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S09.E09: When Eddie Met Sally


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Cry me a river, Heather.  Well done, Jess.  Sorry Captain, you're not all that.

I only walked off one job, about 40 years ago.  No regrets.

Sorry Frazer.  You helped chase off Jess and this is what you get.  Boo Hoo.

Keep your dirty fingers out of my food!  Sober Rachel is killing it.  

Eddie, just smh.

I feel bad for the woman with the wired jaw.  That really must be awful.

  • Love 17

In my opinion, nothing about Jess was professional from her work skills to her attitude about her job to her method of departure. That said, Fraser and Heather certainly could have dealt with her in a more sympathetic way. Still, no one seems that upset that she's gone, only that if she had quit the day before they could have replaced her more seamlessly.

Edited by bencr
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On the one hand I think Heather should have been more direct with Jess about her expectations, and Heather was wrong to talk about Jess behind her back. But on the other hand I think Jess kept Heather off balance because Jess gave the impression that if Heather was tougher with her Jess might just up and quit leaving Heather shorthanded ... which of course she did anyway. Jess would be very hard to manage.


Edited by bencr
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The wired lady was kind of dramatic and needy.  I question her going on  a trip like that to begin with. Why spend the money if you can't enjoy it fully.  I didn't notice, but did she do any of the water sports or slide? I would think that could be dangerous.  

Also, like someone else said, these days smoothies are common.  She couldn't have brought some food/protein drinnks with her? just in case it took time for the crew to accommodate her needs.  Plus, why was she drinking? doesn't sound smart. She can't have coffee? or tea? and why  did she insist on eating all foods others did? how does one totally liquify crab or lobster?

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6 hours ago, Steph J said:

Heather & Fraser: Jess has got to go.

Jess leaves.

Heather & Fraser: No, not like that!

Would have been nice if Jess had given notice that she'd leave after the charter that was about to start finished but, on the other hand, I don't really blame her for not wanting to be in a confined space with two people who are constantly running to each other to bitch about her. Besides, if she's so useless anyway, it shouldn't be much of a loss, right?

The reason why Heather was so pissed about Jess leaving is because Heather didn't get to fire Jess. She really wanted to assert her authority as the Chief Stew or HBIC especialy on camera and be able to say "I have to let you go." She was denied this by Jess. Besides making racist comments it looks like Heather's eating habits are "not up to standards."  

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Yeah, I laughed and laughed and laughed at that quitting.  There was never a more deserving group of supervisors, and I'll take that all the way to Captain Lee at this point.  He should have dialed that folksy simile parade a bit back from 11 before this season started.

And while I hate to say I even chuckled a bit evilly at Wes.

.john travolta hair GIF

Edited by Lassus
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Heather tells Capt. Lee that Jess just up and left, walked off the boat, done, gone...When Capt. Lee sees this episode he will hear Heather tell Jess that she has one hour to pack her stuff and get off the boat which is much different than Jess standing there with her bags saying see ya.

Jess sat down and talked to Heather, told her she had to leave, Heather could asked her to step in to the bridge with Capt. Lee as a courtesy to Lee just so he would know what was going on.  

I have a hard time understanding Rayna, she speaks so fast, thankfully there are subtitles but I do understand that she is taking the N word issue and running with it like a bad game of telephone...it was not right that Heather said it but it was part of song lyrics, not in the context that Rayna wants people to believe...again, it is a word that should not have been repeated but Rayna is ignoring the context.  I remember a few times in my life that something like that happened to me, once when I was maybe 20 years old and I was on an elevator with two women I did not know, one said to the other about a purchase she recently made and proudly proclaimed that she "Jew'd," the guy down on the price, I was stunned and said nothing, the another time I was buying a used car for my son and during the inspection there was an issue with the brakes, I thought I could negotiate a little off the asking price, the owner who was African American told me to stop trying to "Jew him down," again, stunned but said nothing.  There was the time I met with a boyfriend and his co-workers for a happy hour, one of the women talked about a business that had burned down, she doubted it was accidental and chalked it up to "Jewish lightening."  Honestly could not believe these people have those sayings in their vocabulary, stunned...I did not react to those ignorant people because they are not worth my time and I could walk away and never see them again, not worth explaining anything to those people, Heather understood how the N word might affect Rayna, Rayna just needed to make her feel like shit and had to make sure everyone on the boat knew she said it.  I ask, how effective is making someone understand their error if all you wanted to accomplish is making them feel like shit, that is divisive.  I won't even tell you about a co-worker that when ever she saw me would sing "Springtime for HItler," people are assholes, how you react to their assholeness can make you an asshole too.

