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S06.E21: Reunion Part 1

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She also blamed Kristen for provoking her, yet even Andy pointed out that all Kristen said was that she didn't want to get involved.

If she cares that much about the language she uses in front of children, then no, Kristen wasn't pushing so hard that it should have provoked that kind of reaction from Aviva. But Kristen was totally butting into something that wasn't her business for screen time. It was definitely like... I don't want to be involved. So don't make me involved, OK? Let's talk about this situation with you and Carole. Don't you feel like you're wrong? But I'm not involved, remember? 


Once Kristen said the children didn't hear the STFU, Aviva should have just said-then this conversation is really irrelevant.  Or is she had to keep chattering she could have mentioned that Kristen takes an action and applies a bunch of what ifs. . . what if the wine glass cut my face and what if I could no longer model.  From the conversation I saw it sounded as if Kristen, either on her own inclination or at that direction of production was suppose to get a rise out of Aviva over the stupid Bookgate situation.

This could be so fun if the women had "coaches" calling plays from the sidelines. They're so bad at arguing. They should just let us do it for them.


Telling some one to "shut the fuck up" hell even telling someone to "shut up" would have had me gathering my children and walking out of there, even if my kids did not hear it. It is rude and dismissive.

Maybe this is generational but I've never seen the big deal about "shut up." Like everything else I think there's a way you can use it that is unambiguously hateful. But for me, I'll use it casually in a joking way or in place of something like "enough." Like, I'm telling you to shut up before I actually get angry.


Aviva is shown mocking Heather's use of slang and profanity, telling her she's not from the ghetto.

Maybe it's because I listen to Watch What Crappens or because I've been watching videos about Snow (of Informer fame) and Iggy Azalea but if Heather were less awkward about it there would be something about her co-opting that slang that would make me uncomfortable. At the moment it just strikes me as ridiculous.


I just think about all those valuable lifestyle brand items from the Catholic Church, the US government, and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Well, actually... Nevermind. Not going to go there.


Did she actually say her JUDGE?  She pays a judge?

 I hope not for her sake. Aren't there laws against that? I kind of got what she was saying. No, they're not all her employees that she has to manage but she does have worry about everything that the people in her life are telling her... and then paying them since most of them seem to be Team Sonja people who work in service jobs of various ranks who are paid to spend time with her. It is depressing. This is the first full season of RHONY that I've watched and before that I really only caught some of the last season. I'm very curious about what Sonja was like when she first appeared on the show.


It's like the boy who cried wolf.

Did anyone find this a weird comparison to make? The story ends with no one believing the boy... when there's an actual wolf. So they're suggesting that one day Aviva will totally be telling the truth about something? What? I don't know.


Eh, I get it.  Not WKing for her at all, but there are plenty of times my husband and I discuss and make a big purchase and call it a gift, either to both or one of us.  It's not really something he can go pick out and give to her in a wrapped package.

I can just imagine Josh presenting Kristen with big bow-bedecked box with two bags of saline in it. Or is it silicone now?


Oh, and I wanted to call out a comment Carole made. I think Andy was the one who asked what would happen if someone who didn't have asthma used an inhaler and Carole piped in with "nothing." Shut up, Carole. You are not a doctor. 


Is heavy blush the new IN thing?    I'm learning all about shading the cheek bones tonight.  Do you shade the lower part or the higher part?

Well, I have been seeing heavy blush used in 80's/90's style (no idea if that's actually accurate) makeup looks in magazines. To me it just recalls high school/community theatre. I keep my blush high, a little higher than the apples of my cheeks and then blended back from there. 


It could have been worse, I guess...at least she didn't name the actual doctor's name, and didn't pull a "word on the street" about Andy's annual physical.

Can someone explain why we're acting like "word on the street" is the silliest thing anyone's ever heard and not a relatively common saying. No, it's not a good justification for the rumors Aviva's been spreading and it's not a defense when she's asked for evidence. But it's not like some cockamamie Dick Tracy phrase that's only used in old noir movies. 


I loved the clip of Andy's response - when I put my private life on national tv, I will answer that for you.  WIN!

Andy is smart enough to play ringleader and smart enough to not do a reality show of his own. But you know they won't learn from that. I read his autobiography. It was on sale at Barnes and Noble. That kind of thing tells me he's willing to talk about his life but in a restricted way that he controls.



I actually don't care how Ramona responds. I just want her business to be put on front street. She can sit there stoic and silent for all I care. I just long for Andy to pull out a newspaper or tabloid and read the allegations. None of that cryptic shit about having problems. Say it is rumored that Mario had an affair, took the heffa to your Hamptons home and knocked her up.

Funny how the admitted no filter having succubus suddenly wants to slap a gag order on anyone mentioning her personal business. No one owes her shit regarding her privacy.

Yup. She better not be able to shut down the conversation. She doesn't need to respond. But all the other women should get a chance to weigh in. I did not sit through this whole season just to talk about George and Bookgate again.

  • Love 2

Did anyone find this a weird comparison to make? The story ends with no one believing the boy... when there's an actual wolf. So they're suggesting that one day Aviva will totally be telling the truth about something? What? I don't know.

That was LuAnn's point. She felt that Aviva probably does have asthma, but was explaining to her that no one believes her because of all her friggin' lies.

