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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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Really?  A Christmas "miracle"?

She was sentenced, served her time, and was released.  I would love for Melissa to tell us what's so miraculous about that.



I guess we should be grateful that Melissa didn't say "Thank you, baby Jesus!" like she has on other occasions.


It'll be interesting to see if Teresa's been humbled at all by her prison time...or if she'll be the same tone-deaf person she was before the Big House.

  • Love 2

I haven't checked any of the HW gossip sites for comments so I'm hoping someone will know what the reaction has been to Teresa's release, the Lexus and the possibility of her returning to Bravo.  I'm hoping it's not favorable and that Bravo is paying attention.

I only post on one other HW site which is pretty heavily favored pro-Teresa fans (sorry you don't really post anymore Zoeysmom). I actually like them - they're generally pretty funny. Even if illogical at times (re everybody but Teresa is a hardcore sleaze/criminal) and since I stay out of the nastiness (really nasty sometimes - thanks TWoP for enforcing good manners!) I've never been too much abused for being a "hater". But a good bit of them do seem somewhat perplexed about the $90K Lexus with the big red bow on top and it probably not being the brightest idea. Well - it wasn't....

  • Love 3


My guess is that the car was actually leased by Bravo, no matter that reports state that it was a gift from Joe.



I forget where I read this, but Bravo said they had nothing to do with the Lexus.   They said it pretty early on too, I guess they figured it was going to be a hot button issue.



I keep wondering who will be on the show?  Melissa, Teresa and Jacqueline who Teresa won't speak to.  Bravo seems to risking the franchise on Teresa and her family's popularity.  Give her a spin off but don't sink the mothership.



Jacqueline sent out a nice tweet on the day Teresa was released.  Low key, and just nice - and I'm not a Jac fan. I forget how she and Teresa left things - IIRC, Jac reached out to Teresa a number of times but Teresa wanted no part of it?  I could be wrong though.


I also wonder about the Wakiles - since Richie especially never met a camera he didn't like, they likely were not invited to the Melissa Gorga Christmas Eve Miracle Dinner.   They would have been there with a platter of home made desserts and copies of Kathy's cookbook for everyone.  They weren't in the photo that Melissa released (and subsequently pulled).



I can't think of anyone else so I'm inclined to think that RHONJ as we know it is over, and it will be a Teresa - centric spin off with appearances by the Gorgas. Probably just as well.   I don't care about her spin-off, but I think NJ really went down the tubes the last few years and last year, between the Guidices, Marcheses and Mother-In-Law Gate, it was a total disaster, not even remotely entertaining.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 6

According to my daughter, whose home was foreclosed a few years ago, there are laws preventing the banks from throwing a family out of the property as long as ANY effort is made to continue paying. Also, if there are kids involved, the bank can't move very quickly toward vacating the property.

I can bet the mortgage isn't current but that they have made some effort to pay something.

I think it varies from State to State. My profession is commercial real estate acquisitions and despite my Master's in the subject (maybe similar to Amber's in "Gym" from Columbia) can't say for sure (although I think children might not be a factor?). Foreclosure thankfully isn't my area of expertise. However, my last job was with a pretty reputable national institutional RE investor/developer (my current is with a very reputable still in business one). Bad idea putting about 20% of the equity in a $750M fund (buying power more than doubles with debt at about 65% of costs) towards building condos in the Miami area as the market crashed with guaranteeing about 20% of the debt - see bad idea (thankfully for my resume had nothing to do with me). But - yes you're absolutely right lenders generally don't like to foreclose if they don't have to (but probably a little quicker on the uptake now with smaller backlog).

Sorry to be too wonky - but I don't think Tre's fans get the extent of the debt. Maybe think it's only the $400K restitution to the court plus now maybe the $500K to the IRS? See above about guarantees (and thanks to Zoeysmom for posting the foreclosure docs with the @ $3M in liens which included the IRS plus many others). My old company only guaranteed based on the Fund assets (sadly heavily declined), but the G's personally guaranteed pretty much all of their loans (meaning they can go after whatever they have if they want for the outstanding). They basically stripped all the available equity through additional mortgages and lines of credit at the height of the market from what I recall from the BK docs. My old now defunct company didn't do that - though they could have on numerous assets. I spent a lot of my time the last three years there trying to work out loans on such assets (paying - but principal more than value with loans coming due).