Why won't Eddie lower the boom on his crew? They don't seem concerned about the fact they are going from bad to worse, they need a kick in the pants.

Sober Rachel is okay (aside from the base, sophomoric toilet talk), I feel for her having to turn her entrees in to liquid for a guest, that has got to change the taste of whatever she cooked, will the primary give a crappy tip for bad food?  I think one of the reasons the primary was starving was because while her friends were enjoying snacks and appetizers she did not have much to snack on.  There is a for real Jaw Surgery Cookbook, if I were the primary I'd have gotten a copy and brought it on the boat for the chef to use.  Tell me that her doctor did not give her any information for cooking foods she could eat, I didn't think so.




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54 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Sober Rachel is okay (aside from the base, sophomoric toilet talk), I feel for her having to turn her entrees in to liquid for a guest, that has got to change the taste of whatever she cooked, will the primary give a crappy tip for bad food? 

She is an EXCELLENT chief but a disgusting human!  I don't want to hear her request to get fist **** or what she drags her ***** over.  Gawd that chick is vile!🤢🤮🤮  I hope for her sake someone is telling her to say this stuff and this isn't actually who she is IRL

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27 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

Maybe Broken Jaw should have stayed home if she's going to meltdown waiting on her oyster shake and liquified garlic bread. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

Seriously!  What a buzzkill!  I did notice the other female members of the party did exchange some knowing glances, it looked like they were used to this kind of dramatic, self-pitying behavior.

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I have a feeling the charter may have been scheduled before the “bike accident” and wiring of the jaw?  If that is the case, and not Bravo produced drahhhma, then the woman should have brought along some of her own shakes and smoothies to supplement her ravenous appetite.  And didn’t they have a meeting pre-charter about the guests wants/ food preferences?  So Rachel should have stocked up on Jello, protein shakes, extra broth, maybe a 2nd or 3rd blender/juicer etc when she called in the provisions order to make her job a tad easier.

But then there’d be no drahhhma of a disgruntled primary Princess Poutyface with no self awareness of how her entitled toddler tantrums would come across to an audience.  Primary’s sister and her horde of sycophants  have obviously been dealing with these ‘freak outs’ all her life.  Their main job seems to be to talk Princess Poutyface off the ledge of whatever imagined slight sent her to the roof. 

I hope future employers and coworkers will have watched this season before signing on board to any charters with Heather.  She may be good at handing out warm towels and smiling cute for guests, but she is a shitty leader and teammate.  Her party planning skills are subpar too.  That “Pink Party”??  A few sad pink balloons from the Dollar Store + a swatch of pink leftover fabric from Joann’s clearance bin + a tacky centerpiece crafted at a Hobby Lobby class does not scream opulence, glam or wealth.  

Eddie thinks the “Wiccan” guest is the reason the deck crew is having problems?? Umm, there have been issues since the first charter.  Hard to blame all his and his crew’s lack of attention over several charters on a delusional attention seeker, no? 



  • Love 17
37 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

That “Pink Party”??  A few sad pink balloons from the Dollar Store + a swatch of pink leftover fabric from Joann’s clearance bin + a tacky centerpiece crafted at a Hobby Lobby class does not scream opulence, glam or wealth.  

