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S01.E04: Chapter Four - The Gathering Storm

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You know the famous Patton Oswalt rant about the SW prequels? ("I don't give a shit where the stuff I love comes from! I just love the stuff I love!") I have no interest in how Fennec Shand got her cyborg torso, a surgical upgrade that has literally never mattered in either this show nor The Mandalorian except to explain how she didn't die. And the show literally spent a minute of screen time on her surgery.

The whole thing did make me think about how slow it must be getting around on a bantha. Maybe Fennec coulda gotten the good surgery if Boba had been riding a landspeeder.

I know what I said in an earlier episode's thread, but it turns out having Fennec in the flashbacks hasn't made them any better so far.

Past Boba's got a lot of nerve talking about how his old employers never took the time to think, considering how present Boba's so incredibly bad at thinking.

The scooter teens are literally called the "Mods"? Like the British scooter gangs of the 1960s? That's even lazier than naming an evil dad "Darth Vader".

This show badly struggles with tone. The rat-catcher chase in the palace kitchens was shot and acted and scored as if it was comedy, and farce at that. Then in the present times Krrsantan rips an arm off a Trandoshan, and that’s not comedy but this show is so sanitized the scene doesn’t remotely feel like the barbarity that Garsa Fwip said it would either.

I thought the crime summit at the palace was terrible. Boba bargained from weakness, gave up claim to tribute, didn't secure any alliances, and mostly showed how's he's Daimyo In Name Only. (I mean, I guess he lucked into a rancor because Krrsantan made the unlucky choice to stand right on the trap door in the throne room, but other than that, meh.) Stephen Root's character from last ep is still right: no one respects Boba, nor should they.

well, one thing at the summit: Fennec said it took Boba to kill Bib Fortuna. Yeah, two ruthless killers walked in the front door and just shot people until they got to the boss, who they also shot. It does not speak well of Jabba’s former captains that none of them could formulate and execute a plan like that.

at least the musical cue near the end promised some more Mandalorians next week. I wonder if it’ll be Din or maybe the rest of his former cult who had to flee after helping Din back in Mandalorian s1.

Edited by arc
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Boba to Fennec: "I don't want to work for idiots who are going to get me killed." Me to Boba: "Because you want to be the idiot who gets people killed?"

Boba to Fennec: "The Tuskens took me in and made me part of their tribe." Me to Boba: "You left out the part where they beat you up and kidnapped you."

Boba to Fennec: "I need brains and muscle." Me to Boba: "That explains why you need Fennec. But why would Fennec need you?"

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Yo, just a thought occurred, without these flashbacks, the length of an episode would be 10-20 min. tops. 😀

Though, maybe the most interesting flash-back episode yet. Still, they have yet to show how he found Mando. So, here's to next episode, I guess. And now we know why he is always in that bacta-tank. From acid from the Sarlac Pit! A question that was never asked, but now we know. And Fenecce is terminator now. Ok, cool, Agent May had an upgrade.

Edited by Rushmoras

Mando has an Imperial light cruiser / frigate now... of course it needs maintenance... and the best mechanic he knows is in Mos Eisley...

13 hours ago, arc said:

Then in the present times Krrsantan rips an arm off a Trandoshan, and that’s not comedy but...

it explains why the implant / prosthetic business on Tatooine is thriving...

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Calling it now: come season finale time, when everything looks dire for our heroes (?), Boba's Bantha is going to come barreling in and save the day!

So, we get a very flashback heavy episode this go around and see how Boba found Fennec and brought her into all of this.  And their team-up just once again proved to me that I think she really should be the one running the show here.  Because it felt like Boba literally almost got himself killed ten times over, but she managed to pull them out of the fire.  I mean, the dude was getting outmaneuvered by tiny little droid whose purpose was to catch rats of all things!  And despite his claims at the end, he really didn't come off strong at all at the summit.  Why would the other syndicates want to throw in with someone who clearly is in over his head, here?  Come on, Boba!  If you don't want to be the Star Wars version of Kingpin, Gus Fring, Tony Soprano, Stringer Bell, Tywin Lannister,  or another murdering gangster, at least be a Star Wars version of Logan Roy from Succession or something!

Apparently the Cyberpunk hipsters from last week are referred to on the street as "The Mods."  Still doesn't make them any less silly.

