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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)


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Weird night for me. The only category I ran was Farm to Table. Otherwise I got Dear Prudence, Glen, Lion, and couldn’t come up with any good guesses for FJ. We had 3* last week. Seems like the writers are starting to fail us as this is two nights in a row where the contestants (and some of us viewers) are doing so poorly. Dead air and total quiet isn’t usual on game shows. 

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So last night's game was a real mixed bag for me.

I ran 3 categories in the J round (The Cabinet, A Writer By Any Other Name and From Farm to Table) but did terribly in 2 others which I expected to be good ones for me.  I mean, I ran a government-related category and bombed in a geography one, and by bombed I mean I got one stupid answer correct.  Although for one of incorrect ones I said "hive" instead of "beehive", so maybe they'd have done a BMS for that one, but still, terrible.  That texting category was a real dud.

In DJ I only ran 2 categories, Historic Names and Title Character, but had fewer wrong answers in the other categories, so overall it was a bit better. 

My correct TS answers were Dear Prudence (thanks, Slate, for giving me that one) Dear White People, Interior and glen.  I can't believe that Dear John was almost a stumper!

Didn't get FJ.  I went with The Canterbury Tales and said The Miller's Tale even though I didn't think that was first (Kevin Bacon: it's not).  At least I was in the correct century.  I'd completely forgotten about Inferno, but then I've tried to block Dan Brown's shitty books from memory.  I worked at Borders when The Da Vinci Code came out; it was a nightmare, almost as bad as the Harry Potter releases.

15 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I call fowl/foul on the Morrigan response. Crows and ravens are NOT interchangeable. She turned into a crow, not a raven.

You are correct that they are not the same bird although they are from the same avian family.  But when I looked on Mythopedia, it says that one of the Morrigan's forms is a raven, so maybe it depends of the version of the story?  I'll admit to being a little biased since my answer was raven.

13 hours ago, Leeds said:

Not where I'm from (first language English) - it's meh-lay.

That makes a difference, I'm sure, but it's definitely may-lay in both the Merriam-Webster and Oxford dictionaries and in every class discussion I ever had about medieval/Renaissance tournaments.  (Medieval & Renaissance Studies was my major in college.)

15 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I liked Michael. His quizzically-serious expression waiting for her to tell him if his clearly incorrect FJ answer was right or not made me laugh.

I found that quite amusing as well.  But I'm glad Eric won since I like him quite a bit.

38 minutes ago, Trey said:

Only two ts's for me: Monarch of the Glen and lion - I was amazed that none of them even guessed lion. Sudanese war god + powerful predator pretty much says lion.

I guessed jackal.  It's sort of powerful and sometimes a predator, although I guess it's more of a scavenger.

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On 6/7/2022 at 7:48 AM, Mindthinkr said:

No I don’t think so, because the questions had to rhyme with the word day. 

On 6/7/2022 at 8:25 AM, Katy M said:

I think melee does rhyme with day.

14 hours ago, Leeds said:

Not where I'm from (first language English) - it's meh-lay.

Whether you pronounce it may-lay or meh-lay, it still rhymes with day, doesn't it?  Or is there a unstated rule with that kind of clue that rhyming words have to have the same number of syllables, thus melee wouldn't have been accepted?  Anyway, it definitely doesn't affect the outcome of the game, since we're only what-if'ing here.

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17 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I call fowl/foul on the Morrigan response. Crows and ravens are NOT interchangeable. She turned into a crow, not a raven.

"fowl/foul" - laughed - nice touch.

5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

This☝️post about 6/7's TEXTING ABBREV. category may be the ultimate example of the opposite of the "burden of knowledge."

But our @Bastet also demonstrates some important Jeopardy! skills that yesterday's trio were a little short on: Confidence, Quick thinking, Deduction, and whatever it is called when one looks for the linguistic meaning in the absence of any other point of reference in the category title.

For those who don't want to click through to this tweet:

a few of the scores of replies by those of us who do text note things like:

  • It felt like they asked someone young for the clues and that person just made stuff up to mess with them.
  • My 15 year old was watching with me and confirmed none of those are seen in the wild.
  • I am 50 but I was sitting with two 25 year Olds and none of us had ever used or received or heard of a single one of them.
    TSNUTCA (They should never use that category again)
  • They Have Not Ever Been Used In Real Life
    WNTGOMO Writers Need To Get Out More Often
    WASC What A Shitty Category

Perhaps a fairer category title would have been: 

But more than just making it "fair," it cannot be good for ratings to have categories that stump all three and leave so much dead air space.

