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Jeopardy! Season 37 (2020-2021)

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You would think my cats would be used to it by now, but I guffawed when the shipwreck clue was revealed, startling both Stella and Bosco.  The song hasn't been playing on my mental jukebox since then, but it's about to...HELP ME, PLEASE!


Uh-oh, here it goes..."The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down..."

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Try living in Duluth, MN where the legend isn't just a November thing, it is with us always. Gordon Lightfoot used to play here a lot too.....and shipwrecks and paintings of ships and The Fitz are in every touristy store around here.....

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On 11/23/2020 at 5:09 PM, Prevailing Wind said:

My pre-guess was toggle and that one didn't show up.


On 11/23/2020 at 7:07 PM, saber5055 said:

Mine was gaggle, as in geese.

Mine was Google! ... Uh...

Yesterday I got coo and Krugerrand. For FJ I said Dulles.

Tonight I got pronto and scirocco. Before I ever bought my first car, I was seriously thinking of getting a VW Scirocco. I don't know why I loved the looks of that car so much.

I got Magna Carta, but I was near certain that was a wild, wrong guess.

Alex tap-dancing was the cutest thing.

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I hate that edmund fitzgerald song.  Also they had a crocodile rock clue and my college roommate, a big elton john fan in General, hates that song. It's a hated songs night.  

Pretty obvious FJ. Historic document mentioning knights, not many options. 

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It seems Alex's voice is weaker/raspier, to be expected. My Dad's voice did the same.

He gets stronger as the show progresses (to the point of tap dancing! LOVED that!) and he's The Old Alex by the end of the program.


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4 hours ago, Katy M said:

I got the entire category of farming right.

I also breezed through Farming, but not because I’ve studied farming. Every “answer” obviously avoided including the one related word that correctly ended the “What is _ _ _ _ ?” question. 

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Another great game!  I don't know that I have ever heard of the Nutrageous bar, but you can bet I'll be investigating that further.  I got "polydactyl" from one of my two kittens, who fortunately chooses to use her powers for good rather than evil.  The name of the girl in "Crocodile Rock" didn't come to me in time because I have a "Dancing with the Stars" performance from years ago stuck in my mind.  The band replaced the name in the song with the contestant's very similar name.  I think that's one of my best excuses for missing a second box clue.  Now do we think "rápido" would've been accepted for the six-letter adverb you use for emphasis if you want something done quickly?  My Spanish was rusty at its best.

I probably would've gotten Upton Sinclair from "muckraker" anyway, but he was top of mind because he featured in a great movie I saw over the weekend called "Mank," about the screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz, of "Citizen Kane" and many others.  When Sinclair was shown briefly, I thought the actor looked an awful lot like Bill Nye, and what do you know?  Sinclair challenged Frank Merriam for Governor of California in 1934, with a platform focused on universal employment.  He lost in part because of a "dirty tricks" campaign waged by several Hollywood studios, as dramatized in "Mank."  I'm interested in reading more about it all, but this looks like a good primer if this kind of thing interests you.

Now, "Show Boat"!  I was thrilled it was mentioned.  My mother had a great three-disc set made with all the original orchestrations of every song ever used in the show, including several cut during out-of-town tryouts that their researcher found in an old warehouse.  It sparked one of my first really deep dives when I was still in grade school.  I perused the liner notes until they wore out and borrowed a big tome about all its different iterations via ILL from the big library in Baltimore that we may as well have moved there.  We found the two surviving movie versions and, yes, the Ferber novel.  I learned a lot about the joys of pursuing every source of information available about something from all this.  I'm only sorry that I didn't get to the Goldenrod, the last surviving riverboat featuring theatrical performances that I know of, which burned a few years ago.  Anyway, I did get that one.  And I think Helen Morgan's "Bill" from the '36 film is a performance for the ages, so I can't help but share.

I hope nobody minds these occasional tangents on favorite clues of the night.  I know they're pretty darn long.  I just figure we're all "lifelong learner" types, and I really miss socializing, but am all Zoomed out and have been for months.  So I very much appreciate slipping in here to see familiar, er, names and pick up a thing or two along with whatever I picked up during the show, while I drop a thing or two of my own.

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7 hours ago, 853fisher said:

I don't know that I have ever heard of the Nutrageous bar, but you can bet I'll be investigating that further.

I forgot the category was "nut." I said Fast Break, which actually has no caramel but is still pretty darn good. I had a Nutrageous bar or two years and years ago, and IIRC it was also pretty good. I may have to do some investigating, too.



I probably would've gotten Upton Sinclair from "muckraker" anyway, but he was top of mind because he featured in a great movie I saw over the weekend called "Mank," about the screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz, of "Citizen Kane" and many others.  

