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S03.E09: Smoky Mountain Meltdown

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

No future social or other media is allowed in episode threads.  Only discuss what was known at time of filming. 

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I also wonder if Tammy may have some cognitive decline.  I recall that when my cousin first started with dementia, she was unreasonable, demanding, and hostile.  She would explode over nothing.  I didn’t know why, though she always had a temper, but it was due to multiple strokes that cause brain damage.  It makes me wonder.  

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31 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

I didn’t realize Amy was blind in one eye. Did her parents ever get her glasses?

She's said in the past that she's legally blind.  I always thought she meant she was vision-impaired in both eyes.  If her working eye is not impaired, is that considered "legally blind?"  Or maybe her working eye has an impairment.

ETA:  I think Amy had glasses in the family photo of when they were teenagers.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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The family seems addicted to the cycle of fighting with then appeasing Tammy.  They can’t make her do anything, but they can control their behavior…..I hope. They seem compelled to spar with her verbally.  They tell her off, then go back and beg her to let them help her!   They obviously give in to her food demands too.  I now see how that works.   I don’t see how social services would do any worse than the family is doing as her caretakers.  

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

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I now see why Tammy is like she is.  Her siblings are the biggest wussies I’ve ever seen.  Omg, they draw the line, walk away and then go back and kiss her butt. Over and over!  They are crazy!  She plays  them like a fiddle.  Their overindulgence of her tempter tantrums has created that crap.  I have no sympathy for them.  They helped build that hot mess.  No wonder Tammy didn’t like rehab.  No one would baby a spoiled grown woman like that.  Ridiculous!

I heard Amanda say "Wait til these damned cameras aren't rolling."  I have a feeling she would carve Tammy 2 new assholes if no cameras were there.  Tammy knows that production won't let her be in harm's way.  I get the feeling they're the reason Tammy didn't spend the night in the van.  I bet they (production) also paid for her hotel. 

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Did I hear Tammy say at one point  "I've bent over backwards for them" about the trip?  🤨

She is reprehensible....if having a few drinks regularly makes Tammy behave a little better..then so be it.   Cheers...  Drink up, bitch (as she'd say)

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1 hour ago, Ria said:

That restaurant scene. There are other patrons walking by including children and older people and they are swearing up a storm. I’ve never seen people act this way in public before. At least they were outside but still. Poor Gage. I know he is loved but no child should be subject to this constant fighting, yelling, swearing and name calling. 

Visit my local Walmart and you'll see plenty of Slaton family behavior!

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If I find out that Tammy is acting this way just for the cameras, I'm going to be so pissed. She is just a worthless blob of fat, all she did in that hotel was sit in that wheelchair & take selfies. Unless she could get food delivery of course.

It's amazing how many "one cheat meal" Amy has, she uses that phrase every episode.

I'm glad Chris got to go on the ride, the guy was really nice about trying to make sure he could.

I'm lovin' Amanda.

Is next week the season finale?

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I think this ep made it clear that Tammy has completely retreated to her fantasy world. She wanted to be at that hotel so she could be online, taking selfies, communicating with only the 2D people. She has lost most all interest in real life. Very much like a drug addict.

Why the family spends so much time trying to coax her and try to get her involved is perplexing at this point. All that time at the cabin talking about how to get her to participate, how to make her see how much fun she could be having. When anyone with an IQ above 10 can see Tammy is checked out, she DOES just want to be at home, online, nothing else matters to her. I do believe it is ONLY for the cameras now. 

The preview for next week looks sad beyond belief. Tammy thinks these feeders and fame whores really like her, not understanding she is the joke and she’s not in on it. They don’t think she’s just so much fun and want to be around her, they want their 15 minutes.  And her getting drunk, add it to the list of ways she could care less about her health. 

I suspect once this show is done, if she’s still alive, her family will just stop interacting with her. No paycheck, no reason to tolerate this. Another reason this is just a sad situation in that EVERYONE including her family are just using her for a paycheck. 

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31 minutes ago, sadie said:

I think this ep made it clear that Tammy has completely retreated to her fantasy world. She wanted to be at that hotel so she could be online, taking selfies, communicating with only the 2D people. She has lost most all interest in real life. Very much like a drug addict.

