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S05.E02: You Dim Sum, You Lose Some

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8 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Yea racism is racism.... saying everyone has something screamed derogatory at them at some point doesn't make it ok  ... and takes away from the fact that they are a marginalized group... Thinking all people of Asian backgrounds carry a virus and its ok that someone screams get away from you because of that is a little messed up .... To do a I wouldn't say the same equivalency argument but...... that's like saying me walking down the street and someone screaming F@g at me is ok cause ya know it happens .... dismissing behavior like that in any form towards any marginalized group like its nothing is NOT ok and normalizes that behavior and makes it seem like they can continue to do it, its ok for others to do the same, and that can escalate to something more .....


What Brandi did is 100% not ok .. I think the fact she is taking it so hard will attest to that... Social Media can be super cruel and we all tend to have an attack first mindset so yes I can see why she would be suicidal with the things people were saying to her ... you should die you should kill yourself you are a shit human your kids are shit you should disappear NO ONE LIKES YOU  etc etc even the strongest person will crack from that ( well maybe not Leann she just remains unbothered and lives in her bubble of I did nothing wrong) She isn't trying to shift the blame to anyone else she is taking it head on saying what I did was wrong how can I fix it She knows she hurt an entire population of people and seems to have taken what she said in as wrong and trying to correct it as best has she knows how .... (again unlike Leann who just dismissed it said well other people say it and don't have a problem) Should we just forget she said it NO is it reprehensible what she did? ABSOLUTELY .... but give the girl a chance to make amends without throwing her away all together


I get that America and the world in general needs to have these conversations and its tough... It seems now that we have all been forced into a quarantine bubble it just seems to be a never ending onslaught of it we have nothing to really distract  ourselves from it and we haven't had to face that before in such a consistent manner... I think that's the last I am gonna talk about this topic for now I don't wanna run into beating a dead horse category with this .. We all have differing opinions and this is just mine  ...


D"andra and Kary fighting and snipping at each other is gonna wear thin really quick ... I mean it just started this episode and I am already tired of it ....


The thing with Brandi only bothers me because it was dug up; I'm never a fan of something that was out for public consumption and then several years later is a problem.  I do appreciate that she owned it and apologized, for most that should be sufficient. If you are Asian and deeply offended than you probably shouldn't go see ANY comedian for the rest of your life.   I personal liked it better when everyone could make fun of themselves a little bit and not be so sensitive about everything.  Eddie Murphy made fun of white people all the time, I thought it was funny.  I honestly don't feel what she did was racist.  Tiffany was made fun of for squinty eyes, I got picked on relentlessly about being flat chested.  Should I be offended by people that have had a boob job or hate small boobs or have them at all?  lol.  I kid but every kid literally gets picked on about something, seems like Tiffany's life turned out alright (eyeroll).

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9 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

 I live in an area that is at least 30% Asian.  There are children in my kids’school that were born here and literally learn English in school. They do not know a “lick of English”. My daughter was very good friends with a girl who only spoke Japanese until mid year.

There are children who grow up in Spanish speaking homes and neighborhoods that do not speak English. ESL programs in schools are not only for those who immigrated from other countries. I say this with direct knowledge and experience.

i am a daughter of Russian immigrants. Guess what? I was born here and did not speak English until I went to Kindergarten.

I came to North America at almost 2 but didn't learn any English until I went to pre-school. My brother was born here but didn't speak English until he went to kindergarten.

It was a deliberate decision by my parents to not speak English with us because they didn't want us to pick up their accents but instead to learn English from people who didn't have one.

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1 hour ago, TexasGal said:

Before watching the episode, I thought Kam was being a baby about the chicken feet - but then watching Tiffany explaining spitting the bones back out uhhhhhhh nope.  I don't know that I could have done it either!  I just assumed the bones would be thin enough that you would eat the whole thing.  And try not to think about it too much.

An then Tiffany was being such a bully about it. That would be like taking my parents out to eat at a Japanese restaurant and telling them they had to eat sushi (man I miss going out for sushi).

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3 hours ago, Slider said:

Kary always gets on my nerves, but she's so repetitive that it makes it worse!  Don't make me side with D'Andra!

Maybe it's just me, but I see D'Andra morphing into LeeAnne - the hair, the lips, the cheekbones, the nails, the personality...  😬

A combination of LeeAnne AND her mother's, which is a scary concept.

LeeAnne not being there may not be a good thing for Kary.

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Tiffany's vocal fry is beyond annoying.  I can barely stand listening to hear speak.  I'm open minded about trying different cuisine, but there's no way I would've eaten that chicken foot and would not have been even 1/2 as nice as Kam was.  Loved that she had the bowl with the pieces of the foot hid under the table, just like a kid.  

