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S06.E02: A Few Good Women

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Jason Behr! Back on my screen as an alien once more!

Lex's lawyer looked like a blonde Courtney Ford. 

Ugh, Lex's "bitter women" rant in court made me dislike him even more. Again, John Crier is a fantastic Lex. One of the best. I turned into the teacher from The Incredibles with that "not guilty" verdict.

Alex with the table of potstickers piled on top of the table for Kara was so sad. 

  • Love 8

I just cant with Alex braiding her hair and dying part of it blue as part of her superhero costume. It is just to funny for me. None of it makes sense 

Love me some Jason Behr so I'm fine with the recast, though I prefer if Zor-El had just stayed dead but of course ill chalk this up to COIE. Also funny that both her parents have been recast.

I'm over Lex.

Give me the Super crew fighting bad guys and aliens while Kara is gone and struggling to win.

  • Love 3

Yep, I also got just a bit too excited when Jason Behr showed up as Zor-El.  Always down for an appearance from one of the OG Roswell cast members!  Sure we can't get Brenden Fehr to show up as another El family member?!  Can't wait to see more of him and Kara going forward.

I've seen a lot of silly courtroom scenes on television (especially on the D.C. shows), but even then, Lex's trial seemed even messier and more ridiculous than normal.  Numerous objections that the judge never responded too.  Lex representing himself and barely asking any questions and simply just using his time to grandstand and mug for the camera like he always does.  A prosecutor that clearly didn't prep her witness or even really prepare at all, since it was clear as day that Lex could use Eve's crush/love for him to his advantage.  No one apparently realizing that the bailiff was freaking Otis in the silliest disguise ever.  Come on, now!

And it all leads to Lex being found not guilty, which shocks all the heroes who were practically popping champagne throughout the entire episode, because they were just so sure Lex was done for.  Because apparently everyone lives in a fantasy world where good always wins and no one would ever fall for Lex's grandstanding, "tell it like it is!", thinly-veiled sexist "those women are out to get me!" argument.  Even though, yes, plenty people would and totally did... again.  I swear, Team Supergirl never seems to realize just how awful the public can be, even though we've already seen plenty of evidence of it.  Frankly, the normal citizens can end up being the biggest villains on superhero shows.

Other then that, I did like seeing the rest of Team Supergirl trying to work together to save Kara, and how it is effecting them going forward.  M'gann supporting J'onn and speaking out whenever he lets his emotions effect his judgment.  Brainy giving Nia a nice pep talk (redemption tour is coming along nicely so far!)  Kelly being a great partner to Alex, even though I wish we actually saw Alex tell Kelly about Kara being Supergirl.  Obviously, I hope Kara gets out of the Phantom Zone soon, but I'm enjoying these dynamics.

Still finding both William and Andrea to be ineffective for this final season.

Favorite exchange (paraphrased, of course:)

Lex:  "Sometimes I think you care more about the Luthor name than your kids themselves."
Lillian:  "Well, duh, of course I do!  That really isn't in question.  I'd easily throw both you and Lena under a bus to protect the Luthor brand.  Stop being silly, Lex!"

Mother of the year right there!

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:


I've seen a lot of silly courtroom scenes on television (especially on the D.C. shows), but even then, Lex's trial seemed even messier and more ridiculous than normal.  Numerous objections that the judge never responded too.  Lex representing himself and barely asking any questions and simply just using his time to grandstand and mug for the camera like he always does.  A prosecutor that clearly didn't prep her witness or even really prepare at all, since it was clear as day that Lex could use Eve's crush/love for him to his advantage.  No one apparently realizing that the bailiff was freaking Otis in the silliest disguise ever.  Come on, now!

And it all leads to Lex being found not guilty, which shocks all the heroes who were practically popping champagne throughout the entire episode, because they were just so sure Lex was done for.  Because apparently everyone lives in a fantasy world where good always wins and no one would ever fall for Lex's grandstanding, "tell it like it is!", thinly-veiled sexist "those women are out to get me!" argument.  Even though, yes, plenty people would and totally did... again.  I swear, Team Supergirl never seems to realize just how awful the public can be, even though we've already seen plenty of evidence of it.  Frankly, the normal citizens can end up being the biggest villains on superhero shows.