Aren't all the BD theme parties like this?  

If I went on a luxury yacht in these amazingly beautiful locations, the last thing I would want are tacky theme parties with disposable decorations.  

How about enjoying the local cuisine and culture--why else leave home?  It amazes me how low-rent, and with such limited interests, these guests always are.  Of course real rich people don't go on a shitty reality show for vacation.  I think I answered my own question.

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1 hour ago, BusyOctober said:

And didn’t they have a meeting pre-charter about the guests wants/ food preferences?  So Rachel should have stocked up on Jello, protein shakes, extra broth, maybe a 2nd or 3rd blender/juicer etc when she called in the provisions order to make her job a tad easier.

I fully agree with this.  There is a level where it IS the charter's problem the customer is pissed, and a decent enough part of that occurred here, IMO, no matter how whiny she was.

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1 hour ago, TV Glotzer said:

 It amazes me how low-rent, and with such limited interests, these guests always are.  Of course real rich people don't go on a shitty reality show for vacation.  I think I answered my own question.

Yea, she is a yoga instructor and her husband works for Salesforce.  Nothing wrong with that, but they are clearly not wealthy international yacht-hoppers.


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I hope Heather and Frazer are SLAMMED this charter.  They constantly badmouthed and gossiped about Eeyore behind her back so they should be THRILLED she's gone.  Way to go, Heather and Frazer!   No sympathy whatsoever. 

I also am tired of Rayna's woe is me attitude.  I get that she's pissed at/doesn't like Heather but she needs to add context to the story.  I hate, hate, hate the word Heather used, don't care if it's in a song or what but she didn't call Rayna that or anyone else.  It's still reprehensible IMO but the context does matter.  

I like Rachel much better this season.  She really is a kick ass chef.  I don't mind her cursing or language, so long as she's not directing it specifically at anyone.  

Jake is totally overrated.  The previews have me confused.

No way would go on a luxury cruise with my mouth wired shut.  Part of the reason I go on vacation is to eat wonderful food so that would be a hard pass for me.  However, were this the real world where maybe she and her husband couldn't get their deposit back or whatever, I would come armed with what I COULD eat/drink and not rely solely upon the one chef who is not only preparing food for the rest of your party but the crew as well and certainly didn't train how to liquify and strain fine dining.  Soups are fine (and maybe even blending eggs) but otherwise, Wired should have brought protein packets, powdered mixes, etc.  Major fail on her part (or producer-driven shenanigans) and her meltdowns are not affecting me in the least.  Maybe she'll be like Delores last season and jump overboard. 

I also didn't understand the Pink Party.  So everyone wears pink and they put pink balloons and streamers out and that's it?  Why?  If it was someone's birthday and that's their fave color, okay.  But otherwise, why?  I really think many of these requests (white party, pink party, 20 course dinner with wine selection, the crew puts on a talent show, etc.) are producer shenanigans.  Not that I've ever been on a luxury yacht but I would think the crew is basically supposed to disappear into the background.  

And this is just me but if I were on one of those luxury yachts, one day of jet skiing and going down the slide and laying out and reading would be fine.  But then I'd want Captain Lee to motor that thing over to another village/city so that I could get off the boat for a few hours and go exploring, sightseeing, shopping, etc.  

If we're allowed to discuss the previews they showed at the end -- sounds like Captain Lee said something about someone coming back and Heather looking less than thrilled.  Is Eeyore going to come back?    

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1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Yea, she is a yoga instructor and her husband works for Salesforce.  Nothing wrong with that, but they are clearly not wealthy international yacht-hoppers.



Never believed that any of these people on a 3 day yacht vacation were ever rich, more like well off or come into some money by luck and many think the money makes them entitled & better than the normal poor people (us normies). The real rich don't go on a yacht for 3 days, they own the yachts that these people rent for a few days or have friends with yachts if that's not their thing. Having been to many of the European places & seen some of it first hand when they're in dock the real rich are usually very low key compared to the nouveau riche who tend to be loud with a look at me attitude. 

