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S18.E13: Put the Squeeze on Me

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I guess you kind of know a show should be canned when it takes two hours for a thread to show up.

That said, I thought the first hour with the python was very cool! Reminiscent of the old Grey's. (And I learned something: that pythons can't uncoil themselves.) 

The little girl at Bailey's house - is that the same little girl Ben's friend wanted Ben to adopt when he died? If so, I completely missed how they ended up as her parents.

I'm soooo glad Jo isn't pining for Linc. I like her interaction with the new guy. 

Mer and Nick -snooze. Owen and Teddy - big snooze. 

  • Love 7
Just now, JeanJean said:

I guess you kind of know a show should be canned when it takes two hours for a thread to show up.

That said, I thought the first hour with the python was very cool! Reminiscent of the old Grey's. (And I learned something: that pythons can't uncoil themselves.) 

The little girl at Bailey's house - is that the same little girl Ben's friend wanted Ben to adopt when he died? If so, I completely missed how they ended up as her parents.

I'm soooo glad Jo isn't pining for Linc. I like her interaction with the new guy. 

Mer and Nick -snooze. Owen and Teddy - big snooze. 

Yes, the little girl is Ben's friend's daughter. The guy (Miller) died on Station 19 earlier this season and in one of the crossovers Ben told Bailey he had agreed to take her in. They have been having a custody battle on Station 19, but that seems to have ended with Ben and Bailey winning.

The snake stuff was creepy. I was with Maggie and Helm who didn't want to get anywhere near the snake.

The resident who kissed Bailey, I think he was wrong to say she had been giving him signals. Just because they had stuff in common to talk about doesn't mean she was inviting him to kiss her. 

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I rolled my eyes at Richard's desire to be tested to assure his skills were still up to shape.  While I thought Richard's surgery protocol was inviting mistakes, and was too risky given how quickly a surgery could go downhill, I don't blame Richard for Glasses' screwing up. Glasses was being arrogant, ignored the protocol, jumped ahead in the surgery and was unable to handle the complications. 

And I also don't blame him for making the wrong call in the python case.  The entire thing was a zebra.  Of course wrong calls are going to be made when trying to assess the situation.  

Just now, KaveDweller said:

The resident who kissed Bailey, I think he was wrong to say she had been giving him signals. Just because they had stuff in common to talk about doesn't mean she was inviting him to kiss her. 

I did want to be like: "It's not really an apology if you include a statement blaming Bailey for mixed signals with it."

And finally, do the hair people hate Scott Speedman?  He spent the entire episode looking like he forgot to comb it.

  • Love 8
17 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

I guess you kind of know a show should be canned when it takes two hours for a thread to show up.

Right? Lol.

So I'm assuming Bailey and Ben won custody of Pru offscreen and/or on Station 19?

Kai had a split-second look on their face when Peter Gallagher ambushed Meredith with the job offer that was more interesting than they had been all season. It's clear Amelia and Link are going to get back together somehow and Jo was pushed with that patient's brother today, so the entire Seattle storyline was a waste of time. But Meredith mentioned her kids to Nick and brought him home with her to meet them, so that might be considered progress.

Winston's admission to Creepy Stalker Intern that he ended up marrying his resident is going to give the intern permission to keep inserting himself in Bailey's space. Grey's hasn't done a stalker storyline yet, I don't think?

I don't know how long it's been since the failed Webber Method but how has Schmidt not gotten fired? He's not coming to work and he's not answering his boss' phone calls.

I hated Teddy making Owen's assisted suicide mission all about her.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 8

Bailey: "Everyone here needs to grow up right now."    Me: Truer words were never spoken.

And we open with Meredith's monologue about surgery. I was trying to figure out why I don't mind the opening monologue in Call The Midwife and hate it here, and I've figure out that it's because 1. on Call the Midwife it's about life in general, not something so specific as trying to relate everything to surgery even when it doesn't fit, and 2. because after more than 400 monologues from Meredith, they've long run out of things to say.

Meredith and Bailey continue to be praised to the skies. How was the research successful because of Meredith? It seemed like she was always bugging out to be with Nick and leaving Kat and Amelia to do the real work.  Why is everyone praising Bailey for getting the python off when it was Winston who knew how to do it?

Did Meredith say that if she didn't move to Minn. Nick would get the research money? That's not how funding works.

Why did they call all the surgeons downs but no one thought to call the zoo to get a snake handler? (They called Animal Control later but Animal Control doesn't do large pythons.)

Why does Richard keep calling Glasses to get him to come back? Take the win, he's right, he shouldn't be a surgeon.

