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S01.E07: Chapter Seven - In the Name of Honor

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12 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Almost feels like you could could just start with episode 5 and pretend it’s a mini-season of The Mandalorian and wouldn’t even miss much context from the series as a whole…

I'm laughing because this is exactly what I did. I tried watching episode one, got bored within three minutes and switched off, then heard about all the Mandalorian/Grogu content in episodes five-seven and came back to watch those episodes only. And I didn't have any trouble following the plot, either, despite not watching the first four episodes!

  • Love 10

- we need ‘foot soldiers’. The Pykes will have us badly outnumbered.

- we’re toast if we don’t get those reinforcements. We’re killing Pykes now but they just keep coming.

* maybe a dozen ad hoc militia townspeople from Freetown show up in one speeder, which itself gets wrecked almost immediately *

- hooray!


The Ringer’s recap makes a fairly convincing case that choosing to fight the Pykes in Mos Espa is stupid compared to Jabba’s palace, which is likely more fortified and had the Rancor trump card right there and would have avoided imposing massive collateral damage on the town.

But on the other hand, a relatively short while ago Fennec and Boba broke in, killed a bunch of flunkies and droids, and repo’ed Boba’s old ship and they were just two people… and that was back when the palace was fully staffed. And later Krrsantan broke in and got all the way to Boba’s bedroom with no resistance whatsoever.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Linderhill said:
11 hours ago, callmebetty said:

I really hope Cad Bane isn't really dead or he at least shows up in other shows. I feel let down that  we got this amazing live action and he's dead so soon.

not me, I have no attachment to that guy.  In my mind he needs to be dead for shooting Cobb Vanth. And for just being a dick.

I feel like they wasted the character by bringing him in at the last minute to do big bad things, without taking the time to introduce him to a new audience. Instead of doing the Dances with Tuskens story that did absolutely nothing but give Boba a cool new weapon, they should have shown flashbacks of Young Boba falling in and out of Cad Bane's crew, so that when Cad showed up in episode 6 it actually meant something, and Boba killing him actually carried weight. 

I can't believe they held Mando and Grogu's reunion hostage in this boring Boba show. They should edit together episodes 5-7 into its own Mandolorian special, so casual viewers know they don't have to waste time with the rest of the series.

  • Love 11
17 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

Almost feels like you could could just start with episode 5 and pretend it’s a mini-season of The Mandalorian and wouldn’t even miss much context from the series as a whole… which, honestly, is how I’ll be rewatching it (i.e. Mandalorian season 2.5 after binging 1 and 2).


I told a friend who loves the Mandalorian but who hadn't seen this show yet to just start watching at Episode 5.  He asked if I was sure and I said to trust me.  He said no, and started at the beginning... and then texted me that it was boring.  I said yes, skip ahead to Episode 5 and TRUST me!  Texted back a little later - yep, I was right. 😁

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, Sakura12 said:

I'm not sure what Boba's motivation was to take over Tattooine. If he didn't want to do crime, why did he want to become. Crime lord?

I have been wanting to know more about his motivations as well. When Cad Bane was asking him what his angle was, I was like "that is a very good question Cad" because I am not sure why exactly he decided to be a benevolent crime lord instead of a bounty hunter. It seemed like it just sort of fell into his lap, but I was hoping we would get more of why he decided on doing this thing he has no experience with and doesn't seem all that good at. I thought that maybe we would explore him feeling his age and wanting to "settle down" a bit or that he regretted some of his actions as a bounty hunter, especially after everything with the Tuskan tribe, but they never really dug too much into it. I think it was supposed to be him getting tired of bloodshed as he has gotten older, which is what I think his confrontation with Cad Bane was supposed to be about, but it was never explored all that much. Other times it seems like he wants to use this as a sort of semi retirement as his rough life has caught up to him, but again, not really explored. When Cad said that he was still a killer like it was some sick burn, its just like, well yeah he's still a killer, he just fed a guy to his Rancor, he's still killing people even if he's trying not to do it so much lately. 

Cad Bane is a real bastard, but I do hope a bit that he isn't gone for good. He looked pretty dead, but you never know in the Star Wars universe. He's awful, but he's also pretty damn cool and his live action design is one of the best animated to real life transitions that they have done yet.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, arc said:

- we need ‘foot soldiers’. The Pykes will have us badly outnumbered.

