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S11.E10: Dealbreakers

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  On 9/17/2020 at 1:47 AM, gladitsover said:

The couples need to hang out more with Amelia and Bennett, and see how couples should act. Appreciative, communicative, sense of humor, politeness.


Yes add loving, respectful, inquisitive, appreciative, sharing and caring....I love ❤️ them as a couple, not so dirty feet and all.

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Henry has been pretty consistent in what he says to Christina, what he says in talking heads, and what he says to the other cast members. Yet, Christina said she was surprised to find out that Henry thought her impatience was a dealbreaker.

Amani could have simply told Christina that Henry said things have gotten better. As an aside she said she didn't like what Henry said. If she would have minded her own business she wouldn't have heard what Henry said! It was good to hear her tell Woody that he wouldn't be whooping their kids. 

Who is this sweet, caring, fun person Miles was talking about in the barbershop? Maybe Miles mostly likes women who don't like him.

I appreciate Bennett's concern about Amelia's lack of pet peeves. Is there a dishwasher in their apartment?

Edited by RaeSpellman
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 No mattress pad on BOlivia’s bed?  Am I the only one who still dresses beds with mattress pads?

Noticing the Mardi Gras colored things.
Miles’ Something Yellow/green/purple in his Laundry basket and the feathers in the silver bucket in Hen/Chin’s place.. 

Coronavirus makes it debut on the show....hand sani on back order

Henry and ChristinA  happier At dinner and noticed by Woody...the meds must be working!
I want a beer tray Full of crawdads from Tracey’s....3 pounds to start...

Maybe the last time you see them all greeting each other with hugs....Coronavirus lurking....

ChristinA lied. Henry has told her that he doesn’t like her impatience....He’s walked out of their Gotham Loft....over her rudeness.

Amani is everybody’s friend but the producers put her in the position of telling on Henry to ChristinA.

That torpedoed any progress...But they did better than expected to talk it out.

Christingives a generous wine pour....they drink the most out of all the couples...Cheers to that...

Production did a poor job on buying comforters...too small for the beds...plain white...boring...

Amelia’s peanut tofu Eating pink top reminds me of Gilda The Good Witch’s outfit in WoO.
Brett’s not into Olivia’s Trivia Nite so he checked out....And started pounding down the brewskys

Look how crowded the bar is....so pre Covid.

Aunt Joanie of the Geico commercial has the pink version of Brett’s vintage Samsonite hardcase suitcase.

Amelia is smart not to dwell on petty annoyances that Bennett causes her to have but he is dubious that nothing bothers her.

Amelia is very much besotted.

Henry had no tics.

Turtles are cool.

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After Miles told Woody about what happened with Karen, I think he started second guessing being so open and honest with Amani. I hope he had the good sense to realize that the relationship he has with his wife is quite different from the one Miles has with Karen.

Bennett seemed annoyed when Amelia said that she didn’t have anything to complain about. I don’t think he believed her.  She is clearly in love with him, but I am not convinced he is there yet.


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  On 9/17/2020 at 2:21 AM, Kira53 said:

I’m still loving Bennet and Amelia’s communication and how suitable they are for each other. Bennett says his musicial style is more R&B but he had his folk music friends come singing about song to her in the style she loves.  Everybody says they want to be loved unconditionally and then they get all weirded out if somebody cares for them unconditionally. BENNETT was almost weirded out because Amelia just didn't have complaints about him. She seems like the person who is smart enough to know don't sweat the small stuff; most of things are small.  I think if Bennett will be willing to do most of the chores and understands going forward that she won't do that much since she's the main breadwinner she will be cool. I wish I had been that smart. I was always looking for a guy even more high powered with even a better job than mine and they don't wanna do anything.   They can always get a nice girl that will take care of them and do all the scut work.  Most high powered women don't get that opportunity or they don't see that opportunity because they want an asshole guy that doesn't want to equally pull the wagon in the home with the children.  


As a woman gains more education and career status, her dating pool shrinks. 
As a man gains more education and career status, his dating pool increases.

There used to be this bar when I was in law school that would throw a party one a year for the nearby med and law school students.

At the party, all the guys would be five ladies deep non student gals who were husband hunting. Unfortunately, there was absolutely no outside men who showed up for us female law and med students

Edited by qtpye
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  On 9/17/2020 at 5:35 AM, Adeejay said:

After Miles told Woody about what happened with Karen, I think he started second guessing being so open and honest with Amani. I hope he had the good sense to realize that the relationship he has with his wife is quite different from the one Miles has with Karen.


Yes.The thing is Woody is shallow and impulsive. Sure he thinks he's in love. But, a reasonable young woman might enjoy however long a relationship with Woody lasts while acknowledging that Woody's so-called love could be fleeting. 

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I've been binging this season and I'm so excited to be caught up! 

I think Henry's issues stem from his dad taking bites out of him every chance he gets. When I saw the dad's wedding speech, I knew Henry was either going to have hidden anger or low confidence. Christina might be able to help him raise his self confidence but he says she lacks patience. I think she has been very patient with him. She's kind of a weirdo too though. I liked her banana blouse. 

Brett was rude to Olivia's friends and that is not a good look ever. They seem to have more chemistry with their cats than each other.

Miles went a little too far with his sex schedule joke and then Karen went too far with her response. I could see where it came across to Karen like he was demanding/ bullying her for sex. He was joking but he's obviously frustrated too and she picked up on that and then she went nuts. If Karen had just said in the moment that even though he's probably joking, it made her uncomfortable and then moved on they could have had a productive discussion. An important part of being married is giving your partner the benefit of the doubt. She seems a little unfun but wants to loosen up. She admired Bennett and Amelia's whimsy but who wouldn't, they're adorable.

