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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:
What a complete fucking waste of a spot. 

I like Enzo. A HG that is liked and does nothing has to be dragged to the end so the other stronger players can win. It's a crap shoot if two strong players sit next to each other. Cody and Nicole should realize this. if Cody and Nicole are in f2 the vote will be close and split. They both need to be sitting next to Enzo. 

About 14 years ago, Ivette took her close friend Maggie to f2 and she lost to Maggie. Her mother told her after the show: this game is not about being loyal to your friends. it is about making smart choices for yourself. I like Enzo so I am hoping he is in the f2. 

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17 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

Damn Dani is in love with Cody.

I mean....if I didn’t know who these people were and that they were in relationships, I would think Cody was Dani’s man with the way she was ridin for him. Sheesh! Add in her jealousy of Nicole, which is clearly also Cody-related, and it’s not a good look for her at all. 

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36 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

I like Enzo. A HG that is liked and does nothing has to be dragged to the end so the other stronger players can win. It's a crap shoot if two strong players sit next to each other. Cody and Nicole should realize this. if Cody and Nicole are in f2 the vote will be close and split. They both need to be sitting next to Enzo. 

About 14 years ago, Ivette took her close friend Maggie to f2 and she lost to Maggie. Her mother told her after the show: this game is not about being loyal to your friends. it is about making smart choices for yourself. I like Enzo so I am hoping he is in the f2. 

I'd be happy for an Enzo win at this point. I don't care that he really didn't do anything. But in fact he did a lot I think. He constantly played the game of "i'm your best friend and I'm with you" to anyone and everyone. And no one caught on.  He played the same exact game both times. Unfortunately I don't he's articulate enough to explain why how he played was so vital to him making it far.  Cody thinks Nicole will beat him at anything.  Enzo won more comps than Nicole, didn't he? 

But let's be honest... I'll be pretty giddy to watch Cody do a Dustin or Paul face if he comes in 2nd lol 

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8 minutes ago, Dmarie019 said:

Unfortunately I don't he's articulate enough to explain why how he played was so vital to him making it far.  

Because he didn’t do it on purpose really lol. He’s just a pathetic simp and that gets you far. 

Nicole is kinda similar. I mean, she kinda plays her game on purpose but she sees herself as a hero/underdog and not as the lying rat she is so she won’t ever be able to explain her actual game. It’s hard when you won’t even acknowledge it to yourself lol.

Enzo winning would actually fit this season. A complete loser who was hardly an All Star to begin with and played simp for Cody the entire time; yep, that’s the winner this season deserves.

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1 hour ago, Jess14 said:

I mean....if I didn’t know who these people were and that they were in relationships, I would think Cody was Dani’s man with the way she was ridin for him. Sheesh! Add in her jealousy of Nicole, which is clearly also Cody-related, and it’s not a good look for her at all. 

Dani is so messed up. It's like she can't form any relationships with people without getting psycho jealous and possessive of them. A friend chats with Dom? Ghosted. She doesn't even want Dom's family taking care of Tennessee. She wants Tennessee to be breast-fed until she's like ... ready for school. She's acting psycho possessive of Cody to the point where he might lose because you can tell it's making other jurors uncomfortable at her relentless, shrill campaigning for him. 

I can';t even blame Evel Dick for this. Dani's had 30 something years to unlearn those unhealthy relationship patterns and she hasn't done it.

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You guys!  I woke up this morning with an idea of how to shake up this game!  As you may have surmised, I really hate the new style of game play, but I really, really, really hate the "vote with the house, do what the HOH wants" bullshit.  Other than the vote, which is personal and should remain so, then the only way things can be shaken up is at the Veto stage.  So.....here's my idea: If the veto winner is not someone on the block or the HOH, then if they choose to use the veto, they get $10,000.  Or hell, add some excitement, let 'em spin a wheel and win a random amount from $100 to $10,000. 