Sorry again - since this is probably too long finance jargon - but how much do we think the G's actually owe? BK final report had the full $11M and I don't recall a whole lot of RE the G's still had to pay a substantial amount off via lender sales.

  • Love 2

I read somewhere that Bravo cameras were rolling at the Gorga Christmas Miracle Dinner. Nothing says Christmas like a TV camera. I realize that Bravo is their only source of income, but do these people have no shame or dignity? How about giving the girls 24 hours to reunite with their mom before letting the cameras in.

  • Love 6

I read somewhere that Bravo cameras were rolling at the Gorga Christmas Miracle Dinner. Nothing says Christmas like a TV camera. I realize that Bravo is their only source of income, but do these people have no shame or dignity? How about giving the girls 24 hours to reunite with their mom before letting the cameras in.

They did have 24 hours. She was released on the 23rd. The party was Xmas Eve.

  • Love 3
I only post on one other HW site which is pretty heavily favored pro-Teresa fans (sorry you don't really post anymore Zoeysmom). I actually like them - they're generally pretty funny. Even if illogical at times (re everybody but Teresa is a hardcore sleaze/criminal) and since I stay out of the nastiness (really nasty sometimes - thanks TWoP for enforcing good manners!) I've never been too much abused for being a "hater". But a good bit of them do seem somewhat perplexed about the $90K Lexus with the big red bow on top and it probably not being the brightest idea. Well - it wasn't...



The Lexus really put a damper on what would otherwise be a warm homecoming for Teresa's hard core fans.  Their patron saint of tackiness and gaudiness is released to her family after a year of suffering.  They still have their "fabulous" home, so they must of paid off all their debt.  All hail Teresa a martyr to...the hell..is that a new Lexus in the bitch's driveway?

  • Love 8

I don't approve of anything that the Guidices have done. However, I am okay with Satan Andy paying Teresa some money to capture her initial post prison moments with her family. As a taxpayer, I prefer a garnishment of a huge paycheck from Bravo over a garnishment equivalent to the pay scale of a Walmart greeter. Whatever accelerates restitution payment works for me. As a felon, Teresa's employment options are limited which makes it worse for her victims. I want the IRS and anyone else in line to get their money as quickly as possible. I really don't care how it happens.


The luxury car could have come from anyone. Even Casey Anthony had someone who was regularly putting money into her commissary account.


I had a parent go to jail. It is awful. I am a law-abiding, well-educated citizen. I have to disclose my parent's jail time on every jury summons that I get. It is not fair. Even after all of these years, I am paying for the sins of my parents. It is embarrassing and never goes away.

Edited by Showthyme
  • Love 12

I haven't checked any of the HW gossip sites for comments so I'm hoping someone will know what the reaction has been to Teresa's release, the Lexus and the possibility of her returning to Bravo. I'm hoping it's not favorable and that Bravo is paying attention.

Bravo is already filming. They made the decision to re-hire her and do another season of RHONJ revolving around her quite awhile ago. The only way to get Bravo's attention is through the sponsors. Only they have the power to yank the show off the air. Anyone interested in joining the campaign can PM me for info.

The red ribbon on the Lexus was par for the course with this family. After all, they put a figurative red ribbon on their lavish and fraudulent spending on a reality show, practically inviting the IRS to notice. The breadth of their gall and stupidity is shocking.

Here's something else that's shocking, and I almost never comment on someone's looks, but have you seen the pictures of Teresa? (Plus, she made a video exclaiming she's "back!" Disgusting). I am truly stunned at how different and bad she looks. She lost weight, but it's more than looking haggard. She looks drastically different. Like her face fell. And the teeth. Weird. Here's the video:


Edited by LotusFlower
  • Love 3

Bravo is already filming. They made the decision to re-hire her and do another season of RHONJ revolving around her quite awhile ago. The only way to get Bravo's attention is through the sponsors. Only they have the power to yank the show off the air. Anyone interested in joining the campaign can PM me for info.

The red ribbon on the Lexus was par for the course with this family. After all, they put a figurative red ribbon on their lavish and fraudulent spending on a reality show, practically inviting the IRS to notice. The breadth of their gall and stupidity is shocking.