At least Krrsantan is already onboard, which I suspect was always going to happen.  Especially since I doubt Garsa wants him around her casino much longer if he keeps ripping her customers' arms off...

I guess that finale music cue was hinting at a possibly Mando or someone from his show appearance next week or pretty soon.  Show could definitely use it.  I'm also rooting for a Cobb appearance so that the show can get a bit dose of Timothy Olyphant's charm and swagger.  Hell, I'd even take Mayfeld so I can watch Bill Burr annoy everyone and rant about the stuff that doesn't make any sense here.

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Bantha has to be one of the dumbest ways to get anywhere, especially if you need to get there with any urgency. But it is a previous Star Wars animal, so the series has to use it vs something, you know, new. That’s how SW rolls.

Enjoyed the Alias-style music during the surgery. Guess Star Wars will indeed steal from other sources when needed.

So speed bikers are the villain? LOL.

Boba seems a bit underskilled. Boba the character basically needs to be more like the Mandalorian, and the Mandalorian back story belongs in this show.

Also, if there is advantage to people thinking you are dead, perhaps you shouldn’t, for no reason at all, tell random robots/androids your name? This show is a bunch of cliches throw together with no thought. “If only they took time to think,” indeed.


Edited by Ottis
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Maybe it's my rose-colored glasses when it comes to Mandalorian but everything on this show seems less smooth and less skilled, the whole production seems very Xena Warrior princess to me. Please, give me someone from Mandalorian soon - Cobb Vanth where are you?

I did like the scene where Jennifer Beals tries to reason with BK. That character has nerves of steel. I really like her.

Next week is directed by Bryce Dallas Howard, I hope that means something good.

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, paigow said:

Flashback cycle complete! Boba is building his own Magnificent Seven ... Who else could show up????

The musical cue at the end when Shand suggests renting some help is from the Mandalorian.

16 hours ago, arc said:

well, one thing at the summit: Fennec said it took Boba to kill Bib Fortuna. Yeah, two ruthless killers walked in the front door and just shot people until they got to the boss, who they also shot. It does not speak well of Jabba’s former captains that none of them could formulate and execute a plan like that.

Hopefully Boba is smarter than he looks thus far and knows they are going to betray him and has a plan for it.

12 hours ago, paulvdb said:

Boba to Fennec: "I don't want to work for idiots who are going to get me killed." Me to Boba: "Because you want to be the idiot who gets people killed?"

It's good work if you can get it.

7 hours ago, Ottis said:

Bantha has to be one of the dumbest ways to get anywhere, especially if you need to get there with any urgency. But it is a previous Star Wars animal, so the series has to use it vs something, you know, new. That’s how SW rolls.

I think it is hilarious when Boba sprints over to his Bantha as if it is capable of understanding the concept of hurry.

12 hours ago, paulvdb said:

Boba to Fennec: "I need brains and muscle." Me to Boba: "That explains why you need Fennec. But why would Fennec need you?"

Just my imagination I am sure but I think she is kind of into him. How could she not be when he takes her to such nice places like the Sarlaac pit?

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19 hours ago, Msample said:

I think we have at least one more flashback cycle- where he sees where his armor ended up.

On one hand, yes, Disney Lucasfilm cannot bear to let a gap left for the audience to fill in themselves, but on the other hand the show explicitly said Boba’s bacta treatment regime was finished. And that tank has been the framing sequence for all the flashbacks so far. Bacta: it rebuilds the body and memories!

  • Useful 2
20 hours ago, arc said:

I thought the crime summit at the palace was terrible. Boba bargained from weakness, gave up claim to tribute, didn't secure any alliances, and mostly showed how's he's Daimyo In Name Only.

I rolled my eyes so hard at that scene. He proposed a deal of mutual defense, then when one person asked why they should agree, Boba immediately backed down without even answering with a simple "because you'll be targeted next". Then afterwards he clearly thought he was a master diplomat for getting them all to agree to do nothing. Pathetic.

3 hours ago, dwmarch said:

Just my imagination I am sure but I think she is kind of into him. How could she not be when he takes her to such nice places like the Sarlaac pit?

You jest, but I'm actually kind of shipping Fennec and Boba now. Not that I think they'd be so great together, but mainly because the plot thus far is so thin and slow that my mind has started to wander.

