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Season 22 Live Feed Discussion

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3 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Thanks for clearing that up! I couldn't keep up with the conversation yesterday when I was trying to type up what they were talking about.

Wake-up music now.

No problem! She told this to the key room which she later turned into the Janelle is torturing me conversation lol. 

  • Love 1

David is up, making the coffee! He beat his friend Big Frog Mountain, TN (Memphis) to it. Da'Vonne is up, too.

David has 5 STARS!!! On his T-shirt. He is straightening up the kitchen.

The sounds from the bathroom are really loud. Cameras 3 and 4 are on the kitchen, but the loud sound effects are coming from the bathroom.

David, blowing on the knife handle does not clean it. He is putting the dishes away. Now I wonder if he is wearing his POV shirt since his name is on the back. 

STARS - must be to cover up the daily "Wakey, wakey, house guests!"

6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

She does not see irony at all. I did turn off the feeds (and watched Sunday’s episode instead, which only strengthened my Xmas hate), but not fast enough to miss listening to her anguish over how hard it was for her to evict Bayleigh and how much she cried over it, and how much she misses talking to Kaysar, because he was so intelligent and “so self-defecating”.

For everybody’s sake, I sincerely hope ALL the HGs are self-defecating; really, I do.  🧐


6 hours ago, himela said:

I hate this concept that Julie can't give them game info.

I don’t.  More below:

6 hours ago, himela said:

i know they will find most of it out in jury

Maybe, maybe not.  The only game things the Jurors will know in the JH will be what they tell each other - so if you’re good enough at keeping a secret, its life can extend beyond the overt game all the way to the Jury’s final deliberations.

6 hours ago, himela said:

Same now with Day; she will be voted out, she will have days to accept she lost and she got lied to by Nicole again, she will want to show she is classy so when she is asked on the finale she will say "oh you know, it's a game, Nicole did what she had to do to win, I am not mad with her" bla bla. While if she comes out and Julie tells her she will definitely explode and we will get to see it, something worth seeing in a disastrous season.

Yup - and if Nicole makes it all the way to F2, then she’s completely totally screwed because Production nuked her chance at $500K to get a few seconds of Day rage on camera.


6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Now that you mention it... I wonder how much anyone will find out in jury.

Not more than what each individual Juror knows, and quite possibly a good bit less.


5 hours ago, himela said:

Normally they have people from production watching them so they don't talk game unless the cameras are on. Now with the virus how will they do that? Unless there is a house like the BB house where there are cameras and they will be able to watch them and videotape them without the cameramen and the production people being in the room with them. So if they hear them talk about game they will stop them.

It is my understanding that...

  1. Each Juror has a handler trailing around with them all day to block any Game talk with other Jurors.
  2. These handlers clock out at lights out, though.

...so after lights out, anything goes - and frequently does; hookups in the JH don’t even qualify as uncommon any more, if I understand correctly.  If two jurors are going down on each other, do you honestly think there’s a Production person in the room with them sticking a microphone in the middle of everything to make sure none of the mumbling is game-related?  If that were my job, I’d quit first.  Probably.

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Christmas is up!! Welcoming David to the new day with her frowney face.

I guess they can't go outside. David says he wants to go outside and have coffee and he can't. The next comp is HOH on Thursday, right? That must be some set if the backyard is closed today.

Big Frog Mountain wanders into the kitchen (hood up!) and David gives him the good news that the back yard is off-limits.

David goes over to Nicole's bed where she's sleeping, gets her attention and points upward. Not sure what that's for, but she got up.

David puts his gray hoodie on - time to bond with Big Frog Mountain over hoodies. More stars.

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David had a dream that he was doing a workout with some coworkers at one of his good gyms, but the whole company showed up at this gym. Then he had another dream, he saw a lot of different faces from the BB house all at the same time. They all had to clean up the BB house. They had to get into groups  of 5-7 and clean up different parts of the house. David's group were from other seasons. They were in a locker area and someone showed his group with this old Chinese food in it and they said it was OK to eat, but David's group said NO! He saw Ian's locker but Ian wasn't there anymore. Then he was eating ribs and he was in a group called the older cast. The younger cast was eating sandwiches. David is telling this to Nicole.

Nicole must have asked him what they were talking about in the bedroom. Enzo talks about something (couldn't catch it), Tyler talks about Angela and David talks about whatever random thought comes into his head. Tyler says Angela is in a video game - there is a character modeled after her in a game. David says at his true core he is a geek.

