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S11.E05: The Honeymoon Begins

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Unfiltered:Miles, Woody, Bennett, JamieO, her hair extensions....
They review Bennett’s nightgown unveiling and he sells the advantage of a dress..easy to pee at night.
No one is buying it...

Anyone catch the 3peat of The same phrase About Miles’ Momma’s overprotectiveness....Editors...wake up!

Looking at Bennett’s family...he outran his genetics and is handsome.
Bennett’s self professed shortcomings...hygiene...clothing choices with the exception of his night gown, his cooking abilities, he is tone deaf which doesn’t help as a singer and performer...
Miles’ incredulous face when Amani’s chastity belt is mentioned...4 notches... 

Path to Amelia’s heart...handstands and unicycle riding.

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

There is a lot of math in medicine but in her defense, test results usually come back with the normal range and highlighting the out-of-range results. Hopefully she at least knows enough math to know one number is higher or lower than another. And she can look up dosing unless she is going to work in emergency medicine when she has to calculate them quickly. 

Loved Woody calling out Bennett for swimming in his "drawers." Buy a bathing suit Bennett.

I really enjoy how these couples are experiencing the honeymoon together as well as by themselves. I liked the episode and I don't see why people thought it was boring. I don't like ratchet.  When I get a glimpse of the Australian episodes it makes me sick almost to my stomach.  The women with the ridiculous implants and lip plumping and it all looks very ratchet. Very housewives of any place in the US; just not my style.  Brett seem to be a pretty good husband this episode and I felt badly about his hands. I love Olivia's spirit and her winning ways. I like that she's competitive and right now Brett seems to like it too.

I like the three guys Miles Woody and Bennett in the pre-episode episode. The laughing was good-natured and they can appreciate each other for their differences but they all seem to be husbands that could go the distance.  I really hope so.

1 hour ago, Jaclyn88 said:

Karen comes off as a snob to me . She’s not wrong that miles having 10 serious relationships by the age of 26 seems odd , but she just seems very condescending to him and he seems like a great guy . 

Karen just doesn't understand that she made the biggest mistake in life staying in those two relationships for as long as they were and ending up with nothing. Right now she can't appreciate that Miles understands when to leave a nice person that he doesn't get along with or is it well matched. People can be very narrow minded and she doesn't realize what a gigantic mistake she made staying with that man who had a baby with somebody else while he was "with her".

1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Well, that was boring. 

Not to me. You watched the whole damn thing. I wonder why?  I'm Interested in human nature and what everyone knows as a honeymoon period. And how things will change especially when they get to real life. I'm pulling for everybody, even Christina and Henry. Christina needs to be more of a leader and more aggressive and not worry about whether Henry is aggressive.  Those aggressive guys didn't work out for her.  I'm pulling for them to balance each other out and they need a lot of pulling.

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2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Loved Woody calling out Bennett for swimming in his "drawers." Buy a bathing suit Bennett.

He did have swim trunks on later, though...orangey red, I think. Re Amelia and her comment about math:  I got the impression it was just a quirky comment she made at the Bachelorette party. She was asked what thing might you have asked to have in a partner? Something like that. And she responded it would be cool if he was really good in math.

I really, really like Bennett. He has a depth to him and I am enjoying his conversations.


Am I missing what everyone seems to be upset about with Brett? He may be putting on a good show for the cameras but he hasn't done or said anything objectionable to Olivia yet, that I saw. Yes, he has dated a lot, but so what? His ex- fiancee cheated on him not once, but twice. He seemed very hurt by that. Olivia, otoh, hadn't dated in 3  1/2 years; she too was hurt by a man she had hoped to marry. If they split I think it will be because she doesn't seem to want children.

Henry.. oh my goodness. The man has 0 self- confidence and is fearful of everything. Big turn-off. He doesn't know if he can swim or float? What was that about? I'm so curious what Christina has been lying about?


Amani...I love how she says " I'm not mad or I'm not sad."  She and Woody are so comfortable.

Karen acts like an old lady, and not a vibrant 30 y.o.

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17 minutes ago, Kira53 said:


Not to me. You watched the whole damn thing. I wonder why?  I'm Interested in human nature and what everyone knows as a honeymoon period. And how things will change especially when they get to real life. I'm pulling for everybody, even Christina and Henry. Christina needs to be more of a leader and more aggressive and not worry about whether Henry is aggressive.  Those aggressive guys didn't work out for her.  I'm pulling for them to balance each other out and they need a lot of pulling.

Do you really want to know or you’re just making a snide comment. Kinda weird. 

