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S10.E07: Dilemmas and Debacles


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Lauren isn't going anywhere so Kail just needs to quit it. Lauren knows Kail hates her guts and this is Kail's  third attempt to expose Javi's dirty dog ways on camera.  Obviously, she doesn't believe it or she doesn't care. Also, I find it funny that Kail has not nipped Javi's request for sex in the bud.... unless she is honoring those request??? 


If I were Jade, I'd get a PO Box to make sure none of my mail and especially mai containing financial documents goes to the house. A family of drug-addicted moochers, you have to protect yourself.



  • Useful 1
  • Love 9
16 minutes ago, edie3 said:

Didnt she have a BBL? Or was that another teen mom?

I believe Briana is among the roster of Dr. Miami's celebrity patients.

And why in the hell did she have Nova spend the night at Devoin's mother's on a school night?  A sleepover with a virtual stranger can be fraught enough for a kid Nova's age--why compound it?  You never know about the editing on these things, but it looks like being dropped off at school by someone other than a covenite was what was upsetting.  I can see that. 

Have her spend the night, and make sure she has a soft landing the next day.  Or maybe she wanted it to fail, but was thwarted when Nova said she wanted to spend the night over there again some time.

And Leah thinks Ali might need to start using her willchair all the time.  Ya think?  How many years has it been that Dr. Tsao been telling those dimwits that Ali's muscles aren't going to grow and she needs to use a willchair so she doesn't get tired, AND it will keep her from falling and hurting herself. 

Jade?  Sigh.  I just can't work up any sympathy for that mouth breather.

Chelsea.  Nice work having Aubree saying on camera that she doesn't want Donna to have her phone number.  And I can't take Cole's baby voice.

  • Love 16

Kail has so little going on in her own life that she has become one of those little old lady busybodies who gossip about everyone else in the neighborhood and spreads rumors and lies and gets a kick out of the drama she can stir up.  I have decided that a) I don't believe anything Kail ever says about anybody ever, and b) even if stuff is true I just don't care any more.  She is such a continuous drip drip drip of stupid shit coming out of her mouth.

Brianna's ass is ridiculous. And she paid someone to do that. Good grief. 

Did anyone else think that Leah's intense focus on herself and Ali was kind of inappropriate while her sister was actually in labor and she was supposed to be the coach?  I just got a 'geez Leah' vibe from her sister and the others in the room while Leah was going on and on about her problems in that scene. I'm sure it's not the first time people in her family have silently thought, "and again it's ALL about Leah".

Good going Chelsea, Grandma Donna will never know what Aubree was thinking about sharing her phone number, It'll just be between the two of you and a national TV audience.  And Chelsea will take the blame, Aubree. Don't worry.  Dimwit.

Jade's parents need to be left on the side of the road somewhere. And Jade needs to move and change her name. They will use her until she is dragged down in the gutter with them and they have no more use for her. Kloie is sure a cute little thing though.


  • Love 10

Once again these women have to discuss shit that shouldn't be brought up camera to 'best' another person. First off, the kids will see this about the other person and second quit acting like a fucking teen and grow the fuck up and realize there is certain shit that shouldn't be talked about on camera and third it is always about them them them. 

The whole thing with Donna is ridiculous. Just stop it Chelsea, that is her grandmother and for years you cried and thought Adam was the one for you. Yes, he is a piece of shit. Aubree will draw her own conclusions about that side of the family. Just quit the fucking added drama you are putting onto Aubree because of your decisions that you made with Adam.

Leah, Leah, Meah. Is all anyone hears. Yes Ali needs to be using the wheelchair all the time. We have all seen the doctor's appointments. Wise the fuck up and start listening to the doctor. And once again there is a time and place for conversations like that and while trying to support your sister isn't one of them. Just another example that Leah needs the spotlight on her at all times.

And Kail. My gosh, those accusations are better left said off camera. Why must she constantly be on the attack with one or another baby daddy? She constantly wants either Javi or Chris to be miserable or outing them for something and always has to splash it all over TV. It is a way to one up and twist the knife to them. At this point, it is all about the drama and who she can hurt. She doesn't give a damn about this shit the boys can see later or how petty and hurt  it causes. I don't even give a damn if it is true or not, just quit outing the other person to get air time and to get ratings and to get back at someone. Fucking grow the fuck up.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, toodywoody said:

Once again these women have to discuss shit that shouldn't be brought up camera to 'best' another person. First off, the kids will see this about the other person and second quit acting like a fucking teen and grow the fuck up and realize there is certain shit that shouldn't be talked about on camera and third it is always about them them them. 

The whole thing with Donna is ridiculous. Just stop it Chelsea, that is her grandmother and for years you cried and thought Adam was the one for you. Yes, he is a piece of shit. Aubree will draw her own conclusions about that side of the family. Just quit the fucking added drama you are putting onto Aubree because of your decisions that you made with Adam.

Leah, Leah, Meah. Is all anyone hears. Yes Ali needs to be using the wheelchair all the time. We have all seen the doctor's appointments. Wise the fuck up and start listening to the doctor. And once again there is a time and place for conversations like that and while trying to support your sister isn't one of them. Just another example that Leah needs the spotlight on her at all times.

And Kail. My gosh, those accusations are better left said off camera. Why must she constantly be on the attack with one or another baby daddy? She constantly wants either Javi or Chris to be miserable or outing them for something and always has to splash it all over TV. It is a way to one up and twist the knife to them. At this point, it is all about the drama and who she can hurt. She doesn't give a damn about this shit the boys can see later or how petty and hurt  it causes. I don't even give a damn if it is true or not, just quit outing the other person to get air time and to get ratings and to get back at someone. Fucking grow the fuck up.


  • Love 5

I think Nova was just a little out of sorts because her routine was disrupted. She's used to her Brianna or Roxanne taking her to school and she spent the night with new people for the first time. Maybe next time she should spend the night on a weekend. No need for the coven to make a huge deal about it. I will never get tired of Stella getting excited when Devoin comes over. He gives her more attention than her own father.

