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S15 E07: The Bubble Bursts

Message added by Bort

As always, this is a spoiler-free topic. If it didn't happen yet, please do not discuss.

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16 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I know Hannah is speaking out about her struggles with anxiety.... which is important and I appreciate it.  But I just could not help but notice she is a really beautiful woman.  Last year I always thought her makeup was too harsh and made her face look severe and she seemed to find a balance that accentuates her beautiful eyes.  I know that is such a surface thing to talk about but can't help it

Yeah... I have to agree. Sometimes, I notice that Hannah makes the arch in her eyebrow too severe and it doesn't flatter her. Also, she and Marissa both close their eyes when they smile, and personally I find it very unattractive. Although, they're both stunning women otherwise. 

5 hours ago, madmax84 said:

This. I don't think people are really going to ask the DCC about their political opinions or even just political questions in general.

Normally I would agree, but I think in an election year politics are a lot more likely to come up during an appearance. It is important that the DCC know enough to deflect the conversation if someone were to bring it up. (Although I realize they didn't do appearances this year).

4 hours ago, JapMo said:

 Did anyone think K&J were not already aware that Brenna had contracted Covid?  They sure pretended like they didn't know when they called her in for a meeting.  Could the person who's temperature spiked be Brenna?  


Yes, they both seemed surprised. Which is weird because you would think "have you tested positive for Covid-19" would be one of the basic questions you'd have to answer to enter the bubble. Maybe production knew, but it seems odd that Kelly and Judy wouldn't have been briefed.

They also didn't seem that concerned about Brennan once they found out. For example, when Brennan said she could barely walk a mile, I felt like I could almost see Kelly thinking about how she was going to get through a 3 hour game day as opposed to Brennan's health in general.

4 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

Agree. And with Lily, she is more relaxed for game days because its training camp that has been so awful for her. First year, cut on the last day without prior warning. Second year, brought into the office on the last day for dramatic effect. This year....rinse repeat. Poor girl. They wonder why they are just now seeing a "pre-rookie" Lily? Well K and J you created the exact same conditions for her. You cut Meredith and put Lily on the line and so she's freaked! I'd look a little anxious too! 

^^^ 100% agree with everything in this post. If TPTB thinks Lily looks scared, it's only because they scared her. Also, I don't understand what their problem is with Lily's facial expressions. I always thought they looked pretty and it's definitely nothing to harp on during a season when they only performed wearing masks.

Also, my heart went out to Lily when she talked about how Meredith's cut affected her. Especially when she said "she's a part of this sisterhood forever" 😭😭

3 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

I agree spending 3 minutes on a thunderstorm was a waste.  

Yeah, the scene could have been cut, but I did lol when they showed Lisa looking around absolutely lost. Not the best transition haha

2 hours ago, WoofDCC said:

I appreciate seeing more of the vets this year. I think the show is listening to fans. We don't just want to hear from the rookies. We're invested in the vets too.

100% agree.  Also, loved seeing Lexie talking to some of the rookies at the beginning. From what I've seen on the show and podcasts, she's a really supportive teammate. 

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Sorry for the double post 😂

I was absolutely obsessed with Brennan's and Jada's media day outfits. The hot pink pants looked so chic and Jada's outfit gave her legs for daysssss.

Did anyone else think it was weird that Judy was just sitting there during media day. She wasn't really asking any questions and even if she were she could have done it over zoom. To me this was another example of inadequate social distancing.

I loved seeing Kristi Scales in this episode. She does a perfect job of giving honest critiques while still being supportive of each candidate.

I thought Cassie handled her cut well, although she was probably more prepared for it given that Kelly was almost going to cut her at the beginning of TC.  I'm really excited to see her back next year. 

Also, did anyone else notice the board getting switched out when Kelly and Judy were discussing whether they needed callbacks? It went from showing Tori, Brianna, Kristen, Lily, Brennan below the top 36 to showing Alora, Tori, Kristen, Lily. Brennan outside the top 36.

Edited by HitItHarder..BAM
Accidental double post
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41 minutes ago, HitItHarder..BAM said:

Also, did anyone else notice the board getting switched out when Kelly and Judy were discussing whether they needed callbacks? It went from showing Tori, Brianna, Kristen, Lily, Brennan below the top 36 to showing Alora, Tori, Kristen, Lily. Brennan outside the top 36.