Here's something else that's shocking, and I almost never comment on someone's looks, but have you seen the pictures of Teresa? (Plus, she made a video exclaiming she's "back!" Disgusting). I am truly stunned at how different and bad she looks. She lost weight, but it's more than looking haggard. She looks drastically different. Like her face fell. And the teeth. Weird. Here's the video: http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2015/12/30/teresa-giudice-speaks-out-for-the-first-time-since-prison-release/

Her face is without injections to pump it up so it looks like it's drooping? Not sure what's going on with her mouth? Maybe the same thing...no injections puffing her lips up?

  • Love 1

I too cannot figure out what is going on with her face, primarily her mouth. It looks significantly changed to the point where I am wondering if she had some plastic surgery before prison and we are just seeing it now. 


Maybe she saw how long it took for Vicky Gunvalson's face to settle in from her plastic surgery so Teresa decided she'd take advantage of her eleven months away from the camera to do a once-over on her mug before prison and we are all just seeing it now.

Edited by TheFinalRose
  • Love 1

It could also be no sleep leading to exhaustion and the angle of the camera? Now we'll be watching this season to see if her face fell?

Something has happened and it doesn't look like an improvement.


Compare with Mama Elsa...over use of fillers?!?


She went out food shopping today. See video:


Edited by talula
  • Love 2
Hell no. This one man jury thinks her sentence in terms of simple public opinion should have her horrid nasty thieving rotten ass in stocks for another several months followed by tooth brush cleaning of the toilet of every person she bilked followed by a forced teeth brushing. Tar and feathers followed by the resurrection of a good old fashion witch trial (she's a witch I say). I hope fate hands her every bad chance and piece of bad luck a person could get. I hope every time she walks down the street and does her usual mouth breathing a bird shits in it. I hope every home she visits has a dog that dry humps her leg until it causes rug burn. I hope she steps in dog shit every time she talks a walk down a sidewalk. I hope she gets lice. I hope she is surrounded in ife by blunt toddlers who laugh and point at her bobble head and say "you're ugly!" I hope she gets stuck in an elevator for days with Yolanda Foster, Nene Leakes and Vicki Gunvalson. I hope before she dies she realizes exactly what her ringmaster Andy Cohen thinks of her past cashing checks. And I hope that as she tries to sell the strong martyr who overcame it comes out she offered herself in jail in exchange for privileges and was turned down.  Repeatedly. And I hope that she has to spend the rest of her life forced to pretend to a happy marriage to the ape that will hopefully soon be dragging his knuckles past the door of the big house where he belongs. Not the one they stole.





  • Love 3

It could also be no sleep leading to exhaustion and the angle of the camera? Now we'll be watching this season to see if her face fell?

Something has happened and it doesn't look like an improvement.


She went out food shopping today. See video:


Is that what going without Botox or fillers for 15 months did to Teresa Giudice? She looks monstrous. I'll bet she's been busy making appointments with her plastic surgeon, hair dresser, dermatologist and massage therapist since she got home.

  • Love 4

I agree racked, it just may be swollen from too many fillers causing the Pillsbury Boy look.

Probably so. And what's also weird is how nobody is telling the Empress she's not wearing any clothes. I know it's a touchy thing to say to someone, but maybe someone could have told her to let things settle for awhile, or to get some sleep or something?! I admit to being completely transfixed by how different (a/k/a bad) she looks.

It also goes to show you how determined she is to reclaim her fame. She literally didn't even wait a day to film and photograph her return to the spotlight (courtesy of Bravo and People magazine). I guess fame and (new) fortune trumps even vanity.

  • Love 10

I will never dis a woman over aging. Look at the furor surrounding the criticism of Carrie Fisher just because she looks older than she did in 1977. That said, when you inject your face with foreign substances, and then you stop, the results are horrible looking. Women (and men) who choose to do those procedures need to understand that there is no way to stop the aging process and injections, fillers and plastic surgery make it worse in the end. 


Tre is what, mid 40s? There is nothing wrong with looking like your age. Personally, I think that without the fillers she would look better  in the long run. But a 45 year old will never look like a 25 year old, no matter how many extensions and fillers she has.  

  • Love 11

Geez, I looked at the Bravo site. They sure are banking on Tre with the numerous stories about Tre coming home. We've got her first hours at home, what home confinement means, Melissa Gorga's reaction, Gia's welcome home.... Tre's gravy train keeps rolling. It's like Bethenny coming back all over again.