Ugh Kail. 

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I believe Briana is among the roster of Dr. Miami's celebrity patients.

And why in the hell did she have Nova spend the night at Devoin's mother's on a school night?  A sleepover with a virtual stranger can be fraught enough for a kid Nova's age--why compound it?  You never know about the editing on these things, but it looks like being dropped off at school by someone other than a covenite was what was upsetting.  I can see that. 

Have her spend the night, and make sure she has a soft landing the next day.  Or maybe she wanted it to fail, but was thwarted when Nova said she wanted to spend the night over there again some time.

And Leah thinks Ali might need to start using her willchair all the time.  Ya think?  How many years has it been that Dr. Tsao been telling those dimwits that Ali's muscles aren't going to grow and she needs to use a willchair so she doesn't get tired, AND it will keep her from falling and hurting herself. 

Jade?  Sigh.  I just can't work up any sympathy for that mouth breather.

Chelsea.  Nice work having Aubree saying on camera that she doesn't want Donna to have her phone number.  And I can't take Cole's baby voice.

Brianna was wrong to allow Nova to spend the night with a grandparent she barely knows....spend the day with her would have been better for Nova. In fact, day visits for a period of time before an overnight would have been the prudent thing to do until she feels comfortable with them. And a school night no less??? What is wrong with these people? Nova is a shy and sensitive girl...it would make sense that as a mother you would tread carefully when it comes to integrating her daughter into a family that has not been a part of her life for seven years. Some observations...Devoin looks wasted. Brianna's ass is gross. Loved it when Stella announced that she had farted...

Leah was so preoccupied with Ali's foot issue that she probably should have bowed out from coaching her sister through labor...she had plenty of people there, she didn't need Leah. Leah and Cory seem to be in denial that Ali needs to be in the wheelchair more now...it would be so much better for her to be using it daily instead of trying to keep up with her sister and peers. I wonder if there isn't some sort of physical therapy that would help her...even swimming might be therapeutic. FDR swam religiously as a way to soothe and relax...there has to be something for her to do once or twice a week. 

Jade is a mess. What she should do is dump her parents completely. They are addicts. They will never change...they are endangering her daughter and are unreliable. Sleeping all day, disappearing all night? Duh...I wonder what they're up to??? Watching this family train wreck is frustrating and depressing. Kloie is the victim here...a victim of poor choices by her parents and a victim of being used by her drug addicted grandparent and an excuse to get free room and board in exchange for "babysitting". After the last physical fight that resulted in the police coming, I just don't understand why CPS was not called. Sadly, Kloie's interests to be raised in a loving, nurturing environment is not in the cards for her. 

Kail is becoming unhinged...what the hell does she do all day? Looks like she just plops her ample ass down on a couch with her phone all day fighting with her baby daddies. Her intensity of anger at Javi and Jo is pathological at this point. Javi is garbage so why indulge him? Jo seems to be at least trying to work on a healthy co-parenting relationship by going to therapy with her. To me it looks like she just thrives on fighting with these guys. I can honestly say that I really dislike her and find her repulsive.

Chelsea...I agree with everything you said...Aubree really shoud be filmed less. She's getting older and needs to have some privacy and sense of comfortabilty within her family, which is complicated. And yeah...Cole's baby voice is hard to listen to...but so is Chelsea's for that matter. 

  • Love 9
15 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And why in the hell did she have Nova spend the night at Devoin's mother's on a school night?  A sleepover with a virtual stranger can be fraught enough for a kid Nova's age--why compound it?  You never know about the editing on these things, but it looks like being dropped off at school by someone other than a covenite was what was upsetting.  I can see that.

I was wondering why they did it on a school night too, but then I thought it was probably because of the MTV shooting schedule. Which is, of course, horrible, but not surprising. If MTV wanted to film a "Nova spends time with Devoin's mom" segment on a weekday, Briana should have arranged for them to take Nova skating after school, like they did, then take her home. But Briana is dumb.

12 hours ago, toodywoody said:

The whole thing with Donna is ridiculous. Just stop it Chelsea, that is her grandmother and for years you cried and thought Adam was the one for you. Yes, he is a piece of shit. Aubree will draw her own conclusions about that side of the family. Just quit the fucking added drama you are putting onto Aubree because of your decisions that you made with Adam.

I feel bad for Grandma Donna. It must be very hurtful to be portrayed as unwanted, buttinsky, pain in the ass on TV so Chelsea can have a storyline without revealing any of her real drama. Why does Chelsea never ask Aubree why she doesn't want to see/talk to/give her phone number to Grandma Donna? In this episode Aubree was fine with spending the night at the Linds', but she didn't want Grandma Donna to have her phone number? It seemed like she was just being dramatic. What would Chelsea say if Aubree said she didn't want Randy to have her number? If there is a legit reason, they should discuss it. If not, Aubree should learn that part of the etiquette of having one's own phone is giving the number to close relatives at whose home you spend the night monthly. Even if they annoy you sometimes. Even if you want to be a "grown up" drama queen who makes a big deal out of who can and can't have her number. (Wonder where she could have gotten that from?)

I also thought it was very petty of Chelsea and Cole to trash Adam again, some more, for only wanting to see/communicate Aubree on his own terms. Yes, we get it. Adam is a piece of shit and a shit father (and Cole is the awesomest Daddy in the world). We. Get. It. Aubree gets it. Grandma Donna gets it. Let Aubree eat lunch with him once a week for 30 minutes and maybe exchange a few texts. You don't have to freak out over it every fucking second. You don't have to say over and over, on national TV, how much it pisses you off that he's not more inconvenienced in order to have any contact with Aubree.

