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Who, What, When, Where?!: Miscellaneous Celebrity News 2.0

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8 hours ago, SVNBob said:

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame disagrees with both you and Dolly, as they've kept her on the ballot.  https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2022/03/17/dolly-parton-remains-rock-and-roll-hall-of-fame-ballot/7076229001/

From the article:


They are assholes.  

She doesn't want their "honor".  She's made that CRYSTAL clear.  She doesn't need their appreciation, accolades or induction. 

So if they DO vote her in, she either has to decline, which she would do with incredible grace and humility, or be forced to accept something she doesn't want. 

Why do these people think their bullshit "awe" of her supersedes her PUBLICALLY STATED desire? 

Her Bio from the Country Music Hall of Fame, which she seemed to have happily accepted membership in in 1999.  It's great info on how she & her music have evolved. https://countrymusichalloffame.org/artist/dolly-parton/


Edited by SnapHappy
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I was inclined to think the H of F were being assholes by not honoring her wishes, too, but it looks like the ballots had already gone out before she expressed her wishes, so there's not much they can do practically at this point. They could void any votes for her after the ballots are returned, but I can also see that not being a great solution and one they don't really want to do after people have voted. At this stage, it is probably most on the voters to honor her wishes by not voting for her. 

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They should have asked her first. 

I don't think any organization like that has the right to subject anybody to something like that without their consent first.  

Maybe I sound irrational, but her repeated comments in the media on how she did NOT want to be included distress me.  Because it obviously distresses her. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

Her Bio from the Country Music Hall of Fame, which she seemed to have happily accepted membership in in 1999.

And it's things like this that make me think there is something else going on. If she thinks she's good enough to be in the Country Music Hall of Fame, then why would she think she isn't worthy of being in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? I certainly think that it's her choice if she wants to be inducted or not, but she's obviously got a reason that she doesn't want to state.

13 minutes ago, GaT said:

And it's things like this that make me think there is something else going on. If she thinks she's good enough to be in the Country Music Hall of Fame, then why would she think she isn't worthy of being in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? I certainly think that it's her choice if she wants to be inducted or not, but she's obviously got a reason that she doesn't want to state.

She doesn't think she belongs in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because she's never released a rock album.  That is exactly what she's said and I see no reason not to believe her.  It's got nothing to do with not being worthy, just not being a rock artist.  She's got no problem with being in the Country Music Hall of Fame because she's a country artist; same with the Songwriter Hall of Fame.

Edited by proserpina65
  • Love 18
31 minutes ago, GaT said:

And it's things like this that make me think there is something else going on. If she thinks she's good enough to be in the Country Music Hall of Fame, then why would she think she isn't worthy of being in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? I certainly think that it's her choice if she wants to be inducted or not, but she's obviously got a reason that she doesn't want to state.

If they filmed a performance of a stage play and then released it in theaters, it would be weird to then nominate the actors for Oscars. Like, technically, they performed in something that was made into a film, but it doesn't really make sense for them to get Oscars. Tonys, yes, but not Oscars. I don't think for Dolly, the situation is anything deeper than that. Technically, by the broad definition the Hall is using, Dolly Parton is eligible, but I think it seems nonsensical to her.

Edited by janie jones
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5 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

No it doesn't but a lot of times it is used as an excuse for abusive behavior.  At what point does Kanye's mental illness stop and his being an abusive asshole start?

I was responding to a post that Kris Jenner should have warned her daughters away from unstable men because of the fact that her friend was killed by her abusive husband. 

I think that puts the onus on victims which is irresponsible since many abusive people hide it deliberately. I also think it stigmatizes mental illness to imply that those suffering from it should be avoided or their partners might end up like Nicole.

Therefore,  I don't agree Kris could have protected her daughters from what Kanye is doing right now, especially since, from outward appearances, he seemed to have a better handle on his illness back when they met. 