  • Love 14

Aviva bores me and is just plaine unlikeable. She was saying she can't shut her father down and that she can't control him. And we don't choose our parents.

Luann made a great point,and says "but you can choose where you take them." Bingo!

Aviva feeds off the ugly attention her father gets. And that is creepy weird.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

Yup. She better not be able to shut down the conversation. She doesn't need to respond. But all the other women should get a chance to weigh in. I did not sit through this whole season just to talk about George and Bookgate again.

Oh, I have no doubt that after she says "I want it shut down", she will get her way. No doubt whatsoever. Sadly. Because even if the situation is really sad, even if no one should have to go through that sort of storm privately or publicly, it's Ramona. I didn't hope for that to happen to her but now that it has, I want her to have her nose put into her shit really, really, really badly. Not rub the scandal in her face, she suffered enough about that but to point out her hypocrisy.


I hope someone* stoops to the level of crap she displayed through the years with her castmates for her to feel every ounce of humilation she imposed on the other women. I want it to sting. I want her to choke on the halo she puts on her head when she's throwing shade at the other women's marriages, evoking without any remorse, events happening behind the scenes. Even if every bit of the things she said was true, I want Ramona to feel how it is to be exposed to somebody like her pointing everything you do wrong. We will see if she thinks being an unfiltered so-called-truth teller is such a quality in life after all. 


*too bad it won't be Aviva because Ramona being her only ally. She's the kind to stoop to any level and I couldn't think less about her if she does. Part of me hopes that the other women are too classy to do that. But the part of me wanting they'll do it speaks loudly at this time.

  • Love 12

Oh, I have no doubt that after she says "I want it shut down", she will get her way. No doubt whatsoever. Sadly. Because even if the situation is really sad, even if no one should have to go through that sort of storm privately or publicly, it's Ramona. I didn't hope for that to happen to her but now that it has, I want her to have her nose put into her shit really, really, really badly. Not rub the scandal in her face, she suffered enough about that but to point out her hypocrisy.

I hope someone* stoops to the level of crap she displayed through the years with her castmates for her to feel every ounce of humilation she imposed on the other women. I want it to sting. I want her to choke on the halo she puts on her head when she's throwing shade at the other women's marriages, evoking without any remorse, events happening behind the scenes. Even if every bit of the things she said was true, I want Ramona to feel how it is to be exposed to somebody like her pointing everything you do wrong. We will see if she thinks being an unfiltered so-called-truth teller is such a quality in life after all.

*too bad it won't be Aviva because Ramona being her only ally. She's the kind to stoop to any level and I couldn't think less about her if she does. Part of me hopes that the other women are too classy to do that. But the part of me wanting they'll do it speaks loudly at this time.

This is a great post.

Someone upthread asked what we wanted Ramona to say about the affair. And its not that I want her to say anything. It's that I wish she could finally see how she took great pleasure in others pain and thought nothing of it. And acknowledg what a real shit she was to other people. And that she understands how hurtful it was to put shit out there about others lives, just so she could feel above them.

Since, I know that won't happen, watching her squirm will work for me.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 13

Aviva bores me and is just plaine unlikeable. She was saying she can't shut her father down and that she can't control him. And we don't choose our parents.

Luann made a great point,and says "but you can choose where you take them." Bingo!

Aviva feeds off the ugly attention her father gets. And that is creepy weird.

I probably agree about feeding off the ugly attention, but I think she used him primarily for the storyline. She loved introducing us to her "zany, always-dating, always-has-sex-on-his-mind," father and engaging in so many what are you gonna do, rolling-her-eyes TH's about him. I don't think she ever thought he would be such a disgusting turn-off.

  • Love 5

I usually find Alex's commentary interesting, but have never found it to be any more insightful or revealing than educated speculation- a moderate fan who reads articles on Radar could draw the same conclusions. But this is the first that I'm hearing about Eileen Davidson joining Beverly Hills, and I'm completely psyched- the news is enough to get me to watch the new season, and I had originally decided to pass since Brandi and Yolanda were invited back.


It's not that I earnestly like Aviva (although choosing between her and LuAnn to interact with in a superficially social context would be a no-brainer for me compared to the rest of the ladies), but I don't find her especially egregious compared to the other women (they're all unappealing to me). Case in point: her head-rolling and invocation of the slang term "ghetto" is racist, but Heather's gesticulating and use of urban vernacular isn't? To be clear, I find Heather's shifts between linguistic patterns to be unnatural and ersatz- even if code-switching is a sociological phenomenon, I think her strategies of speech are variant enough to have at least been conscious decisions when she first adopted them. Her talking heads are completely distinct from how she articulates herself In certain one-on-one interactions. And when she's angry, she drops g's more pronouncedly, mangles her grammar, and becomes more theatrical in her gestures. "Don't tell me nothin', you fuckin' fucker!" So I'm of the opinion that she is definitively and deliberately utilizing language and patois as tools to appear more menacing. And to me, that's Aviva's point. MMV, but I don't think Aviva's mockery of Heather is any more reliant on racism, bigotry, or stereotypes than Heather's code-switching in and of itself.


This reminds me of the reaction to Aviva's, "what, are you lovers or something?" remark to Heather earlier this season. There was nothing homophobic about that to me. It wasn't analogous to "what, are you lesbians/gay or something?" from my view. She was highlighting the fact that Heather had been devoted to Carole to the extent that she literally commandeered Aviva's disagreement with the Princess and tried to eject her from a house that she didn't even own, not ridiculing homosexuality.


