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Jeopardy! Season 38 (2021-2022)


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8 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Whoah!  I noticed the heart was a slightly different shade, then when I went to react to your post, there's a whole slew of new options!

Oh, wow! I didn't see those until I reloaded the page just now. I gave your comment a teddy bear (hugs). Just because. 

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7 minutes ago, ams1001 said:
14 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Whoah!  I noticed the heart was a slightly different shade, then when I went to react to your post, there's a whole slew of new options!

Oh, wow! I didn't see those until I reloaded the page just now. I gave your comment a teddy bear (hugs). Just because. 

What is the Fire one supposed to be? is it good or bad?

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9 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

For FJ I knew it wasn’t Waterloo, I knew it was Nelson, but I couldn’t pull Trafalgar out of my head.

Almost the same here--my thought process went embarrassingly as "not Waterloo, that was land...it's the one with the guy in Trafalgar Square...umm...Lord Nelson!....now what was the battle called?..."  I did realize my idiocy in time, and then had a good chuckle.

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12 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

I remember that so well.  My daughter and I were watching and we couldn't stop laughing.  We were in a different room and my husband and sons wanted to know what was so funny.

Me too. I'm not sure why it stuck in my memory, given that Ken was on so long. Maybe it's just been replayed a lot. It was pretty darned funny.

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2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Is it just me or did the heart reaction change color? I've had the tab open for a while and the few comments that have popped up since then have a red heart while the ones that were already on the screen have pink... (And I just hearted an older one; the little popup shows it pink but on the post after clicking it, it's red.) I am inordinately amused by this. I'm tired.

Yes, I just noticed all the new reaction options, and just to be different, I gave your post a teddy bear. I have no idea what it means.

2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I gave your comment a teddy bear (hugs). 

And now I do. 

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17 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Whoa, I was really nervous for Ryan at the end when he got FJ wrong. Luck was on his side. He seems like a really nice guy; I'm happy for him.

My TS's were X-ray, Rio Grande, mainframe, and Dag Hammarskjold. I also said Waterloo for Final Jeopardy.

I still dislike how long Mayim pauses before saying "That is correct."

I was screaming "Battle of Trafalgar" at the tv, yet somehow people in LA months ago didn't hear me.    I was amused at how many people though an admiral would be present at a land battle.  I'm guessing maybe the "water" in Waterloo confused some of them?  (Not being snarky, really, it's because British naval history, especially during the Napoleonic Wars, is a particular interest of mine.)

Other than FJ being an instaget, this was a lackluster game for me.  Only ran 1 category (Picture the Novel) although I did get all but one clue in most of the rest.  My TS answers were Under the Volcano, x-ray, Thames, Rio Grande and mainframe.  I probably should've gotten afterbirth just from watching Call the Midwife but I just usually think placenta.  When I think about it at all, that is.

Loved the Dr. Mittens category, particularly with Ryan as a contestant.  I also loved the callback to Ken and his "hoe" answer.

(Love all the new reactions available, too.)

18 hours ago, SeanC said:

I was astounded that none of them got Trafalgar, which is the most famous naval battle pre-20th century.

Especially the British woman. Lord Nelson  is looking askance from atop his column.

Yeah, I was gobsmacked that she missed it.

15 hours ago, Bastet said:

The tariffs TS really surprised me.  Maybe they got thrown off by the Ferris Bueller bit? 

Probably.  That's what confused me, I was trying to find some Ferris Bueller connection when I knew the answer was tariffs.

14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I basically conduct my life by Occam’s Razor. It has served me well.

Me, too.  I just didn't realize it. ;-)

8 hours ago, GreekGeek said:

But I did know afterbirth, Under the Volcano, Xray, Thames, Rio Grande, and Dag Hammaskjold.

I was quite pissed at myself for not getting Dag Hammarskjold since he is my usual go-to answer for early UN secretaries general.  Hell, he was my wrong answer during DJ in my game; the only reason I will ever remember Trygve Lie is that he was the correct answer for that question.

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I'm British but failed to get the FJ in time, this is how my brain had its own conversation in my head.,


Don't be an idiot that was a land battle

Has to be Nelson, the guy on the column

Yup, but what battle ?

Nelson, column, Nelson column, column Nelson, where the fuck is the column?

Where is the column with Nelson on it? You were there not long ago you blithering idiot


OMFG of course that's where it is, Trafalgar fucking square !

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25 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

I remember the Anyone, anyone part but clearly have blocked the rest of the scene from my mind.  I hated that movie.