And no abuse should be tolerated regardless of what's behind it.  If alcoholism or an illness causes it and treating those conditions eliminates the abusive behaviors, that's great.  But "for better or worse" shouldn't apply to staying in an abusive situation even if it's caused by or exacerbated by an illness.  I think that's the line.  

3 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

Maybe I sound irrational, but her repeated comments in the media on how she did NOT want to be included distress me.  Because it obviously distresses her. 

I do not think she's distressed and I think she can handle this.  If she's voted in, she can decide how to proceed but I'm sure she understands the position the Hall is in.

And no, permission is not needed for people to say she's awesome.  She's in my Hall of Fame of Awesome.   I won't remove her even though she won't attend my ceremony. 

Edited by Irlandesa
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“The saga continues,” Heir Holiness says in the first of approximately one jillion Instagram stories posted March 17 … and yeah, it does. If you haven’t been following the madness, Heir Holiness is the name of Daniel Kaluuya’s personal manager, a New Age type who gives off strong cult-leader energy. In February, journalist Matthew Belloni reported that Kaluuya “abruptly fired” his agents at CAA, and sources believed Heir Holiness had something to do with it. They allege that the production crew on the set of Nope was “afraid” of her and “very concerned that Heir had ‘taken over’ DK’s life and all decisions had to go through her.” A source told the New York Post that Kaluuya also fired his stylist and multiple assistants at Heir Holiness’s behest.

So on Thursday night, the self-described Head Mistress of “The International Alma Mater, Blessed University,” went on Instagram and called these stories “fake.” In the screed (Instagram Stories that are more than 20 dashes are scientifically classified as “screeds”), Heir Holiness says Kaluuya “had some problems in his business with some people, and he fired them,” and asks, “What does that have to do with me?” “I don’t know why they got fired exactly,” she says, alleging that “I never met any of these people. None of the people that got fired have I ever seen in person and I do not know them. I don’t know why they got fired exactly.”

It’s not even really worth watching because no mysteries in this strange story get cleared up. The wildest part is the end, where she hard-pivots to a very weird sales pitch for her necklace: “I will have some for sale. The hamsa, the eye, and the om, the most powerful protection symbols. The swastika as well, but because Hitler used it and it still has such a negative connotation I will not be offering that one. But it is the most powerful.”



Um... what?

On 3/17/2022 at 10:36 PM, supposebly said:

And I haven't forgotten the O.J. Simpson trial. Nicole Simpson also was a woman that needed some better protection from her ex. Which begs the question: Why can't these men be stopped before things go really bad? Must we wait until the death threats come true?

I was in an abusive marriage and was middle class. My ex was a charmer and very manipulative. I was lost and and did not know what to do or get out. This was in 1990-91. 
Not a lot was widely known or shared about domestic violence back then. Most people didn’t know the signs and you were scared to talk about it. This was pre internet, social media and a better understanding of the issues.

OJ and Nicole was before the real Internet age. It was this this horrible instance that really brought domestic violence into the foreground. Now we have a better understanding of what it is, how it affects people and what the warning signs are.

I find the whole Kanye thing very disturbing and concerning for all involved.

I find Pete Davidson just creepy in general and I feel like he is throw light fluid onto an already burning fire. 

I feel bad for the kids, because this is who they have as parents.

  • Love 10

If they filmed a performance of a stage play and then released it in theaters, it would be weird to then nominate the actors for Oscars.

That's exactly what the Emmys did with two shows, on HBO and Disney+, and they won. Which I adamantly oppose.

Ron Jeremy described as 'incoherent' during a hearing today and has been sent to a mental health facility for evaluation, putting his trial on hold.

  • Useful 3
21 hours ago, Blergh said:

The only thing is that before the former Mrs. Simpson's murder, Mr. Simpson's violence and threats against her were very much kept out of the public limelight- and even his solitary pre-murder charge meted against him  barely was known outside Hollywood or football circles.

But I guarantee if we had social media back then, something or someone would have leaked the abuse Nicole endured.

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Daniel might want to consider doing a slapstick comedy next. I think between Queen & Slim and Judas and the Black Messiah, he could be starting to have some trouble leaving his movie roles behind and coming back to the current world where he isn't a martyr.


