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The View: Week of 5/31/2021

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I really appreciate Sunny again trying to point out that being against the actions of the current political administration in Israel is not necessarily being anti-Semitic and that because a people was oppressed in the past doesn't mean that they can get a free pass on what they do today. The one-dimensional reaction of Anti-Semitism! is not helping Israel. (And thank you Joy for referencing Viktor Orban.)

Chris Matthews is creepy. I can totally see him making remarks backstage that he thinks is flirting but are really inappropriate..

26 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Sunny's right again. They need an expert on the conflict if they're going to talk about it regularly.

I would love to see Paul Rogers, emeritus professor of Peace Studies, on the show but I think only Sunny, Joy and Sara would be able to talk with him. And I doubt that he would do the obligatory praise of John McCain as Mathews did.

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27 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

Chris Matthews is creepy. I can totally see him making remarks backstage that he thinks is flirting but are really inappropriate.

Agreed. I also think his "decision to retire" was more of a get out before he could be fired/go through an ethics probe, but whatever. I'm glad Joy and Sunny didn't give him a pass.

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8 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I really appreciate Sunny again trying to point out that being against the actions of the current political administration in Israel is not necessarily being anti-Semitic and that because a people was oppressed in the past doesn't mean that they can get a free pass on what they do today. The one-dimensional reaction of Anti-Semitism! is not helping Israel. (And thank you Joy for referencing Viktor Orban.)

Yes.  Thank you for the context Sunny.   In full context, the quote had a very different meaning than what MM ranted over.   By equating critique of Israeli politics to actual hate crimes against Jews.   She is playing a very dangerous game.  


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17 minutes ago, After7Only said:

Yes.  Thank you for the context Sunny.   In full context, the quote had a very different meaning than what MM ranted over.   By equating critique of Israeli politics to actual hate crimes against Jews.   She is playing a very dangerous game.  


Meghan is either is too dumb to recognize the difference or she knows the difference but wants to stir up shit.  People like Meghan were the same people who changed French fries name to Freedom fries after France opposed our invasion of Iraq.  It is possible to disagree with what a country's government is doing without hating the country and it's people.  

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heeheeeeee Joy!  Way to jump to the top of the topic list in Primetimer! Woo heh. Guest CW. Blah not impressed.  Although if the book is anything like his visit, I'm sure there's a ton of info, tidbits, anecdotes packed into it.  Still ...Blowhard comes to mind. Puff Daddy? Hahahah and no i don't mean the one and only true. 

Ps..yes still a child.  Pss...ever notice how no matter what the topic is, or even just a chat, MM has to be the polar opposite.  Its so reliable, a sure thing in Vegas lol.  Better freshen up that lipstick dar'lin. 

Edited by ForumLou
Done for sure this time
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2 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I really appreciate Sunny again trying to point out that being against the actions of the current political administration in Israel is not necessarily being anti-Semitic and that because a people was oppressed in the past doesn't mean that they can get a free pass on what they do today. The one-dimensional reaction of Anti-Semitism! is not helping Israel. (And thank you Joy for referencing Viktor Orban.)

Chris Matthews is creepy. I can totally see him making remarks backstage that he thinks is flirting but are really inappropriate..

I would love to see Paul Rogers, emeritus professor of Peace Studies, on the show but I think only Sunny, Joy and Sara would be able to talk with him. And I doubt that he would do the obligatory praise of John McCain as Mathews did.

I agree with Sunny that you should be able to criticize the policies Israel without it being labeled antisemitic. However, she (or many of the panelists) never has a problem labeling it racism or sexism if Obama’s or Hillary Clinton’s policies are criticized. Hypocrisy is alive and well on both sides.


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30 minutes ago, darwin416 said:

I agree with Sunny that you should be able to criticize the policies Israel without it being labeled antisemitic. However, she (or many of the panelists) never has a problem labeling it racism or sexism if Obama’s or Hillary Clinton’s policies are criticized. Hypocrisy is alive and well on both sides.