I don't understand how they think they get any credit for "taking the high road," "staying neutral," and "letting Aubree make up her own mind" when they constantly trash Adam and the Linds on the show. It doesn't matter whether they do it in front of Aubree in real life (which they probably do, at least to some extent. I've seen them strongly indicate their disdain for the Linds in front of Aubree many times on the show.) What are the odds that Aubree's peers don't hear their parents talking about the show, or even watch the show themselves? Some of them probably watch the show with their parents. If they weren't on the show, Chelsea would totally do that.

1 hour ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Kail is becoming unhinged...what the hell does she do all day? Looks like she just plops her ample ass down on a couch with her phone all day fighting with her baby daddies. Her intensity of anger at Javi and Jo is pathological at this point. Javi is garbage so why indulge him? Jo seems to be at least trying to work on a healthy co-parenting relationship by going to therapy with her. To me it looks like she just thrives on fighting with these guys. I can honestly say that I really dislike her and find her repulsive.

I honestly dislike Kail and find her repulsive too. She's very nasty and reactive when people make her angry (which happens all the time). Her  immediate instinct is to go for the jugular, without any thought about potential consequences. That's why she does crazy stuff like filing false police reports. Even if the story about Javi in the Wawa parking lot is true, why put that out there? As a reaction to Javi not wanting to drive to meet her somewhere? What better thing did she have to do? (Probably go somewhere to get Chris for a ride on the sex swing.) Isaac's peers are old enough to watch/read about the show. Talking shit about Javi on the show makes her co-parenting relationship with him more difficult and possibly causes strife and tension in his home, where Lincoln lives half the time (it was, in fact, her express intention to cause strife and tension in their home). She's just so fucking messy.

I was dying at Lux's Hulk doll. Where did he get it? Like, is the Hulk even popular recently?

  • Love 15
18 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


And why in the hell did she have Nova spend the night at Devoin's mother's on a school night?  A sleepover with a virtual stranger can be fraught enough for a kid Nova's age--why compound it?  You never know about the editing on these things, but it looks like being dropped off at school by someone other than a covenite was what was upsetting.  I can see that. 


And did I hear Devoin's sister say, "she didn't eat, ohhh but at midnight she was asking for a snack!"  Midnight???  No wonder the kid was crying, she was exhausted.  Brianna didn't even bat an eye at that.  I would be like why was my kid still up at midnight, she's like 8 years old!?

That being said, at least Brianna is trying to be positive about her daughter having a relationship with the dad's family, and not being a total f-ing see you next tuesday about it like Chelsea and her wimpy little sidekick Cole.  


16 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:


Jade's parents need to be left on the side of the road somewhere. And Jade needs to move and change her name. They will use her until she is dragged down in the gutter with them and they have no more use for her. Kloie is sure a cute little thing though.


I have always thought Cloie was kind of ugly and weird looking (I know, I am a monster), but this episode I have to say she was being kind of cute.


14 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Once again these women have to discuss shit that shouldn't be brought up camera to 'best' another person. First off, the kids will see this about the other person and second quit acting like a fucking teen and grow the fuck up and realize there is certain shit that shouldn't be talked about on camera and third it is always about them them them. 

The whole thing with Donna is ridiculous. Just stop it Chelsea, that is her grandmother and for years you cried and thought Adam was the one for you. Yes, he is a piece of shit. Aubree will draw her own conclusions about that side of the family. Just quit the fucking added drama you are putting onto Aubree because of your decisions that you made with Adam.

Fucking grow the fuck up.

I just want to say YESSSSS to your whole post.  Especially the part about Chelsea.  

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

And did I hear Devoin's sister say, "she didn't eat, ohhh but at midnight she was asking for a snack!"  Midnight???  No wonder the kid was crying, she was exhausted.  Brianna didn't even bat an eye at that.  I would be like why was my kid still up at midnight, she's like 8 years old!?

I get what you're saying and generally agree, but, as I think was demonstrated, Nova was at least a little weirded out by spending the night with her family whom she hardly knew. I assume they probably tried to say, "Ok, it's time for bed, Nova..." at an appropriate hour, but when she didn't go to sleep, what were they supposed to do? I'm sure it was weird for all of them. They tried to be loving and supportive (and, presumably, Devoin's sister had to go to school the next day too and mom maybe had to go to work), so they stayed up with her, probably continually trying to encourage her to go to sleep. When she asked for food at midnight, they gave it to her. I blame Briana for being a stupid, limited mom who didn't realize that the plan was unrealistic and suggest/insist on something more realistic. I think Devoin's mom (and Devoin) really care about Nova and want to build better relationships/spend more time with her, but, understandably, that will take some time. Briana isn't intelligent enough to have a meaningful discussion with them about how that might work, so they all have to stumble through it. I think it will be fine in the end in terms of Nova knowing/believing that her paternal family cares about her and being able to build relationships with them.

  • Love 8

I wonder if Dr. Miami cringes every time Brianna's lardass butt is shown.  The very LAST thing I would ever think is "wow, look how fabulous Brianna's butt looks!  I wonder who did it and if I can have it done too?"  Shudder. 

The last thing Leah's sister needed was a "coach", isn't this like her third kid?  No big deal, really.  All she wanted was someone to hold the phone so babydaddy could see his ticket to America being produced. 

If I were Jade I would have watched Sean pee in that cup, just sayin'.

Edited by suzeecat
additional thought
  • Love 10
14 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I get what you're saying and generally agree, but, as I think was demonstrated, Nova was at least a little weirded out by spending the night with her family whom she hardly knew. I assume they probably tried to say, "Ok, it's time for bed, Nova..." at an appropriate hour, but when she didn't go to sleep, what were they supposed to do? I'm sure it was weird for all of them. They tried to be loving and supportive (and, presumably, Devoin's sister had to go to school the next day too and mom maybe had to go to work), so they stayed up with her, probably continually trying to encourage her to go to sleep. When she asked for food at midnight, they gave it to her. I blame Briana for being a stupid, limited mom who didn't realize that the plan was unrealistic and suggest/insist on something more realistic. I think Devoin's mom (and Devoin) really care about Nova and want to build better relationships/spend more time with her, but, understandably, that will take some time. Briana isn't intelligent enough to have a meaningful discussion with them about how that might work, so they all have to stumble through it. I think it will be fine in the end in terms of Nova knowing/believing that her paternal family cares about her and being able to build relationships with them.