Edited by Kiss my mutt
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1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

How Henry managed to get this far in life is beyond me. What a baby chicken shit. He is a Donnie Downer and a bump on a log. I could not deal with a guy that passive and freaked out over every single thing. He needs counseling and something to treat whatever his problem is. Maybe testosterone would help. 

OMG, and here I thought he was making progress because he actually thought about Christina before himself a few times and then he goes and shows himself to be the biggest wussie on the planet.  He also contradicted himself about swimming.  First he says he didn't think he could swim and then later he said he could totally swim.  Well, which one is it?  I am not even an adventurous person but he would freak out at some of the stuff I liked to do when I was young, like water ski, bike riding, etc.  How would he have acted on that boat ride that the other couples took?  He probably would have had to be taken out in a straight jacket.  What a basket case, literally.  I can't understand why Christina is acting like she's taking him seriously.  I almost think she's putting on an act.  Maybe not almost.

1 hour ago, Soup333 said:

I just...I have a hard time believing boys have never peed in the shower. 

There's an old saying that goes, "There are two types of people in the world - those that pee in the shower and LIARS".

1 hour ago, princelina said:

I thought Brett was a nice husband this episode!

I'm convinced now that Brett has a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality.  Right now we're seeing Dr. Jekyll, but we just know Mr. Hyde's going to come out eventually.  Poor Olivia.  What a douche thing to say that he probably would have pursued that other woman he was dating when the show picked him.  What a great way to insert a little sliver of doubt in your new spouse about your fidelity and seriousness about the marriage.

1 minute ago, ECM1231 said:

Am I missing what everyone seems to be upset about with Brett? He may be putting on a good show for the cameras but he hasn't done or said anything objectionable to Olivia yet, that I saw.

See my post above.  He made a really douchey comment in this episode already.  Not the worst thing but he's only getting started!

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2 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I just...I have a hard time believing boys have never peed in the shower. 

Yes, just like George Costanza said on Seinfeld when he was caught peeing in the shower at his gym:  "They're all pipes!"   :}


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56 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Looking at Bennett’s family...he outran his genetics and is handsome.

I have to admit, I already have a little crush on Bennett.  He reminds me of my first and second boyfriends put together.  I grew up in a Jewish neighborhood in NYC and my first BFs were Jewish (I am 25% Ashkenazi myself).  Bennett and Amelia totally remind me of so many quirky, smart, interesting, cultured young people I grew up with in the 1970s.  They are just a little more modern in some ways.  I think they're a little more out there than most people I knew but not that dissimilar in other ways.

18 minutes ago, Kira53 said:

Karen just doesn't understand that she made the biggest mistake in life staying in those two relationships for as long as they were and ending up with nothing. Right now she can't appreciate that Miles understands when to leave a nice person that he doesn't get along with or is it well matched. People can be very narrow minded and she doesn't realize what a gigantic mistake she made staying with that man who had a baby with somebody else while he was "with her".

I agree with you in some ways but I also think she has good reason to worry that Miles might be too good to be true and hearing about how many so-called "serious" relationships he's had by age 26 sends up a pretty strong red flag.  That means he would have had to have a new serious relationship every 6 months since he turned 21.  Seriously?  And that's supposed to be a healthy example of knowing when to leave someone?  He is as bad as she is in the opposite direction!  It would say to me that he gets really serious really fast before he really knows the person and then when he does things inevitably go south from there pretty fast.  I wouldn't necessarily trust him either right now if I were her.

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We are all waiting for Brett to drop the Mr. NiceGuy facade and reveal his serial dating hound dog self.
But it is nice for him to be the doting huzzy to Olivia on their honeymoon.

Olivia...enjoy the honeymoon...both literally and figuratively.

They have gotten further Along than Brandon/Tay and Meka/Liar pants on fire Michael On their disastrous honeymoons.

Olivia...you will never use my shower....And I’m wearing flip flops in your shower....ewww

You know Brett’s brothers peed on each other Aggressively....especially on Baby Brett who cried to mommy.

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Anyone notice Amani’s sunglasses are the exact same white frames of Woody’s pre wedding glasses?

That’s style kismet.
Bodes well for them in designing their future home environment.

Henry needs some jet boating to shake off his inhibitions and self consciousness...

Jumping on a mini tramp...Henry’s hammies, ankles...dignity...
Henry..you were literally a stick in the mud...har har.

Henry’s comfort zone is 1mm away from his body....no wait...Henry is a tormented soul...he has no comfort zone.

Hold the horses, wait...Karen wants on Miles’ Spousal insurance after Only 3 days of marriage like Katie Bear? 
She won’t kiss him on the mouth but wants a good medical insurance plan?

