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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)


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18 hours ago, ByaNose said:

Easy for me to say but woulda, shoulda and coulda but Megan should have bet it all. The other two were tied and were fighting it out with their answers and wager. Granted, she had lived a lot of lives during her 6 appearance but this one would have been the real time to be it all. I don’t see her lasting long in the Tournament of Champions. She’s just not as fast enough and isn’t a board bouncer. Time will tell. I’m looking forward to it this season. 

She's quick on the buzzer but she guesses a lot, based on her expressions, and is very timid in wagering. I predict she's gone in the first round. But why spend so much time talking about the TOC which isn't for months? Why acting like a sports announcer with score updates after every clue? It's Jeopardy! Not tennis.

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I was interested to see what they'd use for the fifth seasons clue.  I thought it might be something like "A Man for All Seasons."

I find Jeff easy to root for.  Good for him, being willing to wager boldly.  Did anyone else notice his signal to his mom yesterday?  I didn't, but I often don't have my eyes on the screen.  I did notice it today - I'm not sure I would have assumed it had a meaning if it wasn't mentioned.  I'm glad he was able to remember her.

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Archive game. Seriously, the author of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" was a TS??? So was "zipper"?

As for FJ, I said "We Won't Back Down", which is a Tom Petty song and possibly something a general would say. Do I get points guessing that it was Tom Petty? Album titles are not my thing (most of my albums have titles like "Greatest Hits").

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4 hours ago, Ailianna said:

But why spend so much time talking about the TOC which isn't for months? Why acting like a sports announcer with score updates after every clue? It's Jeopardy! Not tennis.

I agree with you as far as my personal preferences, although I understand the argument that it is a good thing broadly to attempt to give shape to the season, create anticipation for future events, etc etc etc.  I think the executive producer has said directly that he would like to portray Jeopardy like a sport.  The stats are interesting - most other manifestations of this are not really to my taste, but generally ignorable.

That said - my goodness, the comments on who is in or out of the lead are definitely too much for me.  Mayim has twice this week interrupted players trying to make their next selection.  It's got to break their concentration a bit.  It certainly breaks the flow for this viewer.  If I want to know who's in the lead, I can check.

Edited by 853fisher
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Wow a gutsy wager. All of it with game almost over. He earned that win. 

8 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

I agree with you as far as my personal preferences, although I understand the argument that it is a good thing broadly to attempt to give shape to the season, create anticipation for future events, etc etc etc.  I think the executive producer has said directly that he would like to portray Jeopardy like a sport.  The stats are interesting - most other manifestations of this are not really to my taste, but generally ignorable.

That said - my goodness, the comments on who is in or out of the lead are definitely too much for me.  Mayim has twice this week interrupted players trying to make their next selection.  It's got to break their concentration a bit.  It certainly breaks the flow for this viewer.  If I want to know who's in the lead, I can check.

No kidding.....you dont need to be told every time someone takes the lead. I think the players are annoyed. Trying to move on and pick a question she interrupts. 

A few games I can see it but she does it EVERY game.  Does no one tell her to stop snd critique her?

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Youtube game for me tonight...got out of work late because I needed to finish something since I'm off tomorrow and on vacation next week, then since I wouldn't get home in time, anyway, I went to the grocery store so I don't have to do it tomorrow. (Not a great recording...the first one I tried skipped from Mayim greeting the players to the response to the second clue, so I tried another that seemed okay, but it skipped a couple clues later in the round (also had a little inset window in the corner of some guy sitting at a keyboard, seen only from the shoulders down, which was kinda weird and pointless).)

Holy cow! I got 87% correct in the first round! Ran Kitchen Tools, Pop Culture Seasons, You've Been Booked, and The Devil, missed one in "D"tails, and three Quotations. 

Did…not so well in DJ;  ran Published Posthumously and Trademarks but missed three in Vowel-Consonant and Graphic Novels, and four in Anarchy and Mountains.

Did not get FJ. Only thing I could think of with "southern" implications was Sweet Home Alabama, and I was pretty sure it wasn't an album title.