Omg it was SO BAD. I cringed at anything having to do with those scenes. I really enjoy the cast but it saddens me that the writers give them the most basic of material to work with.

  • Love 6

Not much to say. I don't know what was funnier: Lex having an escape plan all ready on the assumption he would be found guilty, or that a courtroom that's probably supposed to be secure as hell got infiltrated by Otis the Bailiff.

1 hour ago, bettername2come said:

Ugh, Lex's "bitter women" rant in court made me dislike him even more.

Agreed. It looks like he's got three options available to him: attempt to scorch and salt the earth at CatCo, drop the hammer on Lena, and become an inspiration for the guys who probably still have Agent Liberty masks in their closets.

ETA: I liked the bit of Brainy Fu in the cold open. Doesn't beat Kara doing Supergirl stuff while not in her costume, but it's fun to watch.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 3

Say, didn't J'onn and M'gann merge minds or something like that last episode?  An act so intimate that it apparently never needs to be brought up again since their relationship appears exactly the same.

And sure, it's probably because of what the phantoms did but didn't it seem like Kara severely underplayed meeting her supposedly dead Dad?

I do get a kick out of the fact that Crisis is the go to excuse for every plot twist on multiple shows.

  • Love 4

Yeah, Lex's trial was truly ridiculous. None of it made sense, even Lex knew that, and somehow he got away with it all AND now Lena is probably gonna be on trial and potentially get found guilty because she's not Lex Luthor, someone who will clearly do everything in his power to make the jury find her guilty so she's out of his way. And no surprise Lillian Luthor is fine with that to an extent. Her pride is on the Luthor name, sure, but she favours Lex over Lena.

Jon Cryer is doing such an amazing job as Lex because I really hate Lex but also love Jon's portrayal of Lex. That being said, I need a break from Lex Luthor for a few episodes. I was hoping this season would be his trial, rather than forcing it to happen in one episode. It would have been more interesting to see the back and forth with evidence and court dates with Lex and Lena battling it out legally. Alas, they went the predictable route of him getting out immediately and the season probably ends with Lex's death, since they've made it clear that we can't trust the people of National City to keep him imprisoned. 

I do like seeing the effect of Kara's disappearance on the entire team, but especially J'onn and Alex. I like character moments like this a lot and even though it's only been a day, I like how it's already visibly affecting them to this point. It does feel a bit soon for Alex to already be giving up hope, but I wasn't surprised that the team wanted results ASAP. I did like the Vampire helping out the team. If he became recurring for this last season, I would be happy because he was very likeable and very useful. And I hope M'gann is sticking around this season, because she's also a great help.

So, we get a recast of Zor-El. I was very happy with those scenes because I didn't think we'd see Kara's father again, but I guess I shouldn't be that surprised since shows like this will go this route of reintroducing a long lost parent. I did like the moments with Zor-El and Kara. Him being in the Phantom Zone for years and accepting his fate because of what he experienced, coupled with Kara's hope and desire to return home and just arriving, was a good way to introduce this father/daughter arc.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Jon Cryer is doing such an amazing job as Lex because I really hate Lex but also love Jon's portrayal of Lex. That being said, I need a break from Lex Luthor for a few episodes.

This year's Season Primere should have been the last we saw of Lex. There's really nothing left of this character to mine now. Cryer's take on Lex has been great, he's really enjoying himself, for sure. The only Actor I've seen having a better time playing a Super Villain is Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw. But I was really kind of hoping the writers would come up with more interesting baddies for the final season.

