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2021 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp

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8 hours ago, lemonbus230 said:

Points- Gina with Amber and Lexie behind and then Rachel with Chandi and Ashlee.

Is Lexie the first girl to be in the triangle 3 years in a row and never be point?! That stinks and I feel bad for her!! 

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6 hours ago, Lona said:

BOTH Ashlee and freaking Chandi in a front formation. Seven WOC in showgroup. 

Obsessed with both of these things. Not a huge Chandi fan but she has a unique look, and I'm here for more diversity in the triangle. Ashlee!!!! <3

Man, I'm dying to know if Madeline S. got cut or not ugh

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Ugh haven’t been on in weeks, I’m so behind 😂 have we discussed that we think Alora Rose was cut? Bc if we haven’t, she’s definitely not in Canton which points to a cut imo

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9 hours ago, TUOwl84 said:

Gina’s stomach 😳


Honestly, I would think that no matter why she's so skinny, TPTB would block her from posting something like this. They want their girls to be "role models." To me, this isn't that, it's (at best) someone unintentionally promoting an unhealthy body type. A lot of young girls look up to the DCC and want to emulate them. It makes me 🥴 to know that this is what they're seeing from such a decorated, adored, and promoted veteran as something they should strive to be.

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1 hour ago, TUOwl84 said:

Savannah never made Show Group. But Kat has 😏 Savannah wasn’t the best dancer either. But she definitely was a great ambassador, enough to be on Show Group. After all, it’s not about the best dancers anymore, right? Lol

I adore Savvy, but I don’t think she’s one of the better known with strong social engagement…and it seems like that’s a big qualifier when they’re picking these days. Perhaps a strategy shift. She has 25k followers, but hasn’t posted since May on her personal account. 

She’s one of the first I would pick for a military event, or any one on one interaction tho! Honestly a shame she didn’t make SG. 

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Kat made show group and Erin did not.  How???  Kat is beautiful  but her diarrhea of the mouth with no filter is not cute or a great ambassador.  
She is not a great dancer.  

happy to see Jayln back and Tori, McKenzie and Armani make it


it will be interesting season. 

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5 minutes ago, MadHatter said:

Honestly, I would think that no matter why she's so skinny, TPTB would block her from posting something like this. They want their girls to be "role models." To me, this isn't that, it's (at best) someone unintentionally promoting an unhealthy body type. A lot of young girls look up to the DCC and want to emulate them. It makes me 🥴 to know that this is what they're seeing from such a decorated, adored, and promoted veteran as something they should strive to be.

YES - my point exactly.  They need to put a stop to this, like NOW.

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8 minutes ago, MadHatter said:

Honestly, I would think that no matter why she's so skinny, TPTB would block her from posting something like this. They want their girls to be "role models." To me, this isn't that, it's (at best) someone unintentionally promoting an unhealthy body type. A lot of young girls look up to the DCC and want to emulate them. It makes me 🥴 to know that this is what they're seeing from such a decorated, adored, and promoted veteran as something they should strive to be.

Does she have bruising on her hip area? I'm still trying to figure out how her shorts are staying up. (Yes, I like Gina, but this photo does not do her any favors.)

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19 hours ago, aeroluv327 said:

I cannot stop laughing at whoever was yelling, "They're real!  They're real people!" and then "HOW are they DOING that?!"  I bet seeing the kick line with a jump split would just blow her mind!

What great All Stars!  Khalyn is one of my faves!

OMG what fool was doing that? Whose Mama needs to sit down and shut up. That was obnoxious. Was Kat there? 

17 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

Like Lauren - worked a full time, stressful job as a nurse, but was able to work out, dance, spend time with friends, travel, etc.  Why not do both if you can?

Well........love and respect Lauren 1000% but have to be honest, she went part time at the hospital, and then went to that DCC plastic surgeon person they all work for's office so not like she was doing four 12s a week in the ER. Honestly, I would have done the same thing, too. Nursing will always be there for ever, there are so many career options, and her dancer body will wear out sooner or later. She did the right thing. 

10 hours ago, lemonbus230 said:

Leaders- Lexie, Gina, Rachel, Caroline

Second Leaders- Ashlee, Amber, Jalyn, Erin

Show Group: Gina, Lexie, Amber, Chandi, Rachel, Ashlee, Caroline, Jalyn, Kat, Darian, McKenzie, KayDianna, Tori, Tyra, Armani, Kelcey, Claire, Marissa

Points- Gina with Amber and Lexie behind and then Rachel with Chandi and Ashlee.

