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S12.E18: Atlanta Reunion Part 1

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

I didn't even bother to watch most of this shit show, so what did Haley say?

That Jake WAS bad in bed!  In so many words that made it seem she was done because of his lack of...fill in the blanks.  She said it then smiled so big like the cat that ate the canary!

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7 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

I thought Virginia looked the best I'd ever seen her. I love a fringed, flapper inspired dress. I wish she would pull all her hair away from her face instead of letting some chunks stay loose, but her hair was healthy and shiny and her makeup was better than usual. Way to pull it together.

I couldn't agree more.  Her skin looked clean and clear, her makeup was well done not overdone.  She seemed happy...and so did Erik (who I don't think has had a nose job).  And his Mom seemed genuinely happy for them, too.  I don't think there was any faking the affection she seemed to have for Virginia, and vice versa.  In the beginning, I didn't think Virginia was a good candidate due to what she'd seen and been through with her parents' marriages.  She was like a broken little child, and the drinking was a real red flag.  But now I'm encouraged.  Maybe this will truly work out. 

Erik is, to use a very old term, besotted with her.  Yeah, her youth and beauty (she's very cute) is very attractive to him, but I truly believe he does love her.  And I think she loves him.  Is it the kind of love that will grow and stand the test of time?  Who knows.  I think Erik needs to calm down and not be so scared that he's headed for Divorce #2 every time there's a dust-up.  Virginia needs to appreciate that Erik is a great husband who only has eyes for her, and can provide a better life for her than she's ever had, especially supportive, drama-free in-laws.  It apparently rankled her that people got the impression she drank a lot.  I hope instead of being defensive, like she was last night, she does a little soul searching.  Maybe there is a grain of truth to her partying and drinking reputation, if that's all her friends at the wedding could say about her.

I'm hoping the next announcement we hear from these two is not that they are headed for a divorce but that they are headed for parenthood.  I think Virginia has the makings of an excellent mother, and Erik would be over the moon, second only to his mom, if she did get pregnant.  Erik has the type of easygoing personality that he could probably make a go of it with many types of women.  But how many of them could make him light up like Virginia does?  Virginia needs and craves stability, and Erik's maturity can provide that, IF he uses a delicate hand and suggests rather than dictates. 

After writing this, I was surprised to realize they remind me a lot of Jaime and Doug's relationship.  Doug, too, was attracted right off the bat to Jaime's looks and personality, and fell for her pretty quickly.  Jaime craved stability in her life and wanted to marry into a loving, supportive family.  

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8 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

I didn't even bother to watch most of this shit show, so what did Haley say?

Haley implied that sex with Jake was awful. Nothing new. I believe a lot of people, myself included, suspected as much. 

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So Virginn pretty much said all the drama was amped up for TV. She really doesn't go out that much with her buddies and Erik added he really likes her buddies. She doesn't drink much.  Erik is not as controlling as shown on the show. She really is ok having kids, but if it doesn't happen she's ok with that, too. Huh?  She's living in Erik's condo, kitties in tow. They are madly in love, even his mama who they dragged out to verify how happy they are loves Virginn. 

Same with Ryan and Clara. Most of all we saw was drama for TV. They get along great, he told her he loves her on national TV (I'm pretty sure he has already told her that before the reunion) and they are having sex. I believe they were always having sex but Ryan did not want to talk about it on the show and asked Clara to keep quiet about it. 

Vinny and Bri, again perfect match. He's alot more fun than we were led to believe and she's not near as bossy as we were led to believe. They are on the same page with everything. 

Chris and Paige, she will still bone him if he comes knocking on her door for a booty call, yo. 

***** Vinny looks fantastic! Lost weight, let his hair grown in, trimmed his beard and was smiling all the time. I hated him, now I love him. I'm so fickle. So fickle that I still love Erik. If I were 20 years younger he would be the whole package for me. Sigh.


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4 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

That Jake WAS bad in bed!  In so many words that made it seem she was done because of his lack of...fill in the blanks.  She said it then smiled so big like the cat that ate the canary!

Wow.  She actually said he was bad in bed.   No surprise.

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My first thought was that Virginia was wearing a costume from a tap recital (I have one!), but looked cute. While I do believe a LOT of what we see is definitely scripted and edited, I still think there are the same issues they have always had. Virginia even said they were still learning to communicate and Erik just acts like there were never any problems. I know they are still together, and Erik's mom says she's happy, but there was no smile or look of joy on her face at all. I am sure Virginia is enjoying her nights when Erik is working. I don't believe her when she said she doesn't party that much. While a lot of that was producer shenanigans, it was based in reality. Otherwise, they were totally boring.

As were Brianna and Vincent. I didn't like her new hair cut, but she is really sweet and they seem very happy, and both are making compromises. I hope they stay happy, and I believe they will.

Clara and Ryan are in love and having sex and that is all she wanted. Go forth and stay together.

I am looking forward to seeing the Jake/Haley clip next week. I HOPE he gives it back to her and that smug grin comes off her face and I hope that Kevin Frazier won't buy any of her phony tears and, "I tried my hardest" crap. 