So, in Star Wars world is "spice" just an illegal drug? If so, it really bums me out that when given room to play in a world as varied and rich as Stars Wars, the show runners seem to be going with a tired old story about rival gangs fighting over the drug trade. Yawn. Just because it's *in SPACE!* doesn't it make it any more interesting than the many other shows about gangs.

I do still like this show, but definitely not as much as the Mandalorian.

ETA: Did Jabba actually sit on that throne as Boba said? I can't imagine him fitting in that thing in any position, and the very thought of it made me laugh.

Edited by Cherpumple
3 hours ago, arc said:

On one hand, yes, Disney Lucasfilm cannot bear to let a gap left for the audience to fill in themselves, but on the other hand the show explicitly said Boba’s bacta treatment regime was finished. And that tank has been the framing sequence for all the flashbacks so far. Bacta: it rebuilds the body and memories!

So, next episode Boba gets knocked out and we see a dream-sequence-flashback. Problem solved!

  • LOL 1
2 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

Then afterwards he clearly thought he was a master diplomat for getting them all to agree to do nothing.

It’s in their self-interest to stand aside and let Boba defeat the Pykes by himself, he says.

I mean, he probably will win*; the show is named after him. But considered from their point of view, as former captains under Jabba, a future where they’re forcibly put under Pyke rule would not be that unthinkable.

* if he ends up winning because the head Pyke stands on the trap door, I’m going to scream.

I continue to be highly confused by D+'s content policies.  Love, Victor was kicked over Hulu because of some frank, although not explicit LGBTQ sexual content, but Boba gets to straight-up slaughter the swoop gang and they don't say boo?

I never have understood how droid programming works.  Not only did Anakin think it was necessary to program Threepio to be afraid of everything, apparently they're also programmed to commit suicide?  And not even in a situation where they're in violation of one of Asimov's laws?

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, starri said:

I never have understood how droid programming works.  Not only did Anakin think it was necessary to program Threepio to be afraid of everything, apparently they're also programmed to commit suicide?  And not even in a situation where they're in violation of one of Asimov's laws?

Eh, it's just Star Wars being star-wars. Personifying inanimate objects or animals in order to appeal to smaller audience. I don't even bat an eye to this nonsense.

5 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

So, in Star Wars world is "spice" just an illegal drug? If so, it really bums me out that when given room to play in a world as varied and rich as Stars Wars, the show runners seem to be going with a tired old story about rival gangs fighting over the drug trade.

These Star Wars shows have never been anywhere near varied and rich. They recycle the same things from the original three movies. There are only three types of planets (desert, forest and, occasionally, ice), there are the same species, there are the same creatures (Sarlacc, Rancor, etc.), and perhaps most annoying, the plots are mired down in politics and trade issues vs. standing for something. They show glimpses of something bigger (Boba doesn't want tribute), but then almost immediately shy away from it (but he does want them all to make a lot of money, at least some of which comes from spice/drugs). 

It's like these shows are written by fanboys who have obsessed for decades over questions like, "Boba Fett was so cool - who was he, really?" and now they are indulging themselves with no eye toward adding to the franchise beyond trivia. 

And don't get me started on the in-show writing cliches, such as teaching sand people to ride speeder bikes (and the hilarity ensues!), stating things like "there is an advantage in being thought dead" right after telling an enemy your name and choosing to ride Banthas in situations where you kid of need to arrive with some urgency. It's almost like someone is pulling from two hats - "Past Star Wars Elements" and "Action Hero Cliches") - and then tying them together. Meanwhile, the Disney marketing people are busy introducing new toys and action figures and merchandise options to make $$$.

You know, people have issues with all shows, including Star Trek Discovery. But when major characters in that series choose meaningful moments to assert "The Federation stands for something," it is already light years beyond Boba Fett and all these Star wars show in integrity and depth. I watch Boba because I love sci-fi, but this is badly written.


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If this show was called The Book of Another Mandalorian instead of The Book of Boba Fett, would there be any reason to watch it? I don't really care who's in charge of crime on Tattooine, we've been given no reason why he's decided to settle there rather than anywhere else, and risking his life for money as a crime boss is no different from risking his life for money as a bounty hunter. There's nothing important or interesting at stake here.

Unlike The Mandalorian, we've been given no reason to care. Our guy's crime syndicate versus someone else's crime syndicate, so?

