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Unexpected: All Episodes Discussion

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2 hours ago, Chalby said:

Thank you for this. I was also led to believe if the consenting "couple" is within 2 years of each other, and the 15 year old doesn't want to press charges, it won't become an issue (although legal guardians can demand a charge.)

My source didn't include the info regarding penetration vs no penetration sexual activity that was in @applewood 's post here:

Because penetration occurred, Jason could be charged with misdemeanor sexual assault which carries a penalty of up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2000.00.

Would a judge give Jason more than a slap on the wrist? I doubt it. Although Jason is not a law-abiding citizen (he has a record), his other crimes are unrelated to anything  involving penetrative sex with a minor. The judge wouldn't know anything about Jason's generally assholish treatment of Kalen.

Instead a judge would probably be thinking about Jason's obligations to his child as a new father, which include both financial support and shared physical care with Kalen of their son; neither of which Jason could do if behind bars. The judge would most likely think even imposing a fine on Jason would be taking money from him needed to support his son. 

Over the years, I've read about a few cases of consensual sex between teenagers in which the boy was charged with statutory rape in a state without Romeo and Juliet laws. In those cases it was the girl's parent(s) that got the ball rolling that eventually led to their daughter's boyfriend being charged. I recall boys getting convicted in some of those cases and having to register as a sex offender, which affects them for the rest of their lives.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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5 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Watch her facial expressions and body ;language during their talking heads on the couch. She’s already had the baby, yet she’s still afraid to bring things up because she knows she’ll get verbally and emotionally abused, if not physically as well. His parents raised a psychopath and her parents raised a Charles Manson acolyte. It is so terribly disturbing.

I am going to re-watch this episode today (I'll need a tranquilizer).  I had to turn it off after I wrote my post at the beginning.  

  • Love 4

I appreciated seeing the hospital staff calmly and rationally take control of a difficult situation and have Jason escorted out. It was a nice contrast to the birthing center which Jason was easily able to control.

Other than that I wish they'd stop following those two. It's too dark for me. No one expects teen parenthood to be a bed of roses, but those are hard to watch. Their segments feel like a documentary on emotional abuse.

Who is actually supporting Emersyn and Mason's baby? Does anyone work? Emersyn has every right to move and all that, but now I am curious if either of these opinionated teenagers are actually financially supporting Matteo. We hear Emersyn mention staying with Mason until they get their own place, but have they ever mentioned Mason working so that may actually happen? I'd be interested in if either of these two are making actual adult moves (working, helping around the house) or are they just trying to get the adults in their lives to treat them as equals without earning it.


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9 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Watch her facial expressions and body ;language during their talking heads on the couch. She’s already had the baby, yet she’s still afraid to bring things up because she knows she’ll get verbally and emotionally abused, if not physically as well. His parents raised a psychopath and her parents raised a Charles Manson acolyte. It is so terribly disturbing.

I just watched the rest of this SS.  Just WOW.  It is just amazing that this child - Kylen - (yes, she is an immature child) can be so brainwashed by this monster.  And note to LILY:  (this comes with age).. life is NOT A POKER GAME, dimwit. Maturity makes change.  (I WILL PUT MONEY ON THEM NOT BEING TOGETHER TIL THE END OF THEIR LIVES - this goes for ALL OF these knuckleheads).

I live WAY too close to this NH town and I'm harmless, really, and old..  I would imagine this lovely young couple have to have security 24/7 after watching Jason's charming personality on TV.

Edited by Boston
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37 minutes ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

I'd be interested in if either of these two are making actual adult moves (working, helping around the house) or are they just trying to get the adults in their lives to treat them as equals without earning it.


Lots of talk from Emersyn and Mason and blaming of her mother (who isn't handling things 100% the best), but no real alternative plans or actions either.  

Kylen is obviously being abused, but I do find it really interesting that she manages to find her voice when it comes to defending Jason.  I just wonder who comes first now that she has the baby.  Is she going to deny things her child needs because of Jason's ignorance?

Edited by KBrownie
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Kylen is an enabler of Jason’s craziness. Is she abused?  I have no idea but every single time somebody tries to help or shelter her she runs to Jason. 

When I think about abused women I think of somebody with no resources or family. 

Kylen has living parents that seem like they would do anything for her. 

When anybody tries to help Kylen she cries out for Jason. Perhaps they deserve each other!

  • Love 9


2 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

Who is actually supporting Emersyn and Mason's baby? Does anyone work? Emersyn has every right to move and all that, but now I am curious if either of these opinionated teenagers are actually financially supporting Matteo. We hear Emersyn mention staying with Mason until they get their own place, but have they ever mentioned Mason working so that may actually happen? I'd be interested in if either of these two are making actual adult moves (working, helping around the house) or are they just trying to get the adults in their lives to treat them as equals without earning it.