That's exactly what the Emmys did with two shows, on HBO and Disney+, and they won.

Heh, I think Lin-Manuel wants an EGOT so bad he can taste it. But surely someone had explained to him that it wasn't going to be possible for him to get an Oscar for Hamilton. Looks like he'll pull it off with Encanto though.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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22 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I was responding to a post that Kris Jenner should have warned her daughters away from unstable men because of the fact that her friend was killed by her abusive husband. 

I think that puts the onus on victims which is irresponsible since many abusive people hide it deliberately. I also think it stigmatizes mental illness to imply that those suffering from it should be avoided or their partners might end up like Nicole.

Therefore,  I don't agree Kris could have protected her daughters from what Kanye is doing right now, especially since, from outward appearances, he seemed to have a better handle on his illness back when they met. 

And no abuse should be tolerated regardless of what's behind it.  If alcoholism or an illness causes it and treating those conditions eliminates the abusive behaviors, that's great.  But "for better or worse" shouldn't apply to staying in an abusive situation even if it's caused by or exacerbated by an illness.  I think that's the line.  


  I will respond to this:

 Before I say anything else, I'd like to clarify that I abhor sexual, physical, emotional and verbal abuse of ALL kinds and believe that the abusers need to have the most severe consequences possible and the victims deserve every chance to rebuild their own as well as their families' lives in the aftermath. There's no justification for abuse and abuse is a crime that needs to be punished regardless of whatever decisions any legally competent adult victims may have made beforehand- good or otherwise.


Yes, I do believe that Ms. Jenner DOES deserve to be criticized for  evidently NOT warning   her offspring (daughters AND sons) to stay away from unstable folks- especially after having been witness to one of the most horrific outcomes possible to her claimed bestie! In the same way, I would believe that a parent  would deserve to be criticized for not having warned their offspring to not play with matches or run in traffic- especially had they witnessed a loved one having been killed by a hit & run driver and/or having been burned to death. At best Ms. Jenner appears to have tacitly accepted her daughter's befriending then bonding with the Former/Formal Mr. West, and at worst, she seems to have encouraged it due to the Former/Formal Mr. West's fame and fortune (so her daughter could bask in it)- despite him having been known to have been unstable from his earliest public appearances. While some abusers (like the aforementioned Mr. Simpson) may be street angels/ house devils and do the whole Jekyl/Hyde deal, I reject that this was the most likely scenario re the Former/Formal Mr. West! 

And whether an unstable and toxic person is that way due to them being solely a basket case kook OR whether that person is that way due to them choosing to behave that way because they enjoy manipulating and intimidating others, there's no  true need for another   person (besides therapists and/or authorities trained to treat unstable and toxic folks)  to choose to have more than the most arm's length interaction possible- much less bond with them. Sorry, but life can offer individuals plenty of trouble without having to borrow any extra. Boo me! 



To point out what individual adults CAN do to avoid, prevent and/or extract themselves from abuse is not 'putting the onus on victims' but to encourage folks to be try to make the most of the external and internal resources they have ! I am not of the mind that victims are to forever be above reproach like Caesar's wife but believe that onetime victims need to acknowledge their  own decisions- good and otherwise instead of attempting to shift the entire blame for all choices that were  made on the abusers. Not only does this take away ALL potential power from the victims (and gives it to the abusers) but one CANNOT learn from one's mistakes if one refuses to acknowledge having made any. I can't see how claiming victims have no choice but to stay victims can in any way help them or their loved ones- regardless of how that belief may temporarily spare their feelings. 

