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"The View": Week of 2/15/2021

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Ah. The return of "False Equivalency" McCain and her Magical Steaming Pile of Bullshit: Republicans still support Trump in large numbers, but "the Left" shouldn't act as if  . . . most Republicans still support Trump? 


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Josh Groban is such a delight! I will listen to him sing ANYTHING! And his new deluxe album? Is being released on MY BIRTHDAY!!! Present for myself!!!!

And here it is again: when Whoopi knows the person, is friends with them, her interviewing style is so much more natural and no word salads or messing up of words, because she's not trying to read the teleprompter! 

Now I gotta go find that Celine Dion and Josh Groban at the Grammys so's I can hear his "first" performance.

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19 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Intrepid values?  On the one hand she says you can’t call all Reps Qanon crazies,etc, on the other she again cites polls saying trump has 77% approval. You can’t have it both ways. And you can’t equate ignoring the incitement of mobs with being pro choice. 

77% of who exactly? Self identified Republicans? Republican voters? Fox News viewers?

20 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

Which Democrats are rallying around late-term abortion? I wish she’d name them. Cancel culture? Her tribe is literally censuring everyone in her party who speaks out against Trump. That’s literal cancel culture. The party of socialism? Well, we’ve seen video evidence on this very show that she can’t even define socialism. Which Democrats encouraged or condoned burning buildings and what proof does she have that they were all Democrats? I’d like actual names and actual proof, Meghan. 

Nothing Meghan said was illegal or treasonous.  Her trying to compare those things to Q Anon believers wanting to have a duly elected President removed by any means necessary is ridiculous.

21 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Meg, Liz Cheney called and wants to discuss cancel culture with you.

The Liz  Cheney she was just defending last week.


22 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Meg is always talking about the 74 million who voted for trump but ignores that 80million did not. I’m glad Stacey Plaskitt also reminded her that not all of those 74mill would vote for trump again. 

Also how many of those 74 million people were more voting against Joe Biden than voting for Donald Trump? And how many voted straight Republican ticket?  Not every person who voted for Trump was necessarily a Trump supporter.

20 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

READING THE TEA LEAVES, Meganutz should clarify that Republicans make up only 25% of American voters today, so 77% of 25% of the total population of voters is not that much. She tries to make it sound 'impressive', but it's not.

Whether Meghan wants to acknowledge it or not the Republican is a minority party.  They might be loud and get a lot of attention but the majority of this country does not identity as Republican.


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Too bad McCain is not self-aware enough to take note when a guest as impressive as Stacey Plaskett can come on the show and express herself in such a calm, sensible and eloquent demeanor.  Too bad Meghan doesn't understand that this is how grown women should act.  Guests like Stacey just highlight how incapable and undeserved McCain is to be given a voice on a tv show when she has absolutely nothing of value to say.  And can't manage to at least learn to handle herself like a grown up.  Yet there she is.  Getting paid for it.

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Thank Goodness Greta showed up and saved the day !  We can all throw away the thousands of dollars in skin-care products we bought so far this season on VYD, and start fresh with this collection of skin care products ! By next week, we can toss this week's garbage as she introduces us to newer skin care products which Sara will 'ooh and ahhh' over.

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4 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:

Thank Goodness Greta showed up and saved the day !  We can all throw away the thousands of dollars in skin-care products we bought so far this season on VYD, and start fresh with this collection of skin care products ! By next week, we can toss this week's garbage as she introduces us to newer skin care products which Sara will 'ooh and ahhh' over.

And by all means let’s rush the interview with Louis Gates to make sure Greta can fit it all in. 

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12 minutes ago, Cozytea said:

Maga people side of things , we see it. Swastikas, 

As if Hitler and his Nazis weren't already worthy of my hate and contempt, he stole the Swastika symbol from Hindus and bastardized it to the point while growing up, I had to explain to morons that we weren't Nazis. There are differences, but people continue to be stupid.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Josh Groban is such a delight! I will listen to him sing ANYTHING! And his new deluxe album? Is being released on MY BIRTHDAY!!! Present for myself!!!!

And here it is again: when Whoopi knows the person, is friends with them, her interviewing style is so much more natural and no word salads or messing up of words, because she's not trying to read the teleprompter! 