- we’re toast if we don’t get those reinforcements. We’re killing Pykes now but they just keep coming.

* maybe a dozen ad hoc militia townspeople from Freetown show up in one speeder, which itself gets wrecked almost immediately *

- hooray!


The Ringer’s recap makes a fairly convincing case that choosing to fight the Pykes in Mos Espa is stupid compared to Jabba’s palace, which is likely more fortified and had the Rancor trump card right there and would have avoided imposing massive collateral damage on the town.

But on the other hand, a relatively short while ago Fennec and Boba broke in, killed a bunch of flunkies and droids, and repo’ed Boba’s old ship and they were just two people… and that was back when the palace was fully staffed. And later Krrsantan broke in and got all the way to Boba’s bedroom with no resistance whatsoever.

 Not to mention that anyone assualting the Palace would be out in the open and easy pickings for someone flying Slave 1 as close air support. Then again, SW has never been one to pay attention to basic military tactics. Google "Angry Staff officer Star Wars" for more entertainment on that subject. 

  • Love 1

I’m so glad that we got the reunion of Din and Grogu in this show, rather than having to wait another year to see it happen on Season 3 of The Mandalorian. And Din’s and Grogu’s genuine joy at seeing each other was tremendously endearing.  The way that little nugget leapt up into Din’s arms and how happily Din reacted was everything.

Grogu is super adorable, without question, and his powers are intriguing, but even he, as great a character as he is, is elevated by being around and interacting with a character as great as Din Djarin.  As in, Grogu’s training time with Luke was not as enjoyable as seeing him insistently tapping his little ball on the dome to get Din to go faster.  It’s weird to write that a puppet and its puppeteers, a guy in a metal bucket and a voiceover actor who is not even on set have amazing acting chemistry together, but it’s true.

It is a little odd that this Mandalorian content was wedged into a different show with a different tone and focus.  Like, I wouldn’t have expected to see all of these things in a Mandalorian Season 3 itself:  the actual moment of Grogu’s choice at Luke’s; Din’s downtime with Grogu before they got on the ship to head out at the end (i.e., a little more of their reunion when they are not being shot at), Din explaining to Grogu where they are going next (presumably Mandalore), etc.  But I might have expected to see some more character stuff around these things in a Mandalorian show, and we just kind of glossed over things in this episode that they could have milked an entire episode out of.

Sorry my comments are not really Boba Fett focused, but I found that aspect of this episode uninteresting, sad to say.

Edited by Peace 47
  • Love 12

Overall, I loved this episode and enjoyed the entire series. However, I wasn't a particular Boba Fett fan from the original SW movies, but I did like his helping the Mandalorian and Grogu in that show, so I went ahead and watched this series. While I agree the first episodes were slow and hard to follow with all the flashbacks, it did fill us in on Boba's life from the scarlac pit onwards. I liked that the Mandalorian was all in to help Boba and Fennec simply because of their previous association. Admittedly, the best parts were all the Mandalorian and Grogu scenes! I just wish Mandalorian S3 would get here already.

Edited by kimaken
spelling matters!
  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

I have been wanting to know more about his motivations as well. When Cad Bane was asking him what his angle was, I was like "that is a very good question Cad" because I am not sure why exactly he decided to be a benevolent crime lord instead of a bounty hunter. It seemed like it just sort of fell into his lap, but I was hoping we would get more of why he decided on doing this thing he has no experience with and doesn't seem all that good at. I thought that maybe we would explore him feeling his age and wanting to "settle down" a bit or that he regretted some of his actions as a bounty hunter, especially after everything with the Tuskan tribe, but they never really dug too much into it. I think it was supposed to be him getting tired of bloodshed as he has gotten older, which is what I think his confrontation with Cad Bane was supposed to be about, but it was never explored all that much. Other times it seems like he wants to use this as a sort of semi retirement as his rough life has caught up to him, but again, not really explored. When Cad said that he was still a killer like it was some sick burn, its just like, well yeah he's still a killer, he just fed a guy to his Rancor, he's still killing people even if he's trying not to do it so much lately. 

