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2020 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp

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9 hours ago, vanillagum said:

mte. the woc are kicking ass; i don't want to hear even a little bit about how the millionth cookie cutter basic white blonde would've made it if it weren't for them meddling kids. 


6 hours ago, Tinydancerxo28 said:

Ooh everyone is entitled to their opinion but as a WOC, this comes off as that the WOC on the team stole a white woman’s spot. From what I’ve seen of the WOC TCCs this year, they are extremely talented and worthy of wearing the boots. I’ve seen comments before that someone like Yuko shouldn’t have made the team but Let’s not forget that the TBTP have taken tons of mediocre white girls (Breelan, Ashley P, Jordan C, Morgan, Kaitlyn, etc...)

I don't think anyone is trying to say any WOC stole a white woman's spot or didn't earn/don't deserve their spots (with maybe the possible exception of Kat and/or Sydney not deserving their spots because of their rumoured extracurricular activities IF those rumours are true -- NOT because they are WOC); but that given what Kelli has done in the past, it's very likely many of these WOC wouldn't have made it into training camp, much less on to the team because that's what has happened in the past. It has nothing to do with the women themselves or their abilities, but Kelli's preferences.

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6 hours ago, DCCFan2021 said:

Fair point. I was more talking about if they were to do one in a solo or something, but if it's choreographed for the entire team it needs to be consistent throughout!

I’m tall with really long legs, and when I was on drill team in high school and college, I was always instructed to kick flat while the other girls were on releve because it made the kick heights more uniform.   I’ve noticed Tess’s flat-footed kicks in the past and wondered if she might’ve been instructed similarly. 

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13 hours ago, heckkitty said:

Yeah I'm not watching this year because #stillnotoverit.

I’m with you on that one. And everytime I think about it I get even more upset -how is that even a good excuse for cutting Hannah? It’s like kelli would rather admit that she’s such an idiot she put twice Hanna on SG, as a rookie too, even though she’s a weak dancer....than accepting that people are allowed to have opinions? Especially when said opinions are objectively correct?

10 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

This one for 2021 plus one in the smaller swimsuit calendar 


Ok Brianna is stunning but but but... That suit is awful and well it looks inappropriate to me, especially when her boobs are ready to make a surprise appearance. When I think how Kelli treated Heather for being victimized when she’s more than happy to treat the girls like playboy bunnies if that generates more income for her I get sooo mad. No one is expecting these girls to be saints, so quit the act ma’am.

10 hours ago, BunnyHop96 said:

I know there's been mention of how a lot of the time that "classic" DCC styling seriously ages some if not most of the girls, and I was bored and browsing some of the girls Instas, and just, I can't even believe I'm doing this b/c I'm NOT a VK fan at ALL, BUT, look how much PRETTIER she is in this video! https://www.instagram.com/p/CCzkuOiJQWt/

The lack of heavy eye makeup and no ghastly pink lip makes her look like the gorgeous young woman she could be. She actually looks her age instead of a young girl trying to play dress up. I'd much rather see this natural look from her while in uniform than what she currently does, it's so much more flattering to her. Cut down on the teasing/extensions, add a little leave in conditioner (lol) and ladies and gents we might have a winner.

Also, Amanda's hair being straight in her most recent Insta post almost made me think it was a different person. Really glad she curls it the way she does for performance b/c it does make her stand out so much more than just being another "southern belle" cookie cutter blonde with either straight hair or those big curling iron/hot roller waves

So uhm I know it’s not the point of the video but I just can’t with her mouth. Especially in this video it looks like she’s breathing through her mouth and that’s seriously not healthy. 

And also it’s painful to watch her try ballroom with these jarring arm movements but I’ve already commented on that video when she first posted it, I need to calm down already lol😂

8 hours ago, scorpio1031 said:

I just wonder at what age they started to DCC Barbie-fy her.  

There doesn't seem to be someone watching those "detail issues" as Sarah G would say


6 hours ago, ClassicPegg said:

Travis has known VK for a while...