D'Andra's face is painful to see and her lips are so overinflated.  I think she had a facelift during the hiatus and it and the fillers must not have settled by the time they started filming.  I notice her lips look way less full and more natural in her talking heads.  

I don't miss LeeAnne one bit.  


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23 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

I find some of Kam’s malapropisms amusing, in an endearing way.  But I also think she plays it up for the cameras, much like Jessica Simpson back in the day.


23 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

Sometimes it seems Kameron's husband looks at her like she is some alien creature, or has two heads or something...it's pretty funny watching him look at her with "that" look on his face. 

lol! Nick Lachey gave Jessica Simpson that same "is this bitch serious?" look back on Newlyweds. 

I also think both women play it up for the cameras. I honestly don't mind. I'd rather someone play dumb blonde than be mean.

Count me in on enjoying the house porn. I'm very girly and especially enjoy seeing these rich ladies' closets! 

Being a social worker really suits Stephanie. It's wonderful she's starting her own charity.

Being a vegetarian gets me out of eating stuff I have no desire to. It's awesome. I tend to view animals as all creatures who matter and feel pain, but I know not everyone is that way. I feel for all the meat eaters who get pushed into eating animals or parts outside of their comfort zone though.

Just like people who don't respect other cultures annoy me, so do folks who force their ways onto others. Tiffany and Kary seem a little alike in this regard. You MUST be happy. You MUST have a good time. You MUST have a drink. You MUST eat this thing you clearly have no desire to. We're not all adventurous Tiffany, and that's fine. 

@DeeplyShallow Many good points! 

ETA: Removed my rant on racial stuff because I do not want to debate it on here. 🙂

Edited by RealHousewife
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D’Andra constantly referring to her brother as a stepbrother bothered me. They adopted him so he would be her half-brother and calling him a stepbrother sounds dismissive like he isn’t a “real” brother. I guess as an adoptee, I’m kind of sensitive to that. 
I wonder how the fight over the will went down. Greed brings out of the worst in people. 
I don’t think God gave her a brain to let a self-professed shaman blow air up her nose especially during a pandemic. Some people have too much money and not enough sense.

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4 hours ago, RealHousewife said:


lol! Nick Lachey gave Jessica Simpson that same "is this bitch serious?" look back on Newlyweds. 

I also think both women play it up for the cameras. I honestly don't mind. I'd rather someone play dumb blonde than be mean.

Count me in on enjoying the house porn. I'm very girly and especially enjoy seeing these rich ladies' closets! 

Being a social worker really suits Stephanie. It's wonderful she's starting her own charity.


That’s a really good point re: Kam. I think that might be why I’m enjoying her more lately- she’s fun and silly without being mean. And she’s removed the stick that was stuck up her butt her first couple of seasons, which makes her much easier to like.

I’m really excited for Stephanie. Especially given her mental health struggles, I think having this purpose and the opportunity to channel her skills into something productive will be great for her. She’s much more competent than she (and Travis) sometimes act so I look forward to watching her this season.

  • Love 14
22 hours ago, DeeplyShallow said:

 I live in an area that is at least 30% Asian.  There are children in my kids’school that were born here and literally learn English in school. They do not know a “lick of English”. My daughter was very good friends with a girl who only spoke Japanese until mid year.

There are children who grow up in Spanish speaking homes and neighborhoods that do not speak English. ESL programs in schools are not only for those who immigrated from other countries. I say this with direct knowledge and experience.

i am a daughter of Russian immigrants. Guess what? I was born here and did not speak English until I went to Kindergarten.

Just because you don’t believe it, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen.

Just because Asians are “highly successful”, the “model minority” label is not complementary and is a form of racism, adding to distrust and fueling negative feelings and reactions from other minority races. Additionally, the hate directed to Asians after COVID started to impact us here in the US was intense. People were spit at, beaten up, lost business- this is a real thing.  Making fun of someone’s eyes, BRANDI, is a form of racism. It diminishes a group of people, sends a clear message that they are “less than”, insulting, and paints people as a caricature.

just because Asians are statistically successful in education and business does not mean that they don’t experience the pain, humiliation, and danger that racism brings.

Deeplyshallow I wish I could give your post 100 hearts! ❤

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Y’all, I am clearly alone in my distrust of Queen Stephanie, but are we really not gonna call out that hypocrisy?! She doesn’t approve of a show off? COME. ON. I know exactly how much she paid for her home, for every party she’s hosted, for all of her renovations, and I’ve had an intimate tour of her insane toilet, her bathroom hot tub, and her in-shower coffeemaker. I’ve also heard her belittle her own sister regarding the amount of the woman’s mortgage. She’s just clever enough to subtlebrag by feigning outrage sometimes. “I’m pretty angry, and I feel like I’m not being seen. Travis dropped 10 million on this place...without even telling me!” She always plays her cards right, but I see her. 