Another reason Brianna should have had a weekend sleepover.  I know what you are saying but I don't think an 8 year old should be up at midnight on a school night.  At like 8pm or so, have her change into pjs, brush her teeth, walk her in to the room and turn off the lights.  If you need to lay down next to her, so she is not alone in the dark, then stay in there for a while...  

Not to go off on a tangent but sleep is like #1 importance for my kids (7 & 11).  If they don't get enough sleep, they are whiny, aggressive, they cry, they can't focus, they don't eat - it throws off the whole day.  

Also, wondering why Brianna sent food with her.  Does she think they won't have food in the house?  That seems kind of strange to send food.

I think it's great she is with her dad's family, it seems like Nova is happy to be with them, and they are happy to have her.  



Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 4
18 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

And did I hear Devoin's sister say, "she didn't eat, ohhh but at midnight she was asking for a snack!"  Midnight???  No wonder the kid was crying, she was exhausted.  Brianna didn't even bat an eye at that.  I would be like why was my kid still up at midnight, she's like 8 years old!?

Since it's possible Nova was asleep and woke up, I'll give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  Except on the decision to have a sleepover on a school night at all.  That's just stupid, and they're all guilty.  No excuse for that, including MTV's shooting schedule.


20 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I feel bad for Grandma Donna. It must be very hurtful to be portrayed as unwanted, buttinsky, pain in the ass on TV so Chelsea can have a storyline without revealing any of her real drama.

I don't even like her and I feel terrible for her.  It's one thing to have people portray you in local gossip or whatever, but a one-sided portrayal on a national TV show, with no chance of rebuttal?  Even she doesn't deserve that.


20 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Why does Chelsea never ask Aubree why she doesn't want to see/talk to/give her phone number to Grandma Donna?

I'm going to be a glass-half-full person on this one, and choose to believe that Aubree has asked her, and they've discussed it, off camera.  I know, I know, but it could happen.

  • Love 5
23 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Her intensity of anger at Javi and Jo is pathological at this point. Javi is garbage so why indulge him? Jo seems to be at least trying to work on a healthy co-parenting relationship by going to therapy with her. To me it looks like she just thrives on fighting with these guys. I can honestly say that I really dislike her and find her repulsive.

She's angry at them for having a functional life- not that they dont have problems (everyone does) but they have activities and relationships that fulfill them. Kailyn is SO SO HOLLOW, and she is angry and jealous that other people are not. Its pretty safe to lash out at Javi and Jo because she knows they will come back because they love their sons.

  • Love 13
20 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

She's angry at them for having a functional life- not that they dont have problems (everyone does) but they have activities and relationships that fulfill them. Kailyn is SO SO HOLLOW, and she is angry and jealous that other people are not. Its pretty safe to lash out at Javi and Jo because she knows they will come back because they love their sons.

It's sad that Kail is still wrapped up in teenage drama so many years later and still making the same mistakes she made at 16. Still sleeping around and getting pregnant, still quarrelling with her baby daddies from her teenage pregnancies, creating drama instead of trying to work things out. There has been little intellectual or personal emotional growth for her...she's stuck. She cannot make changes to her life that will be beneficial to her children's emotional health...it's all about Kail lashing out and getting personal revenge on Javi and Jo that hurts them, their significant others and most importantly, her children. Look at the way she cycles through friends...now she's recycling friends from her high school days in Pennsylvania. And BTW...if her sister bailed on her for the visit to Dallas, why would Kail still pack up the kids and go there? Even Javi and Issac were looking at each other like "Huh?"...Kail is unstable and needs therapy and should go back on meds for her bipolar illness...she's spiraling.

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

It's sad that Kail is still wrapped up in teenage drama so many years later and still making the same mistakes she made at 16. Still sleeping around and getting pregnant, still quarrelling with her baby daddies from her teenage pregnancies, creating drama instead of trying to work things out. There has been little intellectual or personal emotional growth for her...she's stuck. She cannot make changes to her life that will be beneficial to her children's emotional health...it's all about Kail lashing out and getting personal revenge on Javi and Jo that hurts them, their significant others and most importantly, her children. Look at the way she cycles through friends...now she's recycling friends from her high school days in Pennsylvania. And BTW...if her sister bailed on her for the visit to Dallas, why would Kail still pack up the kids and go there? Even Javi and Issac were looking at each other like "Huh?"...Kail is unstable and needs therapy and should go back on meds for her bipolar illness...she's spiraling.

As the kids get older they cause more "chaos" and life is more stressful. Add in her Chris drama saga, Jo and Javi are stand up dudes who dont have a history of violence etc, her life is getting more crazy rather than more stable. 


The TM2 money was probably the worst thing for her. Had it not blown up she would've had to get a "regular job" and get along with people to be comfortable and survive. It would give her less incentive to act a damn fool.

  • Love 9
33 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

As the kids get older they cause more "chaos" and life is more stressful. Add in her Chris drama saga, Jo and Javi are stand up dudes who dont have a history of violence etc, her life is getting more crazy rather than more stable. 


The TM2 money was probably the worst thing for her. Had it not blown up she would've had to get a "regular job" and get along with people to be comfortable and survive. It would give her less incentive to act a damn fool.

Four teenage boys will test her patience and parenting skills...little kids, little problems...big kids, big problems.