I agree with those who said that Lifetime should not have given Chris and/or Paige any screen time, but I know people are tuning in to see them. I will tune out if they are back next week. WTH was she wearing? She was using one hand to keep the top up and the girls in and the other hand to keep that slit that went all the way up closed. She looked horrible! She is obviously very proud of her body, but I wish she could find something that would flatter it. And I agree that ANY time he will call her, she will be welcoming. I don't know if he and Mercedes are still together, but that wouldn't matter to Paige. And I had to laugh at those HORRIBLE matching suits that Chris and the other Pastor were wearing. It's bad enough they found 1, but 2????? And, while it was EXACTLY what was scripted to happen, I didn't like how Kevin just kept telling Chris to stop and just sat there. He didn't make any move to stop the filming or even ask the other pastor to stop. In that way, they didn't even try to make it look like it was real. Chris (and Paige) played their assigned parts as they have been doing. I don't know if Paige realizes that she is just as disliked as Chris is - no easy feat. 

I usually enjoy the Reunion shows, but this one was just incredibly boring. Maybe because the season seemed so long and dragged out so there was nothing new? Maybe because these really have been basically boring couples so there was no big drama to reveal? There just was no energy at all and I missed it. And to have the Reunion be in two parts is also pushing it. We get it - the women are all sisters and that was the best thing to come out of the show. LOL - I wonder if Haley will be a bridesmaid at the renewal ceremonies?




Edited by Retired at last
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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

Wow.  She actually said he was bad in bed.   No surprise.

Implied. With a "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" smirk.

I don't believe Ryan and Clara were intimate off-camera until very close to the end, if then. Otherwise, Clara lied to, well, everyone. Often. 


Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Erik has the type of easygoing personality

He doesn't strike me as easygoing at all. In fact, I think he's actually pretty uptight and rigid. Not a bad quality in a pilot but not necessarily something I'd want to live with 24/7.



Wow.  She actually said he was bad in bed.   No surprise.


Implied. With a "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" smirk.




Ya know, Haley - you may have found sex with Jake to be not to  your liking but that doesn't mean that he is "bad in bed." Maybe you didn't really push his buttons either?


She was using one hand to keep the top up and the girls in and the other hand to keep that slit that went all the way up closed. She looked horrible! She is obviously very proud of her body, but I wish she could find something that would flatter it.

I think Paige is pretty but I often don't think that her clothes flatter her. That dress did not fit her at all and I don't know that tailoring would have helped. That type of satin stretches easily so it could have fit like a glove at some point and then gotten out of shape and droopy by the end of the evening. I wish she would have an appointment with a stylist.

Edited by Elizzikra
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Is there any way we can get 2 hours of our lives back for that shit show?  Honestly, boring beyond belief and a complete waste of time.  We were there for the entire season, we don't need the recaps.  And I'm guessing the MAFS-ers don't need them either.  Although maybe Chris does (because he wasn't there) and Virginia does because she was lit a lot of the time.

I will say that Virginia in her flapper dress looks good.  Especially when compared to the clip from the second honeymoon/couples trip where her face looks bloated and broken out from all the non-drinking and the non-stressful situations that were apparently not going on, if you believe Virginia and EriK now.  Yep, they are claiming that Virginia really doesn't party, really doesn't drink and they have resolved absolutely everything.  Where is Dr. Pepper and Pastor Cal for comment because I still remember Pastor Cal's expression when Virginia said that getting wasted and passing out drunk on a male friend's couch was routine behavior for her.  

So EriK and Virginia are so totally in love and everything is great but I did notice that EriK had his legs crossed and kept his hands pretty much firmly on himself, not on Virginia.  EriK's mom comes out and . . . whatever.  Nothing against her, but we really don't care since EriK and Virginia are rewriting history.

Ryan and Clara are next and honestly, I think Clara looked better on Decision Day.  Ryan isn't wearing that ginormous bow tie but he's got some stupid hat on and his mustache makes him look like he should be working at Farrell's circa 1980.  I hate to tell him but it makes him look even more wee than usual.  Unlike EriK and Virginia, Ryan and Clara are sitting close and are all touchy-feely.  They are still married and they are going to have a vow renewal ceremony (sometimes the kiss of death, like tattooing someone's name on your body.  Just saying.)  So Ryan still hasn't dropped the L word to Clara (but she's still going to have a vow renewal?  Huh?) but under pressure from Host Kevin, Ryan gives in and says it and Clara is literally geeking out.

Vincent and Bri are still together.  No surprise, I guess.  Bri has cut her hair and who can blame her since Vinny likes to come at her with scissors?  Or maybe Vinny cut it?  Maybe that's one of his 10 jobs now.  In any event, it's super cute and she looks amazing.  Kevin gives her some mini Spanish test and . . . whatever.  This is boring, y'all.  

Maybe everyone should have brought their pets with them.  

Then we see a film or something from some girls' trip everyone did (but Clara, who was working) to Mexico.  Haley is wearing a stupid captain's hat (maybe she and Ryan should have been matched over their fondness for wearing stupid hats) and she is overdoing the "I am great and awesome" shtick by being front and center (and that includes her teeth).   Why didn't Paige receive a message from God to shove Haley into the water?  

Then the "girls" are sitting around and having a gossip session -- with the cameras, with us and with Kevin.  Blah, blah, blah.  We don't need to see some never-before-seen footage of Paige saying that her friend was asking her about oral -- anal -- okay, whatever -- with her then-unseen future husband.  Somehow I'm thinking this is not in the Bible.  And you probably don't want Chris to see this because he'll definitely be calling you up again.  