It doesn't help that his second-in-command, Fenn, is smarter, more savvy & worldly, more charismatic and a better fighter. I'd watch a show about her! Boba's being presented as stupid, naive and a clumsy, rather ineffective fighter. That doesn't make him vulnerable and interesting, it makes him a boob.

There just doesn't seem to be any reason for this show to exist, other than the name Boba Fett. 

The Mandalorian was the best new Star Wars property in years, and for most of its run, there was no familiar characters. It was so well written, acted & directed, they weren't necessary. So when we did get them, it was icing on the cake.

I'm going to finish the series because I'm committed now, and the visuals are fun, but so far ... meh.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Gummo said:

The Mandalorian was the best new Star Wars property in years, and for most of its run, there was no familiar characters. It was so well written, acted & directed, they weren't necessary. So when we did get them, it was icing on the cake.

Faint praise indeed! I would take issue with Mandalorian having no familiar characters, tough. Even when a character is different (different name, etc.), when it is the same species/race and serves basically the same purpose as prior similar franchise characters, that's plenty familiar. So basically almost everything in the Mandalorian was familiar.  Gus Fring = Vader, ridiculous baby Yoda and Yoda, etc. But for more on that, you can search for my posts in all the Mandalorian episode threads, which highlight similar inconsistent, poor writing.

4 hours ago, Gummo said:

It doesn't help that his second-in-command, Fenn, is smarter, more savvy & worldly, more charismatic and a better fighter.

ITA. Fennec would make a good Boba. I am beyond puzzled at the show's Fett casting choice, from his look to his age to his lack of skills. 

5 hours ago, RobertDeSneero said:

I can't shake the impression this episode gave me that Boba is going to be betrayed, possibly by Shand, at the end of the season.

Could be anyone, as Boba hasn't really shown any chemistry with any other character. 

Although the episode got better as it went along, the flashbacks have really been dragging this show down.  There was some good action there and more Fennec is a good thing but this show has been dragging its wheels when it comes to moving along the plot.  I don't think this is a bad show but I don't think it's justified its existence yet.

14 hours ago, Ottis said:

It's like these shows are written by fanboys who have obsessed for decades over questions like, "Boba Fett was so cool - who was he, really?" and now they are indulging themselves with no eye toward adding to the franchise beyond trivia.

If this show was written in the way that fanboys wanted, Boba Fett would say about six words and be disintegrating people left and right.  Boba Fett is a character who for some reason became popular with four lines and six minutes of screen time.  There literally was no personality there for the writers to start with.  But I would say Favreau has not done an effective job yet fleshing out Fett's motivations and why a guy like him wants to radically change professions.

  • Love 8

I'm ok with this show, but damn, they are moving things along so slowly.  The episodes feel so short, especially when half of each one is flashback.  They need to flesh this world out a bit more, as well--get to know some of the other characters on a deeper level rather than "gambling parlor hostess", "thug of the week", "generic war lord underling". 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, benteen said:

If this show was written in the way that fanboys wanted, Boba Fett would say about six words and be disintegrating people left and right. 

That would be better than the show we are seeing.

It's really a double failure. Agree with you that BF became popular for minimal reasons, and therefore there is now a show about him. But both the idea to do a show about him, and the execution of said show, are poorly conceived.

Edited by Ottis
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I normally don't mind split timeline stories, but I don't think it adds much here. It might have actually been better to show this story in chronological order to let Boba's character build and give us a clearer idea of how the events on Tatooine unfolded. As it is, I'm having a hard time getting invested in the "present day" stuff because it's shown in such brief bits and pieces. Also, I was very disappointed in the Boba meets Fennec flashback; it played out almost exactly as Fennec explained to Mando in one sentence in the Mandalorian, with no extra twists.

  • Love 7
On 1/19/2022 at 10:37 AM, paulvdb said:

Boba to Fennec: "I need brains and muscle."

Heh, when he said that, I'm thinking "because you personally have neither?"  I mean, he would have gotten nothing done without Fennec this episode.

Wow this was boring.    Even the doomed effort to get the Beskar from the Sarlacc pit was dull.   I guess there's the minor question of how the armor got out of the pit; my guess is that the Sarlacc coughed it up as undigestable after the Boba treat got himself out.   Though honestly, I don't care.

