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S03.E06: Proceed With Caution

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Ellie stays to help Victor rebuild their home; Steven reveals the truth about his dating history; Ari and Bini receive troubling news; Jenny and Sumit seek help dealing with his parents; Kenny and Armando say goodbye to Armando's family.


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After being fooled many times by the amped up drama in the previews, I’m not going to allow myself to be fooled once again. My guess is that Areola is having a meltdown because the housekeeper/babysitter needs a day off and Areola doesn’t know how to take care of the baby without help.


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Did TLC give the translators/captioners the night off???  No translation/captions during the sneak peek tonight.  No clue what all Alina was saying in her convo with SteVen.  Could have used some help with what the Ethiopian doctor was saying about baby Avi.  Definitely don't know what Bini's thoughts were on Ari's idea of taking Avi to the US for a second opinion on the hernia.

Hope they get their shit together before the actual show on Sunday.

Do better TLC!!

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SteVen looks like he smells. Either he doesn't bathe/shower often enough, he doesn't wear antiperspirants or he smells musty. Like moldy towels.  
Avi is such a cutie baby. But Areola can't be running back to the States every moment things are not peachy keen. I mean, she wants to live in Ethopia she needs to trust the doctors there.

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13 minutes ago, greekmom said:

n. I mean, she wants to live in Ethopia she needs to trust the doctors there.

I’m not sure that your premise is correct. She doesn't want to live in Ethiopia. My prediction is that she’ll run back to the States for every little thing and will stay in the US longer and longer each time, until the time comes when she doesn’t return to Ethiopia at all. 

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Steven and Alina found a new apartment? Looks bigger. Guess he will be sleeping on the couch for as long as they live there. Too bad some of the translation didn't come through. Interesting double standard that he can spend time with girl 'friends' but Alina can't do anything with male friends or anyone else. That is not how things work.

Kenny, Armando's relationship with his dad is baby steps. Not everyone is like you or your family. People are different and handle things in their own way. You cannot push. Give Armando respect and space.

Ariela, your baby has a hernia or something? You can trust Ethiopian doctors. It gets expensive to fly back to the US. Your parents are not going to foot the bill for you all the time. They will put their feet down.

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10 hours ago, Frozendiva said:


Ariela, your baby has a hernia or something? You can trust Ethiopian doctors. It gets expensive to fly back to the US. Your parents are not going to foot the bill for you all the time. They will put their feet down.

No they won’t. I don’t think they ever will. 

I might do some sketchy things to travel to Turkey in that adorable apartment ! 

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While I don't blame Ari for wanting to bring her baby to the U.S. for surgery, she chose to move to Ethiopia.  It might even be more dangerous for the baby to fly that long in that condition.  What if air pressure changes can cause the hernia/intestines to burst?  How horrible and uncomfortable is it for a baby to have head/ear pressure changes, not knowing how to swallow to relieve the pressure?

And yeah, her parents will never turn off the money spigot.  She will be enabled by them until they pass, when she'll just inherit their money.  

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The Mormons require their members to wear these "sacred temple garments" as a sign of commitment to the faith and as "protection against temptation and evil".

Steven expects Alina to be baptized as a Mormon.  I wonder how she would feel about wearing them?


Edited by treeofdreams
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2 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

The Mormons require their members to wear these "sacred temple garments" as a sign of commitment to the faith and as "protection against temptation and evil".

Steven expects Alina to be baptized as a Mormon.  I wonder how she would feel about wearing them?


Thank you!!!

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On 10/1/2021 at 9:48 PM, TazDevil said:

Did TLC give the translators/captioners the night off???  No translation/captions during the sneak peek tonight.  No clue what all Alina was saying in her convo with SteVen.  Could have used some help with what the Ethiopian doctor was saying about baby Avi.  Definitely don't know what Bini's thoughts were on Ari's idea of taking Avi to the US for a second opinion on the hernia.

Hope they get their shit together before the actual show on Sunday.

Do better TLC!!

When I would hit rewind a few seconds it would play back with English subtitles. But you have to do that each time someone speaks in another language.