So Kevin asks Haley to help salvage Jake's reputation and Haley says that the sex was terrible and that's that.  (Okay, maybe not in those exact, exact words but she pretty much said there was no fire in the hole.)  She tried, don't you know, to make an emotional connection and a physical one (drunken Vegas sex counts as an attempt to make a physical connection?) but she just couldn't do it.  I guess leaving your new spouse in the hotel room while you go out to eat and drink with the other couples and then switching your seat away from your new spouse on the flight home now counts as trying to make a connection?  Haley . . . please.  We watched the season.  

Sigh.  Then Chris and Paige are brought up and to no one's surprise, Paige took a page (no pun intended) from Haley's book and tried, tried, tried again with Chris.  Paige is a dumb shit.  Chris talks about himself in the third person and says he's not worthy of someone of Paige's caliber.  Well, maybe Chris did learn something on this show.  But again, Paige is a dumb shit.  Chris doesn't want to talk about Mercedes and Mercedes' Mercedes because it would be disrespecting Paige.  Not telling the world that you've hit it twice on the wedding night or that you find your new wife's face ugly -- that's not disrespectful but talking about Mercedes is.  You know, the more I see Chris and Paige together, the more I realize they are actually perfect for one another.  Both dumb shits.  

So Pastor Dwight is brought out and despite claims that Dwight and Chris haven't seen each other in ages, they are clearly shopping together because their outfits are soooo similar.  They need to take Paige shopping because her outfit is horrific.  So while they are fighting, Paige is sitting there with a big smile on her face.  Girl is loving it.  Again, she's a dumb shit.  And like Chris, she is refusing to speak of why she continued having sex with him after he was exposed as an obvious dumb shit.   That's okay, Paige.  We know why.  And it has nothing to do with God, girl.  

As has become par for the course, Chris gets miffed, climbs on his Huffy bike and pedals right on out of the studio, headed for the parking lot.  Like, we couldn't see this coming from a mile away.  Why didn't they just go ahead and sit up filming for their portion in the parking lot?  It would make his walk a lot shorter.  

So this crapfest is continued next week for another two hours.  I guess we'll get more of the Chris/Paige nondrama drama, as well as Jake and Haley before all the couples will sit down together.  

If I've said it before (I have), I'll say it again (you know I will).  I hope Jake absolutely massacres Haley.  I also hope the others MAFS-ers will say something about Haley's so-called nonstop efforts to "try."   It's bullshit and they all know it.  It will be interesting if the other women call out Haley.  They were getting her side of it throughout the "experiment" and now they've had a chance to watch most of the season's episodes so it will be interesting to see what their take is (besides they were a poor match from the start.)  

I'd like to say that I won't be bothered with part 2 but I know darn well and good I'll be there next Wednesday night for more punishment.   


Edited by psychoticstate
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All season, Haley declined to confirm that Jake was bad in bed, and people said she should just come out and admit it. As I suspected, when she finally does — upon being asked directly, not just bringing it up for fun — she confirms, doesn’t go into gory detail, but is still excoriated. This is BEC at critical mass. 

I don’t think Haley needs to define “good sex” to anyone. Don’t adults understand that it’s different for everyone? Isn’t that a constant topic of discussion in movies, TV, podcasts, bars, and everywhere else? Maybe Jake is a fantastic sex person. (It’s hard to imagine, but let’s pretend.) He could be the best sex person in America, but if he does things that don’t work for Haley, then it’s bad sex. She’s allowed to feel that way, even if she’s “competitive” or a “liar” (still have no proof she lied but OK) or whatever else is supposed to explain the deep character flaws that made her unable to connect with the precious, innocent Nice Guy™️ who smirked at her every time she talked. 

Edited by JocelynCavanaugh
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Best case scenario: Part II starts with Pastor S Curl beating the crap out of Chris in the parking lot. 

Here’s and unpopular opinion, I kinda like Paige - Something about the lopsided wigs, they shiny t-zone in need of blotting sheets and the awkward fashions. I just want to mother her and feed her pound cake and shake my head to her bad dating decisions. Girlfriend is a full on mess and it can’t be fixed. But when she’s through being a doormat, she is going to be the devil in an ill-fitted blue dress. All kinds of men will pay for her past mistreatments - It’s gonna be legendary! 

I never say this, but I think Ryan is gay. All the controlled and controlling behaviors remind me so much of Bachelor Colton before he admitted he was gay. He’s trying to paint some perfect picture of what heterosexual wedded bliss is. It wouldn’t be this difficult and tense if it was natural. Recommitment ceremony when you never say I love you? Yeah, ok.

Correction on the Hailey interview. She was very careful to NOT say Jacob was bad in bed. Kevin Fraiser kept asking her and she said, “It’s best if I say nothing.” Kevin said he needed to know and she said, “There was no physical connection.” Granted she did giggle throughout that exchange, but I’ll allow it Your Honor. She had a rough season.

What always strikes whenever the group starts talking about Jake is that no one likes him. As soon as Kevin started asking Hailey about him, the other women started dogging him and saying they were opposites and there was no way they could be a match. The other husbands don’t seem to like Jake either. Also. When Kevin asked Hailey if she’s talked to Jake since filming, she said she can’t because Jake blocked her on all social media. They both seem immature, but look like the old couple of the season. I can’t wait for their segment.

