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Small Talk: 90 Words Per Minute

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According to Soapdirt, a completely unreliable source, the cast are being paid $10k for Strikes Back! Here is the main reason I don't think anyone should watch it, but them being paid to insult viewers is a very close second.

Tom is looking forward it too much

Also, Ed is on it and they filmed Lisa before being told to pull her scenes by TLC, at least that is the rumor about why they fired her, but since they filmed her to begin with all the while knowing about her behavior at the Tell Nothing filming, it's likely true.

I want it to bomb worse than sMothered.

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33 minutes ago, Christina said:
10 hours ago, magemaud said:

I found this 2006 article about the IMBRA laws back when they went into effect: https://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/17/us/17brides.html

Cut and paste for the people who cannot read it - under spoiler for length, even though it's not very long:

Thank you, @Christina, for re-posting this. I didn't realize that the content was only for NYT subscribers. 

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11 minutes ago, not you again said:

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong - right now we have the Strikes Back series, The Other Way with 2 worn-out storylines returning, and HEA? with the worst group ever - is that right?  I'll take a hard pass on watching ANY of those.  I'd rather keep up by reading my peeps' witty repartee here.  Hanging all my trash TV hopes for the summer on the new season of Love After Lockup!  😲

You forgot Pillow Talk.

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In happy news, the noisy neighbors are finally almost gone. The moving truck pulled up today - granted, they never bothered to inform the neighbors - and whatever they packed or didn't pack left. Still expect them to come back to do some cleaning and do the carpets. The final F-you to me was on Monday when the girl pounded the floor so hard with her feet that it sounded like she weighed over 1000 lbs, and shook my entire home, not once but twice, with some weird aftershock. She was lucky that my heavy picture on the shared wall did not come crashing down, damage the wall, damage the floor, and destroy my TV. Goodbye, good riddance, and now you folks can inflict yourselves on others.

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Oh, HELL YEAH! Etsy store full of 90DF snark! Even named after Nicole and Azan's store, hahaha. My bills are gonna have to wait a little longer to get paid now. So mach goodies...

"I appreciate you allowing me to harvest your American dollar. Thank you so mauch for terrorizing me with your support!" Heh, one of the shipping methods is the Anfisa Red Makeup Bag Now.

Edited by Scout Finch
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On 7/17/2020 at 12:39 AM, Scout Finch said:

Oh, HELL YEAH! Etsy store full of 90DF snark! Even named after Nicole and Azan's store, hahaha. My bills are gonna have to wait a little longer to get paid now. So mach goodies...

"I appreciate you allowing me to harvest your American dollar. Thank you so mauch for terrorizing me with your support!" Heh, one of the shipping methods is the Anfisa Red Makeup Bag Now.

I am SCREAMING! I want one of two things: if the person behind this work of genius is one of our fellow snarkers, she must be revealed so that we can worship at her feet. If not, she must be drawn into our snarky web toot sweet. Man that stuff is awesome.  

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From discussing Elizabeth's acting experience on her couple's thread, it got me to wondering just how many participants on these shows had show biz credits under their belts BEFORE they were cast on the 90 Day franchise. These are the ones that I thought of immediately, any others? 

Elizabeth has appeared in an episode of  "Homeland"  and a low budget movie. 

Molly (and Cynthia) had a television show about their bra business.

Darcey (and Stacey) made a pilot for a television show about being twins. 

Geoffrey had some acting credits.

Angela and one of her daughters were on "Jerry Springer" a few times. 


sure, we can count those jobs as being part of "the biz." Caesar also tried to be a model. I also recall something about Paola appearing in a commercial but it might have been AFTER she rose to 90 Day Stardom. Oh, and Evelin also made a music video. 

edited to add: while we're adding rappers to the list, we can't forget Biniyam and Brittany

Edited by magemaud
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Asuelu was a dancer in Samoa, working in shows that tourists often attend.  I think that's how he met Kalani.

ETA:  Cortney Reardanz (there's a regrettable last name) was on something called The Domenick Nati Show.  Plus she was rumored to be a Disney Princess at Disney World in Orlando.  However, it was thought that she was one of the corral of princesses who show up for meal appearances at the hotels, not one of the "real" princesses who pose for pictures at the park.