All of the panelists on the View have criticized Obama/Hillary and discussed others criticism of Obama/Hillary at length without mentioning racism or sexism.  Racism/sexism was not part of the equation far more often than not.    But they did point out times when racism/sexism did play a part and it was generally specific people (with a history/pattern or racism/sexism).    It was never just anyone who dared criticize Obama/Hillary.    That was Sunny's point.   

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4 hours ago, Haleth said:

And about putting people's comments in context.

Chris M could give Meghan a run for her money for fast talking. He was on Joy Reid’s show last night and she just let him loose. It was a better interview because he was allowed to complete a thought.  Even if it took a while to get there. 

I was listening to Joy Reid in another room, so all I could hear was her few feeble attempts to interrupt the verbal flow, but she finally gave up. I was LOLing.

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3 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I really appreciate Sunny again trying to point out that being against the actions of the current political administration in Israel is not necessarily being anti-Semitic and that because a people was oppressed in the past doesn't mean that they can get a free pass on what they do today.

Except he was using Israel as an excuse to be antisemitic. He said,  "my insatiable appetite for war and killing" not "Israel's insatiable appetite for war and killing. "

And there's more. He also wrote an essay called if "if I were an Arab" justifying Arab, or rather Palestinian, attacks against Israel. So, in other words, it's okay for Arabs to fight in self defense but not for Jews to do the same. (I'm purposely not using the words Israel and Palestine here because he didn't) 

So while I agree with Sunny that conflating Jews and Israel is bad, that is exactly what he's doing here! 

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6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I really appreciate Sunny again trying to point out that being against the actions of the current political administration in Israel is not necessarily being anti-Semitic and that because a people was oppressed in the past doesn't mean that they can get a free pass on what they do today. The one-dimensional reaction of Anti-Semitism! is not helping Israel. (And thank you Joy for referencing Viktor Orban.)

Seriously. You don't need to be a genius or an expert on this issue to grasp this concept. 

5 hours ago, After7Only said:

Yes.  Thank you for the context Sunny.   In full context, the quote had a very different meaning than what MM ranted over.   By equating critique of Israeli politics to actual hate crimes against Jews.   She is playing a very dangerous game.  

She's disgusting. 

5 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Meghan is either is too dumb to recognize the difference or she knows the difference but wants to stir up shit.  People like Meghan were the same people who changed French fries name to Freedom fries after France opposed our invasion of Iraq.  It is possible to disagree with what a country's government is doing without hating the country and it's people.  

They were also the same folks who said Americans who opposed the Iraq war hated America and didn't support the troops. Jumping to calling people antisemitic for criticizing the Israeli government is the same game. You better not disagree with me, because if you do, you're a terrible person. 

6 hours ago, statsgirl said:

I would love to see Paul Rogers, emeritus professor of Peace Studies, on the show but I think only Sunny, Joy and Sara would be able to talk with him. And I doubt that he would do the obligatory praise of John McCain as Mathews did.

I'm so sick of the MyFather praise done by every guest. I won't get into his politics, but he wasn't even the nicest man in his personal life. This guy cheated on his first wife and left her for a younger woman. When Cindy teased him about going balled, he called her a c**t. He joked about how ugly he found a teenage Chelsea Clinton. The mainstream media gave him a pass on so much, but I'm really curious if he'd be portrayed as a saint in View land if Meghan weren't there. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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4 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Meghan is either is too dumb to recognize the difference or she knows the difference but wants to stir up shit.  People like Meghan were the same people who changed French fries name to Freedom fries after France opposed our invasion of Iraq.  It is possible to disagree with what a country's government is doing without hating the country and it's people.  

I think it's a little bit of both things. She's ignorant AND likes to be an instigator. 😝

Edited by catlover79
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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

I'm so sick of the MyFather praise done by every guest. I won't get into his politics, but he wasn't even the nicest man in his personal life. This guy cheated on his first wife and left her for a younger woman. When Cindy teased him about going balled, he called her a c**t. He joked about how ugly he found a teenage Chelsea Clinton. The mainstream media gave him a pass on so much, but 'm really curious if he'd be portrayed as a saint in View land if Meghan weren't there. 

His naval career was even worse, if you do some digging. 