Bennett is concerned that Amelia is too laid back. I like her don't sweat the small stuff attitude but if that small stuff includes every chore or deadline, it could get annoying. She did make it through medical school though so obviously not a flake.

Woody is very charming. I guess we'll see if it's all surface or he's a long term type of guy. They have a ton of chemistry and a growing friendship and that goes a long way.


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  On 9/17/2020 at 12:10 AM, Suzy Rhapsody said:

Bennett: “We have different ways of approaching things like household chores.”

Translation: “Amelia is fonk-nasty.”

Color me unsurprised.  (I hit Submit one second before Amelia reared back and flung one leg over the other, revealing her terribly dirty foot.  These people and their feet!  I will mop the floor for them if it gives them a few minutes to clean the bottoms of their feet.)


Why do people walk around on the floor barefoot?

More importantly, if you don't wash your floors on a regular basis, why the fuck are you walking around barefoot on your nasty ass floor?

Everytime I see these two I think to myself that they don't smell good at all.

Edited by Racj82
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  On 9/17/2020 at 2:29 AM, rebel2u said:

The trivia part of the episode was so heavily scripted, it was hard to watch.  All of the dour and disgusted looks on Olivia and her friends' faces was just too much.  I wonder why I still watch this show.


I'm struggling to see how or why anything there was scripted. I don't think anything was scripted. I feel like this gets thrown too much at reality shows. 

I can totally see them manipulating the scene through editing making everyone look more annoyed than they actually were. I think that's more prevalent than people on these shows being told what say. 

Olivia looks dour all the time anyway. Not shocking to see her friends looking the same way and Brett is constantly showing his ass. Business as usual.

  • Love 7

Olivia got personally hurt that Brett didn’t participate at Trivia Night.
Brett didn’t like her friends who were edited chirping Brett’s name again and again for help with the questions.
Brett didn’t  know the answers and he doesn’t like looking dumb.
Olivia wants Brett to fit like a puzzle piece in her life but he does not.

Brett makes it abundantly clear that he doesn’t care if Olivia likes his hobbies or not...he’ll roll along in life just fine without her and her friends.

He and Aunt Olivia acts all couple-ish when around The other cast and got competitive that they are the worse couple now that Henry and ChristinA have risen from the ashes.

Edited by humbleopinion
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Oh YUK Bennett with the nose picking thing! However, I'm pretty sure I did see a bit of it in an earlier episode but wasn't quite sure I had because I never thought any of these adults would do something like that on camera.... he REALLY is quite uninhibited! I did think they were goofing on production in most of that segment. Charming? Seriously?

But, I did really really like the singers Bennett brought in  for Amelia's surprise - the voices were lovely. At first I was afraid of the turn the lyrics might take, but they stayed sweet and romantic and I would have liked to have heard the whole thing. I think it's totally lovely that Bennett thought to give Amelia such a romantic gift - I know I'd love it if it were for me. I may not have any 'thing' to show for it, but the memory will last forever. And the tofu with Thai peanut sauce looked delish - until I remembered the nose-picking thing. That one will stay with me forever.

Karen's gift to Miles of the Thai massage nearly blew me away - not only was it very intimate, it was quite sensual - whoddathunk she had it in her! Ironic it should come right after Miles sounded off to Woody about the lack of intimacy in his marriage. She seems to have such difficulty articulating her needs that perhaps this was the best way she could come up with to indicate her intentions and attraction to him. I think Miles was a very happy camper!

Bolivia was painful to watch - but I agree with Brett - that was not my idea of trivia. Probably because I was a big fan of the Trivial Pursuit game and what they were doing was not my idea of it. Shortest Bible verse? Yup. Who said 'the end justifies the means'? Yup (Machiavelli, among others, but coming up with his name was the one that won the game for me and my partner - hubs was so dismayed that I finally pulled that one out that he asked for the first name! True story).

I have to watch again as multitasking made me miss most of  CHenry and Wamani, both of which I wanted to see. I only recall Amani saying or indicating something that the reason she is not jumping in whole hog is because she doesn't want this to be a flash in the pan that quickly fades - or something like that. All I remember of CHenry was some smiling - but don't recall if it lasted or even if it was both of them.

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No thanks Bennett, I’m really not hungry....but thank you for offering me a plate of your homemade peanut tofu and roasted asparagus....🤢

Amelia nailed the “in sickness and health” aspect of the marriage...nothing sadder than Benny in his mustard colored bed dress coughing a lung up.....TLC, ginger and honey tea and nookie got Bennett back on his feet.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 1:00 AM, Myrtle Urkele said:

Karen's emotional immaturity is exhausting.


I'm starting to wonder if she has ever been in a real relationship. Maybe that's why she did the show because she realized she isn't capable on her own and needed matching help. I have friends (in their 40s) who do well on first and second dates (and go on plenty of dates) but can't move past that stage. Good people but they have no clue what a real relationship is like.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 2:59 AM, humbleopinion said:

Unfiltered: Amani, Olivia, Cal, JamieO
Amani is wearing extensions properly in a nice low pony tail, not like a Jamie who is using her extensions like a stole.

Olivia tattles that Brett is Dallas Amber in terms of his Many face creams, numerous razors and such to make his mug presentable....his nose hair clippers get a major workout, for sure.
There is a growth on his left naries ....his wife is a nurse, he should get a Doc at her clinic to carve that off and send it in for pathology....
Cal says...Sarcasm is fake intelligence....What a pile of horse shit...

Sarcasm is another dimension of intelligence if used at the right time and place, to tickle funny bones and to put idiots in there place.