Team was announced last Friday.

No Caroline? WTH? Love Amber, yall know i'm not impressed with Lexie but not fair to demote her. Actually I like Amber in this triangle bc i think Gina and Lexie both look worn out and past their expiration date TMKelliFinglass. Gina just looks way too lean and Lexie always has looked outdated and fried haired.

Chandi and Ashlee, I want to be more impressed with them, but I'm just not. I don't think either are as glam as Rachel, but about all three equal on dance level. Ashlee may have more showmanship. 

Still far better triangle than the Amy/Maddie mess that i will never get over. 

I would have opened with Rachel/Caroline/Jalyn/Lexie then switched to Gina/Amber/Ashlee/Kelcey.

Still rooting for Armani to make it up there. She's as firecrackery as Amber and Gina.

9 hours ago, TUOwl84 said:

Gina’s stomach 😳


She goes not look like a real person with whatever facetune bodytune photoshop extreme mess she has done to herself in this photo. Makes me sad for her. 

Also I get Kat on showgroup for Ambassadoriness. She can talk to a tree stump and is gorgeous. I do not see taking Erin off though especially if she's a second group leadre. Need more info on that one.

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18 hours ago, Christineelgene said:

They probably charter.  My sister flew for Northwest (when it existed) and she did NFL charters all the time, and rock stars.  But they had to sign non disclosure agreements to work those flights.

My dad flew the Northwest charters.  He flew NFL, NHL, and NBA teams!  The food service was the best!  The DCC probably fly charter, on one of Jerry’s jets.  Most likely they don’t eat on board.  I’m curious what they DO eat!  

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10 hours ago, lemonbus230 said:

Leaders- Lexie, Gina, Rachel, Caroline

Second Leaders- Ashlee, Amber, Jalyn, Erin

Show Group: Gina, Lexie, Amber, Chandi, Rachel, Ashlee, Caroline, Jalyn, Kat, Darian, McKenzie, KayDianna, Tori, Tyra, Armani, Kelcey, Claire, Marissa

Points- Gina with Amber and Lexie behind and then Rachel with Chandi and Ashlee.

Team was announced last Friday.

Thank you LB! I'm so happy for Chandi being up front with Ashlee! That's crazy how every single year she just comes back better and better. Yay for Tori!! I know for sure that Ashlinn and Tori made the team,but won't someone out there put me out of my misery with news If Madeline S made it or not! 😭 

10 hours ago, TUOwl84 said:

Kat on Show Group? 🤨

This actually makes sense to me. Kat  is very entertaining and a fan favorite. Hopefully being part of SG doesn't go to that pretty head.

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3 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

Just saw the episode yesterday with Jalyn running to the locker room.  Glad she has been forgiven for her "unprofessional" (per Kelli) behavior.  Kelli was really in a snit over that.

IMO Victoria had some pretty "unprofessional" behavior her 1st season in TC.

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This year’s show group gets announced and a few days later both Alora Rose and Lisa resign.

Alora is besties with Darian who made SG this year. 

And Lisa must of had SG as a goal. She is definitely one to always move the goal post farther and farther. I don’t think she would fake an injury, but certainly not getting SG made it easier to resign.

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21 minutes ago, StellaCL said:

This year’s show group gets announced and a few days later both Alora Rose and Lisa resign.

Alora is besties with Darian who made SG this year. 

And Lisa must of had SG as a goal. She is definitely one to always move the goal post farther and farther. I don’t think she would fake an injury, but certainly not getting SG made it easier to resign.

Wait Lisa resigned??

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2 minutes ago, PepperM said:

Wait Lisa resigned??

I know.....right????!!!! I didn't get the memo either.

What a crazy season.

Could someone please let us know if Madeline S made the team???

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Just now, vanillagum said:

I thought Lisa resigned because of an injury, not anything else (like not making SG). Was she even on SG before this? I can't imagine that suddenly being a push to leave

Yes neck injury 

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15 minutes ago, vanillagum said:

I thought Lisa resigned because of an injury, not anything else (like not making SG). Was she even on SG before this? I can't imagine that suddenly being a push to leave

I only pointed out the timing. 

I think it’s safe to say, Lisa would always have SG as a personal goal. She has a ton of drive and self-motivation.