I also can’t watch a second of Brandi. Suicide isn’t something you discuss lightly. If she is suicidal, get help and get off this vapid, pointless & inconsequential shit show. 

Edited by RedInk
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On 1/12/2021 at 9:29 PM, Jel said:

Me too. Kam is my all time favourite hw. Sure she works it a bit, but she is poking fun at herself. It’s preferable to the usual fare of guttural growls or season long take downs IMO.

All I know is, if I have the right housewife, her husband is looking at her too sadly as she descends into madness.  Honest, she is more than a little out there.

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17 hours ago, RedInk said:

Y’all, I am clearly alone in my distrust of Queen Stephanie, but are we really not gonna call out that hypocrisy?! 

You’re not alone, don’t worry. 😊

Also, I don’t know who watched WWHL on Tuesday but Kam was on and made a comment that was very inappropriate. She said in regards to Tiffany that she thought the women in the Thailand ping pong show (from last season’s trip) were bossy but Tiffany’s even more bossy than them. Um, effing yikes. Andy and Cheyenne Jackson looked like they wanted to run offscreen. It was not good 😬

edit: Adding this tweet I saw about it because I can’t find the actual clip and I like to bring the receipts. 


Edited by Legalbeagle421
Clarifying something.
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1 minute ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

You’re not alone, don’t worry. 😊

Also, I don’t know who watched WWHL on Tuesday but Kam was on and made a comment that was very inappropriate. She said in regards to Tiffany that she thought the women in the Thailand ping pong show (from last season’s trip) were bossy but Tiffany’s even more bossy than them. Um, effing yikes. Andy and Cheyenne Jackson looked like they wanted to run offscreen. It was not good 😬

I hate that he never calls anyone out! Tiffany is a DOCTOR. What about her does Kam find analogous to a ping-pong girl? (Jk...I know the answer. )😒

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, Legalbeagle421 said:

You’re not alone, don’t worry. 😊

Also, I don’t know who watched WWHL on Tuesday but Kam was on and made a comment that was very inappropriate. She said in regards to Tiffany that she thought the women in the Thailand ping pong show (from last season’s trip) were bossy but Tiffany’s even more bossy than them. Um, effing yikes. Andy and Cheyenne Jackson looked like they wanted to run offscreen. It was not good 😬

edit: Adding this tweet I saw about it because I can’t find the actual clip because I like to bring the receipts. 


Eek... and just like that, Kam’s back in my metaphorical LV-emblazoned doghouse.

Thanks @DeeplyShallow for sharing your decidedly NOT shallow observations and information gleaned from your own experience as the child of immigrants and things you’ve observed through your child’s schooling. While I have no way to personally verify Tiffany’s story (which is true of most personal stories told by people on television, on the internet, or IRL), her experience is certainly believable and, as you point out, not uncommon. Now, if she starts saying she’s BFF with Vince Neil (like the tragically unreliable Elizabeth on RHOC), I will give her some side eye, but my inclination is to listen to marginalized people (be they women, immigrants, BIPOC, LGBTQ, etc.) when they speak about experiences of marginalization unless I’m given a compelling reason to distrust them. Even if they’re on a crappy reality show.

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14 hours ago, RedInk said:

Y’all, I am clearly alone in my distrust of Queen Stephanie, but are we really not gonna call out that hypocrisy?! She doesn’t approve of a show off? COME. ON. I know exactly how much she paid for her home, for every party she’s hosted, for all of her renovations, and I’ve had an intimate tour of her insane toilet, her bathroom hot tub, and her in-shower coffeemaker. I’ve also heard her belittle her own sister regarding the amount of the woman’s mortgage. She’s just clever enough to subtlebrag by feigning outrage sometimes. “I’m pretty angry, and I feel like I’m not being seen. Travis dropped 10 million on this place...without even telling me!” She always plays her cards right, but I see her. 

I also can’t watch a second of Brandi. Suicide isn’t something you discuss lightly. If she is suicidal, get help and get off this vapid, pointless & inconsequential shit show. 

I just think there is a big difference in saying something in your interview VS having ladies over for a tour.  Clearly the ladies can see your house is money, you don't have to keep saying it.  And being an educated Doctor and talking like a Kardashian just makes it more annoying.