Why the family spends so much time trying to coax her and try to get her involved is perplexing at this point. All that time at the cabin talking about how to get her to participate, how to make her see how much fun she could be having. When anyone with an IQ above 10 can see Tammy is checked out, she DOES just want to be at home, online, nothing else matters to her. I do believe it is ONLY for the cameras now. 

The preview for next week looks sad beyond belief. Tammy thinks these feeders and fame whores really like her, not understanding she is the joke and she’s not in on it. They don’t think she’s just so much fun and want to be around her, they want their 15 minutes.  And her getting drunk, add it to the list of ways she could care less about her health. 

I suspect once this show is done, if she’s still alive, her family will just stop interacting with her. No paycheck, no reason to tolerate this. Another reason this is just a sad situation in that EVERYONE including her family are just using her for a paycheck. 

Boo hoo for Tammy. She’s a mean, selfish, nasty person who heaps abuse on everyone around her, rejects all suggestions to help her and blames everyone else for her problems. If her family cuts her off, she has no one to blame but herself. 

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There’s so much dysfunction in that family…..it’s difficult to watch.  Could the show go on without Tammy?  Idk.  She causes a lot of stress.  Eventually, she will be bed bound, right?  I don’t buy her contentions that she handles her own hygiene care. No way she can reach that far.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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48 minutes ago, sadie said:

I think this ep made it clear that Tammy has completely retreated to her fantasy world. She wanted to be at that hotel so she could be online, taking selfies, communicating with only the 2D people. She has lost most all interest in real life. Very much like a drug addict.

Why the family spends so much time trying to coax her and try to get her involved is perplexing at this point. All that time at the cabin talking about how to get her to participate, how to make her see how much fun she could be having. When anyone with an IQ above 10 can see Tammy is checked out, she DOES just want to be at home, online, nothing else matters to her. I do believe it is ONLY for the cameras now. 

The preview for next week looks sad beyond belief. Tammy thinks these feeders and fame whores really like her, not understanding she is the joke and she’s not in on it. They don’t think she’s just so much fun and want to be around her, they want their 15 minutes.  And her getting drunk, add it to the list of ways she could care less about her health. 

I suspect once this show is done, if she’s still alive, her family will just stop interacting with her. No paycheck, no reason to tolerate this. Another reason this is just a sad situation in that EVERYONE including her family are just using her for a paycheck. 

Great post. I agree with it all. In answer to the bolded question, I think that simply put, without Tammy, there is no show. The family has made great attempts at looking like they don't know much about anything, but I think they are all smart enough to know that. And now, there are more and more of them on the gravy train. (No pun intended, Chris!)

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The show would be much more successful if Tammy tried and actually lost a couple hundred pounds. Or, sadly, it might do well if they are filming when Tammy collapses. I wish them the best, but suspect it’s not going to end well.  

Amy does seem to be oblivious to her health situation too.  I wonder if she monitors her situation with a doctor.  It doesn’t appear like it.  Plus, that horrible cough she has…..very concerning.  

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9 hours ago, Sproutlet said:

It was both refreshing and sad to see how happy and relaxed they all were without Tammy around. They seemed like they were really having fun together, and it wasn't all just for the cameras. I think they would've happily gone to dinner without her if Amy hadn't started feeling guilty for leaving her behind. 

As Chris said in the preview, "Ward. Of. The State!" He seems like a pretty good-natured guy, but I guess he's hit his limit with Queen Tammy.

They all enable Tammy to a degree, but I think Amy is the worst coddler of the bunch. She seems to have the most anxiety when it comes to checking on Tammy, keeping an eye on her, making her feel better, etc. She really needs to let go.


Maybe, Amy is the one who signed her out of the assisted living facility. I recall her saying that when the show first started, Tammy had been kicked out of all the family members’ houses and ended up in a facility.   Someone had to step up and say they’d provide her care to get her out.   