So the RHNY became Bethenny Starting Over last season and I totally expect RHNJ is going to be Teresa Starting Over or Life Without Joe. They're just shoving these two down our throats while so many of us just want these two to just go away.

But Bethenny is not a convicted criminal

BRAVO should be ashamed, but of course they are not. No way in hell will I watch a show about these low life criminals. Even for Andy, this is a new low.

  • Love 13
Looks like the extensions are back. She does look very different, but it could be the horrible lighting from above that highlights her heavy brow ridge and deep-set eyes. The dramatic eyebrow arch doesn't help. She should get someone else to do her brows.


I'm not sure about now (because why would I be?) but my hair guy used to do Teresa's hair and told me that she is the last person on the planet to need extensions--she's apparently got a shit-ton of hair. But oh my goodness, her face! WTF? I know I am in the minority probably, but I think she's pretty in a unique way--definitely way "overdone" in makeup and tan, etc., and far, far, far from my preferred personal style, but I like her face--weird small forehead and all. So what in the holy hell did she do to it? That looks absolutely terrible! As for Joe's tattoo, maybe someone did it for him for nothing. It doesn't look like very good work to me, so maybe it didn't take very long.

Also, I have asked this before, but what's with putting "college" in quotations marks? Did they tell someone they were going to college instead of jail? I don't get this.

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 2
Also, I have asked this before, but what's with putting "college" in quotations marks? Did they tell someone they were going to college instead of jail? I don't get this.


Yes, I believe that Tre told the kids when Joe was locked up for a DUI or for the drivers license infraction that he was at college. 

  • Love 2

She needs to immediately go back to prison. She looked better walking out of the pokey than she does now. Why did she mess up a good thing? Oh I forgot, she's Theresa.

I actually think she looks pretty good. More natural (like that'll last) and apparently took advantage of the prison gym.

But I'm now officially a loser (for checking). Not sure why I didn't realize before I have access to a very extensive national commercial RE database (Costar). I dug up the last BK amendment (thanks Famewhorgas!) and cross-checked. Includes after Joe G realized that the BK court can find your assets even in a LLC (still never declared Teresa's RHNJ related).

Basically, their "wealth" (no clue about house flipping - but that dried up way before the BK) was mostly derived from three pretty crappy apartment buildings totaling less than 100-units in East Orange (Mastropole partnership BK claim - no longer own). Which is what I always thought BS about Teresa blaming the BK on tenants not paying rent. They're pretty much Section 8 apartments (gov't generally pays most of the rent - see BS). If anybody's interested I can get more specific about each and ownership transfers (boring - except for a few notes that were likely sourced from Juicy or Mr. M). Costar has exterior and surprisingly some interior pictures. It does appear that at least some of the units were renovated (cheaply - but it's Section 8).

Juicy does still own two (very small) commercial properties. The pizzeria/laundromat with 4 apartments directly above (the one they were so stupid to not declare but film at) and where G&G Stucco was (is?). The pizzeria is in a fairly ghetto location. He paid $575K cash for an interior shell (likely with the some of the $ owed to Mr. M) and received (or planned) gov't Urban Enterprise Zone funds/loans for the renovation. See loser as I then looked up Yelp reviews for the pizzeria.

I then looked up Gorga and Giudice in the Northern NJ market by owner (need a better hobby). Not the Feds - so no clue about any LLC's. Joey Gorga owns an 80K sf three-story warehouse that he bought vacant. Says 100% leased at $3/psf - nice return on what he paid, but this might be his condo conversion? He also bought 0.13-acre (seems small) vacant lot (used as surface parking) in Paterson for $850K. Maybe next to the small office buildings he says he owns? Costar is very good - but has limited interest in obscure RE. Speaking of which, Frank (God bless his soul) and Filomena Giudice own a pretty sad 3K sf commercial building somewhere in NJ I can't remember.

  • Love 7

I actually think she looks pretty good. More natural (like that'll last) and apparently took advantage of the prison gym.

But I'm now officially a loser (for checking). Not sure why I didn't realize before I have access to a very extensive national commercial RE database (Costar). I dug up the last BK amendment (thanks Famewhorgas!) and cross-checked. Includes after Joe G realized that the BK court can find your assets even in a LLC (still never declared Teresa's RHNJ related).