This disincentivizes the HOH from gunning for veto, unless they are completely committed to their original nominations or committed to a backdoor due to whatever reason that happened between the nomination and veto comp.  Those on the block remain incentivized to win the veto.  Those who are selected or drawn for the veto comp are now incentivized beyond any loyalty to the HOH to use the veto.  It can even become a strategic move in the game for an HOH: "Hey, man....hey man....I've got a plan, use the veto get the money, buddy.  I've got your back, you've got mine...."  But what it really does is shake up the house.

We've seen over and over how resentful the hamsters get when other hamsters take cash rewards--look at David's experience at OTEV.  Money in hand is certainly tempting.  Certainly tempting enough to buck the boring "vote with the house, do what the HOH wants" routine we've seen over and over and over.

Something's got to happen to make this game interesting again.

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16 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

She's acting psycho possessive of Cody to the point where he might lose because you can tell it's making other jurors uncomfortable at her relentless, shrill campaigning for him

Yeah, I wonder about this as well.... if the jury’s annoyance with Dani will get implicitly transferred to Cody? If it does, and Cody loses in F2, keeping Nicole over Dani in the triple may end up being a fatal error for him. He clearly trusts Nicole more than Dani, but I think Dani would’ve sacrificed her whole game for Cody if she was still there. She would give Enzo a run for his money in that regard.

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1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

It's a crap shoot if two strong players sit next to each other. Cody and Nicole should realize this. if Cody and Nicole are in f2 the vote will be close and split. They both need to be sitting next to Enzo. 

For Nicole, the choice should be obvious. She will likely win against Enzo, lose against Cody. But she might still take Cody because he is more “deserving”, like she said she would have with Paul vs James. She may also think she has a good argument to win against either, being a former winner who still managed to make it to the end. I don’t think she would be entirely wrong there.

For Enzo, the choice should also be obvious. He can’t win against Cody, but he has a chance against Nicole.

For Cody, it’s not as obvious. He should definitely win against either, but I could see him having second thoughts about Nicole’s former winner status and the case that could make, as well as Enzo’s likeability and the friends he has on the jury. Cody has no way of knowing that the jury actually considers Enzo to be unworthy of winning. So he could see pros and cons with both.  

Personally, I hope Enzo wins because he could use the $ and I like him best out of the remaining 3. This is so far from the final 3 I wanted that I don’t even care who deserves it.

Edited by 30 Helens
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1 hour ago, HartofDixie said:

Manifesting Enzo winning part 2. We deserve to see Cody feel the pressure.

How about we all vote Keesha for AFP?

Lol ... it would be nice to see.  And part of me says Part 3 too.  Don’t know why as the other two really deserve it more.   It’s Enzo.  I’ll root for him. No problem.  

For AFP, would love to see it be soooocloooose that Jani, Kaysar, Keesha, Tyler and Da’Vonne get acknowledged.  Lol and then I don’t care who actually wins.  😁

22 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Lol ... it would be nice to see.  And part of me says Part 3 too.  Don’t know why as the other two really deserve it more.   It’s Enzo.  I’ll root for him. No problem.  

For AFP, would love to see it be soooocloooose that Jani, Kaysar, Keesha, Tyler and Da’Vonne get acknowledged.  Lol and then I don’t care who actually wins.  😁

It seems in most polls Da’Vonne is in the lead for AFP if you believe in polls.

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2 hours ago, Growsonwalls said:

I can';t even blame Evel Dick for this. Dani's had 30 something years to unlearn those unhealthy relationship patterns and she hasn't done it.

Oh, I think we can easily still blame Dick. It's just sad though that Dani hasn't recognized how messed up she is at her age and sought help for it.

2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

So.....here's my idea: If the veto winner is not someone on the block or the HOH, then if they choose to use the veto, they get $10,000.  Or hell, add some excitement, let 'em spin a wheel and win a random amount from $100 to $10,000. 

This is interesting but people would probably just forego the money in order to 'do what the house/HOH wants' honestly. I guarantee you Paul's minions from 19 and Cody's minions from this season would have.

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Isn't the part 3 of the HoH the one that they have to guess what the jurors have replied when asked questions in jury? Like "the thing that I missed most in the house is ...." A. and B. and they guess who said what? So it's a crap shoot actually and I'm not sure that Cody would win it. Maybe Enzo knows the houseguests more and he can guess better what they reply.