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I am so happy that I did not see the show today and I am forever grateful to not seeing Chris Matthews on my tv, what a self-important blowhard! I used to like him but he turned me off and I could write a dissertation on the many ways he offended me but it would be off-topic so I will not go into details. 

Chris used to always make me uncomfortable with his rapid manic frenetic delivery, his constant interruptions of his guests to inject his opinions, he also used to lose his train of thought while interrupting, the guests often had a bemused look on their faces and he always looked like he was spitting all over the place, yuck! So I will pass on whatever book he is shilling now. It is a shame because I really liked him back in the day and I used to always look forward to watch his show on MSNBC. I always saw him as statesman who was so knowledgeable about D.C politics.  He can be really insightful at times, oh well!

It is not surprising that everybody who is connected to politics who comes on the show has to kiss the ring "of my father".

Edited by Pearson80
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I think Joy's annoyance and telling him it is only an hour show was partially caused by his blathering on about MeAgain's father.

This article also lays out the background on the Clinton comments that Matthews denied saying. Apparently he said all of them except the she-devil thing.


From the article:


Behar, who was critical of Matthews at the time of his sudden retirement, reacted by saying she believed him and appreciated his mea culpa. At the same time, however, she brought up his past remarks about Clinton. “I want to talk about another part of what happened to you,” Behar pivoted. “You made a lot of sexist comments about Hillary Clinton. You called her ‘she-devil,’ ‘witchy,’ ‘Nurse Ratched,’ among other things.”

Smiling and shaking his head, Matthews interjected: “No, I didn’t. I never did.” Briefly speaking over each other, Behar appeared flustered as the former Hardball host reiterated that he never made those remarks about the one-time First Lady, imploring the View host to “look it up.” “You never did that? So my research is wrong?” Behar wondered aloud.

“Well, I think what you heard was—you know what a tease is on the show?” Matthews replied. “There was a tease by a producer. It was setting up what the Republicans were going to do to her in that campaign.” He continued: “It was a setup to a whole segment on the program how the Republicans were not going to run against her on the issues. They’ll go after her personally, in that kind of attack. That’s how that phrase was used... I never said that about her.”

A clearly confused Behar shot back that “it was reported that you said those things” before adding: “So that’s my bad—I think.” Seemingly exasperated by the turn of events, Behar tossed her papers to the side and handed off the questioning to co-host Sara Haines.

Despite Matthews’ protestations, it was widely reported that he tossed those sexist insults Clinton’s way over the years. “Nurse Ratched”—a reference to the sadistic antagonist in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest—was a favorite term of his for the former Secretary of State dating back to the late 1990s. And research shows he didn’t merely utter that description in the context of mimicking Republican attacks.

Additionally, contemporaneous articles show that he used the sexist insult “witchy” to describe Clinton in the 2000s, prompting women’s groups and prominent feminists to call on him to apologize. It does appear, however, that his use of the term “she-devil” was as a hypothetical Republican taking aim at her.

Furthermore, Matthews has taken heat over other instances of sexist behavior towards Clinton, notably when he pinched her cheek after a 2008 interview, claimed she only made it as far as she did on the political stage because her husband “messed around,” and—perhaps most infamously—joked about giving her a “Bill Cosby pill” before a 2016 interview with her.


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Thanks for posting that fact check on his comments this morning, @bannana. So gross. So many journalists and media figures like him that deserve to be held accountable for their latent or blatant misogyny during coverage of that election. They may not all get theirs, but at least he did eventually.

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27 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

They may not all get theirs, but at least he did eventually.

Yeah, but here he is on The View hawking his book so it doesn't feel like much of a win. That is so-called cancel culture right there in a nutshell. 

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MMs lack of self awareness was evident today as she ranted about anti semitism and WWII and where that can lead….never once noting that it’s primarily her party and the trumpers who are leading us there.  Take some tribal responsibility Meghan….for once!  

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2 hours ago, catlover79 said:
6 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Meghan is either is too dumb to recognize the difference or she knows the difference but wants to stir up shit.  People like Meghan were the same people who changed French fries name to Freedom fries after France opposed our invasion of Iraq.  It is possible to disagree with what a country's government is doing without hating the country and it's people.  