Brett’s sarcasm is like stabbing Olivia in her brain....She tattles His camera persona is faux.
Woody’s...”There you go”...is the equivalent of Bennett’s “Put a stamp on it.”


Unfiltered usually makes me shake my head. I dislike the way JamieO asks questions and comments on the footage, and this time, Pastor Cal bothered me, and I usually like him. I guess Brett is going to get worse rather than better, given the way these shows have been set up. 

On the other hand, I still keep watching them, so what is wrong with me?

I liked some of this episode, but please, please, please, do not try to sell me on Olivia being a princess who needs to be rescued. 

Finally, some cracks in the facade of Bennett and Amelia.  And for what it's worth, when I was married, working a full-time job, and raising two kids, just because my husband made more than me did NOT mean he got a pass on the household chores.  

Edited by cardigirl
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  On 9/17/2020 at 1:01 PM, cardigirl said:

Finally, some cracks in the facade of Bennett and Amelia.  And for what it's worth, when I was married, working a full-time job, and raising two kids, just because my husband made more than me did NOT mean he got a pass on the household chores.  


It sounded like Amelia might be happy if she is the lone financial contributor and he is the house husband. If true with B&A, that differs from your scenario.

Edited by LaLaLaLa
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  On 9/17/2020 at 1:11 PM, LaLaLaLa said:

It sounded like Amelia might be happy if she is the lone financial contributor and he is the house husband. If true with B&A, that differs from your scenario.


Even so, I would expect more of a partnership and less of a domestic servant. 😉 He's going to want time to do some things for himself as well. Ha ha.  I stayed home with the kids for 5 years, and while I did more of the day to day chores, I had other things going on in my life. Hubby was expected to contribute.  

Edited by cardigirl
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  On 9/17/2020 at 2:26 AM, Myrtle Urkele said:

100%! The experts have pulled back so much in these recent seasons and it does not make sense to me.

I'm just thinking about how much counseling three out of the five couples *need* right now. It makes sense to make this time more meaningful with support from the resources that are easy to pull from. That's more entertaining than the filler stuff from tonight.


I think the show doesn't want to pay for their airfare. At the very least, they could phone in or face time. They should talk about what they are doing right (although they never do that) and what they are doing wrong (although they don't do that either) The "experts" do talk about having sex, children, finances...

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  On 9/17/2020 at 1:01 PM, cardigirl said:

And for what it's worth, when I was married, working a full-time job, and raising two kids, just because my husband made more than me did NOT mean he got a pass on the household chores.  


Yeah, I thought it was very uncool that she had that attitude.  1) she isn’t making the big bucks yet, 2) money may not matter to Bennett, and 3) it was entitled of her to assume he would do all the chores because of career decisions she made on her own.  If she had asked him how he felt about her hiring a cleaner because she doesn’t like to do chores that would’ve been a much better approach.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 12:57 PM, Neurochick said:

I was live Tweeting this show last night and Pastor Cal must have gotten upset at all the negative Tweets about Karen.  He came on and said something like, "how would you feel if you were on this show and had people commenting about your behavior."  I sent him a message that Karen doesn't need marriage, she needs therapy.  


I would have said something like, "Pastor Cal, isn't that WHY people go on a reality show?" And, yes, Karen is definitely in need of some serious therapy.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 1:44 AM, ShowFan said:

Henry absolutely despises Christina and it shows. She is trying so hard to pretend she likes him and make good of a bad situation. Kudos to her. 

I'm seriously starting to have a crush on Woody! The guy is so charming! He is one smooth talker..

I continue to find Karen boring. Miles is a boyishly cute version of Tyler Perry and I can’t unsee that 

Amelia has every reason to expect Bennett to do the house chores if she will be bringing home the dough. 

Olivia looks so utterly miserable in some scenes. I loved their climbing activity! I still like Brett and think he is witty and funny although not witty and funny enough to where I would personally ever date him, let alone marry him. But he is got TV!


Huh, i don't think Henry hates Christina at all.  He just does not see her as wife material for him.

I love Tyler Perry, so, yeah, i like that comparison.

I am wondering if Amelia just wants a housewife to clean and cook for her.  If Bennett is already questioning her minimum attempt at cleanliness, i really wonder about her.  She doesn't think cleaning the bathroom is important.  Yuck. I don't think i would want her as my doctor.  And her inability to cite even one little flaw in him has him wondering if she is really seeing him.

Sad because I think he is great.

I really like Brett too.  But he does overdo the sarcasm a bit, but i bet part of it is nerves about being married and being filmed all the time.  I agree about the trivial pursuit - that wasn't my idea of what it was like either.  But I would have just had another beer and tried to play along, even if only half-heartedly.  He was just way too critical and not having anything to do with it.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 2:59 AM, humbleopinion said:

Unfiltered: Amani, Olivia, Cal, JamieO
Amani is wearing extensions properly in a nice low pony tail, not like a Jamie who is using her extensions like a stole.

Olivia tattles that Brett is Dallas Amber in terms of his Many face creams, numerous razors and such to make his mug presentable....his nose hair clippers get a major workout, for sure.
There is a growth on his left naries ....his wife is a nurse, he should get a Doc at her clinic to carve that off and send it in for pathology....
Cal says...Sarcasm is fake intelligence....What a pile of horse shit...

Sarcasm is another dimension of intelligence if used at the right time and place, to tickle funny bones and to put idiots in there place.

Brett’s sarcasm is like stabbing Olivia in her brain....She tattles His camera persona is faux.
Woody’s...”There you go”...is the equivalent of Bennett’s “Put a stamp on it.”