2014 with Travis Wall.jpg

Yep I had posted 2-3 pictures from her insta at some point ( I ain’t going through all her posts again to find them) and it appears VK had paid good money to take classes from him. No wonder she would get some praise from him. Still, we all know it was Amanda he was complimenting last season, they can give the “vk is god’s gift to dance” a rest.

2 hours ago, Jazzhands said:

I’m tall with really long legs, and when I was on drill team in high school and college, I was always instructed to kick flat while the other girls were on releve because it made the kick heights more uniform.   I’ve noticed Tess’s flat-footed kicks in the past and wondered if she might’ve been instructed similarly. 

Yes for Tess it makes sense. She is the tallest on the team and she can absolutely kick high and well even flat-footed. And yes I know VK is the same height, but she can’t kick like that so a. She doesn’t look uniform anyway b. She’s risking a major injury

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5 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Ok Brianna is stunning but but but... That suit is awful and well it looks inappropriate to me, especially when her boobs are ready to make a surprise appearance.

At least she's not doing that "pulling the bikini bottom down" thing, I'll give them that! 🤣

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22 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Ok Alora is shown as struggling and Savanah has been struggling since day1. How would either end up in the triangle, let alone point? other than that, I agree they have more choices now than in the last two seasons. But Jalyn is in the doghouse, Rachel A wasn’t selected for a GL position so no way she would suddenly get point, Lexie wasn’t promoted to point this season so she ain’t getting it, Kristin isn’t that good and Cici was cut from SG so no way kelli is considering her for point.

And well, while I’ve loved these discussions in the past, considering that we all know the next blonde at point will be “the bull in china, beautiful tornado or most commonly known as ms horsemouth”, seeing a list of all deserving girls who will never get their chance is making this even harder to swallow. 

I agree. VK is coming.

In my humble opinion the point girl MUST be photogenic, so my first list is a reflection of this. What my list also illustrated (I hope) is that the rookies generated a big influx of glamour girls.

If we account for East Texas bad decision making, the real list is a list of potentials, girls that are still in the running towards becoming a point girl.

Caroline Sundvold was almost getting there, but Rachel Wyatt's ascension to point diminished her chances considerable, unless, Rachel Wyatt indicated she would be leaving the team next year. Then Caroline is still a big candidate for next year.

If we include VK in this discussion, we must take into consideration that her impending inherited point position could only be outlived by Armani, Claire, Dani, Elli, Jessica or McKenzie.

VK's point position would bring an end to my big dream: Amanda as point. ROTY Kelcey would also be leaving the team without fulfilling her potential if VK does what she is being set up for. I am almost tempted into shifting all of my hopes and dreams towards Dani McGinnis from Puyallup, WA., who is really fabulous.

  1. Armani Latimer*
  2. Claire Wolford*
  3. Dani McGinnis*
  4. Darian Lassiter*
  5. Elli DiGiovanni*
  6. Jessica Bowman*
  7. McKenzie Sherman*
  8. Caroline Sundvold
  9. Chandi Dayle
  10. Kat Puryear
  11. Kelcey Wetterburg
  12. Amanda Dilks

* potential VK survivors

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23 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

I don’t think they’ve used someone with less than 3 years before, which would practically mean someone fresh out of their rookie year would be leading the team next season. So I don’t think they will ever have that issue as especially lately, point girl gets everything else as well: GL, PBC, VOTY, maybe even calendar. So kashara got pbc in her third year and still came back for a 4th for example, why would she come back other than getting the 5 year ring and status? Maybe if she didn’t struggle with weight she would’ve come back.

Also, I don’t consider what happened to Maddie a demotion, Amy got the same part last season and still was the one that was highlighted as an official point. 

Good analysis here.   I just wonder how anyone beats Sydney Durso’s 7-year modern era record, especially if you’re point at year 3 or 4.  Lacey would have clearly been able to spend ten years on the squad if she had wanted.  She would’ve been the logical point at year 6.  Maybe she could’ve kept it a couple years (6, 7). What happens in year 8?