EXACTLY. I mentioned a couple weeks ago how these couples are playing house and this is exactly what I mean. They think that staying together and sleeping in the same bed at night is being parents but it's  not. They tell themselves and their friends that they are all grown because we sleep together in the same bed but that's it that's where it stops I don't see any of them getting jobs helping out washing dishes going to the grocery store buying their own diapers formulas you name it. All I see of Emerson is her lying on the couch with that  snarky little smirk on her face not lifting a finger to do anything yet expect to be treated as an adult while her mother told her an adult pays bills adult supports themselves until that happens Emerson will just need to follow these my house my rules. I have a.family member who had her baby at 16 and the father was allowed to stay over to help..all it did was get her pregnant again after her 6 weeks was up.

Having said that I do find her mother to be way too judgmental when it comes to Mason's mom. If she's truly that concerned take the time to go over and meet with the woman you have common ground both of you are grandmothers to that child. We have only seen a brief glimpse of Mason's mother and she has done her time and I believe she said she was in a support group. These two women could sit down and come up with a plan on what's best for their children and their grandchild and ever since Mom could offer some support to Mason's mom instead she is simply labeled her a drug addict and that's it and speaking personally as a person who's been in recovery for over 10 years other people's support is very important  these two women is that a united front letting them know that they can't just go from house to house and expect to do nothing and had everybody wait on them hand and foot and pay their way. They could both insist that if you're going to live under my roof then you're going to contribute somehow if not financially because of a job then you're going to support and contribute to this house by cleaning cooking and all the other things it takes when you are parents.


As for Jason there are no words that have not already been spouted about this kid and his very punchable face. I worry about Kylen so much and wonder how she ended up with this boy.  Does she think that this is the best that she can do?  The way that she was crying and asking his permission still to get the epidural and crying when he was told to leave the room just broke my heart. In the youtube viseo of these two, Kylen says Jason was given a bad edit to make him look bad.  NO amount of editting good make him seem like a nice guy.  He cant deny saying those.things and there is no way any of that shit he was saying can be taken out of context. I can't believe they are dragging out having this baby for yet another week. It has been eight weeks of the same s*** of listening to him go on I am very interested and see what happens when that child comes home I want to see what kind of a father he actually is with this infant. I want to see if I am proven wrong cuz right now I see that baby crying at 3 a.m. Jason saying he's still sleepy and she should take care of it for refusing to change diapers I don't see him stepping up at all but I don't need another two weeks of watching this labor get on with it show the child caring and what happens to the relationship once that baby comes home and see how the dynamic changes.

The previews for next week show us going back to Kentucky to deal with Tyra and her family of never-ending litters of babies being prepped to grow up and pop out their own litters of babies and it kills me to say that because I am a proud born-and-raised resident of Kentucky , and her problems in the preview are exactly where Lily and Emerson and kylen are all headed. It shows Tyra saying how her and her baby daddy are sleeping in the same bed again, like that makes him a good dad.   all these girls do is equate being a father with having a boyfriend and I believe they think having the boyfriend part is much more important than him being a father.  Lok st lily, is Aaliyah dad anywhere to be found.

Somebody get these girls.some birth control and proper sex education. And all the grandparents i know you want to help, but you are doing too much and your kids are not growing up.


  • Love 9
1 hour ago, KBrownie said:


Lots of talk from Emersyn and Mason and blaming of her mother (who isn't handling things 100% the best), but no real alternative plans or actions either.  

Kylen is obviously being abused, but I do find it really interesting that she manages to find her voice when it comes to defending Jason.  I just wonder who comes first now that she has the baby.  Is she going to deny things her child needs because of Jason's ignorance?

Classic Abuser Syndrome.  Horrifying to watch; must be sad to live (talking about Kylen and the monster).  Have women learned NOTHING ??  I guess self-worth and self-respect have to be taught at home.  Maybe she didn't have that - but her father seems to have a set - and the mother doesn't.  Light just dawned.  Not saying her father was an abuser AT ALL.  Her mother is so passive.  Sad for Kylen's father who is never going to see peace with his daughter.

  • Love 2

I liked when the male doctor or nurse told Fool Jason that he (FJ) has only a limited understanding of what is at risk here. Also someone else earlier mentioned that maternal exhaustion could lead to Kylen being physically unable to push when needed which sounds catastrophic to me. Who pays for the epidural if she does get it ? I presume no one here has medical insurance and I am not sure anyone works either.

  • Love 8

I enjoyed seeing Jason thwarted at every turn and being told he had no understanding or say in the epidural. When he told Kaylen he would be right outside the door and was told nope you will be leaving the building I wanted to applaud.
It’s about time he realized he was not the king of the world and that actions have consequences.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Kylen is an enabler of Jason’s craziness. Is she abused?  I have no idea but every single time somebody tries to help or shelter her she runs to Jason. 