Kevin offers David a cookie to go with his coffee. David says no thank you. Kevin says Toast sounds good. David asks Nicole what she likes with her coffee. Nicole says breakfast.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

BB12 is one alliance running the whole season, much like every season after it is, so if you're into that you might like it. The feeds were boring as hell. The eps might be better since the eps tell a completely fabricated story lol. I don't remember it enough. Like most seasons, I guess if you enjoy the people running the game you'd probably enjoy it. 

I liked BB12. I also liked BB16. (I know, sacrilege!) I think the reason has a lot to do with how I watched them. I binged both seasons, watching each one over the course of about 6 days. There are enough enjoyable personalities to make it worth the time, although I can definitely understand how a season-long watch, including feeds, would be very boring. But also, BB12 has Britney, so if you like funny DRs, you’d enjoy it!

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2 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Nicole has mentioned on the feeds that she started dating Victor after hanging out at the NYC premiere party for BB19. She said he was pursuing her that whole year. I tend to believe Nicole because it was obvious Victor had a crush on her during BB18.

I think they hooked up at or after the party (and according to Meech, her first choice was Corey and she was turned down), and Vic thought this meant they were dating, and she did not, and he had to woo her with love letters or something like that. They’ve talked about it before on their podcast. Not the Corey part. That was from Reddit, I believe.

Day is really confident all the time, which is a problem in this game, because she isn’t even close to being right all the time. 

As for Dani and Dick, he’s a terrible human and I’m sure a terrible father. I have no doubt it’s much healthier for Dani to avoid him. I also can’t help but notice that almost that entire rant is focused on times he gave her money and she was unappreciative, which says a lot about what he thinks is important and what he values in a relationship. That said, didn’t Dani say on the feeds something about Tennessee being her closest relationship ever? Obviously the bond between mother and child is special, but IIRC the way she said it was a red flag in terms of what her relationships are generally like in life. And the fact that she’s been behaving the way she has despite having her husband at home doesn’t really contradict Dick’s statements about what she might be like in a relationship. So overall, he’s a jerk, he clearly has contributed to whatever issues she does have, and he’s probably mostly wrong about her, but he might also be a little right about her, IMO.

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5 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I think they hooked up at or after the party (and according to Meech, her first choice was Corey and she was turned down), and Vic thought this meant they were dating, and she did not, and he had to woo her with love letters or something like that. They’ve talked about it before on their podcast. Not the Corey part. That was from Reddit, I believe.

Day is really confident all the time, which is a problem in this game, because she isn’t even close to being right all the time. 

As for Dani and Dick, he’s a terrible human and I’m sure a terrible father. I have no doubt it’s much healthier for Dani to avoid him. I also can’t help but notice that almost that entire rant is focused on times he gave her money and she was unappreciative, which says a lot about what he thinks is important and what he values in a relationship. That said, didn’t Dani say on the feeds something about Tennessee being her closest relationship ever? Obviously the bond between mother and child is special, but IIRC the way she said it was a red flag in terms of what her relationships are generally like in life. And the fact that she’s been behaving the way she has despite having her husband at home doesn’t really contradict Dick’s statements about what she might be like in a relationship. So overall, he’s a jerk, he clearly has contributed to whatever issues she does have, and he’s probably mostly wrong about her, but he might also be a little right about her, IMO.

Nicole mentioned Corey was at the party and it was awkward because he was trying to be friends with her lol. 

Dani has mentioned that her relationship with Tennessee is the closest relationship she has ever had and she is afraid Tennessee will forget about her while she is on the show. I think Dani's upbringing  has something to do with it, but Dani has also talked about how hard it was for her to get pregnant. They had extensive testing done. Dom and Dani went to an adoption seminar to learn about adopting and the next weekend Dani found out she was pregnant with Tennessee. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

if Nicole makes it all the way to F2, then she’s completely totally screwed because Production nuked her chance at $500K to get a few seconds of Day rage on camera.

If Nicole is in the final two she will have to admit right then and there that she was the one who voted out Ian when asked by the jury OR the second person in the final two (who will probably be a committee member) will say it. This is not gonna be kept a secret for long. To be honest I think Day will find out with certainty before she gets voted out by David, because David will have no reason to lie to her when she is out the door.

But I get where you are coming from, that there is a reason Julie can't reveal game information to the jury.