I think it's a little bit of both things. She's ignorant AND likes to be an instigator. 😝

This is what makes her so dangerous.  Meghan spouts conservative (her husband's?) talking points script.  She doesn't know or care if they are true, half-truths or outright lies.  Meghan just wants media attention.  I can't understand why the ABC News Division continues to give her this platform, she is a liability.

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1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

I can't understand why the ABC News Division continues to give her this platform, she is a liability.

I believe it's called the "no publicity is bad publicity" policy. 😡🤬

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2 hours ago, GiveMeSpace said:

Yeah, but here he is on The View hawking his book so it doesn't feel like much of a win. 

He spent so much time blathering about MeAgain's MyFather that he didn't really have time to hawk his book.  Hopefully his long rant and just a pic of the cover won't sell any books.

Edited by deirdra
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Good for Joy laying down the facts that abortion rates are lower when the president is Democrat because they prioritize things like sex education, easier access to healthcare and contraceptives, etc. Those things that increase understanding of your own body are what make it less likely for a teenager or young adult to end up in a position with an "Oops!" baby.

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Kim Fields looks fantastic.  Too bad the sound quality is so bad.  But, maybe that was just on my tv.  I couldn't hear what all the laughing was about.

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1 hour ago, catlover79 said:

Yay!!!! ANA!!! The Princess isn't here!!!! 🥳🎉🎊


1 hour ago, catlover79 said:

Yay!!!! ANA!!! The Princess isn't here!!!! 🥳🎉🎊

What a fun and breezy show, today.  They looked like they were having fun. Thank God,Me-again was not there to be the perennial wet blanket during the sex topic. This is the show I remember! Snappy talk and laughing.

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I thought it was the best show in quite a while, what with the camaraderie among the co-hosts, there being a good mix of topics that are relevant today and some that give a break from politics, and guests I actually liked.

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Just now, cslustig said:

Did anyone else notice that, with Meghan out, The View was finally able to have a substantive discussion about abortion? Check out our recap for more: https://www.primetimer.com/theview/meghan-mccain-out-the-view-abortion-discussion

If Ana  hadn't been there I would have thought they went over what topics were going to be discussed and Meghan started her infanticide rambling and the producers said we are giving you the day off.  Or maybe that is what happened and Ana was quickly zoomed in.

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18 minutes ago, ifionlyknew said:

f Ana  hadn't been there I would have thought they went over what topics were going to be discussed and Meghan started her infanticide rambling and the producers said we are giving you the day off.  Or maybe that is what happened and Ana was quickly zoomed in.

I thought the very same thing.

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On 6/3/2021 at 10:26 AM, ifionlyknew said:

If Ana  hadn't been there I would have thought they went over what topics were going to be discussed and Meghan started her infanticide rambling and the producers said we are giving you the day off.  Or maybe that is what happened and Ana was quickly zoomed in.

Wow.  So now it finally says exactly why MM was taking these days and it clearly says due to abortion issue.  Couldn't MM get a demerit or at least a boo lol.

On 6/3/2021 at 10:15 AM, TheGreenKnight said:

I thought it was the best show in quite a while, what with the camaraderie among the co-hosts, there being a good mi

Couldn't MM get a demerit or at least a boo lol.

I thought it was the best show in quite a while, what with the camaraderie among the co-hosts, there being a good mix of topics that are relevant today and some that give a break from politics, and guests I actually liked.

x of topics that are relevant today and some that give a break from politics, and guests I actually liked.

I just wanted to clarify. i wasn't boo'ing because MM wasnt in.  Far from it indeed. I was boo'ing because i wanted her to get demerits lol

Edited by ForumLou
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Oh no....I love Ana and always enjoy the show so much when she’s there, but Canada is doing just fine....we’re not desperate for vaccines up here. Our provinces are in charge of vaccines with assistance from Fed Govt. I know a lot of Americans think that Toronto (in province of Ontario) is Canada...and guess what ... Ontario has a conservative government and has mishandled a lot...same with Alberta. But in British Columbia and the Maritimes and we’re managing just fine! I’m happily vaccinated and so are all my friends and family! 