TSes were Juliet, dragonfly, novel, zipper, Rocky Mountains, laundromat (DD), Chloë Grace Moretz, Dickens, and The Boys (a semi-educated guess because I've seen several references to it recently and one of the actors was on one of the late night shows last week, which is the only reason I have even a vague idea of what it's about).


1 hour ago, illdoc said:

Seriously, the author of "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" was a TS???

I took a Dickens class in college, taught by a professor with a very thick Tennessee accent. He kept calling it The Mystery of Irwin Drood. (He was only supposed to cover the class for the first couple weeks because the department chair, who normally taught it, had surgery over winter break. His recovery took longer than expected, so he took some extra time off before coming back to do his department chair stuff, but didn't take his classes back, so we had the Tennessean for the duration. The sub was the Renaissance/Old English guy and said he'd only taught Great Expectations in grad school, so he was reading the books right along with us. Not sure what sounds odder with a thick Tennessee accent, Victorian English or Edmund Spenser...)

He ended up dropping Dombey & Son (one of the longer ones) from the syllabus, and made Edwin Drood an extra credit question on the final. The question being, "how do you think it ends?" Un BS-able if you don't know anything about the book (which I did not have time to read).

He was my favorite professor, despite the fact that his area of expertise was decidedly not my favorite part of being an English major.

Edited by ams1001
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2 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Mayim has twice this week interrupted players trying to make their next selection.  It's got to break their concentration a bit.  It certainly breaks the flow for this viewer.  If I want to know who's in the lead, I can check.

YES! Very annoying when she does this!

I actually gasped when Jeff made that gutsy wager so late in the game, but good for him! 

My evening didn't start out too well as just 5 minutes before airtime, I went to put a few things away in the pantry cupboard and a glass spice jar tumbled out, shattered all over the floor, and bagel seasoning spice scattered all over. Of course, I was barefoot, as I always am. I carefully inched my way around the mess to put on shoes, and then sweep and vacuum the mess. I sat down just in time for the show.

I ran "Kitchen Tools", "D Tails", "You've Been Booked", "Vowel, consonant, vowel, consonant" and missed 2 in "Pop Culture is Always in Season."

My TS's were Nora Ephron and Rocky Mts. No clue and not even a guess for Final Jeopardy.

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26 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

YES! Very annoying when she does this!

I actually gasped when Jeff made that gutsy wager so late in the game, but good for him! 

My evening didn't start out too well as just 5 minutes before airtime, I went to put a few things away in the pantry cupboard and a glass spice jar tumbled out, shattered all over the floor, and bagel seasoning spice scattered all over. Of course, I was barefoot, as I always am. I carefully inched my way around the mess to put on shoes, and then sweep and vacuum the mess. I sat down just in time for the show.

I ran "Kitchen Tools", "D Tails", "You've Been Booked", "Vowel, consonant, vowel, consonant" and missed 2 in "Pop Culture is Always in Season."

My TS's were Nora Ephron and Rocky Mts. No clue and not even a guess for Final Jeopardy.

Yes, that was a gutsy wager.  And I'm glad you are OK, nothing worse than getting tiny pieces of glass in your hand or foot.  I was rather excited that I got FJ, mainly because I had a History teacher who loved saying "Damn the Torpedos, Full Speed Ahead"!

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4 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Wow a gutsy wager. All of it with game almost over. He earned that win. 

That was a little crazy… I think I really like Jeff!

I got FJ pretty quickly, although I can see how many people might have missed it, even if they like Tom Petty. That was one of those where the right quote just happens to come to you, or it doesn’t. I’m sure it didn’t hurt that I played the hell out of that album, back in the day.

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3 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I had no idea for FJ, thought about the Allman Brothers and said, "Eat A Peach."  It's sad when you laugh at your own jokes.