ETA More:  Maybe we should include shows that some of these folks may be on AFTER their 90-Day appearances.  Geoffrey looks like he may go from being an actor on ID Network murder shows to being featured on Dateline.  And some of them look like they're headed for "My 600-Pound Life."

Edited by AZChristian
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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Plus she was rumored to be a Disney Princess at Disney World in Orlando.  However, it was thought that she was one of the corral of princesses who show up for meal appearances at the hotels, not one of the "real" princesses who pose for pictures at the park.

I can see her as Cinderella at an WDW onsite restaurant character breakfast. And now she's the spokesmodel for PERIOD CUPS! 

  • LOL 2
On 7/24/2020 at 5:40 PM, GrannySmith said:

I think I’ve been watching 90 days way too much. When I was playing Words with Friends today, I noticed I had the letters to spell Asuelu. 

Welcome to the dark side.  We have been expecting you.

4 hours ago, magemaud said:

Caesar also tried to be a model.

This is not directed at you, friend, but posing in front of boxes in the back of a store does not count as modeling.


4 hours ago, magemaud said:

Evelin also made a music video. 

In all fairness, wasn't she a musican?  Solja Boy made a video too......we all know how that turned out.


4 hours ago, magemaud said:

Geoffrey had some acting credits.

He was in a show about BTK......ironic isn't it?  He was probably like "Oh yeah.....the blind, torture and kill part....I need no practice.  Roll tape!"

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I thought I read that Angela was on Maury disputing the parentage of one of the grandchildren.  (It was on her couples thread I think). 

(Long before the Maury show existed in syndication, back in the 70's and 80's Maury Povich had a two hour or so talk show, on a local channel in D.C.  He didn't do paternity tests either.     He grew up there, his dad was the Horse Racing journalist in D.C.)

TLC and the producers need to stop putting violent criminals on this show, before something tragic happens.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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22 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:
4 hours ago, magemaud said:

Caesar also tried to be a model.

This is not directed at you, friend, but posing in front of boxes in the back of a store does not count as modeling.

that's why I said TRIED! I wonder if he submitted that photo with his audition tape for 90 Days. 


23 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:



4 hours ago, magemaud said:

Evelin also made a music video. 

In all fairness, wasn't she a musican?  Solja Boy made a video too......we all know how that turned out.


Yes, she sang local gigs around New England. Wasn't she on American Idol recently? (post 90 Days) 


23 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I thought I read that Angela was on Maury disputing the parentage of one of the grandchildren.  (It was on her couples thread I think). 

Oh, you're right, it was Maury, not Jerry Springer. "You ARE the father!" I get my trash TV hosts mixed up! 

Bottom line, it appears that being in front of the camera before helps people to get chosen for this show. I just wish they'd vet the participants more carefully and weed out those with "crim-nul records" 

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There is something going on in real time with one of the couples. It is being discussed in The Couples thread where spoilers are allowed. The situation has caused a discussion about domestic violence, and some people on Reddit have compiled a list of domestic violence resources. If you click on that link you will be spoiled about what is going on and which couple. I'm going to cut and paste it under the spoiler tab, removing the names of the couple because the resource list should be shared. There is no discussion of the situation in the cut and paste, just the resource list, for what is a very triggering event for many people.


If the situation that we're watching unfold between [redacted] looks/feels familiar to you, there are resources available that can help you identify domestic violence, keep you as safe as possible while living with an abuser, offer domestic violence resources specifically created for COVID, and help to develop a safety plan and assistance exiting your relationship safely.

The resources available to you vary by region but may include; safe shelter, confidential counseling, healthcare, help with custody/divorce, restraining order assistance and legal advice etc, all free of charge.

In most cases you do not have to report your abuser to the police in order to receive services.

I've listed US based domestic violence resources below. ETA: If you are a man/male identifying person who is being abused, the the hotline has resources specifically for you (first link below). If you feel that you're in imminent danger, call 911/emergency in your area.

Please be mindful of utilizing these resources on a shared phone/tablet/desktop. Be sure to delete your browser and outgoing call (and Reddit) history.





If you have more resources, please comment them below and I'll add them to the list. If you are able, donate to your local DV shelter/resource center, they're saving lives with limited resources.

