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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Cody won veto. The season is now officially over. I can't believe I'm gonna have to sit through a 2 hour finale when we know who's winning already lol.

Nicole was second apparently. This season is truly dark sided. 2020, man.

I’m just getting ready for post season when they all return to social media and start defending their shitty games, Janellousy, etc.

3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I didn’t even think of the Derrick & Cody synergy of both being winners and how they’ll cash in more. Ugh! I.just.can’t.take.much.more.of.this.

Plus Nicole We’ll have 3 winners out of BB16.

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4 hours ago, Lamima said:

Yep...fake. In his talking head after he had that 'trying not to smile' tell that my own kids have when they lie. Where the corners of his mouth look like they are being pulled down but fighting to turn up. 

It’s known as duping delight. That small slight expression of glee that breaks through when they realize they have manipulated been presented falsely and it worked as they intended. 

it is often associated with narcissism and some sociopathy. However, it is unfair to pathologize that behavior in a game that requires manipulation and lying in order to out maneuver others. Except with Tyler, this instance was not about lying to someone that you are keeping them and then voting them out, it was him claiming to be 100% genuine and that his plan was foiled by Christmas who would not comply. The duper’s delight expression occurred when he realized that he covered his ass and she bought his story and remorse and forgave him and likely will come out of this clean if all media and also Day are believing and accepting his version of events. A sly smile of satisfaction of having successfully manipulated the story so that he expressed to say what happened and how genuine his emotions were and all his complex feelings and that it became out of his hands when Christmas would not agree and then also relief in the victory that he was successful in that Day listened to his explanation and *SHE* responded with empathy *for Tyler* and his tears.



Neologism coined by Paul Ekman in his book Telling Lies (1992).


duping delight (uncountable)

The pleasure of being able to manipulate someone, often made visible to others by flashing a smile at an inappropriate moment.quotations ▼

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20 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Same as it ever was.

As the days go by.

12 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yea really.

And it's not like he's played some kind of transcendentally good game that you have to respect. He got in a big alliance (that Derrick helped set up for him) and he won comps. I mean, he played the game the way Jackson/Holly, Tyler/Kaycee, Paul/Josh, and Paul/Nicole did. That's just the way the game is played now. It's like meh lol.

I am not sure if that is the case for Paul/Nicole's season and to a lesser extent Tyler/Kaycee's season.  The alliances in Paul and Nicole's season seemed to be fluid.  Especially near end game where it was more multiple pairs facing off (Paul/Victor vs. Nicole/Corey vs. Natalie/James/Michelle) against each other.  In Kaycee's season there were two big alliances that were facing off, but only one seemed to understand how to play the game.

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Cody is not locked in for the win. He will only win if he wins the last two comps and chooses himself who to take to f2 (which will be Enzo and then Cody wins).

Nicole will not take Cody. She will pick Enzo so she wins.

Enzo rode Cody's coat tails but he knows he will not win against him so he will take Nicole thinking the jury will not reward Nicole twice and make her a millionaire. He will not put his friendship with Cody over winning the prize money. Enzo stands some chance against Nicole and he has no chance against Cody and he knows that. 

If Cody evicts Nicole and Christmas stays in at f3 and she wins the final 2 comps she will take Enzo.

So how is Cody guaranteed the win? He is only going to win if he wins those final 2 comps and it is a crapshoot. Who else will take him to f2 and risk losing? 



Edited by DakotaLavender
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13 hours ago, Jillibean said:

IMO Cody deserves the win (though I am not even slightly happy about it) because regardless of who wheeled and dealed for him beforehand, he got himself into a position where the other players willingly ceded all power in the game to him. 

I agree, although I’m not happy about it either. I don’t think it even matters who set up what alliance beforehand, or who made introductions, because once they were inside the house, they were on their own.  Planning can only go so far— there are too many unforeseen variables, differing personalities, and giant egos involved. Managing those personalities and getting them to do your bidding requires advanced social skills, and I think this is where Cody really excelled. He was also great at comps, obviously, and spent a lot of time memorizing stats so he could recall them without a moment’s hesitation.

Did Cody play an interesting game? Of course not. He didn’t do anything groundbreaking, either. But what he did, he did very well without ever losing focus. I can’t begrudge him the win, regardless of how I feel about it.

6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Cody won veto. 

Well, at least Enzo gets Fun Cody back now.

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I was curious to see what you guys were seeing in Tyler’s reactions Thursday night, so I just rewatched that part of the episode. What I saw was, a guy who is embarrassed by his actions and has been dreading this conversation. The little smirky smile may seem inappropriate, but it’s a fairly common nervous reaction. And while I didn’t see any tears, it doesn’t mean he was faking. Putting your hand over your face and rubbing your eyes can be an attempt to prevent crying and hide any stray tears, not to act dramatic. I know because I’ve done it myself.  