Edited by Winston Wolfe
  • Love 2

You know what the Arrowverse consistently sucks at? Trial episode. Just about every single time its utterly nonsense and will always end with the hero in jail and the villain getting off, but I think this one had them beat. So much of it was utterly ridiculous, I cant even decide on the silliest part. The fact that the trial of the century took about a day and a half? That the judge just allowed Lex to give a big speech about how awesome he is as well as while letting Lena's testimony quickly turn into brother/sister squabbling or acting like Lex saying that Eve was lying meant that it was "proof" that Eve was lying? That the persecutor apparently never prepped her star witness or found any evidence beyond he said/she said testimony? Was there really nothing else whatsoever? All that tech is just gone? That anyone bought Lex's obvious evil cackling, and not even trying to mount a defense beyond "I'm awesome and bitches be crazy"? Not even any questions? Otis the Bailiff in the worlds most obvious costume? The prosecutor acting like she just got this case yesterday? I wish that they had kept the trail going for awhile, let Lex and Lena slug it out in court, that could have been a decent subplot, but this was just ridiculous. I could have even probably bought that Lex, a rich white guy, could have skated on all charges if we had a lot more build up to it. I am really just over Lex, I would have been happy if he stayed in jail for the rest of the season until the finale for his big final stand. Jon Cryer is awesome as Lex, but they have really overused him. 

Really, instead of the trail I want to know more about this planet Transylvania, home to the vampire aliens, now THAT sounds like something I want more of. Talk about burying the lead, no one even dressed like Tim Curry, you make me sad, show. Its a planet of alien vampires! They even turn into bats! Less stupid trial and more of that please. I hope that Silas is alright, I liked him a lot and he was really helpful, even when J'onn was snapping at him. 

Everything with the gang looking for Kara and Kara herself was a whole lot better than the trail, I especially liked everyone's reactions to Kara being in the Phantom Zone. Nia is doubting herself while Brainy gives her a sweet pep talk (just let them be happy damn it) J'onn is freaking out at the prospect of losing Kara like he lost his Martian kids and its making him lash out and make reckless choices, Alex is in full big sister mode and is increasingly desperate, Alex's sad lonely pot stickers were just so depressing. 

Meanwhile in the Phantom Zone, Kara finds her dad, who is now Jason Behr, who I am always happy to see. Always with the aliens this guy, and recasts are always a little weird, but I can get behind him as Kara's dad. I like the idea of him and Kara trying to escape the Phantom Zone together, I wonder if he will actually get out? 

William continues to exist for some reason. I guess to give Nia someone to talk to at work? 

Crisis continues to be the hand wave of choice for plot complications and ways to deal with messy continuity, but that's  pretty much why the comic book version of Crisis happened too. 

  • Love 5

I didn't realize Zor-El was Jason Behr until I read this board. I am that terrible.

The trial was so silly. I couldn't take any of that seriously and covid is the real reason why the jury wasn't at the courthouse.

I liked Silas. I found him very sympathetic and need him to be alright.

I guess Melissa asked for some time off because of the baby and that's why Kara only had a couple scenes in the Phantom Zone but I hope they won't leave her in there for too long.

It's interesting: the COVID-protection adjustments on the show feel at once very evident and also very well-integrated. The "trial of the century" on fast-forward was obviously ridiculous, but having the jury serve remotely due to security/threats/Lex poisoning the entire courtroom the last time he was on trial was a good in-story reason not to crowd 12 actors into a jury box for it. And with the main cast, I'm liking these smaller, self-contained battle scenes (the fight at the Fortress last week, the fight at the Tower here,) and of course these characters can give each other lovely one-on-one pep talks for days. Loved that Brainy/Nia scene, which 1) brought up what will hopefully be an ongoing plot of Nia learning more about her abilities and maybe reconciling with her sister and 2) nicely tied in Brainy's friendship with/admiration for Kara. The Kelly-Silas and J'onn/M'gann scenes were great too (side note: Sharon Leal always looks so good with her hair in those tucked-under French braids, love it.) Similarly, having Kara in the Phantom Zone is a smart way to accommodate Melissa's maternity leave, making the most of her screentime while still keeping her present in the show.

Some of that action was just delish. I'm always here for Brainy's physics-mojo fighting, and I FLOVED J'onn phasing in front of Alex to project a psychic shield against the phantoms - badass Papa Bear! The fights on Supergirl are at their best when we see the characters' personalities, individual styles, and care for one another reflected in their moves, and this episode did a nice job with that.

Even though "something something Crisis handwave" is a clear plot device, I'm okay with it in this instance. I like the idea of the Phantom Zone fracturing into a "archipelago" of different zones, and it'll be fun to watch our heroes try to tackle it from both sides, the Superfriends trying to break in and Kara and Zor-El trying to break out.