She can afford her cushy home, big decked out SUV's and designer bags right now but when TM2 ends and it will at some point, she might find herself in a financial bind with four kids, a mortgage and all her other expenses. Regardless of what she says, Pot Head hair products is not "her" company...I find it dubious, at best, to believe she owns it. She is just the face of it...just like that cosmetic company put Jenelle's face on their products before they went belly up. 

  • Love 5

Is ole' Labia Lips really that big of a cheat, or does he really miss the cameras THAT much? He's a proven cheater, but I honestly cannot see what motivation he'd have to be in any kind of situation with Kail, other than it putting him back front & center on the show. You know he's dying living a "normal" life without getting VIP bottle service wit his boys at da club...or whatever. 

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Is ole' Labia Lips really that big of a cheat, or does he really miss the cameras THAT much? He's a proven cheater, but I honestly cannot see what motivation he'd have to be in any kind of situation with Kail, other than it putting him back front & center on the show. You know he's dying living a "normal" life without getting VIP bottle service wit his boys at da club...or whatever. 

Easy sex and an ego boost? Ex girlfriends are big with cheaters, people can be very sexually lazy, and cheating with someone that knows you have a partner is so much easier than hunting down someone new.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I'm going to be a glass-half-full person on this one, and choose to believe that Aubree has asked her, and they've discussed it, off camera.  I know, I know, but it could happen.

I was trying to believe that and held off commenting for an episode or two, but I finally gave up. Chelsea and Cole really don't seem to understand how obvious it is that they would love it if Aubree cut Adam and the Linds out of her life. Or how obvious it is that Aubree doesn't want to do that. If Chelsea were respecting Aubree's conflicted feelings around her relationships with her paternal family, it wouldn't be a storyline on the show at all. Chelsea obviously understands what's happening when she records scenes for the show with Aubree saying she doen't want to go to the Linds or give Grandma Donna her number. When she tells Aubree that she'll tell Evil Grandma Donna the truth and "be the bad guy," she knows that she's lying to Aubree and that Grandma Donna will find out when it airs to hundreds of thousands of people on MTV, which is much more hurtful than 1) her not finding out at all or 2) Chelsea telling her and having a conversation with her about the issue.

I don't even really feel like it's an "issue." I feel like Aubree is a tween who's grown up on a reality TV show and whose mom is a huge drama queen, which has earned her a great living throughout Aubree's life. Even apart from that, it's normal for kids her age to be transitioning from adoring parental figures to finding them "annoying" (or whatever). Since Chelsea hasn't highlighted any legitimate complaints about GD and has, in fact, painted her as "weird" and "scary" for trying to talk to Chelsea about Aubree and dropping off treats at their house, I kind of assume that GD is just a loving (if "annoying") grandma who just wants to maintain a relationship with her drug addict, deadbeat dad son's child. If Adam were an upstanding citizen and good dad, GD wouldn't feel so insecure about her connection to Aubree and wouldn't have to go to lengths like getting visitation put into a court agreement or kissing Chelsea's ass for years to maintain it. I feel like, if Chelsea thinks GD and the Linds are "bad people" or bad for Aubree or whatever, she shouldn't send Aubree over to spend the weekend with them. If she thinks they're "good people," but she just doesn't like them or they annoy her or whatever, she should be an adult and respect her daughter's relationship with her family. It's unfair to Aubree for her to pick a couple of items from Column A and couple from Column B.

1 hour ago, Scarlett45 said:

As the kids get older they cause more "chaos" and life is more stressful. Add in her Chris drama saga, Jo and Javi are stand up dudes who dont have a history of violence etc, her life is getting more crazy rather than more stable.

The TM2 money was probably the worst thing for her. Had it not blown up she would've had to get a "regular job" and get along with people to be comfortable and survive. It would give her less incentive to act a damn fool.

ITA. Before the TM money kicked in, Kail was doing pretty well, working and going to school to be a dental hygienist. If she had stayed on that track, she could have built a stable life for herself. Even her opportunistic marriage to Javi was a good economic/social move for her. Absent the MTV money, she would/could have used him for at least a few more years, accruing money (that he worked for) and maybe continuing her education and/or working as a dental hygienist. She would have had to tamp down on the crazy behavior in order to keep a job and/or her relationship with Javi or other partners who would support her financially and otherwise. Having the ability to give everyone in her life the finger whenever she wants (because of the MTV money) hasn't served her well in terms of personal growth.

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 13
34 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Easy sex and an ego boost? Ex girlfriends are big with cheaters, people can be very sexually lazy, and cheating with someone that knows you have a partner is so much easier than hunting down someone new.

That makes sense, but there is no way he didn't know that would end up on camera? Either he has been trying very hard to get Lauren to dump him so he doesn't seem like the asshole, or it wasn't a coincidence that this undeniable  lust for Kail came over him during what is a relatively short filming season. Both are highly likely.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

was trying to believe that and held off commenting for an episode or two, but I finally gave up. Chelsea and Cole really don't seem to understand how obvious it is that they would love it if Aubree cut Adam and the Linds out of her life. Or how obvious it is that Aubree doesn't want to do that. If Chelsea were respecting Aubree's conflicted feelings around her relationships with her paternal family, it wouldn't be a storyline on the show at all. Chelsea obviously understands what's happening when she records scenes for the show with Aubree saying she doen't want to go to the Linds or give Grandma Donna her number. When she tells Aubree that she'll tell Evil Grandma Donna the truth and "be the bad guy," she knows that she's lying to Aubree and that Grandma Donna will find out when it airs to hundreds of thousands of people on MTV, which is much more hurtful than 1) her not finding out at all or 2) Chelsea telling her and having a conversation with her about the issue.

Yes- Chelsea is doing Aubree a serious disservice by having her personal family relationships and feelings be discussed on national television so Chelsea can have a story-line. Look I get they want the show money- FINE, film building the house/decorating, film the pets, film her "clothing line", they could film all of those things and not violate Aubrees privacy in the way that they have been. Its not cool. 