Yes I did I thought it was weird

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59 minutes ago, HitItHarder..BAM said:

Sorry for the double post 😂

I was absolutely obsessed with Brennan's and Jada's media day outfits. The hot pink pants looked so chic and Jada's outfit gave her legs for daysssss.

Did anyone else think it was weird that Judy was just sitting there during media day. She wasn't really asking any questions and even if she were she could have done it over zoom. To me this was another example of inadequate social distancing.

I loved seeing Kristi Scales in this episode. She does a perfect job of giving honest critiques while still being supportive of each candidate.

I thought Cassie handled her cut well, although she was probably more prepared for it given that Kelly was almost going to cut her at the beginning of TC.  I'm really excited to see her back next year. 

Also, did anyone else notice the board getting switched out when Kelly and Judy were discussing whether they needed callbacks? It went from showing Tori, Brianna, Kristen, Lily, Brennan below the top 36 to showing Alora, Tori, Kristen, Lily. Brennan outside the top 36.


FYI - you can edit your post to get rid of the double. click on the pencil icon under your post.

If someone finds where you can get the white jumpsuit - give me nudge...   😀that was gorgeous !

Edited by sATL
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6 hours ago, PrincessLeia said:

Lily isn’t good enough to be on this team. She just isn’t. I know we all like her personally, but she and Meredith never should’ve made this team last year.  I love Brennan, but she’s definitely not full strength. Lily is getting out danced by rookies. 

I’d cut Lily, Brennan, Ashlinn and Kristin. 


I think Darian is one of the most beautiful girls they’ve ever had. And so poised and well spoken. 

Why Ashlinn?  I mean she sucked on media day but to me Claire was just as bad.  I am just curious re Ashlinn......

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6 hours ago, kalibean said:

Yup! It’s a way to stay in dancing shape and get a paycheck at the same time. And Dallas is way lower cost of living than NYC or LA while waiting it out. Plus it does boost their social media profile, and plenty have a side hustle that benefits from that. Some even legit ones vs a shady MLM (looking at you, Alora-Rose!) 

ETA: Well, would boost more if they could post more DCC related things. Tho I imagine all saw a boost from the start or the show and/or peeps like us who have been following since auditions this summer.  

So true! The way it's presented you would think DCC is like a top tier, most competitive team to make in the country but the actual fact is they get a fairly small (compared to the casting pool for big name dance companies in major cities like NYC or LA) pool of candidates, many of whom are "local" or local adjacent (southern states.) Of course there's girls from all over but the bulk of the people who audition are people who are near Dallas/can easily get to Dallas/would relocate to Dallas. Especially since the regular non-covid TC is like 10 weeks. How many would seriously consider relocating for 10 weeks for a job they might not even get? That eliminates a lot of serious career dancers.

IIRC, Judy even mentioned in episode 1 this year that the pool was bigger than ever. Definitely a result of the 10 week TC being eliminated, people not having to travel and as you said, dancers that generally aim to be at much more prestigious companies applying since the industry is collapsed for the time being. Opens the pool up so so much.

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14 hours ago, Route66 said:

DAE just eyeroll over Claire sobbing about how great the Make A Wish foundation is? It's a great program, but why were they so enamored with her literally breaking down and sobbing over how her goal "as a woman" is to help others?

It reminded me of the girl in an early season who said she'd call "Miss United States" if she had an hour left to live.

I love Claire because she's such a girl next door, but the "as a woman" part didn't make sense to me either.

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11 hours ago, JapMo said:

I like Alora Rose, and think she really listens to criticism and tries 1000% to make the team.  That being said, she blends into the woodwork.  She's cute, but she just doesn't have the spark of the other girls.  So I have to question Kelli's comment that her eyes were drawn to her over several others, including veterans.  Seriously?

She'd need a major makeover to make the team, IMO.  Either go big as a blonde or a redhead.  And that's just looks.  I don't think she should make the team over a veteran.  Not this year. 

Part of it for her may be that in the Rockettes, they don't want anyone to stand out.  Being a "blender" is a good thing. 

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My thoughts on this episode:

I really like Kristi as a judge. She is very fair. Her comments to Darian about her father were so nice and Darian was so well spoken. 
I thought Rachel W was just helping Tori out (not Claire as others have said). 
Lily looked pissed when she was given corrections before they did dance off. She threw her poms down! 
Brennan looks gorgeous but makes weird faces and blends. 
Lily does look stiff and scared when she dances. 
Something about Jessica bugs me. 
This was the first time I thought Alora Rose looked good. 
I would’ve cut Ashlinn and Lily along with Cassie. Why drag it out to the end again if they decide to cut Lily. 
Dance Off is something they do on SYTYCD so maybe Travis suggested it? 


