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S11.E18: Del Mar by the Shade

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11 hours ago, sistermagpie said:


So like this?

Me: My husband sprained his ankle and he's being a baby about it. I have to take care of him. He's fine!

Co-worker: Sorry to hear that.

A year later:

Co-worker: Can you stay late?

Me: Okay, but my life's pretty hard. You don't know the terrible things that happen in my life. A year ago my husband went over a cliff and was in a coma for 12 hours and it was very hard.

Co-worker: Wait, before you said he just sprained his ankle.

Me: Don't you dare call me a liar! Why are you even talking to me? I WILL END YOU!

Second co-worker: So you're saying your husband was actually in a coma that time?


No, I don't think I would not see that a co-worker attacking my character. More like my co-worker witnessing me getting caught in a lie.

You didn't answer my question though.  I asked you if a co-worker/friend called you a liar what your reaction would be.  I know that you think Erika is a liar, but Erika said she is not. You're still speaking from the perspective of a Sutton instead of how you would feel and what your response would be.  

Sutton didn't even know Erika when Tom originally got in the accident.  Not revealing all of the details of an event doesn't make something a lie.  There are various reasons Erika would have wanted to conceal the seriousness of Tom's accident at the time.  He could have been drunk, could have been high, could have been having a mental episode, etc.  Revealing all of the details at the time would have been very embarrassing for him and Erika and also a cause for concern for co-workers, family, etc.  

None of those women are revealing 100% details about their marriages and relationships.  It's not uncommon for women out of a relationship to reveal things people didn't realize once the relationship is over.  That's not lying -- it's just giving more detail.  Erika downplayed the accident at the time for whatever reason and since she's no longer with Tom, she felt comfortable saying more.  Erika mentioned the accident on the show years ago.  What are people suggesting, that the accident was made up years ago and mentioned on the show in case Tom one day got caught misappropriating and if it happened to become a big story and Erika was still on RHOBH she could add on a brain injury in the hope that the producers would keep it in so the world could hear it in order to accomplish what?


1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Garcelle berated to "open up" to them to be accepted  after she has witnessed how these women react to other cast mates and how they are disposable when the mood fits it just freakn funny to me.... Do they not watch this and go IF that was my daughter and someone was talking to her like that? This is just some CULT koolaid type behavior they got going on

Yes, it is like cult behavior!  As I was watching, I kept thinking of that show on the NXIUM cult, "The Vow," where the members discipline the new person, punish them and break them down emotionally and mentally as they move to higher levels in the MLM scheme and cult hierarchy.

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2 minutes ago, chick binewski said:

Erika's company signed off on & received a loan they had no means to or intention of paying. Erika is refusing to cooperate with the court's efforts to give the victims what is rightfully theirs. Tom is not on the show; Erika is and continues to attempt to manipulate the truth at every turn.

That's fine that Tom isn't on the show, but he misappropriated money, not Erika.  We don't know that Erika was aware of what was going on financially or if she looked at what she signed.  Her husband was a lawyer and presumably she trusted her husband.  I don't think the average spouse is going to have a lawyer comb over documents their husband has them sign -- especially if the spouse is a lawyer.  I don't have a problem with trying to collect funds from her if it is or has been proven that funds she received were fraudulent and if what Tom owes can't be recovered from his assets. 

2 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

But she is a liar .. she lied to them ... she lied about tom attacking the person who broke in and needed medical attention .... https://okmagazine.com/p/erika-jayne-claims-that-ex-tom-girardi-needed-surgery-after-burglary-discredited-by-detective/

If she would stop lying people would stop calling her a liar

That story is erroneous.  Erika never said the burglar injured Tom.  She intimated he had some sort of reaction to the burglary and as a result needed surgery because of that reaction.  She never said Tom attacked the burglar -- she said he confronted him.  People have to accurately quote her before she can be called a liar.  

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I just started watching the episode and haven't read your comments. But these girls are now all going somewhere, everyone in their own car. I sure hope they aren't going to drive on any switchback roads!! Imagine the wreckage! And counting how many times each car flips over. How did Bravo let them go in their cars?!?

Edited by Glama
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6 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She implied it was because he "confronted" the person breaking in and had to be "rushed" to the hospital for immediate care ..... one he never confronted anyone and two he wasn't rushed to the hospital for life saving care .. SHE LIED .. 

She straight out said in the episode that the stress of confronting the (invisible lol) burglar caused the pressure in his eye to need medical intervention due to the glaucoma.

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5 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

She implied it was because he "confronted" the person breaking in and had to be "rushed" to the hospital for immediate care ..... one he never confronted anyone and two he wasn't rushed to the hospital for life saving care .. SHE LIED .. 