Edited by humbleopinion
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2 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I couldn’t deal with him for long. I felt bad for him being so uncomfortable in the sludge run or whatever it was. I probably wouldn’t be rushing to wiggle around in brownish water but it seemed like it was deeper than him just not wanting to get dirty. 

Did he say he say he can’t swim?  He’s awkward mentally and physically but i bet they’re portraying it even more for the show.

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12 minutes ago, endure said:

Did he say he say he can’t swim?  He’s awkward mentally and physically but i bet they’re portraying it even more for the show.

Henry made some weird comment about not being sure if he could swim but then contradicted himself later saying that he could swim so it's not just the show's portrayal of him, but how he's portraying himself.

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I felt sorry for Bennett when he told Amelia how he was worried about losing his mom when he was growing up because she had cancer.  What a horrible preoccupation to have when you're just a kid, worrying about the possible death of your mom all the time and thinking about the finality of life.  It explained his earlier comment about feeling as though he had died and gone to heaven when things went really well in his life.  Very sad.  Big hug to Ben.

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Brett and Olivia ...their chatting is so serious...go jet boating or parasailing or banana boating.....
Have a belly laugh or scream out of fright....

Good on Olivia expressing her preference not to have kids...
Brett wants a little Brett jr or Brettina so he’s found his get out of jail free card....

4/5 couples filmed brushing their teeth.....

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2 hours ago, rebel2u said:

I think it was a HUGE advantage for Amelia and Bennett to have met previously. They got to talk, see each other in a group situation, see how they interacted with the other people at the party, see each other's friends. Amelia really liked Bennett, iirc, and he had no bad feelings towards her.  They are miles ahead of the other couples, some who feel like their spouse is still a stranger and all are still trying to find out if they are going to mesh well with and even like their spouse.

Maybe so but they also spend quality time talking and getting to know each other.  Even comparing the various outings today and how the couples chose to spend their time was telling.  These two are really getting to know each other on a deeper level.

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Christina said that she wonders what made them pair her with Henry. I think it’s fair to say that most viewers are wondering about that too.

Karen seems to be trying to find a reason to dump Miles.

I am curious about how Olivia and Brett responded on the questionnaire with regards to having children. Clearly, they are not on the same page. I have a feeling Brett is going to use that as his “out”.


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2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

“Comparison is the thief of Joy” says the wise Christina...

Sunshine and Vitamin D will not make Henry talk...if it were that easy.

Olivia do not ask questions about Brett’s dating history if you are not ready to hear things that will make you want to start a course of Antibiotics and checking for rashes.

To protect their hair from rubbing on the linens.

Cotton bedding will draw out the moisture and can cause breakage of their hair follicles or to prevent ruinIng their hairdos, like Woody’s hair looks sharp.

If they had silk pillowcases and silk sheets they would not need the silk caps but may like to wear one out of habit.

Apologies if I spoke out of turn.

Brett an Olivia are self professed boring...oh no...Henry is b o r I n g personified to the max...

Christina is flummoxed to why MAFS production matched her with Henry....what did she do to be saddled with an insecure, anxious, reluctant, stick in the mud, non speaker?
This is Henry trying his best?

This is going to be a long season...

I’m personally curious to see how much weight Henry gains by end of season.  He eats compulsively to avoid talking or engaging.   This must be a therapy season.  

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42 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Karen seems to be trying to find a reason to dump Miles.

I think Karen is high maintenance.  And Miles, who i like very much, may border on cloying.   I think they’re made for each other and in a good way.   

Hoping Olivia and Brett work out.  She didn’t say no children.  Just later.  

I think Christine is trying with Henry.  IMO, he’s turning out to be judgmental -insecure and finding fault with other couples. That’s a bad sign. It’s not about them Henry.  It’s about you and Christine. 

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5 hours ago, ECM1231 said:


Am I missing what everyone seems to be upset about with Brett? He may be putting on a good show for the cameras but he hasn't done or said anything objectionable to Olivia yet, that I saw. Yes, he has dated a lot, but so what? His ex- fiancee cheated on him not once, but twice. He seemed very hurt by that. Olivia, otoh, hadn't dated in 3  1/2 years; she too was hurt by a man she had hoped to marry. If they split I think it will be because she doesn't seem to want children.


Brett is being the model newlywed groom.
In his THs he compliments Olivia.

He is attentive to her and they are getting along well.

Olivia’s pillow talk reveals that Brett’s recent dating Activity didn’t slow even though he was deep in the running to be cast for MAFS.

He confesses to have  had a second “date” with a “wonderful woman” just 2 days before he got engaged to his stranger wife....

He intimates a third “date” Was on the books but he Showed chivalrous courtesy by canceling once he was tapped.
Olivia questions why he was still actively “dating” so close to being selected for the show...
Brett is puzzled.
He wasn’t chosen Officially yet so Why shouldn’t he still be playing the field?
Why can’t he dip his pen in the inkwell...technically he was unfettered....