That was what I guessed too, only I was too embarrassed to announce it here! Thanks for your bravery. 😄 My brain went to Lynyrd Skynyrd, CDB, then to the Allman Brothers and I thought of "Eat A Peach." My brain never made it as far south as Gainesville for Petty, even though I still own a vinyl copy of "Damn the Torpedos." 🤦‍♀️

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7 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Youtube game for me tonight...got out of work late because I needed to finish something since I'm off tomorrow and on vacation next week, then since I wouldn't get home in time, anyway, I went to the grocery store so I don't have to do it tomorrow. (Not a great recording...the first one I tried skipped from Mayim greeting the players to the response to the second clue, so I tried another that seemed okay, but it skipped a couple clues later in the round (also had a little inset window in the corner of some guy sitting at a keyboard, seen only from the shoulders down, which was kinda weird and pointless).)

Ah, I'm well aware of Keyboard Guy since I have to watch every game on YouTube (would that Jeopardy aired in Germany). I've taken to nicknaming him Stanley - modifications like that help prevent the uploader from getting a copyright strike from YouTube. 

I couldn't believe nobody guessed Juliet, or the Rocky Mountains for that matter. Utah is right next to Colorado - what other mountain chain could it be?? And isn't that line from Juliet one of the most famous in all of Shakespeare?

Or maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better since it was a decidedly unimpressive game from me. Literally the only thing that came to mind for FJ was "Remember the Alamo?" And yes, I knew it was tragically incorrect, and yet, once there it refused to leave.

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I was unfamiliar with that particular album, and so didn't even know it was Tom Petty.  But there is exactly one quote from a Union admiral that is at all famous: "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead."  "Damn the torpedoes" sounds much more badass than "Full speed ahead," so that's the part that's gonna be a rock album title.

A lot of people have been mentioning Union generals, but the clue definitely said "admiral."  That was a very important hint.

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Jeff seemed a little faster than in his first game.  And that was a gutsy wager on his DD so good for him.

I got the missed answers of Juliet, novel, zipper,  Mount Kenya, Earp, and Dickens.

I couldn't even come up with a "Southern rocker", never mind the name of an album by one.  I like Tom Petty but he is after my time so I am not really familiar with his work.

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2 hours ago, Trey said:

I couldn't even come up with a "Southern rocker", never mind the name of an album by one.  I like Tom Petty but he is after my time so I am not really familiar with his work.

I like Tom Petty, mostly in that I wouldn't change the station if he comes on the radio and I own one CD (just had to look; it's Wildflowers), he's definitely within my time, but while I might know who sings a particular song, don't really know album titles.

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Interesting to see two contestants from nearly-adjacent DC suburbs! ("Interesting" meant truly neutrally - I think it just got my attention because my childhood home was right between them. No reason two contestants who happen to live near one another shouldn't compete. The draw just normally seems to shake out differently.)

I did get FJ, although I couldn't've named all the movies.  The corresponding Best Actress nominees were Louise Fletcher in "Cuckoo's Nest," Shirley MacLaine in "Endearment," and Helen Hunt in "Good As it Gets."

"Baseball Babes" was a clever category I would never have thought of.  I thought it was pretty accessible to those who don't follow baseball closely, like me.  That's one mark of a well made category, in my opinion.

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Decent J! round...ran North American History, missed one in Baseball, Foxes, and Words in Comparison, and two in Palindromic Numbers and Anniversaries. In DJ I ran 5 Syllable Words, missed one in Spies and People in Poetry, two Facts & Figures, three Drummers, and four City Parks. No FJ. TSes were arctic fox, Virgin Galactic, Rape of the Lock.

Was rooting for Jeff again but I like the new champ, too.

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32 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

"Baseball Babes" was a clever category I would never have thought of.  I thought it was pretty accessible to those who don't follow baseball closely, like me.  That's one mark of a well made category, in my opinion.

Heh, yeah, I didn't have high hopes for that category, but I only missed one (Lou Gehrig...for the second time...).

2 minutes ago, Katy M said:

i saidRobert Deniro then changed it Jack Nicholson.

I thought of Robert De Niro; didn't really think it'd be right. But I couldn't think of anyone else.

I was born in October 1975 so I missed the Oscars that year. ;) (I have seen Cuckoo's Nest, though, and As Good As It Gets. Never saw Terms of Endearment and not sure I could have told you Nicholson was in it.)