For me it's more if he wanted to retire, just retire why did he need to take over a criminal enterprise? Since he didn't seem that interested in actually running it. He could've just lived his life. 

  • Love 4

The finale was fun but the series failed to justify its existence when it came to the title character.  I've cut the writers slack because of past performance and the blank slate that is Boba Fett but the decision to do this kind of a show and make these character decisions is just bizarre.  Who is Boba Fett?  Why did he decide to become a crime lord?  I liked the second episode a lot with the train robbery but the Tusken stuff ultimately led nowhere.  This episode really embraces the idea that Fett is an is incompetent as a crime lord and bizarrely naive, getting taken for a fool by the Pykes about what happened to the Tuskens?  Does Fett want a family?  We don't even get a reference to Omega, who Fennic and Cad actually knew.  All we get at the conclusion of this story is a throwaway scene of Boba Fett and Fennic walking around the streets of Tattooine talking about not being to do this anymore.  A TERRIBLE last scene.

Sadly, even Fennic is largely wasted in this series.  Her disposal of the Pykes wad pretty badass but strange that Fett wouldn't be the one to take personal revenge there.

The Mandalorian and Grogu related stuff was all great.  A wonderful reunion between the two.  I only wish we had gotten to see Luke realize how ridiculous and hypocritical his embrace of the no attachment nonsense is.

The confrontation with Cad Bane was awesome and you could sense the history between him and Fett, despite the fact that Filono never got the chance to do their Clone Wars storyline together.  I certainly hope Cad is still alive...he's too good a character to lose already.  It would also go with Boba Fett being completely incompetent. 

Glad to see Cobb is still alive.  He's another character too good to lose.

This episode further made the cast that this show should have been an anthology.  It would have worked much better.  Do I regret watching this show?  No.  The Mandalorian stuff was great and it was still a fun and cool watch, despite how badly the main characters were handled.

A quick sidenote, this can be said since it didn't occur.  But there was a heavy rumor that Harrison Ford was supposed to cameo in this episode as a deaged Han Solo.  Obviously that didn't come to pass.

Edited by benteen
  • Love 3

When Boba says he's a "simple man" he ain't kidding!

If Boba had been a Palpatine type it would have turned out Cad was really working for him and his shooting Cobb was just a way to get the Freetowners on his side.

They really should have had Fennic or someone say to Boba that being a crime lord isn't easy as it looks.vTell him it takes a lot of guile and manipulation. Like the idea that those "idiots" you worked for that nearly got you killed knew what they were doing because they used expendable underlings like you to do their dirty work.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, benteen said:

A quick sidenote, this can be said since it didn't occur.  But there was a heavy rumor that Harrison Ford was supposed to cameo in this episode as a deaged Han Solo.  Obviously that didn't come to pass.

Some of the more... ardent fanboys were passing this around as if it were a sure thing. Then they got angry when it didn't happen.

Edited by FierceCritter
  • LOL 1
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Love all the comments, but y'all have said almost everything I wanted to say!  Two things not yet mentioned...

  • I seem to remember those nasty fighting droids from one of the animated series. I also seem to remember a clever way of defeating their shields, by rolling a small bomb under the droid. Something moving slowly could penetrate the shield. Have the droids been updated, or has the collective memory of fighting them been lost after the demise of the Jedi?
  • At the end, with little Grogu up in his bubble seat in the fighter, as he tapped on the glass to tell Daddy to go faster, you could see his breath on the glass. That's some detailed special effects!
  • Love 6

If Han did show up I would want him to be as a general in the New Republic, visibly not comfortable in a uniform but still doing his job and always followed by two Ewoks.

I admit if the ending with a cut to a 40 something Maori woman with blonde hair somewhere in the galaxy I wouldn't have been mad.

Edited by Fool to cry
  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, paigow said:

After saving Team Vespa, she went on the long drive to wipe out the bosses. Boba would never have had the time after killing Cad.

He literally has a jetpack that could take him from the city all the way back to the rancor pit at the palace! And Mando flew his jetpack even further in s2 of his show.