  On 9/17/2020 at 2:59 AM, humbleopinion said:

Cal says...Sarcasm is fake intelligence....What a pile of horse shit...


Completely. Brett has shown he is totally capable of having a mature conversation when it's called for. His response to Olivia's family regarding religion was very thoughtful and mature. At the beginning, it seemed he was talking to her seriously about serious subjects. I think he's given up at this point though and this is how he's dealing with it. He's basically not playing the producers games.....or Olivia's either....see below.......

  On 9/17/2020 at 11:24 AM, humbleopinion said:

Olivia got personally hurt that Brett didn’t participate at Trivia Night.
Brett didn’t like her friends who were edited chirping Brett’s name again and again for help with the questions.
Brett didn’t  know the answers and he doesn’t like looking dumb.
Olivia wants Brett to fit like a puzzle piece in her life but he does not.

Brett makes it abundantly clear that he doesn’t care if Olivia likes his hobbies or not...he’ll roll along in life just fine without her and her friends.


Ok, that was not trivia! It was riddles! And why were they so pissed at him because he didn't know the answer???? It didn't look like any of those geniuses got it right either! Trivia should be fun things, like "What singer's number one song is Teenage Dream?" or something, not "acid test whatever".......I would have moved on to drinking beer and ignoring that game too, especially in the face of a crowd of frowning women giving me side eye and nagging me because I can't come up with the answer! Olivia can now add "trivia night" to "traveling extensively" on her list of activities she will be doing without Brett......

  On 9/17/2020 at 12:57 PM, Neurochick said:

That is what bugged me about her.  I can see her feeling offended at Miles' joke, but she should have been an adult and told him right then and there, "I didn't think that joke was funny.  Are you putting pressure on me?"  That's what an adult would do.  But Karen is VERY immature, and SHE'S hung up on Miles' age?  


What a stupid fight. She is ridiculous. Her response of "schedule a hand job" was just as immature and hurtful. I wish he had said something about that back at her and demanded an apology from her for sending mixed signals.

  On 9/17/2020 at 3:14 PM, Booger666 said:

Yeah, I thought it was very uncool that she had that attitude.  1) she isn’t making the big bucks yet, 2) money may not matter to Bennett, and 3) it was entitled of her to assume he would do all the chores because of career decisions she made on her own.  If she had asked him how he felt about her hiring a cleaner because she doesn’t like to do chores that would’ve been a much better approach.


I could not believe Amelia thinks she is entitled to beg off cleaning duties because of residency - she hasn't even started that yet! Maybe she should have just hired a housekeeper rather than getting married at first sight. And she would be wise to realize that while Bennett might be okay with being a house husband, he is not going to be okay with her begging off all responsibilities just because she is a doctor. He will essentially eventually be taking care of kids and a house plus trying to work from home on his writing. That is not exactly an easy job either. I hope she understands this and contributes at home in some capacity because that is going to be a recipe for burnout.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 5:01 PM, cinsays said:

Huh, i don't think Henry hates Christina at all.  He just does not see her as wife material for him.


Henry loathed ChristinA the first 3 weeks of their marriage but he is coming to grips that she is the hand that was dealt him and he needs to Shut up, Buttercup. And Vice Versa...they were cast as a couple not as a solo.

His tic count was nil in the last episode so that means she ceased being a trigger for anxiety and he can now listen to her and not anticipate her attacking him at every turn.

They can salsa in happiness that BOlivia is the worst.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 5:32 PM, Ilovepie said:

Ok, that was not trivia! It was riddles! And why were they so pissed at him because he didn't know the answer???? It didn't look like any of those geniuses got it right either! Trivia should be fun things, like "What singer's number one song is Teenage Dream?" or something, not "acid test whatever".......I would have moved on to drinking beer and ignoring that game too, especially in the face of a crowd of frowning women giving me side eye and nagging me because I can't come up with the answer! Olivia can now add "trivia night" to "traveling extensively" on her list of activities she will be doing without Brett......


Although I cannot stand Brett and his behavior that night was repugnant (even if you hate something that your spouse wants you to do with them, you act polite in public and then discuss it when you get home, like an adult) it was pretty shitty of Olivia to describe it as "trivia night" to try to lure him into going when she knows full well pub quizzes are full of puzzles, riddles, audio/visual identification, and other stuff besides straight up trivia. She could have described it to him better so he knew what to expect. She kept saying "just wait, just wait" because there was probably going to be a trivia round soon, but by then he had already checked out because he felt manipulated. She was partially to blame for that. I understand why he might have been annoyed.

However, no matter how justified his annoyance was, his reaction was so unwarranted. I tried to imagine someone like Woody in a similar situation and I am betting he would have just teased Amani for it not being what she sold it as, and then charmed every person at that table with silly answers, or even better, would probably have jumped in full force and been super competitive. Brett always seems to choose to act like a dick for no good reason when he could easily just roll with these scenarios he is being placed into for filming. He hasn't had to endure anything particularity horrible yet. A swamp tour and a pub quiz are pretty innocuous things and he couldn't even attempt to enjoy them.

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  On 9/17/2020 at 5:32 PM, Ilovepie said:

 Olivia can now add "trivia night" to "traveling extensively" on her list of activities she will be doing without Brett......


Brett made a spread sheet

"Activities NOT Doing with Ollie"

Trivia"Not Really Trivia" Night

Guided tours to Exotic Locales

5 Star Resorts

First Class plane tickets

Paying halvesies  for NFL season tickets

Fancy Schmancy Expensive Dinners out at White Tablecloth Snooty Dress in a Suit Restaurants

$100 Brunch on Weekends

Charity Galas in a tuxedo

Basically everything she considers as "living life."