I text, haven't used or seen those, but was able to figure them out pretty easily (almost ran the category). Maybe they should have been called NOT Texting Abbrev.

2 hours ago, Trey said:

Only two ts's for me: Monarch of the Glen and lion - I was amazed that none of them even guessed lion. Sudanese war god + powerful predator pretty much says lion.

I thought of the Sphinx and got right to lion - together they make up a complete lion.

I did reasonably well, I almost ran three categories. Texting. The cabinet (amazing for me, I generally fail), and Farm to Table.

I was ticked that I missed Tupak Shakur, I mean the answer was right there in the Quiz. It's like missing (for me) "This singer sang a song about his mommy, Gladys Presley." Sheesh.

I should have run "Played By" - but I got confused a couple of times, recognizing the role but not saying the actor's name.

As for FJ, I barely remember the current best sellers, much less those almost 10 years ago. I got the time period, but choked on the works (for some reason I almost always choke on Dante)

I didn't read Dan Brown's novel. I did read the first one - I don't dismiss an author until I've read some of their work. Unless I absolutely hate the author on a personal basis. (there are a few...)

Edited by Clanstarling
To avoid confusion between not reading Dante and not reading Dan Brown. I didn't read Dante either, but the sentence was still unclear.
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22 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

My husband said MB is like a marriage going bad - at first it's okay, not great maybe, but ok. Then the little annoyances get worse and worse until it's all you can see.

Such a great observation, it deserved an encore here.

Since I am continually irritated by MB's near-hysterical laughter when a DD is uncovered, her mugging for the camera and her OTT reading of right and wrong answers, it dawned on me that she's always been a sitcom actor, not a dramatic actor. She's treating Jeopardy! like she's acting in another sitcom, not hosting a serious game show watched by brainiacs.

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37 minutes ago, illdoc said:

Well, that answers that question, I guess: RECENT SLANG: Something hot can be this or straight this--it all sounds temperature related but isn't.   Answer: What is fire?  image.png.ae57a67b557de3a707fed3470b36b9cb.png

I laughed at that one.  A week ago I wouldn't have known it.

Two ts's for sure: Christmas tree and Fatima.  I said phonograph instead of turntable. Judges?

Instaget FJ, my first of the week.

Edited by Trey
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Bad day, bad game...60% in each round and no FJ which brought my total to 59.

Only ran Put it on What. Ironically enough, I did not get "Fire" in the recent slang category. Got Christmas Tree. I said record player instead of turntable…I assume that would be acceptable?

And I managed to screw up my scorecard and had to scroll back through the FJ Contest thread and restore some of my scores. Hopefully I got them right.

I need a hug.

  • Hugs 9
39 minutes ago, Trey said:
42 minutes ago, illdoc said:

Well, that answers that question, I guess: RECENT SLANG: Something hot can be this or straight this--it all sounds temperature related but isn't.   Answer: What is fire?  image.png.ae57a67b557de3a707fed3470b36b9cb.png


I laughed at that one.  A week ago I wouldn't have known it.

After I asked about it I noticed they use it in the Liberty Mutual knitting ad.

Got FJ

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FJ was an instaget.

I don't think I got any missed clues or run any categories, but I actually had a pretty good night.

Re: the champ's story: So, my last cat used to hang out all the time in the window. She was the most beautiful calico cat you've ever seen in your life and she liked it when my neighbors would walk by and tell her how beautiful she was.  Then she got sick, so she wasn't grooming herself very well and people stopped complimenting her and I think it really hurt her feelings.  And then this one lady asked me what happened to my cat because she didn't see her any more. I told her she died, and she said I should get a new one. I said I did (this was actually months after the cat died), and she's like "why haven't I seen the new one?"  "Because she doesn't really like to sit in the window and when she does she sits at the one that looks out over the back of the house.  So, the point is if we had had that cat window tour, my house would have been the most popular, until it wasn't.

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Insta-guess FJ for me tonight.  I am terrible at history, but 1773 plus hold (which made me think of ships) led me to one of the few things I can marginally identify, historically speaking.