I was disappointed Luke wasn't in this episode. No way in hell would episode 4,5,&6 Luke send Grogu back alone with R2. And this no attachment bullshit and not that Luke either. Maybe grumpy Luke we got in episode 8 but not young Luke. Din didn't even know why he was there, Luke would've brought him back and explained. I understand why the writers didn't have him in the episode because he saved the day at the end of The Mandalorian season 2 so they wouldn't have him do that again and would he for Boba, I don't know? But it's bullshit the way they wrote him.

Anyways, the best part of the series was Mando and Grogu. As someone posted up-thread it would've been cool to have Mando chase after Cobb in season 3 along with whatever else he's going to be doing. I don't know Cobb but he looked cool as hell and I loved his voice.

Mando needs a different ship I don't like Grogu sitting back there by himself. But I loved the tapping on the glass to go faster, and I did notice his breath on the glass as well.

I still don't understand why they didn't just air The Mandalorian season 3 instead of this show. I mean, the Boba fans can't be happy with the way he was written.

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, Lazlo said:

Actually that gets to one of my major problems with this series. Time and again we hear Boba talk about how Mos Espa is his city and how he can't leave it and so on, but the show did absolutely nothing to establish any of the Mos Espa citizens besides the mod gang (street punks he hired as muscle), Garsa (dead after Boba completely failed to protect her), the mayor's majordomo (cowardly comic relief) and the mayor and other local leaders (who all conspired with the Pykes.)

Not for the first time, I have wondered why they didn't have Boba Fett's search for a "tribe" be the throughline of this story. From the moment he was born/cloned, he never really fit in or had family, and I thought that was a story that they should have explored when he was adopted by the Tusken, as a way of showcasing how he'd come from his bounty hunter roots through a near-death experience to his place in BoBF.

Would have been nice to see some flashbacks to his BH days as well, as part of the storytelling.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

I’m so glad that we got the reunion of Din and Grogu in this show, rather than having to wait another year to see it happen on Season 3 of The Mandalorian. And Din’s and Grogu’s genuine joy at seeing each other was tremendously endearing.  The way that little nugget leapt up into Din’s arms and how happily Din reacted was everything.

Yes.  I know there are people who wanted them to be separated longer but I never wanted them apart to begin with.  I was really upset at the end of season 2.  We are going to be waiting two years all in all for Mando season 3 and getting the reunion now makes that wait easier.

  • Love 3

The 'fight choreography' in this was not good at all.  None of this made any sense.  The way they just stood there waiting for the battle droids to reach them made no sense.  The Wookie getting shot multiple times yet still moving (and then magically better a few minutes later) was stupid.  The 'Mods' and their candy colored Honda motorcycles are almost as cringe-y as the Dex's diner scene in Attack of the Clones.  

I also really didnt understand the overall reason for this fight in the first place. 

Something that has been bothering me since the the beginning of the sequel trilogy - what happened to the sound effects in the Star Wars universe?  Is Ben Burtt no longer involved?  One thing that I always loved about the original trilogy (and even to a certain extent in the prequels) was the amazing engine sounds, the blaster sounds, etc.  The blasters, guns, and artillery sounds now are so bland, wimpy and without any oomph. 

Finally, wonder if we will ever see Threepio, Chewie, Leia Organa in upcoming seasons of this show or the Mandalorian.

Edited by Joan van Snark
  • Love 5
On 2/9/2022 at 7:29 AM, Eliza422 said:

I was thinking the same thing. All those cool cyborg things and all they can do is ride their stupid bikes and wave around little pea shooters. What a waste of money.

And they had the nerve to complain about water prices! Stephen Root knew he couldn’t even demand any of their useless implants as payment because he woulda been lucky to get scrap metal prices for that junk.

On 2/9/2022 at 9:23 AM, Sakura12 said:

I loved the reunion between Mando and Grogu. Grogu was probably like sitting and meditating all day is boring I want fast paced adventures with dad.

I totally agree with this. Grogu is a little thrill seeker/adrenaline junkie. 

On 2/9/2022 at 9:23 AM, Sakura12 said:

Also having Boba be like this life isn't for us. Really? After all that? What the eff was the point of this show then?

This was a bad Boba Fett show but a great start to the Mandalorian season 3.

I do not think this series was totally/completely/fully thought through. I undestand that Boba Fett is a fan-favorite and the idea of building a series around him looked good on paper, but I don't see how this series made it as far as it did without anyone seeing all of the problems that we on this board noticed/commented on in every episode. 