As for the Rush Limbaugh name-check, she was emphasizing his insincerity as a analogy. . .  but then I'm just impressed any time a Wife references any book or cultural or political figure, because such allusions are so few and far between.

So the way that Heather speaks in her THs is being used as evidence of...something. Isn't the point that she speaks differently in different situations? Like, what she said when she was pissed and angry at Aviva and her sidekick, Mindy, will, of course, come out differently than when she's being asked to speak in an at-home interview about something that happened months prior. And how she greets Carole when she's happy to see her ("Hey, mama!") will not be how she speaks when she's doing her THs.

  • Love 4

I do think Luann has loosened up. But she has no storyline. It is unusual for a RH, with one adult child and one 17 year old, to not involve her children. I really liked Lu Ann's children. For LuAnn to get to the top of the heap she has to give us something personal. Not a luncheon with a Hollywood gossip columnist and a party where she shut it down and ran around talking about fruit tarts. Maybe they need to take LuAnn's story to France or someplace she spends her time. She has rented her Hampton's home so why is it we didn't see her NYC home?

Ramona is a mainstay. Unfiltered and rude but she now has a restaurant. I really don't ever want to see LuAnn attempt another intervention on anyone. At some point one should be allowed to walk away. This has been a season of Ramona on the receiving end of some pretty petty attacks. Let her have her marriage to Mario. These ladies can't have it both ways and claim how important their marriage is and dismiss Ramona's marriage. Gee why hasn't Carole intervened with her oh so worldly ways and talked about how her Aunt Jacqueline never publicly discussed either of her husband's infidelities? Carole didn't hesitate to put her two cents worth in on RFK Jr's wife but biy could she talk a good game about her boyfriend who she claimed they weren't exclusive until after they broke up.

Can LuAnn, Ramona and Sonja ever film together again and will it be believable?

Actually, what would be unheard of is for us to see much family stuff at all from a "friend of", which is what Lu is. I don't remember seeing much of anything of the homes of other "friends of" either. We don't know much about a lot of things, but we know that Lu was demoted. We know a lot of her stuff was left on the cutting room floor. It is hard to judge her for that, since we have no idea what that footage looked like. Since we only see about 5% of what is filmed, I don't think it is fair to condemn any of them for not having a story. Their story is what Bravo decides to show us. For some reason Bravo thought we would enjoy seeing an awful lot of Kristen and Josh fighting. To me her story line was the most boring of all, but probably no one got more camera time than Kristen did - to the extent that I don't remember any newbie (save for Shannon on the OC) having done before.

I don't remember Ramona being on the receiving end of any petty attacks. I remember Ramona serving up some petty attacks, however. Actually, save for the intervention, which was brought on by Ramona's awfulness, the ladies pretty much just let Ramona be. Sure, they snarked on her during the TH's, but who really went after Ramona? Carole, Lu, Heather, Aviva? Not that I remember. She had issues with Kristen, but they made up fairly easily. Actually, the harshest words said to Ramona this year were said by Sonja. I think that Ramona is such a joke at this point that they just roll their eyes like I do to my crazy right-wing, homophobic, racist, 90 year old grandfather. He is so pathetic in his misery that we no longer bother to engage with him, but pat him on the head and go on about our business. That is pretty much what they did with Ramona this year. They let her wear the crown as the best hostess in NY/Montana, the gal who had the husband who could light up a room just by entering, the gal who was married to a guy who had the nerve to sing on open mic night. They let her have all that, but they were all thinking that she might be a good hostess but is the most horrible guest. That her husband may command attention when he enters a room, mainly because he is known to fuck around. That he might sing love songs in public, but he is not singing them to Ramona, but to some skank he banged in her summer home. They didn't say any of these things during the season. I hope they say them all at the reunion.

With regard to whether or not they can film together in the future, I cannot imagine why not. Unless Ramona cannot handle it. Certainly Lu has had much worse thrown at her, not just about her marriage, but also about being a mother. She was able to let it go, but Ramona is no Lu, and she might not be able to look past this.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 5
but I do worry for Sonja and would love to see her well and happy. It can feel yucky to be entertained by this kind of craziness.  I wish old man Morgan would step in, as the father of her young daughter, and take Sonja in hand -- offer her some real help and insist that she follow through.



I don't feel sorry for Sonja at all.  I don't even think she's mentally ill.  I think her pride is getting to her.  Sonja knows the truth, that she's no longer young and cute, but she refuses to accept it, because accepting it would mean that she has to do something with her life.  It's much easier for her to play "Lady Morgan" and lord over her interns than for her to face facts.

  • Love 8

If she cares that much about the language she uses in front of children, then no, Kristen wasn't pushing so hard that it should have provoked that kind of reaction from Aviva. But Kristen was totally butting into something that wasn't her business for screen time. It was definitely like... I don't want to be involved. So don't make me involved, OK? Let's talk about this situation with you and Carole. Don't you feel like you're wrong? But I'm not involved, remember?

This could be so fun if the women had "coaches" calling plays from the sidelines. They're so bad at arguing. They should just let us do it for them.

Maybe this is generational but I've never seen the big deal about "shut up." Like everything else I think there's a way you can use it that is unambiguously hateful. But for me, I'll use it casually in a joking way or in place of something like "enough." Like, I'm telling you to shut up before I actually get angry.