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6 hours ago, treeofdreams said:

The Mormons require their members to wear these "sacred temple garments" as a sign of commitment to the faith and as "protection against temptation and evil".

Steven expects Alina to be baptized as a Mormon.  I wonder how she would feel about wearing them?


There is a whole line of gay porn involving Mormon men having sex while wearing that underwear.  What a narrow fetish.

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12 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

There is a whole line of gay porn involving Mormon men having sex while wearing that underwear.  What a narrow fetish.

I always marvel at the vast knowledge you bring to this forum, Mr. BB

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24 minutes ago, Kid said:

So, Steven can fuck anything that moves but he can’t swallow wine.  I love how he picks and chooses which Mormon rules he will follow.

for someone who claims his Mormon faith is "supremely important" (his exact words) he is certainly hypocritical. However, I'm Catholic and there are lots of people at my church who "cherry pick" what rules they follow (including me sometimes, Bless me father, for I have sinned...) 

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I actually understand where Ari is coming from - about taking the baby back to the States for a surgery I mean.  I spent the summer in a city 3 hours away, and when my dog needed a vet I took her home for her vet appointment.  It's not easy to trust a stranger/strange place with someone that precious to you.  It's not like going for a haircut.

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12 minutes ago, Chloe Dog said:

I actually understand where Ari is coming from - about taking the baby back to the States for a surgery I mean.  I spent the summer in a city 3 hours away, and when my dog needed a vet I took her home for her vet appointment.  It's not easy to trust a stranger/strange place with someone that precious to you.  It's not like going for a haircut.

I agree, have driven 3 hours to see a certain vet for my dog. I have wondered though, if this is the excuse that Ari has been looking for to bail and to be able to take the bae be  to the US without Bini trying to stop her? I would be surprised if they returned.

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My Mormon cousin used to wear the undergarments and she told me it was basically about modesty.  Your clothes have to cover the garments, so nothing short or sleeveless or low-cut.


I did NOT know about magic underwear gay porn, but I noticed right away that the pouch is quite oversized, so I guess it makes sense.    : p

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Ari is a sadistic cunt. I despise her.

Why did the family take Hannah dress shopping at night? 

Steven is a malignant sociopath. He had every opportunity to tell Alina the truth, but instead, he continued to gaslight her & downplay the fact that he's deliberately misled her/perpetuated her misunderstanding that he's saved himself for marriage.  Also, the whole Masha trap plot line is clearly the producer's doing. Alina isn't a schemer like Steven is.

Thank you lord Jeebus for sparing us the stunningly tedious Evil-en and Snorey this week. 

Edited by FrancescaFiore
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Ari is being very selfish. I understand why she wants to take the baby to US. But, she made plans and then tells her husband. Really?????? And the ex-boyfriend coming to see her. She thinks of herself and her needs before her husband. I believe she's use to getting her way. I feel so bad for her husband. She won't go back with husband. Poor guy. I can't watch anymore of her, I'll have to fast forward from now on. 

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Alina and Steven-Alina, just end it!!!!! Steven is a cheating asshole! I am laughing at his idiot face when he tries to sneeze and him saying that Jesus have friends that are girls and acting like a dog licking the wine 

Victor and Ellie-*Yawns*

Ariana and Biniyam-I just think Ariana wants to bring the baby back to United States for surgery AND bang her ex-husband

Kenneth and Armando-Kenneth needs to give it a rest about Armando’s father coming to the wedding or not! Armando’s father is a very nice man to put necklace on Cassidy, I like him! 

Jennifer and Sumit-What couseling would be good for? If Summit marries Jennifer, Summit’s parents are going to murder him and give Summit’s chopped head to Jennifer for keepsaking 


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I don’t think it really matters what Armando’s dad does, either way Kenny won’t be happy.  If he comes to the wedding, he will say, “well he didn’t smile” or “he ignored me.” And, if he doesn’t come it will be, “I told you he doesn’t accept me.” 

