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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp


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How does VK get the blame for the vet cuts?  Molly retires (Molly was also changing jobs and when she announced her retirement a long time ago her boyfriend was going to spring training and her life was looking different) and 3 vets are cut from the group.  Tess should have never been given such a weak group to begin with.  The 3 rookies that were clearly the last 3 to make the team were put on her group.    Meredith and Lily were the most highly speculated vet cuts prior to camp starting because both of them barely made the team last year.  Historically some of the last to make the team are the next years cuts.  (Morgan, Breelan, Ashely Pro, Kat and ones with more than a year......Jasmine they called clunky and Alex they gave a hard time to) Brennan we all love her and she is a great ambassador but being cut in camp 2 seasons and her name coming up as possible cuts the next two seasons made her also a speculated cut.  Although I hate if they used Covid to cut her, I am sure her dancing was not her best after being that sick which TPTB will probably use.  Hannah I have not wrapped my head around that but I bet her vocal concern over Covid and travel they decided to cut her.  It's wrong but I do not think it's VK's fault.  Hannah and Brennan told us why they think they were cut and we still want to run with other theories.  Hannah burned the house down so if she wanted to point fingers at VK she had amply opportunity.  When you burn the bridges, you usually speak your own truth.

And as far as a lawsuit.  At will employment and the dance industry would make a wrongful termination lawsuit hard.   How well someone dances is subjective?  I have no doubt that Hannah outdanced many of the vets and the rookies but they can say something on her appearance or her school distracted her or she was "toxic".  If it's At will you have to show that is was illegal or discrimination.  As to the whistleblower theory Hannah went public after she was cut not before.  Although I have never practiced law in Texas or practiced employment law, I believe this would be a tough case and Hannah has so much more going for her she should focus on grad school and put DCC in her rearview mirror.  Hannah did choose to go to training camp and it was a choice.  NFL and MLB players with huge contracts decided to sit out because they did not want to risk playing.  Many people are foregoing travel, jobs, seeing their loved ones, etc because of Covid.  Trying to compare this to Erica, I've always suspected that Erica went to a lawyer to sue on wrongful termination and the lawyer told her that would not work and then they came up with the pay angle.  Erica was trying to get her job back and then it morphed in to standing up for the girls.  

Hannah has so much more going for her than Erica, sometime the best revenge is to live well.  

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16 minutes ago, Lexusprincess said:

And as far as a lawsuit.  At will employment and the dance industry would make a wrongful termination lawsuit hard.   How well someone dances is subjective?  I have no doubt that Hannah outdanced many of the vets and the rookies but they can say something on her appearance or her school distracted her or she was "toxic".  If it's At will you have to show that is was illegal or discrimination.

If you don't mind me asking, what is your opinion on what Brennan said (below)?


I’ve always said I wouldn’t change how I made the team for anything. If my story of perseverance can impact one child or person’s life, it was all worth it. I feel the same way about how my DCC journey ended. It’s not ideal. I don’t agree

I mean, it's sure vague enough, but what if she expanded on "I don't agree" & it came out that what she disagreed with wasn't performance related?  Would that become a "he said-she said"?

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2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

If you don't mind me asking, what is your opinion on what Brennan said (below)?

I mean, it's sure vague enough, but what if she expanded on "I don't agree" & it came out that what she disagreed wasn't performance related?  Would that become a "he said-she said"?

I take it as Brennan does not agree with her cut and did not agree that her performance was affected.  I've seen a lot of cuts over the years the girls disagreed with what Judy and Kelli said but others could watch and understand why they were cut.   I believe Brennan was trying to state her feelings about being cut and staying classy.  I believe Brennan would have a harder case than Hannah (Hannah was on show group for 2 years and has IMO a stronger case on her dance ability) just because they would parade in Brennan's prior cuts and the other times in her last 2 camps that her name came up from guests Jennifer A was one and from Judy and Kelli as being a weaker TCC.  Last year when they showed how the vets ranked Brennan did not have all yeses neither did Hannah but Hannah ranked above Brennan.  I adore Brennan and was thrilled when she made the team.  I am trying to take how I feel about someone over the facts we see especially ones that can't be twisted such as not making the team.

I believe they lost an opportunity to show support of Brennan and her recovery from Covid in a year I doubt they dance much.  However, A lot of things are wrong but do not make great litigation.  Clearly Brennan was a beloved teammate and that will not change.  

