to this episode. She's one of the owners & her children likely have a stake too. It would also have given her time to sell her house and purchase one in MN. 

I don't think there will be any big departures but maybe some residents will leave (bye Glasses!). My guess is that we'll have an episode or 2 of Meredith being bitter that she stayed then a time jump where The Program The Sun Built will be #1 in the world and everyone is back along with some new residents. I can see her being full blown Ellis-like for an episode or 2.  I can see Nick staying and Bailey being the first return. Richard & Catherine return from their break then Owen & Teddy coming back after nothing happens with the police. I'd be all for most of them going and Addison returning. Can we trade?

I'm glad Jo & Linc are back as friends and hoping they keep it platonic. I really wanted Linc back with Amelia but I think they're destroyed beyond repair. They were the first pairing in years I was really rooting for but Kai will probably come to Seattle now.

  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I can see Nick staying and Bailey being the first return. Richard & Catherine return from their break then Owen & Teddy coming back after nothing happens with the police.

So if Bailey didn't "have time" to report them to the police before quitting, and is no longer employed there, and maybe "forgot" to mention it to the new boss...would anything happen to her if it's found out later on?

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10 hours ago, pinguina said:

And while I agree that it was Meredith's call to proceed with the operation (she is chief of general surgery) but how dumb to try a risky operation when there is NO BLOOD to use!!  God, this episode was infuriating!!!

In fairness to Meredith, she believed the blood truck was coming with more blood.  I think she sent Helms out of the surgery to go see what the hold up was, and only then found out that no new blood would be coming.

3 hours ago, marceline said:

Simon looking at his (fake) son and saying "Hello, Forever" really got to me, especially after telling the docs to take his blood to save his wife and child.

I will say that Grey's does still have those little moments that give me the feels.  The "Hello, Forever," between baby and dad before he died was quite lovely. 

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

I will say that Grey's does still have those little moments that give me the feels.  The "Hello, Forever," between baby and dad before he died was quite lovely. 

Agreed. I sobbed at a few times during this episode but I do think a lot of that was what has gone on IRL this week. Still, thanks for the catharsis, show.

This episode really threw everything at the wall, eh? I hope Owen and Teddy are gone for good. Seeing Jackson and April was a call-back to when the show was so much better. I really like both of them, separately and especially together.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, PrincessTT said:

However, once she made him aware of the surgery by asking for his help and he said not to do it - well then his position as “chief of chiefs” outranks her, and her going ahead was then disobeying her superior. 

What does "chief of chiefs" actually mean? Even as a made up term for the show, it seems to be an administrative thing rather than a hands on decision thing. Richard might convene a meeting of surgical department heads across the Fox hospitals to judge, but how would he have the authority to refuse to let Meredith do a surgery that she has accreditation to do? Since Meredith has privileges at the hospital and the surgery didn't seem to take extraordinary supplies, the place to complain about it would be the AMA ethics board.

The other ridiculous thing about this is that there is a ground-breaking, miraculous surgery every week on this show, sometimes two and Meredith was getting high fives all episode for her Parkinson surgery. So why should Richard balk at this one other than that the residency woman was there?  Other than having Helms assisting, the surgery had nothing to do with the residency program.

We saw the four residents packing up -- Schmidt, Helms (who both should be at the end of their residency), Perez, the big guy who we know is also gay along with Schmidt and Helms) and the Asian resident who has been on the show for 20 episodes now and who we know absolutely nothing about.

2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Also seems like not a great idea to do with your young child there. She's old enough to understand some of the words, probably, but not old enough to understand what the point is. "Why are you talking about grandma like she's gone when I'm sitting in her lap?" I can't imagine that wouldn't be confusing for a preschooler

She not only sat there, she was expected to participate. After Jackson finished, Catherine told her grand daughter that now it's her turn IIRC.

28 minutes ago, windsprints said:

I'm glad Jo & Linc are back as friends and hoping they keep it platonic. I really wanted Linc back with Amelia but I think they're destroyed beyond repair. They were the first pairing in years I was really rooting for but Kai will probably come to Seattle now.

I wish that Jo and Linc will remain friends because theirs was one of the great friendships on this show but I saw a definite set-up for a romantic relationship in two of the scenes, along with firmly closing the door on Linc/Amelia.

I can't believe that the producers, seeing the 'meh' that Amelia/Kai has mostly been greeted with, decided to double down on them.  Does someone have blackmail material on Krista? Because in show terms, this makes no sense.

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