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5 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Ya know, Haley - you may have found sex with Jake to be not to  your liking but that doesn't mean that he is "bad in bed." Maybe you didn't really push his buttons either?

Yes, it's quite possible she didn't push his buttons either, but also that he didn't push her buttons and he's "bad in bed" for her.  Both things can be true.  Frankly, he just looks like he smells bad.  

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1 minute ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

That's Haley for you, always keeping it klassy. 

Well, I didn't see the segment but from what I read she was asked the question.  If she demurred she would have been excoriated, so she just said "fuck it" and spoke the truth.  She knew she couldn't win either way.  I was just surprised (and pleased) she had the gumption to come out and say it.  

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1 minute ago, Crashcourse said:

I was just surprised (and pleased) she had the gumption to come out and say it.  

I've actually respected Hailey for never saying anything about it, not even when Dr. Pepper pressed her so hard about why things weren't working out.  It's just not something you do to a guy.  You can say it to them, but you don't do it on national tv.  

Having said that, what I'm about to say won't be popular to many.  But here it is. Jake caused this "bad in bed" crap.  If he hadn't been whining early on that 'everything was so great' until the 4th(?) day of the honeymoon, which is the day we all know they had sex for the first and apparently only time, no one would ever have put two and two together.  What a dope.  He's repeated it to the camera so many times my 7 year old grandson could connect the dots.

If your new spouse won't touch you and avoids you at every turn right after you consummate the marriage AND you are being recorded for national TV, you pray to all that is holy that she keeps her mouth shut.  You don't antagonize her so she has a reason to "get even" with you.

I'm hearing conflicting statements that Hailey did come out and say it last night/she just alluded to it, but if she did say it, she better be prepared that she's going to hear about it for a long time to come.  From both men and women.   

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3 minutes ago, JapMo said:

It's just not something you do to a guy. 

I have to amend my above statement....it's not something you do to anyone, male or female.  Paige was certainly hurt last night when she heard Chris tell Pastor Cal she wasn't great looking.  

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27 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Ya know, Haley - you may have found sex with Jake to be not to  your liking but that doesn't mean that he is "bad in bed." Maybe you didn't really push his buttons either?

This! It's really easy for her to smugly sit there and *wink, wink* imply it was terrible (which everyone has been assuming), but Jake was not even on at all last night to defend himself! That was pretty shitty of the show. I really hope he has something to say about her part there. She basically admitted that it was a drunken hookup so the whole thing was probably pretty sloppy and not great for either one. Everyone cannot wait for Chris to get off their tv, but I also feel like that about her. She has moved into top five worst women for me.

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2 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

Everyone cannot wait for Chris to get off their tv, but I also feel like that about her.

BOTH Jake & Hailey.  Honestly, I really thought these two would have a better season, but it's turned into a sh*t show.  Both of them are too old for this crap.  It's embarrassing watching their behavior.  

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1 minute ago, Ilovepie said:

Jake was not even on at all last night to defend himself!

That was show driven. I think they recorded the couples separately first, then did the women, (I don't know if they did the men), and then all the couples together. Or maybe all the couples together and then the women? Anyway, it was how they put together the Reunion. I am sure that when we see their couples' interview, we will hear more from Jake. At least I hope so. I can totally do without any more Chris and Paige, but we know that won't happen. If not for them, I am sure the ratings would be in the toilet. 

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5 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

That was show driven. I think they recorded the couples separately first, then did the women, (I don't know if they did the men), and then all the couples together. Or maybe all the couples together and then the women? Anyway, it was how they put together the Reunion. I am sure that when we see their couples' interview, we will hear more from Jake. At least I hope so. I can totally do without any more Chris and Paige, but we know that won't happen. If not for them, I am sure the ratings would be in the toilet. 

I don't think the order of this was great. Why would they sit down with the girls as a group before they had even talked to Haley and Jake as a couple? They are the only ones who weren't interviewed as couple last night. They should have had them go, then Chris and Paige and ended with Chris storming off as a "cliffhanger" for this nonsense. The girls as a group could have been saved for next week, God help us. I cannot even believe I'm writing that. No way this thing needed to be dragged out for two weeks, but I think that would have helped the pacing and given Jake a chance to at least respond.

25 minutes ago, JapMo said:

But here it is. Jake caused this "bad in bed" crap.  If he hadn't been whining early on that 'everything was so great' until the 4th(?) day of the honeymoon, which is the day we all know they had sex for the first and apparently only time, no one would ever have put two and two together. 

It also corresponds the the time she ditched him in their hotel room, so I think that it has nothing to do with the sex for him. He just doesn't actually like her as a person.

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55 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

This! It's really easy for her to smugly sit there and *wink, wink* imply it was terrible (which everyone has been assuming), but Jake was not even on at all last night to defend himself!

I wish Jake would say something like 'Yeah, she just lays there like a dead fish! He won't go there but one can only dream. 

By the way, I've been following Jake on IG and he is actually a nice, fun, sweet guy. He's buddies with Erik. He grew some facial hair and looks good. 