I've heard about 'Mank.' It's definitely on my list... I just checked, and it will be on Netflix starting December 4. Did you see it in a theatre? If so, I'm curious how many people were there, if everyone wore masks, etc etc.

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That was a good game, even if it was a runaway.  At least the other two contestants put up a pretty good fight.

My only ts was pronto.

I pre-called Magna Carta, since the J writers are quite fond of using it. 

Did not get the girl's name in Crocodile Rock, even though I love that song and happened to have a furry Suzy curled up on my lap at the time.

Edited by Trey
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Surprise instaguess for FJ last night.  It was the only thing I could think of, but I was sure I was wrong.

I should have gotten Limerick -- I know what style poem that was, but I was looking for something that rhymed.  The only TS I got was pronto.

So (heh), if Kit Carson is our mascot, should "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" be our official song?  I laughed so hard at that clue that I missed the next one and had to rewind.

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13 hours ago, 853fisher said:

Now do we think "rápido" would've been accepted for the six-letter adverb you use for emphasis if you want something done quickly?  My Spanish was rusty at its best.

I had a lot of questions about that clue/answer, which sent me on a search for other appropriate words. I think the problem is an adverb was asked for, and adverbs in Spanish are somewhat slippery. Fans of Speedy Gonzales know ándele and arriba, and I also think rápido works. But that's why I'm here and not writing Jeopardy! clues.

Cormack McCarthy was a clue/answer not long ago. It pays to study up on answers that appear multiple times. At least this season the writers are giving Hamilton a break.

I got the category of Farming easily since all I have to do is look out my window. I did LOL at the photo of the hay bale flying through the air, that was hilarious. As a side note, those bales are called "kickers" since the baler is set to "kick" them into the wagon. They are smaller and lighter than a typical 50-lb. bale. It also saves paying a bunch of high school kids to stack bales on a rack. This summer, one of the hottest days, I passed a field being baled, there were three guys on the rack the tractor was pulling, taking each 50-lb. bale from the baler and stacking them neatly on the hay rack. When that rack was full, they would get the "honor" of unloading and restacking all the bales in a barn somewhere. One time I bought hay out of the field at $3/bale, the farmer had the baler drop the bales on the ground. I drove to each bale and loaded them onto my truck. The farmer said he had some "$100 bales" in his barn, ones he stacked in there on the hottest day of the year. Sometimes you can find high-school football guys who want to chuck bales to keep in shape for sports. That's a real bonus when it's time to put up hay.

15 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

Uh-oh, here it goes..."The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down..."

"Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee ..."

That was hilarious that the EF was another clue. I'll bet it's not the last this season.

@853fisher, I love your insightful and informative posts. Maybe because I have a tendency to digress myself.

Edited by saber5055
A rake is not a rack!
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3 hours ago, Trey said:

I pre-called Magna Carta, since the J writers are quite fond of using it.

As did my viewing companion as soon as the category was revealed. "If the category is Historical Documents the answer is the Magna Carta," "just as sure as if the category is something about Scandinavian playwrights the answer is either Ibsen or Inge."

She once made a pre-call that freaked everybody out. The category was bland, generic "Art" and she pre-called "Starry Starry Night", which turned out to be correct. Everyone was freaked out and spooky-scared the rest of that night. It was kind of freaky.

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53 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I had a lot of questions about that clue/answer, which sent me on a search for other appropriate words. I think the problem is an adverb was asked for, and adverbs in Spanish are somewhat slippery. Fans of Speedy Gonzales know ándele and arriba, and I also think rápido works. But that's why I'm here and not writing Jeopardy! clues.

Cormack McCarthy was a clue/answer not long ago. It pays to study up on answers that appear multiple times. At least this season the writers are giving Hamilton a break.

I got the category of Farming easily since all I have to do is look out my window. I did LOL at the photo of the hay bale flying through the air, that was hilarious. As a side note, those bales are called "kickers" since the baler is set to "kick" them into the wagon. They are smaller and lighter than a typical 50-lb. bale. It also saves paying a bunch of high school kids to stack bales on a rake. This summer, one of the hottest days, I passed a field being baled, there were three guys on the rack the tractor was pulling, taking each 50-lb. bale from the baler and stacking them neatly on the hay rack. When that rack was full, they would get the "honor" of unloading and restacking all the bales in a barn somewhere. One time I bought hay out of the field at $3/bale, the farmer had the baler drop the bales on the ground. I drove to each bale and loaded them onto my truck. The farmer said he had some "$100 bales" in his barn, ones he stacked in there on the hottest day of the year. Sometimes you can find high-school football guys who want to chuck bales to keep in shape for sports. That's a real bonus when it's time to put up hay.