Teddy/Owen/Megan is Zzzzzzz. I don't care about their angst.

Linc has become a jerk, not just to Amelia but also to Jo who he seems to be using. Way to go, show, ruin the best character in years.

Winston talking about falling for his resident and never getting over it and now he's married to her was very sweet.

50 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

The resident who kissed Bailey, I think he was wrong to say she had been giving him signals. Just because they had stuff in common to talk about doesn't mean she was inviting him to kiss her. 

There was an amazing study done by Abby Allen when she was still an undergraduate where she had a male and a female student talk to each other, and then had undergrad subjects rate if the female was flirting with the guy. (I think it was published in 1979 in JSPS.) She found that while the female observer rated the woman as just friendly to the guy, male observers said that she was really into him and flirting with him, meaning that men and women interpreted friendliness differently. Not news to many women but nice to see it in hard numbers.

Edited by statsgirl
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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Why did they call all the surgeons downs but no one thought to call the zoo to get a snake handler? (They called Animal Control later but Animal Control doesn't do large pythons.)

Teddy/Owen/Megan is Zzzzzzz. I don't care about their angst.

Linc has become a jerk, not just to Amelia but also to Jo who he seems to be using. Way to go, show, ruin the best character in years.

Right? I kept telling the TV, “call a zoo!”

 If Teddy and Owen were hit by a meteorite and killed, the show would be better for it. Don’t like either of them and their angsty idiocy drags the show down.

I also lament the character assassination  of Linc.

  • Love 13

I hate where they are going with the intern….”you gave out signals” = .  It wasn’t a real apology and shows his delusions.

Guys like that don’t give up that easily.  They take the most innocuous interaction as encouragement. Winston’s story. Encouragement.  Bailey talking to him   Encouragement.    Her husband…a problem keeping them apart.   

I don’t believe Jo is really interested in the guy….but she knows she has to put distance between her and Linc.  

As for Owen’s miracle…of course he did a couple of stretches and boom!  He is cured   Just like therapy.


  • Love 9
7 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I hated Teddy making Owen's assisted suicide mission all about her.

 I'm not a Teddy fan in the least. But she had a good point here. Owen cannot make decisions that threaten their family. And him going to jail is a threat to their family. And yes, that does make her a hypocrite considering her behavior with Tom.

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The snake storyline was cool.  Though when Webber was tentatively reaching to to spray the snake's head, I kept yelling "Go around to the other side!" The snake head was clearly on the man's left arm and Webber was trying to reach across him.   I was so glad when Bailey jumped in driver's seat, leaned thru to the back and sprayed that thing! Helm was actually really funny this ep. Loved that Winston thought the snake was cool (and Maggie's responsive "who ARE you?" was cute. 

I don't think that Glasses should necessarily come back to surgery, but umm, yeah, I think someone should be making sure that guy has not killed himself or something, and maybe help him figure out what medical profession he could pursue. 

Still not feeling Nick or Kai (I may be the only one though, the Twitterverse seems to LOVE Kai).  We could scuttle all of the MN story/characters and I'd be good.

Pissed that they've assassinated Linc's character (not to mention almost killed the great friendship w/Jo by having them sleep together), but maybe he's on the upswing? I did really feel for him when he told Amelia he needed to hate her for a little while.  It's hard to go from madly-in-love, think-you're-gonna-be-together-forever to just friends/co-parents. Amelia is trying to be normal and friendly but he's not ready for that.  And yes, he was being petty  and kinda rude at the beginning, but dang! Scout is not that old and the hospital supposedly has the best effing daycare ever; plus, he was at work. It's not like they need to have him enrolled somewhere immediately.  So Amelia following him around and prattling on about how they had to get Scout on some waiting list for pre-k was annoying [and I like her!!].  He said he would take a look at the options later and get back to you; Amelia, let him take a damn look! [Plus, if I'm focused on a work issue I don't need distractions... and I'm not saving lives here! Though obviously in GA world, inappropriate work conversations are the norm, lol.].

Really don't understand all the praise of Meredith.  Wasn't she basically recruited after all the research had already been done? Just for her name or something? Kai and others seemed to do a lot more and Amelia basically did the surgery right? This whole storyline has never made ANY sense to me. 

7 hours ago, LexieLily said:

So I'm assuming Bailey and Ben won custody of Pru offscreen and/or on Station 19?