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2 hours ago, vivianspoetry said:

It’s certainly possible, but I think people don’t understand how expensive a lawyer of this magnitude is going to cost. Perhaps their families have a lot of funny and can foot the bill, but the women themselves likely aren’t going to be able to afford it. It’s going to be very hard to prove they were fired without cause. It’s not like they were fired midseason or from a job with very little turnover that would make their dismissal appear  suspicious. They literally have to re-audition for a job every year. There is plenty of precedent for veterans not being retained.  It would certainly be an uphill battle. Maybe the CMT cameras have something that could help their cause. I highly doubt cutting Hannah and Brennan for COVID was something that Kelli and Judy were dumb enough to do in front of the cameras, but you never know. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Kelli WAS dumb enough to do something in front of the camera and is now scrambling to make sure that that footage is either "unusable" or destroyed by "accident" just in case a lawsuit is imminent.  After all, she probably WANTED Brannan's and Hannah's cuts to be used for the show before all this went down so she would likely want the cameras to be there to catch their reactions to it.

2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

True, but I think a lot of attorneys would take this one on contingency.  I mean we have allegations that they weren't following safety protocols when the cameras weren't rolling and we have women who voiced concerns being let go.  That looks really bad!  And even if the DCC would theoretically win a lawsuit, the publicity would be disastrous -- and let's be honest, the national media would run it given the salacious details and the connection to COVID.  Thus, I think the DCC would be anxious to settle (like they did with Erica), and that money could be a great incentive for a number of attorneys to take the case on a contingency basis.   Not only would the bad publicity prompt them to settle, but the DCC doesn't want to go through discovery where internal emails and other communications will be subpoenaed, etc.  Who knows what shenanigans that would bring to light!  I hope they do sue -- it won't get these girls back on the team, but it could be the wake up call this organization needs going forward to make some much-needed changes.

There will likely be a LOT of pictures on cell phones and other media depending on if they wanted to get prints or not.  There's also likely going to be some from an "official" photographer or videographer who's documenting the process outside of the CMT crews because this Training Camp is "unprecedented" and "unique" as well as probably video cameras rolling when the girls didn't realize they were so there will be plenty of documentation.  The only drawback is if Kelli and Charlotte get to these people to delete anything that shows them in a bad light.  If that's the case, I hope the girls have backed up their pictures and actually recorded Kelli and/or Charlotte stating this.  They wouldn't even be able to argue that they didn't know they were being recorded and thus it's illegal as long as they were talking to the person recording and THAT person knew what was up.  Unless things have changed, Texas is a one-party consent state and that means that only one person needs to consent to being recorded.  Usually, people get the consent of ALL parties involved just in case, but this situation would certainly be one where they wouldn't want people to know because then they wouldn't say anything incriminating.

2 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

Yes.  And if they did have to shut down due to a breech toward the end of filming, that would have really screwed with things.  Those are the most exciting moments!  Watching girls on Zoom reacting to making the team just isn't nearly as thrilling.  

But I hope the filming was compromised -- karma!

If they DID have to shut down due to a breach, the breach was likely known about beforehand and, if the person was indeed infected, I wonder how many people that person interacted with and didn't say anything.  Also wonder how long Kelli knew and didn't say anything.  

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1 hour ago, go4luca said:

Not sure why you were quoting me re: thut girl?  My quote wasn't mentioning that.  It was from a post this morning re: the recent vet cuts and our reaction.

Hmm I guess I better go back and look.   Maybe you didn't say it.  Someone said Kelli said "we would forget it and get over it."   But we won't.  Because I will never forget the girl that didn't look good in the uniform.

Edited by parrotfeathers
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2 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

Hmm I guess I better go back and look.   Maybe you didn't say it.  Someone said Kelli said "we would forget it and get over it."   But we won't.  Because I will never forget the girl that didn't look good in the uniform.

Here's the comment you're looking for.  It's from our awesome insider @SmpIsimon:

Agreed.  Someone said that her only reaction to the fan outrage over these cuts was to chuckle and say "they'll get over it."

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2 minutes ago, Sunnydays5691 said:
4 hours ago, MrsEVH said:

They probably won't show her cut like they did with Erica and a few other rookie TCCs who were cut in previous years.

Wait! They showed Erica getting cut? HOW did I miss this one?

I believe @MrsEVH meant it will be like they did with Erica and NOT show the cut.