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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:
1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

I hope Heather and Frazer are SLAMMED this charter.  They constantly badmouthed and gossiped about Eeyore behind her back so they should be THRILLED she's gone.  Way to go, Heather and Frazer!   No sympathy whatsoever. 

I also am tired of Rayna's woe is me attitude.  I get that she's pissed at/doesn't like Heather but she needs to add context to the story.  I hate, hate, hate the word Heather used, don't care if it's in a song or what but she didn't call Rayna that or anyone else.  It's still reprehensible IMO but the context does matter.  

I like Rachel much better this season.  She really is a kick ass chef.  I don't mind her cursing or language, so long as she's not directing it specifically at anyone.  

Jake is totally overrated.  The previews have me confused.

No way would go on a luxury cruise with my mouth wired shut.  Part of the reason I go on vacation is to eat wonderful food so that would be a hard pass for me.  However, were this the real world where maybe she and her husband couldn't get their deposit back or whatever, I would come armed with what I COULD eat/drink and not rely solely upon the one chef who is not only preparing food for the rest of your party but the crew as well and certainly didn't train how to liquify and strain fine dining.  Soups are fine (and maybe even blending eggs) but otherwise, Wired should have brought protein packets, powdered mixes, etc.  Major fail on her part (or producer-driven shenanigans) and her meltdowns are not affecting me in the least.  Maybe she'll be like Delores last season and jump overboard. 

I also didn't understand the Pink Party.  So everyone wears pink and they put pink balloons and streamers out and that's it?  Why?  If it was someone's birthday and that's their fave color, okay.  But otherwise, why?  I really think many of these requests (white party, pink party, 20 course dinner with wine selection, the crew puts on a talent show, etc.) are producer shenanigans.  Not that I've ever been on a luxury yacht but I would think the crew is basically supposed to disappear into the background.  

And this is just me but if I were on one of those luxury yachts, one day of jet skiing and going down the slide and laying out and reading would be fine.  But then I'd want Captain Lee to motor that thing over to another village/city so that I could get off the boat for a few hours and go exploring, sightseeing, shopping, etc.  

If we're allowed to discuss the previews they showed at the end -- sounds like Captain Lee said something about someone coming back and Heather looking less than thrilled.  Is Eeyore going to come back?    


Yes Heather said something like it's either her or no help.

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I’m not really one of those people that get grossed out by people double dipping chips and dip and stuff especially around friends or family but I also understand that it’s a very realistic deal breaker to some and I totally respect that cause ya know it is pretty disrespectful to be that carefree about other peoples food. Even I was taken aback not just with her use of her hand, when there was another fork there to use, (We even saw Eddie using both utensils to fill his plate just moments before) but mainly with the fact that she used HER own fork, that she was already eating with, to dive into the main bowl for more food. That first bowl she used the fork that she already had in her mouth and I can only assume she used her fork again in the second bowl where she was also using her hand. I mean shit, as lax as I am with stuff like that… ewwww. I think what bugs me even more than the sanitary aspect of it was just her blatant disregard. Like what makes her think she wouldn’t need to observe the most basic practices when handling shared food? Tells me she really is selfish and doesn’t think of others AT ALL. 

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Thoughts on this episode…


When this season began, I really wanted to like Fraser, didn’t think much of Heather, and had sympathy for Jess.  But as time has gone by, I don’t really care for any of them.  Fraser has proven to be a whiny gossipy backstabber instead of the high work-ethic person he was introduced as (as it seemed to me, anyway).  Heather continues in a spiral of unjustifiable self-congratulation, rating herself far higher than she deserves.  Jess started out as sympathetic but her exit and attitude at the beginning of this episode just smacks to me of many of her generation – when the going gets tough, the not-so-tough run away. 