While I'm not a fan of Miss Kardashian, I DO hope she somehow learns from the ordeal of her union with the Former/Formal Mr. West and isn't rebounding with Mr. Davidson as another potential unstable companion( to say nothing of possibly waking up and realizing that she needs Ms. Jenner in her life like a fish needs a bicycle) . Yes, folks who've made bad choices in the past often continue to make counterproductive choices thereafter because that's what they are familiar with and familiarity can bring a comfort (regardless of how destructive this can be). HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that she and others in similar circumstances MUST continue to make counterproductive choices and I believe that it's far more healthy and productive to encourage them to make positive choices regardless of how unfamiliar they may believe that to be for them. If no one made positive choices despite having been abused, there'd have never been any progress whatsoever much less anyone who survived and prospered thereafter despite the abuse. That doesn't mean that they've been  fine and dandy forever after and didn't have moments of sadness over what had happened, but they've been  determined to triumph over their adversities instead of forever nursing their wounds. 

And I say all the above as someone who's 90-something mother has never forgotten being a young girl having to run out of the house in the middle of the night to seek help for herself, sibling and mother being abused by her very charming but troubled, abusive and alcoholic father. Thankfully, my grandmother DID get herself and her children OUT of that ordeal in the middle of the Depression, never went back and became an independent, autonomous supportive parent. Even with her family support, this was no easy task but she DID it and others have since done so. That's not to say that there isn't a long way to go and that more progress needs to be made to have true justice- but progress HAS been made and it needs to be acknowledged and used for others to draw strength from. 

Edited by Blergh
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9 hours ago, MsTree said:

But I guarantee if we had social media back then, something or someone would have leaked the abuse Nicole endured.

I'm not so sure! Think of how open a secret it was that R. Kelly had been unlawfully imprisoning underage girls until very recently but he  wouldn't be prosecuted for having done any of his known crimes until  after some of his former victims participated in that documentary which FINALLY got the authorities to get the ball rolling long after social media had blanketed the world. Yes, that's another authority fail that needs to be called on! 

  • Love 7
33 minutes ago, janie jones said:

What does this mean?

The performer who was known as Kanye West formally applied to have his name legally changed to 'Ye' in August, 2021. I'm not sure if the legal paperwork has gone through to have had this done or it's still being processed (or has been rejected). Hence if the name change HAS gone through, he would be 'The Former Mr. West' but if it had not and he's still legally named Kanye Omari West, then he'd be the 'Formal Mr. West' as Mr. West would be his formal surname (and title) even if he's currently using 'Ye'. To simplify this (and since I don't particularly like the name of 'Ye'), that's why I call him the 'Former/Formal Mr. West' in the same way the late performer Prince for a time had his name changed to an unpronouncable symbol was referred to as 'The Artist Formerly Known as Prince'. Does that clarify?

Edited by Blergh
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On 3/18/2022 at 12:04 PM, Zella said:

it looks like the ballots had already gone out before she expressed her wishes, so there's not much they can do practically at this point

I don't really know how the voting works for the Hall of Fame but I vaguely remember reading that Dolly didn't want to take votes away from more deserving artists/splitting votes (to get in, someone has to hit a certain number, right?). Since the ballots had already gone out before Dolly took herself out of the running, I hope they have a plan to counteract any votes she might get so other nominees aren't hurt.

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On 3/18/2022 at 2:59 PM, GaT said:

And it's things like this that make me think there is something else going on. If she thinks she's good enough to be in the Country Music Hall of Fame, then why would she think she isn't worthy of being in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? I certainly think that it's her choice if she wants to be inducted or not, but she's obviously got a reason that she doesn't want to state.

I love Dolly and have since I was a child. I admire her work and her as a person.    My parents were fortunate enough to see an impromptu performance at Dollywood years ago.  I’m also a huge rock fan and one of my favorite induction ceremonies is The Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame.  I’ve watched some years more than 20 times.  It’s rare to see musical icons under one roof collaborating and celebrating their life’s work.  I’ve watched many and they are well done and such a joy……..HOWEVER, I can see why Dolly might not be comfortable sitting there for that ceremony.  To me…it’s not her. Both are great, though. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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On 3/18/2022 at 12:25 PM, Irlandesa said:

But "for better or worse" shouldn't apply to staying in an abusive situation even if it's caused by or exacerbated by an illness.  I think that's the line.  