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I couldn’t watch this nasty toddler (with apologies to actual toddlers who have a BILLION times more emotional intelligence that this horrible “woman”) try to justify her tantrums.  They spend far too much time catering to her whims and I’m not sure I can watch her abuse her family much longer.  But I really enjoyed the scenes of the rest of them having fun on their vacation (except all their mentions of her).

Back in season 1 when Tammy pretended she cared about losing weight (and actually did)  she was much more tolerable.  


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9 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

I think Amy had glasses in the family photo of when they were teenagers.

Ah ok. I was trying to look at the photo but it flashed so quickly, I could only recognize Amanda. I keep thinking these people are so much older than they are, so when they talk about middle school, it’s crazy to me that they’re only talking about like 20 years ago.

Did anyone notice that it seemed like Amanda was the only one with access to a cell phone during this vacation? Whenever the siblings wanted to contact Tammy, they’d ask her to do it. Obviously Tammy had her phone, but she was also in a different location. Maybe that’s why she didn’t want to stay with them.

And speaking of Amanda, she was critical of Amy’s meal selection, but did we hear what she ordered? I only heard Amy and Chris, who I believe ordered pork in a lettuce bowl.

This show comes on too late for me. I had a nightmare that Amy and Michael were serial killers. Too much TLC and Investigation Discovery in one night.

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I could only watch up to the restaurant scene-will catch the rest later. Here's my take on the whole thing. Tammy is the baby of the kids. She has always been fat. The family has been enabling her since day one. The family could really use some counseling themselves. Big T's many excuses (I couldn't breathe the mountain air) etc. is just a ploy she's used for years. Her family needs to stop coddling this overgrown toddler and just let her go. They all seemed to have fun-the photo shoot, the trip to the amusement park-but always saying "I wish Tammy would have come". Why?? She just would have bitched and moaned about everything and spoiled it for everyone else. She will be gone soon so they better start getting ready for this event to eventually happen. She doesn't give 2 shits about anybody else but herself. The scene at the restaurant was indeed cringe-worthy-her screaming and swearing and people walking by looking and probably thinking "who is this crazy person?" What needs to happen is they need to get Tammy a guardian-it will free them up to live their own lives (if that is possible) and the guardianship will oversee Tammy's day-today needs. I like Amanda-I know this will sound mean, but I really wish she would have given Tammy a slap at the restaurant-Tammy needs to learn (but probably never will) that you can't talk to people like that-family or not.

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38 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Maybe, Amy is the one who signed her out of the assisted living facility. I recall her saying that when the show first started, Tammy had been kicked out of all the family members’ houses and ended up in a facility.   Someone had to step up and say they’d provide her care to get her out.   

One of the siblings said on the show that every one of them had taken in Tammy at some point and got tired of the way they were being treated.  So yes, Amy was her last shot.  Amy and Tammy are closest in age, so they were likely close when growing up.  They have their social media channels together.  Their lives are enmeshed in that way.  Amy needs to break away from feeling like she owes Tammy something.  I believe the rest of them have. 

So much of the interaction and the "what a shame Tammy isn't here" is because they are on the show.  If the show were the Slatons, it wouldn't matter.  But the 1000 pound sisters with one of them sitting in a hotel room pouting while the other lives her life is a problem. 

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While I respect that they all love Tammy (she IS their sister after all), I would never tolerate someone treating me that way. I think the show is edited to make Tammy seem much worse that she actually is, but she obviously does say some unpleasant things and they clearly enable her. This show has become unpleasant to watch. I hate that I wouldn’t be that sad if Tammy passed away.

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While I respect that they all love Tammy (she IS their sister after all), I would never tolerate someone treating me that way. I think the show is edited to make Tammy seem much worse that she actually is, but she obviously does say some unpleasant things and they clearly enable her. This show has become unpleasant to watch. I hate that I wouldn’t be that sad if Tammy passed away.

ALSO: Tammy acts like she doing them all a big damn favor by coming, when the truth is she had to come, because if she didn’t who would take care of her?? She says she can care for herself, but she can’t even call for her own meds. She’s f***ed if they decide to stop coddling her. She lucky they love her.