Put another way, what guidance do K & J give?   We know they blindside the ladies with Show Group selection and demotion (Jalyn).  From the commentary here, it seems like during year-end evaluations K&J indicate what a veteran’s next year prospects look like.  I guess this issue hasn’t come up.  Most ladies check all of the boxes (SG, GL, PBC, VOTY, 5-year ring, Point) and go on their way.  

The Amy/Maddie years were just an indication of how limited the 3 year plus pool was.   And to your point, triangle section 1 is tiny .  It makes little sense to put a lady up there for a few seconds and act like she’s point.  So, what happens to Maddie next year?  The year after?  Especially, being a fan favorite.  I have to assume it would be time to move Maddie back.

Edited by DCCFan197605
Typo correction
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22 minutes ago, DCCOracle said:

Your dream might still become a reality if she sticks around. We all know the squad photo doesn't mean jack, but I've been doing some research into the triangle/leadership and the ladies who get a bump in the triangle - between their rookie and 2nd year - that's more than 1 or 2 rows - seem to be the future leaders.

If this years triangle analysis is correct, Amanda is almost guaranteed a leadership position since she jumped 4 rows. Chandi jumped 2 rows and I'm hoping she'll be a leader as well. Every other 2019 rookie jumped only 1 row... except for 1 person. who didn't jump any rows at all. Guess who that is. 🙂

It's not an exact science and I've only done the last few years, but if anyone's interested, I could share it.

Please do share.

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1 hour ago, Holly85 said:


I really don't get why she's so far back in both the triangle and the team photo. She's proven herself to be a very solid and reliable performer - not sure if she's got the technique for SG (although recent additions are questionable as well) but she got called out for power her rookie year by Travis Wall and by Kelly opening week her second year. She's also a locker room favorite, and was shown doing outside-the-studio stuff with two rookies last year on the show, so she's clearly a people person. So why is she being treated like a rookie?

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2 hours ago, DCCOracle said:
4 hours ago, Pau84 said:

VK's point position would bring an end to my big dream: Amanda as point. 

Your dream might still become a reality if she sticks around.

I am 100% sure it will be Amanda...which means it won't LOL

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10 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Ok Brianna is stunning but but but... That suit is awful and well it looks inappropriate to me, especially when her boobs are ready to make a surprise appearance. When I think how Kelli treated Heather for being victimized when she’s more than happy to treat the girls like playboy bunnies if that generates more income for her I get sooo mad. No one is expecting these girls to be saints, so quit the act ma’am.



At first I would admit I might have been a little jealous in that I would have to been on the laser table for hours, preferably under anesthesia, to get every single hair removed...

Something about the suit is off. I also think its the color and I just don't care for the little "square" of fabric in the front.  I wonder what's in the back - just a little strip of cloth, with a little width as possible,  going down the crack ?

So if this picture was used for 2021, as a left over from 2020 - just what does 2020's suit/picture look like ?

Edited by sATL
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11 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Ok Brianna is stunning but but but... That suit is awful and well it looks inappropriate to me, especially when her boobs are ready to make a surprise appearance.

Well, she is stunning, and I think the color is nice.  Maybe if they had adjusted the top down a bit, it would have looked ok.  It probably wasn't the best top choice for her figure.


1 hour ago, DCCFan2021 said:

I really don't get why she's so far back in both the triangle and the team photo. She's proven herself to be a very solid and reliable performer - not sure if she's got the technique for SG (although recent additions are questionable as well) but she got called out for power her rookie year by Travis Wall and by Kelly opening week her second year. She's also a locker room favorite, and was shown doing outside-the-studio stuff with two rookies last year on the show, so she's clearly a people person. So why is she being treated like a rookie?

Well, you know how Kelli is about teeth on some (but not all) folks ..... Alannah's mouth structure is a little different.  She's pretty and it's fine, but it is shaped a little like Kelsey Grammars.