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  On 9/17/2020 at 4:52 PM, Boo Boo said:

I guess I'm the only one who understands why Karen was she was offended at "sex with my wife."  I would've been a little creeped out too.

Yes, these people sign up to get married at first sight. But they are strangers.  No one should be expected to have sex or be pressured for sex when they still don't know each other well.


Offended is one thing.

I do not feel safe. I must leave this place without a discussion are two different things and that's what people are reacting to. Miles had shown himself to be a down to earth guy that is easy to talk to. Use your words. He was obviously joking. But, if that joke offends you, voice that. Talk it out. It's the over the top of it that people are reacting too.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 18

Over all a fairly dull season.

Amelia and Bennett

I'd be concerned with infatuation over committing to the vows of wedding through thick and thin. Those things arise when you're not on cloud nine and at some point you realize your mate is mere flesh and blood. There is nothing charming about picking your nose. Its revolting and hopefully only done in private. No real worries about them staying committed though.

Amani and Woody

Smooth sailing...

Olivia and Brett

If Amani and Woody are a hit match these two are duds. I don't find Brett the least amusing or having a shred of compassion or love. He reminds me of people I have worked with who are always a Danny downer on everything. Never met a plan or solution they didn't like. You can always count on them being the turd in the punch bowl. He enjoys being contrarian and the stick in the mud. These two shouldn't have been selected at all out of thousands of apps. 

Christina and Henry

These two are about the only segments really worth watching because they do provide some drama. Christina is a mystery to me and of course her medical condition maybe why. She does have powerfully hypnotic eyes and like most guys I find myself sympathetic when she shares genuine pain and she seems sincere that she wants to be married and married to Henry. Henry doesn't hate her I think he actually called her babe did I hear that right? Henry seems committed but more as an obligation then something he is really enthused about. Skeptical but not completely convinced it can't work. I'd love to see them support each other physically like holding hands, hugging. I won't stick a fork in it yet but something will have to change. 

Karen and Miles

Karen just needs to stop having a pity party with her hurts and wounds. You agreed to marry he appears to be a wonderful man...time to throw caution to the wind and be a wife. He's being a husband...




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  On 9/17/2020 at 4:52 PM, Boo Boo said:

I guess I'm the only one who understands why Karen was she was offended at "sex with my wife."  I would've been a little creeped out too.

Yes, these people sign up to get married at first sight. But they are strangers.  No one should be expected to have sex or be pressured for sex when they still don't know each other well.


They're married.  It's not like Miles is some guy Karen met in a club.  

If she was creeped out, she should have just sat down and told him how it upset her, instead of running away.  

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  On 9/17/2020 at 3:53 AM, rebel2u said:

Geez Louise, she's 30!  She has all the time in the world!


Men have all of the time in the world;women not so much.  Let's say Karen divorces Miles and needs to get over that for a year before she wants to date again. She likes "masculine men" so she's got to be passive and wait for them to approach her. some might've seen the show and seen her as easy touch but she'll probably have to. date three men to find somebody she might match. So now she's about 33 because she likes to be in long relationships. You need some time to date and you don't wanna get married too fast like you did before; so maybe she gets married at 35.  You do you wanna be together a few years before having kids so now she's 37.  Oh, only now she finds out she has fertility issues and spends the next 3 to 5 years trying to get pregnant with IVF, egg donors, surrogates etc. But she's one of the lucky ones and so she does have a baby either by her loins or a surrogate by 42.  When she shows up to college graduation at age 66-67 she looks like her kids grandparent and that could be a best case scenario. A man could never marry and wait till 67, met a 30 year marry and have kids but be too old to to run around with them so the wife does everything and the wife is delighted to meet and marry some one.


  On 9/17/2020 at 5:40 AM, qtpye said:

As a woman gains more education and career status, her dating pool shrinks. 
As a man gains more education and career status, his dating pool increases.

There used to be this bar when I was in law school that would throw a party one a year for the nearby med and law school students.

At the party, all the guys would be five ladies deep non student gals who were husband hunting. Unfortunately, there was absolutely no outside men who showed up for us female law and med students


There were no lines for the women Ph.D.'s either.  We thought we could live the same lives as our male counterpoints.  There is unlikely to be a line for sourpuss Olivia. Many of the men that are lining up for a high wage earner/ high achievement women are looking to exploit them.  I've treated quite a few of them and they just didn't see the bus coming for them.  I think Karen will realize that she should work hard on a curated man rather than picking her next pick after taking time to recover. If it ultimately doesn't work out she will have learned a lot of skills that she never learned in her previous relationships and then maybe she could pick really well really soon. But if you look it up, your greatest fertility is about the age 16 to 20.And I know we don't know if she wants children, but most women do, so I'm gonna go with those odds that she would like a husband and a family of her own. One of the other scenarios is you're around 40 to 45 and marry a man who already has children and you're the loving stepmother.  Those kids might hate you though because they see you as draining their inheritance by marrying their father; you just never know what mixed bag you get in anything in life.

  • Useful 2
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  On 9/17/2020 at 2:26 PM, Shauna said:

Confirmed this episode:  Amelia is lacking in the cleanliness department. 

How, may I ask, is this possible when one is a on the path to becoming a doctor?



My first and lasting thought.  That made such an impression on me!!  I can't believe she doesn't realize that her future patients may be watching the show and making decisions about how they want their medical care handled by their doctor.  This serious flaw in Amelia's ability to understand that there is a big difference between being "quirky" and being CLEAN!!

The internet (and this show) are available forever.  

I simply don't "get it."