When I watched the show, I never got the impression she implied Tom was injured by the burglar.  She also made it clear she wasn't 100% sure about what happened.  It's interesting how people can watch the same exact thing and come away with different interpretations.  Confront doesn't not mean physically attack and she didn't connect his hospitalization to any sort of assault or physical contact.  I think there's an eagerness to search for a lie in anything she says by those who are convinced she was complicit in Tom's misappropriation.  I am an accuracy/indisputable proof/logic based person.  I'm not emotionally invested at all.  I cannot say Erika was not complicit but there has been no indisputable proof that she was complicit either.  

3 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

She straight out said in the episode that the stress of confronting the (invisible lol) burglar caused the pressure in his eye to need medical intervention due to the glaucoma.

Right which the cops own report contradicts saying he never confronted anyone LOL so now are the cops lying?

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12 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Right which the cops own report contradicts saying he never confronted anyone LOL so now are the cops lying?

I know, right?! If everyone around Erika is a liar, then she either needs to get new people to surround herself with, or take a good hard look at herself.

As you know, Keywest, there's also questions about whether his switchback, rollover, ejected or maybe rolled out of car accident and resulting major injuries happened, too. There would have to be some sort of documentation for that, as bad as it sounds, and no one has found it. Very curious.

(Eta: ditto for documentation regarding her son's rollover accident.)

Edited by WhatAmIWatching
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23 minutes ago, Lassus said:

On top of that, the cops didn't even particularly seemed convinced anyone was ever there anyhow.

Right the ONLY thing missing is cuff links and he doesn't really remember if they were there or not? The WHOLE HUGE HOUSE full of things and they just go to his bedroom for cuff links? this just seems like something concocted to help with his "old man" failing memory bit and there wasn't a bugler ... Alright then

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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4 hours ago, weaver said:

The only image in my mind of Kathy is of the cold hearted bitch I saw on Paris' documentary.  Paris was literally abducted from the Hilton's house, at the request of the Rick and Kathy, and sent off to an institution in Utah for troubled teens.  It happened at night and Paris had no clue as to what was happening.    In the Utah place she was abused and drugged.   The parents didn't visit. 

This has been my problem every since Kathy showed up.  How she and her husband, literally had Paris kidnapped from her bed, kicking and screaming in terror for them, as they stood by and watched.  IDGI.  How they resorted to this treatment, is beyond me.   It has certainly colored by perception of Kathy, and maybe she's sorry now for how she handled Paris, but if I was Paris, I would have a hard time forgiving her, although she has.  Kathy's excuse:  she didn't know.  That don't fly with me.  The ironic part of it all is Kathy was afraid Paris was going to get kidnapped because she was a wild child, and that's why she had her kidnapped.  Fucked up logic.

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17 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

This has been my problem every since Kathy showed up.  How she and her husband, literally had Paris kidnapped from her bed, kicking and screaming in terror for them, as they stood by and watched.  IDGI.  How they resorted to this treatment, is beyond me.   It has certainly colored by perception of Kathy, and maybe she's sorry now for how she handled Paris, but if I was Paris, I would have a hard time forgiving her, although she has.  Kathy's excuse:  she didn't know.  That don't fly with me.  The ironic part of it all is Kathy was afraid Paris was going to get kidnapped because she was a wild child, and that's why she had her kidnapped.  Fucked up logic.

I think Kathy and Rick just wanted Paris and her problems out of the way and out of the papers.    This way, they could continue their social life without interruption.   When and if they visited, they didn't explore anything too deeply and obviously weren't close enough to Paris to get the truth out of her.  


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Just now, weaver said:

I think Kathy and Rick just wanted Paris and her problems out of the way and out of the papers.    This way, they could continue their social life without interruption.   When and if they visited, they didn't explore anything too deeply and obviously weren't close enough to Paris to get the truth out of her.  


Not really "defending" Kathy here but those places do tell parents that their kids will lie to them and say whatever they can to go back home .. so even if she did tell them the truth at the time they were told not to believe her

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14 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I hope Tom isn’t reading some of these comments.  He could have an attack of the glaucoma and end up in the emergency room.

Or possibly steal another patient's car and drive it down an embankment/cliff. 

I wonder where EriKunt's son went when mommy got kicked out of the mansion. 

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If Tom's children want nothing to do with him after what he did (alleg... oh who are we kidding? Of course he did) then good for them. But I guess only Erika is allowed to leave.