On 2/9/2022 at 11:06 AM, Sakura12 said:

I wonder how quick Grogu decided, yeah I'm going back to Dad. Lol I hope he gets a Mando helmet to match is armor. 

I don't think it took long for Grogu to figure out what he wanted. Grogu's face is so adorable and expressive that I do not want it hidden behind a helmet. 

On 2/9/2022 at 2:29 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Feels like they should have established tensions earlier between the Mods and Freetown folks, in order to make their back and forth stuff and eventual team-up land better.  Of course, it wouldn't be hard to pick a side since I'll always pick the group that follows Timothy Olyphant over a bunch of vespa driving space hipsters!

They also really, really should have brought in Cad Bane earlier if they wanted to make his showdown between him and Boba have any real impact. 

This was part of my problem with the episode and the series overall. It felt like the creative team wanted it to be sort of an organized crime/gangster series, but then they got partway through the series and realized that wasn't working, so they tried to pivot to space western and at the last minute do a finale that's The Magnificent Seven, but it didn't work because it wasn't properly set-up. Part of why The Magnificent Seven works is that you get to see the interactions/relationships with the different characters build and develop over time so by the time you get to the big showdown, it has an emotional impact. Also, The Magnificent Seven set up who the villian was early in the story.

I wish Disney understood that not everyone is coming to this having read/watched all of the new novels and animated TV series. That was part of what was so wonderful about the first season and half of The Mandalorian. You could come in having only watched the original trilogy and everything would have made sense. 

On 2/9/2022 at 2:29 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Best part was easily the reunion between Mando and Grogu!  Of course, Grogu was going to pick his space dad over his well-meaning, but stuck in his ways mentor wannabe.  And, again, Pedro Pascal really conveys so much with his voice work over how much Grogu means to Mando and how he would do anything for him.  This duo is the gift that keeps on giving!

They were far and away without the question the best thing about this series. If they hadn't turned up, I would have stopped watching this series after episode 4. 

On 2/9/2022 at 2:29 PM, thuganomics85 said:

Certainly not the worst thing to ever come out of the Star Wars universe, but the show felt like it was just aggressively average most of the time and I don't think the franchise really gained anything by this little detour.  It really is telling that the highlights were all the parts that involved Mando and the characters established from that show.  I'm not sure what the goal was here but it just made me want the season three of The Mandalorian to get here fast and while that's not a bad thing, I don't think that was all they wanted from this show.  Hopefully the other spin-offs will fare better.

I completely agree. 

On 2/9/2022 at 3:52 PM, Chris24601 said:

Almost feels like you could could just start with episode 5 and pretend it’s a mini-season of The Mandalorian and wouldn’t even miss much context from the series as a whole… which, honestly, is how I’ll be rewatching it (i.e. Mandalorian season 2.5 after binging 1 and 2).

I don't understand whey they didn't just give The Mandalorian an extra three episodes. It would have been less expensive than 7 episodes of this series. With a few extra lines of dialogue and some small changes here and there, they probably could have started the new season of The Mandalorian with episode 5 and episode 6 of The Book of Boba Fett

On 2/9/2022 at 4:17 PM, angora said:

There were moments during these last couple of episodes where I thought, "Okay, does this show exist purely to get Grogu back with his space daddy before season 3 of The Mandalorian starts?" I mean, I'm not mad about it--oh god, Mando's reaction to seeing Grogu with Peli, so precious!--but I don't see why we needed a whole separate show to do that.

I totally agree with all of this. 

On 2/9/2022 at 5:03 PM, pezgirl7 said:

I think I actually would have preferred a show about a younger Boba, during his pre-A New Hope bounty hunting days. It would have required getting a different actor, but I think it would have been a lot more exciting. 


This would have been a million times better than the show that actually aired. Show us his crazy/dangerous adventures as a bounty hunter. 

12 hours ago, absnow54 said:

I feel like they wasted the character by bringing him in at the last minute to do big bad things, without taking the time to introduce him to a new audience. Instead of doing the Dances with Tuskens story that did absolutely nothing but give Boba a cool new weapon, they should have shown flashbacks of Young Boba falling in and out of Cad Bane's crew, so that when Cad showed up in episode 6 it actually meant something, and Boba killing him actually carried weight. 