A little surprising how everyone (but the genius Super-stew Heather) was caught off guard by Jess’ exit.  Especially Captain Lee.  It must also be frustrating to the deck crew that when the interior personnel takes a hit, they have to make up for it, but it never works the other way around (yeah, I know, how could it -- can you see Fraser hauling lines).

Rayna and her “word” issue – “I’m over it.”  Except you keep bringing it up.

OK, I thought the kid with the box of money handcuffed to himself was odd, but the broom chick is way out there.  Having said that, though, the laundry room might be haunted – everyone who goes there ends up singing.

Rayna, regarding the castaway jet ski – “I don’t know how that happened.”  Perhaps because you spent more time complaining and less time paying attention?  And the whole “back clip” issue – will it take Sherlock Holmes to solve this case?

I started out having a lot of sympathy for the woman with the wired jaw – but her constantly “having a meltdown” is really getting on my nerves.  Feel bad for you lady, but there are several other people who need some attention as well.  And do you have to have *everything* everyone eats liquefied and multi-strained?  Frankly I thought Chef Rachel handled it better than she should have had to. 

Selected odd quote from this episode:  Jess – “I feel like Martha Stewart in prison.”


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Rayna makes it really hard to take her side. When Eddie came rushing down to point out the missing jet ski, she was so lackadaisical and nonchalant about it, "oh, wow, I don't know how that happened," like she couldn't have cared less. And she's the one standing right there who should have noticed! I don't know what to make of all this "back clip" stuff but I suspect Lee is right, it's bullshit and this deck crew is just lazy and inattentive. 

Hasn't Jess worked as a stew on other yachts before this? Was this job really so much harder than any of her previous jobs? I get that Heather and Fraser were kind of bitchy but she did seem like a real malcontent who just didn't want to work. I mean, she started out saying she was happy to stay in the laundry room, and even that was a mess. Not to take Fraser side but he did clean it up and organize it in about 15 minutes after she'd been down there for what, three charters? It's like they just cast the laziest people they could find this season.

Finally that lady with the jaw wired shut. Just, no. If my jaw were wired shut the last thing I'd want to do is go on a luxury vacation. That's insane. Even if they booked it before she had her accident and couldn't get a refund, it's still not worth it. She could have given her spot to another friend. Traveling and sleeping in a strange environment is stress, as it is. I can't imagine adding a wired jaw on top of that.

How appropriate that the boat is anchored in Shittan Bay. 😀

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Jess may not be great at her job and she does look down and out most of the time. But Heather could take a page from Kate'sbook. Instead of having Fraser be her little stooge and gossip boy she could have asked him to mentor Jess. Kate did this with crazy Rocky. She asked her second stew Amy to help out with Rocky. I remember Amy showing Rocky how to clean the cabins and and how to interact with the guests without neglecting her stew duties.  But Heather would rather get on her high horse and  complain to Fraser about Jess. Very unprofessional.

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7 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

I have a feeling the charter may have been scheduled before the “bike accident” and wiring of the jaw?  If that is the case, and not Bravo produced drahhhma, then the woman should have brought along some of her own shakes and smoothies to supplement her ravenous appetite.  And didn’t they have a meeting pre-charter about the guests wants/ food preferences?  So Rachel should have stocked up on Jello, protein shakes, extra broth, maybe a 2nd or 3rd blender/juicer etc when she called in the provisions order to make her job a tad easier.

But then there’d be no drahhhma of a disgruntled primary Princess Poutyface with no self awareness of how her entitled toddler tantrums would come across to an audience.  Primary’s sister and her horde of sycophants  have obviously been dealing with these ‘freak outs’ all her life.  Their main job seems to be to talk Princess Poutyface off the ledge of whatever imagined slight sent her to the roof. 