Basically, their "wealth" (no clue about house flipping - but that dried up way before the BK) was mostly derived from three pretty crappy apartment buildings totaling less than 100-units in East Orange (Mastropole partnership BK claim - no longer own). Which is what I always thought BS about Teresa blaming the BK on tenants not paying rent. They're pretty much Section 8 apartments (gov't generally pays most of the rent - see BS). If anybody's interested I can get more specific about each and ownership transfers (boring - except for a few notes that were likely sourced from Juicy or Mr. M). Costar has exterior and surprisingly some interior pictures. It does appear that at least some of the units were renovated (cheaply - but it's Section 8).

Juicy does still own two (very small) commercial properties. The pizzeria/laundromat with 4 apartments directly above (the one they were so stupid to not declare but film at) and where G&G Stucco was (is?). The pizzeria is in a fairly ghetto location. He paid $575K cash for an interior shell (likely with the some of the $ owed to Mr. M) and received (or planned) gov't Urban Enterprise Zone funds/loans for the renovation. See loser as I then looked up Yelp reviews for the pizzeria.

I then looked up Gorga and Giudice in the Northern NJ market by owner (need a better hobby). Not the Feds - so no clue about any LLC's. Joey Gorga owns an 80K sf three-story warehouse that he bought vacant. Says 100% leased at $3/psf - nice return on what he paid, but this might be his condo conversion? He also bought 0.13-acre (seems small) vacant lot (used as surface parking) in Paterson for $850K. Maybe next to the small office buildings he says he owns? Costar is very good - but has limited interest in obscure RE. Speaking of which, Frank (God bless his soul) and Filomena Giudice own a pretty sad 3K sf commercial building somewhere in NJ I can't remember.

Thanks Jennifer.


I have to believe most everything is being seized-especially anything owned by Joe.  IIRC during the BK there was an inquiry into the status of the Pizza Parlor property and Joe and his father were unable to come up with mortgage documents.  I believe it was reflected in the 12 page opinion letter by the Court which can be summed up as follows: "Liar Liar Pants on Fire, Joe Giudice." 


As to not posting on the other site-I just reached an oversaturation point of Teresa stories.  I thought some justice was served, not enough to get her out of the mansion, I have zero sympathy for Joe having to take care of the girls while Teresa was incarcerated.


Teresa's new look.  Before her incarceration Teresa's features seemed to thicken with age.  I think these photos are without the contouring and over application of make-up.  I never thought she was any great beauty to begin with most likely won't become one with age.  A word of advice to Teresa-look at your daughter's hair color and copy.  Teresa's black show polish hair color needs to go-it will take some of the weight off her face.  I don't see Teresa getting some major face work done as she seems pretty content with her looks.  The only good thing about the photo is she dropped that stupid pose she has embraced for years.  I am sure Bravo is anxious to get back to spray tans, bubbies and bikinis with this one.  All they have to do is wait for the travel restriction to be lifted.     

  • Love 6

Ugh!  It's sickening that Bravo hired Teresa back again and that they're already filming.  I haven't been online in a while - too much going on with my 93 year old mother.  Now that I had a little time to check the forums, I'm not happy about this news.   I was really hoping we'd seen the last of Teresa and the NJ franchise.  

  • Love 4

I tuned in bravo yesterday to see if I could catch up on NTFY and TC, but much to my disgust there was a spot with teresa's fucking face spewing more of her love,love,love bullshit...it's clear to me that she's laughing all the way to the bank because she's gotten bravo to pay her for conducting her life under the guise of 'work' as if nothing ever happened....I want her to pay back every penny she grifted and I want her to have to do it by getting and keeping a real job...a job she'll actually have to prove she has the qualifications for...a job she'll have to worry about losing when some other grifter stiffs her employer, a real job with no cameras, makeup or hair stylist....there is no remorse, no contrition, not even a pretense of trying to be a better person...the only thing she's learned from her 'ordeal' is how to cover her tracks better next time....I am sure that bravo will try to suck in viewers by claiming the next season of nj will show a 'new' teresa, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I'd believe that load of crap or watch it for even a nanosecond.

Edited by becauseIsaidso
  • Love 9

Thanks Jennifer.


I have to believe most everything is being seized-especially anything owned by Joe.  IIRC during the BK there was an inquiry into the status of the Pizza Parlor property and Joe and his father were unable to come up with mortgage documents.  I believe it was reflected in the 12 page opinion letter by the Court which can be summed up as follows: "Liar Liar Pants on Fire, Joe Giudice." 