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1 hour ago, charmed1 said:

Ah ok. I was trying to look at the photo but it flashed so quickly, I could only recognize Amanda. I keep thinking these people are so much older than they are, so when they talk about middle school, it’s crazy to me that they’re only talking about like 20 years ago.

Did anyone notice that it seemed like Amanda was the only one with access to a cell phone during this vacation? Whenever the siblings wanted to contact Tammy, they’d ask her to do it. Obviously Tammy had her phone, but she was also in a different location. Maybe that’s why she didn’t want to stay with them.

And speaking of Amanda, she was critical of Amy’s meal selection, but did we hear what she ordered? I only heard Amy and Chris, who I believe ordered pork in a lettuce bowl.

This show comes on too late for me. I had a nightmare that Amy and Michael were serial killers. Too much TLC and Investigation Discovery in one night.

Good point!  There likely was poor or no cell reception in the mountain lodge.  Even with WiFi, some providers have poor service in some areas.  This would cramp Tammy’s style. She may not have realized it until she got close by.  

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I love that Chris said, "The bitch ain't going to chase after me!" because clearly she's not.  

Tammy was on the phone with someone.  That doesn't mean it was Phil.  It also doesn't mean she was actually on the phone.  I can see her faking it.  All we saw her doing was taking selfies while sitting in her wheelchair. Y'know, living her best life. 

I do think Tammy was afraid to go up the ramp.  She has a lot of fears.  However, as one of the sisters said, she lashes out at others, and they do not deserve her abuse. Her whole I didn't want to come shtick was BS.  She was excited about the trip until she realized she had to either walk up two stairs or go up the ramp.  Same thing with the electric wheelchair.  She is afraid to try it.  She is also afraid that if she gets more independence they won't put up with her at all anymore.  In her heart I think she knows that she is a miserable person to be around, so she tries to guilt them all into taking care of her.  Her better choice would be to be kind and appreciative, but that's never going to happen. 

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11 hours ago, Sproutlet said:

I think they would've happily gone to dinner without her if Amy hadn't started feeling guilty for leaving her behind. 

It always seems that it is Amy that is interjecting Tammy into the mix. Most of the time. And I agree with the comment above, the way she talks and acts around that baby and they allow her to do it just astounds me. I would not let my kid anywhere near her.

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1 hour ago, Maisiesmom said:

The scene at the restaurant was indeed cringe-worthy-her screaming and swearing and people walking by looking and probably thinking "who is this crazy person?" W

I would have thought that this was production driven except for Tammy‘s behavior is identical to what my mother used to do. And when they do it, they are completely SHAMELESS. It is everyone around them who is mortified. I suspect borderline personality disorder and I am no shrink but she shows all the signs.

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3 hours ago, sadie said:

Another reason this is just a sad situation in that EVERYONE including her family are just using her for a paycheck. 

And don't forget that TLC is using this family for their paycheck too. Maybe that's what you meant by "EVERYONE" so my apology for repeating your sentiments. Lol.

I would continue to watch this show if Big T was no longer a part of it.

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11 minutes ago, Wollstonecraft said:

I would continue watching too without Tammy.  I think that Chris and the other sisters are funny and interesting.  They really love one another and let's not forget Gage is cute as hell.

I would DEFINITELY watch without Tammy.   I'm considering LEAVING because she's a waste of my time and she's RUINING everyone's lives.  It is sad and pathetic how she lets those so-called "men" use her; shame on TLC.

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5 hours ago, sadie said:

The preview for next week looks sad beyond belief. Tammy thinks these feeders and fame whores really like her, not understanding she is the joke and she’s not in on it. They don’t think she’s just so much fun and want to be around her, they want their 15 minutes.  And her getting drunk, add it to the list of ways she could care less about her health. 

at her weight, just how many drinks would she have to have in order to get drunk? I'll bet she's faking it, as usual, for the cameras. 

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4 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

She doesn't give 2 shits about anybody else but herself.

No, she doesn't.

When she was complaining to the camera about the reason they bought the electric wheelchair, she said suspiciously, "Did they get this to help me or them?". Tammy could care less if the wheelchair was a help to her family. She just didn't want to exert herself bending and unbending her index finger on the control lever. That would be work, ya know?