Edited to add more comprehensive resources provided by u/Puffiestpastries via u/Ebbie45

This is awesome. These is a copy paste of some resources I use that are compiled by u/Ebbie45

**Below are some resources for domestic violence victims to utilize during this pandemic.

The National Domestic Violence Hotline is still running its 24/7 crisis hotline (1−800−787−3224) with trained advocates and also offers a safety planning guide for victims during COVID-19. https://www.thehotline.org/2020/03/13/staying-safe-during-covid-19/

The National Sexual Assault Hotline is also still running 24/7 crisis advocacy at 800.656.HOPE (4673) and through chat at https://www.rainn.org/. My NOTE: if you been sexually assaulted and aren't sure what to do, speak with RAINN first, many hospital don't do the rape kit and it can save you hospital bills,they can also advocate on your behalf with law enforcement, provide protective order help etc.

The Sanctuary for Families offers a comprehensive safety planning list for victims during COVID-19, which includes strategies for maintaining the safety of children, safety within confined households, compiling important documents and an emergency bag, creating social support, and planning with food and medicine. https://sanctuaryforfamilies.org/safety-planning-covid19/

DomesticShelters.org is maintaining a pretty robust list of online support groups to help survivors who don't have access to in-person groups: https://www.domesticshelters.org/resources/online-forums-and-chats

Hot Peach Pages lists an international directory of every country’s domestic and sexual violence programs in 110 languages. https://www.hotpeachpages.net/a/countries.html

The UK Freephone National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run by Refuge, is available 24 hours for survivors in the UK at 0808 200 0247 and www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk

The UK Men’s Advice Line is available for male survivors in the UK from Monday-Friday at 0808 801 0327 and www.mensadviceline.org.uk

The Network/La Red offers a 24/7 domestic and sexual violence hotline for LGBTQ+ survivors in abusive relationships, as well as support groups and legal advocacy at https://tnlr.org/en/ and 617-742-4911.

The National Deaf Domestic Violence Hotline offers 24/7 crisis advocacy for Deaf, DeafBlind, and DeafDisabled callers via email, live chat, and video phone. https://thedeafhotline.org/

The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative is specific to non-consensual pornography and offers a 24/7 crisis line, information on state and international law, referrals to pro bono and low bono lawyers, image removal guides, and more at https://www.cybercivilrights.org/ or 844-878-CCRI (2274).

Badass Army offers similar services to the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative, including support groups for non-consensual pornography survivors. https://badassarmy.org/gethelp/

The National Runaway Safeline is available 24/7 to assist runaway youth and teens fleeing abuse, neglect, and dysfunctional home environments at 1-800-786-2929 (text or call) or by online chat. https://www.1800runaway.org/

Also I'll add: NOVA, the National Organization of Victim assistance: https://www.trynova.org/help-for-crime-victims/ which helps with a variety of crimes and points to free services, victim's compensation etc.

They also made an amazing Comprehensive Abuse Resource Guide. It covers coercive reproduction, escape plans, other numbers etc.


ETA2: If you have experienced DV and are feeling triggered or out of sorts, or are experiencing a strong emotional reaction to this situation and the discussion surrounding it, please practice self care as is necessary and as you are able. Whether that means stepping away, phoning a friend, reaching out to a counselor/therapist, processing through writing/creating, cuddling a pet, eating a good meal/getting some sleep, etc, put yourself and your health first. This is tough material to process and may provoke a wide range of emotional responses (or none at all). Your feelings are valid and real, whatever they may be; Please take care, you are worth it.


The below USCIS page is archived because some of the information it contains is outdated. I'm currently searching for an updated USCIS resource, if anybody has one, please drop it in the comments and I'll update




I worked as an investigator with a DV advocacy center helping people fill out the Restraining Order petitions and gather the evidence needed to present at the hearing, but rarely worked directly with the clients. There were two McDonalds that I had to collect video from custody hand-offs where I was there so often that if I walked in to get food, the managers were shocked. People never thought about surveillance video catching them, and we would find both proof of assault and proof of someone lying. Everyone should ask the court to make the hand-offs where there is a camera, which happens to be why the judges typically ordered McDonalds as a location, even when it was out of the way of the parties' homes. 