When I think about abused women I think of somebody with no resources or family. 

Kylen has living parents that seem like they would do anything for her. 

When anybody tries to help Kylen she cries out for Jason. Perhaps they deserve each other!

I think (with my psychiatrists license that i don't have) she is emotionally abused by him.  But i can see it escalating (again with my drs. degree.. not).  Seen it in one of my good friends.  NOTHING you could say would make her leave the creep - no PHYSICAL ABUSE but all of us could see the beating down emotionally she took. (Their 2 daughters were very emotionally scarred from this toxic relationship; one ended up with mental issues - maybe she would have had them anyway; and the other is doing well.. but she moved out of that house FAST).  Very sad.

Edited by Boston
forgot word
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14 hours ago, HulaTallula said:

I cannot BELIEVE Jason is whining that the hospital only cares about Kylen and not him, and thank God, the nurse is listening to Kylen and not Jason. And he's so dumb and ignorant about how it all works but he's ready to run his mouth. I would love an MD to give him a smackdown. 


"We had a birth plan..." No, YOU did. And your "plan" came about entirely because you're a selfish, knuckle-dragging ass.

Sideshow Jason: So I don't get any say?

Nurse: No.

"Doctors and nurses don't care what I think." Look, you nauseating little troll...no one cares what you think! And no one should!

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, Poohbear617 said:


EXACTLY. I mentioned a couple weeks ago how these couples are playing house and this is exactly what I mean. They think that staying together and sleeping in the same bed at night is being parents but it's  not. They tell themselves and their friends that they are all grown because we sleep together in the same bed but that's it that's where it stops I don't see any of them getting jobs helping out washing dishes going to the grocery store buying their own diapers formulas you name it. All I see of Emerson is her lying on the couch with that  snarky little smirk on her face not lifting a finger to do anything yet expect to be treated as an adult while her mother told her an adult pays bills adult supports themselves until that happens Emerson will just need to follow these my house my rules. I have a.family member who had her baby at 16 and the father was allowed to stay over to help..all it did was get her pregnant again after her 6 weeks was up.

Having said that I do find her mother to be way too judgmental when it comes to Mason's mom. If she's truly that concerned take the time to go over and meet with the woman you have common ground both of you are grandmothers to that child. We have only seen a brief glimpse of Mason's mother and she has done her time and I believe she said she was in a support group. These two women could sit down and come up with a plan on what's best for their children and their grandchild and ever since Mom could offer some support to Mason's mom instead she is simply labeled her a drug addict and that's it and speaking personally as a person who's been in recovery for over 10 years other people's support is very important  these two women is that a united front letting them know that they can't just go from house to house and expect to do nothing and had everybody wait on them hand and foot and pay their way. They could both insist that if you're going to live under my roof then you're going to contribute somehow if not financially because of a job then you're going to support and contribute to this house by cleaning cooking and all the other things it takes when you are parents.


As for Jason there are no words that have not already been spouted about this kid and his very punchable face. I worry about Kylen so much and wonder how she ended up with this boy.  Does she think that this is the best that she can do?  The way that she was crying and asking his permission still to get the epidural and crying when he was told to leave the room just broke my heart. In the youtube viseo of these two, Kylen says Jason was given a bad edit to make him look bad.  NO amount of editting good make him seem like a nice guy.  He cant deny saying those.things and there is no way any of that shit he was saying can be taken out of context. I can't believe they are dragging out having this baby for yet another week. It has been eight weeks of the same s*** of listening to him go on I am very interested and see what happens when that child comes home I want to see what kind of a father he actually is with this infant. I want to see if I am proven wrong cuz right now I see that baby crying at 3 a.m. Jason saying he's still sleepy and she should take care of it for refusing to change diapers I don't see him stepping up at all but I don't need another two weeks of watching this labor get on with it show the child caring and what happens to the relationship once that baby comes home and see how the dynamic changes.

The previews for next week show us going back to Kentucky to deal with Tyra and her family of never-ending litters of babies being prepped to grow up and pop out their own litters of babies and it kills me to say that because I am a proud born-and-raised resident of Kentucky , and her problems in the preview are exactly where Lily and Emerson and kylen are all headed. It shows Tyra saying how her and her baby daddy are sleeping in the same bed again, like that makes him a good dad.   all these girls do is equate being a father with having a boyfriend and I believe they think having the boyfriend part is much more important than him being a father.  Lok st lily, is Aaliyah dad anywhere to be found.

Somebody get these girls.some birth control and proper sex education. And all the grandparents i know you want to help, but you are doing too much and your kids are not growing up.