It seems like the show runners don't know what to do with Boba.   On The Mandalorian we already had the bounty hunter who was all about completing the job (until Grogu) so they don't want to re-tread that ground with Boba, even though they're re-treading miles of other ground.  Yet the impression from Star Wars was that Boba Fett was a ruthless bounty hunter and if he were looking for you, you didn't have a chance.

What if Boba never was that ruthless guy - maybe he was always a bumbler and somehow this mythology got built up around him in the SW universe?  That would at least be different and could be entertaining.

15 hours ago, Cherpumple said:

I rolled my eyes so hard at that scene. He proposed a deal of mutual defense, then when one person asked why they should agree, Boba immediately backed down without even answering with a simple "because you'll be targeted next". Then afterwards he clearly thought he was a master diplomat for getting them all to agree to do nothing. Pathetic.

Yep, that was bad.  He has nothing to offer them!  Even the Rancor wasn't scary; now that all the the other crime bosses know it's down there, they can....avoid it.   He is so dumb about this crime lord thing.  Maybe he should be a farmer or something.   I do like that Boba likes and gets along with animals/creatures/whatever you call them.   Maybe he should start a Boba Fett Space Rescue.


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7 minutes ago, raven said:

Wow this was boring.    Even the doomed effort to get the Beskar from the Sarlacc pit was dull.   I guess there's the minor question of how the armor got out of the pit; my guess is that the Sarlacc coughed it up as undigestable after the Boba treat got himself out.   Though honestly, I don't care.

Your guess would be wrong.  The Beskar armor got out of the pit because Boba was wearing it when he got out of the pit.  Then, while he was semi-conscious, the Jawas robbed him of it.

  • Useful 2
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20 hours ago, paigow said:

Boba is not that difficult to understand. He had an epiphany of sorts. No longer an indiscriminate murderer. Granted, his negotiation skills are bad but he has inclusive HR practices. Eliminating the Pykes entrenches his syndicate and avenges his tribe.

I agree. I think the flashbacks with Boba's experiences with the Tusken tribes showed us that he evolved from the ruthless bounty hunter persona to a more peaceful person, with a few flashes of his rusty killer skills (he did teach the Tuskens how to raid the train of sports hunters shooting at them; and he blasted those biker/speedsters, too). I think this "book" is merely showing Boba's evolvement from when he ended up in the Sarlac pit until his taking over Jabba's base. It'd be nice to see him get smarter about his new role as crime lord but whether see that in this Book or the next Book (if there's a 2nd series) remains to be seen.

  • Love 4
On 1/20/2022 at 5:28 AM, starri said:

Not only did Anakin think it was necessary to program Threepio to be afraid of everything,  [..]

And he programmed him to NEVER translate or speak the language of the Sith!
How did he know??

On 1/20/2022 at 5:20 PM, raven said:

I guess there's the minor question of how the armor got out of the pit;

We've already seen how, in Episode 1 (of this show, not Phantom Menace!) Boba was wearing it when he escaped from the Sarlaac, then collapsed, and jawas arrived and stripped the armour off him.

  • Useful 1
1 hour ago, j5cochran said:

Remind me - in The Mandalorian, when Fennec Shand was rescued by the mystery person, I seem to remember hearing the jangle of spurs as the mystery person walked into the scene. In The Book of Boba Fett - no spurs. Or am I misremembering?

I don't think you are. As I recall, Fett had at least part of his armor then (his boots), and was still trying to recover the rest. I think they retconned that now. (I also think his new "look" is far inferior to his Empire look; at least give him back the leg armor plates).

Fett had a weird turn of phrase this episode. When staring at the Sarlacc, he mentions to Shand something to the effect of "this is where the Tuskens found me all those years ago." I'm trying to reconcile this with the timeline. Were there really years between Fett and Jabba being taken down by Luke and Co. and the Rebellion subsequently taking down the Empire? Or was this just a poor bit of writing by the Fett writer's room?

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2 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Fett had a weird turn of phrase this episode. When staring at the Sarlacc, he mentions to Shand something to the effect of "this is where the Tuskens found me all those years ago." I'm trying to reconcile this with the timeline. Were there really years between Fett and Jabba being taken down by Luke and Co. and the Rebellion subsequently taking down the Empire? Or was this just a poor bit of writing by the Fett writer's room?