3 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

That makes sense, but there is no way he didn't know that would end up on camera? Either he has been trying very hard to get Lauren to dump him so he doesn't seem like the asshole, or it wasn't a coincidence that this undeniable  lust for Kail came over him during what is a relatively short filming season. Both are highly likely.

Oh yes- Javi is a pussy. He wants Lauren to leave him so he doesn't have to be the bad guy and he can say he "tried to make it work for his son". Lauren was the woman who was willing to move to Dover and have a baby at the drop of hat when he told her he was still fooling with Brianna and Kailyn- so I am not surprised at her lack of self esteem on this issue. Also she probably feels more stuck with him now that she has a child. Javi isnt violent, and addict, a gambler and is gainfully employed (while being kind to kids and emotionally involved as a parent)- she may think thats the best she can do (I dont agree with her but I have seen young women think that way).

  • Love 7

Kail, what can I say. I have no doubt that Javi routinely tries to proposition her for sex. The question should be why he is so comfortable doing it? We know from Kailyn that she was sleeping with Javi when he was with Brianna. I have no doubt she has slept with him since he has been with Lauren, and most likely even recently. Ex-husbands who have contentious relationships with their ex-wives don't proposition them with sex that comfortably without something going on. 

Now it looks like Kail has privately/publicly apologized to Lauren for embarrassing her with the Javi information. Well I guess that confirms it.

Was very silly to have Nova do a sleepover on a school night. I firmly believe Nova had a great time and by her own admission she wants to go back. She just got a little out of sorts with the change in her routine. Nothing more nothing less. 

I'm going to drag Chelsea in a minute but I think Aubree was just being a brat regarding Donna having her number. Right before she got mad she specifically said she was going to bring her phone with her to grandma Donna's house. Donna was going to get the number anyway. As soon as Aubree pulled out her phone Donna rightfully so would of started asking about it. Eventually exchanging numbers. 

Now Chelsea and Cole with their mass hysteria over Adam calling Aubree can really have several seats. You picked loser Adam as a father deal with it once and for all. 

I really just lose patience with Jade. Regardless of whether Sean "passed" a drug test you really should be concerned about his penchant for violence. The fact that he could get into a physical fight with your dad who looks like he weighs 90lbs and push you in the process should be the concern. If we are believing this test he apparently did all this violence while "sober". That alone should end any further romantic involvement period. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 6
49 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

That makes sense, but there is no way he didn't know that would end up on camera? Either he has been trying very hard to get Lauren to dump him so he doesn't seem like the asshole, or it wasn't a coincidence that this undeniable  lust for Kail came over him during what is a relatively short filming season. Both are highly likely.

He knows she isn't going anywhere. Javi will just make a public apology on his Instagram or Twitter and Lauren will forgive him. Hell, he may have already told her he just did it to get on camera and give her sad little Arbonne "business" a boost.

  • Love 5
28 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Kail, what can I say. I have no doubt that Javi routinely tries to proposition her for sex. The question should be why he is so comfortable doing it? We know from Kailyn that she was sleeping with Javi when he was with Brianna. I have no doubt she has slept with him since he has been with Lauren, and most likely even recently. Ex-husbands who have contentious relationships with their ex-wives don't proposition them with sex that comfortably without something going on. 

Now it looks like Kail has privately/publicly apologized to Lauren for embarrassing her with the Javi information. Well I guess that confirms it.


Kail gave a half a$$ed apology on twitter to Lauren. She also said she personally called her. The messages on screen were not “omg Javi no” or “what do you mean?” Which tells me they have been hooking up. Lauren has Unfollowed Javi and is back home in Maine. The preview for next week really looks to me like Kail is hinting they have been hooking up. I truly believe by her responses they have been doing what he asked. She has not denied they did. Usually she’s hulking out about rumors. So, that’s telling.  


Edited by Mkay
  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, JBC344 said:

Kail, what can I say. I have no doubt that Javi routinely tries to proposition her for sex. The question should be why he is so comfortable doing it? We know from Kailyn that she was sleeping with Javi when he was with Brianna. I have no doubt she has slept with him since he has been with Lauren, and most likely even recently. Ex-husbands who have contentious relationships with their ex-wives don't proposition them with sex that comfortably without something going on.


21 minutes ago, Mkay said:

Kail gave a half a$$ed apology on twitter to Lauren. She also said she personally called her. The messages on screen were not “omg Javi no” or “what do you mean?” Which tells me they have been hooking up. Lauren has Unfollowed Javi and is back home in Maine. The preview for next week really looks to me like Kail is hinting they have been hooking up. I truly believe by her responses they have been doing what he asked. She has not denied they did. Usually she’s hulking out about rumors. So, that’s telling. 

I saw a Grace Report video earlier that purported that Kail and Javi had hooked up and I was confused because I don't remember that from the show, but I believe that it happened. Obviously, Kail is trash, but Javi is trash too. I've tried to give him the benefit of the doubt for being young, manipulated by Kail, hung up on his first love, etc., but-- trash is trash. Good for Lauren if she's truly done with him.

  • Love 9

OK...I don't really like Grandma Donna and Chelsea really gets on my nerves but my first thought was that Aubree does not want GD to manipulate her via the phone. I've got my own daughter who has a manipulative grandmother and that was the first thought that came to me. Texting Aubree herself asking her to visit - basically trying to have an end around Chelsea and then maybe guilting Aubree if she doesn't want to visit - that kind of thing. I can just easily imagine that with their contentious relationship with visits, etc.

Kail - why would ANY man want to sleep with her?  She's gross physically but worse personality-wise. She's angry and mean. There is almost nothing redeeming about her.

Jade - If Sean knew he was clean, why did he wonder if the test showed it. If I was clean, I wouldn't have to ask if it showed it.