Brett‘s villainous reputation came from his Boorish behavior at the bachelor party, bragging sexploit talk with his brothers and his high opinion of his own attractiveness.

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47 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

He confesses to have  had a second “date” with a “wonderful woman” just 2 days before he got engaged to his stranger wife....

He intimates a third “date” Was on the books but he Showed chivalrous courtesy by canceling once he was tapped.
Olivia questions why he was still actively “dating” so close to being selected for the show...
Brett is puzzled.

If Brett had ONE ounce of chivalry in him he would have said that this other woman was "no one special", not played her up as a "wonderful woman".  And that's only if he had ONE ounce.  If he had more than one he wouldn't have mentioned her at all.  What a jackass.

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7 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

If Brett had ONE ounce of chivalry in him he would have said that this other woman was "no one special", not played her up as a "wonderful woman".  And that's only if he had ONE ounce.  If he had more than one he wouldn't have mentioned her at all.  What a jackass.

Olivia asked when his last date was. Should he have lied?

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6 hours ago, humbleopinion said:


4/5 couples filmed brushing their teeth.....

Confession. The sight and sound of other people brushing their teeth is extremely off-putting to me. This episode, with them talking through it (and Woody having toothpaste spittle in his beard!) almost did me in. 

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

Olivia asked when his last date was. Should he have lied?

He could have been vague about it or said it was "some time" after he applied for the show, he didn't have to give her the exact date, time, and honest blow by blow internet review.  I don't get the young generation's compulsion to be brutally honest about everything even at the expense of someone else's feelings, when one little gloss over that wouldn't matter a hill of beans in the big scheme of things would actually be the kinder, more humane thing to do.  It would show that he is concerned about her feelings and doesn't want her to think he's not fully invested in the marriage.  Plus it would show some awareness of how being brutally honest would look and feel to her.  Of course we know he does not have any of that concern, awareness or investment, so.....jackass.

Edited by Yeah No
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10 hours ago, princelina said:

I think all of the couples who have stayed together have had sex on the honeymoon (except for Jamie and Doug and I believe she later admitted to giving BJs 😄 )  That's why I use it as a litmus test for their longevity - if they don't do it then, they don't seem to get to it ever.

I can’t believe she said that on t.v.  Like it was nothing.  Now for sure I won’t watch her.  What a ditz.

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9 hours ago, rebel2u said:

Yes, just like George Costanza said on Seinfeld when he was caught peeing in the shower at his gym:  "They're all pipes!"   :}


Haha .. I’m watching Seinfeld right now.  You can’t beat that Larry David.  Genius.

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10 hours ago, Soup333 said:

I couldn’t deal with him for long. I felt bad for him being so uncomfortable in the sludge run or whatever it was. I probably wouldn’t be rushing to wiggle around in brownish water but it seemed like it was deeper than him just not wanting to get dirty. 

That was an interesting ride or whatever it was.  I love that resort.  Do they cater to cranky ass seniors?  My husband has jumped out of planes in the Army, but would not go on any of those rides.  I would tho.  All of them while he read the newspaper, lol.

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11 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

It seems to be a theme in every season That if the couple doesn’t have sex by the first or second week , it ain’t gonna happen . I think it makes it way more awkward between the couples if they wait a while to have sex .  I’m not saying do it if you’re repulsed , but to me it makes no sense that people on this show have no issues marrying people they’ve never met , but feel like having sex with their husband / wife within the first couple weeks is inappropriate or too soon . 

The show is probably trying something new .. mixing it up.  No sex for a few weeks.

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10 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

“Comparison is the thief of Joy” says the wise Christina...

Sunshine and Vitamin D will not make Henry talk...if it were that easy.

Olivia do not ask questions about Brett’s dating history if you are not ready to hear things that will make you want to start a course of Antibiotics and checking for rashes.

To protect their hair from rubbing on the linens.

Cotton bedding will draw out the moisture and can cause breakage of their hair follicles or to prevent ruinIng their hairdos, like Woody’s hair, that he keeps looking sharp for the cameras.

If they had silk pillowcases and silk sheets they would not need the silk caps but may like to wear one out of habit.

Apologies if I spoke out of turn.

Brett an Olivia are self professed boring...oh no...Henry is b o r I n g personified to the max...

Christina is flummoxed to why MAFS production matched her with Henry....what did she do to be saddled with an insecure, anxious, reluctant, stick in the mud, non speaker?

This is Henry trying his best? Honestly Henry?

This is going to be a long season...