"Of the big lake they called Gitche Gumee ..."

That was hilarious that the EF was another clue. I'll bet it's not the last this season.

@853fisher, I love your insightful and informative posts. Maybe because I have a tendency to digress myself.

Loved that category!

Your post took me down memory lane, Saber. I'm a farmer's daughter! My dad was also a school principal (as was mom), so the farm we lived on gradually became a beef cattle and crop farm; however, I do remember having pigs, chickens, milking cows, etc., when I was knee-high to a grasshopper. LOL. As my parents said, there are only so many hours in the day!

My biceps are thanks to throwing way more than my fair share of bales, and being "the best son my dad never had". That was exactly how he'd refer to me as I preferred to be outside with him, than inside doing chores for mom like dishes or, God forbid, ironing. By the age of 10, I drove the tractor, pulling a wagonload full of hay, in reverse, up the gangplank and into the barn. One of my cherished memories is riding bareback to check the cattle in the back field. Oh, I had such a wonderful childhood! Especially since all my cousins lived in the city - great visits! - and I felt as if I had the best of both worlds. To this day, I am a fur baby lover, I grow as much of my own food as possible, and I live completely surrounded by nature, so my roots continue to bloom.

Those bales I threw, stacked and fed to the animals were 75 pounds. Guess we grow them bigger in Canada! LOL

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Fabulous post, @Bliss. LOL at your bales no doubt weighed by the Canadian metric system. The boys I tossed bales with told me they were 50 lbs. and I figured if I could load 50-lb. bags of feed, I could toss a 50-lb. bale. They might have been spoofing me so I would keep working. We have a lot of the same background with cattle (love them), chickens, and in my case, sheep and dairy goats. My fondness for pigs dwindled a bit after dating a hog farmer. Insert your own joke there.

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Is it just me or did they collectively fizzle towards the end?

I said Bette Midler, thinking of Beaches, I guess. 

I got the TS of Beat the Clock, Board of Trade (guess), League of Women Voters (guess that i thought was probably wrong), Hans Christian Andersen, Slainte, Steve McQueen, and Bottom's Up.

I got the entire category of historic women right.


Edited by Katy M
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I guessed Cher when I saw the category! And knew I was right when I saw the year.  

I knew League of Women Voters (heh not hard when I used to work there) and Steve McQueen and Hans Christian Anderson.

🎵Baby on Board...something something Burt Ward🎵

Edited by M. Darcy
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I pre-called Cher when I saw the category, and fortunately, decided to stick with her.  Darn you, Ryan, for denying me an asterisk!  

For TS, I got Beat the Clock, charts, contour lines, League of Women Voters, slainte, Steve McQueen, and bottoms up.

Spellcheck does not like slainte at all!

Fun story -- on my trip to Antartica, one of the other guests asked the ship's captain to show her on the map where we were.  He replied, "I do not know what this map is you speak of, but I will gladly show you on the chart."

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4 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I said Bette Midler, thinking of Beaches, I guess, but I was pretty sure that movie was a little later than '88. 

It was actually December of '88! (so sez the all-knowing wikipedia)

I didn't get League of Women Voters and then I felt dumb because they mentioned 100 years and then I remembered all the stories about the 100th anniversary of women getting the right to vote.

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I pre-guessed Streisand, then switched to Anna Kendrick. Would never have come up with Cher even if you paid me.

I also pre-guessed E-mail in the letter/word category, but it wasn't there. I need to stop pre-guessing.

I'm surprised AT didn't say "Before your time" when they all blew Steve McQueen/Bullitt.

What was that thing Henry said instead of "Chart" ?

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2 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Last night I said Henry reminded me of Ryan Gosling, and tonight he got a Ryan Gosling clue...

I totally caught that and made a note to mention it here. I got a big laugh out of Ryan Gosling answering Ryan Gosling to a clue. I also wanted to add that Henry, IMO, looks like a (handsome) combo of Ryan Gosling and Nick Cage. I was sorry to see him go.

I forgot to mention that rápido also could have been an answer for that Spanish adverb clue the day before. You know, instead of pronto. Same with ayunar.

The photo category of PAWS yesterday ... I have to say that Border Collies seldom if ever have ticking, their legs are always white. I think sometimes this show gets its pictures from Eastern Europe or someplace weird. "White Ticked" is an AKC approved BC color but I've never seen a ticked BC ever, they always have white legs. And I've seen plenty of Border Collies.

Side note: There is currently a competition going on as to how many words a dog can learn. The top five dogs are Border Collies, and word count is presently more than 100.