I hope future employers and coworkers will have watched this season before signing on board to any charters with Heather.  She may be good at handing out warm towels and smiling cute for guests, but she is a shitty leader and teammate.  Her party planning skills are subpar too.  That “Pink Party”??  A few sad pink balloons from the Dollar Store + a swatch of pink leftover fabric from Joann’s clearance bin + a tacky centerpiece crafted at a Hobby Lobby class does not scream opulence, glam or wealth.  

Eddie thinks the “Wiccan” guest is the reason the deck crew is having problems?? Umm, there have been issues since the first charter.  Hard to blame all his and his crew’s lack of attention over several charters on a delusional attention seeker, no? 



Princess Poutyface!!!!  I love it, and a perfect description of the primary!  

(Also, I may have to borrow that phrase now and again!!)  

And, yeah - Eddie and the Wiccan comment - kind of stupid, given the deck crew has completely sucked this whole season.  But, that charter guest is really kind of weird, and as you said, a delusional attention seeker.  "Sue the broom" didn't really want to do any tricks for the camera, did she?  I mean, no spinning in place and she wouldn't even stand up on her own - she preferred leaning against a chair - just like all of the other normal, non-magical brooms in the world!   

Gee - I wonder if Sue could pitch in and help the stews with cleaning, since it seems like Jess is more magical, as she just sort of disappeared into thin air!  

Edited by njbchlover
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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I’m not really one of those people that get grossed out by people double dipping chips and dip and stuff especially around friends or family but I also understand that it’s a very realistic deal breaker to some and I totally respect that cause ya know it is pretty disrespectful to be that carefree about other peoples food. Even I was taken aback not just with her use of her hand, when there was another fork there to use, (We even saw Eddie using both utensils to fill his plate just moments before) but mainly with the fact that she used HER own fork, that she was already eating with, to dive into the main bowl for more food. That first bowl she used the fork that she already had in her mouth and I can only assume she used her fork again in the second bowl where she was also using her hand. I mean shit, as lax as I am with stuff like that… ewwww. I think what bugs me even more than the sanitary aspect of it was just her blatant disregard. Like what makes her think she wouldn’t need to observe the most basic practices when handling shared food? Tells me she really is selfish and doesn’t think of others AT ALL. 

I saw the same thing- Heather was using the fork she had been eating with to grab more food from the communal bowl.  Very distasteful and shocking in this time of Covid.  

I'm disappointed in the way Jessica gave up.  I don't think she has much of a work ethic, and the jobs on a charter yacht definitely require a lot of effort.  On the other hand, I was not happy with the way Heather and Fraser gossiped about her and now they get to  prove that they can do it on their own.  I haven't seen Heather do very much work, aside from meal service and blowing up balloons, so it will be nice to see her get into the thick of things.

I agree with the liquified meals- they sound disgusting.  I would much rather have some smoothies, soups, shakes, and other tasty liquid foods.  "Here's your liquified beef Wellington, asparagus and twice baked potato."  Ugh.

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1 hour ago, MartyQui said:

Wired jaw lady is a total PITA.  I’m sorry, when your  jaw is wired shut you just suck it up (pun intended) and survive on protein shakes.  The idea that Rachel has to purée her beautiful food is horrifying.

And, totally gross!!!  As Rachel said, you have to add water or broth to liquify the solid, so it completely ruins the flavor and taste.

I know this is true, because I tried liquifying a few things when my jaw was broken.  I tried it with spaghtetti and tomato sauce - that came out looking like liquid canned dog food - gross.  I tried with steak - just ewwww!  And don't get me started on trying it with shrimp cocktail - no, no, just no!  

As I said upthread - broths, pureed soups with no veggie or meat chunks, milkshakes, protein drinks and shakes, everything must be liquid that can be sucked through a straw.  Back then, I even drank Carnation "Instant Breakfast" (does anyone else remember that?).  

I also avoided excessive drinking.  You have to be careful, because if you feel the need to vomit, you have to have someone cut the wires holding your mouth shut, otherwise, you could asphixiate youself, choking on your own vomit.