Brianna - Why does the relationship have to go from 0 to 60 in a weekend?  Way too soon for a sleepover, imo.  At least if Devoin wasn't there.



  • Love 10
4 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

OK...I don't really like Grandma Donna and Chelsea really gets on my nerves but my first thought was that Aubree does not want GD to manipulate her via the phone. I've got my own daughter who has a manipulative grandmother and that was the first thought that came to me. Texting Aubree herself asking her to visit - basically trying to have an end around Chelsea and then maybe guilting Aubree if she doesn't want to visit - that kind of thing. I can just easily imagine that with their contentious relationship with visits, etc.

I feel like, if that is the case, Chelsea should address the issue(s) explicitly with GD and Aubree, separately and/or together. If GD is a toxic manipulator who Chelsea thinks will do "bad" things to Aubree, she should monitor/limit GD's contact with Aubree. If Chelsea thinks GD is well intentioned and it's just a matter of her being on a different page than Chelsea/Aubree, Chelsea should talk to her, explaining what Chelsea wants and why and laying out clear rules/boundaries that she wants GD to respect. If she did all of that and GD still sent "manipulative" or whatever texts, Chelsea would be justified in limiting GD's contact with Aubree.

IMO, if the issue is just Aubree not wanting to directly tell GD that she doesn't want to come over this weekend (or whatever), it would be better parenting if Chelsea was like, "I think GD understands that sometimes you want to do other things rather than staying with them. You can just tell her and plan something else you'll do together in the future." If Aubree did that and GD berated her for being cruel and ungrateful, Chelsea could deal with that accordingly. But I don't think we've seen any evidence that GD is crazy, abusive, or unreasonable. In the previous episode where Aubree said she didn't want to go to the Linds' for the weekend, GD immediately responded that that was fine, though she did come by to drop off some treats she had gotten from work for Aubree. Maybe she did that for "ulterior motives" like wanting a little face time with Aubree to ascertain whether things were ok (HOW WEIRD AND SCARY!!!), or maybe she genuinely thought they'd enjoy the treats. Either way, it doesn't seem like a big deal to me. If the De Boers had been home and GD had hung out for 30-60 minutes chatting and eating the pastries, I don't see why that would have been a problem or a huge offense/inconvenience to Chelsea and Cole. And even if C & C loathe GD and it makes their skin crawl to be in her presence, since they're SUCH AMAZING PARENTS they could suck it up and tolerate her for Aubree's sake once in a while.

  • Love 7

Chelsea seemed shocked that Aubree didn't want Grandma Donna to have her phone number. She's not a great actress so I don't think she expected Aubree to have to an issue with it.  While she did ask Aubree why, I also hope she asked again off-camera. 

Grandma Donna has shown herself to have a huge blindspot when it comes to Adam, defying court orders and not always treating Chelsea well.  Frankly wouldn't be surprised if she's made some comments in front of Aubree which made her uncomfortable.  Maybe that's why she wants to limit her communications with Grandma Donna to only the once a month weekend visits.

Aubree's also a moody preteen, so it also could've been some completely innocuous like it's not cool to text with your grandma. 

  • Love 8

I continue to have a soft spot for Leah, I’m actually so proud of how far she has come and how well she is doing.  Maybe because I work with kids and families with special needs I have more sympathy for how she’s handling the situation with Ali. My guess is they are leaving the Wheelchair at school.  And she is hopefully getting PT and OT at school.  But time to use the MTV money to hire an advocate to get more assistive devices for Ali, like a second WC for home if needed.

i guess I thought Kail was lying about Javi trying to hook up, but I guess not.  I don’t get it though.  Like why, Javi??

I totally agree that it was an awful idea to dump Nova for a sleepover at a grandmothers house she hadn’t seen in 7 years! But Briana seems very content to sit on the couch and let others (mother, sister) raise her kids.  Does she still work? She’s got a lazy vibe.

i think Jade is trying but she is too dependent on Sean and her parents at the moment.

Really don’t like Chelsea.  Her segments are a mix of boring and obnoxious.  She clearly doesn’t want to film her younger kids, so all the riveting “plot lines” need to be about Aubree.


  • Love 3
3 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

So, looks like Lauren took Eli and is back with her family in Maine. She also blocked Javi on Instagram and deleted all pics of him. I doubt the separation is permanent.

The Grace Report weighed in on the separation. Lauren should have left after the bathroom betrayal. 


So well done Kail and Javi. Now that it's out in the open that you've been doing the Bow Chicka Chicka Bow at the WaWa, maybe Lauren will take charge of her life and stop putting up with this garbage. (Slow clap of disdain.)

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Guiltypleasure25 said:

I continue to have a soft spot for Leah, I’m actually so proud of how far she has come and how well she is doing.  Maybe because I work with kids and families with special needs I have more sympathy for how she’s handling the situation with Ali. My guess is they are leaving the Wheelchair at school.  And she is hopefully getting PT and OT at school.  But time to use the MTV money to hire an advocate to get more assistive devices for Ali, like a second WC for home if needed.

i guess I thought Kail was lying about Javi trying to hook up, but I guess not.  I don’t get it though.  Like why, Javi??

I totally agree that it was an awful idea to dump Nova for a sleepover at a grandmothers house she hadn’t seen in 7 years! But Briana seems very content to sit on the couch and let others (mother, sister) raise her kids.  Does she still work? She’s got a lazy vibe.

i think Jade is trying but she is too dependent on Sean and her parents at the moment.

Really don’t like Chelsea.  Her segments are a mix of boring and obnoxious.  She clearly doesn’t want to film her younger kids, so all the riveting “plot lines” need to be about Aubree.