Yes.  I sort of half-heartedly watch that show waiting for GA to come on.  Pru's grandparents came over and said they were giving up the fight. Then they demanded EVERY SINGLE holiday with Pru. Bailey got all fired up and started bluffing saying the reason they were giving up was because the grandfather had health problems [she had heard he had a dr's appt or something].  Then the grandmother admits that it's her health problems that have caused them to make the decision.  Heart problems, pacemaker, she find herself unable to keep up with the needs of a toddler.  Missed the resolution of holidays, but there was an ultimatum... grandparents don't want Pru to lose another parent so are demanding Ben give up firefighting in exchange for custody of Pru.  Not sure if that really got resolved, Bailey mentioned something about being in custody fight on GA, so I suppose not fully settled yet. 



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Snake! "Give us one minute" *proceeds to stare dumbfoundedly instead of doing something useful* Seriously, this hospital has seen so much ridiculousness, how does anything faze any of them at this point?

I'm gonna go out on a limb (not the one the snake is latched onto) and say that 'feeding her too much' is not the primary reason Gigi is bigger than they expected. A quick scan of the google results page for "Burmese python" would tell you in about 30 seconds or less that "Adult females on average are about 21 feet long and weigh between 80 to 200 pounds." (I know because I just did it. Another result said 13-20 feet and females are larger than males.) Sounds like he didn't even do that much research. Why would you get a class pet that you clearly know nothing about? Especially one that could literally eat your students. (This guy looks pretty big but I'm sure the average 7-year-old would be no trouble for her.) A garter snake or a nice leopard gecko wasn't good enough? 

Also maybe don't make light of how you don't want to get near the scary snake in front of the about-to-pass-out-patient and his terrified boyfriend?

How was he still breathing at all if his diaphragm was ruptured severely enough that his abdominal organs are up around his lungs? Boyfriend can't decide what to do with Gigi? Let animal control take her and give her to someone who knows how to take care of her?

You can't date patients but I assume it's frowned upon to get involved with their family members, too. Maybe don't flirt with the brother until after baby is born... (though I won't complain about Skylar Astin on my screen).

I don't really care about Mer and Whatshisname but the end scene with the kids was cute. Chocolate pudding surprise doesn't sound half bad. Add in some Oreo cookie "dirt" and you've really got something.


I really don't care about Owen and Teddy. Oh, hey, look, anger makes you able to walk! (Though, he said "I have two broken bones" and someone else said "in the same leg!" If his bones are still actually broken, seems like he shouldn't be walking yet..?)

Bailey's pet is an idiot and if Bailey hooks up with him I will throw things at my tv. (I wrote that before her talk with Ben so maybe they're not going that way.)

Again with the "very promising resident"? What is so special about Schmidt cuz I don't see it?

8 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I did want to be like: "It's not really an apology if you include a statement blaming Bailey for mixed signals with it."

He sounded like one of those guys who thinks every female server and store clerk is flirting with him just because they're being pleasant while they do their job. How much older is Bailey than him? Why would he think a married 50-something woman is into him? (Why is he into her? He showed up saying he wanted to transfer because he wanted to learn from her. But why?)

46 minutes ago, AzraeltheCat said:

I don't think that Glasses should necessarily come back to surgery, but umm, yeah, I think someone should be making sure that guy has not killed himself or something, and maybe help him figure out what medical profession he could pursue. 

Maybe they figure since he's at his mom's they would hear from her if something had actually happened to him..? (Though maybe not; I'm not convinced they actually care that much to think about it.)


Edited by ams1001
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8 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

The resident who kissed Bailey, I think he was wrong to say she had been giving him signals. Just because they had stuff in common to talk about doesn't mean she was inviting him to kiss her. 

Except I agreed with him. I was wondering myself if Bailey was into him. A lot of posters here thought he was a secret son that Bailey gave up years ago. She was sending mixed signals. Of course, this is also Grey Sloan where professionalism is something to be avoided at all costs.

I don't know why people are claiming he's a stalker. He misinterpreted Bailey's behavior, kissed her, and has been apologizing for it and actively avoiding her ever since. He's the opposite of a stalker.

I see people are mad at Linc but I don't know why. He was honest about his feelings about Amelia. He's angry and he deserves time to deal with that without Amelia trying to force small talk. It's not Linc's job to make her feel good about their breakup.

I've always hated Helm but she was channeling me when she saw the snake. I was shaking my head and saying "Nope. No, no, no" right there with her.

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14 minutes ago, marceline said:

Except I agreed with him. I was wondering myself if Bailey was into him. A lot of posters here thought he was a secret son that Bailey gave up years ago. She was sending mixed signals. Of course, this is also Grey Sloan where professionalism is something to be avoided at all costs.

I don't know why people are claiming he's a stalker. He misinterpreted Bailey's behavior, kissed her, and has been apologizing for it and actively avoiding her ever since. He's the opposite of a stalker.