Sutton has said she's done playing detective, so I have no idea why Erika continues to add to her Greek Tragedy multiple acts at a time. Nobody else is going to challenge her, so what's the point?

Kathy's way too obvious with the shit stirring. And everyone is way too happy to engage.

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13 minutes ago, Glama said:

On a lighter note, Kyle's short black skirt with the blingy strings at the bottom looked like a lampshade. 

That was definitely one of Kyle's poorer fashion choices!  I love Kyle in casual wear - she looks amazing in jeans and boots, but her more dressy looks are really bad more often than not.

And, the camera shot of her from the back, running back and forth in the hotel suite, did her zero justice.  Kyle has the strangest walk - she walks like a linebacker who just got off of a horse after a five hour ride.  No grace whatsover!  😂

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1 hour ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

Well, to get way personal here, I have been called a liar by a coworker in the far past. They were angry that I was in the position that they wanted and spent a year making my life different kinds of hell.
 At one point, I had to report them for actions that could have landed our whole workplace in trouble. I was called a liar, jealous, and many other things in front of our boss and also behind my back to our other coworkers. This person tried sabotaging me at every turn. It was ugly and very stressful.

But! I kept my head and didn't scream at anyone, threaten anyone, or run around trying to defend myself. I knew that *I* wasn't the problem, and just kept my head down and worked hard, with a smile on my face, even while dealing with that huge stress and bullshit. Coworkers would ask me for the gossip and my side of things, and I never gave it. After my boss looked closely into things, they saw clearly what was what and the person was fired. What a grand day that was! 

tl;dr: I've been called a liar by a coworker and didn't go all gangster over anyone. I kept my mouth shut and let them dig their own hole. I know my character and history will always speak for who I am.

Erika should've taken a page from my book and kept her mouth shut, as she's digging herself a massive sinkhole and is going to have a lot of trouble getting out of it, as she's causing the focus to be just on her instead of the many others involved.

It is FACT that she received stolen money and goods purchased with stolen money from Tom and is refusing to give it back and that makes her complicit. Doesn't matter to if she knew how, when, what, why, or who all along, (the investigators will get to the others) but what she's doing NOW is the problem. Give back the stolen money and items purchased, it's not hers, period.

Was that co-worker also professing to be your friend?  In my original question, I did specify co-worker/friend.  I think it's unreasonable for people to expect Erika to sit there and take being called a liar by someone who says they're her friend which is a character assassination.  At that time, social media was eating Erika up, there were new stories coming out every day and there were a lot of legalities going on with her.  Of course she was going to be upset at being ambushed and being called a liar when she said she is not.  What needs to be clear is that whatever Sutton or anyone else believes or thinks is not necessarily a fact.  Sutton can think Erika's a liar but when Erika asked what the lie was, Sutton had no answer.  Unless there is indisputable proof, she shouldn't have been called a liar.  Speculations, hunches, and misconstrued articles aren't proof.

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I'm back and forth on Crystal but I have noticed that when I look in the background she does seem to be engaging with everyone it's just not seeming to translate, but I'd keep her around just for the parties.

Then again my baseline opinion across the franchise is that in order to want to be on these shows you are a terrible person.

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1 hour ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

She straight out said in the episode that the stress of confronting the (invisible lol) burglar caused the pressure in his eye to need medical intervention due to the glaucoma.

Right.  What you clarified contradicts what the other poster said which was that Erika insinuated Tom was injured by the burglar.  

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5 hours ago, renatae said:

Sweetie, I'm so sorry you were burdened with the knowledge of possible institutionalization since you first arrived at the luxury hotel. What a blow. Sorry, not sorry. I don't think you GAF.

Of course Erika doesn't care about what happens to Tom; if she did she wouldn't have left.  Who leaves their spouse when they get sick?  That alone makes her a disgusting person to me.  I couldn't believe Kyle could sympathize with that crap instead of asking why she really left then. 

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5 hours ago, 65mickey said:

What this group did to Garcelle is a text book case of what a group of mean high school girls do to another girl they decide is not good enough for their circle. They start out by ignoring her. Then pick at her about not being open and honest, and then progress to humiliating her.  " You didn't pay your bill" " You didn't thank me for the sauce." Then they gang up and go off on her until she breaks down in tears. And only then do they rush to comfort her and pretty say now you are one of us in an attempt to make themselves look magnanimous.  It was an awful display of their true hateful characters. I don't know how Rinna, and Dorit can some back from this. I hope at the reunion Garcelle addresses they way they treated her.

So true. And the mean girl gang felt powerful finally bringing Garcelle to tears - the congratulations were for themselves. Sick.