Now I gotta go find that Celine Dion and Josh Groban at the Grammys so's I can hear his "first" performance.

I’ve always liked him too but even more when I heard Kathy Griffin  in concert repeated what he said to her in a nightclub. 
I posted in wrong forum yesterday that the Q anon woman is not out of the woods for any cult. And on superficial note I’d think if you’re going to be on The View you’d think about getting the laundry basket off the floor.  
I don’t miss the Sherri that  always acted like a dog in heat when an attractive male was a guest. Then when Russell Brand was on and getting close to her she tweeted he was creepy. 
off to turn on today’s show 

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27 minutes ago, statsgirl said:


Meghan talks about late term abortions as if a woman carries a baby for 8 months, goes through morning sickness and being unable to manoeuvre because she's so big, swollen feet, buying baby clothes and then one day says "Nope, changed my mind". Most late term abortions are for medical reasons.  I feel for women who have gone through the heart break and have to listen to her dismiss their pain.


All late term abortions are for medical reasons.   And constitute about 1% of all abortions. That's an important distinction she leaves out.   

I understand the argument about voting repub because of being pro-life.   However, MM only talks about how pro-life she is, in relation to slamming democrats.  Prior to baby Liberty, she cringed at most discussions of motherhood or babies.   She doesn't appear to be overly religious (not like Bitsy or Candace) don't recall her championing kids causes, or women's reproductive health.   It's just seems so weird that she chooses that as her one issue cause for republicanism.   Especially since things she actually does appear to be passionate about (strong military, small government) would make a lot more sense.  

And I missed the part where anyone suggested that any republican should become a democrat.  People just want them to be actual republicans and stand up for their principles.  Felt another dig towards Ana's speech or why she's voted for democrats from last week.  


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20 minutes ago, After7Only said:

And I missed the part where anyone suggested that any republican should become a democrat. 

She's such an nimrodic ignoranamus maroon. What I've heard (on this show) is that a lot of Republicans were leaving the party after what happened on January 6 and the non-actions thereafter. What they left out was, they didn't join up to become Democrats, but Independents. Jeebus Cripes. But I suppose then she wouldn't get to spread her misinformation then.

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1 hour ago, Cozytea said:

Just stop telling us to see  Maga people side of things , we see it. Swastikas,  Q conspiracies theory,  Confederate flags, muder, violence. We see it.

No no no. Meghan doesn't want you to see those things. She wants you to see.........?  Someone help me out here what else is there to see in Meghan's Republican party?

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

Meghan talks about late term abortions as if a woman carries a baby for 8 months, goes through morning sickness and being unable to manoeuvre because she's so big, swollen feet, buying baby clothes and then one day says "Nope, changed my mind". Most late term abortions are for medical reasons.  I feel for women who have gone through the heart break and have to listen to her dismiss their pain.


48 minutes ago, Pearson80 said:

Thank you for saying this.  Megan has no idea what she is talking about because she has never had to make that awful choice. I really hate her and I wish the ladies would school her on her dangerous rhetoric.  


24 minutes ago, After7Only said:

All late term abortions are for medical reasons.   And constitute about 1% of all abortions. That's an important distinction she leaves out.   

I guess we should be thankful she didn't use the word infanticide today as she has done in the past.  Her absolute refusal to acknowledge late term abortions are only done when there is a dire medical reason is one of the worst things Meghan has done.  Premature babies can survive before the third trimester. Does Meghan really believe a woman is going to want to abort a baby that can survive outside the womb? Does she think any doctor would perform such an abortion?

24 minutes ago, After7Only said:

I understand the argument about voting repub because of being pro-life.   However, MM only talks about how pro-life she is, in relation to slamming democrats.  Prior to baby Liberty, she cringed at most discussions of motherhood or babies.   She doesn't appear to be overly religious (not like Bitsy or Candace) don't recall her championing kids causes, or women's reproductive health.   It's just seems so weird that she chooses that as her one issue cause for republicanism.   Especially since things she actually does appear to be passionate about (strong military, small government) would make a lot more sense.  

I have always side eyed Meghan's devout anti choice stance.  Maybe I'm cynical but I think it's just politics for her. She is already on shaky ground in the Republican party because of her not being in favor of LGTBQ discrimation. 