I like a few scenes in isolation, but I hate the film, too.  And I think most people just remember "Anyone?" rather than what he was teaching at the time; it seemed a bit too inside baseball a reference that only served to trip the contestants up, trying to figure out how Ferris Bueller fit into it.  Because, while I can see any three J! contestants not knowing what Smoot-Hawley was about, I can't imagine not one of three knowing import duties are called tariffs.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I like a few scenes in isolation, but I hate the film, too.  And I think most people just remember "Anyone?" rather than what he was teaching at the time; it seemed a bit too inside baseball a reference that only served to trip the contestants up, trying to figure out how Ferris Bueller fit into it.  Because, while I can see any three J! contestants not knowing what Smoot-Hawley was about, I can't imagine not one of three knowing import duties are called tariffs.

The Ferris Bueler reference threw me so much, I never even got to "import duties"

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17 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

Thanks to Agatha Christie FJ was an instaget.

What book is that from?  I've read all her mysteries several times but don't remember the reference.  Except I know, of course, that Agatha was very into Egyptology and archeology.

Only one ts, fentanyl.

The best I can say about FJ is that I've at least heard of Gertrude Bell. (possibly from an Agatha Christie book).

One last chance tomorrow to not get skunked.

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I’m wondering if Ryan holds a record for most non-runaway wins.

now that I think more about it, surely Ken with 74(?) wins must have had a decent number of non-runaways. I’m thinking James had few if any. Maybe I’ll dig deeper tomorrow when I’m on a bigger screen, if nobody has come up with an answer. 

Edited by SoMuchTV
Further thoughts…
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Archive game for me.  The Marie Laveau and fentanyl TS surprised me a bit.

I only managed to run one category, "inn", in the first round.  I missed three in dog breeds (I've never seen any of those movies, so I'm lucky I didn't miss all five, I guess) and two in games, but I got all but one each in the rest.

In DJ, I ran three categories, got all but one in two, and only missed two in "E", so I was doing a lot better.

And then came FJ -- no idea.

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1 hour ago, Trey said:

What book is that from?  I've read all her mysteries several times but don't remember the reference.  Except I know, of course, that Agatha was very into Egyptology and archeology.

1 hour ago, Driad said:

Is Petra actually pink? In the photos I have seen, it looks reddish brown. Maybe Gertrude Bell saw it on a very sunny day?

I think Petra is known better as 'the rose red' city of Petra. I believe the characters took a trip there in Appointment With Death and I think one of the short stories also had it as a locale. It's been a while since I read it but she might have mentioned it in her autobiography too. I also knew Gertrude Bell was in the Middle East (and she was mentioned in the Amelia Peabody books, rather disparagingly if I recall)

ETA: I looked it up, the short story was Pearl of Price, it's a Parker Pyne one.

Edited by dgpolo
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2 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I’m wondering if Ryan holds a record for most non-runaway wins.

10 of Ken's 75 games (13%) were not runaways, including his very first one!  

9 of Ryan's 15 games so far (60%) have not been runaways.

11 of Mattea's 24 games (46%) were not runaways.

4 of James' 33 games (12%) were not runaways.

I didn't run everyone's numbers, but I would bet a modest sum that Ryan has the greatest percentage of non-runaway games among those with 10+ or 20+ wins.

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I thought Tom was going to defeat Ryan for awhile in the first round. I was rooting for him because he's from my neighborhood (I don't know him though).

I got FJ because I visited Petra 10 years ago. I was impressed but didn't have the "WOW!!!" reaction. I wouldn't have thought of it if the clue hadn't mentioned "female Lawrence of Arabia", which pointed to the Middle East. "Fairy city" and "pink" weren't descriptions that I would have used.

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I would like to see Ryan win a few more games, and top $300,000, just to add to his winnings and give him a good cushion for his future.  He's a COVID survivor, but I noticed that he has some episodes of heavy breathing, and his health is probably not the best.  If he cannot work in the future, he will need some financial security for him and his son.  That said, he has had some very good luck this past week against a couple of other very good opponents, so his luck might not hold out much longer.        

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1 hour ago, laredhead said:

I would like to see Ryan win a few more games, and top $300,000, just to add to his winnings and give him a good cushion for his future.  He's a COVID survivor, but I noticed that he has some episodes of heavy breathing, and his health is probably not the best.  If he cannot work in the future, he will need some financial security for him and his son.  That said, he has had some very good luck this past week against a couple of other very good opponents, so his luck might not hold out much longer.        