8 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

Kelli was hellbent on being able to claim (given the current racial unrest) that this is the most diverse team ever. She probably thinks it'll make for great publicity.

If only K&J had been willing to put more than a few WOC on the team in previous years then this wouldn't be the most diverse team ever. There are other pro dance teams that have consistently had more WOC than the new DCC squad. It's pretty sad when you look at the previous team pictures and you can count on one hand ALL of the WOC each year. And it's not like they suddenly got an influx of talented WOC auditioning this year. During open auditions, there are always non-white women but most of them get cut right away. For K/J/C, diversity on the team usually meant not having all 36 of the girls with blonde hair. They have always had a large enough pool of girls auditioning to have more WOC on the team and they just chose not to.

2 hours ago, Bad Example said:

As for who's pretty, a lot of times I think for DCC "pretty" just means "thin with good hair".  

ITA - I don't want to speak ill of any of the girls' faces (because that's something you're born with that's pretty hard to change unless you're willing to go under the knife), but there have been some girls with less than gorgeous faces but had the requisite thin bodies for the uniforms.

1 hour ago, ByTor said:

And I agree, Melissa being scolded for "running out of steam" was disgusting, mono is no joke.

I think anyone being criticized for not performing 100% when they are sick or injured is just a shitty attitude from whoever is insisting they should be. It's not in anyone's best interest to push themselves when they are not well. I had mono in high school and I could barely stay awake. I was constantly falling asleep and my eyelids felt like lead - I could not keep my eyes open no matter how hard I fought. I can't imagine trying to do dances full out in that state.

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2 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Plus, @ElectricBoogaloo, it's very contagious!  Hmmm...much like COVID!

I KNOW! Once I found out I had mono, I was not allowed to go to school. I had to get blood tests and I wasn't allowed to return to campus until I tested negative because they didn't want anyone else to get it. That's the way they treated most contagious illnesses (like chicken pox). The school district didn't want everyone to get sick so they would make the sick person stay home.

Like COVID, mono is spread through things like saliva so if you cough or sneeze or share a soda, it's likely someone else will get it too. And that's exactly why Kelli should have told Melissa TO STAY HOME instead of making her come to rehearsal and potentially giving it to any of the other girls!

It was bad enough that she wouldn't let Melissa stay home and sleep but to then criticize her for not being at 100% was just adding insult to injury. But that's par for the course with Kelli. She wants the girls' worlds to revolve around being a DCC. The sun rises and sets on those boots.

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1 hour ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

But that's par for the course with Kelli. She wants the girls' worlds to revolve around being a DCC. The sun rises and sets on those boots.

And that is the problem. I know fans love Brennan more than life itself, but Brennan always struck me as someone who, while she really wanted to be a part of the team, never NEEDED it. There is more she can do with her life than be a DCC. She was never going to have a long career with DCC because Kelli never really liked her much, probably for that reason. Kelli likes 'em desperate and worshipful, like little cult members. 

Personally, given she's had Covid twice now, and TCC is basically a petri dish, I think she's better off not being there. I wouldn't want to work for an organization that put their profit above my health, not for the piddly little amount of money the DCC make. Do they get paid for being on the show? I know their actual cheer pay is crap, but I never thought about if they get paid for being part of the tv show. 

Anyway, Brennan will be just fine, as will the other girls who get cut. The only people who make a career out of DCC are people like Kelli and Judy and those are the type of people K&J favor, little mini mes...mini thems? 

Edited by Mabinogia
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8 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

Even if Kelli HAD wanted a more diverse team, there were enough talented WOC that she could have chosen them (and Claire W) to fill in the spots left by the retiring vets.  She didn't need to cut ANY of the vets.  Even if she HAD to cut vets, there were plenty of vets who could have been cut before Brennan and Hannah and people would have just shrugged their shoulders and said "Oh well.  They were some of the weaker girls on the squad."  Kelli wanted DRAMA.  She wanted RATINGS.  She really didn't have a GOOD reason to cut any of the solid veterans until she decided Brennan "didn't look well enough to perform through a game" or whatever faux health concern she used to cut Brennan despite keeping other girls in the past for illness or injury.  She also cut Hannah for daring to question the so-called "safety protocols" during the Training Camp.  How DARE someone actually question that Kelli doesn't have the health or safety of the girls (or anyone else) in mind?  Yes, the snark and sarcasm are strong in me this morning.

I agree with you 💯... now all i can do is hope that Karma does its job and comes around and smacks some of these “decision” makers in their asses!