31 minutes ago, himela said:

If Nicole is in the final two she will have to admit right then and there that she was the one who voted out Ian when asked by the jury OR the second person in the final two (who will probably be a committee member) will say it.

Ummm... depends. Dani knows the truth of Nicole’s vote, and so does Ian via Nicole’s GBM - but other than those two has Nicole directly confessed to anyone of her vote to evict Ian, or is everybody else working off assumptions?  Keep in mind part of Dani and Nicole’s plan was to keep Nicole’s true vote under wraps so as to implicate David - not just to Day and Kevin, but to the other Committee members as well.


This is not gonna be kept a secret for long. To be honest I think Day will find out with certainty before she gets voted out by David, because David will have no reason to lie to her when she is out the door.

David knows one half of the truth for certain (that he didn’t VTE Ian), and very strongly suspects the other half (that Nicole did) - but at this point, is Day likely to believe anything David says even if they end up bunkies in the JH?

So the main question becomes this: just how long can Dani and Nicole keep a secret?  And if God hates us enough to give both Dani and Nicole a seat at F2, who’s to say they might not carry that secret all the way through to the end?  The longer they carry the secret, after all, the more risk there is of alienating their alliance mates - and to reveal such at F2 could blow up their entire season. So save the confessions until after the votes are counted - if you can.  😉

9 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Ummm... depends. Dani knows the truth of Nicole’s vote, and so does Ian via Nicole’s GBM - but other than those two has Nicole directly confessed to anyone of her vote to evict Ian, or is everybody else working off assumptions?  Keep in mind part of Dani and Nicole’s plan was to keep Nicole’s true vote under wraps so as to implicate David - not just to Day and Kevin, but to the other Committee members as well.

David knows one half of the truth for certain (that he didn’t VTE Ian), and very strongly suspects the other half (that Nicole did) - but at this point, is Day likely to believe anything David says even if they end up bunkies in the JH?

So the main question becomes this: just how long can Dani and Nicole keep a secret?  And if God hates us enough to give both Dani and Nicole a seat at F2, who’s to say they might not carry that secret all the way through to the end?  The longer they carry the secret, after all, the more risk there is of alienating their alliance mates - and to reveal such at F2 could blow up their entire season. So save the confessions until after the votes are counted - if you can.  😉

I think everyone in the committee knows? I think even Enzo knows - not that he gives a f*@k yo. I know Tyler and Cody know because Tyler was laughing about how Day tried to say she voted for him to stay - as a campaign to use the veto. Actually Xmas knows too because she told David she'd say something in the goodbye message


10 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

lol right!

The veto ceremony was yesterday. Twitter seems to think the animals might be because they’re finally fixing the sinks that have been clogged for weeks.

see...I was hoping it was some secret competition or twist... but it's just a clogged drain #2020

Edited by Tuxcat
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I will say that on Dani's first season, when she was absolutely blindsided by her estranged "bad blood in the past" father, Dick, I felt really sorry for her.  Everybody else's "bad blood" pairing was much less hurtful than a bad parent/child relationship, and I was pissed at the producers for that.  It is one thing to confront an ex boyfriend with that sort of emotional implications, and absolutely quite another to confront your estranged father where the emotional minefield must be vast and exponentially more dangerous.

So I automatically felt sorry for her because of that.  Then Dick turned into such an incredible ass, I felt even more sorry for her.  Then I started observing that her apple didn't fall far from his tree, and they both are pretty despicable people.  Dick's diatribe is not at all unexpected, either as a reflection of his personality, or hers.

I think Dani is damaged.  But I'm over giving her a break for it, she hasn't done much to make herself better.  So regardless of her background, or how she got that way, the result is that she's a jerk.  So is Dick.

  • Love 22
8 minutes ago, Lamima said:

How was Memphis when Tyler didn't use veto? Thought he had a hard on for getting David on the block and out of the house????

He had moved past that by Saturday night. He's now pretty blase about the whole thing. You know, sort of a "Eh, does it really matter what order we evict the three of them?" In fact, I think he's even come around to the fact that it probably actually makes him look good to David. 

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56 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

I think everyone in the committee knows? I think even Enzo knows - not that he gives a f*@k yo. 

Yea, they all knew the whole time.

4 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

He had moved past that by Saturday night. He's now pretty blase about the whole thing. 

Yea he doesn’t care. It’s just like in his first hoh when he really wanted Ian out but was like ‘oh well whatever’ when it didn’t happen.