Unfortunately, a lot of people think that "for better or worse" does mean staying in an abusive relationship if the abuse is caused by mental illness. I've seen many comments on the internet from people who said things like "this is what she signed up for, better or worse". I guess they just think if he kills her, he kills her.

1 hour ago, Blergh said:

The performer who was known as Kanye West formally applied to have his name legally changed to 'Ye' in August, 2021. I'm not sure if the legal paperwork has gone through to have had this done or it's still being processed (or has been rejected). Hence if the name change HAS gone through, he would be 'The Former Mr. West' but if it had not and he's still legally named Kanye Omari West, then he'd be the 'Formal Mr. West' as Mr. West would be his formal surname (and title) even if he's currently using 'Ye'. To simplify this (and since I don't particularly like the name of 'Ye'), that's why I call him the 'Former/Formal Mr. West' in the same way the late performer Prince for a time had his name changed to an unpronouncable symbol was referred to as 'The Artist Formerly Known as Prince'. Does that clarify?

His name change has been formalized, so he's the former Mr. West. I don't think Prince legally changed his name, all stories say he did, but I don't see any mention of a court filing, so I think he just changed his stage name.

Edited by GaT
9 minutes ago, GaT said:

Unfortunately, a lot of people think that "for better or worse" does mean staying in an abusive relationship if the abuse is caused by mental illness. I've seen many comments on the internet from people who said things like "this is what she signed up for, better or worse". I guess they just think if he kills her, he kills her.

It's such bullshit. I get the "what you signed up for, better or worse" stuff when it comes to things like Kanye suddenly having an issue with Kim dressing sexy or whatever. No one should stay in an unhealthy, potentially dangerous situation. I hope Kim has people around her to keep her safe at all times. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, GaT said:

Unfortunately, a lot of people think that "for better or worse" does mean staying in an abusive relationship if the abuse is caused by mental illness. I've seen many comments on the internet from people who said things like "this is what she signed up for, better or worse". I guess they just think if he kills her, he kills her.

And when people aren't saying things like that, they're saying, "Why doesn't she just leave?" as though it were such a simple, easy solution that would magically fix all their problems. 

We may have more awareness of domestic violence nowadays, but unfortunately a lot of the same outdated, backwards attitudes about it still exist. 

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5 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Heh, I think Lin-Manuel wants an EGOT so bad he can taste it. But surely someone had explained to him that it wasn't going to be possible for him to get an Oscar for Hamilton. Looks like he'll pull it off with Encanto though.

Technically I think he’d be the first McPEGOT!  I saw an interview with him that asked him what an EGOT is and his response was along the lines of “something artificial that people made up to make others feel inadequate.”

  • LOL 11
On 3/17/2022 at 6:55 AM, bluegirl147 said:

I wouldn't be surprised if her mother sees this as an opportunity for something.  Which would really be fucked up.  Kris Jenner knows how dangerous a crazy ex can be. She was best friends with Nicole Brown Simpson.  

As one of the people who lived through the O.J. trial, those are the vibes I'm getting too, especially after Trevor Noah's video. Kanye's a mentally unstable asshole who either can't or won't control himself, and TBH Pete Davidson isn't helping. If Kim hasn't gotten better security measures in place by now, she should do it ASAP.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
  • Love 21

I'm confused. Is Pete Davidson meant to be a performer on SNL, a comedian, the boyfriend of the month for any famous single women, or some kind of my fair guy type of experiment where Lorne Michaels made some type of bet with another old rich man that he could take the most talentless person and turn them into a star?

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18 hours ago, GaT said:

Unfortunately, a lot of people think that "for better or worse" does mean staying in an abusive relationship if the abuse is caused by mental illness.

I had to take myself out of the Kim Kardashian thread because there were people saying she wasn't taking her vows seriously if she wanted a divorce.   After all it's her THIRD marriage.  Marriage vows are not a legally binding contract.   You can divorce for any or no reason.   You can just decide you married the wrong person and LEGALLY you are entitled to a divorce.   To even suggest someone should stay in an abusive relationship because of a few words said years ago is REALLY putting the onus on the victim for whatever happens to them.   Well you promised so you gotta live with the consequences.   