What mixed signals?   She was thrilled to get a talented new intern.  She spoke to him?   I am not aware of them having an intimate or personal conversation.

She is his married boss.  He kissed her without consent.  He did not really apologize.  He blamed her.  

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5 minutes ago, marceline said:

I don't know why people are claiming he's a stalker. He misinterpreted Bailey's behavior, kissed her, and has been apologizing for it and actively avoiding her ever since. He's the opposite of a stalker.

Except his last apology was accompanied by a "but..." and insisting she was sending him signals (which even if it was a reasonable interpretation of her behavior, it's not helping his case now. Just drop it). Not convinced this story is over. 

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

What mixed signals?   She was thrilled to get a talented new intern.  She spoke to him?   I am not aware of them having an intimate or personal conversation.

Go back to the scene right before he kissed her where she tells him "the only bright spot in my day was you." Go back to that scene and replace him with any other intern and see how it plays. All through that episode I was wondering what was up with her. I was wondering if she and Ben had a fight or something over on Station 19.

  • Love 3
58 minutes ago, marceline said:

ee people are mad at Linc but I don't know why. He was honest about his feelings about Amelia. He's angry and he deserves time to deal with that without Amelia trying to force small talk. It's not Linc's job to make her feel good about their breakup.

This! Everything about the relationship and subsequent break up has always been on Amelia’s terms. Give him space damn it. 

  • Love 13
26 minutes ago, marceline said:

Go back to the scene right before he kissed her where she tells him "the only bright spot in my day was you." Go back to that scene and replace him with any other intern and see how it plays. All through that episode I was wondering what was up with her. I was wondering if she and Ben had a fight or something over on Station 19.

I felt like she wasn't intentionally flirting but I had a feeling he would take it as such.

44 minutes ago, marceline said:

Go back to the scene right before he kissed her where she tells him "the only bright spot in my day was you." Go back to that scene and replace him with any other intern and see how it plays. All through that episode I was wondering what was up with her. I was wondering if she and Ben had a fight or something over on Station 19.


17 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I felt like she wasn't intentionally flirting but I had a feeling he would take it as such.

Did she kiss him on the mouth?  We’re tongues involved.  I think she was feeling motherly.  Could it be a simple misreading of her intentions?   Maybe, but he was inappropriately attached to her before then…that’s why I thought he might be a long lost son. 

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The snake thing was cool. I’m one of the very few who like Owen but I could never stand Teddy. She always looks miserable, even around her kids and she is always looking for something to be upset about. I also saw the strange look on Kai’s face during the speech about Meredith and I thought maybe they were a bit upset Meredith was getting all the credit for their work.

Until the end I was starting to believe the theory floating around that Scott Speedman was in Mer’s imagination. In the scene with Kai and Peter Gallagher’s character neither of them ever looked at Nick or spoke directly to him, they just talked to Meredith. It was oddly framed. Still think Kai is terribly wooden as a performer.

  • Love 6

Why does Richard keep calling Glasses to get him to come back? Take the win, he's right, he shouldn't be a surgeon.

And in what universe was Schmidt a "promising" surgeon? What exactly is the criteria for that at Grey-Sloane? He's been a neurotic screw-up from Day 1. I just don't get it. The writers clearly don't see what we're seeing and don't realize how this character comes off. (This goes back to my theory that they think he's the new George or something. But, George eventually proved himself. This guy never has.)

How did Nick know the chocolate pudding had gummy worms? He hadn't come inside yet when she said that. Was he listening at the door? That was weird. Why didn't he just come in with Meredith? It's like she told him to wait outside until he heard a signal or something.

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3 hours ago, AzraeltheCat said:

Yes.  I sort of half-heartedly watch that show waiting for GA to come on.  Pru's grandparents came over and said they were giving up the fight. Then they demanded EVERY SINGLE holiday with Pru. Bailey got all fired up and started bluffing saying the reason they were giving up was because the grandfather had health problems [she had heard he had a dr's appt or something].  Then the grandmother admits that it's her health problems that have caused them to make the decision.  Heart problems, pacemaker, she find herself unable to keep up with the needs of a toddler.  Missed the resolution of holidays, but there was an ultimatum... grandparents don't want Pru to lose another parent so are demanding Ben give up firefighting in exchange for custody of Pru.  Not sure if that really got resolved, Bailey mentioned something about being in custody fight on GA, so I suppose not fully settled yet. 

Pru's grandparents clearly are unaware of Grey-Sloan/Seattle Grace Mercy Death if they think Ben's firefighter career is what they have to worry about re: Pru losing another parent. 