  • Useful 1
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  On 9/17/2020 at 6:10 PM, DrewPaul2010 said:

 Christina and Henry

Christina is a mystery to me and of course her medical condition maybe why. She does have powerfully hypnotic eyes and like most guys I find myself sympathetic when she shares genuine pain and she seems sincere that she wants to be married and married to Henry. Henry doesn't hate her I think he actually called her babe did I hear that right? Henry seems committed but more as an obligation then something he is really enthused about. Skeptical but not completely convinced it can't work. I'd love to see them support each other physically like holding hands, hugging.


Yes, Hen did...in a consoling, supportive nonsexual way. It touched my cold, dark unfeeling heart.

They have progressed in their relationship and while they won't stay married at Decision day there is an understanding that she and her damaged psyche are safe with him... And Visa Versa...she accepts him as he stands in front of her.

ChristinA is a girl who wants to be understood and loved. Like everyone else..her haughty behavior in the beginning is her shield to getting hurt.

ChristinA is a guy's gal without any girlfriends....that is why she is comfortable with Henry and won't be reaching out to Amani or Olivia.

Henry is used to being the best friend of high strung women...Kristen, Trashelle, Christinand all the other gal pals from high school to the present....

Edited by humbleopinion
  • Love 3
  On 9/17/2020 at 3:14 PM, Booger666 said:

Yeah, I thought it was very uncool that she had that attitude.  1) she isn’t making the big bucks yet, 2) money may not matter to Bennett, and 3) it was entitled of her to assume he would do all the chores because of career decisions she made on her own.  If she had asked him how he felt about her hiring a cleaner because she doesn’t like to do chores that would’ve been a much better approach.


In my day, this is exactly what a male doctor thought they were entitled to. In addition the first wife Worked to support the husband during his training years thinking she is investing in her marriage.  Then later, when they were making the bigger bucks, they would often discard the first wife who was a drone that had done all the work. The then thought that they deserved for a hot babe for the second wife.  I have no idea if the young male doctors are still thinking the same way; anybody know?  I think Amelia would still be delighted to have BENNETT who is intelligent with masters degree, quite handsome (vegan or vegetarian) and has a creative passion.  He also has his way with words in a different way but just as smooth as Woody.  Smart women really don't want dumb husbands.

  • Love 10
  On 9/17/2020 at 12:37 PM, LaLaLaLa said:

I'm starting to wonder if she has ever been in a real relationship. 


If that's the case, the guy she dated wasn't cheating on her with the kid's mother. He was cheating on the kid's mother with Karen. Karen said she's been in two relationships. 

  On 9/17/2020 at 4:52 PM, Boo Boo said:

 No one should be expected to have sex or be pressured for sex when they still don't know each other well.


Karen said something like this. She barely knows Miles and he shouldn't expect to have access to her body. 

  On 9/17/2020 at 5:34 PM, humbleopinion said:

They can salsa in happiness that BOlivia is the worst.


Ha! There are moments when Henry seems to see all of this as an amusingly terrible experiment. 

  On 9/17/2020 at 6:52 PM, Kira53 said:

Men have all of the time in the world; women not so much...  

A man could never marry and wait till 67, met a 30 year marry and have kids but be too old to to run around with them so the wife does everything and the wife is delighted to meet and marry some one.


Theoretically. In reality, the average 67 yo isn't a Letterman or a Clooney. Regular bachelors who are old enough to collect social security might have a tough time pulling an attractive to them 30yo woman.

Anecdotally, I know quite a few women who had children between 35 and 42. Once they decided that having a child was a priority, most of them were able to find a good enough guy fairly quickly and had at least one biological child. Some needed fertility treatment. Others fostered or adopted. But, I think we've evolved past the time where 30yo Karen needs to settle for Miles if he isn't who she really wants.  And  30yo women aren’t stepping over 30, 35, 40, or 45 year old men en masse to reproduce with a guy their father's age.

Edited by RaeSpellman
  • Love 7
  On 9/17/2020 at 1:18 PM, cardigirl said:

Even so, I would expect more of a partnership and less of a domestic servant. 😉 He's going to want time to do some things for himself as well. Ha ha.  I stayed home with the kids for 5 years, and while I did more of the day to day chores, I had other things going on in my life. Hubby was expected to contribute.  



  On 9/17/2020 at 3:14 PM, Booger666 said:

Yeah, I thought it was very uncool that she had that attitude.  1) she isn’t making the big bucks yet, 2) money may not matter to Bennett, and 3) it was entitled of her to assume he would do all the chores because of career decisions she made on her own.  If she had asked him how he felt about her hiring a cleaner because she doesn’t like to do chores that would’ve been a much better approach.



  On 9/17/2020 at 5:01 PM, cinsays said:

Huh, i don't think Henry hates Christina at all.  He just does not see her as wife material for him.

I love Tyler Perry, so, yeah, i like that comparison.

I am wondering if Amelia just wants a housewife to clean and cook for her.  If Bennett is already questioning her minimum attempt at cleanliness, i really wonder about her.  She doesn't think cleaning the bathroom is important.  Yuck. I don't think i would want her as my doctor.  And her inability to cite even one little flaw in him has him wondering if she is really seeing him.

Sad because I think he is great.

I really like Brett too.  But he does overdo the sarcasm a bit, but i bet part of it is nerves about being married and being filmed all the time.  I agree about the trivial pursuit - that wasn't my idea of what it was like either.  But I would have just had another beer and tried to play along, even if only half-heartedly.  He was just way too critical and not having anything to do with it.