@Blergh has it exactly right.   People need to pay attention to the warning signs and stay away from abusive people.   Or get away if you find yourself in a relationship with someone abusive.   Things like "why should she have been warned to stay away from unstable relationships" only help the abusers.   You can't control how other people are, you can only control your reaction.   Such as recognizing the pattern of your relationships and working to stay away from abusive types.   "Twu Wuv" is not going to change the abuser into not an abuser.   So "If I love him enough, he will stop" is not going to work.

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10 hours ago, Crs97 said:

I especially hate that Pete said he was in bed with his wife.  Kim worked hard to become Kanye’s ex-wife over his objections; Pete’s referring to her as Kanye’s wife just feeds his delusions.

From day 1, Kim has bounced from man to man to man, without taking a breath.  Her right to do that of course, but using her sexual escapades for attention has NEVER been off limits, so why should her newest partner be concerned if she isn't?

And if Pete took a pic of her in his bed & sent it to Kanye, in response to HIS text, you don't think she knew it?  She was right there! Of course she knew, and probably laughed while it was sending. 

She repeatedly and deliberately pokes the bear, then can't understand why it's growling & pawing at her.  She may not be ASKING for it to maul her, but she's sure as hell winking at it and making kissy faces at it to keep it's attention.  

Edited by SnapHappy
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7 minutes ago, Zella said:

I think people routinely overestimate how much sway comments about a person being in an abusive relationship actually have on making that person change their mind. In my experience, warning someone they are in an abusive relationship only backfires because it makes you the enemy and is used as an excuse to cut you off.

I have a friend from college who I warned 11 years ago about some troubling signs about her then-boyfriend. She was very defensive about it, and we eventually had to just agree to disagree about him to maintain the friendship. They ended up getting married, and she would still tell me things about him that just sounded appalling to me, and I would gently push back on it without criticizing him because I knew that was never going to work, but I wanted to plant a seed in her head, all the same. But she'd double down and defend him, with some bizarre logic. She's a computer programmer. She's a very logical, intelligent, independent person on pretty much any other matter, but she still fell for his bullshit hook, line, and sinker. She's only now gotten to the point of recognizing he is abusive, 11 years later. 

I definitely think we as a society need to better educate women about what an abusive relationship looks like and the warning signs that lead up to it, but the premise that somehow Kim just needed to be warned by one person that Kanye was bad news and they never would have gotten married or had kids is just not realistic. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if some people did criticize Kanye to her and then ended up shut out or in the same position I did with my friend--having to keep my mouth shut to still maintain a relationship with her. (And, by the way, I'd always vote for still maintaining contact with that person. I've had several friends and relatives in bad relationships, and I'd much rather them know that they always have a person they can talk to and reach out to, if that's what they decide to do, rather than just let the abusive asshole cause them to shut me out entirely because that isolation is exactly what the abusive asshole wants for them!) 

I'm not blaming Kim either. People are often very irrational when they're in the falling in love stage and usually abusive people are on their best behavior when they're still reeling you in and they are master manipulators to smooth over your doubts/misgivings. 

I'm pretty sure Kanye's recent relationship with Julie Fox was all just a big PR stunt to make Kim jealous, but the over-the-top romantic gestures she kept bragging about that were really horrifying acts of control seems like they are probably Kanye's MO when it comes to wooing women. I am sure he used the same combo of love-bombing and negging on Kim. So, any criticism of him at that stage was not going anywhere. 

So true. Same thing happened to me. But in my case she decided to inform me that she "shared" things with someone else and not to me. That someone else had told me she deserved it "because of her mouth." She knows that friend is as disloyal as he is but she refuses to see it.  Friendship over because I was always wrong and the abusers were right. She became abusive to me. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, rcc said:

So true. Same thing happened to me. But in my case she decided to inform me that she "shared" things with someone else and not to me. That someone else had told me she deserved it "because of her mouth." She knows that friend is as disloyal as he is but she refuses to see it.  Friendship over because I was always wrong and the abusers were right. She became abusive to me. 