You said EVERYTHING I think we all think (if that makes sense).  These KIDS think they know everything (looking at you Jenna, Lily, and all the rest).  Kylen has an emotional problem; and Jason was just looking for someone who was already beaten down to lord over.  That's my take.  Great post.

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

I appreciated seeing the hospital staff calmly and rationally take control of a difficult situation and have Jason escorted out. It was a nice contrast to the birthing center which Jason was easily able to control.

I agree.  I kind of have a crush on the anesthesiologist/nurse anesthetist, just from what little we heard from him.  I was picturing him thinking, "I have worked way too hard and way too long to get to this position and I'm not going to put up with this ignorant punk."

Normally I don't like the know-it-all attitude that can come from some medical professionals, but I'm making an exception for this one.

2 hours ago, KBrownie said:

I just wonder who comes first now that she has the baby.  Is she going to deny things her child needs because of Jason's ignorance?

Well, she's already denying things she herself needs because of Jason's ignorance, so I imagine she'll do the same with the baby.

And really, his ignorance is stunning.  For one, he pronounced "gynecologist" with a soft G, never mind that that wasn't even a gynecologist.  If he's such an expert on epidurals, I would think he'd know who it is who administers them. 

And...did he say they have methamphetamine in epidurals?  I swear I heard that.  I'm no expert on epidurals, but I know that gynecologists don't administer them during childbirth, and I highly doubt there's methamphetamine in them. 

Also, he focused on fentanyl in epidurals, but I don't think he really understands what fentanyl is.  Or, well, his familiarity is with fentanyl as a contaminant in heroin.  And I find this nonsense about Kylen being a drug addict from medicine administered during childbirth a little hypocritical coming from someone who uses alcohol and nicotine.  But that's our Jason!

And finally--is that his mother or stepmother, the one with the weird hair and orange tan?  I couldn't really follow exactly what she was saying, but it sounded like she was defending him, saying whatever he was doing was for Xavier's benefit.  The hell?

Add to that his father just rolling over, declaring that he's a monster but he loves him anyway.  I know it's not necessarily the parents' fault how a kid turns out, but I'm seeing a lot of evidence of it in this case.


"We had a birth plan..." No, YOU did. And your "plan" came about entirely because you're a selfish, knuckle-dragging ass.

And his cousin said they hadn't been to any classes.  So it appears this "birth plan" was just to have Kylen lie down and push the baby out, maybe biting down on a stick? 

And what exactly is the deal with Kylen/Jason not allowing the midwives to check her cervix?  I'm wondering if she had any prenatal care at all.

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Who is actually supporting Emersyn and Mason's baby? Does anyone work?

Unless otherwise noted, you should assume that every single one of these people is on Medicaid for sure, and possibly on food stamps and welfare assistance. That may be some of the reason why some of them got pregnant in the first place. The Pregnancy Pact group especially look like the type of people who are working the system. 





  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:


Sideshow Jason: So I don't get any say?

Nurse: No.

"Doctors and nurses don't care what I think." Look, you nauseating little troll...no one cares what you think! And no one should!

When we went in for our planned c-section for our 3rd, hubs and I were not in total agreement on the baby's name. When my husband was in the restroom, the nurse told me that when he went home for the night, we would change the birth certificate to be the name I wanted ! She said they do it all the time, because as the mom, the baby is MY baby. Lol

It ended up fine. We thought we were having another boy, but instead had our only girl, and we had that name picked out already. 

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15 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:


"We had a birth plan..." No, YOU did. And your "plan" came about entirely because you're a selfish, knuckle-dragging ass.

Sideshow Jason: So I don't get any say?

Nurse: No.

"Doctors and nurses don't care what I think." Look, you nauseating little troll...no one cares what you think! And no one should!

10 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

Watching Jason is rage inducing. 



to the thousanth (1000) degree.  (I can't spell.. i'm so enraged)

Edited by Boston
forgot word
  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:


"We had a birth plan..." No, YOU did. And your "plan" came about entirely because you're a selfish, knuckle-dragging ass.

Sideshow Jason: So I don't get any say?

Nurse: No.

"Doctors and nurses don't care what I think." Look, you nauseating little troll...no one cares what you think! And no one should!

What man (child) in this century talks like this - or believes this.  That poor girl was going thru hell.  No, FUCKFACE, you get NO SAY.  OMG.

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Another night of wanting to throw something at the TV. Jason is so stupid. He thinks Kylan will become a drug addict if she gets an epidural. After they threw Jason out (which was the highlight of the night) I wonder if Kylan could call someone else, like her mom or a friend as a support person. I guess we'll see next week.