Edited by LexieLily
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10 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

And in what universe was Schmidt a "promising" surgeon? What exactly is the criteria for that at Grey-Sloane? He's been a neurotic screw-up from Day 1. I just don't get it. The writers clearly don't see what we're seeing and don't realize how this character comes off. (This goes back to my theory that they think he's the new George or something. But, George eventually proved himself. This guy never has.)

Though it would have been a sad ending for him, Glasses leaving the program because he caused the death of someone he was a fan of could have been a nice exit. Instead we're still wasting time on him when he's not even on screen? If they wanted to redeem him the time to do so would have been in S14 or S15.... sometime after the slip ups in surgery where he fainted from giving blood or dropped his glasses in a patient. Halfway through S18 is too late. Cut your losses. Let him go.

The snake felt like an old-school Grey's case. I liked that it allowed various doctors to pop in for comedic relief without getting overly bogged down in "the snake is a metaphor" for any one doctor.

I think this show can survive without Meredith. Let her, Nick, Kai, and Peter Gallagher head back to Minnesota. Nothing about those scenes were connected to Grey's Anatomy at all.

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33 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

I also saw the strange look on Kai’s face during the speech about Meredith and I thought maybe they were a bit upset Meredith was getting all the credit for their work.

I don't get why Meredith is even on the project other than Ellis'/her name being the name on the door for the MN research center. The research team seems to have done all the work & Amelia did the surgery. Meredith isn't a neurosurgeon, it makes zero sense for her to be on the project at all nevermind getting the credit. But it's Grey's so The Sun has to get the credit.

17 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

How did Nick know the chocolate pudding had gummy worms? He hadn't come inside yet when she said that. Was he listening at the door? That was weird. Why didn't he just come in with Meredith? It's like she told him to wait outside until he heard a signal or something.

I think he was waiting just outside until Meredith told the kids that her friend was there. He came in after she said it with the pizza so he was probably listening. 

I liked the snake story. It was a case where many doctors were included and we don't get that very often. 

Loved seeing Skylar Astin but we know nothing much will come from it if there's any relationship with Jo. They never keep on non-hospital characters for more than a few episodes.

I'm wondering if they find something with Richard after all the tests. That would cancel Meredith going to MN because of course she would be the one to treat/cure him. Nick would move to Seattle instead since Scott is a regular.

Edited by windsprints
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Though it would have been a sad ending for him, Glasses leaving the program because he caused the death of someone he was a fan of could have been a nice exit. Instead we're still wasting time on him when he's not even on screen? If they wanted to redeem him the time to do so would have been in S14 or S15.... sometime after the slip ups in surgery where he fainted from giving blood or dropped his glasses in a patient. Halfway through S18 is too late. Cut your losses. Let him go.

I also get the impression this whole arc with Richard making a bad call about the snake victim is a way of propping Schmidt. See! Even the great Richard Weber can make a bad call once in awhile! You are absolved, Schmidt!


Loved seeing Skylar Astin

That's who that was. Thank you.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, marceline said:

I see people are mad at Linc but I don't know why. He was honest about his feelings about Amelia. He's angry and he deserves time to deal with that without Amelia trying to force small talk. It's not Linc's job to make her feel good about their breakup.

This. Lest we forget, they had sex on Thanksgiving or sometime around there. And immediately after, and maybe even before?, Amelia's making goo-goo eyes at Dr. No Personality. Link loves Amelia. They were great together. He wanted to be with her forever. Amelia's about-face is all because of the writers wanting to be PC (and appeasing a small but loud and rabid Twitter fangirls), and representation is great but they didn't have to blow up the best couple the show's had in awhile and the one thing that made Amelia palatable (to me). Isn't Helm gay? Why not give her some LGBTQ lovin'?

All I'm saying is, it didn't have to be Amelia. 

In any case, I'm Team Link wherever and however this goes. I don't care what the writers try to do to make him petty or angry or whatever. His feelings are valid. And I don't like Amelia. 

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28 minutes ago, funnygirl said:


In any case, I'm Team Link wherever and however this goes. I don't care what the writers try to do to make him petty or angry or whatever. His feelings are valid. And I don't like Amelia. 

This! She broke his heart! And she can reword her actions into whatever self righteous, self indulgent narrative she wants to justify why she’s fine and has moved on while he’s still processing things but she needs to stop making out like his feelings aren’t valid and are unfair to her. It’s easy to be the mature and collected one when you were the one who got to call time on the relationship and met someone else you connected with. Every interaction she has with him is so condescending. She acting like she’s this selfless martyr this season and it’s so annoying to watch.