I'm sorry about your friend! It wouldn't surprise me if the other person she shared things with was actually her abuser rather than another friend who endorsed the abuse. 

Edited by Zella
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30 minutes ago, Zella said:

I'm sorry about your friend! It wouldn't surprise me if the other person she shared things with was actually her abuser rather than another friend who endorsed the abuse. 

No that was a high school friend of hers that told me herself about the abuse years ago. He left my friend for another woman and now he is back. Still abusive and controlling. My friend refuses to acknowledge the disloyalty of her boyfriend and her high school friend who says she deserved it. 

1 minute ago, rcc said:

No that was a high school friend of hers that told me herself about the abuse years ago. He left my friend for another woman and now he is back. Still abusive and controlling. My friend refuses to acknowledge the disloyalty of her boyfriend and her high school friend who says she deserved it. 

Ugh that's awful! 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Zella said:


I think people routinely overestimate how much sway comments about a person being in an abusive relationship actually have on making that person change their mind. In my experience, warning someone they are in an abusive relationship only backfires because it makes you the enemy and is used as an excuse to cut you off.


Exactly! I have an aunt who spend 50ish years in an abusive marriage. In the end she was just waiting for him to die. It would probably appall some people to know that it was just a fact of life for me growing up. Saying anything against him strained relationships for decades. Pushing too hard would have simple cut her off from one of her few sources of support. You can’t look at the results and assume that means no one said anything. This idea that people in abusive situations can be saved is generally a myth. They have to save themselves. You can be a support system and give encouragement but it’s a very fine line to walk. 

4 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

 Even if Pete Davidson is exacerbating the issue (and he is), even if Pete Davidson is exacerbating the issue with Kim's approval, (and he might be), that doesn't make Kanye less of the real problem.

Agree that Kanye is everybody's problem. 

But unless he's for some reason remanded into custody and denied use of social media, he's able to move freely about, live his life, do and say what he wants, how and when he wants, as a free American citizen. 

So how do you solve a problem like Kanye?  How do you catch a cloud & pin it down? 

Until he does something actionable, the question is moot. 

Edited by SnapHappy

With regards to domestic violence, I definitely believe that knowledge is power and can be the key to survival and even later triumph!

While I understand that the chances of an adult victim instantly agreeing with someone attempting to warn them about them likely having hooked up with an abuser is about a zillion to one, it beats the odds of an adult victim not having had that dissenting idea put into their head- a zillion to zero

Parents should teach their offspring from an early age how to look for signs of abusers and manipulators in general (along with all the other facts of life and life lessons)- and speak up if they believe their offspring has hooked up with one even in adulthood.

Yes, I know that by speaking up, one would risk a possible victim possibly cutting one off for dissension and not telling them what they wanted to hear about their supposed beloved, but being willing to risk that might possibly show the potential victim that one loves and cares about them- and that can get them to consider that they ARE worth not being abused!

Maybe it would be best to  just say what one believes  needs to be said ONCE and consider that this seed could eventually take root instead of constantly berating a potential victim over their supposed beloved but IMO it's better to risk a victim's wrath,etc. by attempting to share knowledge than keep them without even the tiniest pinprick of light to seek out for guidance.   Of course, I think one needs to do all one can do, including resisting repeating one's belief to stay in a potential victim's circle.

While a victim may not initially be willing to believe dissenting a dissenting POV about their supposed beloved, each one can help bring the victim the knowledge they can use for power in the longrun.

Even in adulthood, a parent has more staying power than a chit-chat mall acquaintance and has less risk of being cut off for daring to call attention to a room elephant. 