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12 hours ago, dreamcatcher said:

Ok Brianna is stunning but but but... That suit is awful and well it looks inappropriate to me, especially when her boobs are ready to make a surprise appearance.

I actually like the bottom...the top is simply too small. Like I told my own daughters...just because you can get it on doesn't mean it fits...

Edited by CrazyMoon
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4 hours ago, sATL said:


At first I would admit I might have been a little jealous in that I would have to been on the laser table for hours, preferably under anesthesia, to get every single hair removed...

Something about the suit is off. I also think its the color and I just don't care for the little "square" of fabric in the front.  I wonder what's in the back - just a little strip of cloth, with a little width as possible,  going down the crack ?

So if this picture was used for 2021, as a left over from 2020 - just what does 2020's suit/picture look like ?

My two cents - the underboob seems to be a thing these days although I don't like it. But the bottom reminds me of feminine products belted on. Sorry TMI maybe.

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6 hours ago, DCCOracle said:


Here it is!

  • Technical aspects to keep in mind:
    • I've gone back as far as Lacey's first year (2014/Season 9). I can always go back further if anyone wants to see more.
    • Names that have been bolded were 2 years (one rookie and one veteran year)
    • Similar to my 'confessionals' research, all information was pulled from the Fandom page. If anything is wrong, blame them! 😐


Thank you so much for the work put into these & sharing!!  This is the only place I can admit that I find it all very fascinating 😆  It is also a reminder of some great dancers that I still find a shame they didn't stay longer....I totally get how someone could be fed with DCC after a year or two, such a big loss to DCC.  It's like if you can't dedicate your life to DCC, you won't last long.  I feel like a lot of great dancers that left earlier than I would have wanted, all had solid career/lifes outside of DCC.

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On 12/10/2020 at 10:16 AM, FutureCPA18 said:

Every time an episode ends my thought it basically "that's it?". It feels fluffy and empty this year, with no real content. 

Yeah, I think since the number of shows is less than in past years, they are trying to cram lots of little snippets of different dances, choreographers, the confessionals, etc., into each program.  And because of not showing larger dance sequences and the use of the masks, I still don't know who is who.  A definite empty feeling as FutureCPA18 said.

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2 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

I didn't realize what Brennan's mask said. And she also waved VK off - distance!- in that new promo clip. The cut getting clearer and clearer. 

Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 8.12.35 PM.png

I don’t see what her cut has to do with what her mask says 

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1 minute ago, Tuxcat said:

That's completely fine. Perhaps I am reading too much into things. I have no way of knowing anything for sure. My theory: Brennan's mask seems bold to wear to the first meeting. If she is bold, she is likely also outspoken during training camp about precautions or lack of precautions. In the deleted scene Kelli says they are looking for a team of "we" and do not want to hear about concerns for "I." My impression is that Kelli doesn't really enjoy girls who display strong opinions. I could definitely be wrong.

Thank you so much for explaining your theory behind the mask and such I appreciate it 

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44 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

 In the deleted scene Kelli says they are looking for a team of "we" and do not want to hear about concerns for "I." My impression is that Kelli doesn't really enjoy girls who display strong opinions. I could definitely be wrong.

I missed that part.  I would assume concerns began from some before TC officially began and she isn't happy about it.  Kelli is all about empowering women when SHE empowers them - not when they have their own opinions.  And I'm sure since she "stayed up all night" worrying about giving them a TC experience for this year, she won't think too kindly of those who don't appreciate her efforts.

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10 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

I didn't realize what Brennan's mask said. And she also waved VK off - distance!- in that new promo clip. The cut getting clearer and clearer. 

Screen Shot 2020-12-12 at 8.12.35 PM.png

Or the edit was done to make her cut clearer.  


8 hours ago, Holly85 said:

I don’t see what her cut has to do with what her mask says 

Right? The woman had COVID, maybe she was a terrible hand washer and sees the mask as a kind of public service.