The Lop breeds are my favorite rabbits. Go Henry! Cute and likes rabbits.

TSs were Beat the Clock, League of Women Voters, slainte, Steve McQueen (so hot! and that movie is so good!) and bottom's up (I named a dog that once).

Whitney Houston was a good FJ guess. Ha ha, another good wrong answer.

I instantly said Barbra Streisand for FJ and was beaming at my brilliance after two days in a row tanking. I was so certain, I didn't even let AT finish reading the clue. Man, I've never been smarter. Then the real answer was revealed ...  such a big DUH since Moonstruck is one of my fav movies ever.

Today's intro was AT in Spartan outfit, which was last week's Thursday's intro.

No Jeopardy for me tomorrow, it's preempted by some crummy DOG SHOW that no one anywhere ever wants to see. WTH network.

Edited by saber5055
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2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I pre-guessed Streisand, then switched to Anna Kendrick. Would never have come up with Cher even if you paid me.

I also pre-guessed E-mail in the letter/word category, but it wasn't there. I need to stop pre-guessing.

I'm surprised AT didn't say "Before your time" when they all blew Steve McQueen/Bullitt.

What was that thing Henry said instead of "Chart" ?

I, too, said "They are too young to remember Steve McQueen" 🙂  "Bullitt" is a classic movie, any movie buff should know it. 

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4 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Today's intro was AT in Spartan outfit, which was last week's Thursday's intro.

I still keep forgetting to pay attention (though to be fair I woke up from a nap not long before the show started and was getting settled on the couch with my sandwich during the opening).

6 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

No Jeopardy for me tomorrow, it's preempted by some crummy DOG SHOW that no one anywhere ever wants to see. WTH network.

According to the channel guide on my TV Jeopardy is still on here tomorrow. I'll probably still be at my parents but they watch it, too, so I'll make sure to put it on. Pandemic no-big-family-gathering Thanksgiving has its up sides, I suppose.

1 minute ago, WhoisMark said:

If only there was a place to check: http://www.j-archive.com/showgame.php?game_id=6878

DJ! clue 1 for periplus

I learned a new word, today.

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I too got a chuckle out of "Ryan Gosling" getting to answer "Who is Ryan Gosling."

Instead of behind the curtain, I said behind the scenes.

I got beat the clock, Agriculture, Commerce, Ronin, slainte (which I would have said as "slahn-tay," so I don't know if that would be ruled correct), and Steve McQueen.

I pre-guessed Cher, then low and behold...



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We're a day behind here because of football Monday night, so I just watched Tuesday night's game and then read the archive for tonight's, since I won't be watching tomorrow night.

Beat the clock and the League of Women Voters were surprising TS.  Bottoms up a little bit, with "butt" in the clue.

I got everything in the first round other than kick the can, but in DJ I joined the contestants in being stumped by contour, B-school, and kampai.  I also missed two each in the authors and chase scenes categories.  Cher was one of my pre-guesses for FJ, so when it was revealed I quickly realized she was the one.  So good game for me.  Thanks to Suzanne Sugarbaker (Designing Women), I amused myself by answering the La Leche clue with "La Leaky".

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I wanted the defending champ to win but, alas, the guy in the middle won because he was the only one to get FJ. I don't like it when "sports team traitors" win, though. Grew up in New Jersey but is a Dallas Cowboys fan. Booo! Those are fighting words if you're surrounded by Giants' fans. He must've been really popular growing up. Then again, he probably did it just to draw the ire of those he grew up with. I really don't like people like that and will be rooting for him and his wired-up jaw to lose every day until he does, finally, lose.

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10 hours ago, saber5055 said:

No Jeopardy for me tomorrow, it's preempted by some crummy DOG SHOW that no one anywhere ever wants to see. WTH network.

Yuck yuck ptooey tooey gross blech blech. Ewwww. (BTW, what channel might that be?)

9 hours ago, Bastet said:

Beat the clock and the League of Women Voters were surprising TS. 

I did get Beat the Clock, and I immediately thought League of Women Voters but for some reason thought that couldn't be right.

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13 hours ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

I thought barbara streisand for FJ.  I considered cher but thought her oscar was for mask, forgot about moonstruck.  

No Steve mcqueen?   Disappointing. 

The former champ looked like christian bale in american psycho. 


I got Cher - but I was completely wrong about which movie and which songs. Fortunately, that didn't matter. We guessed every actress/singer of the appropriate age we could think of when the category was revealed, so I had a head start.

10 hours ago, Bastet said:

We're a day behind here because of football Monday night, so I just watched Tuesday night's game and then read the archive for tonight's, since I won't be watching tomorrow night.