That would have been fantastic. It would have drastically and dramatically improved the series. 

3 hours ago, Fool to cry said:

If Han did show up I would want him to be as a general in the New Republic, visibly not comfortable in a uniform but still doing his job and always followed by two Ewoks.

I totally love and understand the idea of Han being uncomfortable in unifrom. I'm not being critical; this is a genuine, honest, pure question from someone who loves ewoks. (I am looking forward to 5/4/23 because I am hoping for some cute, fun, affordable ewok merch). Why would there always be multiple Ewoks around Han? 

2 hours ago, foxfreakinmulder said:

Mando needs a different ship I don't like Grogu sitting back there by himself. But I loved the tapping on the glass to go faster, and I did notice his breath on the glass as well.

I still don't understand why they didn't just air The Mandalorian season 3 instead of this show. I mean, the Boba fans can't be happy with the way he was written.

I feel the exact same way you do. I want Grogu sitting next to Mando, but tapping on the glass was adorable. I wonder how many times Mando had given into Grogu's desire to go fast before the moment we saw. 

1 hour ago, Joan van Snark said:

Something that has been bothering me since the the beginning of the sequel trilogy - what happened to the sound effects in the Star Wars universe?  Is Ben Burtt no longer involved?  One thing that I always loved about the original trilogy (and even to a certain extent in the prequels) was the amazing engine sounds, the blaster sounds, etc.  The blasters, guns, and artillery just sounds now are so bland, wimpy and without any oomph. 

This is only a guess/speculation. George Lucas had very strong and passionate feelings about sound/sound design. Since he is no longer directly involved in the production/making of Star Wars projects, maybe there is less attention being paid to how things sound.

Something I did not like about this episode was that the fight scene/scenes went on too long and I got bored with them.

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

Also, The Magnificent Seven set up who the villian was early in the story.

I wonder how many times Mando had given into Grogu's desire to go fast before the moment we saw. 

Villager: How much should we pay for your protection?

Yul Brynner: Depends on who is attacking you

Villager: Hard to say...


Grogu should be able to Force Push the button...

4 hours ago, paigow said:

Villager: How much should we pay for your protection?

Yul Brynner: Depends on who is attacking you

Villager: Hard to say...


Grogu should be able to Force Push the button...

I'm not great at detecting sarcasm on the internet, so apologies if I'm not getting the joke/misreading the tone, but in the The Magnificent Seven, you do see who is attacking the village and you understand why the locals are seeking help in protecting/defending the village from the bad guys.

Maybe Grogu can use The Force to push the button, but because he is not driving, he is being well behaved, asking permission to go fast and not doing anything until Din increases the speed. 

Edited by Sarah 103
  • Love 2

“These two will destroy the whole city!”

*destroy the city themselves*


On 2/9/2022 at 11:29 AM, thuganomics85 said:

RIP, Gammoreans!  Loyal since the beginning, only to literally get dropped off a cliff without any fan fare and no acknowledgment whatsoever from your boss.  It really sucks being a henchman in the Star Wars universe!

Poor fellas didn’t even have names. I called them Rosencrantz & Guildenstern in my mind and sadly they also came to an inglorious end. 😞


Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 9
9 hours ago, magdalene said:

Yes.  I know there are people who wanted them to be separated longer but I never wanted them apart to begin with.  I was really upset at the end of season 2.  We are going to be waiting two years all in all for Mando season 3 and getting the reunion now makes that wait easier.

I remember how upset you were and how hard everyone tried to console you with their firm belief that Grogu would be back. I'm glad you got your reassurance early, in this series, instead of having to wait for Mando S3!

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

I wish Disney understood that not everyone is coming to this having read/watched all of the new novels and animated TV series. That was part of what was so wonderful about the first season and half of The Mandalorian. You could come in having only watched the original trilogy and everything would have made sense. 

This has been my issue since the sequel trilogy. To much supplemental content without any exposition to establish what's going on in the actual movie/show. I thought The Mandalorian has done a good job of introducing characters that exist in other Star Wars media, because Mando is meeting all of these people for the first time, but with the case of Boba vs Cad Bane, they relied entirely on people watching The Clone Wars first.