I wonder if their birth is one the nurses will talk about for years afterwords. LOL

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I agree.  I kind of have a crush on the anesthesiologist/nurse anesthetist, just from what little we heard from him.  I was picturing him thinking, "I have worked way too hard and way too long to get to this position and I'm not going to put up with this ignorant punk."

Normally I don't like the know-it-all attitude that can come from some medical professionals, but I'm making an exception for this one.

Well, she's already denying things she herself needs because of Jason's ignorance, so I imagine she'll do the same with the baby.

And really, his ignorance is stunning.  For one, he pronounced "gynecologist" with a soft G, never mind that that wasn't even a gynecologist.  If he's such an expert on epidurals, I would think he'd know who it is who administers them. 

And...did he say they have methamphetamine in epidurals?  I swear I heard that.  I'm no expert on epidurals, but I know that gynecologists don't administer them during childbirth, and I highly doubt there's methamphetamine in them. 

Also, he focused on fentanyl in epidurals, but I don't think he really understands what fentanyl is.  Or, well, his familiarity is with fentanyl as a contaminant in heroin.  And I find this nonsense about Kylen being a drug addict from medicine administered during childbirth a little hypocritical coming from someone who uses alcohol and nicotine.  But that's our Jason!

And finally--is that his mother or stepmother, the one with the weird hair and orange tan?  I couldn't really follow exactly what she was saying, but it sounded like she was defending him, saying whatever he was doing was for Xavier's benefit.  The hell?

Add to that his father just rolling over, declaring that he's a monster but he loves him anyway.  I know it's not necessarily the parents' fault how a kid turns out, but I'm seeing a lot of evidence of it in this case.

And his cousin said they hadn't been to any classes.  So it appears this "birth plan" was just to have Kylen lie down and push the baby out, maybe biting down on a stick? 

And what exactly is the deal with Kylen/Jason not allowing the midwives to check her cervix?  I'm wondering if she had any prenatal care at all.

She didn't have prenatal care.   After watching this again, they said it (someone said it.. maybe his cousin).  Shame on her mother (but, really? what could she do)

34 minutes ago, applewood said:

Another night of wanting to throw something at the TV. Jason is so stupid. He thinks Kylan will become a drug addict if she gets an epidural. After they threw Jason out (which was the highlight of the night) I wonder if Kylan could call someone else, like her mom or a friend as a support person. I guess we'll see next week.

I wonder if their birth is one the nurses will talk about for years afterwords. LOL

Believe me, as a nurse, they will be talking about this til the day they die.  Jason is a POS monster.  I can't believe I'm gonna write this:  The country (planet) would be so better off without him.

Edited by Boston
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5 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

Who is actually supporting Emersyn and Mason's baby? Does anyone work? Emersyn has every right to move and all that, but now I am curious if either of these opinionated teenagers are actually financially supporting Matteo. We hear Emersyn mention staying with Mason until they get their own place, but have they ever mentioned Mason working so that may actually happen? I'd be interested in if either of these two are making actual adult moves (working, helping around the house) or are they just trying to get the adults in their lives to treat them as equals without earning it.


I was wondering the same thing. Do either of them work? Emersyn "thinks" she's an adult but I get the impression her mother and step father are supporting her. They need to have a plan. Get jobs and start saving for an apartment.

I do find her mother a tad judgmental but I can understand where she's coming from. She doesn't want Emersyn to be pregnant again in a few months. Also, she has several young children in the house. Maybe she feels it sets a bad example having Mason and Em in bed together. As someone else pointed out, how much housework does Miss "I'm an adult" Emersyn do? It seems like she's always lying on the couch.

  • Love 7
44 minutes ago, applewood said:

I was wondering the same thing. Do either of them work? Emersyn "thinks" she's an adult but I get the impression her mother and step father are supporting her. They need to have a plan. Get jobs and start saving for an apartment.

I do find her mother a tad judgmental but I can understand where she's coming from. She doesn't want Emersyn to be pregnant again in a few months. Also, she has several young children in the house. Maybe she feels it sets a bad example having Mason and Em in bed together. As someone else pointed out, how much housework does Miss "I'm an adult" Emersyn do? It seems like she's always lying on the couch.

Unfortunately, none of these "teen moms" have a good education or no means to get a GREAT job.  Emersyn's mother:  Yes, she has a boatload of kids from different fathers - not a great role model for Emersyn.  The cycle continues.  I want to have hope, but Emersyn with the child, Mason, does not a great relationship for the ages make.

  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Jason makes Lawrence and Aiden – tolerable.  Almost!

The bar is pretty low, isn't it.

I thought I read an article where Jason was arrested at the hospital on outstanding warrants, but I guess I was misinformed. 