Beat the clock and the League of Women Voters were surprising TS.  Bottoms up a little bit, with "butt" in the clue.

I got everything in the first round other than kick the can, but in DJ I joined the contestants in being stumped by contour, B-school, and kampai.  I also missed two each in the authors and chase scenes categories.  Cher was one of my pre-guesses for FJ, so when it was revealed I quickly realized she was the one.  So good game for me.  Thanks to Suzanne Sugarbaker (Designing Women), I amused myself by answering the La Leche clue with "La Leaky".

I got League of Women Voters (sort of) I mangled the order of the words in the League's name.

I said "Las Madres" instead of "LaLeche" - probably because I had issues with both of them when I was a first time mom. Both groups were incredibly snotty to me where I lived. They may be great elsewhere.

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9 hours ago, Tabasco Cat said:

Grew up in New Jersey but is a Dallas Cowboys fan. Booo!

lol...my usual ride home for college breaks was a guy who grew up in NJ and was a Cowboys fan. If I saw him on campus from afar and he wasn't wearing his Cowboys cap, I almost didn't recognize him.

I also have another current acquaintance who I'm told is a Cowboys fan but I've never asked him about it. I guess it's more common than you'd think. 😉 

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6 hours ago, peeayebee said:

(BTW, what channel might that be?)

Jeopardy runs here on our local NBC affiliate out of Davenport, Iowa. Today we get a full day of Macy's not-parade and the dog show, then reruns of Macy's not-parade and dog show in prime time. I don't mind the dog show, of course, but I already know the winners having looked up the results a couple weeks ago. (Philadelphia Kennel Club) It is fun to see people I know, although entries were limited this year.

Side note; Westminster KC that is always in NYC in February will be held in June 2021, outside, on Lyndhurst Estate in Tarrytown, New York. Only the top seven dogs in each breed will be allowed to enter. Dog shows are being held now in certain parts of the country with very strict requirements re: COVID, and no spectators allowed.

6 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I said behind the scenes, too.

One of my favorite sayings is "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

5 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I said "Las Madres" instead of "LaLeche"

When I was working at one printer, La Leche League was a client and I did paste up on many a LLL magazine.

Edited by saber5055
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Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I'm grateful for this thread.

I had a few answers for ____-the-_____ that I have forgotten since this morning but might have fought for.  The "where's this train heading" category was fantastic.  I get most places by public transportation and have learned about Amtrak routes I haven't been on yet.  A dear friend is a railroad buff and we would all like to take a really long trip one day.  I'm amused to see all the stir about "Bullitt."  The same friend is a Mustang guy and has sent me a few clips from the film.  I would like to see it but prefer to watch movies in theatres.  Many revival houses here, but that hasn't come up yet.  Maybe in 2021!

On 11/25/2020 at 10:30 AM, saber5055 said:

@853fisher, I love your insightful and informative posts. Maybe because I have a tendency to digress myself.

I bow to you.  How very kind.

On 11/25/2020 at 6:00 AM, peeayebee said:

I've heard about 'Mank.' It's definitely on my list... I just checked, and it will be on Netflix starting December 4. Did you see it in a theatre? If so, I'm curious how many people were there, if everyone wore masks, etc etc.

I did see it at the divine streamline moderne Rafael Theatre in Marin Co, CA.  For 50 years it was your average suburban theatre, until it was damaged by the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989.  It was rebuilt about a decade later and is now the California Film Institute's showplace for "art house" type films.  COVID has been taken very seriously in the Bay Area, and Marin Co is allowing theatres to be open for 25% capacity or 100 people, whichever is fewer, and with no concessisons.

When I bought my ticket, the lady at the box office appeared to mark off seats within two rows and two columns.  In the end, there were just two of us rattling around an auditorium that could probably seat at least 350.  We were reminded several times, including by a friendly employee who came down to speak to us before the screening, that we were required to keep our masks on for the duration.  The thickest and most fragrant hand sanitizer I have ever used was available at every door.  I felt as comfortable as anyone can these days.  It was all approached with an appropriate seriousness, accompanied by warmth.

I could provide more information about movies and COVID, but this is not the place.  Suffice it to say that I am so grateful to live where there is first and foremost serious attention paid to COVID, but also a good concentration of historic theatres, and I hope that is still the case a year from now.  I thoroughly support the Rafael's efforts to help their customers comply with necessary regulations while still enjoying an experience as comfortable and glamorous as the theatre is on a good day.  And I hope more aid will be coming for entertainment spaces that have done their part to flatten the curve and so on, which we will sorely miss once current events are behind us, if we don't do more as a society.

Edited by 853fisher
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