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4 hours ago, charmed1 said:

And speaking of Amanda, she was critical of Amy’s meal selection, but did we hear what she ordered? I only heard Amy and Chris, who I believe ordered pork in a lettuce bowl.

IIRC, Amanda went first and also ordered something in a lettuce bowl. Amy ordered something with bacon and a lot of cheese. (I think it was the  Myers BBQ& Blue) 


Edited by magemaud
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2 hours ago, Kid said:

It always seems that it is Amy that is interjecting Tammy into the mix. Most of the time.


14 hours ago, Sproutlet said:

They all enable Tammy to a degree, but I think Amy is the worst coddler of the bunch. She seems to have the most anxiety when it comes to checking on Tammy, keeping an eye on her, making her feel better, etc. She really needs to let go.

Amy and Tammy grew up with each other, the other three are older and had moved out, so I can see why Amy is so close and feels so conflicted about Tammy.  At the same time she knows she needs to let go and seems to be trying (making her own family, moving to a house etc.) to do that.   I wish Amy well and I worry about her health too;  I know that being a caretaker and a wife/mother it's easy to put your own health last. 


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I think the entire family is fed up, but she is their sister and they love her. I think they also know her addiction is too far gone and she will not lose weight. I imagine it's especially hard on Amy because not only are they sisters close in age but best friends. I expect they are waiting for the day when she is found dead, and trying to make as many happy memories for them and her before it happens. Unfortunately Tammy is so nasty that she makes it difficult to create happy memories such as a family vacation.

I admit I had no interest in tuning in for any future seasons because I don't want to watch someone die, but now with Amy buying a home I am intrigued to see what happens. My head will explode if Amy and Michael take her along. Watching this makes me feel angry and dirty, I feel guilty tuning in.

I was appalled by the scene when they were eating out. The have no manners and seem completely unaware of their surroundings. They are so uneducated and were clearly raised poorly. I did not grow up wealthy and we certainly ate out only on rare occasions, but we all minded our manners. If you didn't you were reprimanded swiftly.  I couldn't believe when her sister tried to show her the photos of them in dress up she accused her of trying to make her feel bad. No Tammy, she was trying to include you by sharing. Your response should have been to say how great they all looked and then ask for a copy.

"Is the electric wheelchair for me or them?" The gall! Both you entitled bitch! How can she be so willfully ignorant? I just cannot fathom how she thinks her family should be so grateful they get to care for her. What they should have done was checked her into the hotel and then texted her their itinerary every morning. They could have politely asked if she wanted to join (she would decline) and asked if she needed anything dropped off at her room. And hopefully the hotel was not far out of their way so as to disrupt their plans. No one should have been looking for rides to send her home early. She truly is entitled, she expects that her family will care for her as a fact of life. She has come to consider it their duty and does not consider the impact on their lives. As she has never had to care for another individual in her life and can offer others no assistance she has no idea how disruptive it can be to even provide a couple of hours a week help. Many of us have had to assist elderly parents, grandparents or relatives with debilitating illnesses. We know how draining it can be but we do it out of love. To have to assist someone who has CHOSEN to be disabled is maddening. Addiction is a horrible thing and no one would choose to become an addict, but Tammy has chosen not to take the help offered. She is actively choosing to make her family wait on her and live their lives always worrying about her care, how to include her, who she is associating with and whether or not they are putting themselves in physical jeopardy pushing her chair.

Sorry for the long rant. I just understand how emotionally draining and frustrating it can be. And it's so difficult to walk away when you love someone and consider it your duty to help. I don't know how far the family all live from Tammy, my hope for them is that they could somehow work out a schedule where they each offer her 1-2 hours (too much?) a week assistance. It be used for grocery shopping, medical appointments, light cleaning etc. or just company. She should be in charge of getting her own medication going forward, scheduling appts etc. I also hope Amy takes Little to her new home. Lastly I hope they all learn the word no. She has chosen this life and she needs to own it's consequences.