Yeah, once I saw this tweet from him, I started rooting even harder for him. I have no idea if he's struggling with medical bills, but let's just say I wouldn't be surprised if he is.

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I do wish there could be something worked out with the affiliates so that an episode could be posted online if it is preempted.  I think the technology exists that would allow it to be geo-blocked outside certain affiliates' coverage zones if required.

RE the opening monologues, I understand why it's a good idea to give the season a sort of narrative arc, even if for me personally it is extraneous.  I still think those remarks, delivered by either host, are often too long and seem too rehearsed.

Yesterday's was a good example of that segment seeming just barely pried off cue cards, fighting Mayim all the way.  (I found it a bit condescending too, but I'm self-aware enough to know my problem is with the messenger as well as the content.)

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15 hours ago, Leeds said:

I think they need to add a "shrug/I don't know" response.

2 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

And a 💯

And an eyeroll, for every time Mayim gets quoted saying something annoying.

1 hour ago, 853fisher said:

Yesterday's was a good example of that segment seeming just barely pried off cue cards, fighting Mayim all the way.  (I found it a bit condescending too, but I'm self-aware enough to know my problem is with the messenger as well as the content.)

I have issues with the messenger, too (“Really?? the board gasps), but there is a clear difference between Mayim reading the intros and Ken reading the intros. I’m sure they are all scripted, but his sound much more natural. This is puzzling to me, since she is the trained actress. Maybe he just injects more ad libs while she stays on script? 

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14 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I have issues with the messenger, too (“Really?? the board gasps), but there is a clear difference between Mayim reading the intros and Ken reading the intros. I’m sure they are all scripted, but his sound much more natural. This is puzzling to me, since she is the trained actress. Maybe he just injects more ad libs while she stays on script? 

I agree with you but I can't really put it into words.  Although I think some of his are still a bit too long or stilted (the "facts about Canada" one stands out in particular), his delivery comes across much more natural to me too.  Of course, he doesn't have to fake being interested in the game and the trivia.

To be honest, nothing I've seen of Mayim makes me think she's a particularly good actress, so maybe that has something to do with it.  (Yes, I know she's worked consistently - that doesn't necessarily mean she's good.)  She's "playing" a game show host, which would be bad enough, but if she's not very good at it...

Edited by 853fisher
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31 minutes ago, 853fisher said:

To be honest, nothing I've seen of Mayim makes me think she's a particularly good actress, so maybe that has something to do with it.  (Yes, I know she's worked consistently - that doesn't necessarily mean she's good.)  She's "playing" a game show host, which would be bad enough, but if she's not very good at it...

I've never been overly impressed with her acting skills, either. I watched BBT and she was my least favorite.

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52 minutes ago, Leeds said:

What's this, please?  I'm not called Jane, but sometimes I'm just an ignorant gardening tool.

Emoji Meaning (via emojipedia.com):

100 emoji: the number one-hundred, written in red, underlined twice for emphasis.

Originating from the number 100 written on a school exam or paper to indicate a perfect score of 100 out of 100.  Teachers in Japan may also use a stamp in addition to the 100 mark, to indicate that a student has performed very well.

This 100 emoji is commonly used as a shorthand for 100%, with the usage meaning “keep it real” or a similar sentiment. A 100 emoji can be used to express pride or general acceptance of an idea.

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21 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Emoji Meaning (via emojipedia.com):

100 emoji: the number one-hundred, written in red, underlined twice for emphasis.

Originating from the number 100 written on a school exam or paper to indicate a perfect score of 100 out of 100.  Teachers in Japan may also use a stamp in addition to the 100 mark, to indicate that a student has performed very well.

This 100 emoji is commonly used as a shorthand for 100%, with the usage meaning “keep it real” or a similar sentiment. A 100 emoji can be used to express pride or general acceptance of an idea.

Thank you. It was far too tiny for me to make out what it was, so I just ignored it.  I don't about the rest of you, but I'm having fun responding with FIRE to almost everything. Bwaahahahaha

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70% correct...ran Don't Get Confused and Oranges, missed one Apple and World Capital, two Phils (was doing well until they got to sneakers and sports), and three in Art. In the second round I ran Measurements, missed one "M"Path and Lit, two History, three Words, and four Supers.

FJ was a near-instaget, albeit with a slight question mark at the end.

TSes were stationary/ery, hoard/horde, woodcut, powwow, Joseph Conrad, museums, mole, and avoirdupois (no freakin' clue where that one came from…). I guess space station isn't acceptable for Skylab (probably a BMS, though who the hell knows these days)?

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