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I’m trying to think through a comment upthread that this might be the most diverse squad ever...which might be true. What’s the year that the black DCC got together and did the clovers from Bring it On? That had Jacie, Robin, Jenna, Cerstyn, Khalyn...were jasmine or Mary involved in that too? Plus other ladies that are Asian, Hispanic, Native American, etc. Tho I think Veronica had retired by then. 

Considering the very diverse population of Dallas and that they’re “America’s team,” damn shame we even have to think about it. Sigh. 

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7 hours ago, SmpIsimon said:

I have a feeling that right now there are conversations between attorneys for the DCC and attorneys for the girls.

I would prefer if the girls could sell their personal stories to sports illustrated,  people magazine , etc ! 
then they could get a payday out of it while showing America what “America’s team” is really all about !

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4 hours ago, DCCFanatic82 said:

Posted 3 weeks ago. 🙃🖕


interesting this was posted 3 weeks ago. wasn't that right around the time the bubble and filming started? I don't think veterans were there yet but if any vets had safety concerns they probably would have voiced them by then

Is it a coincidence that Hannah (a DCC hardly ever shown on MTT) is the veteran on the thumbnail? Maybe I'm reading into it but if what Hannah said about ratings is true, then from a promotional lens it would make sense to draw attention to her, Lily, Brennan, and Meredith right before the new season. Then when MTT shows their cuts the audience will be more invested. which would probably mean more views and ratings.....do we know if they posted anything about the other vets lately?

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Hannah has such a bright future ahead of her. It hurts to be cut, but I suspect that she is going on to better things. Being a DCC during the 2020-2021 season may be more effort than it is worth. 

I don't think that it is fair to blame Tess for her group. Group leaders have responsibility but they have zero authority. Kelli has the final say over everything. 

As for Alora Rose, she was always going to be a different candidate, given that she was a professional dancer as opposed to being a professional cheerleader / dancer. She probably wasn't intimidated by all the DCC pomp. I am interested to see her more of her along with Armani, Elli, Sydney, and Jada-the-kicker. 

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1 hour ago, kalibean said:

I’m trying to think through a comment upthread that this might be the most diverse squad ever...which might be true. What’s the year that the black DCC got together and did the clovers from Bring it On? That had Jacie, Robin, Jenna, Cerstyn, Khalyn...were jasmine or Mary involved in that too? Plus other ladies that are Asian, Hispanic, Native American, etc. Tho I think Veronica had retired by then. 

Considering the very diverse population of Dallas and that they’re “America’s team,” damn shame we even have to think about it. Sigh. 

So first Mary is Persian not black. But yeah that hear had a lot more WOC and they were sort of micro aggressions labeled as being ‘troublesome’. Those were some girls black and white those years I knew. Jacie left partially over the bs of being over looked as Point by a white girl with nude leaked photos. That was a year they should’ve rotated. Holly and Jacie were basically toss a coin if you want which looks, except NUDE PICS. But then they still gave it to Holly. Cersten was def a shitstirrer And liar but sucked up and Kelli loved to have a potential med student. Keyra was a powerhouse but too loud and I’ll say it TOO BLACK for them. Jenna is a brat and we know how that turned out. ROBYN I think actually left for a job not bc of the bullshittery. But yes there is always an undercurrent of being just ethnic or of color enough to not scare the white people/Jones Family. 

Ok also have to say these cuts are Bs. Brennan great ambassador and not the best dancer but ended up doing fine. Hannah prob the hottest and most striking look in years plus that booty, besides id put her top 5 prob dance overall with I’ll say Amber, Caroline, Gina, have to think of a 5th with Bridget gone. Lily I liked for some reason but I guess I get and Meredith made it who knows now anyway. Those last two I get but whatever er. Move on and don’t let them define or ruin you. You’re all four worth more than Kelli Finglass opinion.


Edited by UnicornKicksBack
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I’ve noticed Tess hasn’t commented on Hannah’s post unless I missed it. She’s always been a blonder to me and if she’s in the triangle over Gina, I’ll be disappointed. 

Also, I am confused as to how TPTB thought this bubble would be a good idea when you have vets coming in who didn’t quarantine prior to entering. I noticed in the some of the vlogs girls would wear masks or sometimes they’d be right next to each other talking without them🤦🏻‍♀️. I wonder if Kelli is freaking out about how the brand is now perceived. Does anyone know how the team is going to take precautions now that they are no longer in the bubble?