1 hour ago, himela said:

Isn't the part 3 of the HoH the one that they have to guess what the jurors have replied when asked questions in jury? Like "the thing that I missed most in the house is ...." A. and B. and they guess who said what? So it's a crap shoot actually and I'm not sure that Cody would win it. Maybe Enzo knows the houseguests more and he can guess better what they reply.

They haven't done this since BB19. Last two years it was trivia questions about the game.

1 hour ago, himela said:

Isn't the part 3 of the HoH the one that they have to guess what the jurors have replied when asked questions in jury? Like "the thing that I missed most in the house is ...." A. and B. and they guess who said what? So it's a crap shoot actually and I'm not sure that Cody would win it. Maybe Enzo knows the houseguests more and he can guess better what they reply.

I think Dani is petty enough to say something else so that no one answers correctly.

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This stupid clip episode is having fun at Nicole's expense. So far it has shown her pissing herself, her telling Christmas that she had planned on how to nominate Janelle as a have not by saying, "Since you speak about me all the time..." then showed her nominating her with those words and proceeding to proclaim it just slipped out and she didn't mean to say it, didn't plan to say it. 

Now, I've decided to watch and see if they keep showing Nicole playing innocent.

16 minutes ago, Christina said:

After the Final 3 discussing crying in the DR - (paraphrasing)

This segment made me laugh a lot. I posted in the episode thread that shockingly, I enjoyed the clip show. It doesn't hurt that it's Friday night during a pandemic and I have literally nowhere to go. Watching people act silly is a welcome relief. 

Oh well. As I said to myself yesterday, "If my parents can live through the Blitz as teenagers without complaining, I can survive quarantine and a super boring season of BB." (But to be honest, the complaining has been half the fun. I wouldn't have been a very good stiff-upper-lip Blitz person. When BB22 ends half of what I'll miss is coming here to gripe and complain and criticize people's tattoos. No other show fills the bill in quite the same way.) 

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My friend who watches The Challenge and not Big Brother told me the other day about how Paulie and Cara Mia are going to be in a movie - IN BETWEEN PAULIE GETTING READY TO TRY AND QUALIFY FOR THE OLYMPIC BOBSLED TEAM - and absolutely *everything* about that is fucking hysterical to me and proof alone that no one should listen to a single letter of anything Paulie Califiore says, ever.

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11 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

My friend who watches The Challenge and not Big Brother told me the other day about how Paulie and Cara Mia are going to be in a movie - IN BETWEEN PAULIE GETTING READY TO TRY AND QUALIFY FOR THE OLYMPIC BOBSLED TEAM - and absolutely *everything* about that is fucking hysterical to me and proof alone that no one should listen to a single letter of anything Paulie Califiore says, ever.

Is this not the best thing ever? There's an article on TMZ about it (only click for hilarious pictures of Paulie with Tarzan hair, I'm mentioning the best bits) - his "good friend" Lolo Jones was all "Hey, you should be a bobsledder" and Paulie was all "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED". 

There's also this direct quote which absolutely slays me: "We're told on Paulie's first call with the coaches, they asked what he knew about bobsledding and he replied ... "I watched 'Cool Runnings' as a kid." Fuck, I can be an Olympian, too! 

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8 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Is this not the best thing ever? There's an article on TMZ about it (only click for hilarious pictures of Paulie with Tarzan hair, I'm mentioning the best bits) - his "good friend" Lolo Jones was all "Hey, you should be a bobsledder" and Paulie was all "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED". 

There's also this direct quote which absolutely slays me: "We're told on Paulie's first call with the coaches, they asked what he knew about bobsledding and he replied ... "I watched 'Cool Runnings' as a kid." Fuck, I can be an Olympian, too! 

Isn't the Cool Runnings bit the best part?! It sounds like a parody quote, but it's not and that's fantastic.

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11 hours ago, Dmarie019 said:

paulie is giving janelle shit on Twitter because she posted she would donate afp winnings. He says she should be helping davonne win afp 

This almost makes me wanna vote for Janelle for AFP. Almost.