I think Tyler’s biggest problem with the whole BLM debacle was not understanding the gravity of his actions. As a privileged white guy (I don’t know his background, but at the very least he enjoys white privilege), BLM is a concept, a cause. It’s not personal. He may genuinely believe in it, but I don’t think it means the same thing to him that it means to Da’vonne or David or Kevin. That is not to excuse his actions, not by a long shot. I’m just saying I saw a genuine apology from a guy who doesn’t yet realize how badly he screwed up. 

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6 hours ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

I don't think I can do this anymore. I gave up on the feeds, the noms and veto eps, and was speed watching the eviction eps, but it's done it. It's broken me. I can't even bring myself to finish this out. I'll still pop in here because I can't quit you guys, but I'm dunzo.

Welcome to Club Quitters! Have a drink, then let's see if we can find you a seat—it's gotten crowded in here.

As for everyone sticking it out the next ten days, let me just say:


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9 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

Who else will take him to f2 and risk losing? 

They both will absolutely take him. Maybe with Nicole, because she is a cunning little bitch, but she cares more about her image than anything so I think that would win out. Cody is guaranteed F2 now and he's all but guaranteed to win.

1 hour ago, Ellee said:

Keesha was the smartest one of everyone.  

Got her 40K to sit in a nice house, watching netflix, and having food delivered to her for 2 weeks and then 1 week having some fun with Janelle/Kaysar and then she bounced. Genius.

43 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

What if they vote Nicole out instead of Christmas.  To me Nicole stands more of a chance of winning the votes than Christmas.

The only vote is Cody and there isn't a way in hell he's voting Nicole out over Christmas. If he keeps Nicole he's guaranteed F2 since Nicole and Enzo will both take him. Christmas would not take him.

This will be the first time in 20 years I won't be watching the BB finale. It feels weird, but good lol. I'm really hoping that I've finally kicked the habit. I don't plan on coming back next season unless it's close to 50% BIPOC. And honestly, even that might not be enough. The game is just broken and unless they start over with new PTB then it's going to continue to be boring. 

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4 minutes ago, Ellee said:

How far will the ratings bottom out for the rest of the season?   Enough for changes?  

They'll never change it. AG owns the rights in the US (or something) so they can't get rid of her. The show is cheap and does well enough for CBS in the summer so they don't see any need to even try to get her to fix it.

2 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Maybe she will decide to retire at the top of her game and turn the reins over to someone else to run the selection committee.  

AG and the casting director will never stop making it since it allows them to cast men they find hot and, in the casting director's case, can fuck lol.

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The outcome is gonna be truly heinous with Cody winning, probably by a close-to-unanimous if not unanimous vote. Cody will be the one to break the otev curse, BB16 will have produced 3 winners, Derrick’s pig head will grow 100 sizes, and we’ll have to see alums on Twitter acting like Cody is some top tier player. It’s nauseating just thinking about how bad it is lol.

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

There are rumors she’s slept with some. It’s not like she’s James Rhine sleeping with a HG every season though lol.

I still can't get over being very, very wrong about James Rhine being a closeted gay. In any event her taste in men sucks. BB Canada had far better male eye candy.

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5 hours ago, Ellee said:

Even after this is over and in third, will it ever dawn on Enzo that he should have voted Nicole out?  Or will the money split even things out?

I doubt it, honestly. Enzo doesn’t seem like a deep thinker. I doubt he realizes that his gameplay has amounted to nothing more than being Cody’s spy in the house. 

In fairness, between telling Cody about Wise guys #2 and about Tyler overtures regarding Committee, etc., I actually think that saving Nicole was the most understandable as a stand-alone move. David was Tyler’s ally, not really Enzo’s, and I can see an argument for why he thought that it wasn’t in his best interest to make that move during an unpredictable triple eviction, even if it was in his interest long term. However, I can’t even give credit to Enzo for that reasoning because I don’t believe his thought process went any further than not making Cody mad. Add in throwing Memphis and Tyler under the bus - 2 people who wanted to work with Enzo and were good enough at comps to take Cody out - and I can’t think of any move that Enzo made that was more beneficial to himself than Cody.

ETA: To be more clear, I think voting out Nicole could’ve given the impression that Enzo was fully aligned with Tyler/Christmas, and had Dani or Cody won HOH, they could’ve put him up if Tyler/Christmas (probable noms) won veto. Granted, Enzo probably didn’t run any scenarios in his head, and I still think he should’ve voted out Nicole, but I can see how it could’ve blown up in his face. 

Edited by Jess14
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I don't get it. Why would Enzo and Nicole take Cody to f2? Are they there to keep his friendship or to win the game? They have to realize he will win against them. If Nicole and Enzo are f2 it is a crapshoot. 

Nicole will not win because she was a former winner. She will be judged to how she played this specific game. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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5 minutes ago, DakotaLavender said:

I don't get it. Why would Enzo and Nicole take Cody to f2? Are they there to keep his friendship or to win the game? They have to realize he will win against them. If Nicole and Enzo are f2 it is a crapshoot. 