Maybe it's because I listen to Watch What Crappens or because I've been watching videos about Snow (of Informer fame) and Iggy Azalea but if Heather were less awkward about it there would be something about her co-opting that slang that would make me uncomfortable. At the moment it just strikes me as ridiculous.

If I'm joking around with friends and say "oh shut up" or even "shut the fuck up" nope not a big deal.

If I am having a serious conversation with someone, and they tell me to "shut up!" or "shut the fuck up!"

Yeah, it's a big deal IMO. As I said before it's rude and dismissive. I don't know what generation you are from but, I'm 40 so I don't consider my self old....well maybe to a 20 year old but whatever :)

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 4

I guess we have to agree to disagree.  Carole's sense of humor makes me believe she finds her title amusing and probably put it up to give her guests a laugh. She doesn't have to tell people not to call her Princess because no one ever does.  She only jokes about it with friends, and we don't even see that happen very often, unlike Luann, who made sure service people knew she was a Countess and treated her like one.  I mean, the woman took it seriously, but Carole takes it for what its worth....absolutely nothing. 


I don't believe that to be true.  I don't have a problem with it, but it seems that Carole likes to use the title while pretending she doesn't care about it.  "Princess" was used in her tagline all last season.  Every viewer was reminded of her princess title every episode, so she didn't have to use it.  I'm not in Carole's age bracket, but people back in the day knew about it due to her famous connections and book and now anyone who didn't know became aware due to her reintroduction.  In American society, I think we are conditioned to try to use whatever we have to stand out, feel special and or one-up the next person.  


I judge table flipping, etc. on RHONJ as showboating (all talk and no action) not like Apollo's "physicality" Peter jumping in -- Candi totally furious--almost losing it. Those people were not play acting-- as in Kenya's friend ?Brandon's broken ribs.


Sorry, I don't know how to "re-quote" the first part.

I don't understand the double standard -- perhaps you weren't carefully watching RHoNJ.  At the christening, there was a real fight physical fight and Joe Gorga and Joe Guidice also fought last season.  Jacqueline's daughter also pulled hair out of Danielle Staub's head.  I didn't watch Miami, but from my understanding someone was slapped.  Tamra from OC threw wine in someone's face.  Even on New York, Ramona assaulted Kristen and drew blood.  I don't care how Ramona tries to downplay it, it was terrible.  Kristen should have had her arrested.  If someone throws something at me and draws blood, I am not going to let it go.  Avivia didn't have to reference ATL for anything when other franchises have had terrible behavior.  Avivia is suspect.  When Ramona appeared on Bethenny, she said ATL "scares" her because of the fighting, yet she knew she had drawn blood from Kristen before the show aired.  What a bunch of delusional hypocrites some of these women are.  Ramona doesn't think it's scary to be left bloody after having an object thrown at one's face?

Edited by Talented Tenth
  • Love 7

So the way that Heather speaks in her THs is being used as evidence of...something. Isn't the point that she speaks differently in different situations? Like, what she said when she was pissed and angry at Aviva and her sidekick, Mindy, will, of course, come out differently than when she's being asked to speak in an at-home interview about something that happened months prior. And how she greets Carole when she's happy to see her ("Hey, mama!") will not be how she speaks when she's doing her THs.



I agree, I don't understand this issue with Heather "switching" the way she talks, I thought this was something everyone does!  It's kind of like Luann at the piano bar with Ramona, when she got pissed and told Ramona 'shut your face, you cow'.  Is that the way Luann speaks in her proper and lady like talking heads?  Or does she speak that was at a luncheon or at a party?  No, she was pissed and she let loose.  I see the same with Heather.  She got pissed at Aviva/Saggy Tits (Monica?  Mona?) and she let loose.  This seems like much ado about nothing to me, motherfucker! (or should I say, muthafucka!!)

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 9

Oh, I have no doubt that after she says "I want it shut down", she will get her way. No doubt whatsoever. Sadly. Because even if the situation is really sad, even if no one should have to go through that sort of storm privately or publicly, it's Ramona. I didn't hope for that to happen to her but now that it has, I want her to have her nose put into her shit really, really, really badly. Not rub the scandal in her face, she suffered enough about that but to point out her hypocrisy.


I hope someone* stoops to the level of crap she displayed through the years with her castmates for her to feel every ounce of humilation she imposed on the other women. I want it to sting. I want her to choke on the halo she puts on her head when she's throwing shade at the other women's marriages, evoking without any remorse, events happening behind the scenes. Even if every bit of the things she said was true, I want Ramona to feel how it is to be exposed to somebody like her pointing everything you do wrong. We will see if she thinks being an unfiltered so-called-truth teller is such a quality in life after all. 



I've watched every episode and I don't believe Ramona deserves what you suggest . True, she has no filter or social graces but, I don't think she means to be mean. The talk about Luann's marriage was brought up because she was knowingly portraying a lie. The shit about her mothering was spot on too. Luann didn't want to be bothered with her kids. She didn't want to raise them. We all called it too. The whole thing with Bethanny on the bridge was good advice. It was tough love and 100% spot on. She didn't say it to be mean but, to warn her. Bethanny should have listened.