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11 hours ago, Tuxcat said:

That's completely fine. Perhaps I am reading too much into things. I have no way of knowing anything for sure. My theory: Brennan's mask seems bold to wear to the first meeting. If she is bold, she is likely also outspoken during training camp about precautions or lack of precautions. In the deleted scene Kelli says they are looking for a team of "we" and do not want to hear about concerns for "I." My impression is that Kelli doesn't really enjoy girls who display strong opinions. I could definitely be wrong.

I agree with your point but I also think Kelli just takes whatever issue or complaint or any criticism and makes it about her or the team specifically or just misinterprets any comment that isn’t a “Yes, ma’am”. I can never get over how she misinterpreted Shaina’s comment about her saying “God was putting a roadblock” and Kelli (COMPLETELY forgetting that the girl was grieving and going through a rough time mentally) made that comment about her almost to justify Shaina’s cut more. 

Hannah and Brennan had an issue of how things were being done has nothing to do how they were as an organization and directors but they had to take it too personally and cut Brennen and Hannah. Knowing how well spoken they are, I’m sure they weren’t bashing Kelli or Judy or The DCC as a whole. Even with Shannan’s cut just cause she wasn’t bawling her eyes out or trying to convince Judy or Kelli to keep her doesn’t mean she thought any less of being a DCC. 

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By looking at the nbr of US cases ( today ) , I don't know if all positives can be attributed to un-washed hands. Especially those in the medical professions who routinely wash their hands and wear gloves.

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How many fans is VK going to have once they play  season 13 and 14   over and over again.  Vk went from a minus 5 to a A+++++++++++++ .In season 14 I  believe she was wearing a wire and someone was feeding her the answers

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12 minutes ago, DCCOracle said:

It appears to be gone at the moment. It might come back. I went to the Gigi's Texas Instagram page where she's been modeling and she's no longer tagged.

Maybe she got cut & has gone into hiding?!?!?!?  I kid, I kid.....but let's be serious, if she ever actually got cut, I would LOVE that tea...

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40 minutes ago, Holly85 said:

It got hacked 

Oh no, that sucks!  She strikes me as one that probably had an easy password for a fan to guess...perhaps #1DCC  😆

Although I'm not a fan of hers, I do feel for her (especially if she loses all her old post/memories bc of it).  I'm amazed by the amount of public figures (using the term loosely) that get hacked and we find out later that someone just simply guessed their password or were able to answer the basic security questions.  I usually lie on those for that reason 😬

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On 12/11/2020 at 3:06 PM, scorpio1031 said:

They used different photos from last years calendar shoot

They used photos from all years.  Cassie just posted she was featured in the calendar 😂😂 I’m curious who else’s old photo they used.  I may have to buy one 😂😂😂

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10 minutes ago, KickPretty said:

They used photos from all years.  Cassie just posted she was featured in the calendar 😂😂 I’m curious who else’s old photo they used.  I may have to buy one 😂😂😂

That's the Star magazine.  The swimsuit calendars have this year's vets

Edited by scorpio1031
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1 hour ago, NotthebadVictoria said:

When the Brennan/Lilly/Hannah drama goes down someone please PM me the lies! I am not watching! 😘

Trust me, this will be discussed all the way to training camp next year...

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7 hours ago, sATL said:

By looking at the nbr of US cases ( today ) , I don't know if all positives can be attributed to un-washed hands. Especially those in the medical professions who routinely wash their hands and wear gloves.

Definitely not all, but many. Even for the common cold, the #1 rule is wash your hands.

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7 minutes ago, Pau84 said:

Uh? Born in Waco, Texas?

Google says Place of birth: Smith County, Texas.


 I'm pretty sure where she's from is about 140 miles from Waco. What are they talking about?

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2 hours ago, ByTor said:

And if there's one thing Kelli loves, it's talking about being from "East Texas" (as in "East Texas blonde" LOL).

Waco is in like the Central Texas 

Edited by Holly85
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