That non-profit group made a huge difference in the lives of the victims, who often felt at fault for the abuse or that they just need to take it because they fear the perpetrator is going to walk for many different reasons. It was especially bad for men being abused by women, because they are ostracized for not just taking the abuse. Same sex couples are often not taken seriously by the public or juries, in what has been researched and determined to be an unintentional bias for many people, and just flat out prejudice for others.

That time in my life is one of the major reasons I cannot tolerate Colt and Debbie being blamed for Larissa being violent. There is nothing they did to cause her to react with violence, and there is nothing they could have done to keep her from responding with violence. Abusers do not get to blame their victims yet Larissa blames Anderson, Marcos, Luciano, Colt, Debbie, Raul, Arry and Luanna, the last three being her children and the first four having court records confirming she was the perpetrator. The few times she would post something that made me think her attorneys, therapist, or even the anger management class has gotten through to her, people immediately jumped to tell her that it was understandable because Colt and Debbie are so horrible. I just had to shake my head and realize she's never going to come to terms with her actions as long as people defend her, and because no one likes Colt or Debbie either, that isn't likely to happen.

In any case, if you or someone you know is in need of help, even if you don't think you are ready to leave at that moment, please reach out to an organization who can help you make a safety plan. You will not be forced to leave your abuser.  

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Crowd source: need the name of an attorney specializing in family law in Kentuckiana. It's kind of an emergency. I have some leads already, but I'd like a few more. My contacts are mostly in the eastern part of the state.No specific reason...

Oh, and they need to have some working background on immigration issues. Bonus if they have a translator onsite. Someone who speaks Portuguese...

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47 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

Crowd source: need the name of an attorney specializing in family law in Kentuckiana. It's kind of an emergency. I have some leads already, but I'd like a few more. My contacts are mostly in the eastern part of the state.No specific reason...

Oh, and they need to have some working background on immigration issues. Bonus if they have a translator onsite. Someone who speaks Portuguese...

You are a very good person to be  trying to help - especially given what's happened to you.

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On 8/5/2020 at 10:46 AM, mamadrama said:

Crowd source: need the name of an attorney specializing in family law in Kentuckiana. It's kind of an emergency. I have some leads already, but I'd like a few more. My contacts are mostly in the eastern part of the state.No specific reason...

Oh, and they need to have some working background on immigration issues. Bonus if they have a translator onsite. Someone who speaks Portuguese...

If you can wait for me to go to college-ee, law school-ee, pass the Nevada bar exam-ee, and recover from various plastic-ee surgeries, I'm willing to take on your case pro bono-ee. I have extensive experience in immigration-ee issues and am fluent-ee in Portuguese

Edited by magemaud
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One of my favorite things in the 90-Day boards is the way they're divided up.  So if I'm in the "Couples" thread or the "Spin-Offs" thread and see the following words in the highlighted thread title, I can go to the top of the board and click on "Mark Read."






I'm too old to waste one second of the time I have left on any of these pathetic people.


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On 8/20/2020 at 12:27 AM, mamadrama said:

10 years ago tonight we put our seemingly healthy son to bed and he never woke up. I hate watching some of these people acting like their kids don't matter. Sitting through your kid's funeral or watching one of your kids decorate the other's grave is pretty much as bad as it gets.281474050_Screenshot_20200820-0116482.thumb.png.6b9b6fc67724f52413e413937faeb657.pngFB_IMG_1597900999966.thumb.jpg.e850df3c737cabb656c0214aa15efccd.jpg

Oh wow.  I am so sorry.  I can't even imagine.  Again, I am sorry.

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21 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

I love those! But I can’t figure out how I can live chat, kinda watch, and check my bingo cards all at the same time. I’m a bad multi-tasker.

Eric and Larissa, a couple with absolutely no chemistry whatsoever. Larissa’s friend looks like the large mouth bass that my sons used to catch.

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18 hours ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

I love those! But I can’t figure out how I can live chat, kinda watch, and check my bingo cards all at the same time. I’m a bad multi-tasker.

Eric and Larissa, a couple with absolutely no chemistry whatsoever. Larissa’s friend looks like the large mouth bass that my sons used to catch.

I ended up getting the activity book, too!