Loved seeing Bini’s bitchy sisters speechless and humbled. Say what you want about Ari, but she is Avi’s mom, so she gets to call the shots. 

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22 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I suspect they filmed dress shopping at night, so they could close the store for filming.   Hannah is so adorable. 


They did say "Buenos Tardes", so either it was lighter outside than it seemed, or the salesperson was going along with the bit.

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15 minutes ago, Texasmom1970 said:


Gonna go dig around in my fridge grab a few ingredients a open a spa. The look Ari was giving hilarious.


Do you have a vaporizer for hoohah steaming? 

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On 10/1/2021 at 10:47 PM, magemaud said:

Here’s a “Glamour Magazine” DON’T: Your Mormon underwear should not be longer than your pants 


AND get your foul shoes off the couch!

He's a complete jerk. Chatting with Masha, having sex with other girls, then going to Turkey as if he's ready to cement the commitment and instead waffling around is infuriating.

Alina, get away from this trifling moron ASAP. He's definitely not worthy of you.

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Sumit proclaimed that he doesn’t like to lie but he learned it by watching you, Dad!

What kind of lies do you think Father Sumit modeled for his useless son? Did he pretend to be an English gentleman named Michael Jones, or did he say a menopausal woman was visiting to learn about Indian culture when she was really fucking him in the family home?

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9 hours ago, DVDFreaker said:

I am laughing at his idiot face when he tries to sneeze and him saying that Jesus have friends that are girls and acting like a dog licking the wine 

You realize that you have insulted dogs everywhere!!!🤣🤣

Wasn’t his behavior at the wine tasting nauseating????  Other than having the opportunity to be on television, WHAT does she find about him that’s attractive? 

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I don't blame Ariella for wanting to go back to the US for Avi's surgery.

I worked in a developing country in West Africa for a few years and everybody who could afford it, went to Europe /US for medical procedures. A quick google search shows that hospitals in Ethiopia are improving, but still suffering from a lack of basic supplies, power outages, overcrowding etc. 

Did you notice the headrest at the barber shop? I wouldn't put my head on that, who knows what lives in it. 

What I found remarkable was that during the video chat with Mother Ariella, Bini asked who would take care of Avi in the US and Mother Ariella assured him that she would be there to look after Avi. At the pediatrician's office it was Bini undressing and dressing Avi, while Ariella sat by.      I"m all in favor of a hands-on father, but Ariella comes across as a hands-off mother.

Ariella still seems to have psychological issues and it would probably be best for her to move back to the States, for her parents to raise Avi and for Ariella to get her tubes tied.


Edited by Cini
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I cringed and could not believe what I was seeing throughout the episode.  First of all though, they captioned so many people during the episode yet did not caption the friend on the ipad speaking with Ellie so I missed most of what she was saying with the exception of 'have you talked about his infidelity?'  Geesch.  Yes, that should TOTALLY be their priority after a cat 5 hurricane has destroyed most of his home island.  No matter how much a producer prodded her, I can't believe that she was willing to demonstrate that huge lack of empathy.

I find nothing appealing about SteVen as he continues to try to be the center of attention wherever they go.  I acknowledge that many of us may be hypocritical about certain things in our lives (of course, none of my Primetimer peeps demonstrate any level of hypocrisy [even though I may stumble at times...]), but the level he is displaying is beyond belief.  Especially after the scene he makes at the wine tasting (and his instruction about not drinking, etc., he gave to Alina) to be followed by his admission of sexual relationships to Alina).  What continually surprises me about reality t.v. is how these shows are able to find so many willing participants who have absolutely no hesitation in showing millions of viewers who they really are.

Ari sure is able to turn on and off her melt-downs.  Not only did she ambush Bini in the barber shop with lots of other people there (which he fully recognized) but as soon as he left she stopped her crying and had a sly smile on her face.  What I do not understand though is that she gets to make all of the decisions about Avi.  Bini has the same parental rights as does Ari.  Also, she had emergency surgery and came through it just fine so I don't understand her insistence of going to the U.S. outside of wanting to just leave.  I understand preferring one's doctor, vet, etc., but it is not a short jaunt to go from Ethiopia to the U.S. for the surgery. I also think they did not show us the anger she directed towards Bini's sisters after Leonandro's (whatever) visit as they were still reeling from it and acknowledged how angry she was at them and even mentioned how much she hated them (which I would not be surprised she actually said to them).  