I guess it’s pretty easy to not give a fuck when you had people setting you up with alliances and deals pregame lol. Although Cody, who was set up pregame while also having the game shake out in his favor every single week, still manages to let any little inconvenience piss him off.

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5 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

He had moved past that by Saturday night. He's now pretty blase about the whole thing. You know, sort of a "Eh, does it really matter what order we evict the three of them?" In fact, I think he's even come around to the fact that it probably actually makes him look good to David. 

More significantly: when David “agreed” with Difficult not to gun for PoV and shook on it, I suspect this impressed upon Difficult the possibility of David being a relatively malleable and useful tool in the immediate future - or, at least, a definitely less threatening opponent than Day.  
Not to mention David is the biggest coaster in the House, so it makes sense to use him as a kite; fly him when/where you need to serve your own ends, then cut his string when you’re done and let him drop.

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2 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Does it really have to take two hours for Tyler to NOT use the PoV?  🙄

Of course, it would be hilarious if Tyler decided to take Day off the Block just for kicks; ruinous to his own game, no doubt, but funny as hell.  😄

The PoV ceremony was yesterday. This is something else entirely. Someone upthread theorized that they might be doing some house repairs.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

The PoV ceremony was yesterday. This is something else entirely. Someone upthread theorized that they might be doing some house repairs.

You’re right - I’m off a day on the week, thinking today was Monday.  
Too bad - that was entirely TOO entertaining a prospect....  😁

ETA: Hell, and I had even updated the Summary page on the Veto Meeting yesterday....  😂

Edited by Nashville
  • LOL 8
1 hour ago, Tuxcat said:

Perhaps this is a "neighbor" thing or a pandoras box type of situation or.... sadly, this is just one hell of a clog.

The neighbor thing is on Thursday.

They have to be fixing the sinks that have been clogged for 2 weeks.

There will probably be a fight while they're locked in the HOH room and then when the feeds come back they'll go to stars every 2 minutes when the HGs talk about it.

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1 minute ago, Ellee said:

To the neighbor’s. I heard the neighbor was a legend of sorts.  🙄


I am actually legitimately curious about this neighbor thing now that we know it's not Zingbot like I assumed. I can't remember exactly what Julie said but it didn't seem to me like it was going to be some big, game-changing twist or anything. 

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I can't remember exactly what Julie said but it didn't seem to me like it was going to be some big, game-changing twist or anything. 

I fully anticipate that it's going to be Zero Stars guy and though we will see the Neighbour on Thursday, it's going to start Wednesday night and be the all night cram session for the HoH comp quiz. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently they also have termites so there's some spec the house might be getting fumigated lol. I don't know where exactly they would go if that were the case though.

Termites? At this point, I vote to tent the house with all the HGs in it, lol.

Other than that, I'm basically just reading here at this point, and mainly watching the show for the comps. And Zingbot, just because I want to watch them all sniffle and whine. More than usual, anyway.

The contestants seem as bored as the viewers are, and my main takeaway from the last couple of days is that Lorenzo is actually a really cool name, yo.

14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

She does not see irony at all. I did turn off the feeds (and watched Sunday’s episode instead, which only strengthened my Xmas hate), but not fast enough to miss listening to her anguish over how hard it was for her to evict Bayleigh and how much she cried over it, and how much she misses talking to Kaysar, because he was so intelligent and “so self-defecating”.

She thinks only smart people deserve to win. Now THERE’S your irony, Silent Night.

...did she really say self-defecating? Because that's fantastic.

ETA: On the Dani/Dick thing...I think they're both terrible. Yes, Dani had some major strikes against her having Dick as a father, but some of this is all on her. I think they're both just generally miserable, toxic people. I feel a little more bad for Dani, but I'm happy to never have to be around either one of them. I know people who grew up in some pretty horrible, abusive environments who have worked to create healthy behaviors and relationships as they grew up. It's no easy task.

Edited by CrazyDog
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29 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Apparently they also have termites so there's some spec the house might be getting fumigated lol. I don't know where exactly they would go if that were the case though.

They could just have them wander the streets of Los Angeles and they could see how, for an "All-Stars" season, there will be NO ONE who will recognize them. 