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Since the show seems determined to try to make us care about Schmidt, I guess all that's left is to figure out how he reappears. He really is just Chekov's intern at the point. My fear is that we'll get a Schmidt-centric episode where we see him going to the minimart or something banal only to end up in the middle of robbery or a sinkhole or some other Greysian catastrophe where he becomes a hero by performing surgery under impossible conditions.

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I so agree with keeping Glasses away. Please do not bring him back.

I liked Jo with the brother. Please somehow keep him. No JO and Linc.

Linc's scene with Amelia explaining why he can't do small talk was my favorite. Bring them back together.

The snake stuff was good; glad they did not kill it

Very weird to have Faruck recover so instantly. Took me a second to figure out who he was supposed to be.

I thought Owen was going to trip, fall, hurt himself more rather than miraculously walk.

I don't get Meredith and the research stuff. All she does is stand around. and I find it weird they try to make all the surgeons into part time researchers

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Avabelle said:

This! She broke his heart! And she can reword her actions into whatever self righteous, self indulgent narrative she wants to justify why she’s fine and has moved on while he’s still processing things but she needs to stop making out like his feelings aren’t valid and are unfair to her. It’s easy to be the mature and collected one when you were the one who got to call time on the relationship and met someone else you connected with. Every interaction she has with him is so condescending. She acting like she’s this selfless martyr this season and it’s so annoying to watch.

It wasn’t Amelia who called time on the relationship, this came up when Addison was in town - Link left Amelia because she didn’t want to get married, she didn’t break up with him she just didn’t want to marry him.

Link left her because she didn’t want to get married, and then months later he decided that actually he didn’t need to get married - Amelia didn’t know that Link was going to change his mind, so she did nothing wrong by moving on.

Link can be upset that the relationship is over and that he let Amelia go, but him hating her for moving on after he left her is not justified. 

Edited by PrincessTT
  • Love 4
6 hours ago, AzraeltheCat said:

Still not feeling Nick or Kai (I may be the only one though, the Twitterverse seems to LOVE Kai)

You are NOT the only one who doesn't feel Kai. I think the character is completely boring, has such a flat and monotone voice, and doesn't bring anything to the show, except to be a new interest for Amelia. Someone upthread mentioned "wooden" acting and I agree.


3 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I’m one of the very few who like Owen but I could never stand Teddy. She always looks miserable, even around her kids and she is always looking for something to be upset about.

I actually like Owen too and cannot stand Teddy. So true, Teddy always has this pinched, pained face no matter what the situation. Please somehow get her off my screen, I don't care how.

Feed her to Gigi..... And then feed Schmidt to GiGi for dessert. Problems solved, people!

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52 minutes ago, PrincessTT said:

Link can be upset that the relationship is over and that he let Amelia go, but him hating her for moving on after he left her is not justified. 

I can understand his need to hate her because as he said, if he doesn't hate her, he loves her. And the thing is, Amelia understood it too, when he explained to her at the end of the episode after he'd been a jerk to her the rest of the day.

As you said, it was Linc who broke up with Amelia, not her with him. Then they had sex at Thanksgiving and again, Amelia told him that she loved him but she didn't want to marry him.  And Linc shut the door on them again.

Amelia doesn't know that he later changed his mind and was going to her only to see her kiss Kai. Even after that, they continued co-parenting and Linc was calling Amelia so that she could say goodnight to Scout when it was his turn to have Scout. And so she continued the path of pleasant co-parenting. For her, the anger that he showed came out of nowhere.

I feel sorry for Linc right now, seeing Amelia moved on and Jo dating someone else, but I have no doubt that he'll be able to work it out when he figures out what he really wants.

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12 hours ago, AzraeltheCat said:

Not sure if that really got resolved, Bailey mentioned something about being in custody fight on GA, so I suppose not fully settled yet. 

On Station 19 things seemed resolved, so maybe this episode was just written before they finished the S19 episode?

9 hours ago, iMonrey said:

How did Nick know the chocolate pudding had gummy worms? He hadn't come inside yet when she said that. Was he listening at the door? That was weird. Why didn't he just come in with Meredith? It's like she told him to wait outside until he heard a signal or something.

She probably did. They clearly came from the airport together and she probably didn't want to shock the kids, so where would he have been if not listening at the door?

11 hours ago, marceline said:

Go back to the scene right before he kissed her where she tells him "the only bright spot in my day was you." Go back to that scene and replace him with any other intern and see how it plays. All through that episode I was wondering what was up with her. I was wondering if she and Ben had a fight or something over on Station 19.

I don't see how telling an employee they are the bright spot in your day is a mixed signal or an invitation to kiss them. I took it as her being impressed with him as a resident, and that the other staff was annoying her. Although, it was predictable that the resident would read it wrong, it was clear to me she didn't mean it like that.