It seems the audience is very persuaded by the editing. Luann is no different than she ever was. She is just being edited differently

  • Love 7

Isn't because of the knockdown-drag-outs on RHOA that it is the most watched ho show?  And, I didn't even mention Porsha going after Kenya.  Slapping or throwing wine just doesn't seem to be as seriously dramatic.  I don't believe there is anything racist about it.  Do we have to manufacture "racist" when it really does not apply?

Edited by 1keyskat
  • Love 1

I agree, I don't understand this issue with Heather "switching" the way she talks, I thought this was something everyone does! It's kind of like Luann at the piano bar with Ramona, when she got pissed and told Ramona 'shut your face, you cow'. Is that the way Luann speaks in her proper and lady like talking heads? Or does she speak that was at a luncheon or at a party? No, she was pissed and she let loose. I see the same with Heather. She got pissed at Aviva/Saggy Tits (Monica? Mona?) and she let loose. This seems like much ado about nothing to me, motherfucker! (or should I say, muthafucka!!)

It is one of the more baffling things I have read this season. Is it unusual for folks to slightly switch their style of communication depending on their audience, or with how comfortable they feel with the person they are speaking with? This is huge news to me. As I travel back home from my company's national sales meeting, I have spent the last 5 days being the person I am at work, which is a little more polished and politically correct that I am in real life. I didn't call a single person a dickwad or an asshole, which I do 10 times a day back home in Michigan. My vernacular is very different when I am around people that need to hear a different vernacular to trust that I am capable of handling my business in the manner that they think it should be handled. Trust me when I say there is not a person I work with that would believe I am a gal who not only watches any of these HW shows, let alone posts comments on forums. Most people I know alter their communication depending on their audience to an extent. Those that don't would probably be called Ramona. Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 8

I was actually glad they did particularly because last season he got the "isn't a horny old man cute?' treatment. This reunion it was refreshing to see everyone, including Aviva, talk about how disgusting he is. However, Aviva could easily tell her dad to "STFU" and for some reason she refuses to do so as if he has some sort of weird hold over her beyond just being her dad.

I saw shades of Kandi and her mother on RHOA. Mama Joyce never sexually assaulted anyone, but she's vile and terrible and Kandi refused to acknowledge or discuss it because she's her mother. Bullshit, I say. But some adult children are like that with their parents. Aviva probably feels she owes it to the man who took care of her to not judge or lecture him.

  • Love 1


I don't believe that to be true.  I don't have a problem with it, but it seems that Carole likes to use the title while pretending she doesn't care about it.  "Princess" was used in her tagline all last season.

The women don't choose their tag lines though. They record a bunch of different ones and the producers decide which line to go with for the final cut.


I've watched every episode and I don't believe Ramona deserves what you suggest . True, she has no filter or social graces but, I don't think she means to be mean. The talk about Luann's marriage was brought up because she was knowingly portraying a lie. The shit about her mothering was spot on too. Luann didn't want to be bothered with her kids. She didn't want to raise them. We all called it too. The whole thing with Bethanny on the bridge was good advice. It was tough love and 100% spot on. She didn't say it to be mean but, to warn her. Bethanny should have listened.

It seems the audience is very persuaded by the editing. Luann is no different than she ever was. She is just being edited differently

Ramona's excuse is always that she is telling the truth. She reminds me so much of Vicki on the OC show. In what world is it OK to hurt someone just because the words are true? I don't give a frogs fat ass if she means to be hurtful or not; she is. She has been since the first season and continues in the same vein. If she doesn't realize that it is hurtful to look someone in the face - someone who is crying - and tell them that they are a terrible hostess, than she is too dumb to live.

But really, if it is all about telling the truth, then let the gals have at it. If Ramona thinks the truth will set you free, then the gals should all feel free to mention the truth - which is that Ramona filed for divorce from Mario. This wasn't a tabloid rumor like so many things Ramona shoots out of her ass. It isn't gossip. It is the truth and since she is all about the truth, let's have at it. They should feel free to reveal whatever other "truths" they know. Maybe they know someone else Mario was fucking. Maybe he hit on one of them or a friend? Go for it ladies. If it's the truth, it's Okay and Ramona won't mind.

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 11

Isn't because of the knockdown-drag-outs on RHOA that it is the most watched ho show? And, I didn't even mention Porsha going after Kenya. Slapping or throwing wine just doesn't seem to be as seriously dramatic. I don't believe there is anything racist about it. Do we have to manufacture "racist" when it really does not apply?

IMO the Atlanta show is most popular because it draws in both people of color who might not watch other HW shows and all of the HW fans. So double the audience. And this is why I have always thought that the HW shows should have more diversity.

After all it's not like RHOA are brawling every episode.

  • Love 3

The problem with the "Karma is a bitch" thing that LuAnn said and that others agree to is that karma isn't out there looking for folks who have upset you.  Not only your enemies reap what they sow.  You do, too.  And none of the Housewives have clean hands, including LuAnn, who has been vicious with quite a few of her counterparts, as well as smug, snotty and condescending and lied about the state of her marriage.  So while maybe Ramona's chickens have come home to roost to some degree, maybe LuAnn's are, too, and maybe the entire flock hasn't returned yet.  Folks need to be really careful about wishing that others get their just desserts.  You might not want to have to eat your own shit sandwich.