I also got the TS of Canyon de Chelly, turntable, and Phantom Tollbooth.  I am terribly sad that Phantom Tollbooth was a TS!  That's a really fun book.  I re-read it periodically.

I also laughed at the "fire" clue.

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Everyone’s stories were very endearing today. I would like to build a window seat, for me and my cats, but they’d better hold off on adding us to the walking tour - we’re on the third floor.

People rag on Mayim and how little she knows of trivia, but not everyone could have offered such a succinct explanation of the Boston Tea Party, for those who hadn’t heard of it before.

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1 hour ago, Trey said:

I said phonograph instead of turntable. Judges?

Instaget FJ, my first of the week.

I did say turntable, followed quickly by record player. Also knew Christmas tree and Fatima but said teleport instead of levitate for St. Martin de Porres. 😂 The word just wouldn't come to me. 

I almost never get FJ but thought tonight's was ridiculously easy.

Having only begun to watch Jeopardy again, after a long, long absence,during Amy Schneider's run, I am so impressed by how smart all of you are. I once was pretty good at this game, but no longer. My recall is super slow. I know it after the fact, or it's on the tip of my tongue. Oh well. Still fun to play along.

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Archive game for me, thanks to basketball preemption, so I'm glad there were very few clues with photos I couldn't see.

Eric's trajectory has been very similar in all three of his games thus far; he's pretty flat in the first round and then skyrockets in DJ.

In the first round, I only ran canyons and slang, and if the slang category had been before the new reaction emojis were added here, I would have missed the fire clue.  I got all but one in everything else except for King Louis, in which I missed two (fewer than I feared I was going to!).

I only ran Laurel Canyon in DJ.  I feared saints and fictional places were going to be terrible categories for me, but I only missed two in each.  I missed three in the geography category, which is usually a strong one for me, so I'm in the Bizarro World tonight.  I got all but one in the others.

FJ was an instaget, a welcome relief after two games in a row of having not the foggiest idea.

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24 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:


Having only begun to watch Jeopardy again, after a long, long absence,during Amy Schneider's run, I am so impressed by how smart all of you are. I once was pretty good at this game, but no longer. My recall is super slow. I know it after the fact, or it's on the tip of my tongue. Oh well. Still fun to play along.

What was wrong with Amy?

Maybe watching Jeopardy! regularly is the same as doing crosswords - keeps the brain sharp.

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9 minutes ago, Leeds said:

What was wrong with Amy?

Maybe watching Jeopardy! regularly is the same as doing crosswords - keeps the brain sharp.

Nothing was wrong with Amy; she was great. I phrased that awkwardly. I meant that it had been years since I watched religiously. I only started watching regularly again DURING Amy's run.

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In "5 Letters, Ends with O," clue "Slow & dignified, musically," my first thought was lento. Tessa said largo and was ruled correct. The meanings are quite similar, although largo is more dignified. I wonder if they might have accepted lento.

Maybe we need a group telepath to check what the judges would have said in cases like this.

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3 minutes ago, Driad said:

In "5 Letters, Ends with O," clue "Slow & dignified, musically," my first thought was lento. Tessa said largo and was ruled correct. The meanings are quite similar, although largo is more dignified. I wonder if they might have accepted lento.

Maybe we need a group telepath to check what the judges would have said in cases like this.

I'm mind melding with you on lento, Driad.  With enough J! fans, I know we can mine the judges' minds (and put many arguments to rest).  May the force be with us.

2 minutes ago, opus said:

Got FJ and Wordle on the third line today. So, me smart?

You smart!  (And here I was congratulating myself on my fifth four goes in a row!)

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FJ was an instaget.
I first groaned at the category of AMERICAN HISTORY because it was HISTORY and because it was too broad. But then I realized it wasn't *that* broad, and figured I knew American history better than others, which had the effect of boosting my confidence, which seems to be a big part of being able to come up with the correct responses.

Then I saw the date of just a few years before 1776 (one of the few dates I know) and Bingo!, the rest of the clue clinched it:

  • A participant in this 1773 event recalled, "Some of our numbers jumped into the hold... I never labored harder in my life"

I also got the TSs of Monterey and turntable.

Meteorologist is on my mental list of careers I've had in alternate universes, so I'm okay with the current champ, even though Ryan is my favorite so far this year. 