24 minutes ago, After7Only said:

And I missed the part where anyone suggested that any republican should become a democrat. 

She said something like you guys act like the only good Republican is a Democrat. Well Meghan when your party is electing people like MTG perhaps you should do an evaluation of your party and rethink your stance.


Edited by ifionlyknew
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55 minutes ago, After7Only said:

And I missed the part where anyone suggested that any republican should become a democrat.  People just want them to be actual republicans and stand up for their principles.  Felt another dig towards Ana's speech or why she's voted for democrats from last week.  


I caught that dig, Ana just triggers her so bad and she is living rent free in Megan's empty head..

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4 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Wow: Stacey Plaskett is just Terrific!  And I hope Megan was listening to her tear apart the "what aboutism" argument.  Meanwhile, LOVED the story about how her girlfriends put together all her fine outfits, esp. the Blue Caped dress.

Yup she was awesome.  I was watching her over the weekend and all i can say is nothing got done in MY house (lol hee) while she was speaking.  I was riveted.

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7 minutes ago, ForumLou said:

Yup she was awesome.  I was watching her over the weekend and all i can say is nothing got done in MY house (lol hee) while she was speaking.  I was riveted.

She’s a rock star. 

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4 hours ago, LetsStartTalking said:

READING THE TEA LEAVES, Meganutz should clarify that Republicans make up only 25% of American voters today, so 77% of 25% of the total population of voters is not that much. She tries to make it sound 'impressive', but it's not.

And what she ignores...which Whoopie (go Whoopie!!) noted...is that as long as 77% of them support trump, then that’s who their party is.  No one said you need to become a democrat, meagain, (don’t think we’d want you), just join with the other sane republicans who want to leave the trump party and start a more normal Conservative party.  It’s not either/or.  And none of her motor mouth diatribe made any sense. Was she this far right before she started dating her husband?  Wish Whoopie  would do that kind of response more often.  

3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

Too bad McCain is not self-aware enough to take note when a guest as impressive as Stacey Plaskett can come on the show and express herself in such a calm, sensible and eloquent demeanor.  Too bad Meghan doesn't understand that this is how grown women should act.  Guests like Stacey just highlight how incapable and undeserved McCain is to be given a voice on a tv show when she has absolutely nothing of value to say.  And can't manage to at least learn to handle herself like a grown up.  Yet there she is.  Getting paid for it.

Too bad the PTB don’t see that..as well as the fact that she’s a terrible pundit!  She may be good for clicks, but at some point they should want someone who makes sense.  

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5 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

Too bad the PTB don’t see that..as well as the fact that she’s a terrible pundit!  She may be good for clicks, but at some point they should want someone who makes sense.  

Well when you consider how long Elisabeth Hasselbeck was there I'm not sure they do.

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2 hours ago, After7Only said:

All late term abortions are for medical reasons.   And constitute about 1% of all abortions. That's an important distinction she leaves out.   

I understand the argument about voting repub because of being pro-life.   However, MM only talks about how pro-life she is, in relation to slamming democrats.  Prior to baby Liberty, she cringed at most discussions of motherhood or babies.   She doesn't appear to be overly religious (not like Bitsy or Candace) don't recall her championing kids causes, or women's reproductive health.   It's just seems so weird that she chooses that as her one issue cause for republicanism.   Especially since things she actually does appear to be passionate about (strong military, small government) would make a lot more sense.  

And I missed the part where anyone suggested that any republican should become a democrat.  People just want them to be actual republicans and stand up for their principles.  Felt another dig towards Ana's speech or why she's voted for democrats from last week.  


 But but but she’s the most pro life person ever!!!

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10 minutes ago, heysmilinstrange said:

Meghan has a lot of nerve to sit there smugly calling abortion murder in front of a woman (Whoopi) who had a coat-hanger abortion when she was 14 years old. While implying that women make these choices for frivolous reasons. Just days after she and her healthy, smiling baby did a spread in People magazine. 

Seriously. Again, missed opportunity to show both Whoopi and Twatty on the screen, just to see how Twatty was responding to what Whoopi was saying.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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14 minutes ago, GoldenGirl90 said:

Re: everyone’s comments about late-term abortion, I agree. Meghan has brought it up several times on the show without ever giving any context - it’s done for dire medical reasons.