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 8
10 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Did she kiss him on the mouth?  We’re tongues involved.  I think she was feeling motherly.  Could it be a simple misreading of her intentions?  Maybe, but he was inappropriately attached to her before then…that’s why I thought he might be a long lost son. 

That's exactly what it was. Wright misread her behavior. That doesn't change the fact that her behavior was weird and IMO problematic.

There's no villain in this situation. It was just mixed signals. 

11 hours ago, DEL901 said:

She is his married boss. 

This is something that has gotten overlooked. Bailey's interactions with Wright should also be viewed through the lens of the power difference. She is and was Wright's boss. That means she has greater responsibility for their interaction. 


He did not really apologize.

According to Bailey, he'd already apologized twice and hadn't been on her service since. The only reason they worked together in this episode was because it was an "all hands on deck" situation.

  • Love 1

Meredith brought Jordan to Seattle for Miranda because he was in awe of her. Wasn't Deluca younger than Maggie and also her subordinate? Cristina took the younger Shane up on his offer to help her relieve stress when he was her resident. Miranda had that fling with Nurse Eli and later went though the booty call Bailey phase with Ben. So, while conventional wisdom is that a dude who looks like Jordan may not typically pursue an overweight woman 20+ years his senior, it's not surprising he thought he had a chance with his hero at a hospital where people bang their mentors all the time. Also, unlikely things happen several times every episode of this show.

Miranda's behavior could be read as that of someone who appreciated someone appreciating her and having similar interests after trouble with recruiting and amidst the fallout from the Webber Method debacle. But, she seemed to second guess things when talking to Ben about whether or not they were feeding the snake. 

Edited by Rae Spellman
  • Love 3

I'm not sure how to feel about the Bailey/Wright stuff. Now, do I think Bailey's gonna cheat on Ben or leave him for Wright? Absolutely not, no way in hell. Not only did Ben and Bailey just fight all season long to take in Dean's kid, but they have shown zero signs of marital issues. Even with a new child in their home, I don't see any possibility of them suddenly sprouting enough marital issues to break them up or for Bailey to return any sort of feelings for Wright.

But do I worry about where this story is generally going to go? Yes. I think Wright has a very, very one sided crush on Bailey. I just don't know where they're taking his character. I will say, he did apologize BUT then also told Bailey that she was "sending him signals", which shows, to me, that he might not mean his apology. He may have initially meant it but I do think his conversation with Winston about their teachers have gotten him on the "but maybe she has feelings for me" train, which is a dangerous path to be on. And because we don't know Wright very well, it's hard to say how far they will take his crush. It's definitely not over, he still is crushing on her and that won't go away, but is it going to turn into an obsessive love? Will we have our first stalker/potential kidnapping/potential attempted murder storyline? Would Wright go as far as stalk Bailey, try to convince her to leave Ben and be with him, or even as far as trying to kill Ben to be with Bailey? 

That would be dark for Grey's, but we've seen Grey's go dark before and it's a plot the show has never actually explored before, to my recollection. And with 18 seasons under its belt, I assume the show wants to try for different plots. I would personally hate it, to be clear. I don't think the show needs to go that dark and I could be overthinking it. I'm just trying to figure out where the show is going from that end scene and trying to think what they would want to do that's different than what they have done. 

I don't think Bailey ever sent him mixed signals. That's all on Wright for misinterpreting the situation. Which, as of right now, it's harmless and they can awkwardly move on. But the end of this episode for them doesn't really prove to me that it's over. Bailey rightfully shut him down, more than once, and they avoided contact until now. Yes, Bailey is the superior in this situation so she needs to handle this very carefully. But she has made sure that he knows that this isn't a thing that will happen and that she has no interest with him, so as of right now, she's been doing the right thing. 

As for the rest of the episode, I liked Jo's interactions with her patient's brother. Hello, Skylar Astin! I actually thought Jo's scenes with him were really good. Shame that the Link stuff is still hovering in the background.

As for the Link/Amelia stuff, both suck. I think this was their official "we're moving on from this relationship" episode, or I hope so. They really aren't a good match, as it turns out. It's not just on Amelia (who has her share of issues, no doubt). Link's responsible for his own actions here. Chris Carmack deserves better, as well. He's such a good actor but Link has had some pretty bad character arcs, especially this season. I don't like Link any more than I like Amelia at the moment. But their scene together here was decent. 

I can't say I disagreed with Catherine's statement of "not everyone belongs in the OR." It's a real shame this show is so pro-surgeon, as every single character performs surgery, or else I'd be more hopeful of Schmitt switching to a non-surgical field. 