9 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

My friend who watches The Challenge and not Big Brother told me the other day about how Paulie and Cara Mia are going to be in a movie - IN BETWEEN PAULIE GETTING READY TO TRY AND QUALIFY FOR THE OLYMPIC BOBSLED TEAM - and absolutely *everything* about that is fucking hysterical to me and proof alone that no one should listen to a single letter of anything Paulie Califiore says, ever.

It's being made by that Candy Caine woman that made all those really-horrible-and-seen-by-no-one movies Cody made. So embarrassing lol.

2 hours ago, Ellee said:

So ... during this off season I can’t help but wonder when the next season will be?  What number season are we looking forward to?  22?

This is season 22 so next will be 23. I'm still holding out hope the show gets cancelled though!

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48 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


I'm sure this isn't reliable but like it's believable lol.

It's definitely believable. Dani's psycho possessiveness is annoying other jurors, and it's also making things uncomfortable. It's the same personality trait that will probably have Tennessee sneaking bacon cheeseburgers and Chick-Fil-A sandwiches with Dom before long.

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Who knows what’s going on in jury but in theory if someone (let’s say, um, Dani) is constantly pushing for someone (um, lets say Cody) it can turn the others (the jury) off. In the early jury segments (the last one seen) there is a lot of tension going on between Dani and everyone else. Now, with Christmas showing up it’s just going to further annoy Dani. I don’t think Christmas has any sway with any of these people but I’m sure they’ll love it annoying Dani. I’m not sure if it comes down to Cody and Nicole that Nicole would win but she might get more votes than was anticipated. 

Edited by ByaNose
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5 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

LOL imagine if Derrick did all that work for Cody, only for Cody to tank his game when he voted out Dani instead of Nicole?

How  AMAZING would it be if Dani was self-aware and did this on purpose to get back at him for voting her out?  I know, Dani and self-aware don't belong in the same sentence, lol.

I don't like Enzo or Nicole and don't want them to "win", but at this point, anything that keeps Cody from winning is good in my book.  He's just so smug about everything and such a big baby when things don't go his way.   I imagine he must be pretty hard to live with now that Nicole won the first part of the HOH.  


Edited by leocadia
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4 minutes ago, leocadia said:

How  AMAZING would it be if Dani was self-aware and did this on purpose to get back at him for voting her out?  I know, Dani and self-aware don't belong in the same sentence, lol.

  I don't like Enzo or Nicole and don't want them to "win", but at this point, anything that keeps Cody from winning is good in my book.  He's just so smug about everything and such a big baby when things don't go his way.   I imagine he must be pretty hard to live with now that Nicole won the first part of the HOH.  


He really is so petulant when something doesn’t go his way. I give him credit for playing a good game and possibly winning but he is such a baby some times. I don’t want him to win because then his life would be even easier. He already has his looks. Does he have to win $500,000, too? LOL!!! I’d like Enzo to win because he could use it. Actually, anyone could use it but out of the tree left I’d like Enzo to win. 

Edited by ByaNose
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20 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

It would be funny if Dani annoyed the jurors into not voting for Cody but I have a feeling that Arbor Day is going to be pro Nicole.  And then it would be really funny if Arbor Day annoyed the jurors into not voting for Nicole and the then the Jurors would be F*** it we aren’t voting for anyone!

Dani would vote.  Arbor Day would vote.  BB22 ends in a tie.  Fitting. 😁


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4 minutes ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

We all but know it's going to be Cody who wins pt 2, so whatever.

Yeah, true but I’m hoping by some miracle Enzo pulls out the final HOH.  giggling at myself for actually typing that. 

2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Part Two HoH: Fun Facts about Derrick!

If Cody wins the season does that make Derrick the only two time winner?

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While I want Enzo to win the whole thing, I think I'd just as soon have Cody win over Nicole. If Cody wins, who cares? It's an All Star season. They don't count. If Nicole wins, though, she'll be a two-time winner and even though All Star seasons don't count, it'll still be brought up as though it DOES count. 

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