Finally, it's a little thing, but I just loved Brainy wordlessly grabbing an entire pizza box and stalking back to his work station while carrying it one-handed. A small moment, but done so well.

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:

This year's Season Primere should have been the last we saw of Lex. There's really nothing left of this character to mine now. Cryer's take on Lex has been great, he's really enjoying himself, for sure. The only Actor I've seen having a better time playing a Super Villain is Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw. But I was really kind of hoping the writers would come up with more interesting baddies for the final season.

Lex came on in season 4 and should have been done THAT season in my opinion. By the end of 5A at the most. Him still being here and apparently still the Big Bad in season 6 is WAY overkill.


1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

William continues to exist for some reason. I guess to give Nia someone to talk to at work? 

As ridiculous as that trial was.... as ridiculous as Kara meeting her long-thought-dead father and being like "oh. hi." was... as ridiculous as vampires being aliens was.... none of that is as ridiculous as this show STILL trying to push William as a character. 

  • LOL 3
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6 minutes ago, shantown said:

As ridiculous as that trial was.... as ridiculous as Kara meeting her long-thought-dead father and being like "oh. hi." was... as ridiculous as vampires being aliens was.... none of that is as ridiculous as this show STILL trying to push William as a character. 

This show will never overcome it's mostly bad writing. Take this episode's title, "A Few Good Women." Between the two of them, Lena and Eve probably have a combined IQ of nearly 1,000. That's more than enough brainpower for the two of them to put Lex out-of-commission, trial or no trial.

As terrible as this show is, and it is terrible, for some reason I still watch. Any scene involving Lex and his over-the-top evil genius spiel may finally put me over the edge.

16 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I just cant with Alex braiding her hair and dying part of it blue as part of her superhero costume. It is just to funny for me. None of it makes sense

Forget the blue braid- I can’t see past the eyeshadow/eyebrow situation.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, rlc said:
21 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

I just cant with Alex braiding her hair and dying part of it blue as part of her superhero costume. It is just to funny for me. None of it makes sense

Forget the blue braid- I can’t see past the eyeshadow/eyebrow situation.

How exactly does she get ready? Does she use an image inducer like brainy to project that image. And if so who advised her on that get up? The eye shadow does nothing to obscure her ID, lol. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, rlc said:

As terrible as this show is, and it is terrible, for some reason I still watch.

My main reason is that, knowing the end is in sight, I may as well finish the ride and see how it ends on the off chance that some small part of it might be relevant to Superman & Lois... some actual proof that they occupy the actual same Earth maybe?

Because you know who’d be the first person I’d ask for help with a busted Phantom Zone projector? Maybe the guy who actually built it and kept it stored in his Fortress? Who’s also Kara’s actual blood relative? Maybe? Just possibly?

Nah, let’s find a random space vampire to fix it... and let’s not call Superman when Lex is on the verge of murdering half the planet and brainwashing the other half. That would be silly.

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, angora said:


Finally, it's a little thing, but I just loved Brainy wordlessly grabbing an entire pizza box and stalking back to his work station while carrying it one-handed. A small moment, but done so well.

That bugged me because there was no apparent weight to it so it was clearly an empty pizza box (aka the empty coffee cups shows use all the time) and if it had been real the pizza would be all messed up from not keeping it horizontal.

Also the courtroom stuff was silly. But padding your pizza box so it has weight and treating it like an actual pizza should be so easy.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Chris24601 said:
5 hours ago, rlc said:

As terrible as this show is, and it is terrible, for some reason I still watch.

My main reason is that, knowing the end is in sight, I may as well finish the ride and see how it ends on the off chance that some small part of it might be relevant to Superman & Lois... some actual proof that they occupy the actual same Earth maybe?

Because you know who’d be the first person I’d ask for help with a busted Phantom Zone projector? Maybe the guy who actually built it and kept it stored in his Fortress? Who’s also Kara’s actual blood relative? Maybe? Just possibly?

Nah, let’s find a random space vampire to fix it... and let’s not call Superman when Lex is on the verge of murdering half the planet and brainwashing the other half. That would be silly.