Emerson's mom's rule about not letting them share a bedroom is a bit like closing the barn door after the cows are already out. I really think it's more of a control issue - do as I say - otherwise, why would she kick them out of her house, then have a hiss fit because they are going to the baby daddy's house? She would do more for them and their relationship if she worked with them to encourage co-parenting and relationship building. With all the other kids she has, it's not like she will be helping her at night, etc. And, Emerson is 18. I feel they are the least messed up couple, despite their respective messed up families, and I think that, given some good guidance, they could actually have a chance. 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Unless otherwise noted, you should assume that every single one of these people is on Medicaid for sure, and possibly on food stamps and welfare assistance. That may be some of the reason why some of them got pregnant in the first place. The Pregnancy Pact group especially look like the type of people who are working the system. 





And to note: it's not shaming to be on Medicaid.  I was a working adult with a career and suddenly got sick and found out I was taken down many pegs,.  I needed Medicaid.  I was horrified.  but it helped me when I needed it.  But believe me, when i was working in the medical field?  Medicaid suckers were rampant.  Mostly teen moms/and their baby-daddies.  JMO

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Yes, Jason did say there was meth in an epidural. What a putz. Heaven knows what other ridiculous stuff this kid believes. 

As a woman who had an epidural, I can very confidently say that neither my son nor I are drug addicts because of it. He didn't go through withdrawal after birth... neither did I. 

I didn't hear the cousin say that Kylen had no prenatal care, just no birth/childcare classes. I'm sure Jason didn't allow the classes because they might contradict him and enlighten Kylen on the truth. If she didn't have prenatal care, that is reprehensible.

  • Love 10

In keeping with my tradition of posting and then reading the snark...

There's a line between getting an audience drawn in and milking stuff to build up anticipation, and taking so long to do that, that any anticipation that's been gathering crashes and it turns to frustration. That's the case with Jason and Kylen. They are dragging out this birth and the associated drama way too long. It looks like that will continue next time.

I weep for a future in which lowlifes like Jason have such a hold over their 17 year old girlfriend that she's terrified to do anything other than what he wants. If she is still 17, her parents should have been at the hospital saying, "She is a minor, we demand to be in there," and let the chips fall where they may. Instead, they are home wallowing in the same sort of helplessness that they instilled in their daughter. So here we are. It's enraging to watch. Mom's attitude is probably, "Well, I don't want to upset her..." Can I get a show of hands of anyone here over 50 who could apply that phrase on their own mom if this was going on?

I did not like Emersyn's sister and her comment about Emersyn being dramatic or whatever. I don't find her to be dramatic. She seems stubborn but she is right to want Mason there to help her. Mom is right to have house rules. So Emersyn made her choice. Mom is such a pearl clutching Karen. You can read between the lines that she thinks the environment there is a horror show and I frankly, doubt that it is. Mason's father seems quite together and that's where she will be living. Frankly, if mom is going to be so unbending (again, which is her right) then Emersyn made the right choice for her. I admire her for not being the screechy, tantrum throwing baby that many of these girls are. She's very matter of fact: If Mason can't be in my room, then see ya. Good for her.

This is a show about the young people becoming parents. Jenna's parents had their whole lives to fight and make up and frankly, I'm not interested in watching their drama or attempts to patch things up or talk or whatever. They are both incredibly thirsty for camera time and are being indulged by this show. I want to see a session with Jenna and Aiden in a counselor's office or scenes showing what they are trying to work on or if it's best that they let it all go. 

Lilly and Lawrence are just living the life of young parents with two tiny kids and all the stresses that come with that. Welcome to adulting, kids. I thought it was a bit odd when Lilly mentioned going to City Hall to get married and her mother had an "Oh my God," reaction that sounded more embarrassed at the thought of a lowly City Hall ceremony than anything else. Maybe I misheard it but I perked right up at her reaction.

I was so glad I didn't have to see the baby factory family. Unfortunately, they're back next week so I'll get my FF finger ready. 

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2 hours ago, applewood said:

how much housework does Miss "I'm an adult" Emersyn do? It seems like she's always lying on the couch.

We've only seen her when she was nine months pregnant or immediately postpartum. Maybe she never lifted a finger even when she was able-bodied, but I don't feel like we have any information about that.


I didn't hear the cousin say that Kylen had no prenatal care, just no birth/childcare classes.

I heard the same.

7 hours ago, KBrownie said:

I just wonder who comes first now that she has the baby. 

Sadly, I don't wonder. If she's staying with Jason, he comes first. He has a nice compliant slave, and he is not interested in any other kind of relationship.

4 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

Yes, Jason did say there was meth in an epidural. What a putz. Heaven knows what other ridiculous stuff this kid believes. 

As a woman who had an epidural, I can very confidently say that neither my son nor I are drug addicts because of it. He didn't go through withdrawal after birth... neither did I. 