  • Love 7

Ramona's excuse is always that she is telling the truth. She reminds me so much of Vicki on the OC show. In what world is it OK to hurt someone just because the words are true? I don't give a frogs fat ass if she means to be hurtful or not; she is. She has been since the first season and continues in the same vein. If she doesn't realize that it is hurtful to look someone in the face - someone who is crying - and tell them that they are a terrible hostess, than she is too dumb to live.

But really, if it is all about telling the truth, then let the gals have at it. If Ramona thinks the truth will set you free, then the gals should all feel free to mention the truth - which is that Ramona filed for divorce from Mario. This wasn't a tabloid rumor like so many things Ramona shoots out of her ass. It isn't gossip. It is the truth and since she is all about the truth, let's have at it. They should feel free to reveal whatever other "truths" they know. Maybe they know someone else Mario was fucking. Maybe he hit on one of them or a friend? Go for it ladies. If it's the truth, it's Okay and Ramona won't mind.


This.  It's about time that Ramona got hit with her own 'truth cannon' so to speak.  I am tired of her nasty, hateful mouth. 

  • Love 7

IMO the Atlanta show is most popular because it draws in both people of color who might not watch other HW shows and all of the HW fans. So double the audience. And this is why I have always thought that the HW shows should have more diversity.

After all it's not like RHOA are brawling every episode.

So true.  I agree the HW shows should have more diversity.

  • Love 4

Would we watch if they were all perfectly behaved all the time? I just don't think Ramona is any more nasty than the others, she is just one of those people who speaks before she thinks. I don't see her as Machiavellian like Tamara. Just clueless, like Vicky.


I don't have a problem with the others commenting on her marriage. It's the reveling in her misfortune that bothers me.

Edited by Higgins
  • Love 3

Aviva is bat sh!t crazy, please get rid of her and her lecherous father. Get rid of Kristen too.  Sonja IS delusional, she goes on and on about yachts, houses overseas, etc. yet lives in a run down place with holes in the wall, no running water???  Hope LuAnn is a permanent cast member next season, IF there is a next season.  Ramona is cray cray, telling Andy to not ask questions about her marriage, etc.  I'd tell her to answer the questions or leave the reunion. 

  • Love 1

I just don't think Ramona is any more nasty than the others, she is just one of those people who speaks before she thinks.



Maybe, I mean, I know she likes to claim this, but does it really fucking matter to me?  No.  Ramona sees fit to voice every mean, nasty thought that comes into her head and then claim she's just 'telling the truth' or that she's "unfiltered" or 'speaks before she thinks' as if that gives her a pass.  I am certainly guilty of saying inappropriate things or speaking first and thinking later, but this is something that I try to moderate and if I ever said something hurtful, I stew about it for all eternity (seriously, I feel guilty for things I said years, even decades ago).  I think Ramona relishes in her hateful, unfiltered mouth and she uses it to feel powerful and above people.  So yeah, I am going to relish in her getting knocked down a couple of pegs....and when it's my turn to eat my own shit sandwich, (unlike Ramona) I will put on my big girl panties and start chomping.   

Edited by shoegal
  • Love 6
I loved all of Luann's side comments and little digs.  They were all well deserved.



I was surprised by LuAnn's, um, vigor given her performances on past reunions. But she's taken a lot of hits this season, particularly from Sonja (not just on air, but in her blogs). I don't blame her for letting it all fly, although I did think her butting in to point out that the Beales (Grey Gardens) were mentally ill went a bit too far.


If Ramona thinks the truth will set you free, then the gals should all feel free to mention the truth - which is that Ramona filed for divorce from Mario.



If it didn't happen on the show (or wasn't mentioned on the show), then I don't think it's really fair game for the Reunion.

  • Love 1
I know Aviva can't control his behavior, but she can and should control who is exposed to this crap.



I found it very interesting that Aviva is the one who "outed" her dad's alleged threesome with Miss America. She very deliberately asked "Heather, can I send you a text message?" Right there, that was pretty weird, considering how she feels about Heather…and why send it to HEATHER, whom she's no longer friendly with, rather than Ramona, who is also sitting there and with whom she's on friendly terms? That made no sense to me. I think she knew it would get a bigger reaction from Heather, and that Heather would also be more inclined to believe it.


If she were really and truly embarrassed by her dad, she would have said nothing. Please.


Totally with Heather on "why plan an engagement party at the Museum of Sex? You're just encouraging him." I think Aviva's been very calculating about the way she's used her dad. 

  • Love 5

I remember reading, before Aviva was on the show, that her sister in law (Fran Drescher) had said it wasn't a good idea for Veevs to be on TV. At the time I thought it was because reality tv can be horrible for families and kids who are on it. But now? Apparently Fran knew Veevs was a fruit loop and a nasty one at that..Should have listened Veevs.

I'm Team Left Couch! Go LuAnne...You rock....

The right couch is like the Land of Misfit Toys..They were cute and fun when they were new but now the tarnish is showing and there left in the toy box and no one wants to play with them.

  • Love 4

I was surprised by LuAnn's, um, vigor given her performances on past reunions. But she's taken a lot of hits this season, particularly from Sonja (not just on air, but in her blogs). I don't blame her for letting it all fly, although I did think her butting in to point out that the Beales (Grey Gardens) were mentally ill went a bit too far.



If it didn't happen on the show (or wasn't mentioned on the show), then I don't think it's really fair game for the Reunion.