Wow, it was rich that Jenny said Summit's mom needed professional help.  And Summit continues to lie in saying all of HIS lies were due to growing up watching his father appease his mother.  Remind me how lying about being Michael Jones appeased his mother...

I am kind of over Kenny and his expectations about how other people react.  Armando even acknowledged that it took him until he was 20 to accept who he was so why should his parents have to adapt in a minute?  Because he was married they have to readjust their understanding of their son.  But, they do seem to be trying and his father is reaching out to Kenny and his family.  I really wish that Armando and Kenny would not discuss Armando's family in front of Hannah.  Her English is good and they could impact her perceptions of her grandparents who seem to be readjusting their perceptions and coming around even if it's not within Kenny's timeline.  I did think the relationship between Cassidy and Armando's family was sincere and lovely. 

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Ari and Bini are useless! Bini's plan didn't work the first time, he sees Ari backpacking in Ethiopia, knocks her up, they are both at fault. Ari decides to stay and give it a go in Ethiopia. Ari's parents are footing the bill for everything.  She fucked up! but she gave it a try, so what if she takes the baby and comes back to the US. Bini needs to come up with a new plan, this one isn't working. I couldn't care less if Bini is devastated, they both suck!

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Couple of things. 

Who buys a seven year old girl a BEIGE party dress? 

Ari is going to do to Bini what she did to Leandro. Ghost him. She essentially ghosted Leandro (after ten years of marriage!), and she'll ghost Bini after what? two years together and a child. She is so monumentally selfish. She cares for no one but herself.  Others only exist for her as some sort of prop. Her parents will bankroll her till the bitter end. And it will be bitter. 

9 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I don’t think it really matters what Armando’s dad does, either way Kenny won’t be happy.  If he comes to the wedding, he will say, “well he didn’t smile” or “he ignored me.” And, if he doesn’t come it will be, “I told you he doesn’t accept me.” 

I agree. He couldn't accept the lovely gesture with the necklace for his daughter at face value, he had to whine that maybe they were just fronting so that he and Cassidy would think well of them. For all his sensitive tears, he certainly lacks anything like empathy or tolerance. And that he was actually willing to go there and say (out loud!) that he suspected that Armando's lovely family could just be a bunch of mean old hypocrites says plenty about him. 

Meanwhile Cassidy sobs that since she grew up with a gay parent it was just normal. Did they live in some sort of bubble? She saw no straight parents throughout her life? Her inability to even attempt to see that Armando's family had a different perspective just boggled my mind. All these people do is cry about themselves. No tears wasted for what Armando's family struggles with. 

14 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

Ari sure is able to turn on and off her melt-downs.  Not only did she ambush Bini in the barber shop with lots of other people there (which he fully recognized) but as soon as he left she stopped her crying and had a sly smile on her face.  What I do not understand though is that she gets to make all of the decisions about Avi.  Bini has the same parental rights as does Ari.  Also, she had emergency surgery and came through it just fine so I don't understand her insistence of going to the U.S. outside of wanting to just leave.  I understand preferring one's doctor, vet, etc., but it is not a short jaunt to go from Ethiopia to the U.S. for the surgery. I also think they did not show us the anger she directed towards Bini's sisters after Leonandro's (whatever) visit as they were still reeling from it and acknowledged how angry she was at them and even mentioned how much she hated them (which I would not be surprised she actually said to them).  

I am kind of over Kenny and his expectations about how other people react.  Armando even acknowledged that it took him until he was 20 to accept who he was so why should his parents have to adapt in a minute?  Because he was married they have to readjust their understanding of their son.  But, they do seem to be trying and his father is reaching out to Kenny and his family.  I really wish that Armando and Kenny would not discuss Armando's family in front of Hannah.  Her English is good and they could impact her perceptions of her grandparents who seem to be readjusting their perceptions and coming around even if it's not within Kenny's timeline.  I did think the relationship between Cassidy and Armando's family was sincere and lovely. 