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12 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

That was definitely one of Kyle's poorer fashion choices!  I love Kyle in casual wear - she looks amazing in jeans and boots, but her more dressy looks are really bad more often than not.

And, the camera shot of her from the back, running back and forth in the hotel suite, did her zero justice.  Kyle has the strangest walk - she walks like a linebacker who just got off of a horse after a five hour ride.  No grace whatsover!  😂

Maybe she got stuck in the role when she was impersonating Teddi's way of walking 😅 Remember how she walked around shoulders all hunched and like she had a stick up her butt and a wedge between her thighs? 

Edited by Glama
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1 hour ago, chick binewski said:

I believe we've gone back & forth on this before and I think I responded that Erika cannot act like the smartest person in the room only when it is convenient to her. You stated that Erika didn't steal anything; in the eyes of the law Erika has stolen. 

Also, in my eyes Erika is completely FOS and is bobbing and weaving in order to deflect, blaming everyone from Sutton to Tom's children for circumstances she benefitted from for two decades. 

Being in the dark doesn't have anything to do with intelligence.  It's not hard to believe Erika didn't know much about Tom's business affairs.  Not only was there a large age difference, there was an imbalance of power and she was a kept woman.  She didn't work at the firm and there wasn't a change in their lifestyle.  At what point was she to suspect that any money and gifts from Tom were fraudulent?  It's not accurate to say that Erika stole in the eyes of the law.  She hasn't been charged with anything.

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56 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

I answered your first question in a previous post.


What people are suggesting is that Erika is now trying to rewrite history in order to give Tom an excuse for stealing hundreds of millions of settlement money. The problem with it all is, that her stories don't matter, because he wasn't only stealing for 3 or 3.5-4 years due to a head injury as she's attempting to claim, he's been stealing for DECADES. So what she's saying is a great big fat lie.
  Erika has been married to him for 20+ years, and has benefited greatly from that horrendous and unconscionable theft. Again, it doesn't matter a bit whether or not she knew from day one, or helped him do it, what matters is she knows now (!) and is trying to obfuscate, deflect and is refusing to give back the ill-gotten gains that Tom gave her. None of what she has is hers, since it was all purchased with stolen money.


Tom is 80+ years old.  The reasons he misappropriated the money are not going to make a difference to anyone and it wasn't going to change anything.  Erika was finding out information at the time as it was coming out just like everyone else.  Is it not possible she was trying to piece together everything and make it make sense?  Who do you think the "excuse" was supposed to be for?  Erika has not painted a good picture of Tom on the show so why would she try to excuse him for anything?

7 minutes ago, Talented Tenth said:

Right.  What you clarified contradicts what the other poster said which was that Erika insinuated Tom was injured by the burglar.  

According to the story, he was, because the stress of the confrontation caused his eye to need medical help, which is an injury, though glaucoma isn't life-threatening.
The other poster didn't say they got into it physically, they were saying that the entire scenario never even happened-according to the officers who were on the scene-which made the story a lie.

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20 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

According to the story, he was, because the stress of the confrontation caused his eye to need medical help, which is an injury, though glaucoma isn't life-threatening.
The other poster didn't say they got into it physically, they were saying that the entire scenario never even happened-according to the officers who were on the scene-which made the story a lie.

Yea the whole story was fabricated. And if she’s not speaking to him how did she know details? I’f it’s from his lawyers then she is being fed information to feed to these ladies to help with his case of being a old man losing it. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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27 minutes ago, Talented Tenth said:

Being in the dark doesn't have anything to do with intelligence.  It's not hard to believe Erika didn't know much about Tom's business affairs.  Not only was there a large age difference, there was an imbalance of power and she was a kept woman.  She didn't work at the firm and there wasn't a change in their lifestyle.  At what point was she to suspect that any money and gifts from Tom were fraudulent?  It's not accurate to say that Erika stole in the eyes of the law.  She hasn't been charged with anything.

If not earlier, she definitely knew a couple years ago when the lawsuits started hitting Tom, and she insisted at the Reunion that a lawsuit was settled and the plaintiffs "apologized."


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The funny thing is that IMO, the Erika who is mad that Tom's family doesn't seem to want to "help" him is, IMO, how Erika really feels.  Not the Erika who was trying to tell us that Tom was so abusive and neglectful of her. I actually believe that Erika DOES care about Tom and up until early November of last year, presumed that she would be with him until he died. It's the Erika who was telling us that Tom was cold to her that I don't believe.

Unfortunately, I also believe that the Erika who cares so much about Tom is also the same person who had some idea of his fraudulent doings. So there you go. 

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