I feel bad for Rachel because she puts such pride in her food preparation, and she has a true knack at knowing what flavors blend and will be pleasing.  Liquifying these things just makes her food lose all its integrity, and I think that Rachel feels that is a true insult.

Broken jaw baby should have asked for prepared soups and broths and brought plenty of protein shake mixes and powders with her.

  • Love 13
22 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Cry me a river, Heather.  Well done, Jess.  Sorry Captain, you're not all that.

I only walked off one job, about 40 years ago.  No regrets.

Sorry Frazer.  You helped chase off Jess and this is what you get.  Boo Hoo.

Keep your dirty fingers out of my food!  Sober Rachel is killing it.  

Eddie, just smh.

I feel bad for the woman with the wired jaw.  That really must be awful.


21 hours ago, bencr said:

In my opinion, nothing about Jess was professional from her work skills to her attitude about her job to her method of departure. That said, Fraser and Heather certainly could have dealt with her in a more sympathetic way. Still, no one seems that upset that she's gone, only that if she had quit the day before they could have replaced her more seamlessly.

Heather and Fraser wanted to get rid of her.

Just inconvenient for them and the rest of the boat that she pulled the trigger before they did.

Fraser so fake, hugging her.

Good for Jess for getting the hell out of dodge ASAP, no fake moments with Lee and others.  She did say she didn't want to disrupt their work because in a couple of hours, new guests were coming on board.  But she didn't like the rest of the cast except for a couple of others.

Funny thing, when Lee tried to line up someone else, they said late in the season, not many choices.  If there are more than a handful of episodes left in the season, Bravo WILL scrounge up someone, some nubile lass to throw into the drunken hook-up stew they're brewing on BD/Bravo.  Already, Wes and Jake were rubbing their hands at how attractive the replacement might be.

That woman with the wired jaw, sounded like she wasn't sure she wanted to do the cruise but may have been convinced to do it, because they could film Rachel swearing about blending and straining food over and over again.

She was asking for food as often as the other guests and before they were served.  Then she went into her cabin and broke down.

What did they really expect though, how is chopped up lobster going to taste in some liquid and sucked through a straw?

Rachel said it's not easy to emulsify the dishes, which involves adding water or some other liquid, and still maintain the flavor of whatever she ground up.  

I would have just asked for light soup, nothing with big chunks of vegetables and meat which can't be sucked through a straw. 

Or just ask for protein shakes or Ensure.  May not be good but I'm not convinced they can make savory shakes that taste particularly good.  

But asking for a shake version of every dish that other people were getting is just not realistic.

I suspect they got what they wanted, which was the guests repeatedly asking for something for the guest and Rachel complaining about it in the kitchen.  Heather walked on egg shells making these requests because she could see Rachel hated doing it.


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1 hour ago, njbchlover said:

Back then, I even drank Carnation "Instant Breakfast" (does anyone else remember that?).  

I actually have it in my kitchen cabinet, brand new carton of vanilla Carnation Instant Breakfast!

I had posted earlier that I am sure the doctor gave her some nutritional information and recipes for a jaw wired shut, why would she not bring that information along on her trip, why chance it and wind up eating chicken broth the whole time or liquified food that ought not to be turned to liquid.  On the same note, why wouldn't Rachel Google some ideas?


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Heather freaked out about guests making their own drinks when Jess was on service. But apparently she has no problem blowing up a balloon while not one, but two guests try to speak to her. It was fine when the woman first walked in on her blowing up the balloon, but to not put it away at that point seems very disrespectful to the guests.

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Fraser so fake, hugging her.

To be fair, I don't think Jess had any problem with Fraser. When they were shown working together, she was complaining to him that she felt like she couldn't catch up no matter how much she worked, and he just nodded along. I never saw him criticizing her to her face (just behind her back). We never saw them squabble or anything, so it's quite possible she walked away thinking they were actually friends, or at least that she had no issue with him.

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