Having found Shand means he’s in line with Mandalorian s1 timeline even in this flashback, which definitely puts that as years past Luke freeing Han and Leia and Threepio from Jabba. (I gather Lucasfilm considers the movies timeline as sacrosanct canon, and maybe the D+ shows too.) And while he was in the sarlacc, he managed to scavenge some oxygen from a dead stormtrooper, which suggests he wasn’t actually being digested for that long. So most likely he spent years in the desert between exiting the sarlacc and finding Shand. Given that the Tusken child did not grow significantly during his time with the tribe, probably the majority of his time in the desert was just him and his bantha.

(btw, did he really not name either the bantha nor the new rancor?)

  • Love 3
On 1/20/2022 at 9:27 AM, AnimeMania said:

I wish the Tuskan Warriors had survived so they could have gotten some revenge on the Pykes in the upcoming war. How did the Speed Bikers know which Tuskan Warriors to kill, they should have had them kill the wrong Tuskans, so ours could join the fight.

so, we know the Pykes got the bikers to attack the Tuskan's right?  the Pykes gave the bikers enough tech/firepower to do the job, since otherwise the Tuskan's should have wiped the floor with the bikers.  the Pykes that survived saw enough of the Tuskan's that attacked the train that they could figure out the correct tribe (or told the bikers, its the tribe near this train path).  eventually someone will say something that Boba will figure that out, although it was clear to me in episode 3 what must have happened.

On 1/20/2022 at 9:03 AM, Ottis said:

It's like these shows are written by fanboys who have obsessed for decades over questions like, "Boba Fett was so cool - who was he, really?" and now they are indulging themselves with no eye toward adding to the franchise beyond trivia. 

I think you may really be onto something here. Based on how old writers tend to be, I have no problem believing that they are the generation who grew up watching the original trilogy, reading all the expanded universe/legends novels and comics books, spent time asking and thinking about every single little detial and now have the opportunity to write the show.

On 1/20/2022 at 9:11 AM, Gummo said:

The Mandalorian was the best new Star Wars property in years, and for most of its run, there was no familiar characters. It was so well written, acted & directed, they weren't necessary. So when we did get them, it was icing on the cake.

I'm going to finish the series because I'm committed now, and the visuals are fun, but so far ... meh.

One of the the aspects of The Mandalorian I really enjoyed was that (for the first season and a half) all you needed to have to seen to understand and enjoy the series was the original trilogy. It was its own seperate thing, and I enjoyed it. I loved the classic old school case/adventure of the week feel to it. 

I agree with you. The visuals are stunning, but the story is meh. I keep waiting for it improve. 

On 1/20/2022 at 6:20 PM, raven said:

What if Boba never was that ruthless guy - maybe he was always a bumbler and somehow this mythology got built up around him in the SW universe?  That would at least be different and could be entertaining.

I love this idea. It reminds me of Inspector Gadget. There is all this hype built up around the hero, but he is actually a bumbling fool whose survival/success is based on luck and the talented, intelligent people around him. 

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Hanahope said:

the Pykes that survived saw enough of the Tuskan's that attacked the train that they could figure out the correct tribe (or told the bikers, its the tribe near this train path). 

Kill List

  • Mayor McCheese
  • Pyke Boss
  • Surviving Bikers

Boba will keep a few Pykes alive... try to turn them into spies / hostages

On 1/20/2022 at 6:11 AM, Gummo said:

If this show was called The Book of Another Mandalorian instead of The Book of Boba Fett, would there be any reason to watch it? I don't really care who's in charge of crime on Tattooine, we've been given no reason why he's decided to settle there rather than anywhere else, and risking his life for money as a crime boss is no different from risking his life for money as a bounty hunter. There's nothing important or interesting at stake here.

Unlike The Mandalorian, we've been given no reason to care. Our guy's crime syndicate versus someone else's crime syndicate, so?

Agree.  He just walks around telling people he's in charge.  What is the point?  He has money.  He's just trying to get more money?  

So apparently Slave 1 was renamed to .... Firespray?  Huh?  Why?  Are they going all PC and trying remove the name "slave"?

2 hours ago, greyhorse said:

So apparently Slave 1 was renamed to .... Firespray?  Huh?  Why?  Are they going all PC and trying remove the name "slave"?

Firespray is a vessel class - e.g. X-Wing - so it is not some random name that Boba dreamed up in the Bacta Tank... but yes it is a PC move...  

16 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

he is actually a bumbling fool whose survival/success is based on luck and the talented, intelligent people around him. 

Like this guy...


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