I've lost a husband to suicide and it didn't bother me, didn't feel she was discussing it lightly.  If she said that to get folks off her tail than shame on her, if she means it and got the proper help - good for her.  Many don't.   I don't begrudge her being on the show, clearly there are negatives and positives to being a part of it. 

Edited by klh25
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On 1/12/2021 at 11:02 PM, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Kam is fascinating to me because I do agree that she plays up the part of the ditzy blonde but I also think she's not as smart as she (secretly) thinks she is - she's like a ditz who thinks she's smarter than she actually is and then plays the part of an even bigger ditz to mask the so-called intelligence that she overestimates...

I agree with you.  How can a college grad not know what cathartic means?  Her little girl voice and upspeak are like nails on a chalkboard. How does her husband find that attractive?  Not that he’s such a prize but at least he’s got money. 

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On 1/15/2021 at 10:04 AM, klh25 said:

I just think there is a big difference in saying something in your interview VS having ladies over for a tour.  Clearly the ladies can see your house is money, you don't have to keep saying it.  And being an educated Doctor and talking like a Kardashian just makes it more annoying.

I didn't have a problem with that - I am actually partly watching this show to see their closets and wine cellars and amazing toilets!  Don't come on this show if you're not willing to be a showoff and a braggart!   Let's just say I find it more interesting than the fight about chicken feet will be if it is mentioned again next week! (or over and over again for weeks!) 😄 

I'll give you the Kardashian voice (and that goes double for little-girl-baby-talk) 😖

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On 1/13/2021 at 3:45 PM, TexasGal said:

Before watching the episode, I thought Kam was being a baby about the chicken feet - but then watching Tiffany explaining spitting the bones back out uhhhhhhh nope.  I don't know that I could have done it either!  I just assumed the bones would be thin enough that you would eat the whole thing.  And try not to think about it too much.

As a dim-sum lover and frequent flyer at my local fave dim-sum joint, I’ve had my fun with chicken feet. They’re a tasty delicacy, but yes, messy AF to eat; that said, I’d sure hate to be seen on national television spitting out little chicken feet bones, so I don’t blame some of the women for being leery about eating those in this situation. Dim-sum has soooo many other delicious dishes that even those picky women would enjoy, so I think Tiffany tossed in the chicken feet purely for shock value.

I don’t blame her for being a little frustrated with these gals’ refusal to eat certain things though. Adult picky eaters admittedly annoy the shit out of me too, and to see someone as rich and well-traveled as Kam have the eating palate of an 8-year-old feels like such a waste.

Surprising to see Stephanie dissing Tiffany’s gorgeous home tour though! Was that a smidge of misplaced envy and/or competitiveness?
I just LOVE to watch these women show off their homes and closets, so I had no beef with her at all over that. Tiffany deserves to enjoy all the beautiful things her career path has afforded her; most Real Housewives were either born into or married into their wealth, so it’s refreshing to see an honest hardworking professional on here.

Go figure that the cast member who suffered with a bad bout of Covid was the one getting shit blown directly into her nostril from some so-called “shaman.” 

I continually agree with everyone about how much better this show is without Me-Anne hijacking every scene!
And we all know she would’ve gone apeshit on Tiffany, so it likely would’ve been a repeat of all her uncomfortable scenes with Kary from last season too, so I’m eternally grateful that her nasty ass was tossed out like the trash she is.

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Tiffany is annoying. Why does she sound like a Kardashian? How does that work as a doctor? I didn’t like her forcing the issue with the chicken feet. There’s nothing wrong with being grossed out and disturbed by that. That said her home is impressive.  
Brandi apologized, I think she feels bad, it’s time to move on.

I am liking Kam this season.


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On 1/16/2021 at 9:27 AM, princelina said:

I didn't have a problem with that - I am actually partly watching this show to see their closets and wine cellars and amazing toilets!  Don't come on this show if you're not willing to be a showoff and a braggart!   Let's just say I find it more interesting than the fight about chicken feet will be if it is mentioned again next week! (or over and over again for weeks!) 😄 

I'll give you the Kardashian voice (and that goes double for little-girl-baby-talk) 😖

I agree. I definitely felt like Tiffany's tour to the ladies was in huge part for the benefit of the cameras - and I was grateful for it! I'm loving her as an addition so far - this season already feels so much lighter and fresher without Leeanne.

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On 1/13/2021 at 2:25 AM, MrsWitter said:

Once again, I need to say how much better the show is without LeeAnne. If she were at the brunch, she would have told a story about how she related to the abuse of chickens, or how she had to kill chickens or she knew people without feet on the carnie circuit, or whatever tangential trauma she could dredge up to make it all about her. I feel like I’m going to say this every week, but I’m so happy she is gone. I don’t know that I’ve ever been happier to see a HW leave the show.