I don't claim to have inside knowledge into the formative years of the Kardashian family. However, Ms. Jenner never has struck me as someone who would be hesitant to give her POV to her offspring at any age. I'll even say that she seems to be rather intrusive, overwhelming and someone who is oblivious to her offspring's and descendants' boundaries. Normally, these are negative qualities to have but since abuse can be a potentially life and death situation for all, IMO, Ms. Jenner SHOULD have made use of them to have pleaded with Miss Kardashian not to hook up with, or failing that, to extract herself from the Former Mr. West - even if she had failed to instruct her from early childhood of warning signs to look for in abusers and manipulators in general despite having had her claimed bestie get murdered after having suffered longterm abuse at the hands of her onetime spouse. 

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Maury Povich is retiring thus ending the 30 year run of his show. 



End of an era indeed. How else will various men discover "You ARE the father!" now? 

Edited by MissAlmond
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I've never accepted that the Maury show actors (everyone gets paid to be on it, so they humiliate themselves for money) aren't already aware of who the father is before they ever set foot on stage.   I will miss the run of shame some of the participants put on.  To clarify, I'm sure the show gives the DNA test results before the show tapes, so the participants can perform suitably for the cameras. 

Maury started in D.C. on a local channel, Metromedia, and had a very nice talk show on weekdays for a couple of hours a day,  for a long time, before he hit the national market.   

I hope he loves retirement. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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8 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I've never accepted that the Maury show actors (everyone gets paid to be on it, so they humiliate themselves for money) aren't already aware of who the father is before they ever set foot on stage.   I will miss the run of shame some of the participants put on.  

I have a friend who has an ex-boyfriend.  He was with someone else and she became pregnant.  My friend said she didn't know who the father was and told me she was going to try to convince them to go on Maury.  As far as I know, they didn't.  But, I have no problem believing that at least some of those people are in the dark.

And I guess the show was taping in Boston so she asked me if I wanted to go and that we'd have to get up at 5. I said no.  She said yeah that is early.  I said I wouldn't go if I could sleep until noon. I have zero interest in ever seeing that show live or on TV.

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4 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I have a friend who has an ex-boyfriend.  He was with someone else and she became pregnant.  My friend said she didn't know who the father was and told me she was going to try to convince them to go on Maury.  As far as I know, they didn't.  But, I have no problem believing that at least some of those people are in the dark.

And I guess the show was taping in Boston so she asked me if I wanted to go and that we'd have to get up at 5. I said no.  She said yeah that is early.  I said I wouldn't go if I could sleep until noon. I have zero interest in ever seeing that show live or on TV.

Not to mention that you’d have to sign a release so your image could be shown on television. 
That’s why I don’t ever want to be in a studio audience. I will save an exception for Jeopardy. 

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2 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Not to mention that you’d have to sign a release so your image could be shown on television. 
That’s why I don’t ever want to be in a studio audience. I will save an exception for Jeopardy. 

I wasn't even thinking about that, because like I said no desire whatsoever.  But, yeah, I would be completely embarrassed to even be seen in the audience of that show.

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The Academy Is Facing Harsh Criticism After “West Side Story” Lead Rachel Zegler Revealed She Wasn’t Invited To The Oscars Despite The Film Having Seven Nominations

I was surprised that the lead actress in a best picture nominated film wasn’t invited.    I know she herself wasn’t nominated but I figured if the film was nominated for the big award the leads would be invited.  Who decides who goes and who doesn’t?  Is it a matter of each film being allotted a certain amount of tickets or is it up to the Academy to individually invite people to the ceremony?  Do the producers of the nominated film have no say over who gets an invitation and who doesn’t? Why can’t someone from the film who was invited bring her as their plus one?


edited to add another thought:  Was Ansel Elgort also not invited?  Maybe because the of scandal surrounding him he wasn’t invited and it was decided to also disinvite Rachel so it’s not so obvious he’s being pushed out. But that totally screws her over unfairly.  That’s just my speculation which is probably wrong.

Edited by Luckylyn
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Message added by OtterMommy,

Please do not post only non-descriptive links to celebrity news stories.  Some context should be provided for your fellow members. Context may be as simple as a link that describes the story, or a line or two of text. Thanks.

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