As to not posting on the other site-I just reached an oversaturation point of Teresa stories. 

Sorry you don't post anymore. It's always nice to see a non-crazy person there (includes a good bit of the non-Teresa fans too). But get what you're saying about over saturation. I'm glad it's not because you were repeatedly called a trailer-trash welfare cheat right before sentencing (see crazy from above). Thanks again for taking one for the team! Good times!

There wasn't a mortgage on the pizzeria cause he paid cash. Costar doesn't pro-actively track these small properties, just what comes up in the public records and then they make calls to seller/buyer to see if they will tell them anything (I don't - but work in the size they do actively track and they're very good at running down the street gossip - brokers are like high school girls despite confidentiality agreements). I'll recheck in a couple of months to see if there is an ownership transfer. Since he owns it in his name and not an LLC creditors can lien it to death (Costar wouldn't bother with liens on a property this size). BTW - his father isn't listed anywhere - so Liar Liar Pants on Fire. But thanks to you - I cross-checked the monstrosity foreclosure doc and discovered that one of the liens was to State of NJ for about $60K(?) for an environmental spill on the property.

  • Love 4

I tuned in bravo yesterday to see if I could catch up on NTFY and TC, but much to my disgust there was a spot with teresa's fucking face spewing more of her love,love,love bullshit...it's clear to me that she's laughing all the way to the bank because she's gotten bravo to pay her for conducting her life under the guise of 'work' as if nothing ever happened....I want her to pay back every penny she grifted and I want her to have to do it by getting and keeping a real job...a job she'll actually have to prove she has the qualifications for...a job she'll have to worry about losing when some other grifter stiffs her employer, a real job with no cameras, makeup or hair stylist....there is no remorse, no contrition, not even a pretense of trying to be a better person...the only thing she's learned from her 'ordeal' is how to cover her tracks better next time....I am sure that bravo will try to suck in viewers by claiming the next season of nj will show a 'new' teresa, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I'd believe that load of crap or watch it for even a nanosecond.


My motto is "As long as the government gets paid I don't care where her paycheck comes from."


As long as she can ride the current Bravo gravy train the government is getting a bit more back in the treasury than they would if she were working a real 9-5 job. Soon any money that is paid back to the government will slow to a trickle. There will come a time when she is yesterday's news and she will be either working at a low paying job, or have dumped Joe and married someone else hopefully still paying down her debt to the government in some form or fashion. Worse case scenario and I can really see it happening, she will end up living off her children and relatives not working, or working under the table, and just getting by.


As far as Theresa "laughing all the way to the bank" she is spending every damn dime she has after taxes. She is a consumer, she has a taste for things she can't afford and she thinks she is entitled to them, she refuses to downsize her lifestyle to save for her future or her children's future. Any money she gets now goes right back out, nothing is being saved. It will come back to bite her in the ass once again.

  • Love 6

The Housewives shows have run their course. I hope that Teresa makes a ton of money in the next year or two to allow the victims and the government a chance to quickly collect a substantial portion of their money. 25% of a $200 a week job is not going to benefit anyone that much. I am gleeful that Bravo is the one to pick up the tab.


Awful behavior is endorsed every day. I am not endorsing it myself. I just want to see the innocent get paid.


It doesn't matter to me if Teresa suffers. I don't think that suffering is an indication of remorse. There are long-suffering people who have done nothing wrong but relish in their misery and hard core criminals who want you to believe that they suffer without actually doing so. I believe that all of the Housewives suffer when these shows end for either the loss of income or the loss of fame.


I am waiting for Bravo to preview Married to the Real Convicts. There are enough now to have a cast.

  • Love 5

I tuned in bravo yesterday to see if I could catch up on NTFY and TC, but much to my disgust there was a spot with teresa's fucking face spewing more of her love,love,love bullshit...it's clear to me that she's laughing all the way to the bank because she's gotten bravo to pay her for conducting her life under the guise of 'work' as if nothing ever happened....I want her to pay back every penny she grifted and I want her to have to do it by getting and keeping a real job...a job she'll actually have to prove she has the qualifications for...a job she'll have to worry about losing when some other grifter stiffs her employer, a real job with no cameras, makeup or hair stylist....there is no remorse, no contrition, not even a pretense of trying to be a better person...the only thing she's learned from her 'ordeal' is how to cover her tracks better next time....I am sure that bravo will try to suck in viewers by claiming the next season of nj will show a 'new' teresa, but it'll be a cold day in hell before I'd believe that load of crap or watch it for even a nanosecond.