10 minutes ago, Driad said:

So we need to be able to read the judges' minds (or their cheat sheets) 2-3 months in the past, and sometimes thousands of miles away.  Ideas?

A Tardis for time travel and an OG Star Trek Transporter for instantaneous distance gap closing.
But I don't do mind melds; they give me migraines.

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On 6/7/2022 at 1:43 PM, South said:

Whoa!!  Just one minute there, PBnJay, Buzzy has been my tv beau for years!  

I love that people are fighting over Buzzy now. That just means more Brad for me.

7 hours ago, PBnJay said:

She's treating Jeopardy! like she's acting in another sitcom, not hosting a serious game show watched by brainiacs.

And she’s supplying her own laugh track.

For last night’s FJ, I thought of Inferno (Dante) but didn’t know about Dan Brown’s book. So close.

But tonight, I got Boston Tea Party and finally broke my FJ losing streak! Yay for me!!

2 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

 I almost never get FJ but thought tonight's was ridiculously easy.

Well, that’s just mean. 😔

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10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I do Wordle, Quordle, and Crosswordle. Worldle?? Oooh, a new one! Excuse me while I go find that…

 I was telling my father about the geography game I had played, but I couldn't remember what it was called. After some hard thinking I decided it must be called Worldle. We looked it up and it was not anything like what I had described. Turns out the one I meant was Globle.

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I started out pretty well last night and then ended up missing a lot of clues here and there.  Oy.

Jeopardy round - ran French Kings Named Louis and Recent slang.  I knew "fire" because of the new choice of reactions here, so thanks, Primetimer!

For Sports No-Nos, I said brushback instead of beanball and wondered if that would be accepted.  However, upon researching both and re-reading the clue, I realized it specified an act where the pitcher intentionally hit the batter, which is a beanball, whereas with a brushback, the intent is not to hit the batter but just to make them move back from the plate.

It really went bad in DJ, where I missed at least one clue in all but one category and more than one clue in most of them.  I did run 5-Letters Ends in "O".  I would've run Laurel Canyon if I could keep Glen Frey and Don Henley straight, but I can't and never could.

My stumpers were Milan, Monterey, Canyon de Chelly and Fatima.  I almost said tv for the Saint one, but said film instead.

On the other hand, FJ was an instaget and I was actually a little embarrassed for Maggie when she didn't get it.

23 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I was ticked that I missed Tupak Shakur, I mean the answer was right there in the Quiz. I

Me, too.  I was even trying to say Kanye West instead.  (smh)

16 hours ago, Trey said:

I said phonograph instead of turntable. Judges?

16 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I said record player instead of turntable…I assume that would be acceptable?

I rule that both are acceptable alternatives to turntable.  Which I did not get, despite being old, still using a turntable on occasion AND knowing that Decca is a record label.

15 hours ago, Katy M said:

Then she got sick, so she wasn't grooming herself very well and people stopped complimenting her and I think it really hurt her feelings. 

I'd still have told your kitty she was beautiful.

14 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

but said teleport instead of levitate for St. Martin de Porres.

I said flying.  Not quite the same thing, I guess.

14 hours ago, Bastet said:

I missed three in the geography category,

I came so close to running that one, but despite being a huge soccer fan and knowing exactly WHAT stadium the clue wanted, I couldn't quite come up with Maracana.  I think I said Maracaia instead.  Interesting bit of trivia: not only did Maracana Stadium host World Cup games in two different years, it hosted what used to be considered Brazil's most humiliating defeat, the 1950 final loss against Uruguay.  Now, of course, their most humiliating defeat is the 7-1 semi-final loss to Germany in the 2014 World Cup, but that wasn't at Maracana.  I guess maybe that's better?

14 hours ago, Leeds said:

What was wrong with Amy?

I disliked her intensely, enough to stop watching during her run.  But I've been known to do that with other champions for a variety of reasons.

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3 hours ago, proserpina65 said:
18 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

but said teleport instead of levitate for St. Martin de Porres.

I said flying.  Not quite the same thing, I guess.

I had read something somewhere about saints with the talent of bilocation and so spent the whole time of the clue wishing it was that instead of trying to figure out what it actually was. (I have a red squiggle under bilocation but as far as I can see that IS how you spell it)

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6 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

 I was telling my father about the geography game I had played, but I couldn't remember what it was called. After some hard thinking I decided it must be called Worldle. We looked it up and it was not anything like what I had described. Turns out the one I meant was Globle.