10 hours ago, Kira53 said:

I really enjoy how these couples are experiencing the honeymoon together as well as by themselves. I liked the episode and I don't see why people thought it was boring. I don't like ratchet.  When I get a glimpse of the Australian episodes it makes me sick almost to my stomach.  The women with the ridiculous implants and lip plumping and it all looks very ratchet. Very housewives of any place in the US; just not my style.  Brett seem to be a pretty good husband this episode and I felt badly about his hands. I love Olivia's spirit and her winning ways. I like that she's competitive and right now Brett seems to like it too.

I like the three guys Miles Woody and Bennett in the pre-episode episode. The laughing was good-natured and they can appreciate each other for their differences but they all seem to be husbands that could go the distance.  I really hope so.

Karen just doesn't understand that she made the biggest mistake in life staying in those two relationships for as long as they were and ending up with nothing. Right now she can't appreciate that Miles understands when to leave a nice person that he doesn't get along with or is it well matched. People can be very narrow minded and she doesn't realize what a gigantic mistake she made staying with that man who had a baby with somebody else while he was "with her".

Not to me. You watched the whole damn thing. I wonder why?  I'm Interested in human nature and what everyone knows as a honeymoon period. And how things will change especially when they get to real life. I'm pulling for everybody, even Christina and Henry. Christina needs to be more of a leader and more aggressive and not worry about whether Henry is aggressive.  Those aggressive guys didn't work out for her.  I'm pulling for them to balance each other out and they need a lot of pulling.


9 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

He did have swim trunks on later, though...orangey red, I think. Re Amelia and her comment about math:  I got the impression it was just a quirky comment she made at the Bachelorette party. She was asked what thing might you have asked to have in a partner? Something like that. And she responded it would be cool if he was really good in math.

I really, really like Bennett. He has a depth to him and I am enjoying his conversations.


Am I missing what everyone seems to be upset about with Brett? He may be putting on a good show for the cameras but he hasn't done or said anything objectionable to Olivia yet, that I saw. Yes, he has dated a lot, but so what? His ex- fiancee cheated on him not once, but twice. He seemed very hurt by that. Olivia, otoh, hadn't dated in 3  1/2 years; she too was hurt by a man she had hoped to marry. If they split I think it will be because she doesn't seem to want children.

Henry.. oh my goodness. The man has 0 self- confidence and is fearful of everything. Big turn-off. He doesn't know if he can swim or float? What was that about? I'm so curious what Christina has been lying about?


Amani...I love how she says " I'm not mad or I'm not sad."  She and Woody are so comfortable.

Karen acts like an old lady, and not a vibrant 30 y.o.


8 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Christina said that she wonders what made them pair her with Henry. I think it’s fair to say that most viewers are wondering about that too.

Karen seems to be trying to find a reason to dump Miles.

I am curious about how Olivia and Brett responded on the questionnaire with regards to having children. Clearly, they are not on the same page. I have a feeling Brett is going to use that as his “out”.



8 hours ago, Ms.C. said:

I’m personally curious to see how much weight Henry gains by end of season.  He eats compulsively to avoid talking or engaging.   This must be a therapy season.  


7 hours ago, Ms.C. said:

I think Karen is high maintenance.  And Miles, who i like very much, may border on cloying.   I think they’re made for each other and in a good way.   

Hoping Olivia and Brett work out.  She didn’t say no children.  Just later.  

I think Christine is trying with Henry.  IMO, he’s turning out to be judgmental -insecure and finding fault with other couples. That’s a bad sign. It’s not about them Henry.  It’s about you and Christine. 


2 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Olivia asked when his last date was. Should he have lied?

I think Henry and Brett are prime examples of how guys act when they are not into the women they are with.

Henry is the polar opposite of last season’s Brandon, who for whatever reason, did not like his bride on first sight.

Brandon would deal with it by exploding and lashing out at the people who put him in this awkward situation. The fact that he might have had a drinking problem did not help.

Henry is not into his bride so he very awkwardly retreats into himself. He probably has always had a fairly boring personality but it’s made worse around her. He does  not have the emotional intelligence to handle this type of situation. I also think that he is not giving her a fair chance.

Brett is more clever than Henry. He does recognize that Olivia is a great catch and that it is stupid not to enjoy this fabulous free honeymoon. 

His serial dating Is so that he is not vulnerable after he was so badly hurt in that one relationship. There is also a probably a shallow part of him that wants to be with someone “hotter”, even though I think Olivia is lovely.

When he was describing his last date, he was purposely trying to push her away a little bit. It was good that he did not lie but he almost seemed wistful that he got matched and could not see that lady again.

Despite my comments, I am really enjoying this season. I liked the overall positive energy of this episode.