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6 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I wish Jake would say something like 'Yeah, she just lays there like a dead fish! He won't go there but one can only dream. 

By the way, I've been following Jake on IG and he is actually a nice, fun, sweet guy. He's buddies with Erik. He grew some facial hair and looks good. 

It's hard for me to imagine that Haley is a playful and giving lover. If you're having sex the first couple of days that you've met someone, you're really hot to trot and the sex will be great even if the relationship isn't.  Most of these couples shouldn't have sex right away unless they can't keep their hands off each other. Since you're already married and you'd like to make the marriage work having sex later rather than sooner in my opinion is a better strategy.

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A production revelation for me, that made watching the cast reactions during the reunion more interesting....they said the reunion was taped before all episodes had aired. So the cast had not yet seen some of the edited, final footage we saw during the season. We got to watch them see it for the first time when clips were used on the reunion show. 

Regarding Haley’s interview, I found it disappointing to realize she truly gave up on Day 4 after the sex thing. She said (paraphrased), “I didn’t have an emotional connection so I thought maybe try for a physical connection. Nope. So I was done.” I understand immediate sparks happen for some, but many times things grow over time. To check out on Day 4 of an eight week process seemed short sighted - even if the outcome was the same.

Edited by Cancun
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I believe Clara and Haley meant well when they said they admired Paige’s strength while dealing with Chris. However, I respectfully disagree.  Paige didn’t show an ounce of strength while dealing with Chris.  While she was patient, she was also naïve and stupid. 

I noticed that when Pastor Dwight showed up Chris’ demeanor changed, and all his well-rehearsed speeches and answers went out the window. I find it interesting that when Erik challenged him, he tried to get in his face, however when the Pastor challenged him, he fled.

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36 minutes ago, Cancun said:

A production revelation for me, that made watching the cast reactions during the reunion more interesting....they said the reunion was taped before any episodes had aired. So the cast had not yet seen the edited, final footage we saw during the season. We got to watch them see it for the first time when clips were used on the reunion show. 

Regarding Haley’s interview, I found it disappointing to realize she truly gave up on Day 4 after the sex thing. She said (paraphrased)), “I didn’t have an emotional connection so I thought maybe try for a physical connection. Nope. So I was done.” I understand immediate sparks happen for some, but many times things grow over time. To check out on Day 4 of an eight week process seemed short sighted - even if the outcome was the same.

Had they seen none of the episodes or just not all?  I thought maybe just not all.  

Regarding Haley -- totally agree.  She knew she was signing up for an 8-week "experiment" so to give up on day 4 is something.   And did she honestly expect an emotional connection 4 days in?  Most people in the "real world" outside of reality tv and MAFS don't have an emotional connection 4 days in.   I wouldn't just say her actions were short sighted but very juvenile as well.

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7 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Had they seen none of the episodes or just not all?  I thought maybe just not all.  

Regarding Haley -- totally agree.  She knew she was signing up for an 8-week "experiment" so to give up on day 4 is something.   And did she honestly expect an emotional connection 4 days in?  Most people in the "real world" outside of reality tv and MAFS don't have an emotional connection 4 days in.   I wouldn't just say her actions were short sighted but very juvenile as well.

It was a bit ambiguous but I initially interpreted it as they had seen none of the episodes. I just rewatched that segment and Kevin said, "We taped this reunion prior to all the episodes being aired."  So maybe you are correct, otherwise Kevin may have phrased it "prior to any of the episodes being aired."

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4 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I didn't even bother to watch most of this shit show, so what did Haley say?


Once I saw and heard the "scripted" nature of the responses to Kevin Fraser and once I understood that the concept of the show is no longer to produce viable "marriages" but instead to create Class D "celebrities" (with quirks,) embedded into the social media lexicon and spinoff MAFS shows my interest in the participants evaporated.  

Nothing authentic seems to have survived the slick "makeover" of the show.  That includes the "experts" who are now part of the producers "script."

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Yes, they had definitely aired some of the episodes before they filmed this reunion because the couples reference watching episodes and learning from seeing themselves. Virginia said she realized she says, “I like to party” way more than she actually parties. (Cough: Lies.) And Erik said that he realized that he came off domineering. For instance, he said the male friends conversation made him cringe. Also when Erik’s mom comes out they talk about the scene where Virginia says that she’s 50-50 on having kids. There are similar conversation with Vinny on his tantrums and Chris saying he saw his pastor comparing Mercedes to Paige on TV and he didn’t like it. Also, Erik kept joking saying, “for sure” at the end of his sentences and laughing, which was his little call back to Ryan on the show.

On what Hailey said about the dreaded first four days, US Weekly has the quote. It doesn’t seem bad to me:

 Frazier brought up the fact that Haley and Jacob slept together on their honeymoon but then their relationship just got even worse. “We didn’t connect,” she said of the hookup. “I was trying to find an emotional connection; I was trying to find a physical connection. My last straw was the physical connection. When that didn’t work, I was like, ’Alright, where do we go from here?’”

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I'm terrible, but I WANT to know what Jake did in bed that was soooo bad! Came too fast? Couldn't get it up? Micropenis? Diaper fetish? WHAT? I think basically everyone who has had sex before realizes that it can take a few times to sync up with a new partner, especially if you were drunk the first time.  So it has to be  super bad for Haley to say never again--right?