  • LOL 8
3 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

I will say that on Dani's first season, when she was absolutely blindsided by her estranged "bad blood in the past" father, Dick, I felt really sorry for her.  Everybody else's "bad blood" pairing was much less hurtful than a bad parent/child relationship, and I was pissed at the producers for that.  It is one thing to confront an ex boyfriend with that sort of emotional implications, and absolutely quite another to confront your estranged father where the emotional minefield must be vast and exponentially more dangerous.

So I automatically felt sorry for her because of that.  Then Dick turned into such an incredible ass, I felt even more sorry for her.  Then I started observing that her apple didn't fall far from his tree, and they both are pretty despicable people.  Dick's diatribe is not at all unexpected, either as a reflection of his personality, or hers.

I think Dani is damaged.  But I'm over giving her a break for it, she hasn't done much to make herself better.  So regardless of her background, or how she got that way, the result is that she's a jerk.  So is Dick.

Except I don’t totally believe that Dick and Dani were as estranged as they made it seem on Season 8. She clearly didn’t like him. HOwe we, they were finalists to be a pair on Season 6. They talked about being sequestered in the hotel and being bussed back and forth on interviews on the Season 8 feeds and Dick was gaga at how hot he thought Janelle was and he was so bummed that they weren’t cast. I saw pics of Dani in her hotel Sequester for Season 6 with very light brown hair. I think they encouraged her to go very blind for Season 8 or she changed it a lot. I think Dick and Dani played up their estrangement to make it work with theme of Season 8 where there were 3 people that were enemies of 3 of the first 10 in the house. Dustin/Joe were ex’s on bad terms and Jessica/Carol were friends who had a (stupid) falling out in high school and became enemies. Having a father/daughter team was such a blatant advantage, it really wasn’t fair. It was his CHILD. He was never going to not vote her out or try to save her in the game, even if she wanted to act like she wanted nothing to do with him. When things were rough in the house, she went to strategize with him and she greatly benefited from his bullying behavior in that others were scared of him and she was an automatic victim that everyone felt sorry for. Production edited the TV version to show a dad working hard to re-establish a relationship with his daughter. It was our first Grodner season and we were ALL manipulated in to that Dick/Daniele Final 2 with Eric as America’s Player. 

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13 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

Except I don’t totally believe that Dick and Dani were as estranged as they made it seem on Season 8. She clearly didn’t like him. HOwe we, they were finalists to be a pair on Season 6. They talked about being sequestered in the hotel and being bussed back and forth on interviews on the Season 8 feeds and Dick was gaga at how hot he thought Janelle was and he was so bummed that they weren’t cast. I saw pics of Dani in her hotel Sequester for Season 6 with very light brown hair. I think they encouraged her to go very blind for Season 8 or she changed it a lot. I think Dick and Dani played up their estrangement to make it work with theme of Season 8 where there were 3 people that were enemies of 3 of the first 10 in the house. Dustin/Joe were ex’s on bad terms and Jessica/Carol were friends who had a (stupid) falling out in high school and became enemies. Having a father/daughter team was such a blatant advantage, it really wasn’t fair. It was his CHILD. He was never going to not vote her out or try to save her in the game, even if she wanted to act like she wanted nothing to do with him. When things were rough in the house, she went to strategize with him and she greatly benefited from his bullying behavior in that others were scared of him and she was an automatic victim that everyone felt sorry for. Production edited the TV version to show a dad working hard to re-establish a relationship with his daughter. It was our first Grodner season and we were ALL manipulated in to that Dick/Daniele Final 2 with Eric as America’s Player. 

My impression on the relationship is that Dick was an absentee father while Dani was growing up and they were never on great terms. However, both have are huge fans of the show and would do whatever they can to get on together since it was the only way either would be cast originally. I don't think they were super close going into BB8 or have ever been that close outside the Big Brother house. Absolutely an unfair advantage between that and America's Player is why I can't take Dick's win that seriously. Season 8 will always make me angry lol. I prefer pre game alliances over the unfair advantage Dick/Danielle had on that season.

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27 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

My impression on the relationship is that Dick was an absentee father while Dani was growing up and they were never on great terms. However, both have are huge fans of the show and would do whatever they can to get on together since it was the only way either would be cast originally. I don't think they were super close going into BB8 or have ever been that close outside the Big Brother house. Absolutely an unfair advantage between that and America's Player is why I can't take Dick's win that seriously. Season 8 will always make me angry lol. I prefer pre game alliances over the unfair advantage Dick/Danielle had on that season.