Nicole will not win because she was a former winner. She will be judged to how she played this specific game. 

the season she won she did nothing at all.  against cody she won't win, but enzo she could. he's maybe won more comps then her but that's about it. 

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4 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

In any event her taste in men sucks. BB Canada had far better male eye candy.

The same woman casts both actually. I think Grodner is probably more to blame for how terrible the US casts usually are.

1 hour ago, DakotaLavender said:

I don't get it. Why would Enzo and Nicole take Cody to f2? Are they there to keep his friendship or to win the game? They have to realize he will win against them. If Nicole and Enzo are f2 it is a crapshoot. 

I think it's pretty much just because they're closer to Cody and it's easier. In Nicole's case, Cody and her are friends outside the house. Hell, their families are close to each other. For Enzo, he has proven in both his seasons that he just picks a man to latch onto and then he's loyal to him all the way through, even when it makes no sense. 

1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Not only do I remember it, I hate to say that I actually liked them for a minute. I really need to stop watching this show lol.

I’m surprised they never got together.

Spoilergirl1 on twitter is saying that since they don’t have a season of Survivor to air that CBS is considering a winter BB or CBB.

So the game sucks but the Twitter drama continues to heat up between the alumni. Dick, living up to his ridiculously stupid yet incredibly accurate nickname, dropped the N word (hard "er") in a livestream? video that Elissa and Rachel Reilly were also a part of. Paul (who, for the record, recently identified as non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns now) shared the video on Twitter in an attempt to call out Dick. Unfortunately despite the fact that Elissa and Rachel both looked shocked after Dick says it - there's a bit of a delay in their reactions but I think it's because of the livestream, those things are always wretched - and Rachel in laughing disbelief tells Dick that he can't say that word... Rachel Reilly is the one who ended up deactivating her Twitter account and Dick, who attempted to double down in the video with a "Well, I have Black fans who don't care"/the Black friend defense, is already getting hoards of white people accepting his apology and shifting the blame to Rachel somehow. It's amazing and disgusting to see misogyny in real time action like this. 

Clearly Paul wanted to call out Dick but I don't think they anticipated Rachel taking the heat for this because... woman evil or something. And it's Twitter. They never get it right. (No, Reddit people, don't feel all puffed up. You're just as bad as the Twitter people. I know because I'm on both. And we won't talk about Instagram or Tumblr. *shudders*)

Also I linked the tweet above instead of embedding it because everything about Dick should come with multiple trigger and content warnings. And I realize that this may fit better in the media thread but fuck it, this is where all the Dick haters hang and it's either this or "Christmas is crying/an asshole" non-updates. It's alumni fighting during an All Star season - if you really need a connection to the current season, Bayleigh took on Jodi over Evel Dick's "apology". Jodi is in the "But he apologized!" camp and Bayleigh is in the "Bitch, please" camp. I figured I would come across Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole Anthony making excuses for racism again but I'll take Bayleigh's eyerolling disdain instead. 

Oh and Dick sucks and is a massive piece of shit. The end. 

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13 hours ago, HartofDixie said:

Spoilergirl1 on twitter is saying that since they don’t have a season of Survivor to air that CBS is considering a winter BB or CBB.

I would go for another CBB. The first 2 were better than the regular version has been in years.

1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

Oh and Dick sucks and is a massive piece of shit. The end. 


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Good morning! Everyone is still snoozing. Nicole is sleeping in that bed that's not really in a bedroom, but kind of in a passageway between the living room and the other bedrooms. I suppose it's so quiet now with just 4 people left you can sleep there. I suppose everyone has their own room now. You can also see Enzo in HOH bed on Cam 3, but Cam 4 shows the hallway outside HOH instead of another view of the HOH room.  I was hoping to see Mulan.

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Logging in to CBS All Access today to check on the Live Feeds and the new picture is of Nicole with her hands on her hips like she is Wonder Woman, flanked by Enzo and Cody. I guess BB is not hiding that this is the final 3. They are already advertising it. Christmas is not in the picture. Nicole must be so happy. 

Edited by Luckylondon
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6 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

It’s looking more like it every passing day. I know he keeps telling Xmas that Cody & Nicolle will take each other to the end but I still think he doesn’t believe Cody won’t cut him. I think he might really be heartbroken on live tv. They (Cody, Nicolle & Enzo) are all sorta lying to each other because I’m not really sure who will do what in the end. At least, there is some little drama left. 

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1 hour ago, ByaNose said:

It’s looking more like it every passing day. I know he keeps telling Xmas that Cody & Nicolle will take each other to the end but I still think he doesn’t believe Cody won’t cut him. I think he might really be heartbroken on live tv. They (Cody, Nicolle & Enzo) are all sorta lying to each other because I’m not really sure who will do what in the end. At least, there is some little drama left. 

I truly hope Enzo actually believes Cody will take him. His moves make even less sense if he doesn't believe that lol.

There's no drama. Enzo and Nicole will both take Cody, 100%. I guess there's maybe some drama in who Cody would take, but I think it's like a 95% chance it's Nicole.

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