That's it. That's literally the only thing I care about after this snoozefest of a season.

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15 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

I think Ryan’s apology to his mom after admitting on camera that he wasn’t a virgin is verrry telling about why they refused to discuss sex with Kevin and why all he said on camera the entire season was “for sure”. His parents are ministers and he didn’t want to embarrass them on t.v. I think they are fine. His m.o. was basically “hey, Lifetime, thanks for the wife. You can go now.” 😂

And also, Oh shit - Haley actually went there. 

Although that makes sense, he should've shared that memo with Clara earlier before she loudly complained about "getting him off every night" unreciprocated. Having a horny son might be embarrassing, but having him revealed as a selfish lover is worse!

I hope they are happy irl and Ryan's awkwardness can be chalked up to wanting privacy. There were many times where it felt like she was muting her feelings/personality for his benefit, but they must be the real deal behind closed doors. For her sake I hope so, because his non-reactions and evasive neutral answers to everything would slowly unhinge me if that were his actual 24/7 persona.

Even though we could all guess Haley was turned off after the sex, I thought Haley snickering and basically publicly confirming Jake as terrible in bed was cruel. This isn't high school after prom. Just say you didn't feel sexual chemistry or realized you weren't sexually compatible, which then imploded the relationship. Kudos to Clara and Briana for being the adults in the room and saying that they were just different (allegedly) nice people. Although if Jake really did block her on every platform, maybe they deserved each other. Dude, you're pushing 40! Both of them just need to be mature instead of this embarrassing teen drama.

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I didn't like Haley.  I really did not like her when she sent the bracelet home with her mom.  How uncaring and rude.

Now she has everybody talking about Jake and how he performs.

Shame on her.  She deserves 'always a bridesmaid but never a bride'!

Edited by Jeanne222
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6 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Pretty sure I had those brooches from the Limited circa 1985.

I thought Virginia looked the best I'd ever seen her. I love a fringed, flapper inspired dress. I wish she would pull all her hair away from her face instead of letting some chunks stay loose, but her hair was healthy and shiny and her makeup was better than usual. Way to pull it together.

Why, when Chris stalks off, do people feel compelled to go after him? That's why he does it. Let him go! He's just a toddler throwing a tantrum. 

As soon as he stormed off, I said to my wife and daughter, "Queue Paige to stand and follow".

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1 hour ago, glitterpussy said:

I'm terrible, but I WANT to know what Jake did in bed that was soooo bad! Came too fast? Couldn't get it up? Micropenis? Diaper fetish? WHAT? I think basically everyone who has had sex before realizes that it can take a few times to sync up with a new partner, especially if you were drunk the first time.  So it has to be  super bad for Haley to say never again--right?

That's it. That's literally the only thing I care about after this snoozefest of a season.

My guess, just based on their dynamic and the way she (doesn’t) talk about it: it’s just one of those things that happens. You agree to date (or marry on TV) a guy you’re not quite sure about. You don’t necessarily click at first — maybe he stares you down at the altar and doesn’t even pretend to smile at you, and you go from beaming and laughing to deflated and apprehensive. Or whatever.

One night, you’re trying to have a good time and connect with the guy. On paper, he’s decent and you feel like you should give him a chance. The night progresses, your inhibitions are low, and you go for it. But... it’s just not good. He touches you clumsily or makes weird noises or or kisses like a puppy lapping water. Maybe he insists on doing something you don’t enjoy, convinced you will like it if you just let him do it. It’s nothing to do with dick size or anything objectively “wrong,” but it feels awful. You’re tipsy, but aware enough to know it ain’t right.

After that encounter, you go from “maybe” about him to “full-body squick,” and the more time you have to think about it, you realize there’s no going back. He just makes your skin crawl. You feel faintly violated, even though it was consensual...

There’s nothing to tell him, really. Maybe he’s got a hair-trigger ego. Maybe you’re contractually obligated to spend time with him for the next 7 weeks, and every single fucking time you try to have a normal conversation, the Darkness takes over and he demands to know whether you’re attracted to him yet. What’s the use in explaining?

You try to do the right thing and not say this on TV, but people keep asking. Finally, Kevin Frazier asks, and you can’t flat-out deny it. But you still don’t say “he just made me feel disgusting and everything he did was the opposite of enjoyable to me.. I’ve never fucked a slightly autistic salamander but I can’t say I don’t know the feeling.” It doesn’t matter, because whatever you say or do, some people think you’re a snotty bitch for not liking sex with a guy they saw on TV. But you truly don’t have to like it, do it again, apologize, or explain to anyone. 

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Finally saw the entire episode, Ryan & Clara, my season-long faves remain so...soooooooo touching when he looked her in the eye and said those three words she's been wanting, although I am convinced that, wanting/needing privacy as much as they do for all the important stuff, it actually happened well before the reunion. Her look was toned down, softer colors, gone with the garish red lipstick...and Ryan looked a LOT more relaxed....I actually like the guy, simply because, to me, he just doesn't seem to have a phoney bone in his cute, mustachioed, fedora hatted, body...and it looks like Clara is totally on board with that. I could not perceive any discomfort in her responses, actually none at all between the two of them! Probably because I am partial to them from the start

I was surprised by Vinnie and Brianna - I didn't him all that much, but had enough regard for her opinion that I thought they would make it....He did not look as much dough-boy to me as earlier in the season.....and she does not seem to be giving up on her basic character at all. They were my 2nd favorite couple and remain so...even though I still don't like him all that much (too publicly whiny for my taste, but that could just be production drive for all I know) so I will cut him some slack.