YES to everything you've said. I too wonder why a call wasn't put into Cousin Kal. Normally I would say that the writers have given up, with this being the last season and all. But this episode is pretty much a representative sampling of this show's body of work. Oddly enough, I'm also going the distance with SG, which is odd given that I bailed on ST: Enterprise before the final season.

2 hours ago, DavidJSnyder said:

That bugged me because there was no apparent weight to it so it was clearly an empty pizza box (aka the empty coffee cups shows use all the time) and if it had been real the pizza would be all messed up from not keeping it horizontal.

Also the courtroom stuff was silly. But padding your pizza box so it has weight and treating it like an actual pizza should be so easy.

I'll agree that it was likely an empty box, but on your second point, what I liked about the moment was that Brainy was so focused on keeping at his work that he didn't CARE that he was gonna mess up the pizza from not keeping it horizontal. It was a very "must work, need fuel, no time to stop" detail, with added aggravation over this new challenge in how to find Kara.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

the season probably ends with Lex's death, since they've made it clear that we can't trust the people of National City to keep him imprisoned.

...and that would rather conveniently get Lex out of the way so he doesn't show up on Superman and Lois either. You know that if he wasn't so laser focused on Supergirl that he'd be in Metropolis trying to kill Superman right now.

Anyone else thinking that Kara's dad Zor-El isn't real? A product of Kara's Phantom induced psychosis, a shapeshifting phantom, etc? It just seems SO convenient Kara runs into her suddenly not dead father in the infiniteness of the Phantom Zone that I just can't suspend my disbelief if they actually make him real.

  • Love 4

One thing that I notice nobody batted an eyelash at is the fact that Silas said that he had broken into the Phantom Zone to try to rescue his husband Owen. It's gratifying to me as a gay man to see that an openly gay male character is now so widely embraced that nobody thinks twice about the fact that he is openly gay (and not a mincing stereotype, either). That's one big reason that I hope Silas sticks around for a while and that we even get to see him reunited with his husband at some point.

  • Love 9
44 minutes ago, immortalfrieza said:

Anyone else thinking that Kara's dad Zor-El isn't real? A product of Kara's Phantom induced psychosis, a shapeshifting phantom, etc? It just seems SO convenient Kara runs into her suddenly not dead father in the infiniteness of the Phantom Zone that I just can't suspend my disbelief if they actually make him real.

I was expecting that at some point in the episode it would be revealed that Kara was imagining Zor-El as a coping mechanism. 


13 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

That anyone bought Lex's obvious evil cackling, and not even trying to mount a defense beyond "I'm awesome and bitches be crazy"?

I had to quote this because I’m amused that Lex’s defense argument boils down to “bitches be crazy”. Those courtroom scenes were so awful. It seems dumb to complain about realism on a superhero show but the trial was too ridiculous. It’d be interesting if Lena has to go to court for her part in everything. Now that Lena knows Kara’s secret, I was looking forward to her spending more time with the other Superfriends, but it seems like she’s still going to be off in her own storylines.

I can’t believe they had Alex tell Kelly about Kara off-screen. I want to know what her reaction was and if she had ever suspected or if James had ever hinted at anything. But no, let’s skip that and pad the run time with William’s reactions to Lex’s trial.

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Credit where credit is due to these low-budget shows: this was the first CW episode I've seen this season that was obviously filmed under Covid conditions/restrictions. 

Which is fine, hi nice forced perspective there on the Kara/Zor-El scenes, honestly, until it's ridiculous, which, hi, the filming of those phantom attackers, and hi, Lex's trial. Look, Supergirl, I entirely get why you did not want to film a typical trial scene under the circumstances, and having the jury meet by Zoom was even a clever workaround for this. And sure, Lex probably is the sort of person who would want to represent himself. I was with you so far. A prosecutor without a single co-attorney or assistant on a case like this? Just one bailiff around for a prisoner of Lex's stature? Not a single member of the public or media anywhere around? No court clerks? Again, for a trial big enough that television news stations were covering it? It looked wrong, is what I'm saying, and that's before we get into how ridiculous the rest of the setup was.