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I really liked this episode, to me it wasn't filled up with manufactured drama.

I think Karen needs to realize that SHE picked the two lousy men who did her wrong.  Perhaps she's the one with a bad picker.  But she's looking for things to be wrong with Miles so she can justify her distrustful nature.I 

I feel for Henry.  I don't think it's strange that he's never left the country before.  I didn't get my first passport until I was 23; I know many people who have never left the US, there are so many interesting and beautiful places in the US to visit, it's not unusual to me.  There used to be a YouTube video called "Adult Lap Swim" about members of the Columbia University swim team, teaching adults how to swim.  In the comments section of that video many adults wrote the reasons they never learned.

One thing I did like was to see the two black couples enjoying the water!  Take that to the ignorant people who many years ago believed that black people couldn't learn to swim. (I used to hear that crap when I was a teenager)



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He could have been vague about it or said it was "some time" after he applied for the show, he didn't have to give her the exact date, time, and honest blow by blow internet review.  I don't get the young generation's compulsion to be brutally honest about everything even at the expense of someone else's feelings, 

Those crazy kids, being honest and forthright and all...

I don't believe in being insensitive but I don't think that Olivia would have been satisfied with vague answers. A wise person once told me not to ask questions if I wasn't prepared to deal with the answers and I've found that to be solid guidance throughout my life.


 I love that resort.  Do they cater to cranky ass seniors?  

I want to go there so bad! It looks like the sort of place where you can ride the mudslide all day long and your hubs can sit poolside with a paper while someone brings him a cold one every so often. Win-win!

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12 hours ago, princelina said:

I think all of the couples who have stayed together have had sex on the honeymoon (except for Jamie and Doug

I don't think Shawniece/Jept  and Deonna/Greg did.

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1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

I can’t believe she said that on t.v.  Like it was nothing.  Now for sure I won’t watch her.  What a ditz.

I can't imagine why I would care about someone talking about what they did sexually with their groom on their honeymoon. Good for them!

I must say that I have no strong opinions on anyone here or anything going on.

Yes, Henry is boring as hell but that's all I see. Him with the swimming stuff wasn't contradictory. He was worried about how deep the water was. He can swim but probably has only swam in pools where you can see the bottom. He's unsure about swimming in deeper water.

Nothing reads that he doesn't like his wife. He's constantly uncomfortable. It doesn't has to mean anything towards her.

I also don't judge him for talking about another marriage. Obviously, they are asked about these things. They are on a show. They will be asked about the other people on the show. He also saw how shity Olivia's husband is. He has a right to be worried just as a regular human being.

3 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I don't think Shawniece/Jept  and Deonna/Greg did.

They 100 percent did not. Shawniece and Jephte always seem on the verge of blowing up though. Deonna and Greg made it through. But, Greg always seems like a go with the flow dude. Like, I didn't get a dud, so just roll with it. 

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12 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

I can't imagine why I would care about someone talking about what they did sexually with their groom on their honeymoon. Good for them!

I must say that I have no strong opinions on anyone here or anything going on.

Yes, Henry is boring as hell but that's all I see. Him with the swimming stuff wasn't contradictory. He was worried about how deep the water was. He can swim but probably has only swam in pools where you can see the bottom. He's unsure about swimming in deeper water.

Nothing reads that he doesn't like his wife. He's constantly uncomfortable. It doesn't has to mean anything towards her.

I also don't judge him for talking about another marriage. Obviously, they are asked about these things. They are on a show. They will be asked about the other people on the show. He also saw how shity Olivia's husband is. He has a right to be worried just as a regular human being.

They 100 percent did not. Shawniece and Jephte always seem on the verge of blowing up though. Deonna and Greg made it through. But, Greg always seems like a go with the flow dude. Like, I didn't get a dud, so just roll with it. 

I hope you are right about Henry. I actually felt sorry for Christina this episode because she seemed like she was really trying and having fun with Henry was like squeezing water from a stone.

It also does not help the all the rest of the grooms are very personable and are having a blast with their wives, including Brett. 

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Just now, qtpye said:

I hope you are right about Henry. I actually felt sorry for Christina this episode because she seemed like she was really trying and having fun with Henry was like squeezing water from a stone.

It also does not help the all the rest of the grooms are very personable and are having a blast with their wives, including Brett. 

I hope so too. I didn't get the best first impressions of Christina but she is trying. 

Henry is constantly uncomfortable. 

I don't understand why they chose him period. He was never going to make good tv and very hard to open up.


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I love Olivia.  She’s wise and well-spoken and seems so sweet.  Can’t stand Brett, dude knows the right things to say and it seems so fake. Plus he poses for the cameras. 