  On 9/17/2020 at 6:04 PM, sometimesjennifer said:

Although I cannot stand Brett and his behavior that night was repugnant (even if you hate something that your spouse wants you to do with them, you act polite in public and then discuss it when you get home, like an adult) it was pretty shitty of Olivia to describe it as "trivia night" to try to lure him into going when she knows full well pub quizzes are full of puzzles, riddles, audio/visual identification, and other stuff besides straight up trivia. She could have described it to him better so he knew what to expect. She kept saying "just wait, just wait" because there was probably going to be a trivia round soon, but by then he had already checked out because he felt manipulated. She was partially to blame for that. I understand why he might have been annoyed.

However, no matter how justified his annoyance was, his reaction was so unwarranted. I tried to imagine someone like Woody in a similar situation and I am betting he would have just teased Amani for it not being what she sold it as, and then charmed every person at that table with silly answers, or even better, would probably have jumped in full force and been super competitive. Brett always seems to choose to act like a dick for no good reason when he could easily just roll with these scenarios he is being placed into for filming. He hasn't had to endure anything particularity horrible yet. A swamp tour and a pub quiz are pretty innocuous things and he couldn't even attempt to enjoy them.



  On 9/17/2020 at 6:52 PM, Kira53 said:

Men have all of the time in the world;women not so much.  Let's say Karen divorces Miles and needs to get over that for a year before she wants to date again. She likes "masculine men" so she's got to be passive and wait for them to approach her. some might've seen the show and seen her as easy touch but she'll probably have to. date three men to find somebody she might match. So now she's about 33 because she likes to be in long relationships. You need some time to date and you don't wanna get married too fast like you did before; so maybe she gets married at 35.  You do you wanna be together a few years before having kids so now she's 37.  Oh, only now she finds out she has fertility issues and spends the next 3 to 5 years trying to get pregnant with IVF, egg donors, surrogates etc. But she's one of the lucky ones and so she does have a baby either by her loins or a surrogate by 42.  When she shows up to college graduation at age 66-67 she looks like her kids grandparent and that could be a best case scenario. A man could never marry and wait till 67, met a 30 year marry and have kids but be too old to to run around with them so the wife does everything and the wife is delighted to meet and marry some one.


There were no lines for the women Ph.D.'s either.  We thought we could live the same lives as our male counterpoints.  There is unlikely to be a line for sourpuss Olivia. Many of the men that are lining up for a high wage earner/ high achievement women are looking to exploit them.  I've treated quite a few of them and they just didn't see the bus coming for them.  I think Karen will realize that she should work hard on a curated man rather than picking her next pick after taking time to recover. If it ultimately doesn't work out she will have learned a lot of skills that she never learned in her previous relationships and then maybe she could pick really well really soon. But if you look it up, your greatest fertility is about the age 16 to 20.And I know we don't know if she wants children, but most women do, so I'm gonna go with those odds that she would like a husband and a family of her own. One of the other scenarios is you're around 40 to 45 and marry a man who already has children and you're the loving stepmother.  Those kids might hate you though because they see you as draining their inheritance by marrying their father; you just never know what mixed bag you get in anything in life.


I think one of the reasons that the more educated guys going into demanding careers had so many admirers and we ladies did not, is because of the attitudes of a capitalist society (an no I am not a communist, just stating my observations).

It is often just assumed (I am not saying that this is right) that the high wage earner is the "boss" of the relationship and the other person is subservient to all their needs, particularly if the high wage earner is the the only wage earner.

A lot of women have already been conditioned to take care of all the people in their lives. A lot of men have been conditioned that as long as they bring home the bacon...they are the kings of their domain (again not everyone, this is how it kinda was back in my day).

We potentially high earning ladies who would come across a guy that did want the money. You could see their eyes light up as they think...with her money I can finally get the really expensive model of BMW that I can't afford now. There was no understanding of ...well she earns the money and I will help her by taking on the lion share of the domestic duties...whereas the high earning guys almost always had women who were more than happy to take care of all their needs (even if the woman worked a full time job herself).

Amelia and Bennett seem like the type of people that will eventually work out something that is fair.

Olivia and Brett are dead in the water. The person up thread who said they are only tolerating each other because of both of their competitive natures is spot on.

I think Brett will actually regret being jerky to Bennett, Miles, Woody, and Henry more than his marriage not working out Olivia. They all seem like great guys to pal around New Orleans with (certainly better then his awful brothers).

Olivia biggest gain from this experiment will be her new found friendship with Amani.

Season 2 of MAFS had the most awful grooms but all the ladies ended up being really great friends. 



  • Love 9
  On 9/17/2020 at 7:29 PM, qtpye said:

I think Brett will actually regret being jerky to Bennett, Miles, Woody, and Henry more than his marriage not working out Olivia. They all seem like great guys to pal around New Orleans with (certainly better then his awful brothers).


I don't see these guys, other than Miles and Woody who were already friends, being friendly after this season ends. They are all so different and this is completely circumstantial togetherness. It always seems like the gals end up being closer than the guys. Last season they even got those tattoos....

And judging by the chilliness of everyone on Unfiltered, including Pastor Cal, I don't think any of them have any warm feelings toward Brett particularly.

I thought it was totally uncalled for when Pastor Cal said Brett's sarcasm was emotionally unintelligent. I would argue that Henry's inability to lead a conversation or Karen's mixed signals about what constitutes a manly man are much more emotionally unintelligent, but they aren't getting called out because they are being portrayed as the wronged party by the show. I must be crazy because I would take Miles, Brett and Christina any day over their spouses.

  • Love 7
  On 9/17/2020 at 5:32 PM, Ilovepie said:

Completely. Brett has shown he is totally capable of having a mature conversation when it's called for. His response to Olivia's family regarding religion was very thoughtful and mature. At the beginning, it seemed he was talking to her seriously about serious subjects. I think he's given up at this point though and this is how he's dealing with it. He's basically not playing the producers games.....or Olivia's either....see below.......