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I've swung back and forth a bit since the announcement was made. I was initially really sad but I've changed my mind a bit. I kinda feel for the management/show on the bubble - I know quite a few professions that planned for covid prevention really meticulously and then, inevitably, it fell apart as people are so bad at social distancing and it's impossible to mitigate for every circumstance. I feel like they did work really hard and clearly spent a whack of money to try and make the bubble work and it must have been so frustrating and disappointing that it didn't hold up. 

Ultimately whilst I find Kelli very narcissistic (esp as the host of TBAMFT) I really respect her as the director, she is really really good at what she does. She's a crappy host because she just wants to talk about herself and she would be happier if someone was asking her questions. 

Sure, there has been some nepotism ... that's life. It sucks but it's the way it is - I feel VK had a strong-ish second season, she lost a lot of weight and her dancing was generally pretty good. She's obnoxious and spoilt but she doesn't ruin the whole team. She definitely needs to have a makeup consultation and be introduced to a color other than PINK. I swear her whole face is painted with the same shade of pink. I don't think VK being on the team means that Kelli is totally bad at her job. 

These veteran cuts are a shame but Lily and Meredith were weaker and the others may have been cut at finals had there been a normal audition process. I find Hannah confusing in all honesty and it does seem like she was cut for objecting to the covid precautions -she's correct to do that but it must have been a stressful situation for management to deal with and the culture is so "yes ma'am" I can't see it going down well. 

I guess my only fear is that some of the commenting on social media about Kat and Victoria is leaning into cyber bullying... they didn't fire those four veterans but some of the comments direct anger at them and it must be pretty disheartening.

I'm personally happy about the diversity on the squad - I hope they have more diverse choreographers and guest talent in the future too. It's good progress that they have a hair specialist as some of the hair consultations for the black girls was pretty embarrassing in the past! 


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27 minutes ago, kalibean said:

Man...this whole mean girls tribe of VK/Marissa/Lisa just makes me sad. Gimme back Erica/Cerstyn/Holly because at least they had the dance chops and looks to back it up! 

The way I hear Lexie and her mom are huge kiss ups to Judy and Tink K, watch them rotate her and Maddie. 

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35 minutes ago, Pj3422 said:

I believe the late, lamented Spy magazine used to call that “Logrolling in Our Time.”

Too bad we can’t look at the past .  Lisa has a history of sucking up to younger team members because everyone around her learns very quickly her shady side and they  do not want anything to do with her.  Remember NOT ONE group leader gave her a sticker  and extremely very few choreographers .  (This includes Maddie who appears to drink the DCC koolaide) That should say everything !!!!  Each  year she will get  further and further separated from those her age or rookie class.  This is a known fact from MAVs and would suspect Arkansas.  She is being kept around to support the all mighty VK.  They are  building a team around her and Lisa . 

Edited by forumborum
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3 minutes ago, UnicornKicksBack said:

The way I hear Lexie and her mom are huge kiss ups to Judy and Tink K, watch them rotate her and Maddie. 

At least Lexie would photograph well up there...I think Maddie is cute but makes no sense for point. Lexie has the stereotypical blonde Barbie thing going, which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but at least has some pow.  My eye always went to her last season, especially when Amy was up front. 

Not nearly as awesome as the Gina, Hannah, Ashlee, Caroline diamond would have been tho! 

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1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

Here's something that I hope the current scandal brings to light: the girls were all required to quarantine prior to entering the bubble.  However, MANY of them did not, and they were very careful to not post anything on social media that would tip Kelli off that they weren't following the rules.  Lisa, however, brazenly shared on social media that she was teaching a dance class (which, btw, are pretty bad I've been told) shortly before entering the bubble.  That was a clear violation of the rules.  I wouldn't be surprised if they did eventually have an outbreak during TC.  Would love to see all this come out in the media.


Marissa may not be pretty, but she's smart -- she knew the two girls she needed to suck up to if she wanted to make the team.

Lisa also went somewhere that has a beach for a  weekend, and was in someone’s wedding 

Edited by forumborum
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1 hour ago, SmpIsimon said:

Marissa may not be pretty, but she's smart -- she knew the two girls she needed to suck up to if she wanted to make the team.

I wonder if VK is her boot buddy this year too. I look at boot buddies as big/little sisters like in my sorority and it makes me think that VK may have took Marissa as her boot buddy to be like her big sister in DCC. 

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