No idea what VaRic are up to. Haven't yet seen who are the couples joining Couples Cam for the new season, but that could be part of it. Not surprised that BAmelia would have dropped out - her medical career and his lack of interest in the more materialistic aspects of fame tell me they turned their attention to the more important aspects of their marriage. Anyone know if they are still together? I am hoping so - despite some of the weirdness, I really liked them as a couple who actually gave a crap, not just about themselves, but about people and the planet.

Saw the POSchirs/DUMBERTHANDIRTpaige segment and will not torture myself with having to look at them again. WTF was she thinking wearing a fuck-me dress? Is that REALLY what she has been taught/brought up to believe that's all women are for - to be fucked and impregnated and pounded into submission? - but then, I have seen to much, FAR TOO MUCH of that IRL to think it could be otherwise. I know they are continuing with the next episode of this fiasco, and I fear there will be too much more of POS andDUMBASSHIT for me to tolerate.

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2 hours ago, Cancun said:

A production revelation for me, that made watching the cast reactions during the reunion more interesting....they said the reunion was taped before any episodes had aired. So the cast had not yet seen the edited, final footage we saw during the season. We got to watch them see it for the first time when clips were used on the reunion show. 

Regarding Haley’s interview, I found it disappointing to realize she truly gave up on Day 4 after the sex thing. She said (paraphrased)), “I didn’t have an emotional connection so I thought maybe try for a physical connection. Nope. So I was done.” I understand immediate sparks happen for some, but many times things grow over time. To check out on Day 4 of an eight week process seemed short sighted - even if the outcome was the same.

I've heard the reunion was taped around Valentine's Day.

Haley's "connection" issues just don't add up for me.  She basically gave up on Day 4.   It's a 2 month process.   I doubt any of couples were "sure" on day 4.  Except maybe Chris...

And her implication about Jacob was just mean girl rude and spiteful.   Kevin Frazier asked her the question directly but also gave her an "out".   He basically said fans are thinking the sex was bad.   Save this man's reputation and tell us what happened.   A less spiteful woman would have considered his reputation and dodged the question.   She could have said it was a drunken hook up, and the pivoted to all the other reasons that they weren't a match.  Instead she giggled with a cheshire cat grin and let the implication that Jake was bad in bed stand.  The editing was a little weird in this segment with the shots of the other ladies laughing, so I wouldn't be surprised if some of this is editing as well.   

Jacob wasn't always the nicest to Haley either.   But we didn't see him do anything to her to warrant that level of spitefulness.     

Edited by After7Only
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59 minutes ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

Although that makes sense, he should've shared that memo with Clara earlier before she loudly complained about "getting him off every night" unreciprocated. Having a horny son might be embarrassing, but having him revealed as a selfish lover is worse!

I hope they are happy irl and Ryan's awkwardness can be chalked up to wanting privacy. There were many times where it felt like she was muting her feelings/personality for his benefit, but they must be the real deal behind closed doors. For her sake I hope so, because his non-reactions and evasive neutral answers to everything would slowly unhinge me if that were his actual 24/7 persona.

I have to say that Clara never said it was not reciprocated. If you watch that video, She says "I'm getting him off every night....." and someone else in the room says "and getting nothing". She then says "Exactly". It is not clear if that means he isn't reciprocating, or if she just isn't getting what she wants, i.e. sex. With these two, we will never know.

I would also say that you are right that it seemed like Clara was muting her feelings for him, but I also saw him doing the same when she would answer one of his questions and her answer was not matching his own feelings. He just looked pensive and said "for sure". I think all of that was for the tv cameras and not real. As Ryan stated last night, there is a lot that people don't see when the filming stops. I started following them both on SM, and he's pretty funny and they seem really sweet together.

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It's one thing to go out on a date with a guy, have maybe drunken sex, but realize afterwards that he makes you wanna hurl.  It's not like you blame him for being awful; in fact, you're actually ashamed of yourself for even letting it happen.  But the good thing is, (assuming he's not a stalker) you don't have to see him anymore.  However, if you're married on a reality tv show and you're supposed to be living together for eight fucking weeks, it's kinda hard to navigate that scenario without coming off on national tv as cruel and heartless if you no longer want to have anything to do with him.  It doesn't help that he has the personality of spurned Sasquatch.  So, you just ride it out until the nightmare is over.   

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6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

That Jake WAS bad in bed!  In so many words that made it seem she was done because of his lack of...fill in the blanks.  She said it then smiled so big like the cat that ate the canary!

When ever one person is bad in bed it means two people failed and she was one of those people. If she wasn't ready for sex with him she should have said so. As a new wife who agreed to this situation if he was nervous or clumsy she should have encouraged him to relax. She is supposed to be his mate in bed not his critic. Haley's a woman but has no clue about being a lady.

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2 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

When ever one person is bad in bed it means two people failed and she was one of those people. If she wasn't ready for sex with him she should have said so. As a new wife who agreed to this situation if he was nervous or clumsy she should have encouraged him to relax. She is supposed to be his mate in bed not his critic. Haley's a woman but has no clue about being a lady.