I do both.  Still can't place where the various -Stan countries are in relation to other countries. I always start with Italy in Globle. One time I tried Portugal for my second guess. Nope. I randomly tried Chad for the next. "Yes! The mystery country is Chad!"  I couldn't do that if I tried.

Because of basketball I only got double Jeopardy and the final question.

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19 hours ago, 853fisher said:

People rag on Mayim and how little she knows of trivia, but not everyone could have offered such a succinct explanation of the Boston Tea Party, for those who hadn’t heard of it before.

I'll bet you dollars to donuts that was written for her though. She's not ad libbing things like this. Of course, I was also thinking that people who like Jeopardy! should know the Boston Tea Party. It's one of the two or three most fa!ous parts of the American Revolution.

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20 hours ago, Leeds said:

You smart!  (And here I was congratulating myself on my fifth four goes in a row!)

I am doing worse at Wordle than I used to. Everyone's saying it's harder.


20 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

I do Wordle, Quordle, and Worldle daily. I think it helps me feel sharper.

I also do Heardle - unfortunately it just makes me feel older. Except when I can beat my musician husband on oldies.

20 hours ago, Driad said:

So we need to be able to read the judges' minds (or their cheat sheets) 2-3 months in the past, and sometimes thousands of miles away.  Ideas?

Get the Stranger Things gang working on it.

12 hours ago, Leeds said:

In the true spirit of the forum, for those looking for online general knowledge games, I find Triviaplaza can suck up a fair amount of time.

Someone here mentioned Jetpunk a long time ago. I like its quizzes.


2 hours ago, dgpolo said:

I had read something somewhere about saints with the talent of bilocation and so spent the whole time of the clue wishing it was that instead of trying to figure out what it actually was. (I have a red squiggle under bilocation but as far as I can see that IS how you spell it)

Sometimes the squiggle lies.

I almost ran French Louis Kings. The only one I missed was actually a geographic question - so that tracks. I was amazed, I really only remember two of the Louis - one because of Doctor Who, and one because of, well, the French Revolution.

For the sake of @ProudMary, I won't comment on FJ except to say I did get it, so at least I have one this week.

Edited by Clanstarling
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I did get FJ, but I wasn't sure, because I read it in French class and haven't seen it in translation.  Lovely story.

Eric's somewhat over-the-top faces, apparently indicating uncertainty, annoy me as much as Mattea's spoken expressions of the same (which is to say, enough to comment on, but not enough to spoil the show or make me dislike them generally).

Honestly, I'm sick of superchamps and runaways and not enthused about signs that more of the same is likely - even though I like Eric plenty.

1 hour ago, Ailianna said:

I'll bet you dollars to donuts that was written for her though. She's not ad libbing things like this.

That's a good point!  So the producers thought we in the audience might need to be filled in on that.  How...interesting.

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June 9:

Missed 1-2 in every category in the first round but still got 70%. In the second round I ran That's Not a President, missed one Words of Comfort, two Jeopcoin, four Classical Music (my TwoSet Violin fandom failed me tonight), and three in the others. Sad. At least I got both DDs. 

Got the TSes of Mario/Maria, Ella/Elle, Alex/Alec (there were four in the first round and all were in the same category), and copacetic (a word I hate).

FJ was an instaget.

I really don't understand why Mayim seems to find every story totally hilarious before they even start telling it.

Unrelated (probably), shortly before I turned on the TV, Facebook suggested this group to me…

Edited by ams1001
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6 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I really don't understand why Mayim seems to find every story totally hilarious before they even start telling it.

Unrelated (probably), shortly before I turned on the TV, Facebook suggested this group to me…

Not half as funny as she seems to find the appearance of the DDs.  Oooops, I guess I can't join the group whining about whining now!

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1 hour ago, Clanstarling said:

I am doing worse at Wordle than I used to. Everyone's saying it's harder.


I also do Heardle - unfortunately it just makes me feel older. Except when I can beat my musician husband on oldies.

Well, I just tried Heardle for the first time.  Even after I heard the whole thing I had no idea what (or who) it was, and for the first four (?) clips I could have sworn I'd misunderstood the game and we were supposed to identify songs being played backwards.

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