Yawn to Owen/Teddy. Also, Teddy, that man did NOT walk and cause you to suddenly stop fighting with him. He stood up and tripped over his wheelchair and had to lean on the wall for support. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't call that walking.

I really couldn't care less about Meredith's new job dilemma. She could leave the show and there'd be zero change to the current Grey's. She's not the show anymore, she hasn't been in a while. We've seen the show do just fine without her last season, when she was either on a beach or had her mannequin step in for her. So if she did leave for Minnesota for good, the show would still do just fine. The ratings would be just fine. So please, ship her off because her scenes have not been the most interesting part of the show in a long time.  

The snake stuff was actually fun. Very reminiscent of what kind of cases they used to cover way back when.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I can't say I disagreed with Catherine's statement of "not everyone belongs in the OR." It's a real shame this show is so pro-surgeon, as every single character performs surgery, or else I'd be more hopeful of Schmitt switching to a non-surgical field. 

I honestly can't think of any branch of medicine that I would trust Schmidt in. Dermatology maybe.

But if they do switch him to another specialty, I hope they drop him from the show other than the occasional scene as Helm's roommate or Nico's partner (although they could drop both those characters and I wouldn't complain).  The Good Doctor wrote a main character out of being a surgeon due to health issues and the show has been twisting itself into knots ever since trying to justify keeping her on the screen.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

And because we don't know Wright very well, it's hard to say how far they will take his crush. It's definitely not over, he still is crushing on her and that won't go away, but is it going to turn into an obsessive love? Will we have our first stalker/potential kidnapping/potential attempted murder storyline? 

Hopefully, it doesn't go far at all. As someone who has watched Grey's since this beginning, I'd give up the show if Jordan became a stalker and/or if they paired him with Jo. I still haven't forgiven Jo for her treatment of Chest Peckwell or Stephanie.

Helm might be more creepily obsessed with Meredith and isn't stalking her. Jordan is still new in town and moved to Seattle specifically to work with Miranda. So far they haven't shown that he has friends or a life outside work. If he had activities that didn't involve Miranda, the crush might become less of an issue. Plenty of folks have girl crushes, man crushes, etc. that don't turn romantic. Ideally, Jordan finds some other love interest and is able to appreciate Miranda as a mentor and possibly friend. Perhaps, Jordan crosses paths with Station 23's Deja Duval. Or, maybe Pru's grandmothers nightmare is realized. Ben, perishes after doing something Ben-like and Jordan is there to pick up the pieces.

Tangentially I appreciate the casting directors for sending men that look like Cress Williams, Daniel Sunjata, Jason George, and Greg Davis Miranda's way. 

  • Love 4

Greys is always trying to force me to watch Station 19 and it makes me hate both more and more. Enough is enough.

The show has always been so obsessed with Bailey being someone everyone wants. I think Shonda Rhimes sees herself as Bailey. They would never do anything to make Bailey look bad either. So she’s not gonna cheat on Ben. They will prob make the intern attack her. 

I wish Schmidt would kill himself so that loser is off the show. Harsh but he’s a fictional character so I don’t care lol. Or he could get a gun and rage and kill Nico Kai and himself. Maybe Jo too lol. 

Scott Speedman acts so weird on this show. He seems disheveled and twitchy. Meredith is obv not moving from Seattle so just enough with that storyline. 

  • Love 2

I wonder if they will end up with Owen getting arrested for this, or another case, at some point. I keep thinking about "Mary Kills People."

The snake was like old Grey's. I did actually like this episode. They're usually so excited to get a surgery, it was funny to see some of them running away. 

I like Ben, I'm glad that they are talking like adults, and re-affirming that they are committed to each other. It felt like they were setting up for Bailey to possibly have an affair. I hope they don't go the stalker route, but anything for big drama in finales. I was thinking it was about time for Ben to find another career, but the other show is still on. 

The scene at the end was nice. 

  • Love 3
On 3/25/2022 at 8:29 AM, marceline said:

Except I agreed with him. I was wondering myself if Bailey was into him. A lot of posters here thought he was a secret son that Bailey gave up years ago. She was sending mixed signals. Of course, this is also Grey Sloan where professionalism is something to be avoided at all costs.

I don't know why people are claiming he's a stalker. He misinterpreted Bailey's behavior, kissed her, and has been apologizing for it and actively avoiding her ever since. He's the opposite of a stalker.

This is the textbook definition of gaslighting, is it not?  "I'm sorry I did a bad thing, but you made me do it so it's actually your fault."  See: Will Smith.

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