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20 minutes ago, DancingDina13 said:

Maybe the eyebrows is what is bugging me about Hannah’s face . I always thought she had a hard look to her that wasn’t always flattering 

She has a million different looks which makes her so intriguing to me. IMHO though, I loved her with the bangs the best!


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Kelli & Judy: Jessica looks good in this dance!
[editors cut to Jessica dancing without power]

Also hilarious: Kelli and Charlotte complimenting Kat on what a great job she did on media day after she completely failed to answer the question and made herself look dumb as shit.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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13 hours ago, StillHere said:

In Kat's defense, and much as her mugging drives me nuts sometimes, it's such a bizarre, vague and awkwardly phrased question, who, apart from a programmer or data scientist could provide a cogent answer off-the-cuff?  I'd babble too. 

And ... for shits and giggles, can we imagine VK's responses to this or any questions re: politics or 2020 current events? Hilarity. Would. Ensue.

My first thought would be to say "I know its not a hamster on a wheel"

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15 hours ago, parrotfeathers said:

I agree spending 3 minutes on a thunderstorm was a waste.  

At least Judy finally found a box of Kleenex on the floor or somewhere not on the table.  Yes I know I am hung up on tissues for the girls with tears.  I guess it wouldn't make as good drama with Kleenex handy.  Even a roll of paper towels would have worked.

My mum always used to have a tissue tucked up her sleeve! I guess that wouldn't work for Kelly as she hardly ever has sleeves!


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12 hours ago, DancerMom said:

 Lily looked pissed when she was given corrections before they did dance off. She threw her poms down! 

Just watched it again. She looked mad at the corrections but she didn't throw them down in a fit of anger. She tossed them down so she could go clean her hands because it looked like she was heading for the hand sanitizer dispenser. At least that's what it looked like to me.


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RE: media training - 

Did they ask any NFL football and/or Dallas cowboys club questions?  I mean let's start with the new head coach that officially started Jan 2020 - who has his own outstanding resume and credentials ( source ) ..  What about their first draft pick - who was an outstanding college talent ?

Since a small point of this is to be well rounded- If a TCC-later-DCC was asked did she cheered for any other teams - college and/pro, is she allowed to say? I could see someone from the public asking that question..


Edited by sATL
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17 hours ago, aeroluv327 said:

I've always liked Kristi Scales as a judge, I was glad we got to see more of her this time around!  I don't know if we've ever seen her do the interview/media portion before, but she was great!  And it makes sense for her to be a part of that panel, since she does so many football-related interviews and reporting.

I love Kristi. She's so nice and gives solid, fair critique without being unnecessarily cruel a la Miss Kitty 🙄

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2 hours ago, vanillagum said:

I love Kristi. She's so nice and gives solid, fair critique without being unnecessarily cruel a la Miss Kitty 🙄

And she's so sweet about giving negative feedback, especially for a vet.  You can tell it just tears her up to speak poorly of anyone, much less someone she's gotten to know over the last year ++++.

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I think Claire's interview got a weird edit. The whole Make a Wish story didn't seem to line up with the question she was asked (something about who she would want to go to lunch with) and I noticed some of the other girls were asked about what their "cause" would be, presumably related to their "My Boots, My Cause" campaign, so I wonder if something got spliced and we watched her answer a different question than the one that was asked. 

Claire is a beautiful dancer but I'm surprised that Kelli thinks she has the DCC "look." I think she would have been a makeover candidate, had they done makeovers this year. She's a pretty girl, no doubt, but doesn't have that glamour they usually want. 

It took me a minute to figure out WHY Caroline was included in that dance off -- agree that they should have included Kelli or Judy mentioning that they included a couple of their standout vets in the groups for comparison's sake. Caroline is one of my favorites.

Last observation -- they sort of combined their panel interviews that generally take place during auditions and their normal media training activity, and I don't think it worked. As someone who conducts media training and mock media interviews as part of my job, the media isn't going to ask a DCC something like, "How does the internet work?" or "Who is Brett Kavanaugh?" If they do ask about current events, they will be related to football or a women's issue like a couple years ago when someone got asked about sexual harassment. I always think quizzing the girls about current events is stupid in the panel interviews but it's not really a realistic media training scenario. 