2 hours ago, rollacoaster said:

Well...the most pro-birth person, anyway. 😊

Isn't MM pro-death penalty for criminals?

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I enjoyed today's show, particularly the interview (and that's rarely the case!). Whoopi had the best moment. The few times she responds to McCain you can see someone off-camera--her family members?--trying to stop her from saying anything. I suppose it could just be them trying to hurry the show to commercial every five minutes these days, but I appreciated Whoopi's response.

Reading through the comments about Sherri the past two pages and nodding my head. I wouldn't want her back, tbh, although she's not the worst person in the world. Although, all this dislike she causes in viewers... We better be careful--that might inspire ABC to hire her! Just like they use viewers' hatred of McCain as justification for keeping her around, lol.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Missy's rant today reminded me just how self-centered she & "her tribe" are.  If it doesn't impact them, it doesn't matter.  It reminds me of the judge that kept postponing a hearing for a pregnant teenager that had been raped on her way from Mexico.  He delayed & delayed the hearing until it was too late to terminate the pregnancy.  Unconscionable!!!  This is the behavior Missy supports!!!  Poor people who can't afford birth control must suffer the repercussions.

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14 hours ago, Cementhead said:

The rest of the ladies answers take this long:


Meghan's answer: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------






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Did it bother anybody else that Whoopi kept saying Stacey E Plaskett?  I'm sure Whoopi would get really pissed if a guest kept referring to her as Whoopi E Goldberg (E for Elaine)!

Btw, when I was looking up her middle name, I found this little tidbit:

"“No one christened me that,” Whoopi said on British TV. “I [was named] Caryn but I was a bit of a farter! The theatres I was performing in were very small so if you were gassy you had to walk away farting and people would say I was like a Whoopee cushion. I was sometimes quite noisy!”"

Keep it classy, Whoopi!

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17 hours ago, heysmilinstrange said:

Meghan has a lot of nerve to sit there smugly calling abortion murder in front of a woman (Whoopi) who had a coat-hanger abortion when she was 14 years old. While implying that women make these choices for frivolous reasons. Just days after she and her healthy, smiling baby did a spread in People magazine. 

I’m ashamed to admit that I never knew that. God, poor Whoopi. JFC that makes me hate Meg even more, and I didn’t think that was possible.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Yassssss Sunny 🙌🏽 Trump has openly embraced QAnon and its supporters. It’s quite clear that this is his party now, and by extension, the party of QAnon and everything else Sunny mentioned yesterday.

Meghan basically acknowledged this without realizing it by saying she’s “worried” about the direction her tribe is going in now.

Everyone on the panel warned Meghan that this could happen for years now and she always dismissed it, even as recently as yesterday. 

She wouldn’t be “worried” if she didn’t know deep down that it’s the truth. 

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Meganutz read the tea leaves, and is on her 'horror movie' kick. She compared Trump to Godzilla and the Jurassic Park dinosaur. She left out the Loch Ness Monster.


Did she really turn the Cuomo story into one about her father ?

Edited by LetsStartTalking
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When Whoopi says something like “there you have it” you know she is bored and wasn’t listening.

Meg thinks sometimes white people need to shut up yet she’s rambling on and on and on... Please take your own advice, dear. 

Edited by Haleth
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They forgot to mention the most important FACT about the Cooper/Cooper story ... he "advised" her that dogs were supposed to be on leash in the area (because of the birds).  She didn't like him (telling her what to do) & went after him because he "corrected her".  She deserves more punishment!!!

Edited by Medicine Crow
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Come on, Whoopi. Rehearse. Bicker with the producers at rehearsal so that when The View goes live, you all look like you know what you're doing. I made sure I had my cues down when I played Maggie the Fairy Godchicken in my elementary school's production of Cinder-Rabbit. Surely, an EGOT winner should take more pride in her work?

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What the hell was Megan talking about regarding Cuomo?  She went off on so many tangents that I was as confused as Whoopie and she even mentioned her father wtf...  Megan should remember one thing about Cuomo is that he is very ruthless and does not suffer fools gladly.  

Edited by Pearson80
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