  • Love 9
On 2/9/2022 at 11:06 AM, Sakura12 said:

I wonder how quick Grogu decided, yeah I'm going back to Dad. Lol I hope he gets a Mando helmet to match is armor. 

I think they have a problem with that though now...  Mando is on the outs with the Armorer.  He'd also need to find more beskar to make it.  I agree that it would be adorable, but it might not be feasible.

To answer your question re: Ewoks always standing behind Han, Sarah 103, I just think it would be funny.

People online complaining about that one Mod doing an unnecessary spin before shooting. This is a guy wears a cape to stand out in a desert town and who chose to have his eye replaced with a cybernetic one because it was cool. Of course he's going to be extra during a firefight!

Edited by Fool to cry
  • LOL 3
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2 hours ago, absnow54 said:

This has been my issue since the sequel trilogy. To much supplemental content without any exposition to establish what's going on in the actual movie/show. I thought The Mandalorian has done a good job of introducing characters that exist in other Star Wars media, because Mando is meeting all of these people for the first time, but with the case of Boba vs Cad Bane, they relied entirely on people watching The Clone Wars first.

You summed up the issue incredibly well. This was something I thought Solo did an excellent job of. They would mention a planet that I hadn't heard of before, but it didn't matter that I hadn't heard of the planet before. For someone who was more familiar with the larger Star Wars universe, they may have read the novel/comic book/seen the show where it was mentioned and it had a deeper meaning. 

1 hour ago, Fool to cry said:

People online complaining about that one Mod doing an unnecessary spin before shooting. This is a guy wears a cape to stand out in a desert town and who chose to have his eye replaced with a cybernetic one because it was cool. Of course he's going to be extra during a firefight!

Here's my theory there are mods that are useful, but expensive. The Vespa riders have mods that look cool, but aren't actually that useful and probably not that expensive. It's the difference between going to a professional tattoo parlor and the free temporary tattoo you find in a cereal box, only the mod is more permanent whether it's cheap or expensive. 

Edited by Sarah 103
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5 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

This has been my issue since the sequel trilogy. To much supplemental content without any exposition to establish what's going on in the actual movie/show. I thought The Mandalorian has done a good job of introducing characters that exist in other Star Wars media, because Mando is meeting all of these people for the first time, but with the case of Boba vs Cad Bane, they relied entirely on people watching The Clone Wars first.

exactly!  I've been listening on some live streams and the guys get all giddy talking about the Clone Wars characters, one guy told me I needed to watch Rebels.  I answered "no".  I should not HAVE to watch another property to understand something.  I tried to watch Clone Wars because I'd heard good things about it but I couldn't make it past the first 5 episodes.  I didn't know who this Ahsoka character and why she was getting more screen time than the characters I wanted to see from watching the original three movies (first run, thank you) and the prequels (also first run).  A basic overview or summary would be nice to help out.  I'd read that for the first season of the Mandalorian the PTB didn't want a lot of the animated characters showing up to confuse the viewers, and I understand why and appreciate it. 

I did watch Bad Batch thanks to my livestream friends doing a watch party so I had a vague knowledge of Cad Bane but I had no great attachment to him.  I was happy the guy was shot and hope he stays dead for shooting Cobb Vanth.

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On 2/10/2022 at 12:08 AM, tkc said:

Fantastic fun, and the end credits!

"FETT Fett fett (fett) -- FETT Fett fett (fett) -- Bo ba FETT Fett fett (fett) -- FETT bo ba bo ba bo ba!"

I literally LOL'ed!

Funny enough that’s probably all that was going through the writers’ heads when outlining the show…

“Boba Fett is awesome! Everyone loves Boba Fett! We can’t wait to expand the mythology of Boba Fett! Ok so In the beginning we will see how he survived. And we’ll just say he decided to take over Jabba’s syndicate because… he’s awesome? He’s Boba Fett of course he is. And then he’ll recruit people every episode because he’s awesome. And then he’ll… uh… be Boba Fett I guess. But at the end everyone in town will be like ‘we love you Boba Fett you’re so awesome.’ And he’ll be like ‘I’m so awesome and badass that I’m ready to move on now.’ Oh but we still have two episodes to fill? Ok um, well I guess we can bring back Mando and Mando can be like ‘I’d die for Boba Fett because he’s so awesome.’ But we should probably bring back Grogu because everyone keeps asking us about Baby Yoda and they’re kinda mad our show bumped Season 3 by a year so we’d better reunite Mando and Grogu. And then Boba Fett can.. umm… he could…. eh let’s just use Fennec instead in those episodes since Ming Na is a queen.”