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

Thank goodness Meg isn’t here to speak about the young woman’s speech about abortion. 

That speech was fabulous.  Such a brave girl!  I love it when Ana is on the show.  

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7 minutes ago, sandymck said:

Oh no....I love Ana and always enjoy the show so much when she’s there, but Canada is doing just fine....we’re not desperate for vaccines up here. Our provinces are in charge of vaccines with assistance from Fed Govt. I know a lot of Americans think that Toronto (in province of Ontario) is Canada...and guess what ... Ontario has a conservative government and has mishandled a lot...same with Alberta. But in British Columbia and the Maritimes and we’re managing just fine! I’m happily vaccinated and so are all my friends and family! 

Mostly agree with your take, BUT there wasn't a shortage of vaccines here in Alberta, it was the shortage of YAHOOS that would take them.  Also our Premier & Health Minister are certifiable idiots.  Just sayin'!!!  (Also, I had my second shot nearly a month ago!!!)

Edited by Medicine Crow
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10 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

Mostly agree with your take, BUT there wasn't a shortage of vaccines here in Alberta, it was the shortage of YAHOOS that would take them.  Also our Premier & Health Minister are certifiable idiots.  Just sayin'!!!  (Also, I had my second shot nearly a month ago!!!)

Haha! I’m with you 100% my friend! I didn’t want any of my fellow Canucks feeling I was putting them down in any way. I’m pretty lucky to also be on Vancouver Island where we’ve been safer than the lower mainland. Cheers.

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I cracked up when Sara said the President sounded like a school principal at a school raffle announcing prizes with the vaccine incentives. I hadn't quite thought of it that way! I got my doses in January and February as part of Phase 1A (health care workers), but I would have loved to be vaccinated at the ballpark because I love baseball so much. I agree with the ladies that we shouldn't have to basically bribe members of the public to get vaccinated with incentives, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

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45 minutes ago, sandymck said:

Haha! I’m with you 100% my friend! I didn’t want any of my fellow Canucks feeling I was putting them down in any way. I’m pretty lucky to also be on Vancouver Island where we’ve been safer than the lower mainland. Cheers.

I'm so jealous you're in Vancouver Island! It's one of the most beautiful places. 

3 hours ago, TheGreenKnight said:

Good for Joy laying down the facts that abortion rates are lower when the president is Democrat because they prioritize things like sex education, easier access to healthcare and contraceptives, etc. Those things that increase understanding of your own body are what make it less likely for a teenager or young adult to end up in a position with an "Oops!" baby.


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I live in WV and I am embarrassed my governor is raffling off guns to induce people to get vaccinated. I agree with Joy.  Giving guns to people who have to be cajoled into getting a life saving vaccine is not wise thing.  What reward do all of us previously vaccinated people get?  Other than knowing we did the right thing.

Edited by ifionlyknew
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4 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

If Ana  hadn't been there I would have thought they went over what topics were going to be discussed and Meghan started her infanticide rambling and the producers said we are giving you the day off.  Or maybe that is what happened and Ana was quickly zoomed in.

I wonder if The View keeps Ana on retainer to fill in at the last minute whenever MeAgain goes off the deep end during the morning meetings.

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4 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

If Ana  hadn't been there I would have thought they went over what topics were going to be discussed and Meghan started her infanticide rambling and the producers said we are giving you the day off.  Or maybe that is what happened and Ana was quickly zoomed in.

I wouldn't be surprised.  They discussed 2 topics that MM would have either irrationally ranted over or completely dismissed today.  The abortion issue, and the topic on 50% of people saying their current partner was their worst lover.   MM would not have participated in that one and all.   

So now I wonder if they chose these topics because she wasn't there, or if those topics caused her absence.   

Enjoyed the show, the flow was so much better.  Very little talking over and all the topics were completely discussed.   And as much as I love Ana, Wanda Sykes did have a point when she asked her to get to the question, already.... Like MM, Ana tends to pontificate before asking questions.  

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