I agree with this impression. You articulated it much better! What you said about the not being close except for the trying to be a pair on BB 6 is how I viewed it too. Despite their estrangement, Dick was never going to do anything harmful to her game and he would save her at his own expense. They had an advantage (They are still family!) that no one else ever had and it is rarely discussed regarding their F2 placement in BB8.

  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, Luckylondon said:

I agree with this impression. You articulated it much better! What you said about the not being close except for the trying to be a pair on BB 6 is how I viewed it too. Despite their estrangement, Dick was never going to do anything harmful to her game and he would save her at his own expense. They had an advantage (They are still family!) that no one else ever had and it is rarely discussed regarding their F2 placement in BB8.

Exactly. Even Dani said on BB13 they can only get along in the Big Brother (yes because of money and ego). To be fair I think most reasonable fans have Dick as the second or worst winner due to the unfair advantage of America's Player. He would have been the first juror. I think that is why it is not talked about more. 

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10 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Just out of curiosity .... has there ever been a season where you (people with the feeds) have not watched them?   

This is my first season with actual feeds. I usually relied on recaps and YouTube clips. My first ever "feeds" clip I watched was during season 5 when Nakomis had her meltdown because Cowboy told her he was voting her out from one of those sketchy websites lol. Seasons I did not follow the feeds at all Season 10+12. 

Edited by choclatechip45
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15 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Just out of curiosity .... has there ever been a season where you (people with the feeds) have not watched them?   

I watched Seasons 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7 without live feeds. The only season I didn’t really watch was Season 5. I was very busy that summer, lol. I started reading about the episodes and about what happened in this discussion thread of live feeds (back when it was TWOP days with recaps from Miss Alli) during Season 7 All Stars. I started watching the live feeds Season 8 because Showtime After Dark started that year and played for 3 hours live every night from 9 pm-12 am BBT. It was amazingly enlightening to me to see what really happens and how they really talk and hang out and how the relationships develop compared to what is shown and packaged on the show. I continued to tape and watch BBAD on Showtime 2 for the next few seasons through Season 14 and reading the discussion board. (I didn’t have Showtime or feeds for Season 12– but read the live discussion updates). Season 15 was the first year that I bought the feeds because Showtime canceled and After Dark moved to Pop and I didn’t have that channel. I then became addicted and didn’t look back. Didn’t watch much of BB21. I really had no stomach for those people. Now I am back watching this year! That’s my BB feed history 😁

Edited by Luckylondon
  • Love 3

Dick was an absentee dad for much of Dani's childhood. Sounds like he tried to overcompensate the way many absentee parents do -- by buying her shit. And sounds like she reacted the way many teens do -- by using a parent as an ATM. The thing is as people grow up relationships evolve. Sounds like Dani and Dick got stuck on that gear and when the money ran dry Dani cut Dick off.

A lot of things Dani has said gives me red flags. For one she said she didn't want to have another child other than Tennessee because she's not sure she could love the second child as much as Tennessee. Why can't she love all her children? Maternal love shouldn't be a zero sum game where one child is more loved than the other child. Another thing she said is how worried she was Tennessee would react to Dom caring for her becuase she's never allowed Tennessee to be out of her sight for more than an hour. Why wouldn't she trust her husband and Tennessee's father to care for the child they have TOGETHER? It's like she feels Tennessee is exclusively her possession.

And what she's said about ghosting Porsche after she felt like Porsche was hitting on Dom and also ghosting another woman for the same reason makes me think that she doesn't know how to handle relationships in a healthy way -- she just ghosts people and that's that. Porsche fyi has tweeted back and forth at Dom and they seem on friendly enough terms so apparently Dom doesn't feel uncomfortable around Porsche. Also the way she behaves with Cody sometimes is hypocritical if she ghosts people if she even suspects they flirt with Dom.

In other words I think Dani is just a very negative person and sees the shade in all situations instead of the light. It affects her ability to have positive relationships with people. Evel Dick is very much the same way. 

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44 minutes ago, Ellee said:

Just out of curiosity .... has there ever been a season where you (people with the feeds) have not watched them?   

I've barely watched this season, which has resulted in my being barely visible on these boards.  It is odd because I thought I'd watch all the time because I'm working from home now thanks to Mr. Covid.  But nothing has caught my attention enough to want to see what is happening at 2:36 p.m. on a given Tuesday.  I hope it will change, because I've gotten a lot of entertainment value from the feeds over the years. 

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