Edited by CapeCodLuv
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I am more and more convinced Tammy is actually dating George Glass:


I would suspect that Tammy bullied Amy her entire life.  There is also a dynamic with addicts where they want others to make the same mistakes they do.  So, while the whole family is very large, I would suspect that Tammy helped form Amy's eating habits and pushed her to eat more.  I used to see this with a friend who was close to 400 pounds.  She was happy when others would overeat and would be angry if people did not; she once threw a fit when folks packed up leftovers at one of those large, multicourse Chinese restaurant meals that easily serve twice the number of folks that the menu says.  To her, you finish it all.  I see this same dynamic when dealing a family friend who is alcoholic.  They want everyone to drink so that, if someone comments on their drinking, they can say, "You're drinking too".  It matches Tammy's constant retorts to family that they are fat too. Of course the difference is they are still living their lives beyond sitting at home staring at their phones. 

Outside of Tammy the rest of the family seems fun.  Chris and his wife seem to have a very loving and supportive relationship. Tammy is the storm cloud raining on everything at all times. 

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I have to agree that it will be fascinating watching Tammy with her "friends" drinking. I'm guessing they want to be on TV and don't give a rats ass about Queen Tammy. Tammy is so lonely that she doesn't care if they are just laughing at her and using her as entertainment, the same as with her whole pan sexual crap. She's pan sexual because it means she will accept anyone who pays attention to her. If a leper showed her attention she would be game. I think it's going to be rough watching the feeders give her alcohol, it seems abusive. It is abusive but she's an adult and nothing can be done. TLC didn't have to film it, but then again I don't have to watch but I will. This is where I struggle with myself.

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Amy is the youngest as well, she was 33 at the time of filming to Tammy's 35. I really like the older siblings a lot. Michael continues to be such a kind and patient man. Bless him. The look on his face when Tammy started acting up - you can tell he doesn't like conflict. He actually looked frightened for a minute.

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15 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Then someone would have had to clean up the van in the morning after Tammy went to the bathroom in it all night.

They should go to PetCo and buy "wee wee pads" in XXXXL. Tammy can just order food from the van and use the pads for her bodily functions. I hope she isn't physically capable of having a menstrual cycle.

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26 minutes ago, magemaud said:

IIRC, Amanda went first and also ordered something in a lettuce bowl. Amy ordered something with bacon and a lot of cheese. (I think it was the  Myers BBQ& Blue) 


Thank you for sharing - I love reading menus from restaurants shown on tv. Chris had the Godzilla Pork and Tammy had the Chucky's Inferno.

I love cheeseburgers but try to keep it healthy with a lettuce bun and/or salad instead of fries. There were literally no healthy options at that place, except for lettuce instead of a bun, but that gets canceled out by all the junk they load on top. I probably would have gotten the Gremlin Sliders 😊

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11 minutes ago, PrincessPurrsALot said:

I am more and more convinced Tammy is actually dating George Glass:


I would suspect that Tammy bullied Amy her entire life.  There is also a dynamic with addicts where they want others to make the same mistakes they do.  So, while the whole family is very large, I would suspect that Tammy helped form Amy's eating habits and pushed her to eat more.  I used to see this with a friend who was close to 400 pounds.  She was happy when others would overeat and would be angry if people did not; she once threw a fit when folks packed up leftovers at one of those large, multicourse Chinese restaurant meals that easily serve twice the number of folks that the menu says.  To her, you finish it all.  I see this same dynamic when dealing a family friend who is alcoholic.  They want everyone to drink so that, if someone comments on their drinking, they can say, "You're drinking too".  It matches Tammy's constant retorts to family that they are fat too. Of course the difference is they are still living their lives beyond sitting at home staring at their phones. 

Outside of Tammy the rest of the family seems fun.  Chris and his wife seem to have a very loving and supportive relationship. Tammy is the storm cloud raining on everything at all times. 