Ordinarily I would agree with this, but not in this instance. Was the fact that Lu and the Count supposedly had an open marriage ever part of the show? Not that I am aware, yet Ramona felt fine in going there. She seemed to enjoy humiliating Lu. Based on rumors. That most of the audience was unaware of at the time. Ramona's deal was no rumor. Oh, maybe the part about him cheating, who knows? The part about her obtaining legal representation and filing legal documents to dump his ass is a matter of public record. If Ramona can address a rumor, others can address a matter of fact.

The funny part about all of this is that the gals said during the first season that they made a pact. They would say nothing on camera that could potentially negatively impact the children or careers of another HW. This is why Lu was so outraged at Ramona. It has been said that Ramona is the first one to violate their pact. Now it comes back to bite her in the ass and she wants to change the rules. Too late Crazy Eyes.

  • Love 11

Maybe he hit on one of them or a friend? Go for it ladies. If it's the truth, it's Okay and Ramona won't mind.

Jill! Wasn't there a story about him hitting on Jill? (Just typing that made me laugh.) If the story was printed somewhere it had to be true, right? Please, ladies, discuss it! I would love to see Ramona's reaction to that.  

  • Love 2

The problem with the "Karma is a bitch" thing that LuAnn said and that others agree to is that karma isn't out there looking for folks who have upset you.  Not only your enemies reap what they sow.  You do, too.  And none of the Housewives have clean hands, including LuAnn, who has been vicious with quite a few of her counterparts, as well as smug, snotty and condescending and lied about the state of her marriage.  So while maybe Ramona's chickens have come home to roost to some degree, maybe LuAnn's are, too, and maybe the entire flock hasn't returned yet.  Folks need to be really careful about wishing that others get their just desserts.  You might not want to have to eat your own shit sandwich.

I don't think they were waiting or wishing for something like Mario cheating on her but really, the women just had to wait for Ramona's turn to be the "shady" one because characters get assinated or redeemed each season thanks to the storylines PTB want to push. That's reality tv karma for you. They all signed and are payed to eat that shit sandwich when Bravo decides it's time for it to be served during the show or at the reunion. Everyone of them knows that. 


LuAnn ate hers. Jill ate hers. Alex ate hers. Sonja doesn't begin to understand that it's not sushi on her plate. Heather smells that her amuse-bouche have been served with the bossy edit. Aviva asked for a refill because shit sandwiches smell like tabloids or something.

(Bon appétit everyone !)


If Ramona doesn't like the taste of it (understandably so), she can leave the table and renounce to her, at least, 420K a season and regain the right to privacy she denied her castmates and control use of her image.


If it didn't happen on the show (or wasn't mentioned on the show), then I don't think it's really fair game for the Reunion.


Ramona's family life is a fundamental part of her storylines. It's fair game to ask about the state of it when its crumble was so public. She has the right to tell them to fuck off which makes her, IMO, an hypocrit.

If she's intelligent, she just says "it's been hard, thank you very much for your concern Andy, thank you very much for your support everyone, we are working on it. For that reason, I would like you to respect my family wishes and not further comment on that issue but again, thank you for enquiring about us" with a big sad smile. The big sad smile is important for the empathy factor. If the other women and Andy dwell on that, don't divashout your outrage just rince and repeat. That makes them the dickish ones not her.

From the first look, it will not go like that. Surprise ! 


(seriously, I feel guilty for things I said years, even decades ago).


Ohh, me too ! Hahaha ! Aren't we cute with our ulceres over things people probably don't think about anymore ?!

  • Love 3

I don't think they were waiting or wishing for something like Mario cheating on her but really, the women just had to wait for Ramona's turn to be the "shady" one because characters get assinated or redeemed each season thanks to the storylines PTB want to push. That's reality tv karma for you. They all signed and are payed to eat that shit sandwich when Bravo decides it's time for it to be served during the show or at the reunion. Everyone of them knows that. 


LuAnn ate hers. Jill ate hers. Alex ate hers. Sonja doesn't begin to understand that it's not sushi on her plate. Heather smells that her amuse-bouche have been served with the bossy edit. Aviva asked for a refill because shit sandwiches smell like tabloids or something.

(Bon appétit everyone !)


If Ramona doesn't like the taste of it (understandably so), she can leave the table and renounce to her, at least, 420K a season and regain the right to privacy she denied her castmates and control use of her image.


I have to register my love for how you continued on with the "shit sandwich" metaphor.  I laughed right out loud at this.


I think it's totally fair that the others press Ramona because she pressed them when their personal lives came up.  I just think the idea that Ramona is getting what she deserves and relishing it with glee is gonna turn around and bite them all in their respective asses.  Which admittedly will be fun to watch.

  • Love 2

To me it doesn't matter what Ramona's intention is - she says hurtful shit and then gets mad when other people say hurtful shit back. And her reasoning that she doesn't have a filter so she can't be held responsible is BS.

So far in the reunion, she has called LuAnn a drag queen and called her LouMan. I hope LuAnn gets in a few digs of her own and just says she has no filter either.

  • Love 4

*too bad it won't be Aviva because Ramona being her only ally. She's the kind to stoop to any level and I couldn't think less about her if she does. Part of me hopes that the other women are too classy to do that. But the part of me wanting they'll do it speaks loudly at this time.