I didn't hear the cousin say that Kylen had no prenatal care, just no birth/childcare classes. I'm sure Jason didn't allow the classes because they might contradict him and enlighten Kylen on the truth. If she didn't have prenatal care, that is reprehensible.

I stand corrected.  You are right.  No birth classes.  And since when did Dr. Jason read that there was FENTANYL in an epidural.  I haven't read that.  He's an ass.  He maybe read about Fentanyl being anesthesia - which it is used for.  Kaylen wasn't going under the knife. 

  • LOL 1
11 hours ago, KBrownie said:


Lots of talk from Emersyn and Mason and blaming of her mother (who isn't handling things 100% the best), but no real alternative plans or actions either.  

Kylen is obviously being abused, but I do find it really interesting that she manages to find her voice when it comes to defending Jason.  I just wonder who comes first now that she has the baby.  Is she going to deny things her child needs because of Jason's ignorance?


I have to say though, that I was clapping at the hospital staff who kept their calm demeanor and still managed to put the little asshole Jason OUT.  

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

If she is still 17, her parents should have been at the hospital saying, "She is a minor, we demand to be in there," and let the chips fall where they may. Instead, they are home wallowing in the same sort of helplessness that they instilled in their daughter. So here we are. It's enraging to watch. Mom's attitude is probably, "Well, I don't want to upset her..."

And now that we've been surprised seeing Kylen standing up for herself (aka being uncooperative and rude)... to MATERNITY STAFF, not midwives--not Jason ... perhaps we understand WHY her mother didn't want to was afraid to upset her.  She might be a mini-Jason.  That poor baby. 

If their town has Child Protective Services, probably every employee has watched these local STARS and will be on alert.

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49 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Do we know why Kylen wouldn't let the midwives check her cervix?  Or perhaps more accurately, why Jason wouldn't let the midwives check Kylen's cervix?


Ain't no one checking my cervix... unless it's for fun things.. just kidding edited to add: birth.  I think she didn't let them because the MONSTER told them NO.

Edited by Boston
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14 minutes ago, Boston said:

And since when did Dr. Jason read that there was FENTANYL in an epidural.  I haven't read that.  He's an ass.  He maybe read about Fentanyl being anesthesia - which it is used for.  Kaylen wasn't going under the knife. 

Fentanyl is used in epidurals for childbirth.



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4 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I thought it was a bit odd when Lilly mentioned going to City Hall to get married and her mother had an "Oh my God," reaction that sounded more embarrassed at the thought of a lowly City Hall ceremony than anything else.

My reaction is quite different.  I think she sees that Lawrence's idea of "the man of the house," is that he works hard every day...but expects to come home to a SPOTLESS HOUSE, a happy wife (probably with a pretty dress and make-up), children fed and in bed for the night, and a nice meal waiting when he emerges from his well-earned spa experience. 

The mother doesn't want them to get married AT ALL!  Her words were not discouraging a "lowly City Hall ceremony." She was discouraging any legal union. Isn't her current marriage her second; maybe she's "been there, done that."

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10 hours ago, Poohbear617 said:


EXACTLY. I mentioned a couple weeks ago how these couples are playing house and this is exactly what I mean. They think that staying together and sleeping in the same bed at night is being parents but it's  not. They tell themselves and their friends that they are all grown because we sleep together in the same bed but that's it that's where it stops I don't see any of them getting jobs helping out washing dishes going to the grocery store buying their own diapers formulas you name it. All I see of Emerson is her lying on the couch with that  snarky little smirk on her face not lifting a finger to do anything yet expect to be treated as an adult while her mother told her an adult pays bills adult supports themselves until that happens Emerson will just need to follow these my house my rules. I have a.family member who had her baby at 16 and the father was allowed to stay over to help..all it did was get her pregnant again after her 6 weeks was up.

Having said that I do find her mother to be way too judgmental when it comes to Mason's mom. If she's truly that concerned take the time to go over and meet with the woman you have common ground both of you are grandmothers to that child. We have only seen a brief glimpse of Mason's mother and she has done her time and I believe she said she was in a support group. These two women could sit down and come up with a plan on what's best for their children and their grandchild and ever since Mom could offer some support to Mason's mom instead she is simply labeled her a drug addict and that's it and speaking personally as a person who's been in recovery for over 10 years other people's support is very important  these two women is that a united front letting them know that they can't just go from house to house and expect to do nothing and had everybody wait on them hand and foot and pay their way. They could both insist that if you're going to live under my roof then you're going to contribute somehow if not financially because of a job then you're going to support and contribute to this house by cleaning cooking and all the other things it takes when you are parents.