Addicts always love a friend so that they are not the only one who is dysfunctional. It's why they recommend those in recovery lose their old friends who still live the life. Much of Amy and Tammy's life was made up of eating so I imagine when Amy stopped it took a big piece of their bonding away. Unfortunately it seems Amy has given up so it may no longer be a problem. Like many here have stated, I think Amy only wanted to lose weight so she could have a baby. I also think she thought surgery was a magic bullet despite being told otherwise. She no longer follows the meal suggestions and I imagine her stomach is stretched right back out. At least she is mobile, interested to see how far off the rails she goes with the second baby. She thought having one baby made it too difficult to cook and clean her home despite the fact that she has no job. She also couldn't exercise because she had a baby. Her Mommy and Me class was a one and done for the show. I can only imagine having two kids will mean in her head she must eat more and stop all physical activity. My mother was a stay at home Mom, she had six kids. Our house was immaculate and every night a hot meal was prepared. This family has mastered excuses and learned to live in filth. Her tears with the cleaners were crocodile tears and with only one child she has no excuse but laziness.

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14 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

They should go to PetCo and buy "wee wee pads" in XXXXL. Tammy can just order food from the van and use the pads for her bodily functions. I hope she isn't physically capable of having a menstrual cycle.

I kept wondering how she was going number 1 or number 2 when she was stuck in the van. I have a tiny bladder and need to go constantly. Just the need to go in a clean bathroom would have sent me up the ramp yet she claimed to be willing to spend the night in the van after a long drive. She had to have been going into a diaper or stooping outside the van in view of production staff. Zero dignity.

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6 minutes ago, CapeCodLuv said:

Her Mommy and Me class was a one and done for the show.

Amy's gained a bunch since then - I actually thought she was looking really good at the exercise class for being six months or so post partum. It's such a shame. I have this hope against all hope that Chris's success helps motivate Amy to get her act together.

I have to say, I literally laughed out loud when they showed Amy coming round the mountain on the suspended roller coaster with the two laser guns in her hands. That was hilarious 😆 I loved how much fun Chris was having! I'm glad Tammy stayed behind because her bad attitude would have been a recipe for disaster.

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7 hours ago, sadie said:

And her getting drunk, add it to the list of ways she could care less about her health.

I wondered about this, she would probably need a couple gallons of vodka to catch a buzz, no way normal amounts of booze would do anything to her.

5 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

Tammy is the baby of the kids. 

Just mentally, Amy is two years younger. I'm not sure if she's actually the youngest because I don't know where mystery brother Steven fits in with all this.

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25 minutes ago, GaT said:

I wondered about this, she would probably need a couple gallons of vodka to catch a buzz, no way normal amounts of booze would do anything to her.

Just mentally, Amy is two years younger. I'm not sure if she's actually the youngest because I don't know where mystery brother Steven fits in with all this.

I never heard of Steven! Someone on another episode thread also said they were grifters and I asked for more information. I will need to check if they responded. I would not be surprised to learn that they were involved in some type or fraud but don't want to accuse without facts.

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6 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

They all seemed to have fun-the photo shoot, the trip to the amusement park-but always saying "I wish Tammy would have come". Why?? She just would have bitched and moaned about everything and spoiled it for everyone else. She will be gone soon so they better start getting ready for this event to eventually happen. She doesn't give 2 shits about anybody else but herself. The scene at the restaurant was indeed cringe-worthy-her screaming and swearing and people walking by looking and probably thinking "who is this crazy person?"

I was glad that Chris was able to get on that ride. Sometimes its just the smallest things that add so much happiness. I was wondering the same thing - are they that attached to this belligerent, angry, disgusting, screaming, blame-invoking human being that they are still thinking of her joining them? What could she add? She made it perfectly clear that she wanted to be left alone. SO LEAVE HER ALONE. Stop doting on this giant baby.

I found it interesting the mom wasn't invited to this soiree.

The restaurant scene where Tammy completely and utterly lost it: How often does someone see such a spectacle as this? WOW. WOW. WOW. To go on a hateful swearing spree like she did not only in public, but in front of a baby. I'm not into kids swearing, and am not on board at all when parents freely swear in front of the kids. It's enough poor Gage is going to probably go on non-stop about farting! But SOMEONE needs to have enough sense to tell Tammy her language will not be tolerated in front of Gage. His aunt is a total nut-case, and once she's gone, he will have some pretty unflattering and extreme memories of this baby-woman.




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