And thus, just like Boba Fett was saved due to luck and the cast of The Mandalorian, so too were the writers.

But at least it’ll hopefully quench the thirst of all those fans who spent 30 years extolling the awesomeness of Boba Fett. Now please have the next season be “The Book of Fennec Shand” costarring Cobb Vanth.

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I think what most sums up this series is that it closed on the triumphal rise of The Mandolorian’s theme and Djinn and Grogu flying off to new adventures… even the show realized Boba’s band of misfits wasn’t enough of a draw to make an emotionally resonant close.

I’m glad they resolved that Cobb was still alive at the end, because I have my doubts this will ever get a second season given the ONLY good parts anyone is talking about are basically what was season 2.5 of The Mandalorian.

I know it’s all available for streaming on the same service, but I’m kinda hoping we get a solid in-episode recap of the last three episodes of this season at the start of season 3 of Mando.

side-bar: I think of the things that makes The Mandalorian so intriguing is that one of the leads has to convey everything using just his voice and tilts of the head and the mask conceals all his expressions while the other has to convey everything through his highly expressive rubber face, mewls and grunts because he has no voice… which is why I doubt they’ll give Grogu a mask until he can use something other than his face to emote with.

  • Love 9
10 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

I think what most sums up this series is that it closed on the triumphal rise of The Mandolorian’s theme and Djinn and Grogu flying off to new adventures… even the show realized Boba’s band of misfits wasn’t enough of a draw to make an emotionally resonant close.

That's an excellent point. I feel like the writers went in without a clear plan or an endpoint in mind. Boba's band of misfits could have worked if they had done a better job of setting up/allowing the viewer to get to know the various characters or groups and form some kind of emotional attachment with them. With only seven episodes, they introduced the big bad way too late in the season. 

10 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

I’m glad they resolved that Cobb was still alive at the end, because I have my doubts this will ever get a second season given the ONLY good parts anyone is talking about are basically what was season 2.5 of The Mandalorian.

I completely agree with this. This show does not deserve a second season. A spin-off based on Cobb at any point before or after the events of this series would be fantastic. 

10 hours ago, Chris24601 said:

I think of the things that makes The Mandalorian so intriguing is that one of the leads has to convey everything using just his voice and tilts of the head and the mask conceals all his expressions while the other has to convey everything through his highly expressive rubber face, mewls and grunts because he has no voice… which is why I doubt they’ll give Grogu a mask until he can use something other than his face to emote with.

I had never thought about this way before, but you are absolutely right. 

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I just remember all the complaints when the show was announced that it was going to be too similar to 'The Mandalorian'. They very much successfully proven how it is not! 

I remember the first Mandalorian scene that really made my geek heart happy was the sandcrawler fight in episode 2. It was so awesome to see someone with Boba Fett armor fighting Jawas on a moving sandcrawler and it was a fun sequence because Din wasn't having an easy time. He was struggling like Indiana Jones. You couldn't do that with the actual Boba Fett because you'd have outraged fanboys complaining that Fett would've killed all those Jawas easily.

Edited by Fool to cry
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It's hard to say whether this show will get another season.  Favreau is going to have to plan things a lot better than this if he wants to move forward and is there even a demand for Season 2?  Featuring an incompetent Boba Fett and an underutilized Fennic?  If it comes back, it should be as an anthology. 

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It was called in the production sheets "season 1" but I don't know? How did it do in the ratings? I kind of feel bad for RR for all the critical and fan piling on him but he is not my cup of tea as a director.  My taste is  Bryce Dallas Howard and the way the director from the second episode directed her episode.  They could have avoided a lot of the "Boba Fett not being in his own show for two episodes" criticism by calling the show: The Mandalorian, The Book of Boba Fett.   Personally I don't need the continued adventures of Boba and Fennec on Tattoine - unless we got lots of Cobb Vanth in it.

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