And the thing is, Supergirl, you had a workaround. An easy one. It's called, "Don't show the trial at all." As others have noted, the Arrowverse has consistently done a terrible job with trials anyway; the only decent one so far in nine years of this was Thea's drunk driving trial back in season 1. So why not try keeping the trial offscreen? Lex, Lillian, Lena and the Catco group could have provided steady updates to the audience, and in the meantime, everyone could have focused on getting Kara back - and Alex telling Kelly about Supergirl could have been on screen. 

Regarding William: I guess we need to keep seeing him so that we can remember he's on the show, but...I for one am fine with having Kara remaining single at the end of this show. 

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, immortalfrieza said:

Anyone else thinking that Kara's dad Zor-El isn't real? A product of Kara's Phantom induced psychosis, a shapeshifting phantom, etc? It just seems SO convenient Kara runs into her suddenly not dead father in the infiniteness of the Phantom Zone that I just can't suspend my disbelief if they actually make him real.

Yes I kept waiting and still think this is some weird coping mechanism for Kara to deal with the Zone. If it is she’s still out cold suffering. 

  • Love 1

As a person who studied law, albeit not American law, but still... this trial, man. Jesus what a farce. Would have been more believable, if both sides presented pouches of coins to the judge and whoever had the largest one walked free (it was a real thing back in the middle-age Europe in some countries, but between the same social standing persons).

Also, Kara's dad? Hmmm... ain't buying it, she's probably out-cold being feasted on by the Phantoms.

Also, gay vampire aliens... 🙄

Edited by Rushmoras

A little late to the party but yeah, that trial was like the writers didn't even try.

Let's see....

The prosecutor barely put on a case. There's no reason to hang the case on the testimony of Eve and Lena, when there is a ton of evidence from unbiased witnesses. Half the world was under the I Love Lexie protocol and then realized after it went off (at least judging from the bit in the last episode). So there have got to be witnesses who could testify about how they felt brainwashed into loving Lex. There's forensic evidence of the code that caused people to love Lex. There's the testimony of the Super Friends that could and should have been brought to bear.  The notion that the Super Friends were so focused on trying to get Kara back from the Phantom Zone that they didn't seem to care about the trial of the guy who personally tried to kill them, even when it was one of their jobs to cover it...

I don't think I will ever miss the subtle and nuanced political commentary that Supergirl does when, in this case, they had Luthor's defense channel a certain political figure. 

Little things like Lex having to wear his jail jumpsuit for the trial. He would get to wear his usual suit. 

Lex getting to pontificate to the jury whenever he wanted. No judge would allow that. 

Eve's testimony being "thrown out" is not a thing either. The jury could choose to believe that she was making all this up as a woman scorned but they at least would get to consider it if they wanted.

Also, Eve when last I remember was smart. There's no way she would go to pieces like that on the stand. 

The show didn't do journalism any favors, either. Andrea has gone from being fluff-obsessed to failing to cover actual news with any sort of fairness or sense of decorum. Obviously you can't pre-convict someone. Obviously, you can't stalk jurors during the trial. Obviously if you are going to try to cover a story at the courthouse, you can't just be sitting in the newsroom and basically fist pumping out loud when you think the defendant is looking likely to be convicted. 


  • Love 3
On 4/7/2021 at 7:47 PM, rtms77 said:

How exactly does she get ready? Does she use an image inducer like brainy to project that image. And if so who advised her on that get up? The eye shadow does nothing to obscure her ID, lol. 

That was me trying to figure out Mr Terrific on Arrow.  How much time did he have to braid his hair?

im here to finish out the series because it’s been more good than bad, but if an episode like this and this hilarious version of a trial happened in season 1-2, I would have bounced. 

On 4/8/2021 at 12:58 AM, immortalfrieza said:

Anyone else thinking that Kara's dad Zor-El isn't real? A product of Kara's Phantom induced psychosis, a shapeshifting phantom, etc? It just seems SO convenient Kara runs into her suddenly not dead father in the infiniteness of the Phantom Zone that I just can't suspend my disbelief if they actually make him real.

A few inklings, yes. I feel it’s some weird astral projection of her dad but I’m not 100% if he’s real yet.

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