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1 hour ago, mizzhyer said:

she looks awful from the neck to the waist 

Okay Gina needs to use filters to add weight I don't think even Daphne looked this scary skinny during the swimsuit shoot a few years ago. How have TPTB not told her to STOP with the filtering of her body to what she posts. I'm hoping she's actually not as skinny as she looks, wow...

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12 hours ago, Pau84 said:

Fun is her middle name.

As is “hot”, “attractive” and “popular.” Not saying there’s anything wrong with being a fan-favorite, and as I guy I’m not going to complain about the first two things I listed, but Kat is there for the cameras and for mainstream fans IMO. I really do want to see if she’s improved in her dancing, or if she’s just there because she looks good. 🤷‍♂️

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4 hours ago, PepperM said:

Ugh haven’t been on in weeks, I’m so behind 😂 have we discussed that we think Alora Rose was cut? Bc if we haven’t, she’s definitely not in Canton which points to a cut imo

Not sure if this has been answered for you.


but Alora resigned, she’s flown somewhere for an audition. Also as I think you’ve seen Lisa apparently has an injury and is now also out. Lemonbus posted a couple pages back too confirming who GLs and seconds are along with points x

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On 8/5/2021 at 11:57 AM, Tuxcat said:

Amazing to me when someone like Caroline with a phenomenal shape looks almost big compared to everyone else. Maybe its the angle. Note: She's absolutely NOT big. 

This is the curse of the wide-angle shot. Anyone on the far left will look wider than they are. TV cameras are even worse than still photography, and it isn’t just people. Realtors use this trick att the time to try to make rooms look bigger.

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On 8/5/2021 at 6:52 PM, Pj3422 said:


Anybody here who was on TWOP during the first season of So You Think You Can Dance? That move was called HMV, as in “Here’s My Vagina.”

I can’t read any of this without thinking of thIs: 


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4 hours ago, DCCOracle said:

The fact that they didn't care to do so before, but are now choosing to do so in a post-George Floyd world speaks volumes. I don't believe there's any sincerity behind it and that it's all business.

While I agree that the DCCs are not sincere when it comes to diversity, this is not the first time that they have put 2 WOC in the triangle. Back around 2013 (I think), Mia was point and Jackie was also in the triangle along with Emma. 

I'm also surprised that Erin didn't make show group, but I'm not super shocked about Kat making it. She's not the best dancer, but she's not terrible. I don't think there is any comparison between her and Savannah either. I still thought Savannah looked a half step behind when she was an upper vet. I've never really thought that when watching Kat in routines. 

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Did anyone else notice 18 on show group? I know in years past they have had said 16 slots on MTT. Then last season there was 17.  Now an increase to 18? Is this just a make room for diversity display as some have suggested? 

Then they take 18 and Erin still gets cut? What? The only thing that makes sense is maybe Erin wanted to step back from the time commitment. Otherwise that is terribly wounding to a 4 year vet and 2nd group leader.

And I feel bad for Madeline. She’s the only one not retired from her rookie class to never get show group or a GL position (bedsides Taylor and her very noteworthy  teaching career). Madeline has an amazing figure - she must work damn hard to keep it. I suppose they wanted to have first and second years on show group so they will return experienced, but the fact they took 18 and still disregarded Madeline, it seems cruel 😔🤷‍♀️

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28 minutes ago, StellaCL said:

Did anyone else notice 18 on show group? I know in years past they have had said 16 slots on MTT. Then last season there was 17.  Now an increase to 18? Is this just a make room for diversity display as some have suggested? 

Then they take 18 and Erin still gets cut? What? The only thing that makes sense is maybe Erin wanted to step back from the time commitment. Otherwise that is terribly wounding to a 4 year vet and 2nd group leader.

And I feel bad for Madeline. She’s the only one not retired from her rookie class to never get show group or a GL position (bedsides Taylor and her very noteworthy  teaching career). Madeline has an amazing figure - she must work damn hard to keep it. I suppose they wanted to have first and second years on show group so they will return experienced, but the fact they took 18 and still disregarded Madeline, it seems cruel 😔🤷‍♀️

Maybe Madeline didn’t want to be considered for sg 

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16 hours ago, Pau84 said:

Who knows, Kat finally took classes before the season and came back all powerful.

However, there is something about Kat we all can see and that is her ability to interact (not necessarily limited to talking) with people. Fun is her middle name.

Also, we should all be very careful to listen to Kelli talk about SG and assume that what Kelli says is actually true. SG is not a world class dancing team, but rather a collection of girls Kelli puts her trust in to represent DCC. Some past and current members were never world class dancers.