Hi all, thought I would share this--my friend from Moldova shared this link to the online Moldovan film festival! (Who knew?) Its only going to be available online for a few more days, but maybe check it out if you have the time or inclination. I hope to catch a few myself. 


  • Love 3
On 7/17/2020 at 12:39 AM, Scout Finch said:

Oh, HELL YEAH! Etsy store full of 90DF snark! Even named after Nicole and Azan's store, hahaha. My bills are gonna have to wait a little longer to get paid now. So mach goodies...

"I appreciate you allowing me to harvest your American dollar. Thank you so mauch for terrorizing me with your support!" Heh, one of the shipping methods is the Anfisa Red Makeup Bag Now.

OMG!!!!!!!!!  Thanks for the laughs.  Someone in my house is getting a BitchAss, SlutAss whore magnet this Christmas.  I was surprised there wasn't more Darcy, You Never Loved Me!  merch.

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Some of you might remember that I said my son was engaged to a Zimbabwean woman, and that I would report to you about the bride price.

Yes, it exists. 

In Zimbabwe, at least at the social or whatever level Sally's family is, the bride price is intended to reimburse the bride's family for the cost of the bride's education.  Unfortunately, my new daughter-in-law has several advanced degrees, including a doctorate, so this is going to be expensive.  Like David Poor, however, my son has arranged an EZ pay system to pay off the debt a little each year.

They got married Aug.1, with 8 people attending, all masked and socially distanced.  The service was in a beautiful Catholic church.  We found a restaurant that had a large private room we could use for the reception, and we sat spread out around a big table.  The bride's family was unable to attend, of course, so the Zooms were all out.

She wore a traditional wedding dress, cotton with a bright blue abstract pattern that resembled peacock feathers, and a fascinator perched sassily on her head.  My son wore his New Suit.

All parties are squiggling with joy.

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On 8/1/2020 at 3:24 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:
On 8/1/2020 at 11:21 AM, magemaud said:

Evelin also made a music video. 

In all fairness, wasn't she a musican?  Solja Boy made a video too......we all know how that turned out.

Evelin was good enough in 2019 to "correct" the spelling of her name to "Evelyn," and make it to HAWAII on American Idol.  "While Cormier, 20, sang for her life to make it into the top 10, she fell short after her rendition of “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World. Though the judges praised her performance, the New Hampshire native was sent home following her second song, 'Dust in the Wind' by Kansas. Apr 16, 2019

On 7/17/2020 at 12:39 AM, Scout Finch said:

Oh, HELL YEAH! Etsy store full of 90DF snark! Even named after Nicole and Azan's store, hahaha. My bills are gonna have to wait a little longer to get paid now. So mach goodies...

"I appreciate you allowing me to harvest your American dollar. Thank you so mauch for terrorizing me with your support!" Heh, one of the shipping methods is the Anfisa Red Makeup Bag Now.

This stuff is fabulous and the snark is even current including "Peasant Food" and Colt wearing whipped cream. 

Edited by magemaud

If the PT people said what we say at home, they would be bleeped off the air.  What we type on here is so high class it would be fine, but not what I'm yelling at some people. 

My friend's husband that had the gastric bypass belonged to a support group of other patients.    They would meet in each other's houses, and it was always a potluck.      My friend said when they met at her house, and she was warming up dishes, and setting up the buffet (I almost typed buttfet-how appropriate), except for my friend's dish (she was a rule follower), she said the other dishes broke every rule that gastric bypass patients are supposed to follow.   The rule was protein first, low carb, no sweets or snack foods.     

She said it looked like every church potluck she ever went to, including the dessert table.    Since they met in the living room, she couldn't help but overhear the conversation.    All but her husband were gaining back a lot, or had stopped losing not too long after surgery.     My friend's husband was the only one following the rules, and getting to his goal weight, while the others were gaining weight very quickly.     

Lap band can have all kinds of issues too, and the issues can lead to having to remove the lap band.    


Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Has it been established if Angela is having gastric bypass or the lap band?  I just do not see her as a rule follower, (she is an American and will do whatever the hell she wants so don't try to tell her what to do).  I know someone who had lap band and she lost a lot of weight but after it was removed she gained it all back, seems like a lot of trouble if you are not going to stick to it.

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