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I had a lousy night. Perfect ending for a not so good week. I got artic fox, Virgin Galactic, and was sad there were two leftover clues at the end. I was thinking about Tom Hanks for FJ until I thought he was much too young in 1975, then was considering Anthony Hopkins (trying to remember if Jodie Foster got an Oscar in Hannibal) so never even thought of Jack Nicholson. 

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25 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I thought it was Dustin Hoffman. That's what I get for thinking.

Not a bad thought!  The years are not too far off. He won for "Kramer vs Kramer" in 1980 and "Rain Man" in 1989.  Meryl Streep won for "Kramer" but was nominated as Best Supporting.  The female lead in "Rain Man" was Valeria Golino - not nominated.  He got 5 other nominations, most recently in 1998.

Of those 5, Jessica Lange won for “Tootsie,” but that was Best Supporting, for which Sylvia Miles was also nominated for “Midnight Cowboy.” Anne Bancroft and Valerie Perrine were nominated for Best Actress for “The Graduate” and “Lenny.” The fifth was “Wag the Dog” - the female lead, Anne Heche, was not nominated. Consider all these and I think Hoffman was quite a plausible guess.

Wikipedia reminds me that he's in Mayim's directorial debut, which was released a few months ago.  I would have been curious to see it, but I don't enjoy watching movies at home.  There was apparently a theatrical release of some kind, but not that I recall seeing where I live.

Edited by 853fisher
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I'm crazy for Academy Awards trivia, so FJ was an instaget for me. Here's the piece of trivia that made it so easy for me:  There are only three men who have won three Oscars for acting: Walter Brennan won three in the Supporting Actor category in the 1930s, Jack Nicholson won two Best Actor Oscars and one for Best Supporting Actor, and Daniel Day Lewis who has three Oscars for Best Actor. I knew Brennan's were all in the '30s and 1975 ruled out DDL, leaving Nicholson as the correct response.

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I was thinking about Tom Hanks for FJ until I thought he was much too young in 1975,

Me too! Plus I knew one of his wins was for Philadelphia and didn't think there was an actress nominated for that.

I also got Arctic Fox, Major Andre and Rape of the Lock, knew it was a Beat poet but couldn't pull Ginsburg out of my head.

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83 was also too early for Hanks.  He was still doing comedies back then until about 1990.  Not that you can't win best actor for a comedy but you generally don't. I guess you could write as good as it gets is a comedy, maybe....but anyway Hanks critical acclaim started much later.  

I Jack Nicholson based on 1997 and knowing he'd won multiple times 

Good game very competitive. 

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Instaget FJ for me. 1975 is one of only three years ever in which one film won the Big Five (Picture, Actor, Actress, Director & Screenplay) so it had to be Nicholson from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” (The other two are “It Happened One Night” in 1934 and “The Silence of the Lambs” in 1991.) Also knew the other two films he won for.

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On 6/23/2022 at 12:10 AM, 30 Helens said:

FJ: My mind first went to Dr. Doolittle, too, but I didn’t know the author, and no birds from that story stuck out. (I’m all about the pushmi-pullyu.) So I started thinking of bird-centric stories, which led me immediately to Poe.

I know nothing of Law &Order, other than it’s one of those procedurals with way too many clones. To me, Christopher Meloni will always be Toby’s scary boyfriend from Oz.

Hey, Twinnie! I’m also a Wednesday’s child, and used the same reasoning. I always hated that rhyme, because while other kids were “full of grace” or “fair of face”, I got to be full of woe? Phhht.

Why did Mayim think “psyllium” deserved a giggle? Because it’s psylly?

My apologies, my highlighting capabilities are lacking.  It caught my ear as well with the giggle after “psyllium”.  Her giggles of wonderment at the unveiling of daily doubles are vexing enough, but “psyllium”?  Perhaps she was giggling at the thought of psylliums “task”.  I was happily snacking on individually wrapped prunes a few weeks ago in a public space.  Apparently that’s a no-go, because an acquaintance walked across the space to say “oooohhhh, prooooons….”, like Nellie Olson would have.  Wtf?

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I ended the week as I started, with few ts's - just Arctic fox and John Andre - and no FJ.