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Commercials for the show are saying next week is the finale.  If that's true, don't they need to pair down by 4-5 people to keep the squad at 36?  The commercial showed the girls on the field and Kelli saying to perform like it will be the last time they ever step foot there.  Usually by the day the squad is chosen, there's only 1 or 2 cuts that K&J are agonizing over.  Then there's another show where we see the girls performing at a football game.  Now they have to cram it in to one show.  Too bad they wasted the current episode with so much filler.

If it's true about next week being the finale, looks like it will be a bloodbath.  

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20 minutes ago, JapMo said:

Commercials for the show are saying next week is the finale.  If that's true, don't they need to pair down by 4-5 people to keep the squad at 36?  The commercial showed the girls on the field and Kelli saying to perform like it will be the last time they ever step foot there.  Usually by the day the squad is chosen, there's only 1 or 2 cuts that K&J are agonizing over.  Then there's another show where we see the girls performing at a football game.  Now they have to cram it in to one show.  Too bad they wasted the current episode with so much filler.

If it's true about next week being the finale, looks like it will be a bloodbath.  

It probably was the last time because the DCC aren't dancing on the field this year. They're dancing on the decks.

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44 minutes ago, JapMo said:

Commercials for the show are saying next week is the finale.  If that's true, don't they need to pair down by 4-5 people to keep the squad at 36?  The commercial showed the girls on the field and Kelli saying to perform like it will be the last time they ever step foot there.  Usually by the day the squad is chosen, there's only 1 or 2 cuts that K&J are agonizing over.  Then there's another show where we see the girls performing at a football game.  Now they have to cram it in to one show.  Too bad they wasted the current episode with so much filler.

If it's true about next week being the finale, looks like it will be a bloodbath.  


23 minutes ago, MrsEVH said:

It probably was the last time because the DCC aren't dancing on the field this year. They're dancing on the decks.

and probably by that time the NFL announced no preseason games. In some of the MTT seasons, Kelli makes the start of preseason the start of their season. meaning all of the cuts are done by that 1st game.

And I guess they also found out they couldn't do the family meet and greet performance - which I liked..



Edited by sATL
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The "how does the internet work" question is the most ridiculous question that they have ever asked on this show. Like, wth! This isn't a job at At&T or Comcast, where perhaps knowing how the internet works would be relevant. Most of us pay a company for internet service, so we don't have to figure it out. 

I feel awful for Brennan. Her bout with covid sounded terrible, and puts perspective into the "most people survive, so it's no big deal" nonsense that some people spew. 

I like Lily. She seems like a great person, but I think she is a weak dancer. While I think they should've just taken vets, if vets are on the hook (as they are), she and Meredith were always the obvious ones to get cut. I think both would've been goners in a regular tryout year. 

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1) I LOVE features like the dance off - I like it when you see the weakest girls under pressure, it's usually when we get to see the most dance and also when we get to appreciate why people get cut. I practically cheered when they said call backs. Love love love.

2) Lily didn't look good at all.

3) Alora Rose was FINALLY tolerable - she's clearly coachable but if she hadn't been a rockette Kelli wouldn't have give her all this time. 

4) I don't really get the Lisa hate - she's a little awkward and intense but so are lots of people... it's not the worst quality.

5) Hannah and Brennan both seem so overwhelmed and it's really sad but I also feel like you shouldn't be doing it if it doesn't make you happy - no one is forcing them to be there. 

6) Caroline is queen. 

7) Really enjoy Kristi but I would have loved more of Kitty. You get a lot of dance and technique in a Kitty episode. 

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9 minutes ago, dccfangirl said:

1) I LOVE features like the dance off - I like it when you see the weakest girls under pressure, it's usually when we get to see the most dance and also when we get to appreciate why people get cut. I practically cheered when they said call backs. Love love love.

2) Lily didn't look good at all.

3) Alora Rose was FINALLY tolerable - she's clearly coachable but if she hadn't been a rockette Kelli wouldn't have give her all this time. 

4) I don't really get the Lisa hate - she's a little awkward and intense but so are lots of people... it's not the worst quality.

5) Hannah and Brennan both seem so overwhelmed and it's really sad but I also feel like you shouldn't be doing it if it doesn't make you happy - no one is forcing them to be there. 

6) Caroline is queen. 

7) Really enjoy Kristi but I would have loved more of Kitty. You get a lot of dance and technique in a Kitty episode. 