OMG. I'm dead! Lol. If this ain't the truth though! 

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Issues around race are being brought forward this season.  Civil discussion is encouraged. We also need to recognize when it is time to agree to disagree.  If you have made your point and perhaps responded with a follow up, it is likely time to move on.  This is an open forum for discussion of a reality TV show.  As such, everyone's voice should be heard.  Some posts have been hidden for a combination of incivility and beating the horse so much that the bones are now dust.  

Questions? PM @PrincessPurrsALot.  We do not discuss moderator actions in the forums. 

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Forgot to watch this last week - just catching up.

I thought Stephanie was kidding when she said she wouldn’t show off her closet like Tiffany because she had already done that.

So D’Andra won against her brother in court - but wouldn’t his version of the will be more up to date? Was the second will a fake?

I agree with many others that Kam plays up the dumb blonde thing, and her husband just stares when she does it - still, she’s entertaining!

Edited by nexxie
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On 1/17/2021 at 11:01 AM, Sun-Bun said:

Surprising to see Stephanie dissing Tiffany’s gorgeous home tour though! Was that a smidge of misplaced envy and/or competitiveness?
I just LOVE to watch these women show off their homes and closets, so I had no beef with her at all over that. Tiffany deserves to enjoy all the beautiful things her career path has afforded her; most Real Housewives were either born into or married into their wealth, so it’s refreshing to see an honest hardworking professional on here.

Stephanie's my fave, but I agree with this. Tiffany's worked damn hard, and it's nice seeing a hard worker with humble beginnings enjoy the lifestyle she has. And I certainly enjoy seeing her beautiful things!

On 1/14/2021 at 6:52 PM, RedInk said:

Y’all, I am clearly alone in my distrust of Queen Stephanie, but are we really not gonna call out that hypocrisy?! She doesn’t approve of a show off? COME. ON. I know exactly how much she paid for her home, for every party she’s hosted, for all of her renovations, and I’ve had an intimate tour of her insane toilet, her bathroom hot tub, and her in-shower coffeemaker. I’ve also heard her belittle her own sister regarding the amount of the woman’s mortgage. She’s just clever enough to subtlebrag by feigning outrage sometimes. “I’m pretty angry, and I feel like I’m not being seen. Travis dropped 10 million on this place...without even telling me!” She always plays her cards right, but I see her. 

LOL! Yeah Stephanie is queen of the humble brag. 

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On 1/14/2021 at 7:52 PM, RedInk said:

Y’all, I am clearly alone in my distrust of Queen Stephanie, but are we really not gonna call out that hypocrisy?! She doesn’t approve of a show off? COME. ON. I know exactly how much she paid for her home, for every party she’s hosted, for all of her renovations, and I’ve had an intimate tour of her insane toilet, her bathroom hot tub, and her in-shower coffeemaker. I’ve also heard her belittle her own sister regarding the amount of the woman’s mortgage. She’s just clever enough to subtlebrag by feigning outrage sometimes. “I’m pretty angry, and I feel like I’m not being seen. Travis dropped 10 million on this place...without even telling me!” She always plays her cards right, but I see her. 

I also can’t watch a second of Brandi. Suicide isn’t something you discuss lightly. If she is suicidal, get help and get off this vapid, pointless & inconsequential shit show. 

Brandi actually did go to a treatment program because of this.

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Jeremy grabbing at his wife's breast during the TH is not what I wanted to see.

and my God I cannot STAND Kary.  I think she has the worst vocal fry!  And I just don't like her.  She's the kind of woman that will give you the backhanded compliment -- "Your boobs look great.  One benefit to your weight gain!"  I cannot stand her.

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3 hours ago, Boo Boo said:

Jeremy grabbing at his wife's breast during the TH is not what I wanted to see.

and my God I cannot STAND Kary.  I think she has the worst vocal fry!  And I just don't like her.  She's the kind of woman that will give you the backhanded compliment -- "Your boobs look great.  One benefit to your weight gain!"  I cannot stand her.

I didn't need to see that either. Was it last season Jeremy was grabbing her ass and almost looked like he was trying to finger her or something (through her pants) at a party? I don't care if I'm fully clothed, I wouldn't want my boobs, butt or front touched by my SO on camera. Aren't these the same people who care so much about what society thinks? I'm not party of that world, but I appreciate classiness. 

LOL! Backhanded compliments are so annoying. Kary's just not likable. Even LeeAnne's crazy ass was kind of endearing to me prior to last season and all her Mexican comments. 

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