9 hours ago, kalibean said:


All of this. It hasn’t been all of the best dancers for a while now, and probably never was. But she’s always going to pick up the best known as soon as she can for appearances sake. Sometimes they’re also dancers with some pop (Maddie, Kashara) but also those that have the Instagram followers and are fan favorites (VK, Kat.)

I’m willing to bet some of the more popular DCC are requested by name (“oh I just love the show and was soooo happy VK/Maddie/etc. made it! Please tell me she’ll be there!”) and it makes sense to have them on SG.  

Any decent marketing person is going to want the faces people know to get the most bang for their appearance buck. And thus some will be “rewarded” with show group despite not being technically trained.

I agree. Show group isn't really about the best dancers and shouldn't be based on what they actually do -- but they try to make it seem that way with show group auditions -- and that's where they run into trouble with the fans. 

Why hold the "auditions" at all if Kelli already knows who she wants on show group? If the "audutions" were more than them dancing, it would make sense -- they could say we chose A for dance and B for personality/interview. We will use A for dance appearances and B for interviews/interacting with fans, etc. Unless interview, etc. is some secret part of show group auditions that they just don't show us, the show group dance audition doesn't make sense, because that's not (wholly) what Kelli is basing it on. It just makes it look like the show group auditions are just for the show and Kelli picks who she wants on  -- and therein lies the disconnect. Just pick the team and then announce who will be on show group based on the entire training camp experience, not just one night of dancing and fans will be more understanding who is picked & why (some for dance, some for social skills, etc.).

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7 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

Maybe Madeline didn’t want to be considered for sg 

Good point. They never really show that on MTT. It’s such an incredible honor per TPTB, how would any DCC not want to be on SG (besides Milan)? 😆🤣

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22 hours ago, Lona said:

Team Chandi all day, every day!

I soooo hope she stays another year. Would do so well in leadership and even in the front triangle I think. :)


I like Chandi as well as she's got a great personality, dance style and smile. And yay for her making show group!

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11 minutes ago, Bellisima08 said:

At this point what Gina is doing to make herself so thin (be it dieting, photoshop or using makeup to emphasize her abs/ribs) is not what matters. What matters is that it's overshadowing other things about her such as her talent, her personality and so on and not in a good way. I mean if you look at comments about her in her first two seasons, mostly all of them were focused on her dance ability and how she should be point of the triangle. But for the last two years, the conversation has skewed more towards how skinny she is and concerns for her health. At some point TPTB have to recognize that the focus on Gina is going negative. Now I don't mean negative in a her being unlikable way, but in a way that brings unwanted attention to how they handle the health of the cheerleaders. I hope that makes sense.

Ohhhhh this makes total sense & I hadn’t thought of it that way but you’re right sadly. The overfiltering/dieting is actually having the opposite effect as now we’re focused on how thin she is rather than being an amazing dancer which she is… I hope someone that can influence her or tptb sees your take on her…

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9 hours ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

YES - my point exactly.  They need to put a stop to this, like NOW.

She should not be front and center.  Just my opinion.  She has earned it, but she needs to fix whatever the issue is first.  Hopefully they will get her some help.

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Honestly, showgroup is completely irrelevant nowadays. If you have an appearance, just choose the girls who are available. Kelli goes on and on that they need a team full of smart performers but let's only choose half the squad for this.. 

They would be more wise to choose an ambassador group that can do interactive appearances and USO tours.. rather than "the best dancers".. 

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16 hours ago, Bellisima08 said:

At this point what Gina is doing to make herself so thin (be it dieting, photoshop or using makeup to emphasize her abs/ribs) is not what matters. What matters is that it's overshadowing other things about her such as her talent, her personality and so on and not in a good way. I mean if you look at comments about her in her first two seasons, mostly all of them were focused on her dance ability and how she should be point of the triangle. But for the last two years, the conversation has skewed more towards how skinny she is and concerns for her health. At some point TPTB have to recognize that the focus on Gina is going negative. Now I don't mean negative in a her being unlikable way, but in a way that brings unwanted attention to how they handle the health of the cheerleaders. I hope that makes sense.

Great points! Even if Gina is photoshopping everything, there still is a problem. It would seem that in her mind this is what looks good to her. I'm not a doctor, but I have personal experience with body dysmorphic disorder and it seems much like that.

Edited by Agent Gully
I make a lot more sense later in the day!
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