I think the Marissa and Lisa hate comes from people associating them to be friends of VK.  

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1 hour ago, GonnahearmeRoar said:

I think the Marissa and Lisa hate comes from people associating them to be friends of VK.  

Marissa for me was 100% social media. She’s been cute on the show. Not a glamour girl for sure, but her dancing has been fun to watch. 

I liked Lisa okay because she reminded me of my sorority pledge mom (dual major engineer and premed, minor in dance, now a surgeon) but it was beyond weird that no group leader picked her for the team. But mostly it’s her fashion choices that get me. That’s just personal preference, but the teammate thing yikes. 

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3 hours ago, GonnahearmeRoar said:

I think the Marissa and Lisa hate comes from people associating them to be friends of VK.  

Nope. Don't really like either but didn't know they were friends with VK, are they? 

Marissa's dance style is not my favorite, a little too spastic and punchy  also don't appreciate the "if you don't love her you need to be quiet approach" of her fanclub and the insipid TikToks.

Lisa's dancing is not my favorite either, not refined ( matter of personal taste I think).

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14 hours ago, GonnahearmeRoar said:

I think the Marissa and Lisa hate comes from people associating them to be friends of VK.  

Yeh I think that's so silly. Like sure VK is an insanely annoying reality TV character and is clearly a bit obnoxious in real life but nothing suggests she's a bitch or a bad person - she's spoilt and obsessed with DCC but that's her parents' fault. She's definitely maturing. The fact that they're friends with her reflects well on them - they clearly are able see the good side in people. I get that people think they're suck ups but Lisa has been on the team for a year - no one can be fake that long. 

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On 1/8/2021 at 2:08 PM, KnyghtRyder said:

Yes! 💯 I’ve been saying this for years. I refuse to call their Media Day “training.” I don’t understand why they don’t hire professionals who are actual trainers in their discipline who can give the girls actual instruction then practicals based off real world scenarios THEN the test. Not just walk straight into testing. I mean, they do it with the guest dance instructors, why should media training be any different? 

ITA. I would also like to know what types of questions the DCC are routinely asked by the situations they are placed in. 

I too live in a town with a major sports franchise w/cheerleaders and I am thinking hard - where have I seen the cheerleaders in speaking engagements ?

For example,  a couple of years ago, someone on this thread posted a clip where 2 DCC were sitting at the table of what appeared to be the local mid-day news - like where they were doing special interest stories.  So, if that is an example where the DCC would be, speaking, then what types questions were asked, or how did they prepare for that?

I don't think they were there to discuss local/national news , the weather, traffic, hot restaurants, etc.  I  don't remember if they were there to speak about the latest or upcoming cowboy game.  Here - if they do discuss sports during the mid-days news - it an sports analyst-level summary of the game - ie who got hurt, quick summary of what happened each qtr, team personnel issues, etc.

Edited by sATL
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1 hour ago, dccfangirl said:

Yeh I think that's so silly. Like sure VK is an insanely annoying reality TV character and is clearly a bit obnoxious in real life but nothing suggests she's a bitch or a bad person - she's spoilt and obsessed with DCC but that's her parents' fault. She's definitely maturing. The fact that they're friends with her reflects well on them - they clearly are able see the good side in people. I get that people think they're suck ups but Lisa has been on the team for a year - no one can be fake that long. 

Marissa and Lisa don't bother me. They just have more extreme personalities. Marissa is super animated and Lisa is super intense - at least thats what their characters portray. However, I'm not sure them being friends with Victoria represents their ability to see the good side in people?  Maybe. Possibly they know the DCC game though. The more you kiss up and play nice to the people that really matter in the organization - the more perks you get.

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2 hours ago, dccfangirl said:

Yeh I think that's so silly. Like sure VK is an insanely annoying reality TV character and is clearly a bit obnoxious in real life but nothing suggests she's a bitch or a bad person - she's spoilt and obsessed with DCC but that's her parents' fault. She's definitely maturing. The fact that they're friends with her reflects well on them - they clearly are able see the good side in people. I get that people think they're suck ups but Lisa has been on the team for a year - no one can be fake that long. 

Thank you dccfangirl💕.  I stand by what I said.   Once someone associates another DCC w/ Victoria like Tess it is like she is crap and has no business being a DCC.  VK is maturing and it is ok that other people like her😂

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Message added by Bort

As always, this is a spoiler-free topic. If it didn't happen yet, please do not discuss.

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