Chelsea has gotten so obnoxious this season. I give her slack  just because I think she’s managed the most stable life of the bunch but she is starting to become that uptight housewife who is always mad about something. But still I do giver her credit for pulling her shit together to make a life for herself, even a sort of annoying life. You could say she had the best support system but I don’t know if that’s true. She definitely had a better support system than Leah or Kalie (I saw on one of the scenes they spelled Kalie’s name with a y again. Why does it keep changing?) and maybe Janelle (although Janelle really did have some support in Barbara) but I’d say Brianna had a pretty similar level of support. I may not like Brianna’s mom and sister but they were there to help out with anything she needed and while they didn’t have as much money it didn’t seem like there was any real pressure for Brianna to work early on. Even with all that support Brianna managed to be a hot mess.

Which brings me to Brianna. I completely agree with you that she really does seem to expect  everyone to parent for her. I seriously doubt she is the authority figure for her kids. I’m pretty sure it’s her mom and a Brianna is like a big sister. That’s why I always side eye her complaints about people going years without seeing the kids. I don’t think she cares if her kids are connected to their family. I think she’s just pissed they weren’t there to babysit.  

  • Love 5

I know Kail didn't build in-whatever location she was talking about- that was really far from Javi and Joe, where she said she'd deal with all the travel regarding pick-up and drop-offs because she was the one choosing to move so far away.  But she did still move out of Dover, so I was totally uninterested in her irritation with Javi over it.  The inconvenience should all belong to the parent who moves, IMO. She was so irritated in fact that she humiliated an innocent person on national TV to express it.  Major overreaction.  I have zero sympathy for Javi either, after all he knows how it feels to be cheated on.  If Kail were actually any kind of decent person (HA!), and nothing has been going on with them, then she should have contacted Lauren in private and as gently as possible let her know what Javi's been up to and let Lauren decide what's public and what's private.  Lauren deserved to know-and not by Kail blasting it nationally only because she's mad at Javi about a drop-off situation.  Seriously disgusting.

Aubree is showing major signs of not being comfortable in front of the camera's anymore.  They are all too old to have their family's personal business common knowledge among their peers, but I'd say that Aubree seems the most uncomfortable right now.  I feel like she's trying to please her mom and might not say she doesn't want to anymore.  She might not even recognize it herself, this is a weird time of transition for kids.  Also the cameras have been around her whole life so she might feel a certain loyalty or friendship towards the crew.  Chelsea and Cole should recognize this and give her her privacy, even if it means no more MTV.  She respected Cole's privacy early on in their relationship, when he (an adult) wasn't sure about the cameras, can't they do the same for Aubree, who is a child in a major developmental stage right now?  If Chelsea said that it's time for them to stop filming because of this, my respect for them would shoot through the roof.  But I think it's gone on for so long that none of these girls have identities outside of the franchise. 

1 hour ago, FozzyBear said:

CShe definitely had a better support system than Leah or Kalie (I saw on one of the scenes they spelled Kalie’s name with a y again. Why does it keep changing?)


I have a feeling I'm having a brain fart here and will feel stupid, but.....who?

Edited by eskimo
  • Love 8
7 hours ago, eskimo said:

Aubree is showing major signs of not being comfortable in front of the camera's anymore.  They are all too old to have their family's personal business common knowledge among their peers, but I'd say that Aubree seems the most uncomfortable right now.  I feel like she's trying to please her mom and might not say she doesn't want to anymore.  She might not even recognize it herself, this is a weird time of transition for kids.  Also the cameras have been around her whole life so she might feel a certain loyalty or friendship towards the crew.  Chelsea and Cole should recognize this and give her her privacy, even if it means no more MTV.  She respected Cole's privacy early on in their relationship, when he (an adult) wasn't sure about the cameras, can't they do the same for Aubree, who is a child in a major developmental stage right now?  If Chelsea said that it's time for them to stop filming because of this, my respect for them would shoot through the roof.  But I think it's gone on for so long that none of these girls have identities outside of the franchise. 

I think Aubree doesn't necessarily realize that putting all of her personal business on MTV is optional. For literally her entire life, it has just been the reality, something she had no choice in or decision to make about. I think it's disgusting that Chelsea has chosen to protect herself and Cole by hiding whatever their personal dramas are (and I'm not speculating that they have some kind of deep, dark secrets, but everyone has "personal issues" that go beyond "OMG, Grandma Donna is dropping off treats at our house!"), while putting Aubree's childhood dramas figuring out her relationships with her family on blast. It's beyond shitty and I think Chelsea and Cole are horrible for doing it.

  • Love 15

I can’t believe how long we’ve been subjected to the trials and tribulations of Aubree and the phone. For 2 weeks it was , “Will she or won’t she get the phone?”

“Let’s talk about it ad nauseum to every human I know.”  They made a show about her getting her piggy bank out to get purchase the phone. I’m surprised they didn’t take Aubrey to get ice cream to celebrate getting the phone.  To be fair, they likely did. We just didn’t see it. 

Now it’s about who are going to be her phone contacts. Call Randy and Rita to get a reaction shot when you tell them Aubree didn’t want Donna to have the number. 

MTV, please see that this is boring. Get the DeBoers off. I can’t watch another episode about a 10 year old and her cell phone.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 13
19 hours ago, TheRealT said:

I think Aubree doesn't necessarily realize that putting all of her personal business on MTV is optional. For literally her entire life, it has just been the reality, something she had no choice in or decision to make about. I think it's disgusting that Chelsea has chosen to protect herself and Cole by hiding whatever their personal dramas are (and I'm not speculating that they have some kind of deep, dark secrets, but everyone has "personal issues" that go beyond "OMG, Grandma Donna is dropping off treats at our house!"), while putting Aubree's childhood dramas figuring out her relationships with her family on blast. It's beyond shitty and I think Chelsea and Cole are horrible for doing it.

I guess that’s why they don’t really film their other children, because it’s already been established since before her birth that Aubree has daddy baggage, and they want to keep their nuclear family seeming perfect. But still, to profit and live lavishly by throwing a 10 year old to the wolves and shielding yourself is just icky to me.

  • Love 6

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