Lol at Amelia’s math comment.  She made it through pre-med and med school (organic chemistry anyone? Alllll math) so I am pretty sure she’s a math rock star.  

Karen needs to loosen up a bit.  In her defense, she comes across as very young, especially on the couples date compared to Amani who seems very mother-earth mature.  

Christina is still in the honeymoon period of being a flight attendant.  (I used to work for Delta.).  She’s traveled so much BECAUSE she is an FA, that’s why people work for airlines.  They all brag about it in the first few years.  I just wish she could stop with holding it over Henry.  

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2 hours ago, Silver Bells said:

I can’t believe she said that on t.v.  Like it was nothing.  Now for sure I won’t watch her.  What a ditz.

She didn't say it on tv - it was in her book 😄 

38 minutes ago, OnTime said:

I don't think Shawniece/Jept  and Deonna/Greg did.

You are right!  I thought of Deonna and Greg after I posted, but forgot about S&J

16 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

I hope so too. I didn't get the best first impressions of Christina but she is trying. 

And she seems much more fun and interesting than she did initially - she came off in the intro episode as a real weepy weed.

As far as Brett goes - he's already risen above Luke, Brandon and Zach as far as I'm concerned 😄 

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I don't think Brett is really gaga over Olivia; as someone else says, he reads off her special qualities as if he's reading off a label.  I don't get chemistry between the two of them.  But why do I also feel like Olivia is not being her authentic self?  There's something off to me about her even though she appears great.  Not seeing the great fun with her though.

I like Amelia and Bennett.  They are cute together.

I don't understand casting Henry.  There is nothing amusing about someone who has zero personality. 

Karen should do the opposite of her gut instinct.  Didn't her last boyfriend have a child while in the relationship with her?  

I love Woody and Amani.  They've got great chemistry! I don't find her voice annoying at all. The voice I find irritating is Olivia's baby doll voice.

Edited by Boo Boo
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29 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Henry is constantly uncomfortable. 

I don't understand why they chose him period. He was never going to make good tv and very hard to open up.

Sadly, that could be exactly why the producers chose him. For the producers, this is good TV.

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1 hour ago, qtpye said:

There is also a probably a shallow part of him that wants to be with someone “hotter”, even though I think Olivia is lovely.

Of the two of them, Olivia is the more attractive one IMO. Part of it is that she seems to be a genuine, warm person. If I’d just seen Brett for the first time this episode I’d think he was nice, but since I’ve seen him in previous ones I have to wonder what’s genuine and what’s not.

I wonder how much of the “so who’s fucking?” question is producer-driven. It’s so awkward.

I found the conversations refreshing this episode. Many of them were mature (Amani & Woody’s sex talk) and sensible getting to know you conversations - really, good first date conversations.

Henry is getting on my nerves so I can only imagine how Christina feels. Like, DO something, my dude! Speak! Also can he swim or not?

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19 minutes ago, princelina said:

She didn't say it on tv - it was in her book 😄 

She wrote a book too?  Why am I surprised?  Now another show about her and the new baby I heard.  Ambitious little bugger.

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Just a few thoughts. . .

I kind of liked that they were showing the couples having real conversations to get to know each other. It is really obvious to see the couples who are really into each other.

I really like Miles and I hope he is truly the man he appears to be and I hope that Karen lets herself trust him. I think he is genuine. And, while some people didn't like her question asking him if his mother signed a permission slip to go on the honeymoon, I thought it was great and it showed that she was capable of teasing him a little. When he kept calling her a cougar (which I don't think 4 years older qualifies), I loved that she threw back at him that he was younger. By the way, he seems much more mature than she does and seem to have himself figured out, which is great.

It is just plain awkward watching Christina and Henry. They sat so far apart from each  other when the couples were together. I am not a fan of Christina, but I also noticed that when she said she couldn't figure out why they matched her with hi,, it looked like she was going to say more, but didn't. And she sure hasn't figured it out yet, because there was no reason. Henry is just sad, but I did notice he may have a temper when he was complaining that she was rowing the kayak all wrong. I think Christina may have just decided to do whatever she can to make the best of this disaster and have a good time. Unfortunately he seems to be allergic to fun. But, the saddest art for me is when they do his TH and he seems to think everything is great.

I am not getting Amani and Woody. They are both smitten and that is great. He seems to be fine with waiting for sex, especially since she seems to invite him to shower with her several times a day. That's what I don't get. To me, showering together is much more intimate than having sex. But, I guess at their age they aren't fighting gravity when they stand up! Her voice is still annoying to me, but I think they will be fine. He is somehow starting to appear to be the "father figure" to me, giving advice to Miles snd some of his other statements.. 