I think you hit on the real reason behind Ramona's renewed love for Aviva. Sure, Aviva sucked up her ass, and yes, Ramona seems to move on fairly easily, but I do think there is a bit of keeping her friends close and enemies closer. Had they not been friendly, you just know at some point Aviva would have gone for the jugular and revealed the word on the street. Weren't the tabloids writing about the affair when they were filming?

  • Love 1

Maybe, I mean, I know she likes to claim this, but does it really fucking matter to me? No. Ramona sees fit to voice every mean, nasty thought that comes into her head and then claim she's just 'telling the truth' or that she's "unfiltered" or 'speaks before she thinks' as if that gives her a pass. I am certainly guilty of saying inappropriate things or speaking first and thinking later, but this is something that I try to moderate and if I ever said something hurtful, I stew about it for all eternity (seriously, I feel guilty for things I said years, even decades ago). I think Ramona relishes in her hateful, unfiltered mouth and she uses it to feel powerful and above people. So yeah, I am going to relish in her getting knocked down a couple of pegs....and when it's my turn to eat my own shit sandwich, (unlike Ramona) I will put on my big girl panties and start chomping.

Yes, Amen, Word, This, etc x 1000! I can't believe anyone could think that Ramona doesn't mean to be mean with her comments. She absolutely revels in it. The whole "I just say what I think, I speak before I think, I'm just being honest, I have no filter" act is just an excuse to be a complete bitch. She could hardly contain her glee when she was comparing Heather's "weak" husband to Mario. She basically had a hard on when she went in on Luann about not wanting to sing because she didn't have autotune and Heather was better than her. And let's not forget calling Luann a "weekend mom". And she absolutely meant to be cruel when she said that. Meanwhile, Avery was complaining she never saw her parents and ate dinner alone. And we saw Ramona put Avery in a cab to go home alone because Ramona got an invite to a Perez Hilton party. I remember she also threw a lot of shade to Luann about the Count's age and was bragging about how young and hot Mario looked. She has absolutely LOVED comparing her "hot" husband to the other husbands all these years.

And you know what? If that's just who she is, fine. But now it's time for her to bend over and get her spanking. Just take it like a big girl. What is infuriating is when she wants to shut down all conversation about it and be in denial. "Allegations"? He got the bitch pregnant! She just looks like a fool saying that. And she can't play the "I'm protecting my child" card because she has never cared about how her words could hurt anyone else's children. She has had this coming and she needs to be a big girl and take it.

  • Love 13



If I'm joking around with friends and say "oh shut up" or even "shut the fuck up" nope not a big deal.

If I am having a serious conversation with someone, and they tell me to "shut up!" or "shut the fuck up!"

Yeah, it's a big deal IMO. As I said before it's rude and dismissive. I don't know what generation you are from but, I'm 40 so I don't consider my self old....well maybe to a 20 year old but whatever :)

I guess it's a threshold thing for me. "Shut up" is the threshold between "stop" and "enough" and me cursing and either feeling horribly angry or depressed. It's not something I toss out casually unless I'm joking but if someone is pushing me,  it's something I'll say before I hit my breaking point. It's not something I would toss out casually in a formal setting but for me, I hope it's something sharp enough to bring the person aggravating me back to reality without offending them.


Most people I know alter their communication depending on their audience to an extent. Those that don't would probably be called Ramona.

The Heather thing is awkward because I don't want to get into a whole conversation on ebonics and Iggy Azalea and other assorted issues. But yeah, no sympathy for Ramona. I'm very conscious about the language I use. Yeah, you could drop "truth bombs" on people or you recognize that your opinion could be hurtful or unnecessary and keep things to yourself.

  • Love 2

I'm looking forward to Ramona getting some comeuppance in the next two segments of the reunion. She's become so full of herself over the years and it is reflected in her attitude towards someone like Kristin. Ramona really fancies herself The Grand Dame of RHONY at this point. It seems that her fundamental problem with Kristin as "the new girl" is that Kristin didn't bow down and kiss Ramona's ring/ass. Now, Kristin has her own irritating qualities, but Ramona didn't seem to latch on anything specific, rather "who does this woman think she is/doesn't she know who I am?" Seriously lady. You're on a reality show.

In the same vein, Ramona has always been so unbelievably smug when it comes to Mario. He's so hot. He can't keep his hands off me. We have such a great marriage. She went after Lu before over the "open marriage" allegations and had no problem tweeting about Lu's kids a few years ago. Karma's a bitch.

  • Love 9

So Moaner thought Lu was a drag queen when she first met her?  Nice, Moaner.  Get her, Lu!  Embarrass & humiliate the fuckety fuck right outta that smug twat.  Next up will be Kyle on BH when they finally catch Mauricio with 800 tranny hookers.  Damn, if these producers were really on their game they'd have some vids of Mario croaking "Effortless" to the skank.


Nah, Moaner ain't gonna admit shit.  Everything is just all fine & dandy with her family.  Ah, Moaner -- welcome, hun -- to Sonja's world of made up crap, babble & nonsense.  Have fun there, sweetie!  Guess that's the world where Mario hasn't been banging some skank chick 50 years younger than her in right her bed.  And it's where Sonja has that ginormous yacht.  Oh, and it's also where Aviva is a nice person & Shannon has an awesome marriage.  Oy, I think I'll avoid that world, thanks.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 8

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