No. Maybe she was ready and he just sucked at it. It's not always the woman's fault. This is unrealistic and unfair.

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15 minutes ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

No. Maybe she was ready and he just sucked at it. It's not always the woman's fault. This is unrealistic and unfair.

I agree maybe he did suck (or didn't suck enough)...did she help? Did she put him at ease? Did she try again at another time? I don't think you can measure anyone's sexual performance based on a fairly awkward situation. Did she soon after ditch him? I'm sure many woman are a bit frightened on their wedding night don't we expect a decent guy to laugh have fun and put them at ease? 

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3 hours ago, Adeejay said:

I believe Clara and Haley meant well when they said they admired Paige’s strength while dealing with Chris. However, I respectfully disagree.  Paige didn’t show an ounce of strength while dealing with Chris. 

They were wrong. Clara bent to Ryan's will much of the time. So I'm not surprised that she labeled it strong. Haley knows better. Chris isn't the only cast member who says a lot of bs to Paige. 

1 hour ago, JocelynCavanaugh said:

My guess, just based on their dynamic and the way she (doesn’t) talk about it: it’s just one of those things that happens. <snip>

It doesn’t matter, because whatever you say or do, some people think you’re a snotty bitch for not liking sex with a guy they saw on TV. But you truly don’t have to like it, do it again, apologize, or explain to anyone. 

Agreed. It's absolutely okay for Haley to not like Jake, a guy she met, married, and hooked up with as much as folks who saw him on a television show do. Plenty of people in their twenties make bad decisions when it comes to sex, marriage, and figuring out how to respond when things don't go as anticipated. She's human and arguably, no worse a human, and no worse a partner than Jake. 

While it's fun to trash talk these folks, I have some amount of empathy for all of them. Yes, even Chris. Chris is terrible. Dwight and MAFS are, too. Chris was right, the reunion conversation should have been off camera. Dwight, performed the wedding ceremony knowing exactly who Chris was and then in an attempt to extend his fifteen minutes of fame makes a couple more guest appearances on the show to tell Paige and America how terrible Chris is. While Chris is responsible for his actions, plenty of MAFS' decisions also hurt Paige. The show celebrates Viviana giving Chris a piece of her mind even though she advocated for matching him when it was clear that he'd be a terrible husband for most women and would absolutely destroy a woman who was willing to be a submissive freak.

The show didn't have to show Paige (and us) what Chris said about her. If the pregnancy/miscarriage was a farce to get out of his contract they could have let him go. The could have left the footage on the cutting room floor. Four couples was enough. 

47 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

It's one thing to go out on a date with a guy, have maybe drunken sex, but realize afterwards that he makes you wanna hurl.  It's not like you blame him for being awful; in fact, you're actually ashamed of yourself for even letting it happen.  But the good thing is, (assuming he's not a stalker) you don't have to see him anymore.  However, if you're married on a reality tv show and you're supposed to be living together for eight fucking weeks, it's kinda hard to navigate that scenario without coming off on national tv as cruel and heartless if you no longer want to have anything to do with him.  It doesn't help that he has the personality of spurned Sasquatch.  So, you just ride it out until the nightmare is over.   

Agreed. All the anti-Hayley talk has let me to be team Hayley even though generally she wouldn't be my cup of tea. Also, MAFS probably shouldn't have paired Jake with a twenty-something woman who is the antithesis of quirky. His marriage probably wouldn't have been any more successful if he'd been paired with any of the of the other women from the past four seasons.

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37 minutes ago, Rae Spellman said:



Agreed. All the anti-Hayley talk has let me to be team Hayley even though generally she wouldn't be my cup of tea. Also, MAFS probably shouldn't have paired Jake with a twenty-something woman who is the antithesis of quirky. His marriage probably wouldn't have been any more successful if he'd been paired with any of the of the other women from the past four seasons.

I disagree Stephanie from season 8 was successful with her match due more to her effort than him being Prince Charming. She is closer to Jake's age than Haley. She would have taken the time to know Jake and make him feel at ease. Haley stated looking for the off ramp on her wedding night.



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Was Clara wearing a wig at the reunion?  Something was off with her hair - it was definitely thicker but I don't think extensions would make her hairline look so odd.  

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7 minutes ago, Magoo said:

Was Clara wearing a wig at the reunion?  Something was off with her hair - it was definitely thicker but I don't think extensions would make her hairline look so odd.  

Clara was wearing the Blond "Loretta Lynn" style of wig....

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20 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I didn't like Haley. 

I do not like Haley, Jake I am.

I do like steak, eggs and ham.

I would eat them in my beach backyard house.

I would eat them because she bought me a blouse.

I would eat them on vacay.

I can eat them all...m'kay?

(apologies to Dr. Seuss)

Edited by humbleopinion
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On 5/19/2021 at 5:14 PM, LennieBriscoe said:

Circa 1961 my mother had a white  "shimmy"  dress like Virginia's, and she looked fabulous in it! 

Yeah, Erik and Virginia resolved their issues...not! He has to live with her cats, and she still drinks! 

Erik was visibly shaking his head when V. was saying she didn't have a drinking problem. Talk about a tell!

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