As for Jason there are no words that have not already been spouted about this kid and his very punchable face. I worry about Kylen so much and wonder how she ended up with this boy.  Does she think that this is the best that she can do?  The way that she was crying and asking his permission still to get the epidural and crying when he was told to leave the room just broke my heart. In the youtube viseo of these two, Kylen says Jason was given a bad edit to make him look bad.  NO amount of editting good make him seem like a nice guy.  He cant deny saying those.things and there is no way any of that shit he was saying can be taken out of context. I can't believe they are dragging out having this baby for yet another week. It has been eight weeks of the same s*** of listening to him go on I am very interested and see what happens when that child comes home I want to see what kind of a father he actually is with this infant. I want to see if I am proven wrong cuz right now I see that baby crying at 3 a.m. Jason saying he's still sleepy and she should take care of it for refusing to change diapers I don't see him stepping up at all but I don't need another two weeks of watching this labor get on with it show the child caring and what happens to the relationship once that baby comes home and see how the dynamic changes.

The previews for next week show us going back to Kentucky to deal with Tyra and her family of never-ending litters of babies being prepped to grow up and pop out their own litters of babies and it kills me to say that because I am a proud born-and-raised resident of Kentucky , and her problems in the preview are exactly where Lily and Emerson and kylen are all headed. It shows Tyra saying how her and her baby daddy are sleeping in the same bed again, like that makes him a good dad.   all these girls do is equate being a father with having a boyfriend and I believe they think having the boyfriend part is much more important than him being a father.  Lok st lily, is Aaliyah dad anywhere to be found.

Somebody get these girls.some birth control and proper sex education. And all the grandparents i know you want to help, but you are doing too much and your kids are not growing up.


BRAVO!!! STANDS AND CLAPS!! If I could like this 1 million times, I would!

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There's different analgesics they can use, but there's an anesthetic and an analgesic typically. Fentanyl is common. A friend of mine gave birth in the UK and at the time they used diamorphine, which is actual heroin. (Less potent than fentanyl! It's legal there for hospital use.) Some hospitals use epidural PCA so you can give yourself a booster dose. 

If Jason had attended prenatal classes he'd know that one, you don't get high from an epidural (as opposed to IV demerol which makes you woozy and affects the baby more) and two you cannot get addicted to fentanyl from a single dose in an epidural. And three, if mom gets too exhausted to push she gets a C-section, and they'll *definitely* give her painkillers for that... and Percocet after too. 

  • Love 16
7 hours ago, Boston said:

Shame on her mother (but, really? what could she do)

BOTH of Kylen's parents are to be pitied and SAVED!  They seem like two sweet, naive, brokenhearted people who will never have what it takes to stand up to a feral little jerk like Jason. Apparently everything mean/cruel/evil he does is simply "not illegal," so nothing will happen to him until he crosses the wrong person.  Rather than shaming Kylen's mother, someone needs to give her and her husband some love and support.

  • Love 12
59 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

BOTH of Kylen's parents are to be pitied and SAVED!  They seem like two sweet, naive, brokenhearted people who will never have what it takes to stand up to a feral little jerk like Jason. Apparently everything mean/cruel/evil he does is simply "not illegal," so nothing will happen to him until he crosses the wrong person.  Rather than shaming Kylen's mother, someone needs to give her and her husband some love and support.

Well said.  Exactly.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

BOTH of Kylen's parents are to be pitied and SAVED!  They seem like two sweet, naive, brokenhearted people who will never have what it takes to stand up to a feral little jerk like Jason. Apparently everything mean/cruel/evil he does is simply "not illegal," so nothing will happen to him until he crosses the wrong person.  Rather than shaming Kylen's mother, someone needs to give her and her husband some love and support.

I’m not sure if it’s true, but I read Kylen’s father was a heavy drinker when he was younger. If true, that might explain why Kylen cowers at Jason and her mother seems meek. 

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9 hours ago, Boston said:

Apparently everything mean/cruel/evil he does is simply "not illegal," so nothing will happen to him until he crosses the wrong person.

That's right. Jason may do the world a favor and DUI himself out of the picture (hopefully via prison and not via a fiery crash, but...as long as he is stopped from harming others, I'll take whatever means I could get).

  • Love 11
42 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

That's right. Jason may do the world a favor and DUI himself out of the picture (hopefully via prison and not via a fiery crash, but...as long as he is stopped from harming others, I'll take whatever means I could get).

How sad is that; we think that way.  Some people can never be saved.  His life-track.  Hopefully it will not include Kylen and the baby. 

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17 hours ago, Boston said:

Well said.  Exactly.

A couple "i'm comin up with the belt" might have saved this monster's ass.  JMO (I don't think this is appropriate; but my father JUST SAYING IT moved our asses and straightened us up.).. not that i'm saying it was a good thing.  JMO.  OMG.  the PC police might come after me.  Oy, I hate having to justify everything.

Edited by Boston
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