Ari only loves public scenes if they are of her own making. 

And she has no intention of ever returning to Ethiopia. 

100% to the bolded. Who does this? Well, besides Kenny who just cannot forebear. 


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11 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Ari is going to do to Bini what she did to Leandro. Ghost him. She essentially ghosted Leandro (after ten years of marriage!), and she'll ghost Bini after what? two years together and a child. She is so monumentally selfish. She cares for no one but herself.  Others only exist for her as some sort of prop. Her parents will bankroll her till the bitter end. And it will be bitter. 



When Ari's dad isn't making bank and has to retire  that will be the beginning of the end. He's the bankroll. I feel like he "has to" keep working and is past retirement age for many doctors. Yes, yes many doctors work way past retirement age for enjoyment but this poor chap doesn't have the choice. ARI. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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17 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

When Ari's dad isn't making bank and has to retire  that will be the beginning of the end. He's the bankroll. I feel like he "has to" keep working and is past retirement age for many doctors. Yes, yes many doctors work way past retirement age for enjoyment but this poor chap doesn't have the choice. ARI. 

I like Ari's parents, I do, but if this is true (and I I believe it is) then I don't feel bad for them.  Kinda like the dude that works one day a week at the Goodwill (my son is about to graduate college, thanks for allowing me to mom brag) and his parents never set up parameters or expectations.  So now they have a 24 year old, living at home, working ONE DAY a week at the Goodwill and no post secondary education nor any plans to do so.  And is happy to be living that way.

So......maybe her parents did set expectations, maybe not.  Maybe once a baby arrived all bets were off.  

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2 hours ago, Cini said:

I don't blame Ariella for wanting to go back to the US for Avi's surgery.

I worked in a developing country in West Africa for a few years and everybody who could afford it, went to Europe /US for medical procedures. A quick google search shows that hospitals in Ethopia are improving, but still suffering from a lack of basic supplies, power outages, overcrowding etc. 

Did you notice the headrest at the barber shop? I wouldn't put my head on that, who knows what lives in it. 

What I found remarkable was that during the video chat with Mother Ariella, Bini asked who would take care of Avi in the US and Mother Ariella assured him that she would be there to look after Avi. At the pediatrician's office it was Bini undressing and dressing Avi, while Ariella sat by.      I"m all in favor of a hands-on father, but Ariella comes across as a hands-off mother.

Ariella still seems to have psychological issues and it would probably be best for her to move back to the States, for her parents to raise Avi and for Ariella to get her tubes tied.


I doubt she is going to get her tubes tied because she probably wants a baby with her ex husband 

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3 hours ago, Opine said:

I liked Kenny a lot to begin with.  Now he has become such a downer!  I am going to send him and Eeyore t-shirt!

That is my nickname for my exhusband.  Debbie Downer had NOTHING on him.  Glass half empty, the world was gonna end.....I was like, man you are THE MOST negative Nelly......EVER.  Even when he would walk he would just lumber along........he has one speed:  SLOW.


On 10/1/2021 at 9:51 PM, greekmom said:

SteVen looks like he smells. Either he doesn't bathe/shower often enough, he doesn't wear antiperspirants or he smells musty. Like moldy towels

This made me laugh out loud.  As the proud mom of two sons, it is my true hope that no one says this about my sons.  Hygiene is such a big deal to me (I hope to everyone) and it is so treatable.  CLEAN UP, STEVEN!!!!!

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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

  I really wish that Armando and Kenny would not discuss Armando's family in front of Hannah.  Her English is good and they could impact her perceptions of her grandparents who seem to be readjusting their perceptions and coming around even if it's not within Kenny's timeline.  I did think the relationship between Cassidy and Armando's family was sincere and lovely. 

I really hate it when kids are included in reality tv.  They have no place there. 

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