Amelia and Bennett are also fine. The pretend drama at her having to relocate was dumb. He will go wherever she is.

Olivia is very nice, but I do sense some rigidity in some areas. Again, what is with him not being allowed to brush his teeth without her? And, no, Olivia, peeing in the shower is not what most girls do. I am one who sees no problem with Brett dating until he was selected. Even if you have a good job interview, you don't stop looking until you get the offer.

I fell asleep before it was over (and I thought the show was boring). Did anything look good in th previews?

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25 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

Of the two of them, Olivia is the more attractive one IMO. Part of it is that she seems to be a genuine, warm person. If I’d just seen Brett for the first time this episode I’d think he was nice, but since I’ve seen him in previous ones I have to wonder what’s genuine and what’s not.

I wonder how much of the “so who’s fucking?” question is producer-driven. It’s so awkward.

I found the conversations refreshing this episode. Many of them were mature (Amani & Woody’s sex talk) and sensible getting to know you conversations - really, good first date conversations.

Henry is getting on my nerves so I can only imagine how Christina feels. Like, DO something, my dude! Speak! Also can he swim or not?

 I think Brett rates himself much more attractive than he really is, at least in his own mind. I appreciate confidence as long as it does not come across as arrogant or conceited.


14 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

Just a few thoughts. . .

I kind of liked that they were showing the couples having real conversations to get to know each other. It is really obvious to see the couples who are really into each other.

I really like Miles and I hope he is truly the man he appears to be and I hope that Karen lets herself trust him. I think he is genuine. And, while some people didn't like her question asking him if his mother signed a permission slip to go on the honeymoon, I thought it was great and it showed that she was capable of teasing him a little. When he kept calling her a cougar (which I don't think 4 years older qualifies), I loved that she threw back at him that he was younger. By the way, he seems much more mature than she does and seem to have himself figured out, which is great.

It is just plain awkward watching Christina and Henry. They sat so far apart from each  other when the couples were together. I am not a fan of Christina, but I also noticed that when she said she couldn't figure out why they matched her with hi,, it looked like she was going to say more, but didn't. And she sure hasn't figured it out yet, because there was no reason. Henry is just sad, but I did notice he may have a temper when he was complaining that she was rowing the kayak all wrong. I think Christina may have just decided to do whatever she can to make the best of this disaster and have a good time. Unfortunately he seems to be allergic to fun. But, the saddest art for me is when they do his TH and he seems to think everything is great.

I am not getting Amani and Woody. They are both smitten and that is great. He seems to be fine with waiting for sex, especially since she seems to invite him to shower with her several times a day. That's what I don't get. To me, showering together is much more intimate than having sex. But, I guess at their age they aren't fighting gravity when they stand up! Her voice is still annoying to me, but I think they will be fine. He is somehow starting to appear to be the "father figure" to me, giving advice to Miles snd some of his other statements.. 

Amelia and Bennett are also fine. The pretend drama at her having to relocate was dumb. He will go wherever she is.

Olivia is very nice, but I do sense some rigidity in some areas. Again, what is with him not being allowed to brush his teeth without her? And, no, Olivia, peeing in the shower is not what most girls do. I am one who sees no problem with Brett dating until he was selected. Even if you have a good job interview, you don't stop looking until you get the offer.

I fell asleep before it was over (and I thought the show was boring). Did anything look good in th previews?

I also noticed how that little streak of anger in Henry when they were rowing. It was particularly rich considering how patient she has been with all his quirks.

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7 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

Again, what is with him not being allowed to brush his teeth without her?

I fell asleep before it was over (and I thought the show was boring). Did anything look good in th previews?

The teeth brushing may be a reference to Amber who wanted to do everything with Matt and emotionally over reacted and strongly objected when he relocated his toiletries to the second bathroom....

Mini bombshell dropped in the closing seconds of preview...Miles confesses to being depressed...

Next week, the group go snorkeling and snuba-ing.

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18 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Best 3-4 seconds of last night's episode you may have missed as you were dozing off......

Benmelia Mirror image Synchronous swimming the side stroke in the Xcaret River....romantic and lovely


I saw that! Pretty cool!

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I agree with others that Brett is playing a role, but wishing he had a supermodel wife.  When she mentioned playing soccer and being fast, you could see his look of surprise.  I think he seems suprised someone who says she works out a lot that isn't all that toned.  I think he was also surprised at her doing well with the monkey bar thing.  (She looks great, but she def looks like someone who has been or will be chunky).

The fact that he as actively dating after going through this process shows you how serious this is for him.  What he did right here was be honest about it.

I actually like that Henry as concerned about Brett.  He saw the hounddog.

Edited by Boo Boo
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