I am really not up on movies and Oscars so I didn't even try too hard to come up with an answer for FJ.

I liked Jeff his first couple of games but not so much last night so it's okay with me that Joe won.

Edited by Trey
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7 hours ago, cinsays said:

I knew it was him but was thinking one of them was The Shining

Yeah I did too. The only one I knew for sure was as good as it gets, which really in retrospect is one of his weakest and most forgettable roles. 

Deniro actually did win in 75 for taxi driver as supporting actor and won in 1980 for raging bull. Then was nominated in 90 for awakenings and 91 for cape fear. So a good guess with him.  Amazingly not nominated for goodfellas. He was nominated for awakenings that year but not goodfellas.  Joe pesci won for supporting actor. And dances with wolves beat out goodfellas for best picture. 

And to top it all off the horrible and panned godfather iii somehow got a best picture nomination in 1990 as well. 

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Yeah I did too. The only one I knew for sure was as good as it gets, which really in retrospect is one of his weakest and most forgettable roles. 

I hated that movie so much.  I think that was a pick by my bf at the time. We were not movie compatible, LOL.    I actually don't think there were any movies that we both liked, but there was one that we both disliked, so maybe that counts for something.

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1 hour ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Yeah I did too. The only one I knew for sure was as good as it gets, which really in retrospect is one of his weakest and most forgettable roles. 

Deniro actually did win in 75 for taxi driver as supporting actor and won in 1980 for raging bull. Then was nominated in 90 for awakenings and 91 for cape fear. So a good guess with him.  Amazingly not nominated for goodfellas. He was nominated for awakenings that year but not goodfellas.  Joe pesci won for supporting actor. And dances with wolves beat out goodfellas for best picture. 

And to top it all off the horrible and panned godfather iii somehow got a best picture nomination in 1990 as well. 

DeNiro won his Supporting Actor Oscar for The Godfather, Part II not for Taxi Driver. He was brilliant as the young Vito Corleone, perhaps his best performance ever. I enjoyed the flashbacks even more than the main story line. (Also great though.)

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3 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

DeNiro won his Supporting Actor Oscar for The Godfather, Part II not for Taxi Driver. He was brilliant as the young Vito Corleone, perhaps his best performance ever. I enjoyed the flashbacks even more than the main story line. (Also great though.)

You're right.....going by imdb and they list the nominations and winners weird, I misread it. But it was in 1975 for GFII released n 1974.  

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2 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

The question was a bit misleading because cuckoo nest came out in 75 but his Oscar was in 76.  Chinatown he was nominated for in 75 and came out in 74 but he didn't win

Eh, the actual ceremony is always held within the calendar year after the films came out, but no one refers to the Oscars by the year in which they were held. It’s always the year of the films unless the question is specifically something like “At the Oscars ceremony held in 1996… etc.”

Edited by Cotypubby
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I missed Wednesday-Friday's games, so only checked the FJ clues rather than the entire games.  Edgar Allan Poe was an instaget, but I had no guess for the Tom Petty clue; none of the southern rockers who came to mind - which did not include him - had an album title that fit the clue.  I got Jack Nicholson, but don't know that I could have sussed it out under game conditions; none of those three years happen to among the small handful of years where I can tell you what picture or actor won just based on the year, so I was just thinking of male actors working over that time period who won multiple Oscars.  When Nicholson popped into my head, I looked closely at the dates to figure out which of his films and whether his female co-stars in those got nominations, too.  So it was more thinking than I would have had time for.

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On 6/23/2022 at 4:41 PM, illdoc said:

As for FJ, I said "We Won't Back Down", which is a Tom Petty song and possibly something a general would say. Do I get points guessing that it was Tom Petty? Album titles are not my thing (most of my albums have titles like "Greatest Hits").

It just occurred to me that the reason I can't remember album names is that like you, most of the albums I bought were "Greatest Hits" I believe in some bang for your buck.

On 6/23/2022 at 6:06 PM, GreekGeek said:

I had the right quote but the wrong part of it. I said “Full speed ahead.”😖

And I said "Damn the rocks..." *sigh*

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