What is NTFY and TC?

I can't keep up with all of these damn initials.

Interesting blind item from All About the Tea




The site doesn't allow you to copy and paste, so you have to click the link.   Basically everyone guessing is saying it's Teresa.

Guess they're talking about her creepy ass lawyer??

  • Love 3

Sorry you don't post anymore. It's always nice to see a non-crazy person there (includes a good bit of the non-Teresa fans too). But get what you're saying about over saturation. I'm glad it's not because you were repeatedly called a trailer-trash welfare cheat right before sentencing (see crazy from above). Thanks again for taking one for the team! Good times!

There wasn't a mortgage on the pizzeria cause he paid cash. Costar doesn't pro-actively track these small properties, just what comes up in the public records and then they make calls to seller/buyer to see if they will tell them anything (I don't - but work in the size they do actively track and they're very good at running down the street gossip - brokers are like high school girls despite confidentiality agreements). I'll recheck in a couple of months to see if there is an ownership transfer. Since he owns it in his name and not an LLC creditors can lien it to death (Costar wouldn't bother with liens on a property this size). BTW - his father isn't listed anywhere - so Liar Liar Pants on Fire. But thanks to you - I cross-checked the monstrosity foreclosure doc and discovered that one of the liens was to State of NJ for about $60K(?) for an environmental spill on the property.

Before they were indicted there was a big story about Joe and Teresa not paying the power bill and the power bill was shut off at the apartments above the pizzeria.   He tried to fit them with generators that produced noxious fumes.  At the time they owed over $50 grand in power bills.  I believe the tenants even went so far as to put up a sign at the gates of the mansion.


I keep hoping this season of RHONJ is such a bust these people have to live off Joe's prison wages.  Of course there are any number of reality shows out there for Teresa to turn to, unfortunately most of them are romance based and she is just not going to leave Joe.  My other thought is she will be petitioning again to go on Dancing with the Stars.  Fingers crossed she doesn't get on.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 5

How about that Family Therapy coming up on VH! with that Dr. Jen. And isn't Kim Richards doing a similar show. Sure she would lie. But at least they can garnish her as she embarrasses herself yet again.


Still hoping they adventually have to check into that Pizza apartment. When Joe said it I didn't even think he was kidding when he said it. She tried to ignore it. A skill set she actually has.       

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How about that Family Therapy coming up on VH! with that Dr. Jen. And isn't Kim Richards doing a similar show. Sure she would lie. But at least they can garnish her as she embarrasses herself yet again.


Still hoping they adventually have to check into that Pizza apartment. When Joe said it I didn't even think he was kidding when he said it. She tried to ignore it. A skill set she actually has.       

I've always said that the pizza parlor would have made a good show if the family could have sucked it up and downsized. Now not so much. Its all just so sad and I really don't want to see anymore. Every couple of months I check in here because the thread is still on my favorites list and that's enough.

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Teresa feels very "blessed" because her house arrest has ended




""Teresa is very much looking forward to closing this dark chapter in her life and moving forward both personally and professionally," her attorney James Leonard told PEOPLE in an exclusive statement Friday."


Goodbye ankle monitor.

Edited by mwell345
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Teresa feels very "blessed" because her house arrest has ended




""Teresa is very much looking forward to closing this dark chapter in her life and moving forward both personally and professionally," her attorney James Leonard told PEOPLE in an exclusive statement Friday."


Goodbye ankle monitor.

Hello Wine and Xannies. Who is she kidding? This chapter is hardly over. 


Oh that's right. She considers no one but herself. 

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Teresa feels very "blessed" because her house arrest has ended




""Teresa is very much looking forward to closing this dark chapter in her life and moving forward both personally and professionally," her attorney James Leonard told PEOPLE in an exclusive statement Friday."


Goodbye ankle monitor.

House Arrest is over but she still has 2 years of Probation and has to go through her PO for everything, like travel outside the state of NJ. AND she still can't get any loans/mortgages/credit cards either. LOL 

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