Ok, that was not trivia! It was riddles! And why were they so pissed at him because he didn't know the answer???? It didn't look like any of those geniuses got it right either! Trivia should be fun things, like "What singer's number one song is Teenage Dream?" or something, not "acid test whatever".......I would have moved on to drinking beer and ignoring that game too, especially in the face of a crowd of frowning women giving me side eye and nagging me because I can't come up with the answer! Olivia can now add "trivia night" to "traveling extensively" on her list of activities she will be doing without Brett......




Olivia is so damn dour.   I guess she smiles every now and then but even during couples nights, she bores me.

  • Love 8
  On 9/17/2020 at 7:20 PM, Kira53 said:

In my day, this is exactly what a male doctor thought they were entitled to. In addition the first wife Worked to support the husband during his training years thinking she is investing in her marriage.  Then later, when they were making the bigger bucks, they would often discard the first wife who was a drone that had done all the work. The then thought that they deserved for a hot babe for the second wife.  I have no idea if the young male doctors are still thinking the same way; anybody know?  I think Amelia would still be delighted to have BENNETT who is intelligent with masters degree, quite handsome (vegan or vegetarian) and has a creative passion.  He also has his way with words in a different way but just as smooth as Woody.  Smart women really don't want dumb husbands.


Of course they still do. I'm in my 37th year of working in a hospital.  Many of the older, Viagra assisted doctors are now on their second and third wives.  Several of which who have children from previous marriages who are older than current spouses.

One example:

I know the Radiologist (who was much younger when we met, and looked like Gerry Beckley of the band America).  We worked at the same hospital and actually studied Taekwondo at the same place.  His wife and kids studied there as well.  They truly appeared happy and loving.  They'd also asked many of the Rad Techs if they'd be interested in babysitting so they could have adult evenings out on the town.  And many accepted.

Well, one particular Rad Tech, female, blond and young, accepted quite often.  Several months later, the rumors began to surface about the doctor and the tech.  I didn't want to believe it.  But it was indeed true.

He ended up divorced from supportive, minivan, mother of two wife. And married to the "babysitter".

I saw them a couple of years ago at a restaurant.  He's the lead Radiologist in a group of several.  Very successful and now looking "distinguished".

She's now looking very much older. Much more snobbish and entitled. But very unhappy.  Which probably has to do with the "new" rumors of him hanging out with some of the younger Rad Techs and Rad students.

Funny how things are cyclical. 

Edited by Sycophant4Lease
  • LOL 1
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  On 9/17/2020 at 6:52 PM, Kira53 said:

Men have all of the time in the world;women not so much.  Let's say Karen divorces Miles and needs to get over that for a year before she wants to date again. She likes "masculine men" so she's got to be passive and wait for them to approach her. some might've seen the show and seen her as easy touch but she'll probably have to. date three men to find somebody she might match. So now she's about 33 because she likes to be in long relationships. You need some time to date and you don't wanna get married too fast like you did before; so maybe she gets married at 35.  You do you wanna be together a few years before having kids so now she's 37.  Oh, only now she finds out she has fertility issues and spends the next 3 to 5 years trying to get pregnant with IVF, egg donors, surrogates etc. But she's one of the lucky ones and so she does have a baby either by her loins or a surrogate by 42.  When she shows up to college graduation at age 66-67 she looks like her kids grandparent and that could be a best case scenario. A man could never marry and wait till 67, met a 30 year marry and have kids but be too old to to run around with them so the wife does everything and the wife is delighted to meet and marry some one.


Are we sure that Karen wants kids? If she doesn't, then yes, she really does have all the time in the world. You're never too old to find a happy relationship. Being female doesn't exclude you from that possibility.

Edited by TheMediumBopper
  • Love 4
  On 9/17/2020 at 5:03 AM, humbleopinion said:

No mattress pad on BOlivia’s bed?  Am I the only one who still dresses beds with mattress pads?


That drove me nuts! But I will admit to being a bit OCD - I have two mattress pads on my bed.  And also her ambivalence about whether the fitted sheet was inside out or not. It would have been very simple to reverse it - it's not like the bed was all made up. I am finding Olivia more and more unlikable every week. Brett was right - that was not trivia, but he was a big poop about it and could have been a better sport. But her friends kept telling him - it's coming - I don't think they had a clue what trivia is. I did enjoy watching them at the rock climbing wall.

ChristinA has a strange sense of humour - that pregnancy joke went over like a lead balloon. I still do not see these two making it, and I think he would be a good partner. If she keeps pushing him he is going to bolt right out the door. I saw no point in Amani getting in the middle of their drama - where the hell are the "experts"?

Bennett and Amelia - she is a total slob, and I think that Bennett is not too pleased about it. Her feet were disgusting and she looks like a bag lady - I am not sure if it is just quirkiness or poor hygiene and apathy, but I think the latter. I hope she cleans up for her job - and wears deodorant. And I hope that Bennett never wears those pig tails in public. His friends seem even quirkier than some of hers.

Miles and Karen. That Thai massage was interesting - I kept watching to see if Miles had pitched a tent. She is so bloody uptight and if she has this many issues with intimacy, she never should have gotten into this in the first place. If she feels unsafe with Miles, I can't imagine how she would have dealt with a "manly" man. I don't know what she was expecting. 

Woody and Amali. I need a translator app to understand what he is saying half the time - he's kinda mumbly and talks fast. They do seem to be doing well and I think that her holding back a bit doesn't make it too easy for him and helps to keep him on his toes.

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